One cannot long use the Statement “I AM,” even intellectually, until he begins to feel a deeper and deeper conviction that:
“‘I AM’ all things.” Think often what these two marvelous Words mean, and always couple with the use of these two Words the Statement that: “When I say ‘I AM,’ ‘I AM’ setting in motion the Limitless Power of God in whatever I couple the expression ‘I AM’ with.”
In the scriptural Statement: “Before Abraham, was ‘I AM,’” Abraham represents the outer expression of Life, and “I AM” represents the Principle of Life which was expressing through Abraham. Thus there was the Perfection of Life—before any manifestation ever occurred; and thus is Life without beginning and without end.
Excerpt from Discourse 13 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses
Faith: Faith is always an important factor in gaining the use of the Light. As an illustration: if you were going some place where you had not yet been, you would have seen a map, heard a description, or in some other way have learned of this outer place to which you were going, having perfect confidence that the place was there. Underlying this activity, the whole thing is faith in some kind of a report brought to you. Can you not have this same unwavering confidence and faith in the use of these Super Powers of which you have heard, although you may not have yet seen Them? If you would exert the same confidence and faith in reaching to and attaining the Perfect Contact with your Mighty God Self that you have in physically reaching a destination where you have not yet been, you would find the results a thousand times more wonderful. You would consciously reach that Inner “Presence” with far greater invincible certainty than you would the culmination of your outer journey.
The fact is that in almost every walk of Life, we have a certain confidence that we can go to, do, and be certain things in the outer. Why not have the same confidence in reaching the Inner Light, which brings you rewards so much greater than the outer that there is no comparison? In some way, the Students must gain this certain, invincible confidence in their ability to right now step through the veil and enter into the Full Activity of their Mighty Invincible God Self. They need to do but a small analysis of their own activity, to see how they may turn this mighty confidence and faith into the right and greater channel and have perfect, eternal results, which the activity of the outer self can never give.
Try to recognize that in the slightest activity in the outer, it is always the Power or Energy of God acting. Know this! Then stimulate the activity of the consciousness into recognizing that as you consciously direct this God Power into the channel of your highest desires, you can enter into Its Limitless Use. You do this by recognizing that It is All[1]powerful and that through your own consciousness you give It full Power. This will bring the focus of using your God Power under your conscious, demanded direction, so that instead of many outlets, there is but the single outlet upon which It is focused. By this you know it is impossible not to attain the desired results.
Students everywhere, especially long for Perfection of form, of voice, of activity-when the only thing that stands between them and this Perfection is their own lack of unwavering confidence in the Inner God Power, which is the Life flowing through their forms to produce this desired effect right now.
世界各地的学生,尤其是渴望形态、声音和活动处于完美之中的那些 —— 他们与完美之间的唯一障碍就是他们缺乏对自己内在神之力量坚定不移的信心,内在的神之力量正流动于他们形态之中来产生想要的结果。
Law of Life
How easy it is for humanity to pass over transcendent activities because of their unbelief, acknowledgment or acceptance of the True Perfection of Life, for all Life in manifestation is God in Action. Unfortunately however, It is more often colored by human concepts of limitation and destructive qualities which, through the individual’s power of free will, everyone is at liberty to do.
This ere long, however, will be greatly remedied by the setting aside of the greater part of the human free will as it is known today. This will enable much of humanity to be awakened and saved from their own destruction.
Here may I say that the students who think they can play with the Great Law, because of their unwillingness to give the necessary Self-discipline, will find themselves unfortunate indeed if they attempt it when once having entered upon the Conscious Path.
The Great Law, which does not discriminate, takes individuals at their words and feelings. Those who think they can escape this are but deceiving themselves.
Instruction from Discourse 29 by Beloved Arcturus,Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses