Can martial arts like Kung Fu be hindering in spiritual development?
By alaje • Sunday, May 30th, 2010
Question: I have another question Alaje, would practicing Kung Fu, not for the fight but for the skill like agility and speed and all that, will it affect my frequencies in an unfavorable way?
Answer: Moving the body and strengthen the muscles is good for the flow of spiritual energy.
Where does the feeling anxiety come from?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje, what’s your view on anxiety? I seem to get very anxious around some people and in some situations. I have been told that the anxiety i feel is coming from others around me and not my own but i am not sure what that means.
Answer: Hello, as i say in my videos, everything is energy, feelings like anxiety or fear, have a lower vibration and are keeping you in a low frequency. Yes, sometimes this energy comes from other people, and if you are sensitive, you can feel it, but sometimes it could be from you too. A lot of people have been programmed to have fear through the society, TV, or parents. You should always turn low frequencies into higher ones. Replace the polarity with the opposite. What is the opposite of fear? Braveness, love and light.
How can you keep up your vibrations when you live in a negative environment?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: Your videos fill me with energy of love, service, unity and humility, but i do get my environment to those high vibrations, my environment is bad and makes me get off my high feeling, how can i be always with that feeling of love, even in a bad environment?
Answer: I have answered this in my videos already. Stay away from negative people, don’t argue with them. Send them energy, because only then you can reach them. When they sleep is best. In that way, you can talk to their soul and their ego-mind is not disturbing.
Is Marijuana bad for spiritual development?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: Alaje is Marijuana weed a harmless plant/safe medicine or drug
Answer: Marijuana weed can destroy parts of your brain, and you can’t have a clear thinking after that. Also weed opens astral channels and if you are not wise enough for that, there will be negative entities coming through and you will not have your own thoughts anymore. Throw those drugs away!
Is Ayahuasca bad for spiritual development?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: Is it possible with plants like Ayahuasca to connect with alien in the light? How can we speed up the process of spirituality?
Answer: Watch my videos and comments. I ALWAYS say, DON’T take drugs. “With a broken leg, you can’t climb a mountain”. When you have no brain, you can’t do anything.
Does the 528Hz frequency equal “love”?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: Alaje, is it true that the 528 Hz frequency the love signal that help open the heart and repair damaged DNA?
Answer: You can not measure the divine energy of love with the limited Earth thinking of numbers.
Do you have to be in balance when developing spiritually?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: Thank you very much for part 10 of your videos!
Yes, the lightworking process is on! But i got a problem.
The last weeks during meditation and lightworking I’ve had sleep problems. I wake up at night and feel inner activity and can’t sleep. In three days now i haven’t do any spiritual thing and now i can sleep again. But i want to continue the lightworking process without any sleep problems. I have focused very hard on my spirituality such as meditation and lightworking and maybe too less on material things?
Is there lack of balance?
Answer: Yes you have to be in balance. The physical body has to adjust to the higher energies, step by step.
Can sex affect spirituality in a negative way?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: Hello Alaje, could you please talk about sex energy? It is really needed to refrain from reaching ejaculation to retain that energy for the purpose of awakening, health and energy level? It is happening the same thing as with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes that a negative astral entity sticks to us and gives us the feeling of having sex? Or maybe that’s just a matter of hormone levels? Does sex lowers your vibration?
Answer: If you use sex in the right way, (WITH Love), it is rising your frequency and can be a booster for a higher consciousness. It can open a gate to higher energies.
That’s why the sect cult church has always tried to put sex in a bad light. They don’t want people to be higher developed, because then, they are not controlled by them anymore. And this brainwashing of the church cult has an impact on people since the middle age.
In the modern times this brainwashing is even stronger because of the negative presentation of sex on TV, where sex is always showed together with crime and guilt. In reality is sex an energy-exchange and with the right partner AND love, it can boost your consciousness.
Is Feng Shui real or superstition?
By alaje • Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje! Do you know Feng Shui? You know this is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of heaven (Astronomy) and Earth (Geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi (ch’i). Is this real or just a superstition?
Answer: Some things in Feng Shui are the right use of cosmic energy and some things are superstition, that has developed in thousands of years of misunderstanding.
What is the aura?
By alaje • Friday, June 四th, 2010
Question: What is an aura?
Answer: The aura is the energy field, that every object has. Everything has a vibration, an energy, that is causing an energy field around an object.
What is this flashing in my eyes when I’m about to fall asleep?
By alaje • Friday, June 四th, 2010
Question: Sometimes, when i am about to fall asleep at night a light flashes in my eyes. What is this and what should i do about it? Thank you.
Answer: That is your pineal gland, your third eye. Concentrate on that.
What is this energy I’m feeling in my spine?
By alaje • Friday, June 四th, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, some times, when i make conscious decision to develop my body and consciousness into the new level, i wake up in the morning or during the night with feeling of some very strong energy going through my spine. And that feeling can lasts for a few days. Can you tell me where that energy comes from, and what kind of energy it is?
Answer: That’s the Kundalini Energy. It rises up and activates the other chakras. Its a good sign.
Does the hair have anything to do with our spirituality?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Alaje, does the hair on our heads have anything to do with our spirituality? I can’t help but notice that Buddhist monks have shaved heads and hinduists have very long hair. All drawn pictures of Pleiadians show them having long hair. And the pharmaceutical drug companies try their best to make us put chemicals into our hair.
Answer: EVERY part of the body has a spiritual part. The body is the temple of the soul. Hairs are like antennas for cosmic energy. A sensing device. Just like the branches of a tree, or the sensors of an insect or other animals. On addition, you can find in the hair stored memories of past experiences, that is why some people cut unconsciously the hair, when they had a traumatic experience.
