
At the beginning of this last entry of 2019, the call to all healers from the previous entry must be discussed again.
Many people have made lists of healers, and many people who work professionally as healers have come forward and offered their services, which, of course, is greatly appreciated.
Nevertheless, it must be also said that money does not necessarily have to be spent for this kind of healing. One should only turn to professional healers if you trust them and if these healers are familiar with the current situation on the planet, are energetically pure and definitely working for the Light. They should know about the Grid, Archons, Plasma Spider Beings, and they should be able to recognize and counteract Black Magic.
Unfortunately in case of professional healers it is also a fact that a large number of them do not understand what is really happening here on Earth, some of them do not have the necessary abilities to heal, some of them are energetically impure and occupied and only want the money of gullible clients,and some of them even work for the other side.
Therefore, only contact a professional healer if you really trust him or her.Actually, in many cases the Light Forces have made sure that Starseeds have been stationed on the surface in such a way that they are in contact with other Starseeds who have clairvoyant or healing abilities without using them professionally.

So it may be the case that many Starseeds have powerful Starseeds in their circle of friends, with whom it is possible to perform healings in joint meditations and help each other. They don’t even have to live near you. Most of the time, it is currently the case that many Starseeds are in contact with other Starseeds without seeing them physically, as they often live far apart, sometimes even in other countries. This distance is due to the stationing by the Light Forces, as they have usually distributed the Starseeds individually and at a distance from each other, in order to ensure a certain “Net Coverage” of Light on the entire surface.
As a third variant one can still energetically call the Light Forces for help.
And of course, when it comes to Energetic Protection and Healing, one should come to self-reliance from the beginning in order to be able to heal and protect independently.
But the reality is that some Starseeds can handle attacks from the Dark Ones better than others. Some attacks can be so severe that even the strongest Starseeds will sometimes need help.
You can be the toughest warrior on the battlefield, but if you get shot in the back you’ll need your comrades to pull you out, take you to the field hospital where you’ll need to be patched up before rushing into the next battle.

That’s why the Light Forces have called on to protect and heal each other, because Starseeds are much stronger as a team and other Starseeds can get you back on your feet more easily if you’re attacked through infiltrations or scalar weapons.
For some people the information on this blog is not easy to process, mostly for those who, thank God, have never experienced such attacks themselves.
This category usually includes those people who would often describe such information as “fear-mongering”.
First of all, the written words on this blog are completely neutral. What they trigger in someone depends on the reader itself. Many people have been experiencing such attacks long before this blog was launched, and are thankful to receive any helpful information they can get. So for those people, is it also”fear-mongering” to read these detailed reports? Probably not! It always depends on the reader itself and what situation he or she’s in right now.
This blog is used by the Light Forces to report on things as they actually happen. It is not about entertaining, money or fame (although it is of course important to reach as many people as possible) … it’s about giving out trustworthy information to help Starseeds instantly.
The suspicion of “fear-mongering“ also concerns many other topics too,such as paedophilia, satanic rituals or the extraction of adrenochrome from children … the list could go on forever.
Some people cannot cope with this facts at all at first, some may have experienced such cruelties themselves in many past lives, have been traumatized by it and, for reasons of subconsciously self-protection, don’t want to be confronted with it.
Sometimes it is also a program of the Archons to drive people’s attention away from it, for example by spreading the idea within the spiritual scene not to deal with these things at all, as this would give such things energy.
Nothing could be further from the truth, because for thousands of years almost all humankind hasn’t noticed any of these negative activities at all, so”theoretically” no energy was put in during all these years … but exactly these years were the darkest on the planet, during which countless crimes were effortlessly committed both in secret and in public because simply nobody knew about them.

Only now, since these activities are really coming into people’s daily consciousness, things suddenly come to light, such as the case of Epstein or the functionality of the slavery banking system, where again it is also said mistakenly (or deliberately), to not put energy into it through mass meditations, etc.
A large part of the spiritual scene lives in the so called “Light and Love” bubble, in which the basic idea dominates to just not deal with the cruelties that the Dark Ones carry out here on the planet. Of course, it is completely understandable that these things are not easy to process when you first come into contact with them, but without looking at it,nothing will ever change, and because of this habit of looking away, many Starseeds drop out of the Liberation Process.
There were also some questions about escaping from the Matrix without being captured by the Archons.
This is a very complex issue. Just this much: unawakened Souls usually have no possibility at all and those awakened Souls that are trapped here since the Fall of Atlantis, it’s just difficult for them, because parts of their Soul were separated and stolen by the Dark Ones, without which they can’t leave.Some of the Key Lightworkers are also held hostage, meaning that if they would leave, exotic weapons could be detonated.
Some Souls have also decided to hold out until the job is done, even if the human self wants to leave under all circumstances.
Nevertheless it is true,that some Starseeds have left the surface from a higher spiritual point ofview, which does not mean that they died.

The Soul is gigantic inits entirety and consists of different layers and personalities, also multidimensional and on different time lines. For example, a single Starseed could have a Warrior Self, but also an Angelic, Magician, Healer or Pleiadian Self as well.
Women can have a Venus Goddess Self, but also an Amazon or Fairy or Magician Self, etc.
The whole Soul can never completely incarnate in such a small physical body, instead it always has only small parts of itself active. These parts are now being pulled out from many Starseeds bit by bit in preparation for the Shift, so that currently only a tiny percentage of the current Soul is still active, which can only finally leave when the Great Liberation takes place, but these procedures are the preparations for it.

The Light Forces are also further preparing the surface for the first physical contact via dreams and visions:
Coverage in the mainstream media regarding the topic of UFOs also continues to increase:
While a part of the Cabal/Dark Ones has absolutely no clue what is going on, a certain part believes they can still escape the whole situation, while another part has already realized that the Solar Flash will arrive on the surface and wipe out all darkness once and for all.
The universe works like a clockwork, the Event will be perfectly timed.
It is important to hold the Light until the wave hits the surface, so that certain forces can’t plunge the planet into chaos before the Event.
Therefore it is also recommended to participate in the big Mass Meditation on 11/12th January:
It would also be fantastic if the various Lightworker Communities could unite once again and work together as a huge team for the Liberation of the Planet inform of this mass meditation, this would give things a huge boost to stabilize situations.
Since the Dark Ones will know too when a mass meditation takes place, they will bombard it again with everything they have. Therefore it is again important to protect yourself during the meditation and also all of the participants as good as possible:
That’s all for this year.
Thanks for the many requests and messages, even though I cannot answer all of them properly due to lack of time.

I wish all Starseeds a Happy New Year! Gather strength for the coming one; it will be very turbulent,certainly not easy, but still exciting. We are facing enormous upheavals …and what awaits us at the end of the tunnel is priceless!
So, hang in there, all I can say at the moment is that the final countdown is definitely running: