European Breakthrough Conferences Report
The European series of conferences began with the conference in Konstanz, Germany. You can read the report from that conference here:
And read the fairly accurate notes from the conference here:
The second conference took place near Eastbourne in UK. During that weekend, there was a very important transit of Venus near the Pleiades cluster:
欧洲第二场光之突破会议的地点是英国的义本镇。第一天的会议正好是周末,而且天空中出现了非常重要的天象: 金星凌近昴宿星团:


The energy of that transit triggered a strong infusion of Goddess energies from the Galactic Center and a very demanding purification of outdated patriarchal archetypes. Apparently the energies were too much for the organizer of the conference and to a few of with him associated people and they displayed some very disgusting behavior that is still in the process of being purified. Regardless of that, they did not manage to disturb the conference significantly and the event was still very successful.
You can read brief notes from the conference here:
The third conference took place in Naples in Italy. Naples is located near a triangle of very strong Goddess vortexes and was a strong center of Isiac positive secret societies since the Roman times.
We had a very balanced and beautiful group of dedicated people and the conference was concluded in balance, love an joy. As a consequence of this conference, the Naples Goddess vortexes triangle was activated and the Naples city energy vortex is being healed, transforming this key city into a point of Light inside the planetary network of Light.
It is interesting to note that there is a vast network of underground tunnels under Naples:
值得注意的是: 那不勒斯的地底下有一个规模庞大的隧道网络系统:
They even grow food in those tunnels, as you can see on this photo I took:

The tunnel system under Naples is part of a main tunnel »highway« that goes from Malta to the Vatican city. According to a local insider I met in Naples, a jumproom was built inside an underground military base close to Naples. This base was part of the Italian secret space program.
那不勒斯的地下隧道系统是马耳他通往梵谛冈城的主要快速通道。根据我在那不勒斯会面的知情人士表示: 那不勒斯附近的地下军事基地里面有一个传送室,而这座基地是意大利秘密太空计划的一部分。
You might have noticed that I have not posted any significant intel in the last few weeks. This is because we are in a very delicate period where any release of significant intel could hinder the operations of the Light forces taking place behind the scenes. Soon I will be able to release more.
Let me just say that Jade Helm military exercise will give the Positive Military much needed real life simulation intel for the time of the Event. The cabal tries to spin that military exercise and disseminates fear based scenarios as part of their psychological warfare. I will calm some fears by stressing that the Light forces have said very clearly that the martial law in the US will NOT be introduced under any circumstances. They have also strongly suggested that everyone remains calm and does not engage in any conflicts the Cabal might try to engineer.
译注: 翡翠头盔军事演习(OPERATION JADE HELM)是美国近期内要举办的大型国内军事演习。演习时间长达8周,范围包括9个州。演习内容主要是跨机构合作和非传统战争。
Before more intel about the planetary and exoplanetary situation is released, you can refresh your memory with this video:
Balance your energy field with this resonant frequencies music:
Or even experience healing benefits of the Tachyon chamber:
French speaking people will be happy to know that the Contact with Agartha book is now available in French:
法语人士会很高兴知道『Contact with Agartha』(阿加森文明互动纪实)的电子书现在有法文版了:
The Breakthrough is near!