I quit smoking a month ago, do I still have a chance for spiritual development?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, i have been a smoker for 5 years and i recently just quit about a month ago. You think i still have a chance for self love and a higher consciousness?
Answer: That has nothing to do with “chance”, it has to do with YOUR DECISION.
My partner is very aggressive and negative – what can I do?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Caro Alaje, my wife lately is very aggressive with me, so i cannot talk to her and i feel a very negative energy that she have. She will not understand what is going on with her, because she is still too wedded to outdated religious concepts. I even talked to her in the astral plane, but did not change anything. What should i do?
Answer: Well, if you tried everything, then she has to decide which way she wants to go. In these transformation times, many clearings and purifications are happening, and people with opposite energies can’t stay together anymore. It is natural that only people with similar frequency can stay together in harmony. Many people are experiencing this now. As i say in my videos: “Every flower has his own time to blossom”.
Every soul has a own speed of learning. Some souls are developing fast, and some slow. In these transformation times, people will look for people with the same energy. Some conscious, and the most unconscious. It’s natural. Not everybody is ready in this lifetime for higher knowledge. Some need another life to understand.
What is your view on homosexuality?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje! And what about homosexuals?
Answer: Homosexuality is an energetic defect. The polarity is wrong. In the existence, only when male and female energy come together, you create the energy of creation. You can see this principle in everything in nature. In order to create and manifest something, you need the combination of male and female energy.
The problem with homosexuality syndrome is only on this planet. And this is because people here have no memories about past lifes and traumas that happened there. In your past life you had identify or pegged too much with the gender of the body. The soul is using in every life different bodies male and female. Homosexual people have to come over of the trauma pattern that they are in. They should accept that now, in this life, they are the other gender. You will change the gender many times in other lifes according to what you have to learn.
When you are in a higher energy like for instance in the ships of the federation, the lower limited energies of your physical earth life are transformed in a higher energy and you have a bigger understanding and perspective of your life and your evolution plan. And you don’t have any of the earth-syndrome like being homosexual. Don’t forget, you are the energy (soul) inside a physical body in order to make experiences on a 3dimensional planet. In a male body, you wanted to make male experiences, and in a female body, you wanted to make female experiences. If you are not in this energy, something is wrong, and should be healed.
What is the cause of autism and how can you communicate with such people?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, i have a brother who suffers from autism. I was just wondering what is the cause of autism? Also my brother is almost impossible to talk to. How can i communicate with him? Thank you.
Answer: I think your brother is a soul which can not adapt to the earthly dimension. The best way to talk to him is with telepathy. Try to tell him things when he is sleeping.
Is it normal to sleep very long, even though I have meditated?
By alaje • Monday, June 7th, 2010
Question: Is it normal to sleep about 16 hours? I know you are telling that in the process you want to sleep a lot, is this normal even if i haven’t meditated, Alaje?
Answer: Yes, that’s normal.
Can “little” things like noise drain down your energy?
By alaje • Monday, June 7th, 2010
Question: I’ve paid attention to my feeling today. I didn’t find anything which gives me a feeling so bad. But the constant noise from the building opposite in work makes me feel a little nervous and the noise of the cars. But they are little things, do they count?
Answer: EVERYTHING is energy. Noise can make you sick and angry.
Is it bad for spiritual development if you live in a chaotic and cluttered environment?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: Many spiritual teachings seem to suggest to keep one’s environment orderly and clean. It’s embarrassing to tell you, but i failed to do that in my apartment, and it got out of my hands. Now that the situation (the local government) is forcing me to straighten that out. Is it bad for the soul evolution to live in chaotic and cluttered environment?
Answer: No don’t worry. That is nonsense what they are telling. You don’t have to be fanatic about it. The golden middle is the best. Artists or genius have often a chaotic room…and after a while, they clean it. More important is to clean INSIDE….The blockades,old patterns and bad karma.
I forget so much and feel like in a dream state, what is wrong with me?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: Something is wrong with me! I forget so much, what happens? I empty. I’m not here, i am not even in thought. It looks like a dream, i call for HELP!
Answer: I say, that the body adapts to the new, higher frequencies, and that can sometimes lead to short-term memory loss.
Does attaining higher frequencies cause migraines or headaches?
By alaje • Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Question: I have an important question regarding higher frequencies and headaches. Does attaining higher frequencies cause migraines?
[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Answer: Yes, in some cases, it can cause headaches, until you have adjust to the higher frequencies.
Are painkillers like paracetamol and aspirin OK?
By alaje • Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Question: Should painkillers like paracetamol and aspirin be avoided? Or are they okay?
[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Answer: First i would try the natural herbs. And only if they don’t work for you, you can try the chemical medicine in small doses, if you are not allergic to it.
What helps against back pain?
By alaje • Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Question: My dad has a back pain for 42 years, now he is on medication from doctors. Is there anything you can help him with?
[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Answer: He has to exercise the back to build up the muscles and if he has an inflammation in his back, he can use Boswellia serrata.
Why do I feel pain in my heart after smoking?
By alaje • Monday, August 30th, 2010
Question: Alaje, i just smoked marijuana and drank a bit of alcohol yesterday, ever since i started to meditate Ive been receiving pain in my heart, really, pain as in if i am having a little heart attack, what does this mean? How do i cure it?
Answer: The light of the meditation will try to clean all negative energies in you, especially when you are smoking. The pain comes, when there is much negative energies to clean. After that, everything is better.
Can smoking be used for medical purposes?
By alaje • Monday, August 30th, 2010
Question: I am wondering, what is your opinion about smoking 大麻 or using 大麻 for medical or even recreational purposes?
