Regardless of anything mankind has created, This of which I speak is the Master Power of Life. It will never fail you, and It is never absent, and no one in the Universe can prevent you having Its Perfection, if you decide within yourself to feel the love to your “I AM Presence” and the Ascended Host, which enables Their Sacred Fire, Our Sacred Fire, to come back into you, carrying into you Our Feeling of Dominion, of Illumination, and of the Miracle Control of all substance, and all energy for which you have called.
Then, My Dear Ones, the matter of the healing of the body, or the healing of the mind, or the illumination of the outer self, is but a continual flow into that energy of the Feeling from Our Great Octave of Life. If you will bring Our Feeling of that Love to Life into this World, just as surely as you call This forth into outer physical conditions, must the Cosmic Law flood you with the Feeling from the Great Central Sun that gives you the Blessings, and the Power and Assistance to express the Fulness of your Mastery.
Instruction by Beloved David Llyod, Volume 10, Discourse XV
Fearing problems:
The reason why problems become rampant, as it were, is because the problem or situation becomes charged with fear by the individual. This gives it a certain powerful activity. One should really strive for just the opposite activity by withdrawing all power from it. Fear is feeling, and feeling is always a vitalizing energy. There are two different kinds of feeling that vitalize tremendously, and these are fear and hate. Instead of giving power to a problem and thus vitalizing it, one should withdraw all sustaining energy and leave it helpless.
The fact of the matter is that all of these problems, so-called, are creations of the outer mind or of laws set up by mankind through the outer self. Through these human laws, people harass each other or try to compel one individual to do for another what he or she is apparently not able to do, because it is the outer, man-made laws acting instead of the Divine. If every individual would turn with all sincerity and ask God’s Love and Wisdom to direct him or her every moment and live it accordingly, in less than a year-possibly six months-there would not be a problem confronting mankind.
事实是,所有的所谓的问题,是外在心智的产物,或者说,是人类通过外在自我设定的规则。通过这些人类法则,人们之间互相干扰,或者强迫一个人为另一个人做他自己显然不可能完成的事情,因为这是外在的人造规则在运作,而非神圣法则。如果每个人可以真诚地转向内在的神性,并祈请神的爱与智慧在每时每刻给予他指导,并以此生活。在少于一年内 —— 可能是六个月 —— 那么人类就不会面临任何问题了。
When you want something fulfilled, it is well to affirm it; but it is also good to write it out and say, “God! the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! see that this is fulfilled!” If at any time you seem to have made a mistake, always take this stand and say that only good can come out of it. Know always that God directs your every decision with Wisdom and that you do decide quickly and correctly the Perfect Thing to do and then do it.
Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 4, DISCOURSE V