If you will remember what your Beloved Saint Germain said: “Never enter sleep until you have sent to every human being who you have ever felt injured you, the Divine Love and Blessing of your being.” That is Forgiveness! That is Mercy! That is Cosmic Love! That is the Release of the Freedom and Victory of Light! That is the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan! Now your feelings will not want to do this, but you have been shown the way and means by which your feelings, if they be discordant, can be commanded to stop the discord, can be commanded into the Violet Consuming Flame, can be commanded to be purified; and the Command of your “Presence” releases the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Harmony where the discord seemed to be. …
Now you can be Free today! It is all within your own decision of your own Free Will, how much you want to forgive some other part of Life—how much Victory and Freedom I can give you! I am ready to offer all, but the Cosmic Law demands that you must do a certain part! You must LET GO, and you cannot let go if you don’t forgive! You don’t let go of the distress in your bodies unless you give God’s Peace—the Flame of Peace to fill the place where the shadows seem to be. …
现在你就获得了自由!这一切都在你的自由意志决定之下发生,你有多想原谅生活中的组成部分 — 我就可以给予你多少胜利和自由!我准备好赋予所有的人胜利与自由,宇宙法则要求,你必须完成自己的那一部分!你必须选择放手,如果你不原谅,就无法去放手!对身体中的那些紧张因素选择放手,替代以神圣的平和 — 用平和的火焰去填充阴影所在之处…
Now if you will really obey Saint Germain’s Request and never enter sleep until you have forgiven everybody that ever did anything wrong to you, you will know a freedom in these bodies; you will know a supply in your affairs; you will know a peace in your mind, in your feelings, that as yet you have never experienced—because My Victory depends on your Forgiveness and the annihilation of resentment.
如果你真的遵循圣哲曼大师的要求,在你原谅所有伤害过你的人之前,不要入睡,你就会感觉到身体中的自由;你会知道所有的身体中拥有着自由的空间;你会感受到思想和感觉中的平静,这是你从未体验过的 — 因为神圣的胜利,取决于你的宽恕和对怨恨的消除。
Instruction by Beloved Mighty Victory, Volume 9
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