Difficult times require to be more spiritual then in easy times.
It is in the difficult times,where we can see how spiritual we really are.
It is in the difficult times,where we can see how strong our will and determination is,to stay in the path of light.
Negative times and negative events on planet earth,are an opportunity,to learn to stay in the energy of light and love and not be influenced by negative energies around us.
Many earth humans think they are spiritual in easy times,but when difficult times come,they act the opposite and start to insult spiritual teachers.
If you want to be a real lightworker in the negative society of planet earth,
you have to stay strong,loving and humble,
without ego,without blaming spiritual teachers.
You dont allow negative people,jealous people and negative events,to weaken your determination and your energy of light in your heart,consciousness and aura.
A real lightworker is keeping his aura and energy clean,powerful and bright,no matter if negative posessed people are trying to hurt him.
A real lightworker is not allowing negative events in the society,to disturb his energy of light.
A real lightworker is staying in tune with the light,no matter if the society around him acts crazy.
A real lightworker is keeping his mind,body and aura healthy,with powerful,bright and loving energy of the Source,in any situation.
In the current virus crisis,that was created on purpose by the negative british-american earth controllers,you have to keep your energy high with cosmic love energy and strengthen your physical body and immune system,with Ginseng tablets,Tablets with ALL vitamins and minerals,Nasturtium herb capsules,Horseradish root capsules,Chaga tea and Oolong Tea.
Stay away from crowds who are spreading the virus,wear a protection mask if you go shopping,and help to remove this crisis fast,so we can have a normal life again.
In addition,please participate in the collective lightwork meditation that I wrote in the previous posts,to remove negative energies on earth and keep your energy high by watching all my 24 videos.
If you are healthy with a strong cosmic light energy,you can heal others too.
You can not heal others,if your energy is weak and your body is sick.
A lightworker knows,how energies are influencing everything,so in order to influence others with healing energy of light,first he is healing himself,before he tries to heal others.
Healing others with cosmic energy is a big responsibility.You have to know what you are doing.
You are sending only the right energy,in tune with the cosmic awareness.
Healing others is not a weekend job.It is a lifetime service to the cosmic awareness,the source.
A lightworker has experience with energies,from many years and many lifes,he can feel them and he knows how to use them correctly.