
Soul Families


To start preparing for the post-Event and post-Contact society, the Pleiadians have asked me to release intel about soul families.


Soul families are created when a group of Souls emerges from undifferentiated monadic essence and enters this universe through a seventhdimensional portal of the Galactic Central Sun, either in this galaxy or any other galaxy in the universe.


Millions of highly evolved Souls that are now incarnated on the surface of this planet have mainly entered this universe either through the Galactic Central Sun in this Galaxy or its sister galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy.


They have then gained their experience by traveling throughout the Galaxy through higherdimensional light filaments that crisscross the Galaxy and later focused their consciousness by gaining experience in portal star systems such as Pleiades, Aldebaran, Sirius, Arcturus, Vega (alpha Lyrae), Tau Ceti…

At some point in their evolution path they have encountered Galactic Wars and they got involved and this is their main reason they found themselves on Earth.


Either they made a conscious decision to enter the Quarantine Earth to anchor the Light and help the Light forces to liberate the planet, or they have simply wandered into a dangerous zone in the Galaxy without fully understanding the risk and got caught by the Archons in the interdimensional scalar net, dragged to Earth and forced into reincarnation cycle.


It is of the utmost importance for all higherdimensional star beings incarnated on the surface of the planet to awaken now, remember their missions and carry them out.


It is also of the utmost important for members of the soul families to start connecting with each other from higher perspective and not only as human beings being caught in Quarantine Earth.


Soul family members create connection with each other based on fifthdimensional understanding of their own essence (manasic consciousness) and create true friendships. This is the cosmic origin of the friend archetype.


Soul family members of the same soul family or of two adjoining soul families that create a very deep soul connection with sixthdimensional Soul Love positive interference pattern (buddhic consciousness) are called soul mates. This is the cosmic origin of the girlfriend /boyfriend archetype.


Soul family members of the same soul family that are actually one being that has split into opposite female/male polarities as it has entered the fourth/third dimension, are called twin souls. Their connection reaches the seventh dimension (atmic consciousness) and is the cosmic origin of man/woman, husband/wife and hero/goddess archetype.

The Soul Family is one of the central mysteries of the Sisterhood of the Rose:



It is the One being which manifests in the physical:


All interlocking levels of connection within a soul family create a Clifford torus that breaks the Matrix:



This is the reason why the dark forces have always wanted to destroy soul families.


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