Urgent Meditation to Stop the Coronavirus Outbreak in Italy
When the coronavirus outbreak in China began to recede significantly, the dark forces decided that the epidemic needs a push and their agent has injected another sample near Milan in Italy last week:

The coronavirus cases exploded in northern Italy over the weekend from 3 cases last Thursday to 233 cases right now when I am writing this article.
Therefore the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to meditate every 4 hours to stop the spread of virus in Italy:
Our general meditation to stop the coronavirus globally is of course still ongoing:
People in infected areas in Italy can use Comand RCV Stardust protocol to help stopping the virus:

It is interesting to note that the main cluster of coronavirus cases near Milan:

Is exactly in the area with no cintamani stones:

Therefore the Light Forces are urgently asking for cintamani stones to be placed in the following cities within the next 24 to 48 hours: Pavia, Piacenza, Cremona, Parma, Mantova, Brescia, Bergamo, Modena, Ferrara, Rovigo, Este, Vicenza, Padova, Mestre, Treviso, Mogliano Veneto.
光明势力呼吁地表民众在接下来的24-48小时内尽快前往这些城市埋放如意宝珠: 帕维亚、皮亚琴察、克雷莫纳、帕玛、曼图阿、布雷希亚、贝尔加莫、摩德纳、费拉拉、罗维戈、埃斯泰、维晨札、帕多瓦、梅斯特雷、特雷维索以及莫利亚诺韦内托。
Anybody located in or near those cities willing to assist can contact cobraresistance@gmail.com for instructions.
Stones placed in those cities will help clear the plasma layer and that can effectively stop the outbreak in that area.
Victory of the Light!