
Have you ever wondered where those negative thoughts come from , you know that voice in your head which always puts you down, or puts others down, causes you to judge yourself and others. Have you ever wondered why your negative thoughts are so much easier to think than those of a positive nature? Have you wondered why those negative thoughts trigger fear and worry especially in your solar plexus, and how these feelings create heaviness in the body which is so debilitating? This is a sign of archontic infection.


Light workers are reporting being under archontic attack. It seems that the Archons have moved on in their agenda and are now actively attacking Light Workers on the planet. They cause Light Workers to fall in consciousness; the Archons can stir up old unresolved issues. If for some reason the Archons cannot infect the Light Worker they will manipulate another to act out this archontic agenda. Many Light Workers are reporting people blaming them for things they have not done, and other people are projecting their issues on to them. This can cause major confusion and distress for the Light Worker as they have to defend themselves from the accusations which come from the projection of the other person. The Archons will choose people who are the closest to you to steer you off your path. Often those people who you feel the closest to, the person you feel is part of your soul family, and the person you would never imagine would want to hurt you, suddenly turns on you for no real rational reason. Often when the damage is done the archontic parasite will pass into another dimension and the person who has fallen under its possession has no memory of the blame game they had been influenced to play. It is important to remember that the person blaming and judging you is under the influence of the archontic parasite. It is possible that the Archons will also possess many people around you, making you think the problem must lie with you, as so many more people are turning against you. If the Archon parasite can isolate the Light Worker from its fellow friends and family then their work is successful.


The higher up the ladder you climb, the more work you do on yourself, the lighter you become, the more open to this archontic attack you are prone. It is like moths to the flame; the Archons can pick you out from the sea of the collective consciousness and can send their tendrils to attack you either directly through your own thoughts, or through the negative thoughts of another. They can directly influence another person to attack you, many Light Workers are under heavy attack from others right now, from people they once considered to be their close friends or even other fellow Light Workers. Division causes blame, anger and fear which is delicious food to the archontic parasites.  It is as if mankind are infected by an evil disease, people are acting out of character, and even your loved ones can become infected and act out an archontic agenda.
