The Keynote of the Fourth Gate of the 11:11 Doorway is

The Fourth Gate of the 11:11 was activated on August 11, 1999.
The Master Cylinder was located on the atoll of Tetiaroa in Tahiti, French Polynesia.
主要光柱锚定点位于法属波利尼西亚大溪地的 Tetiaroa 环礁。
The Fourth Gate ceremony went from sunset to sunrise. Some of our 11:11 Sacred Dances were even performed in the waters of the lagoon.
Once again, 11:11 Anchor Groups large and small, joined together as One Being to anchor the Fourth Gate energies throughout the planet.

Fourth Gate represents a shifting of platelets, a dissolving of veils, a reconfiguring of the basic structure of our Evolutionary Labyrinth that creates totally new patterns. When the platelets in the Evolutionary Labyrinth shift, the whole Labyrinth is totally reconfigured. This results in New Directions being opened up and revealed to us for the first time.

Our old Evolutionary Labyrinth was aligned with a specific harmonic resonance which set the parameters of the potential directions we could take in our lives, meaning that we could only travel along predetermined pathways. Although there were many pathways that we either never discovered or never chose to take, they were potentially available to us within the old patterning.
Often, we endlessly repeated certain well worn paths or established habits and behaviors within our old Evolutionary Labyrinth. These paths were determined by karma, ingrained attitudes and past experiences. They were deeply limited by our fear of the Unknown. As we took the same paths and made the same choices again and again, we created deep trenches within the ground which made it even more difficult to break our old patterns and try something totally new.

The Merging of the Four Elements
and the Reconfiguring of our Evolutionary Labyrinth
During the Fourth Gate Activation, we danced the Dance of the Elements for the first time.
The Four Elements danced together in spirals,
ever changing partners, dancing in and out of the elements,
blurring the boundaries between the worlds,
erasing any last vestige of separation between them
until each of the One contained the All of the Four.
This merging of the Four Elements enabled and created the reconfiguring of our Evolutionary Labyrinth. Although the full scope of this process of realignment took several years to fully manifest; ultimately, it opened up previously inaccessible New Directions.
Since the Activation of Fourth Gate, we are unable to repeat the old patterns in the same ways as before. Even if we continue to make the same choices and react with the same responses, we discover that the old pathways either come to an abrupt end or lead to somewhere totally new and unexpected.
The evolutionary labyrinth also signifies our DNA in its old configuration. As our labyrinth is reconfigured, our DNA is realigned with a new harmonic of Oneness and its vibratory frequency is calibrated to our next evolutionary step. This could sometimes manifest as discomfort and / or depression in our lives. We feel unhooked from the past and from our old ways of doing things until we step into New Ways of Being.

Creating the Doorways to our New Lives
and Closing the Doorways to Our Past
As the Four Elements merge, the compass begins to spin,
causing the Four Directions to loosen from their moorings.
Some platelets come off each direction.
As the Four Directions gently spiral on the spinning compass,
the loose platelets are magnetically drawn back onto the compass.
Yet, this time they don’t return to the direction they originated from.
They adhere to a New Direction.
A small platelet from the South might find itself now merged into the East or a piece of North might be in the South. A little West can be found in the North. Nothing drastic; not enough to shift the planetary Poles. A subtle change actually. Yet, profound and powerful enough to create these New Directions, from which we can find the Doorways to our New Lives. These Doorways were not possible before Fourth Gate.
The next step is to close the Doorways to our Past.
If these Doorways to our Past are not completely closed, we will experience much turbulence and intensity. We must deal with core issues, heal the hurts of our old experiences, let go of imbalanced relationships and ingrained behaviors and become REAL.
It is by embodying our Core Beings and by being True,
Real and Honest as never before,
by following our Hearts and Living our Love
that we shall open these Doorways into our New Lives.

• The Dance of the Four Elements at dawn after an all night ceremony at the 11:11 Fourth Gate Activation on the atoll of Tetiaroa in Tahiti ~ August 11, 1999 • –Solara Anani
1999年8月11日,11:11的第四道门户激活,大溪地Tetiaroa环礁,经过了一整夜的仪式之后,四元素在黎明时分起舞~–Solara Anani