There being but the One God, the One Presence, and His All-Powerful Activity, then the one more advanced than the other is but more of the God Self in action. In this recognition you will understand why you can feel, “‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there,” for there is but the One God Self everywhere.
When the student can once understand that the Ascended Host of Masters are but the more advanced Consciousness of himself, then he will begin to feel the unquestionable possibilities within his grasp. Whether he speaks to the Godhead direct, to one of the Ascended Masters of Light, or to his own God Self, in reality it makes no difference, for all are One.
To read the full Discourse 3, visit:
Law of Life
Beloved Saint Germain:
Our Beloved Brother Jesus performed one of the greatest Blessings to mankind in not only setting the example from his birth and achieving the Ascension, but in making the Eternal Record that stands radiant, pouring Itself to humanity. Little can the unascended realize what this means to mankind. It is an Eternal Beacon, beckoning them on into the Light, and in the example of the Ascension, Jesus stated definitely not only what could be done, but what must eventually be done.
Beloved Jesus:
I urge you to think of Me as your Elder Brother, ready to give you Assistance at all times. Do not think of Me as a Transcendent Being so far beyond your reach that contact is impossible; for the “I AM Presence” which enabled Me to make the Ascension is the same “I AM Presence” that will enable you to make the Ascension as I did; only today, you have the Assistance of the Great Ascended Host of Beings who have won the Eternal Victory and joyously stand at your service as you make yourselves ready.
With My Love I enfold you. I again repeat: “‘I AM’ with you always.”
Excerpts from Discourse 24 and 19, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses
Law of Life
At the present time the attention of mankind is being drawn to the conscious understanding and use of the Words “I AM” by the Ascended Masters, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Jesus, and others of the Ascended Host—who are pouring out ceaselessly the Great Light to release Freedom, Peace, and Perfection. …
They have been the Elder Brothers, Protectors, Guardians, and Infallible Teachers of mankind throughout the centuries. The Ascended Masters are the only Infallible Source of Instruction to the humanity of this earth, because They are Wholly Divine, and One with the God Self of every individual. They are the Living Fulfillment of the Law They teach, and are the only Ones who have manifested Complete Victory over so-called death. …The release of Their combined Light is taking place and flooding the earth at the present time. All that is not of the Light is consumed thereby. Their Light will continue to expand throughout this planet until all its humanity has made the Ascension also—and the earth itself becomes a Blazing Sun, whirling in its appointed path in space.
几个世纪以来,他们一直扮演着人类的兄长、守护者、保护者和完美的导师的角色。扬升大师是地球上人类唯一的完美指导源泉,因为他们代表着全然的神圣,他们每个人都与神性的自我合一。他们生活在他们教导的神圣法则之中,他们也是唯一显化出完全胜利的人,超越了所谓的死亡…现在,他们正在释放他们的联合之光来到地球。所有不与圣光融合的都会被转化掉。他们的光会持续地在地球上拓展开,直至全人类都达成扬升 —— 直至地球自身变成了发光的太阳,在浩瀚的宇宙中既定的位置上旋转前进。
Excerpts by Beloved Godfré from the Tribute to Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses