Free the Colonies! Update and Videos
Free the Colonies! activation is coming soon. In order for people to have more understanding about the situation in our Solar System, I will explain a few things about various breakaway civilizations and their space programs.
In late Atlantean times, both Light and dark forces were openly present on the surface of the planet. When this planet was occupied by the Chimera and the Archons 26,000 years ago, all other interest groups with any significant power were forced to leave the surface and literally go underground.
The Light forces have then built their own network of underground cities and this network was holding the Light for the planet in the last 26,000 years. In various modern intel sources, this network is called the Agartha network, the Shamballa, the underground kingdom of Light…
The dark forces have also built their own network of underground dwellings and they have allied with Dracos and Reptilians already living in certain locations underground. They have been keeping the darkness for this planet in the last 26,000 years. Various modern sources were calling this network Shamballa, the Agartha network, the Naga kingdom, the Patala… So if anybody speaks about the Agartha network, you need to discern clearly which network they are referring to.
黑暗势力也在地下兴建了一套居住系统网络。他们和已经生活在地表某些区域的龙人以及爬虫人结盟,并且从26,000年前就一直制造地球上的黑暗。这个地下居住系统网络在现代情报圈里也有各式各样的名称: 阿加森网络、纳迦王国、帕塔拉…等等。如果有人谈到阿加森网络,大家得仔细分辨对方讲的是哪一边的阿加森网络。

Throughout the course of the last 26,000 years, many of the most advanced members of various surface civilizations have broken away from their societies and joined the underground positive Agartha network. Among them were paleolithic Gravettian shamen, Egyptian high priests, Minoan Goddess worshipers, Greek Pythagorean disciples (forming Hav-musuv breakaway society under Death Valley in California), Roman Auguri, Maya, Inca and Hopi groups, 17th century German explorers in South America, the Marconi/Fulcanelli group in the 20th century…
The positive Agartha network had their own space program with fleet of flying disks, traveling throughout the Solar System and beyond, contacting other positive extraterrestrial races. Their freedom of movement through the Solar System was severely limited due to Chimera-imposed quarantine status of this Solar System and planet Earth especially.
In the beginning of the 20th century, the positive Pleiadians from Aldebaran have decided to assist humanity in achieving spaceflight and overunity in order to help them set free from Chimera and Cabal control. By telepathic contact through Maria Orsic of the famous Vril Society they have given instructions how to build a working spacecraft. Unfortunately, the Vril Society was taken over first by the Jesuits through their Rothschild agent Adolf Schicklgruber (Hitler) and later directly by the Chimera through their agent Karl Haushofer. Here it is interesting to note that the original positive Vril Society was financed by the Esterhazy family, which is a positive White Nobility Templar family from Hungary that claims its origin from the Sirius star system. Although the original Vril project of the Light forces has failed short-term, in long term it has given enough technological knowledge to humanity that we will now be able to defeat the Chimera.
时间来到20世纪初期。来自毕宿五的正面昴宿星人决定帮助人类学习太空航行和超输出能源,从而帮助人类脱离奇美拉和阴谋集团的控制。于是他们藉助维利会的玛丽亚‧欧锡克(Maria Orsic)并且利用心电感应传授宇宙飞船的建造方法。可惜的是,耶稣会利用他们的罗斯柴尔德特务-阿道夫‧希特勒劫持维利会。后来奇美拉又派卡尔·豪斯霍弗尔进行直接控制。这里有一个值得注意的事情:原先正面的维利会是由艾斯特哈兹家族赞助成立的。艾斯特哈兹家族是匈牙利的正面圣殿骑士团贵族。他们宣称家族的祖先来自天狼星系。虽然光明势力的维利计划在短期内宣告失败,这项计划累积如今也传授了人类足以击败奇美拉的科技知识。
The Chimera controlled the development of the German Nazi secret space program that went into two directions.
The more secret part of the German space program was led by Hans Kammler. Kammler was cooperating with the Green Men (an underground Draco breakaway civilization). Under Kammler, the Nazis have built a network of underground tunnels and bases in Greenland, Argentina and Antarctica. They have further expanded their territory by building colonies on the Moon, Mars and asteroids. Pumped with Nazi supremacy ideology, they foolishly believed that they can challenge the Dark Fleet (Orion/Draco/Reptilian interstellar complex). In severe battles during mid-1950s, all Nazi space colonies were completely wiped out from this Solar System by the Draco/Reptilian fleet.
德国秘密太空计划的核心计划由汉斯‧卡默勒主持(Hans Kammler)。当时卡默勒与『绿人』(爬虫人的地下分离文明)合作。纳粹在卡默勒的领导之下于格陵兰、阿根廷和南极洲兴建了地下基地和隧道系统。随后他们透过殖民地将领土扩张到月球、火星和小行星。由于纳粹至上的心态作祟,他们愚蠢地相信纳粹有能力挑战黑暗舰队(猎户/龙人/爬虫人的星际联合舰队)。所有纳粹的太阳系殖民地在几场1950年代中期的激烈战役中全数被龙人/爬虫人舰队歼灭。
The official Nazi space program was developed by Wernher von Braun. He was later paperclipped into the US along with many other scientists and absorbed into the US military-industrial complex. They have developed both the official NASA space program front and the more secret Solar Warden program (from more military faction of the Cabal) and Corporate space program (from more corporate faction of the Cabal), together with deep underground military bases. Both Solar Warden and the Corporate space programs were interconnected, but deeply compartmentalized. At the top, they were guided by the Unholy Four (Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld).

In 2012, the Light Forces have cleared all those secrets space programs, along with all deep underground military bases such as Dulce, Area 51 and Pine Gap. Most of the top brass in these space programs was taken to the Galactic Central Sun as they have committed grave crimes and were unwilling to accept the Light. Most of the supersoldiers participating in these programs were good people that genuinely believed they are defending the Earth against the alien threat. The vast majority of them have joined the positive Alliance fleet in this Solar System and are now assisting in MOSS.
Now they will assist in the final operations to liberate our Solar System from last vestiges of darkness, the Chimera bases and implant stations.
The completion of these operations will have extremely beneficial impact on the geopolitical situation. Therefore I would ask as many people as possible to support the operations by meditating on May 30th to ensure that the whole process will take place as peacefully and as harmoniously as possible:
The Youtube videos for this activation have been prepared in 15 languages.
Translation into other languages, especially Russian, Hindi and Arabic is still needed so more videos can be made. Please send your translations of the Free the Colonies! text to .
The Breakthrough for our Solar System is here, Earth comes next!