Answer: 1) Get rid of ALL drugs – get rid of ANY smoking. Every smoker has negative astral beings, parasites and holes in his dirty aura. They feed on the life energy of the smoker, forcing him to smoke further. You DON’T love yourself or the creation. Even when your rational intellectual mind is thinking this!
2) If you destroy your body, your temple for your soul, you show the existence, that you don’t have respect to the creation and you like to destroy it. That is NO love. Real LOVE is healthy, and is coming out of your soul. So you have to have a CLEAN connection to your soul, in order to use REAL LOVE no spiritual person is smoking.
回答:1. 丢掉所有毒品,丢掉所有吸烟形式。每个吸烟者在他不干净的光环中都有负面的星界生命、寄生物和洞。他们依靠吸烟者的生命能量而活,迫使他们吸更多烟。你不爱你自己或这个创造。甚至当你的理性智力的头脑在想这个时!
2. 如果你破坏了你的身体,你灵魂的居所,那么你就是在向”存在”显示你不尊重这个创造并且你想破坏它。那不是爱。真正的爱是健康的,是来自于你的灵魂。所以你必须和你的灵魂有一个清洁的连系。为了使用真正的爱,没有哪个灵性的人会去吸烟。
Is this mild pain in my third eye chakra bad?
By alaje • Monday, August 30th, 2010
Question: Why sometimes i feel a mild pain in my third eye chakra? This is a bad sign??
Answer: No, it is a good sign.
Are there natural remedies for reducing anger and stress?
By alaje • Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
Question: I often fall back into old habits of anger and irascibility, but afterwards I regret it. I’m trying to get rid of these things with meditation. Are there any natural remedies like “schuessler salts” that can help me to reduce anger and stress?
Answer: St John’s wort calming nerves.
问题:我经常犯老毛病,易怒易躁。但之后又后悔。我正在试着通过冥想改掉它们。有什么像”schuessler salts”这样的自然疗方,可以帮我减少怒气和压力吗?
Why do I have problems after having activated my light body?
By alaje • Thursday, September 2nd, 2010
Question: Since activating the light body i have problems with my digestive system especially the intestine, i drink lots of water, Qigong exercises, go out in the nature a lot, but my body still feels like lead, what can help to make life easier?
Answer: That means that you have activated the light body too quick. It should come natural. Don’t force it with anything. Let the physical body get used to the higher frequency.
Why does my body behave weird when I’m about to fall asleep?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: When I’m about to fall asleep, my feet start to make little movements, then my legs, then my hands… then i take a big breathe, and i sleep. It happens every night. I didn’t see it myself, my wife told me.
Answer: That is a discharge of blocking energies.
Are tattoos harmful?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: If the tattoos are affecting the energy field of the person in some way? I feel strange pulsation on top of mine sometimes, it’s like a heartbeat. The tattoo is a pentagram?
Answer: EVERYTHING has energy. Even symbols. Tattoos do not have a good energy and should be avoided, especially those with demonic, dark symbols. We in the federation of light don’t have those things. Only LOVE energy.
Is smoking 大麻 good for spiritual development?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: I have a question about the 大麻 leaf that was created as a crop circle. Does that mean that it’s good not to smoke nicotine but 大麻? Or should i only eat 大麻 leaves and ignore the flowers or what does it mean?
Answer: Why do Earth people always want to smoke something? Burn something and then breathe in the poisonous smoke? The Earth is the only planet that practices unhealthy things like that.
How long should I expose my skin to the sunlight?
By alaje • Sunday, September 5th, 2010
Question: The sun light is good for us but my body and skin are very sensitive to the heat and the sunlight’s rays and i burn very quickly. Does that mean that it’s not good for myself and i should stay out of it then or should i still try to go in it some?
Answer: Well, the sun has become a bit stronger now. If your skin is sensitive, it is better to be careful and stay only for a short time in the sun.
How can I stimulate and open my chakras?
By alaje • Sunday, September 5th, 2010
Question: How can i stimulate and open lower chakras, especially Muladhara? Meditations show me that i have blocking energies in the bottom of my body which are hard to reach with light energy.
Answer: The goal is to activate ALL the chakras, in the whole body. And this can be done by filling the body with LIGHT. Watch my Video 4.
Is every form of sport negative?
By alaje • Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
Question: Is every sport negative and harmful for developing the love in your heart? I ask you because i do martial arts.
Answer: If you do sport to satisfy ego, hate, aggression, competition thinking, satisfaction that you beat somebody else, feeling superior over others, it is harmful and is keeping you in lower frequencies. If you do sport and gymnastic out of fun and health, to keep the physical body in shape, it is good.
What is happening when we’re having a nightmare?
By alaje • Friday, September 10th, 2010
Question: When we have a nightmare what is happening with our soul and with our body and mind?
Answer: In a nightmare, you are facing the fears and negative thoughts that your Earth mind is creating.
Why does sunlight make the skin older if it’s good for us?
By alaje • Wednesday, October 20th, 2010
Question: Sunlight is good for us, right? But i am wondering why we will look older when we have more sunbathe?
Answer: Well, you should not overdo the sunbathing when the sun is strong. The frequency of the entire solar system increases and thus also the sun radiation. Only when the physical body also has a higher frequency, it can also be in the sun longer without prejudice.
Do our bodies change from carbonite to crystal structure?
By alaje • Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Question: I heard several times that our body changes from carbon to crystals because of the transformational process. Is this true?
Answer: The crystal structures in the body were there all the time and will always be there.
How can I make my friend stop drinking alcohol?
By alaje • Thursday, October 28th, 2010
Question: Help me Alaje, i have a dear friend who is sick, he drinks a lot and crying …what do i do, for do not drink it to him alcohol?
Answer: When somebody is harming himself with alcohol, it is because he does not love himself. He has feelings of pointlessness, meaninglessness, guilt, self-rejection, inadequacy. It is a person with no spiritual knowledge and lack of self love. He should use these affirmations for a view months: “I love my self”, “I accept myself” , “I am worthwhile”, “I have self-esteem”, “I am living in the NOW and i can create a positive life with my thoughts and feelings”.
Alaje, what’s your view on sexuality?
By alaje • Thursday, October 28th, 2010
Question: I am wondering what’s your view on different types of sexuality, exploring sexuality and masturbation? I’m sorry if this is offending anyone or making them uncomfortable.
Answer: There is the LOVE-Sexuality and there is the negative-sexuality. The real, pure, clean love-sexuality that comes out of REAL love (and not out of lower energies, lust and crime), can help you to reach higher frequencies and a higher awareness. If you want sex out of lower vices or negative lust, you stay in lower energies. That is why the secret government is using the TV to show sexuality always in combination with crime.
Some people have sexual lust, because they have never been loved really, so they use sex as a substitute to gain love from somebody or they think that they are loved. Those people need to have SELF LOVE first, in order to create another energy and therefore attract the right loving partner who will give them love. Sexuality is an energy-exchange in the third dimension, so it is wise to make it with somebody who has real love and a high consciousness.
If you have the right partner, you can use sexuality to raise your consciousness because love-sexuality is cosmic energy-exchange. The dark side, like church and secret government, know this for thousands of years, that’s why they put sexuality in a bad light (movies, bible…), so you always have bad feelings about it, and never reach the higher energies. The church sect has programmed people for thousands of years, that sex is a sin, and many people still have this program in their consciousness.
It is a natural process in the evolution to use sex. But it should be with clean energies. As you develop higher into higher frequencies, you will have a different interest for sexuality and in even higher dimensions you will not need this physical energy exchange anymore, because you will do it with your consciousness only, without a physical body. As i say in my videos, the physical body in the third dimension is a tool that can help you to feel energies.
Does this person steal my energy?
By alaje • Friday, October 29th, 2010
Question: I still can’t help wondering how different energies work around us and inside us! For example, I have a “friend” – this is a very gloomy and sad person and i try avoid him if possible. But sometimes he just asks me for help, because he is very lonely and we go for a walk on the nature. and EVERY TIME !! from the VERY BEGINNING!! of our meeting I feel like all my energy just disappears somewhere! And I’m sort of exhausted after only 5 minutes of just being with this person! That’s incredible! Does that mean that negative creatures which live in his aura just derive all my energy?
Answer: No, it is just him who is absorbing your energy. He needs to absorb the energy from the universe.
What is the cause for cysts in the body?
By alaje • Friday, October 29th, 2010
Question: What are the reasons (besides the physical level) that cause the occurrence of Sebaceous cysts, Pilonidal cyst in the body?
Answer: Mostly fear.
What is your opinion about autism?
By alaje • Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Question: What are your opinions about autism?
Answer: Autists are advanced souls who are using more parts of their brain and more psychic abilities. Autists are NOT handicapped like earth doctors think in their arrogance, who are using only 10% of their brain. They brought their psychic abilities from their past lifes, from higher dimensions. It is the experience that they have chosen. On a higher dimension it is normal to use 100% of the brain, and the psychic abilities like Telepathy. Autists are souls who are the first time on a physical planet and therefore a little bit confused, because of the lower vibration and the insanity of the Earth society.
Is there an effective remedy for dandruff?
By alaje • Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Question: Is there an effective remedy for dandruff?
Answer: Use the nettle shampoo for dandruff.
Is there a remedy for the consequences of menstruation?
By alaje • Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Question: If there is a good remedy for consequences of menstruation. It affects me a lot physically (dizziness, headache, swelling, general body pain), and emotionally disease.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Menstruation problems:Nettle Tea, lady’s mantle tea, chamomile tea, Lovage tea, Yarrow tea, chamomila cupro culta D3, Dysmopas F, Femi-cyl, Menodoron N, Pulsatilla Similiaplex.
荨麻茶、斗篷草茶、甘菊茶、独活草茶、西洋蓍草茶、chamomila cupro culta D3,Dysmopas F,Femi-cyl,Menodoron N。Pulsatilla Similiaplex。
Can you tell me what dyslexia really is?
By alaje • Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Question: Can you tell me what dyslexia really is?
Answer: Dyslexia comes from a defect in a certain part of the brain. Defects in a child brain can develop for example when the parents drink alcohol or smoke during pregnancy.
Is ultrasound dangerous for the fetal?
By alaje • Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Question: When pregnant women goes to doctor for ultrasound to see the fetal, is this dangerous for the fetal (baby)? Does this waves harm?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Yes, i would not do it. It is not necessary and it is disturbing the baby.
How can I get more energy for work?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: Computer work makes me very tired. What can i do to help give me more energy for this work?
Answer: The energy of nature, plants, trees…
Are creative people more developed?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: You talk lot about expanding your creativity. So, are more creative persons more developed in some way? As for me, drawing has always been my special ability and a healing, when the other kids were drawing scribbles, i was drawing characters.
Answer: Yes, creative people like artists are more developed, because they are using more the energy of the existence (god). Some know it conscious and some have no idea that they are using it.
How does Asperger’s syndrome relate to Autism?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: I read about your opinion of Autism. I have something called Asperger’s Syndrome, which is supposed to be a form of Autism. But i don’t feel like i have an advance soul, and i haven’t noticed any psychic abilities. Could this Aspergers be different than Autism? I have the symptoms like the lack of social interaction and repetitive behavior, but i can take care of myself better than a regular autistic person would. Is it maybe my mind is too rational?
Answer: Well, that is a lower, weak form of autism. There are many levels of autism. Just like you have many levels of a headache or a cold.
Are we getting older much faster than before?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: I have an interesting question to you: We all feel, how time is speeding up and hours, days, weeks and months are passing much faster. What is happening with our cells, are we also getting older much faster?
Answer: No.
Is amalgam bad for the teeth?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: My questions is about purifying water is MMS (MMS is a powerful anti-microbial, antiviral &抗bacterial 液体化合物) good for your health? Are amalgam teeth filling bad for health having 50% of mercury in it?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Take amalgam out of the teeth. It is poison. You can replace it with ceramic.
Is it unhealthy to live nearby a radio tower?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: By living near a tower of communication, is it bad to live near?
Answer: Yes, that is not healthy.
Why are humans getting taller in the last decades?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: In the last decades human beings are getting taller. Is this one of the consequences of the new vibrations coming into Earth?
Answer: No, that is normal. Every generation gets taller. People in the middle age were smaller than people today. It is a natural evolution. On other planets you have humans who can be 10 meters tall.
What is a karmic relationship?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: Most people in our human behavior and beliefs, think that by rushing in LOVE WITH SOMEONE, is a mistake. But i would like to get a more intelligent source’s opinion. I’m talking of the distorted love, you talk about (In relationships). Is it possible for two people to meet in such a short time and have very strong feelings for each other right away and it be OK?
Answer: Yes, these relationships are karmic relationships. Those people had to meet, it was planed, in order to learn lessons.
What can I do against depression?
By alaje • Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Question: Alaje, what can I do against depression and/or burnout?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Start with SELFLOVE.Do everything that I say in my videos.The most important is the development of the heart.
You have to eliminate everything that creates negative energy , depression or fear.
1) Avoid negative, angry people, or people who want to steal your energy and control you.
2) Don´t drink alcohol, don’t smoke anything. Avoid places with smokers, because they are filled with negative entities.
3) Change the room you are living. Hang only beautiful posters and pictures on the wall, with bright colours. No dark, depressive pictures.
4) Don´t wear dark clothes, use colours or white.
5) Don´t listen to evil music like Heavy metal or worst. Listen to harmonious music, like meditation music or happy music. Music with a high frequency, music with Love.
6) Go often to nature to clean your energy and charge it with new clear energy.
7) Use a good smelling room-perfume. Light beings like angels, like only things which are smelling good.
8) Try to play sometimes. You can also use a computer game for that. Of course only a funny game. Not a killing game. Games like Jump and run are fun. Or you play outside ping pong.
9) Make sometimes gifts to your self. Show yourself that you have Selflove. Tell to your self in the mirror that you love yourself. Hang a paper on the door or on the mirror and write on it “I LOVE MY SELF”
10) Don´t watch negative, evil, horror movies on TV. Watch funny Movies, comics, or exciting movies which trigger your imagination for the universe and a brightful future.
11) Try to paint a picture. Painting is a form of healing and meditation. Use Colourful, bright colours. Not dirty, depressive colours.
12) Play an instrument, make music.
13) Take Vitamins and St. John’s wort.
14) Don´t eat meat.
If you do all this, you will see that you will change something. Start with SELF LOVE.
1. 远离负面、愤怒的人们,或者那些想要偷窃你的能量和控制你的人。
2. 不要喝酒,不要吸任何事物的烟。避免呆在有烟鬼的地方,因为他们充满了负面的实体。
3. 改变你所居住的房间。只在墙上挂美丽的海报和图片,带明亮颜色的。不要黑色、抑郁的图片。
4. 不要穿暗色的衣服,使用颜色或白色。
5. 不要听像重金属或其它更糟糕的邪恶音乐。听和谐的音乐,比如冥想音乐或欢乐的音乐。带有高频率的音乐,带有爱的音乐。
6. 经常到大自然中去,清洁你的能量,给它充上新的清洁能量。
7. 使用好闻的室内香水。像天使这样的光生命,只喜欢好闻的事物。
8. 试着去玩点什么。你也可以玩电脑游戏。当然,只是指有趣的游戏。而不是杀戮的游戏。像跑跑跳跳的游戏就很好玩。或者你也可以在户外打乒乓球。
9. 偶尔给你自己做点礼物。像你自己展示你是爱自己的。对着镜中的自己说你爱自己。在门上挂一张纸,写上”我爱我自己”。
10. 不要观看电视上播放的负面的、邪恶的、恐怖的电影。要看有趣的电影、喜剧,或者可以激发你对宇宙和光明未来的想象的激动人心的电影。
11. 试着画幅画。画画是治疗和冥想的一个方式。使用多彩的、明亮的颜色。不要用脏的、抑郁的颜色。
12. 演奏乐器,创作音乐。
13. 服用维他命和金丝桃。
14. 不要吃肉。
o 赤道暖阳阳:
好棒~ 看看能否坚持长期做下去~2014-2-2
Can I ascend even though I smoke a few?
By alaje • Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Question: I smoke only few a day, will this alone be enough to stop me from progressing to a higher frequency and keep me in the lower astral planes? I have tried to stop, but struggle surely there is hope for me still.
Answer: You have to get rid of ALL poisons in your life, in order to vibrate in a higher frequency, in order to match with the frequency of the higher dimensions. Smoking is blocking you in the way to the higher, spiritual energy.
Why do I feel tired and “discharged” sometimes?
By alaje • Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Question: I feel i am proceeding well with the love in my heart, but at times it seems to become difficult to feel the same and i feel like tired and “discharged”. I am trying to understand why, but i wanted your point of view.
Answer: Well, that is because the energies in the Earth society are not good. That is why you are loosing energy and you feel tired. That is why it is important to meditate and use the energy of the nature, in order to charge yourself again.
I have to take anti-depressants, are there natural remedies?
By alaje • Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Question: I have been sleeping a lot, and my parents see this and call it depression. I know now my sleep has more to do with the Earth changes than it does with me. But because of what my parents call depression, they have forced me to take anti depressants. I did not want this, but if i resisted, they said, they would throw me out of the house. I am 18 and still in high school, i have no money, and no where to go. My question was if their is any herbal remedies, or any thing i can do to reverse the damage that the anti depressant Prozac (Fluoxetine) is doing to my pineal gland.
Answer: You can take Ginseng (Panax ginseng).
How can I get rid of anxiety?
By alaje • Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Question: I would like to ask yo a recommendation about to release anxiety. I’m very anxious like many family members, who have used anxiolytics. It happens to me that when i meditate, i can feel my heart accelerated, my impatience and realize that it has been there for many time. Sometimes, when i meditate, i get desperate or pessimistic because anxiety remains or even increases, but i know that it is consequence of the impatience. So, how can i be out of the circle of the anxiety? And how can i discover the meaning of it?
Answer: In order to find out why you have anxiety, you have to calm down, relax and receive the understanding from within. In other words, you have to meditate. You can use the natural herb “St. John’s wort” to relax or you take a warm bath with Himalayan Salt crystals. And then in the meditation, ask your higher self to show you the reason for your anxiety. Examine your life and see what area is disturbing you.
How to detoxify my body from mercury?
By alaje • Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Question: The dentist just replaced amalgams from my mouth with resins and a still have an appointment for another replacement. I wanted to know which is the best natural treatment for detoxification of mercury from my body?
Answer: After you take all the Amalgam out and replace it with ceramics, you have to detoxify your body from all the poison that is left. These Herbs can help: Taraxacum comp., Tinktura Basdanae.
回答:在你取出所有汞合金,并用陶瓷替代以后,你得解所有残留在你体内的毒素。这些草药有帮助:蒲公英属、Tinktura Basdanae。
What is the cause of tourette syndrome?
By alaje • Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Question: I was wonder can you explain the cause of Tourettes syndrome please?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Tourette syndrome, or twitches are caused by an imbalance in the body energy. The light energy flow in the body is disturbed and the nerves are not functioning correctly. This could be a sign for a possession from negative entities, or fears, or having the feeling of being watched all the time.
How does it feel if the body transforms?
By alaje • Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Question: I would like to know how it feels inside when you experience your “first changes”? In my last meditations I had something I would call a tickling feeling and my head felt dizzy. Well, could you tell me what that means?
Answer: Well, like I already said in my previous videos, the physical body adapts itself to new energies, the frequency of your body changes as well as the organs. This is happening slowly since decades. Depending on how you develop spiritually, the changes will be perceived differently.
What is the cause of ear pain?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: What is the cause for ear pain? I believe I have an inflammation of the middle ear but what is the cause that I have such a strong pain in my right ear? What does this situation want to tell me?
Answer: Any problem with ears is caused by refusing to listen to the truth of the source, to the soul, to the love. Especially when the person is arrogant, egoistic, or has negative thoughts, the soul is trying to warn the person with an alarm in the ear. Thoughts and feelings are energy, and if they are negative, they are making a person sick. It is a frequency of the source (god), that is trying to tell you, that you are blocking the spiritual flow and the love. This person has to meditate and concentrate on:
“What is it, that i don’t want to hear?”
“I am open to hear anything, that life is trying to tell me”.
“I allow the Love in my Heart, to heal me”
Can the copper spirals (birth control device) be dangerous?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: Can those copper spirals (that birth control device) be poisonous to the body? I’ve considered to get one since i don’t react well to hormone pills, but it’s hitting my mind a lot, that i read in the informational brochure, that they DO RELEASE COPPER into the body as a part of the birth control effect… They are also free… Kinda like aids treatments, fluor to the water, mercury amalgams that are so cheap… Aint that kinda suspicious?
Answer: If i were a woman, I would not use it.
What is the cause for stomach ulcer?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: I have this terrible stomach ulcer that’s making my life miserable, i can’t see a doctor because economic reasons, I’ve been having it for almost 4 years, and today i had the courage to ask a question…Alaje what would you suggest for my stomach ulcer?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Stomach problems show that you have fears, you can’t “digest” new things in life. So you have to learn to trust life and your life plan.
What is the cause of nose bleeding?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: Since childhood, i often bleed from the nose. In what may be the reason? And how to stop it?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
When the nose is bleeding, it means that you have the desire for recognition. You are feeling overlooked and not recognized. You are crying out for love. It is a sign for missing self esteem. So you have to learn to love yourself and see that you are a part of the existence (god) and therefore precious. Your true self is the soul, and the soul is pure energy.
What is the cause of a brain tumor?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: I write to you because my mother has such disease as Hypophyseal adenoma. Please, could you explain for what this to her (I think it is punishment (maybe for sins, or, living out of existence rules) and what is the way out (how to heal)?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
A brain tumor is a sign that one is unspiritual, computer-like, too much rational “head thinking” and not enough heart thinking. A sign of stubbornness, refusing to change old patterns of thought.
What is Morgellons disease?
By alaje • Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: I have a question about Morgellons disease, which is a very strange disease where people receive cuts and stings all over their body and even find plastic like fibers sprouting out of their skin. The medical community are horrible as they prescribe psychiatric drugs to these poor people disregarding that they have a real disease, rather insanity. Is this a disease manufactured from the secret gov. or is their a spiritual cause and how can one be treated or cured?
Answer: Well, the Morgellons disease could be a result from chem trails and genetic manipulated food.
What’s the cause of Scheuermann’s disease?
