Opening of the Box
I have been contacted by a certain benefactor who is willing to donate considerable funds to sponsor projects that are supporting the Lightworkers and Light forces as we are approaching the planetary liberation. This charitable account is an ongoing fund to provide humanitarian aid and financial support where the need is the greatest.

Funds can be given ONLY to 501 (c) (3) organizations, registered within the US, preferably to a specific charitable or scientific project.
这笔善款只会拨款给在美国立案登记,并且符合美国税法501 (c) (3)项目的非营利组织。组织性质为慈善和科学研究者将优先赞助。
译注: 501(c)(3)免税条款适用于为宗教、教育、慈善、科学、文学、公共安全测试、促进业余体育竞争和防止虐待儿童或动物等公共利益而建立并运作的公司、机构以及公益金、基金和基金会。
These funds are NOT part of the collateral accounts, are NOT part of the Reset process and may or may not be connected with the Dragon sources.
If you own a 501 (c) (3) organization and have projects that need funding, you can send an email with a clear and concise description of your project (1000 words maximum) to All email requests for donations from non-501 (c) (3) sources will be deleted without being read. From all propositions received, a few projects will be selected for funding according to the Resistance Movement protocols and guidelines to achieve the maximum positive effect on humanity.
如果您正在经营符合501 (c) (3)的非营利组织而且有需要金援的项目项目,请来信至。请您在信中简明扼要的说明项目的内容(文长以1000字为限)。任何不符合501 (c) (3)规定的捐款请求都会直接删除。一旦所有的提案整理完毕之后,我们会依照抵抗运动的拨款准则对雀屏中选的项目进行拨款;以求对人类产生最大的福祉。