Surrender of the Cabal Meditation
Return of the Goddess meditation was a great success. The critical mass was reached and Goddess has returned to planet Earth after 5000 years of exile. This means that Kali Yuga is officially over. It means that the feminine aspect of the Source has been irrevocably anchored in every physical, etheric, astral and mental particle of this planet and will stay here forever. You can now connect with the Goddess energy anytime you wish. Isis got her crown back:

Goddess wants peace. After 5000 years of insane wars, produced by disbalance of feminine and masculine aspects, real peace is finally possible. Goddess wants peace and she will get it. Immediately after the Venus transit, the Cabal made an offer to surrender. Such is the power of our collective consciousness and mass meditations.
Therefore we will have a unified meditation this Sunday June 10th. Please use the exact meditation stated so our consciousness stream gets unified.
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize a peaceful surrender of the Cabal. Visualize them announcing their defeat over the mass media, stepping down from power and confessing their wrongdoings. Visualize massive healing of humanity taking place as people are finally being set free.
3. Visualize humanity creating bright new future. Visualize NESARA law being implemented with transparent financial system that is fair to everyone being put into place, free energy technologies being introduced, mass media being free from censorship and educating the masses.
Exact times for different time zones are:
9:00 am HAST 6月 10日 (夏威夷)
11:00 am AKDT 6月 10日 (阿拉斯加)
12:00 pm PDT 6月 10日 (洛杉矶)
1:00 pm MDT 6月 10日 (丹佛)
2:00 pm CDT 6月 10日 (休斯顿)
3:00 pm EDT 6月 10日 (纽约)
4:00 pm BRT 6月 10日 (里约热内卢)
8:00 pm BST 6月 10日 (伦敦)
9:00 pm CEST 6月 10日 (巴黎)
9:00 pm SAST 6月 10日 (南非)
10:00 pm EEST 6月 10日 (保加利亚)
11:00 pm MSK 6月 10日 (莫斯科)
12:30 am IST 6月 11日 (印度)
3:00 am CST 6月 11日 (台湾/北京)
4:00 am JST 6月 11日 (东京)
5:00 am AEST 6月 11日 (悉尼)
Main Facebook group for this event is here: