Is being vegetarian a good thing in regards to the coming transformation?
By alaje • Sunday, May 30th, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje, i’d like to know if being vegetarian is ok for ascension or if vegetarian is the right thing?
Answer: Well, the best is to eat a food with the highest frequency. That you can find in fruits and vegetables.
I know that coffee is bad, what about black tea with milk?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Dear Alaje, i have been told that i should drink three liters of water thought out the day to keep my system well. I know to much coffee is a bad thing but what of black tea with milk?
Answer: Listen to your own Body and then decide what you need or not. Coffee is not good at all.
I don’t eat meat – are eggs allowed?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: I don’t eat meat because of your advice, but i would like to know if the eggs are allowed. Thank you.
Answer: It’s not about whether it is “permitted” or not. It’s about what is healthy and what is not healthy.
When you watch your body, you see what is good for him and what not. If you are allergic to something, you should not eat it. If you have a high energy, you stop many things automatically, because they are no longer needed. Those with no light energy eating animals and those who have a lot of light energy, eat only food which also has a lot of light.
What kind of nutrition is healthy?
By alaje • Saturday, June 5th, 2010
Question: Hello ALAJE, what kind of food you can eat, a good food? Fish is also bad for that or only refers of red meat?
Answer: As i said in my video, fruits, plants and nuts.
Are fruits and vegetables good for human consumption?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: Fruits and vegetables are my favorite diet. Can you talk on raw vs. cooked and legumes and grains for human consumption?
Answer: All fruits and vegetables that you eat, have to be clean. You can clean them with light energy, if you have enough love energy in you
What about eggs and dairy products?
By alaje • Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Question: In your comments, you are often told that eating the corpses of animals, it retains the energy of people in animalistic vibration. Thus, i would like to know, if the use of eggs and dairy products, people are also exposed to the same vibrations?
Answer: No, because first of all, no animals were killed to get the milk and secondly, these products didn’t make any experience of life, like a living being does.Nevertheless, at one day a body that feeds from light won’t accept these products anymore. It will come naturally.
Will I be able to ascend if I continue to eat meat?
By alaje • Monday, August 30th, 2010
Question: I have been eating meat my whole life and been having trouble stopping, will i not be able to ascend with the planet into the light and be the rainbow warrior i came here to be if i continue to eat meat?
Answer: What is a “rainbow warrior?” Are you fighting against rainbows? A light worker is NOT a warrior. A Warrior wants to make war. A light worker wants to create LOVE. When someone creates a powerful spiritual light within, he will stop automatically eating corpses or other low energy food.
We shouldn’t eat meat…but plants are living beings, too?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: As you say trees are beings, but I ask myself, if we eating vegetables, we are eating beings, as it happens with meat from animals. Where is the difference?
Answer: Some plants have the life-purpose to serve as food and some have the life-purpose to provide you fruits and vitamins, and some are serving you as an energy source for cosmic energy. It is an experience. Later, after millions of lifes, and many incarnations as an animal, it will have the experience to be a human.
Is it bad to drink coffee/caffeeine?
By alaje • Sunday, September 5th, 2010
Question: Is it bad to drink caffeine? That’s my only bad habit, that i got left. Sometimes it’s just nice to drink cup of coffee.
Answer: Well, caffeine is a drug, that is reducing the water in the body. It makes you nervous so you can’t meditate in peace and you are growing older very fast.
Are sweets good for the body?
By alaje • Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
Question: Are sweets good for our bodies? Since i am a vegan, i like sweets kind of too much. It is natural and healthy?
Answer: Sweets are a substitute for love, when you are feeling sad. No, it is NOT natural and NOT healthy. All you need is a clean energy in you, and your body will be clean too.
Which foods can be used as a meat replacement?
By alaje • Friday, September 10th, 2010
Question: What can replace meat, because this protein is necessary for life, can I eat fish or not?
Answer: Soya, tofu, nuts, beans, rice milk…
Why do I feel like eating too much?
By alaje • Friday, September 10th, 2010
Question: What does it mean, when you feel like eating too much?
Answer: When you lose energy, out of negative things, situations, fears, stress…,your body want energy, to fill the energetic emptiness, and if you don’t do it with meditation and spiritual energy, you are doing it with physical food.
You say sweets aren’t good, what about honey?
By alaje • Friday, September 10th, 2010
Question: You say that sweet things like chocolate are no good. What about honey?
Answer: Yes, Honey is VERY good. It can heal the skin.
Should you use microwaves to warm your food?
By alaje • Wednesday, October 20th, 2010
Question: Tell me please how the microwave oven impact on the food (negative or neutral)?
Answer: NEVER use a microwave for your food. Microwaves are altering the molecular structure of the food. Microwaves are destroying all the Vitamins and good energies in the food. So you are eating a dead food with a low energy. It is a negative genetic DNA manipulation that will cause the genetic DNA manipulation in your body too. So you get sick and your consciousness stays low.
Can vegetarians get sick after a few years?
By alaje • Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Question: I want to ask you about vegetarian. I try not eating meat but some friends that was vegetarian in the past told me that they get sick after 3 or 5 years and start eating meat again. Does it has to do that they don’t evolve their spirituality or something else?
Answer: Yes, you have answered your question yourself. As i said in older comments, when you have a powerful spiritual light, a high frequency in your body, you don’t want to eat something that is in a low frequency. I am vegetarian my whole life and i was never sick. You can only become sick, when your energy is against the natural energy of the existence. Those who get sick are those who are creating negative energies inside them. (Hate, fear, stress, sadness….)
Should we drink milk or juice?
By alaje • Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Question: What kind of drink should we avoid milk or juice?
Answer: Drink Juice with no sugar and Rice-Milk.
Is traditional chinese medicine right in regards to food (yin/yang)?
By alaje • Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: Can i express my views? Most of fruits and vegetables have a high energy,but you can’t say which one is the highest, just like Traditional Chinese Medicine say: all the foods have the two opposing principles in nature (Yin and Yang), it depends on your body or energy which is fit to you, for you that’s the highest energy. For example, i can’t eat “cold characteristic” food because my cold body characteristic, i should keep the BALANCE of yin and yang energy….is that right?
Answer: Yes, that is right.
Why am I eating so much?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: I feel like i am eating too much. I meditate daily but i can’t stop eating so much. But i never gain any weight and people say i am too skinny. I remember you saying that when a person is not receiving enough love energy from others they eat a lot. Is that all or is there more to it?
Answer: That is all. You are loosing energy somehow and you try to get it back by eating.
Why should we not eat meat?
By alaje • Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Question: I wanted to ask you so many questions(still want) but i’m never sure who should i trust and believe but now i see that people love you and support you so much and i think this is wonderful and it means a lot!!!
One of my questions, is why we shouldn’t eat meat sometimes because i have iron deficiency Anemia and i feel weak and sleepy and the doctor said that i have to take some medicine for a while and i have to eat meat at least 3 times per month…i really don’t like to eat meat because i love animals but i don’t know
what else to do so can you help me?
Answer: [DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
As i say in my videos, the physical bodies are changing right now with the new energies. The more light you have in your body, the more you eat only the highest energy in food, like fruits. People with a high cosmic light energy, don’t want to eat meat anymore because they feel that it is harming the physical and energetic body. The lowest energy is in meat and it’s pulling you in lower energies. People with lower, animalistic energies want to eat meat, because that is their energetic level. Only when they build up more cosmic light inside them, they will stop eating animal corpses. You can get iron in many vegetables, fruits and cereals, much healthier then from dead rotting corpses, which are creating many diseases. When your body is vibrating in a higher frequency, you stay healthy, physically and mentally. I am my whole life a vegetarian and i was never seriously ill, because i love myself and i protect myself from physical and energetic poisons.
Is Omega 3 healthy?
By alaje • Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Question: Is the intake of omega-3 fatty acids advisable or not? If you shouldn’t eat fish then this should count for every part of the fish? Therefore i don’t take them but a possible taking is being hotly discussed elsewhere.
Answer: In order to receive omega 3 you don’t have to eat fish. Omega 3 also occurs in plants that are being eaten by fish. Omega 3 in a healthier form is available in linseed oil. There is a good omega 3 oil from Dr. Udo Erasmus, f.e. here: ht tp://ww w.natuerlich-quintessence.de/gut- fuer/herz/omega-3-oele-nach-udo-erasmus.ht ml
回答:为了摄取omega3,你不需要吃鱼。omega3也存在于鱼吃的植物中。一个更健康的omega3服用方式可以在亚麻油中得到。Udo Erasmus, f.e. 医生那里有很好的omega3油。