The constitution of man
by Aart Jurriaanse
A brief discourse on the vehicles through which the soul works as a man/woman in incarnation.
Man is the manifestation in physical matter of the spiritual Monad, a single spark of the one spirit. The final objective as far as man, the individual, is concerned, is that his physical life and activities should be brought under complete and conscious control of the soul, the reflection of the Monad, or the Christ within. Through that control he must dominate circumstances, and make environment the instrument with which to manipulate matter. In this process he has to work in, with, and through energy or, as it is also known, electric force, which has to be applied and directed through three types of form, manifested as:
人体是灵性火花的原子精华(一,单子,Monad),也就是灵性火花在物质层面的显化。就个体而言,其终极目标是,他在物质层面的生活和所有的活动都完全在灵魂的掌握和意识之中,灵魂,则是原子精华 (一,单子) 的投射,或者说,内在的基督意识。通过这种掌控,他必须成为环境的主宰,让环境成为灵魂掌控物质的工具。在这个过程中,他需要处于能量之中,与能量工作,并且通过能量进行表达,能量,可以理解为电力,它通过三种形式得以体现和表达:
a. The mental body, the first aspect
b. The astral or emotional body, the second aspect
c. The physical body, the third aspect
a. 心智体,第一个面向
b. 星光体或情绪体,第二个面向
c. 肉体,第三个面向

The mental vibration holds the key to the situation, and by means of the will seeks to co-ordinate the functions of the physical body. In some respects it endeavours to link up the consciousness with the three forms, but it may also repulse and cause separation.
The astral vibration deals with the quality of the individual, determines his attractive or repulsive aspects, and also contains the psychic element. The dense physical level is where consciousness or spirit is reflected in the material form. The force holding the three forms together and allowing them to function as a coherent whole, is contained within the vital or etheric body which is controlled by the seven centres of energy; these centres are responsible for the vitalisation and co-ordination of the bodies, and they correlate these forms with the soul, the main centre of consciousness. The correct way of representing the constitution of man would be in the descending order of Monad, triad, soul, personality. But as this exposition is primarily intended for the average man who is still mainly self-centered, it will perhaps be better understood if the personality is used as the point of reference, and if his path of unfoldment is indicated in rising order, the path of return to the Father’s home. The principal items as set out below, will subsequently be considered in greater detail:
星光体的振动与个体的特质有关,决定了这个人吸引或者所排斥的面向,也包括心理层面的因素。稠密的物质形态是意识或者灵性火花在物质层面的体验。有一种力量可以把肉体、心智体和星光体连结起来,让它们作为整体进行运作,这种力量存在于以太体之中,以太体是通过七个能量中心来进行调控的。这七个能量中心负责调控身体的活力和协调性,它们也把肉体、星光体和心智体与灵魂连接起来,灵魂则是意识的中心所在。代表人组成的恰当表达,从高维度沉降到低维度分别是:原子精华 (一,单子) 、三位一体、灵魂、人格。不过,这次阐述的主要面向,仍然以展示出人格的个体为主,这样会更加容易去理解。他的成长路径则是从低维度整合回高维度,回归到父神所在的地方。下面列出了主要的原则,会逐一详细地探讨。
- The Personality: The physical plane man or lower self. The personality is a triple concept, composed of:
1. The physical body, containing the dual aspects of (a) The etheric or vital body. (b) The dense physical body 肉身,包含(a)以太体和(b)物质身体
2. The emotional or astral body. 情绪体或者星光体
3. The mental body, including the lower or concrete mind. 心智体,也就是低等或者具象思考的心智部分
- The Soul: Also known as the ego, higher Self, inner ruler, the Christ within, or the son of mind.
The soul is not a body. It is the linking or middle principle, representing the relation between spirit and matter; the link between God and His form; the Christ principle. The soul is that which provides consciousness, character and quality to all manifestations in form, and it is therefore also the inner guide of the personality.
The degree of progressive spiritual unfoldment in man is an indication of the extent to which the soul is asserting its influence, until eventually the lower self is fully controlled by the soul, and the doors are opened to the higher spiritual influences to the energies from the Monad, the Father. The highest aspect of the soul is represented by the higher or abstract mind, which simultaneously is the lowest aspect, and therefore the connecting link, between the soul and the spiritual triad.
人的灵性成长之路的展开,可以通过灵魂所表达影响力的大小程度体现出来,直到低级的自我完全处于灵魂的掌控之中,来自原子精华 (一,单子) ,或者是神的能量,通过高维度的灵性火花影响得以传送给低级的自我。灵魂的最高等面向是由高等的心智,或者说抽象心智所代表的,而高等心智同时又是灵性三位一体的最低面向,因此高等心智是灵魂和灵性三位一体的连结纽带。
- The Spiritual Triad: This is the triple reflection of the Monad, through which the Father functions at lower levels. It is expressed as:
灵性三位一体:这是原子精华 (一,单子) 在三个层面的体现,
1. Spiritual Will, 灵性的意志
2. Intuition, Love-Wisdom, the Christ principle, 直觉,爱-智慧,基督意识
3. Higher or Abstract Mind. 高等或者抽象心智
The triad stands, on a higher level, in the same relationship to the Monad as the personality stands to the soul — the lower being the instrument through which the higher is functioning.
灵性的三位一体,在更高的层面,它与原子精华 (一,单子) 的关系,就像是灵魂与人格之间的关系,灵魂是较高维度的灵性在较低维度进行表达的工具。
- The Monad: or pure spirit, the Father in heaven, reflecting the triplicity of deity:
1. Divine Will or Power – The Father. 神圣意志或者力量 — 神圣之父
2. Love-Wisdom – The Son 爱-智慧 神圣之子
3. Active Intelligence – The Holy Spirit. 活跃的智能 – 神圣之灵
Direct contact between the Monad (the triad) and personality is only effected when man is nearing the end of his journey of experience in the three lower worlds, and when the gap in consciousness between spirit and matter has been bridged by the `lighted way’. The personality then becomes a direct instrument of service under the direction of the Monad, by-passing the soul, which then becomes redundant and is absorbed within the Monad.
原子精华(灵性三位一体)和人格之间的直接连结只有当人们在三个较低维度世界的体验终结时才会发生,也就是灵性火花和物质之间的意识鸿沟被“圣光照亮之路”所架构起来时才发生。人格在原子精华 (一,单子) 的直接指导下,绕过灵魂,变成了直接服务的工具,此时灵魂的存在就显得多余了,最终会被原子精华 (一,单子) 所吸收。