By alaje • Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: What’s the reason of Scheuermann’s disease?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Bone deformities like in the Scheuermann’s disease are a sign of stress, tension, a sign of feeling hemmed and constricted. Muscles and mind can not stretch themselves. Loss of mental mobility. So you should learn in life to relax and focus on the conscious own spiritual development. As i say in my videos, the cause of everything is energy.
Negative energies like aggressiveness, hate, fear, stress or sadness are keeping your energy low. It is altering the molecular structure of the body – making the body weak – and is causing deformations, heart attacks, cancer, abscess appendicitis Rheumatism, brain dysfunction and other diseases.
Should I use soap for washing my face or only water?
By alaje • Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: Whats better for your face, keeping it natural and just showering with water, or using soap like dove, also i know u said honey is good, just for eating or do u actually put it on your face?
Answer: Of course you have to wash your skin with water and you should use a mild soap free shower gel. Honey is of course good for eating, and you can put it on wounds for healing, too.
Why do I sometimes feel intense heat on my neck?
By alaje • Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: Almost 2 weeks ago i started feeling a very strong heat on my neck and my head, it is so strong that makes me sweat on my cheeks, it only lasts 1 or 2 minutes and then it goes away, and around 1 or 2 hours later i feel the same heat again, even while i sleep. I’ve been meditating but it hasn’t helped. What am i doing wrong? Why does this happen? How can i stop it?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
That is just an activation of the neck chakra. That is normal. In time it will balance out.
Why do I feel isolated from reality?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: Last time i feel the state of detachment/isolation from the reality. I feel focused only on my internal dialogue. What’s wrong with me?
Answer: Everyone goes through a phase of isolation and loneliness one day. This is important, because it helps to listen to the inner voice of the soul. Then comes a phase where one has to deal with many people. You always go through phases in life. Life is in constant flow and movement like water and that is triggering development.
What do you think about sungazing?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: What do you think about pineal gland and about sungazing? Because doing safe sungazing, step by step following Hira Ratan Manek metod, pineal gland will be bigger and bigger. Who did not hear for sungazing, he can find in my play list, how he can do and when he can do sungazing.
Answer: Yes, that is very good, but only when the sun is low and red.
问题:你怎样看待松果体和阳光注视?因为一步步跟着Hira Ratan Manek Metod的措施,进行安全的阳光注视,松果体会变得越来越大。有谁没有听说过”阳光注视”的,可以在我的播放列表中找到他应该怎样进行,什么时候进行阳光注视。
Is it good to have Quartz crystals at home?
By alaje • Wednesday, April 13th, 2011
Question: Is it true that these crystals, for example Quartz, are good to have in your home?
Answer: Yes, they are energy storages, data memory and energy amplifiers.
• vegetarianlove 11
How does weight gain relate to energy?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: What has gaining weight to do with energy? Where is the problem and how to solve it?
Answer: Weight problems indicate that someone cannot let go of the past, of past energies, past negative emotions and thoughts, sorrow, sadness and pain, and is still holding on to them. It indicates also that someone has a lack of sexuality and true inner joy. As i say in my videos and comments, “Energy is the cause of everything and it has an influence on the chemical processes of the physical body”. Many people eat too much because they use food as a substitute for missing love. They don’t get enough love energy from others, and this is making them feel sad and empty. They try to fill the inner emptiness with food, in order to feel better. Especially with sweets and junk-food. Others are using smoking and alcohol. And again….As i say in my videos: “LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. Because love is the highest frequency of the Existence, that is able to heal and transform everything.
What is the cause of constipation?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: What is the cause of constipation?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
This means you do not want to let go of old things or old energies. Want to to stay in the past. You want to keep the old energies. The energy is not flowing – so digestion is not working.
Why do I always have this noise in my head?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: I would like to know why i always have noise in my head like music sounds, voices (sometimes good or bad )or even conversations of people i know and is there a way to erase it because it kinda disturb me i tried to silence it but it always comes back as soon as i think of something else.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
This is called TELEPATHY.
Is it possible to stop the aging process?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: Is getting old just a sign of beeing not in tune with the source ? I mean can someone stop the aging process, if he totally is in tune with the source? Anything is possible right?
Answer: Yes, that is one reason, and the other reason is because the vibration on Earth is low.
Is the menstrual cycle a genetic error?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: The menstrual cycle, is this a “genetic error” made when humans on earth we’re being altered by different races who came here from other star systems, or is this normal for the third dimension?
Answer: Yes, the first one.
Is it good to activate Kundalini energy with Yoga?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011
Question: Is it good to activate Kundalini energy with yoga?
Answer: Activate HEART energy.
Why is my body temperature hot/increasing?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011
Question: My body temperature is always higher than others. About 2 weeks ago, my body temperature suddenly reach to a exceptional much higher point one night, and without any other symptom, it also made me feel very hot. When others touch me, they said it feels like burning. This situation last for about a week, i didn’t take any medicines because i felt there’s no need to do that, then it had gone itself. Is this a sign of my body transformation?
Answer: Yes, it’s your energy in your body.
Why it is so difficult to feel love and to meditate with love?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011
Question: Why it is so difficult to feel love and to meditate with love? I want to develop myself, but i can’t – it’s too hard for me… Why?
Answer: Because you are living in the wrong environment, with negative energies that are disturbing you, blocking you, distracting you. Find a place where you can feel LOVE again. Find a place where you can feel your HEART ENERGY again.
I’m gaining weight recently – why?
By alaje • Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Question: Recently i seem to be gaining quite a bit of weight, and i have not changed my eat habits at all, i eat very healthy and i do not over eat. I wonder is this something to do with energy?
Answer: Yes, investigate what energies, what emotions you have inside that are causing a chemical change in your physical body.
Is it normal that some souls try to comfort us after we have been affected by negative energies?
By alaje • Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Question: Alaje is normal, some souls try to comfort us after we have been affected by negative people or souls?
Answer: Yes.
Why do I have a burning and twinkling sensation in my hands and feet?
By alaje • Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Question: I always have had and still since birth a twinkling burning high energy sensation in my feet and hands , even when i sleep my fits don’t stop twinkling and my hands and sometimes i wake up because off it, i asked doctors and they say; you have hyper-drive nerves but i don’t believe that what could it be and i still got it?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Your body adapts to the higher frequency, and the hot feeling is only temporary.
问题:出生以来直到现在,我总会感觉手脚有一闪现的燃烧的高能量,甚至睡觉时也不停的闪现,有时会为此醒过来。我问过医生,他们说我患有hyper-drive nerves,但我不信。这会是什么呢?我现在还是有这种感觉。
What is the cause of the Mysophobia or Cleanliness disease?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: What happen to the Mysophobia disease or Cleanliness disease, is it the past life experience?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Yes, past life traumas with death from bacteria. The fear energy from that past life trauma is not healed.
Is it good to be popular?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: Is it good to be popular? When a lot of people knows you. I want to be an actor so it does matter to me.
Answer: Well, if you are popular, you have to protect yourself from the thoughts and energies of millions of people.
Is it possible to have a highly developed crown and a closed root chakra?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: Is it possible to have a highly developed crown and a closed root chakra?
Answer: Of course. That is the case when you don’t want to live here and want to be far away in higher dimensions. Earth humans have rarely all chakras at once activated and in Balance.
What does it mean to have only the 3rd eye active?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: When one has a closed root chakra but an active crown chakra that indicates that the person wants to be far away in higher dimensions like earlier you said, so if one has only an active 3rd eye gland and sees orbs what does that indicate?
Answer: Why do you think that you have only one chakra active? If your third eye is active it is good. In that way you can see more than others and understand more than others. It is a natural ability, just like using your physical eyes or your hands.
When I don’t move I feel a windy movement in my body and start shaking?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: When i sit calm and don’t move i feel in my body sort of WINDY MOVEMENT and therefore my whole body sort of waves from side to side… WOW! That’s really surprising to feel… Thanks in advance.
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
That is your astral body moving.
I sometimes feel heat in the breast what does that mean?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: I sometimes becomes heat in the breast that does that mean?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
The heart chakra is radiating light.
What is the cause of ingrown nails?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: My brothers and i suffer from ingrown toe nails, it is so bad, that sometimes we can not even walk, i would like to ask you if you could tell me what is the cause of that, and besides with the meditation, is there any herb that i can take to help to reconstruct that part?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Nails are a symbol of protection. Program yourself that you are inwardly and outwardly safe and secure and that you have no fear.
During the night electric waves flow through my body, is this normal?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: During the night i wake up feeling some electric waves that start from my head and arrive to feets and hands. I need to touch the floor to return normal? what do u think about it?
Answer: Use the energy for lightwork. This is what I do. Use my video number 4.
Is red wine good for the heart?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: I have heard that just a small glass of red wine is good for the heart, what do you know about it?
Answer: Alcohol should be used like medicine. That means: only drops.
What shampoo/foam bath is good for the skin?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: What shampoo and foam bath can provoke to our skin cause its all full of chemicals?
Answer: There are organic natural shampoos. Just search for it in the internet.
Does a copper wire around my bed create good energies?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: I read somewhere that if we put a copper wire around our bed which creates a closed circle, then it creates good energies for us. But my friend’s spiritual teacher said to us that this is a bad information from the dark side and it actually do the opposite, blocking us from good cosmic energies.
Answer: It is better not to sleep close to metal, because metal can attract or amplify energies, good or bad, and can disturb your sleep. Wood is better. And more important is the energy that you have in your aura. If your aura is strong and powerful, you can protect yourself more.
Is it bad to have a bed made from metal?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: I’ve read that is not good to sleep close to metal objects…Is it also bad to have one’s picture on a metal frame?
Answer: A metal frame is too small to have an effect. The picture inside the frame would have a bigger impact. But if your bed is out of metal, it is not good, because it is disturbing you to sleep well. The bed should be out of wood.
Is trance music high in consciousness?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: What do you think about the music trance, genre trance, I’ve read that this music is very high in consciousness.
Answer: No, it is the opposite. It is harmful and is keeping you in a low vibration.
Is it bad to listen to negative music?
By alaje • Wednesday, October 20th, 2010
Question: Would singing/playing/listening to certain kind of musics like metal and screamo are bad even if they don’t sing (or scream) about negative things?
Answer: EVERYTHING is energy. Every sound has a frequency. An aggressive, negative sound, has a lower frequency, that is disturbing the brain frequencies to vibrate in a high frequency. Eventually it is disturbing the body and mind.
What could be the mental cause of the Crohn’s disease?
By alaje • Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: What do you think about the Crohn’s disease? I suffer it 10 years and medicine doesn’t know neither a treatment nor a cause of it. What should i search for in a mental level?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
A gastrointestinal disease shows you, that you haven’t solve certain things, blockades, unhealed emotions in life, you have not digest them, or have not released fears. If a lot of negative emotions from the past are not solved for years, like anger, sorrow or sadness, this energy begins to manifest physically as inflammation, cancer or heart attack.
It is a warning system to tell you that you need to improve your awareness. It tells you that you have to release old unwanted negative energies and to direct your energy to your positive, spiritual development. Direct your awareness to the energy of love. The energy of love is the energy of the existence (God).
What is the cause of “reactive attachment disorder”?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: Do you know the cause of psychiatric problem, that we call “Reactive Attachment Disorder”?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
That comes from negative energies, negative experiences, negative programming from past lifes.