圣哲曼 | 探索“我是临在”

Law of Life


A very wonderful thought to live in always is:


“‘I AM’ the Perfect Creative Thought and Feeling everywhere present in the minds and hearts of individuals.”


It is a most marvelous thing. It not only brings rest and peace to yourself, but releases limitless Gifts from the “Presence.”


Another is:


“‘I AM’ the Mighty Law of Divine Justice and Protection acting in the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.” You can apply and use this with enormous force and power in every way.


Another is: “‘I AM’ Divine Love, filling the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.” …


Everything in the Life experience of humanity can be governed by the “I AM Presence.” The use of the “I AM Presence” is the Highest Activity that can be given.


When you say “I AM,” you set God into action; but there is a lot more to it which you will come to realize—when you feel and know the enormity of the use of this Expression. Realize the Enormous Power of the “I AM” to act in things of this kind. “‘I AM’ the God Power Almighty.” There is no other power that can act. When you say and feel this, then you liberate and loose the Full Activity of God.


Excerpt from Discourse 9 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses

To continue reading the Discourse online, visit: www.saintgermainfoundation.org