An Open Letter to All Meditation Groups on the Planet
Time has come for us on the surface of the planet to reach a new degree of unity and cooperation, regardless of our personal differences, to assist the planet in its transformation. Therefore the Light forces are issuing a call to all meditation groups on the planet to join together and create a powerful field of positive energy.

The idea is to have a worldwide meditation once a week at the same moment, where all groups and individuals can do their own meditation in their own way. If we are all meditating at the same moment, a very powerful coherent resonance field is created that can really start transforming our collective reality. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help transforming human lives worldwide:
There have been many meditation initiatives lately:
Imagine the power of all those meditation initiatives combined together, regularly, once a week!
The only thing we need to do is to set the right time and start inviting meditation groups to join the initiative!
You can start sending this to all meditation groups that you know!
I would suggest Saturday or Sunday around 8 pm GMT for the timing, as this time frame is the most suitable for most time zones on the planet. Weekly planetary meditations need to happen at the same moment in time every week for all participants to gain cyclic momentum and to reach the critical mass for the planetary transformation. If you have any suggestions for the right timing, send them to .
全球冥想的时间建议是礼拜六或礼拜日,格林威治时间的晚上8点。这两个时段对世界上大多数的时区来说是最恰当的。每周全球冥想必须在每个礼拜固定时间开始,让所有参加者都能养成习惯并且达到改变世界所需的临界质量。如果大家对冥想时间有任何建议的话,请来信 .
If your meditation group would like to join the initiative, send your suggestion for the timing and the estimated number of weekly participants to .
如果贵团体想参加每周全球冥想,也请来信 .表达你们对冥想时间的建议和预定参加人数
Updates about the Weekly Planetary Meditation: