Short Situation Update
Clearing of underground Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed.
光明势力正在全力肃清地底下的光明会分离复合体。The Light forces can not release much intel about surface operations to anybody without compromising the operations themselves. The Light forces have warned that in the absence of substantial intel, there will be a lot of banana intel circulating on internet. Thus much discernment is advised. Also, the Light forces are discouraging speculation about when the Event will happen.
The only thing they have requested me to share is the following: “Mjolnir technology is a fifth-dimensional Clifford torus, projected into fourth and third dimensions. Liberation of the surface of the planet will follow the Goldilocks principle.”
译注:金发姑娘原则源自一个儿童故事”三只熊”,在故事中有一个金发姑娘找到一个属于三只熊的房子。 每个熊都有自己的偏好的床、食物和椅子。在尝过三碗粥,坐过三把椅子,躺过三张床后,金发姑娘觉得不太冷或太热的粥最好,不太大或太小的床和椅子最舒适。地球解放任务会用最适合地表世界的方式进行。

If you wish to study surface topology of the Compression Breakthrough, you might be interested in reading the following book:
In the near future, I will be able to release a lot of intel not directly related to surface operations. The Light forces have requested me to release intel about Goddess mysteries and some “other” intel that was until now deeply classified. This intel may trigger strong reactions from many members of the surface population reading this blog.
Stay calm.
Victory of the Light!