昴宿星人ALAJE | 欢快的疗愈音乐

Spiritual dance music to Uplift your mood – Activate happiness – Remove depression

提升心情的舞蹈音乐 — 激活快乐 — 移除抑郁

This music with all the melodies and frequencies that I have created, is part of my spiritual wisdom that I explain in all my movies, and it is helping to bring movement and happiness in the body. Happiness makes the body healthy, because when we are happy all chemical processes in the body change. Emotions are energy. Negative emotions make the body sick, and positive emotions make the body healthy.


I created this music for uplifting the mood, and creating energies of fun, happiness and passion. Only when you have a good positive mood like a child, you have a high energy vibration, and only then you can use spiritual energy correctly. If you are sad, depressive, arrogant and aggressive, you will not create any good energy and you will not develop spiritually. I have explained this in my movies many times. To be spiritual does NOT mean to be always silent without moving the body. This is the wrong brainwashing of religions and fake esoteric people.


As I say in my movies, there is time for silence and meditation,  and there is time for action and movement. Both are important to have an energetic balance.

我在影片中 也讲过,需要时间安静和冥想,也需要时间来进行行动和运动。动静结合,对保持能量的平衡很重要。

As I say in my movies, the energy in the body moves better, when the muscles are strong and intact. If you dont move the muscles, you will end up like the lifeless priests in religions, or like fake esoteric people who have the effect of a sleeping pill on others, and dont know what spirituality is, and waste their lifes.


A real spiritual teacher is awaking cosmic energy of life in you in all his talks, actions and creations. Fake esoteric people who are like mumies without any cosmic energy, are talking like in slow motion, they make you sleep when you listen to them, and are blocking you to develop. A real spiritual teacher is radiating high energy of cosmic light, even when he is not saying anything. Fake esoteric people dont radiate high energy and you dont get any benefit from them, even when they talk a lot with a sleeping energy.  I have explained everything important in my documentary ” Cosmic Love is the solution for everything” , that has 25 episodes at the moment. You can watch all movies in my youtube channel, to activate an awareness of cosmic love and be in tune with the Existence.

