Law of Life

Let no one seeking the “Light” ever set himself up in judgment on another of God’s Children…Supposing someone we love very much seems to be going all awry. What is the first thing the outer would do? As a rule, to begin sitting in judgment and criticism. The most powerful thing that can and should be done for such an individual by everyone who knows anything of the circumstances is to pour out all their Love and to silently know:
“‘I AM,’ God in Action, is the only controlling Intelligence and Activity within this brother or sister.” To keep silently speaking to that one’s consciousness is the greatest help possible to be given.
Many times to remonstrate verbally with an individual sets up a condition of antagonism, intensifying rather than erasing the activity which the silent work would be absolutely certain to accomplish.
Excerpt from Discourse 9 by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 3
For the Groups to use for universal service:
“The Mighty Power of Divine Love and justice is now All powerfully operating in the minds and outer activity of every one of God’s Children in Chicago, New York, America, India, and China. Amenrica will again attain the Mighty Focus, or Spiritual Power that She once had. ” This Instruction comes from the Ascended Light, and They prefer that no individuality be considered.
Let each one meditate within himself, and then decide upon the particular Ascended Master to whom he wishes to direct his attention, and keep this a secret within his own Heart. The Highest of Attainment is always to look to the God within; and if you need help- assistance of any kind- call to One of the Arisen Host.
Ascended Master Instruction, DISCOURSE IV
The most important Service: The first and most important service of every human being should be his or her devotion to the Great Light.
The reason there are so many more masculine than feminine Masters in the physical octave, is because it is very much more difficult for the feminine to shut out the ever-present sense of curiosity, which comes from the fact that they constantly live more in the feeling element. Therefore, it requires a much firmer hand and much greater determination to govern that, than what the masculine has to contend with. This, however, must be completely governed by the feminine element before real, permanent progress will bless their efforts.
Occasionally there is one using a feminine body who, although delicate and refined, possesses enough of the positive masculine consciousness to govern the otherwise uncontrolled feeling. These individuals become great feminine Masters; and it is worth all the effort anyone using the feminine form can make, to attain it.
Before fifteen years have passed, you will find the World smaller than ever. Television and the right aerial transportation will make the World like a great audience chamber. It is much nearer than most people suspect. Things are steadily progressing. There are at least forty percent more settled, normal conditions in the business world than six months ago. That is a very great gain. The price of things will be maintained at a much more normal balance.
The stock market is a disgrace to humanity when in it, one man who wants revenge against another, has a certain means of gratifying it. The entire system of everything will be changed in such a manner that individuals will be protected; and the selfish element of the big fish wanting to swallow up the little ones, will have made them so sick that they will not wish to try it again.
I would suggest that you keep up the sending of Peace and Freedom to all humanity; for where there are sincere individuals, it can be utilized to very great advantage. You cannot come into contact with the Radiation of these Great Ones and not have these things manifest.
Discourse XX, Volume 4, Ascended Master Instruction