
“I AM” the Mighty Presence of Pure and Perfect Energy from the Heart of God, vitalizing and filling my mind and body with that Perfect Essence, causing Perfect Health to take place within it; causing it to be perfectly sustained by this “Mighty I AM Presence.” Any presence that comes before me to the contrary, I determinedly and with great power of certainty refuse to accept!
Take two or three minutes morning and evening, focus your attention upon the Heart Center, and accept Beauty, Youth, and Strength. You will have amazing results! Visualize a Crystal White Ray or Crystal Golden Ray of Light shooting like lightning from your Electronic Body into any organ of the physical body which is affected! See the organ relax from within itself, open up and release from within itself all substance that is unnecessary or discordantly qualified. See it ignite into Violet Flame and pass out of the body directly from that organ.
Do not enter sleep at night until you have forgiven every part of Life that has ever touched your Life Stream with imperfection or discord of any kind, and say to your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence”:
O “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence”! Take it all! Forgive it! Consume it! And put Your own Blazing Love in its place! Take me into the Heart of the Cosmic Light, so I cannot see anything but the Victorious Presence of Your Love! Take me deep, deep, deep into the Mightiest Love of all Creation; and there teach me what the Ascended Masters know about that Full Blazing Love of Thee, my “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.”
Decree 35 and 135, pages 35 and 44, “I AM” Decree Book 2:
For healing more quickly:
Whenever you visualize the Golden Light acting, qualify It with InfiniteIn telligence, and command these little workers to create and maintain Perfection in the mind and body. This adds a tremendous element to the Healing Activity, which is the natura action of this Golden Light. In the Light is an Intelligent Activity. When This is directed by the Conscious Command, It sets in motion tremendous Power of the Christ. Get the full realization of this fact at all times, so that you will know that this consciousness always acts according to your Demand. Instead of allowing these little workers in the body to accept destructive suggestions, by your Conscious Command you keep them obedient to their own natural perfect activity. Whenever you hold the vision on Healing, be sure to qualify it in this way with the Conscious Command.
By the use of the Conscious Command as the Christ, we transcend the Law of Growth. The Law of Growth is only in the outer activity. There was a time when birth came through the Power of the Inner Vision creating the full form as desired by the Masters within. This is the same Power that is used today by the Ascended Host who project forms for Their own use. The Ascended Beings at this time, unless a number of Activities are required at once, usually take Their own Body for the Work. If three or four activities are required at the same time, They project that many forms through which the Energy is to act.
The Law of Growth is only a concept of the human mind that accepts the limitation of and the concept of time. The Ascended Host can send or project a form just as easily as a thought. The instantaneous action of the desire creates the form by the thought -for Their Thought Creation is instantaneous. If you wish to project your thought to a distance, you have but to clothe it with your picture. To make a form tangible to the outer senses, it must be clothed in the atomic structure.
The transportation of a body by Levitation is a much lower action than the Dissolving and Reassembling of it at a distance. The latter is a much more rapid process. The manner of transporting the objects from the Temple at Mitla to the Royal Teton, was by the Disassembling Process. This was the Method used for all in the Retreat except the Portraits. In the case of the Portraits, We did not wish to interfere with the cohesive structure as it had been previously established, for reasons not explainable now. In passing through solid objects, things are disassembled and reassembled on the other side. In this way we keep the Inner blueprint intact and reassemble the article again according to that Perfect Pattern.
Discourse XXIII, Volume 4, Ascended Master Instruction