Now, for just a few moments will you please still yourselves. Be at ease—at rest. Have no anxiety…Do not qualify any feeling that comes within your body with anything but the Perfection of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” for nothing can act but to glorify you. Therefore, in the fullness of your Infinite, Active Presence and Power, stand glorified in the Power of your “Presence”!
现在,拿出片刻的时间,让自己处于安静的状态。放松 —— 休息。没有任何焦虑…不要接受其他不能与你的“全能的我是临在”的完美相校准的任何感觉,你的“我是临在”会带给你荣耀。因此,让自己屹立在你的“我是临在”的荣耀、无限、积极和充实的力量之中。
In the Fullness of the Infinite Power of Light which is yours, cherish It! love It! adore It! and call It forth with the full consciousness that this Light which you are speaking to knows no opposition. It moves forward into action.
For your bodies, in harmonizing and healing: stand and raise your hands to your “Mighty I AM Presence” in the silence of your own room. As you call It forth, feel the Power of Light interpenetrate all; pouring in, through, and around each cell; charging your feeling world; sweeping out every imperfection, every pain—its cause, effect, and record; all distress from your mental and feeling world and your physical body. Sweep it out with the full Power of Light, that the Light may hold Its Dominion forever within your human form, as well as around it. Then, by the Power of Its ever-increasing Intensification, let Its Radiance flow out to bless all with which you come in contact. Try to feel this tonight, while you are held within this Radiance. Try to feel, Beloved Ones, the Power and Authority of Light!
让你的身体处于和谐与疗愈之中:在你安静的房间中,站立起来,双手举向你的“我是临在”。当你呼请它时,感受光的力量穿越一切;倾洒、穿越、包围着每个细胞;充满你的感觉;扫除每一个不完美、每一种痛苦 —— 它的诱因、导致的结果,以及痕迹;清理你的心智体、情绪体和物质身体中所有的痛苦。用圣光的全部力量清扫你的身体,这样圣光就可以在你的人类形态之中,以及周围的环境之中保持它的统治状态。然后,通过它不断增强的力量,让圣光不断散发出来,为你所接触的一切带来祝福。请在今晚试着去感受这一点,感受你被这光芒笼罩。亲爱的,试着去感受圣光的力量和权威!
Excerpts from the Great Divine Director’s Discourse, Volume 7, Ascended Master Light:
Law of Life
Out of the glorious fullness of God’s Omnipresent Light and Substance comes the fullness of all things.
The student who is strong enough—firm enough—to stand alone with his or her “Mighty I AM Presence,” never dividing for a single hour the Presence and Power of God, will find himself or herself steadily rising into that Mighty Perfection, forever free from all sense or recognition of any limitation. …
足够坚强、足够坚定的学生 —— 独自与他的“伟大的我是临在”站在一起,没有一个小时把注意力从神的临在和力量上拿走,会发现自己稳步地进入那个伟大的完美中,永远不受任何限制的感觉或认知…
Those who will hold steadfast enough to that Mighty Presence will find abundant proof coming into their experience of Its Limitless Power and Intelligence.
Beloved Students! Many Hands of the Ascended Host are extended to you to give Their Assistance when you can hold your undivided attention on the Active Presence of God in you, and stand there unyielding to the pull of all outer appearance.
“Truth is Mighty and does prevail.” May you feel Its Majestic Presence at all times.
Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 15, Volume 3
Law of Life
I wish each student to understand and feel deeply that the Great Ascended Masters and Myself stand ready to give every Assistance to the individual that the Law of his Being permits. The need of the students is always to stand firm and unyielding in the Presence until the outer human creation about them is dissolved—consumed; and then the Mighty Light, Wisdom and Power of the “Mighty I AM Presence” will flood their minds, Beings and worlds with this Glorious Radiance, filling them and their worlds with that harmony, happiness, and Perfection which every heart so much craves.
我希望每个学生都可以理解、并深刻地感受到,伟大的扬升大师和我本人,随时准备着在他自己存在法则许可的范围内给予每一种帮助。学生们需要做的,就是一直坚定地、不屈不挠地站在临在之中,直至他们周围外在人类自我的创造被溶解 —— 被转化;然后,“伟大的我是临在”的强大圣光、智慧和力量就会用这种荣耀之光填满他们的心智、他们的存在和他们所在的世界,让他们和他们的世界充满了每颗心都深深渴望的和谐、快乐、完美。
Thou Great Happiness—the Mighty Presence and Power which “I AM”! I qualify Thee to go forth in the hearts of mankind, anchoring there and filling their minds, bodies and homes, filling them with Thy Great Happiness.
您,伟大的幸福 —— 伟大的临在和力量,也就是“我是”!我让您进入人类的内心,永远停留在那里,充满他们的心智、他们的身体和他们的家庭,用您伟大的幸福把他们包围。
Open the door of their consciousness so that the Mighty Power which “I AM” can come forth in Full Perfection. O Mighty Presence! Hold the Children of Light, the Individualities of God, hold them close in Thy Embrace, letting Thy Quality flow forth in their command, filling them with Thy Great Peace. O Mighty Presence of Justice! Enter in and reign in all official places. Let the destructive intent of mankind be revealed, that it may be cast out and be consumed. Let the Fullness and Power of Thy Radiant Light enfold all, and Thy Glorious Transcendent Light fill all places.
Excerpt by Beloved Saint Germain from Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses