The Keynote of the First Gate of the 11:11 Doorway Is

The Doorway of the 11:11 opened on January 11 – 12, 1992.
There were two Master Cylinders.
The Omega Point was located at the Great Pyramids in Egypt.
The Alpha Point was located in Queenstown, New Zealand.
On January 11 -12, 1992 over 144,000 people gathered together in groups large and small
throughout the planet and opened the Doorway of the 11:11.
This Activation was unique in that a series of Unified Movements and Sacred Dances
were performed at three preordained times – 11:11 am, 11:11 pm & 11:11 am GMT.
The participants wore white to symbolize the purity of our inherent Oneness.
这次开启的特别之处在于,一系列的仪式和舞蹈在三个特定的时间点进行 – 11:11 am, 11:11 pm & 11:11 am GMT。所有的参与者穿着白色,象征着我们内在合一的纯洁。
Never before had there been an event of such synchronized unity on this planet.
With profound gratitude to all those who helped activate
the Doorway of the 11:11 in 1992.

There were two Master Cylinders for the Opening of the 11:11 Doorway which served as the stabilization pinions for the Wheels within Wheels Unified Movements. The Omega Point was located at the Great Pyramids in Giza, Egypt and it represented the place where the ancient energies began their departure from the planet. The Alpha Point in Queenstown, New Zealand represented the place where the new energies coming to Earth made their first landing.
Both of our Master Cylinders performed Unified Movements for thirty-eight continuous hours. The Egyptian group was composed of 500 people from thirty-six countries.

Throughout the planet, the Unified Movements were performed at 11:11 am, 11:11 pm & 11:11 am Greenwich Mean Time. It was during this GMT time, when the Master Cylinders and all the thousands of 11:11 Anchor Groups worldwide performed the movements at exactly the same time, that the Doorway of the 11:11 officially opened. Many participants saw a brilliant shaft of light anchor deep within the Earth at this time.
跨越整个地球,我们统一的仪式在三个时间点进行着,分别是 11:11 am, 11:11 pm & 11:11 am GMT。正是通过格林尼治时间,让主要光柱锚定点和全世界数以千计的11:11锚定团体可以在完全相同时刻内来完成这些动作,11:11星门得以正式打开。那时,很多参与者都看到了一个明亮的光柱深深地锚定进入地球中心。

The purpose of this first 11:11 Activation was to open the Doorway of the 11:11. This Doorway is the transition zone or bridge between two very different evolutionary spirals; our old one which is anchored in duality and the new evolutionary spiral of Oneness. Each evolutionary spiral is aligned with different Great Central Sun Systems.

During the 11:11 Ceremony these two spirals overlapped and interlocked into a docking position. This Zone of Overlap is the actual Doorway of the 11:11. The overlapping of these evolutionary spirals remains in position until the 11:11 Doorway is complete. Then the two spirals of evolution will separate once again and all that have gone through as One Living Organic Being, will have emerged in a completely New Landscape.

~At the Opening of the 11:11 Doorway (First Gate) at the base of the Great Pyramid of Mycerinus in Egypt ~ January 11 – 12, 1992. The Sun and Moon Circles turning within Wheels within Wheels….–Solara Anani
~1992年1月11日-12日,在埃及Mercerinus大金字塔的基部开启11:11门户(第一道门户)的开始,圆圈内的太阳和月亮在一圈圈转动着……Solara Ananai