If you were to hold the Picture of the Upper Figure in the Chart, the Causal Body, just like the whole Picture lowered in and around your physical body, and ask your “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Seven Mighty Elohim to—as you hold that Picture—fill you and everything in your being and world with what your “Presence” and the Ascended Masters know, inside of you, prevents all wrong, you can free yourself in a very short time if you will practice this. It doesn’t take any struggle to set the habit and to use It…You can love to do it, and let that Love come into you and prevent all wrong.
把上面这张图刻印在脑海中,图中上半部分,是你的因果体(灵魂使用的身体),被包围着的较低部分,是你的物质身体。观想自己被自己的因果体这样包围着。呼请你的“伟大的我是临在”,以及七位伟大的埃洛希姆(Elohim)—— 当你这样观想的时候 —— 让“我是临在”和扬升大师的能量充满着你,充满着你所有的一切,以及你所在的环境之中,阻止一切不和谐的能量到来。如果你这么去练习,就会在很短的时间内让自己获得自由。养成这样的习惯,并练习这种方法,是件简单的事情…你会乐意这样去做,并且让爱来到你身边,阻止所有错误的到来。
Excerpt by Beloved Lord Maha Chohan, Discourse XX, Volume 19
Observe the Chart a moment, and see that Stream of Life and Energy coming in there and anchoring within your physical Heart. That Stream of Life contains all Intelligence, all Power, all Substance, all Life; but when That comes into your body and goes out into your world of action, It is compelled to be clothed with whatever feeling is in your feeling world! If that feeling is ugly, unkind, destructive, then that must carry that destructive quality into your world, because the Law of you, as a free being compels that Light to take on that quality. You cannot penetrate that Light with the quality; but you do clothe It with that which is in your feeling. That carries out into your world of action, and you must meet whatever was in your feeling as that comes forth.
That is why once the feeling is held harmonious long enough, then that requalification will discontinue. That Great and Mighty Energy from your “Presence” will flow forth and produce Its perfecting activity in your world of action, and do it with the Speed of Lightning, as you come to understand and call It forth, and qualify It by your Conscious Application with that great speed of accomplishment.
Excerpt by Beloved David Lloyd, Volume 10, Discourse III

Hold the picture, clear and powerful, of a Blazing Sun Presence of Violet Consuming Flame with the Heart of Gold in the center. Within the Heart, hold the picture, the mental image, of the Perfection you desire, and only Perfection. See this clearly, and enfold It in the feeling of Love and Peace from your own Heart Flame of Life. Then call the Limitless Invincible Legions of Ascended Master Miracle Friends, Defenders, and Protectors to come forth everywhere, and compel Ascended Master Perfection and Protection to manifest and be sealed around all under this Radiation, which means all that is constructive throughout the world.
“I AM” a Blazing, Dazzling Sun Presence of the Violet Consuming Flame, enveloping my physical body and those to whom I wish to give assistance!
I DEMAND the Cosmic Sun Presence of the Violet Consuming Flame’s concentrated Heart Power blaze in and around me, and compel everything in my being and world forever sealed in a Cosmic Sun Presence of the Heart Power and Cosmic Christ Control, everywhere forever!
“I AM” Decree Book 4
Every condition that goes out from your feeling world is compelled to return to you because you are its creator! If you want success in your business, if you want success in your home, love, happiness, and perfection, then you must pour out love and kindness. It does not make any difference what somebody else does. It is a matter of keeping your own feeling world harmonious enough until the Power of Light can flow through in greater intensification. Keep yourself harmonious so the Wisdom of Life can act and inspire and impel you not to follow the mistakes mankind has been subject to in the past. …
Without your Source of Life, the “Mighty I AM” as indicated there on that Chart, you would not be here. You could not lift your hand; you could not think a thought. That Source of Life is all you are. If you have made mistakes in wrongly qualifying or clothing Life by that feeling of discord, then you are responsible; you are to blame—but not Life. Don’t ever blame Life for anything! Life is Perfection! Life is Wisdom! Life is Power! If allowed to flow forth through your mind and body by harmonized action in your feelings, It will produce Perfection for you; and nothing in the World can prevent it!
若是没有你的生命之源,没有如图所示的“伟大的我是临在”,你就不会在这里,你无法举起你的手,你也想不出一个想法。那个生命之源就是你的全部。如果你因不和谐的感觉错误地限定或遮掩了生命而犯下了错误,那么你就要负责;你是罪魁祸首 —— 而不是生命。永远不要责怪生命!生命是完美!生命是智慧!生命是力量!如果你允许你情感中的和谐流经你的心智和身体,它将为你带来完美;世界上没有什么可以阻止它!
Instruction by Beloved Saint Germain from Volume 11, The “I AM” Discourses, Discourse X
Law of Life
It is very difficult for the average individual to understand that the quickest way to stop any kind of disturbance is to stop discussing it.
The thing in your own aura is the only thing that needs attention. The thing recorded in your atmosphere can only come through your feeling.
The spoken word, unless there is a sense of condemnation or anger back of it, will not record inharmony on your Inner atmosphere.
Of the two undesirable conditions, it is far better that one explode and get a thing off his mind than to hold the feeling within of resentment, or of being hurt, for that is what registers on your Inner Atmosphere.