The Keynote of the Tenth Gate Activation of the 11:11 Doorway is

The Tenth Gate of the 11:11 Doorway was activated on September 11, 2011.
Our Master Cylinder was located near Arcotete, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
我们的主要能量锚定点位于墨西哥恰帕斯州,圣克里斯托瓦尔德拉斯卡萨斯的 Arcotete 附近。

Tenth Gate opened the door to LIVING TRUE LIVES AS TRUE ONES.
True Ones are real humans who live with Honesty, Integrity, Openness, and Love. They are Masters of Service. Once they fully emerge, they become genuine Keys that unlock the True Purpose of our entire One Being.
As True Ones, we don’t need to pretend anything. We don’t need to play games, seduce or search. True Ones follow our Heart’s Knowingness at all times. We embody PURE HEART LOVE and emanate our Natural Authority. True Ones are always in RIGHT TIME – RIGHT PLACE, even when it doesn’t appear so. We have released all expectations of how life should or shouldn’t be and embrace the Unknown.
作为真正的人们,我们不需要去假装任何东西。我们不需要玩游戏,不需要去哄骗,也不需要去寻找。真正的人们总是跟随自己内心的指引。我们表达着纯心之爱,展现出我们自然的权威感。真正的人们总是处于正确的时间 —— 正确的地点,尽管看上去并非如此。我们已经释放了对生活应该怎样或者不应该怎样的期待,并拥抱未知。
As emerging True Ones, we have a finely tuned sense of what we know is Right, what we know is True, and what we are meant to do on this planet– this is our Heart’s Knowingness. If we are not living a True Life, we can feel this on a deep level.
作为刚刚真露头角的真正我们,我们有着绝佳的协调感觉,我们知道什么是正确的,什么是真实的,以及我们在这颗星球上注定要做的事情 —— 这就是我们内心的指引。我们可以在更深的层次上感受到我们是否在过着真正的生活。
True Ones live in the Expanded HERE and NOW.
They are always in RIGHT TIME – RIGHT SPACE
并总是处于正确的时间 — 正确的空间之中。
Tenth Gate immeasurably strengthened our Trueness. At the same time, it unmasked all that was false. We can’t pretend to be True Ones anymore; we have to walk the talk and actually live True Lives. That’s what is so exciting (and perhaps challenging for some). When we live our Trueness, everything starts clicking into position.

Our New True Lives are already Activated!
Our New True Lives are not necessarily what we think they might be or what we thought we would like. They are a combination of our most personal dreams and desires merged with the fulfillment of our True Purpose. They are perfectly aligned with Who We Really Are. They are stripped down and simplified. They are honest and real. They are fun and fulfilling. In our True Lives, we relate to others in an honest, true way with mutual respect.
Living a True Life is creating the New and True with clear, steady confidence. When we do this, we inspire those around us to live truer lives. Living a True Life requires leaving behind many of the old ways of doing things, old concepts and old behaviors. This can be challenging for some. It requires taking giant leaps into the Unknown and letting go of how others perceive us and their judgments of what we are doing. Treading the path of the New requires constantly discovering New Navigational Skills because the energies are so fresh and new. It is about going Off the Map of the Known with the inner knowing that ALL IS WELL.
Living a True Life is anchoring all we are, all we’ve learned so far, into our daily life. It’s not about making things the way we want them to be. It is looking upon a Blank Canvas and seeing the correct elements that are already there emerging and becoming visible. These elements are perfectly aligned with Who We Really Are and anchored in the Ultra Greater Reality.
The basic components of Living a True Life as a True One are
Love, Compassion, Honesty and Trueness.
For they are the key that unlocks the practical, physical gifts of our New True Lives.
Our True Lives are accompanied by many synchronicities as a result of living in RIGHT TIME – RIGHT PLACE. We begin to align with new kindred people and new places that are on the same wavelength. As our True Lives unfold, we realize that they involve more interaction with others with whom we embody ONE BEING IN ACTION.
因为生活在正确的时间 — 正确的地点,我们的真实生活会伴随着很多同步性。我们开始与具有相同波长的新同类朋友和地点校准起来。随着我们真实生活的展开,我们意识到生活中涉及到很多与其他存有的互动,我们跟他们一起表达出行动中的合一存在。

Tenth Gate is deeply aligned with the Fourth Gate Activation in 1999 which reconfigured our Evolutionary Labyrinth.
To move to our New, True Lives, we shift onto a new life path aligned with the New Paradigm. During this time, many of us are, or will be changing jobs, meeting new kindred people, finding the right relationships and moving to new locations. We are finally stepping free of our old biological and karmic history. We are removing the masks of our old definitions and roles. We are learning to do things in totally new ways. We are recreating our whole lives to more perfectly reflect Who We Really Are.
The momentous twenty year cycle of 11:11 Activations is almost over.
Tenth Gate was the second to last 11:11 Gate Activation.
This final stretch from duality to Oneness is when ONE BEING IN ACTION is deeply needed.
This is when we can really make a huge difference.
It is the time for our True Purpose to unfold.
If we Step In with our full beings as True Ones, we can create a New World.
Now it is finally possible for us to live our True Lives that are in perfect alignment with Who We Are.

~ The 11:11 Tenth Gate Activation • LIVING TRUE LIVES AS TRUE ONES • September 11, 2011 • Arcotete, Chiapas, Mexico ~This is the first 11:11 Activation where we were joined by Mayans. ~ Solara Anani
~ 11:11的第十道门户激活 • LIVING TRUE LIVES AS TRUE ONES • 2011年9月11日 • 墨西哥恰帕斯州的Arcotete ~ 这是有玛雅人参与的第一个11:11门户激活仪式。 ~ Solara Anani