Taking the War out of Man
The “War” is man’s ability to divide, judge, condem and revolt against. This can be an internal turmoil as well as the fragmented aspects of trauma after a real confrontation with battle.

This sacred medicine has been kept enshrined within the heart of man. Only when a woman approaches him with pure intent will the medicine pour forth and awaken them both.
“Taking the War out of Man” is a term for an ancient process from the days of the Temple. Priestesses undertook this deep and skilful healing to facilitate the return of the men in body, mind and spirit after a long, drawn-out war. The men were invited to pass through the Temple doors before returning home to their wives and children. This was a natural and normal way of life. The Priestesses were regarded as holy women even in their sexuality, and they were known as handmaidens of the Mother; they were not seen as a threat. The men left the nightmare of the battlefield and passed through the temple doors with the full permission and deep gratitude of their families, who knew this work was essential, sacred and of the highest integrity.
Inside the temple walls, a Priestess would bathe, soothe, comfort and anoint all of a man’s wounds— physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual. As she worked, she would expand her magnetic field to absorb the man’s wounded energy, literally drawing the effects of war out of his system—all fragmented memories, fearful thoughts and hidden traumas. Thus, through the power and purity of her energy field and her feminine womb, she would gently and tenderly love him back into wholeness.
在圣庙的高墙之中,女祭司会为男性进行沐浴,抚慰并且为男性的创伤 – 肉体的、心理上的、情感上的和灵性上的创伤进行疗愈。当她进行疗愈的时候,她会放大她的磁场,吸收男性的创伤能量,其实是把男性身体中所有战争对他的影响 – 那些残存的记忆、恐惧的念头和隐蔽的创伤,都吸收干净。通过她自身能量场以及来自她子宫的力量和纯洁,在她温柔的爱中,会让男性重新变得完整。
This profound healing was gifted to man, not because the Priestess took on his wounds, but because she could transmute his suffering with the purity and power of her radiance. The luminosity of these Temple prostitutes was of the highest light, not because they were gifted or special, though they were trained, but because they loved with all of their body. Their connection to the Mother was unsullied and pure, and hence their being was incorruptible and deeply comforting.