
After we had begun to make peace with our male / female issues of power, it was time to cease seeing ourselves as helpless victims of forces beyond our control. We had to stop thinking of ourselves as weak, little children passively tossed about by the twists and turns of fate. It was time to grow up and take responsibility for our own lives.


This was when we began to transcend karma and step off the wheel of cause and effect. This required a profound shift of consciousness, moving from a duality-based reality system to that of Oneness.


This entailed a long cycle of letting go, releasing and surrendering, always followed by a phase of stubbornly holding onto our old habits of control and denial.


It seemed as if we could never surrender enough. First, we resolved to let go of the old habits which had gotten us into so much trouble in times past. After that, we were called to surrender some aspects which we actually liked about ourselves––the glamorous garments of the ego that had served us so well in times past, even releasing some of our ancient knowledge and personal power. Ultimately…. we needed to let go of everything!

看上去似乎像是,不论我们怎么去臣服,都不够。首先,我们决心摆脱掉过去曾经给我们带来很多麻烦的旧习惯。然后,我们被要求释放掉 那些我们喜欢自己的那些面向 — 那些小我的光环在过去带给我们很多好处,甚至要释放哪些古老的知识,还有个人力量。最终……我们需要释放一切!

Always, our doubts and fears grabbed at us. Our rational mind held sway like a crusty tyrant, fighting for its very survival, testing us with numerous doubts at every turn. What if we were going crazy? What if this search was leading nowhere? Cold logic told us that we must be practical and rationalize every step along the way. We weighted ourselves down with the endless possibilities of failure and tied ourselves up in knots of fear like gossamer threads of spider webs, rendering us powerless to be our True Selves.


Often we believed these doubts and fears to be real, giving them life and power over us; keeping ourselves imprisoned in illusion as we cried out to be reborn anew.


We were like a mighty elephant being plagued by a tiny mosquito, who captures so much of the elephant’s attention, that the elephant forgets how vast he is, so immersed is he in the ongoing struggle.


As we continued to steadily awaken, our beings shifted from a horizontal alignment to a vertical one. On the old horizontal path we gained our knowledge second-hand from teachers, books and other people’s experiences. We believed things because others said so and since we were so disempowered, we didn’t expect to find out for ourselves. Most established religions are horizontally aligned.


Horizontal patterning is the road of duality––full of manipulation, separation, control and innuendo. It can be extremely subtle and insidious, for nothing is out in the open or experienced directly. It is the realm of second-hand rumors where no-one expresses their true feelings. Everything is layered under the ambiguity of what someone else said or did. Talk about giving away your power! Some highly skilled practitioners of the horizontal path are still among us, so watch out for them. And don’t fall for it.

水平的模式是一条二元性的道路 — 充满了操控、分离、控制还有投射。它非常微妙,并充满陷阱,因为没有人去表达他们的真情实感。所有的一切都隐藏在别人或说或做的模棱两可的事情中。让你放弃自己的权力!即便我们周围即便是那些有着高超技艺的人,也仍然在二元性的道路上。要小心,不要掉入陷阱之中。

As our awakening progressed, we shifted our beings onto a vertical alignment. This is the realm of direct experience, receiving our own guidance and knowingness straight from the ONE.


This is how everything was learned back at the beginning of each earthly cycle. This is how the great visionaries, mystics and saints, as well as the founders of all world religions, received their Higher Truths. And it’s readily available to us all!
