Hundrets of people who have not get the mRNA-DNA drug injection of the dark side,are experiencing strange diseases and wrong functions of the body,because they spent time next to people who took the mRNA drug manipulation of the dark side.
那些没有接受过 mRNA-DNA 药物注射的成百上千的人,正在经历奇怪的疾病和身体的失调功能,因为他们接触过受黑暗势力mRNA 药物操纵的人。
The people who took the mRNA drug manipulation and have it now in their body,are evaporating the poison out of their breath and skin,and this is influencing the healthy people arround them.What most people have experienced at the moment,is manipulation and damage of the reproduction system of the body,in men and woman.A manipulation of menstruation and sperm production,just like it happend with the Gray extraterrestrials.
那些注射了 mRNA 药物并将其植入体内的人,正在将毒素从他们的呼吸和皮肤中散发出来,这影响着他们周围的健康人。目前大多数人所经历的,是对身体生殖系统的操纵和破坏,不管是男人还是女人。对月经和精子产生的操纵,就像灰色外星人经历的那样。
It is to expect that this DNA manipulation program of the dark side will have also other bad effects in the body.The dark side want to manipulate and change earth humans to the point that they can not create spiritual light energy.DNA manipulation is manipulating and damaging also the brain,the third eye,the spine and the kundalini energy.
可以预见的是,黑暗势力的DNA 操纵程序也会对身体产生其他不良影响。黑暗势力想要操纵和改变地球上的人类,以至于他们不能创造灵性之光。DNA 操纵也在控制和破坏大脑、第三眼、脊椎和昆达里尼能量。
So for Earth humans who are healthy and spiritual and want to stay healthy and spiritual,it is a good idea to keep a distance from injected people who have the new mRNA-DNA manipulation drugs of the dark side in their body.If you are forced to stay close to mRNA injected people,you have to be careful not to touch them,and not to smell their evaporations from mouth and skin.
因此,对于地球上那些身体健康、精神健康、希望保持健康和精神状态的人们来说,与那些注射了经过黑暗势力处理过的新型mRNA-DNA 药物的人们保持距离,是一个好主意。如果你不得不接近那些注射了 mRNA 的人,你必须小心不要碰他们,不要闻到他们从口腔和皮肤的散发出来的物质。
If these mRNA-DNA drugs have nano technology inside with Nano Bots,it is not a good idea to touch the injected people,because the Nano Bots can jump on you and manipulate you too.
如果这些 mRNA-DNA 药物的内部有纳米技术与纳米机器人,跟接触注射过的人,就更不是一个好主意了,因为纳米机器人可以跳到你身上,并操纵你。
Earth humans who are healthy and spiritual must keep their cosmic light energy very powerful to have a protection shield,just as I expain since many years in my movies.You can use my music and the brainwaves frequencies that I have created,and participate in my global lightwork meditation every sunday at ten o´clock at night(your timezone).This is creating a cosmic light energy around the planet in all time-zones.I wrote about this in my previous posts.
In addition,you have to keep your immune system of your physical body strong with Ginseng tablets,tablets with ALL vitamins and minerals,Nasturtium herb capsules,Horseradish root capsules,Chaga tea and Oolong Tea.
We are experiencing on earth a silent war of the dark side against the spiritual development and the energies of light.The dark side wants to stop the spiritual development of earth humans by any means and with any perverted tool they have.The few real spiritual people on planet earth should stay strong and never loose the path of Light.The inhabitants of planet earth can only develop,when all evil dark energies are removed and COSMIC LIGHT AND LOVE is in their consciousness and actions.
This is a long healing process and it is not done in one day.Only the real spiritual people have enough cosmic light in their aura,to stay strong against the attack of the dark side.The ignorant and manipulated earth humans will not understand this and they will laugh and insult,just like they do since thousands of years.They have made their decission.But the very few real spiritual people on planet earth,have to be a strong light,so people who are trapped in the darkness and want to find the light,can see the light of the real lightworkers,just like a lighthouse in a dark storm.