The Human Condition
Are we Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience?
Or are we Human Beings having a Spiritual Experience?
Or None of the Above?
It’s easy to label all aspects of the sometimes chaotic human condition as inferior to an idealized spiritual state of peace and bland evenness. Yet it’s essential that we totally embrace our humanness–– loving both ourselves and others without judgement when we are exhibiting our human characteristics. Being human is sometimes messy and passionate; this just comes with the territory and is nothing to fear or resist.
We did not choose to come here merely in order to suffer limitation. There are strong benefits to being in human embodiment that we often forget about in our states of judgement and denial.
Human bodies give us myriad opportunities to fully explore our individuality as we travel on our spiraling journey back to conscious Oneness. We get to play with bodies, minds and emotions in the most wondrous ways. These levels are all areas in which we can develop great mastery.
Life on this planet is a continual adventure of rediscovery. Matter is not simply heavy density, but it’s a magnificent medium for expressing our creativity. Here we are free to play as creators, manifesting our thoughts, desires and inspirations endlessly like child’s play. If we are not happy with our creations thus far, then we need to expand our awareness all the way into the Ultra Greater Reality. Isn’t that why we are here?

There is no facet of our lives or of our beings that is not sacred or which is separate from the ONE.
By loving all parts of ourselves and all stages of our journey, we become whole and holy.
If we can also incorporate the miracle of humor, viewing the human condition with a large dose of laughter instead of taking everything so seriously, it will lighten everything.This planet is a playground for Gods, Angels and Demons in human form. Some of us are playing the roles of Good Guys and some of us are the Bad Guys, but sooner or later, this play of duality is going to be over. After the makeup and costumes are removed, who is going to remain? Just some Celestial Light Beings who finally completed a grand adventure, a cosmic play.
In the meantime, during those days that find you grouchy and mean or sobbing with despair, try to remember who you really are and what is really happening.
Many of us have experienced days of crying for no apparent reason. It is my belief that we are shedding our tears for the entire planet and that we take turns doing this for all humanity. At any given moment some of us are crying with compassion for humanity. When we do this, we are actually transmuting energy within the planetary matrix. This is a sacred task that we should accept with a deeper understanding.
Whenever this occurs, it is crucial to remember that what we are experiencing is collective rather than personal. Whether it be tears or anger, simply let these emotions pass freely through you without judgement. By letting them transmute through you, you serve us all.
I used to be extremely bothered by spiritual teachings which indicated that if I was truly living my life correctly and being sufficiently Spiritual, that I wouldn’t experience any disturbances in my life. Thus I always judged myself as a terrible failure on the path. Now I know that it is all right to be sometimes sad, angry or disheartened; it is part of the Human Condition. Sooner or later, these emotions will simply drop away.
We are being called upon to complete our entire cycle of earthly embodiments in just a few short years!
It’s important to constantly LOOK LARGER and keep everything in a vaster perspective. Just look at how quickly we have reawakened! How rapidly and thoroughly we are restructuring. Our process of transformation is greatly quickening in these accelerated times. Looking back five years or so, it’s obvious that we have undergone tremendous changes. We have released many of our old patterns and habits. We have opened our hearts to embrace Oneness.
We are no longer focusing merely on this planet nor this solar system; we have extended our understanding ever beyond. This is the process of retracing our footprints back home.
Honor the progress we have made. Bless these human emotions and experiences. Soon enough you will have graduated from the human condition. And maybe then, we’ll discover how much fun it was and be sorry that it’s over.
Of course, there will always be a new world out there just waiting to be born. A call will go out asking for volunteers. Some of us might have forgotten by then how hard it was for us here and remembering only the joy, willingly descend into matter again and again!
The Star-Borne: A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones