Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger
Since we areentering the Chinese Year of the Water Tiger, I use the chart of Beijing. Thisis very significant because it will be an energy that influences the wholeworld!

I will interpretthis one like a personal horoscope to make sure it’s better understood.
The AC shows theunfinished business and what we did not achieve before and Taurus is veryaccurate, considering we are coming out of the year of the Ox. Now things startto move fast! There is not holding back anymore and dams will open up and tidalwaves will flush away the old systems. The ruler of Taurus, Venus, is inSagittarius in house seven together with Mars. So the female and male energiesare coming together to crack up boundaries and system.

You can expectthat also the relationships will change and the whole gender changing made easywill have to face new facts. Those awake know already that a physical genderchange never can change a man into a woman and vice versa. You have agreed tobe born in a certain gender for a reason. But often, if a woman, for example,had lived several incarnations as a man, it is difficult to adjust to the newgender and body and also vice versa. But this is necessary for balance. Thespiritual understanding will be more easy and the “new age” which wascontrolled by the cabal will cease to exist.
The karmicaspect of 150° (orange) will bring up all the hidden agendas into visibility.We will be able to see and understand the law of karma better and not in theways that some religions teach it, which also has become a dogma to control,which is not correct. The Aspect involving the North Node shows that itinvolves humanity as a whole and once again, those not open for the changes,those who are rigid and dogmatic, might be flushed away by the tidal wavecoming. What is happening now is just the beginning.

A good sampleare the truckers who are coming like a tidal wave and the movement isspreading, they start to get ready in other countries too for tidal waves ofbig trucks and other ways to show that the people are ready to take over.
We will need alot of courage to face the truth that is coming out and look deep inside ofourselves to find the comprehension of what we are here for. People need tounderstand their soul contract and the true purpose of why they have incarnatednow!
Since Mercury isstill retrograde and in conjunction with Pluto in house 8th, the home ofPluto, we can expect that now the time for real soul-searching has come andsome talk about the “last judgment days”, they are here. Right now!
Mercury isretrograde for this Chinese year’s horoscope! This means that no hidden stuffcan be held under the “cover” and will come out at times like a under watervolcano, that was not visible before, triggering huge emotional tidal waves.This is the split of the timelines and the next few hundred (or so)incarnations are being determined now.
The main purposein this year is to look beyond the veil of illusion, all illusions we have onall levels. We have to question every thing and be ready to let go of what wedid believe.

Moon/Sunconjunction in Capricorn with Saturn in it’s own sign will take all the “fleshfrom the skeleton” and show the naked truth. All artificial camouflage and“beautification” will fall and the natural structure of things come to thesurface.
There will be alot of great people rising with innovations and all the stolen and hidden patentsof free energy will be discovered and implemented. You can expect great thingsto happen, with Jupiter in Aquarius. Aquarius is the equivalent of the Tiger..and Jupiter will help for the visibility of the genius in it and support thebreaking free of people. New ways in a more evolved human consciousness willturn every thing around and those aligned to this energy will have greatsuccess this year and be able to manifest plans that lingered and just didn’t“take off”!
I also see themedical systems crash and people go back to understand that the real medicineis natural and homeopathy and other energy medicine methods will start to bevery popular. People distrust the pharma industry and it will totally collapse.

Like mindedpeople will start to create groups and create new models of ways how to live.There will be a fantastic symbiosis of natural and high tech coming together tosupport each other and not create harm.
I like the IC ofLeo, many will take back their power and start to realize that they are divinebeing having a human experience. Once they do, they are fearless and committed.With the goal in Aquarius, a spiritual revolution will happen which is farbigger than “normal” people can imagine right now. We truly will not be limitedby the rules of people who would like the masses to be ignorant. This is thepast, the awakened ones will never let this happen again and are ready to beresponsible – response able – for what they do and who they are.
We will also seethe beginning of new kind of government forming, even if this will take muchlonger to be in place every where, here is the beginning and the seeds thatwill sprout fast around the world.

I have also madethe chart for London which is for Europe and there we can see that the mainfocus is in the houses 1-4 with Mars/Venus at AC, Uranus at the IC and MCLibra. The break through energy might be more harsh, but people will get upfaster and it’s more a personal shift with leaders like Reiner Fuellmich, Dr.Wolfgang Wodarg and others who stand like lighthouses in the masses and showthe way.
我也为欧洲制作了一张星盘,中心点选取的是伦敦。我们可以看到,重点集中在1-4宫,火星和金星位于上升点,天王星在下中天,中天落在天平座。突破的能量会更强,人们会更迅速地站起来,这更加贴近个人的转变,比如像Reiner Fuellmich、Wolfgang Wodarg博士,这样灯塔般站在群众中照亮前进道路的领路者。
Even though manyare connected through the EU, those different countries are still having theirown culture and it will be more difficult to bring them together under “oneumbrella”. One of the most important things in this area is to honor all thedifferent cultures and make them unique again. All the migrants who arerelatively new in those countries will have to go back to their own and help torestore their peace and work for their liberation. The crazy migration policiesthat have misplaces millions of people has to stop and be resolved. Many arenot where they belong and need to go home.
Some have soul contractsto live in other countries/continents, but this is a different story connectedwith past lives and promises and agreements.

The chart forthe USA I made for Omaha, Nebraska. This is about the middle of the country andwould apply for the US and Canada. With a Virgo AC and an IC/MC axis that isnot “classical Western Astrology” they have to let go of the idea of supremacyand glamour. The whole “greatness” is a illusion because it has led them intoall the misery of a junk food culture and “Tell a Vision” brainwash. Hollywoodhas successfully corrupted the conscience of many and it is no surprise, thatthey are in the lime light of the falling illusion.
Moon/Sun/Saturn in house four will help them to see through the illusion andthey will be able to reconnect with a more natural life, especially in the hugecities where life has become very inorganic and artificial. Those in the countryregions will rejoice and receive a lot of help to restore a healthy agricultureand generally a more healthy life.
Strong leaderswill emerge, but not taking on the role of conventional leadership as we knewin the past. It will be representatives of the people (real people) thatorganize the whole new ways and help and then step back and give the power backto the people once they are organized.
With an MC ofCancer, there will be a lot of women in leading roles and the new energy willbe much more feminine. It will be the “wise mothers” who are role models notthe skinny transvestites of holy-wood without hips! Mothers who are not fixatedin the moment of pleasure, but see the responsibility and honor mother natureand think in terms of “wellness for generations” and not cut down the naturalresources for a shortsighted pleasure!

Stand strong andbold… this is your chance and you have waited for this moment thousands ofyears!
Many blessingsfor this year 2022 of the Water Tiger!
作者:Katharina Bless