Planet X
There has been a lot of talk recently in the mainstream media about the potential discovery of Planet X, or Planet Nine, as they call it now:
Although this is NOT yet the official discovery of Planet X, it is a step in the right direction. This is part of the soft disclosure process currently taking place. The Cabal has been suppressing their knowledge about the existence of Planet X for decades. You might want to know that Chimera-controlled Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC) intercepts all data gathered by all major astronomical observatories around the world and erases all data that might lead to direct discovery of Planet X:
Eight years ago, Japanese scientist Patryk Lykawka has published a scientific paper which predicted the existence of a hypothetical planet that is very close to the real Planet X in its orbital characteristics:
八年前,日籍科学家Patryk Lykawka发表了一篇预测一个假想行星存在的科学论文。这颗假想行星的轨道参数非常接近X行星的真实数值:!/!/actueel/artikelen/_detail/gli/the-mystery-of-planet-x/
Of course, his paper did not receive international press coverage as the current Mike Brown’s announcement did, because it was far too close to the truth.
由于Patryk Lykawka的论文实在太接近真相,这篇论文并不像麦克‧布朗最近发表的文章一样,获得国际媒体的关注。

Just to refresh your memory, here are the characteristics of the real Planet X, given to me by the Pleiadians:
平均半径: 7,500 km
质量: 0.76个地球质量
半长轴: 70 AU
倾角: 40 degrees
轨道离心率: 0.25
Planet X has a rocky core, a mantle of water ice and thin surface layer of frozen methane. If a space probe would visit Planet X from a distance, it would find a silvery bluish surface with large sections of smooth terrain and patches of geologically dynamic surface with signs of cryovolcanism. If that probe would come close enough for the resolution of its cameras to exceed 10 meters per pixel, it would discover curious rectangular highly reflective features on some parts of the surface. These are the glass ceilings of the subsurface bases of the Resistance Movement and the Galactic Confederation fleet.
And, if you haven’t guessed already, Planet X is NOT Nibiru.