Close your eyes
Bring yourself in a relaxed state of consciousness
Watch your breath coming in and out.
As you breathe in and out, you relax and become aware of thepurpose of this meditation: making a conscious connection to your Twin Soul.
(He or she can be in the Agartha network, in the astralplane, not alive in this moment, etc., but is present among beings and beingsand will transcend time and space and make that connection.)
(Visualize or feel your ideal mate/archetype that will connect with your Twin Soul. Do not hold back)
Visualize or feel that your Twin Soul is sitting in front ofyou and facing you
Intend to create a Soul to Soul connection
Firstly, connect your Base chakra with the Base chakra ofyour Twin Soul
– Visualize an energy exchange between your Base chakra andthe Base chakra of your Twin Soul
– 观想你的海底轮与双生灵魂的海底轮之间的能量交换
– Feel this energy flowing for a while and keep it active
– 感受这种能量的流动一段时间,让能量流动保持在活跃的状态
Next, connect your Sacral chakra with the Sacral chakra ofyour Twin Soul
– Visualize an energy exchange between your Sacral chakraand the Sacral chakra of your Twin Soul
– 观想你的生殖轮与双生灵魂的生殖轮之间的能量交换
– Feel this energy flowing for a while and keep it active
– 感受这种能量的流动一段时间,让能量流动保持在活跃的状态
Next, connect your Solar Plexus chakra with the Solar Plexuschakra of your Twin Soul
– Visualize an energy exchange between your Solar Plexuschakra and the Solar Plexus chakra of your Twin Soul
– 观想你的太阳神经丛与双生灵魂的太阳神经丛之间的能量交换
– Feel this energy flowing for a while and keep it active
– 感受这种能量的流动一段时间,让能量流动保持在活跃的状态
Next, connect your Heart chakra with the Heart chakra ofyour Twin Soul
– Visualize an exchange of energy between your Heart chakraand the Heart chakra of your Twin Soul
– 观想你的心轮和双生灵魂的心轮之间的能量交换
– Feel this energy flowing for a while and keep it active.
– 感受这种能量的流动一段时间,让能量流动保持在活跃的状态
Next, connect your Throat chakra with the Throat chakra ofyour Twin Soul
– Visualize an energy exchange between your Throat chakraand the Throat chakra of your Twin Soul
– 观想你的喉轮和双生灵魂的喉轮之间的能量交换
– Feel this energy flowing for a while and keep it active
– 感受这种能量的流动一段时间,让能量流动保持在活跃的状态
Next, connect your Third Eye chakra with the Third Eyechakra of your Twin Soul
– Visualize an energy exchange between your Third Eye chakraand the Third Eye chakra of your Twin Soul
– 观想你的三眼轮和双生灵魂的三眼轮之间的能量交换
– Feel this energy flowing for a while and keep it active
– 感受这种能量的流动一段时间,让能量流动保持在活跃的状态
Lastly, connect your Crown chakra with the Crown chakra ofyour Twin Soul
– Visualize an energy exchange between your Crown chakra andthe Crown chakra of your Twin Soul
– Feel this energy flowing for a while and keep it active
– 感受这种能量的流动一段时间,让能量流动保持在活跃的状态
You are now sitting opposite to your Twin Soul with all yourchakras connected. You may relate any issues or questions to your Twin Soul
When ready, put yourself in a receptive state to receiveguidance from your Twin Soul
Finally, gradually release yourself from the connection withyour Twin Soul and return to your body in the here and now.