June has been a month full of varied energy. Sometimes, there are unexpected openings into the New Reality that are completely astounding. It’s only a feeling – not even more than a glimpse – but even though I thought that I was familiar with it, the New Reality feels surprisingly NEW! It’s absolutely indescribable. Then before we can define it or grab onto these COMPLETELY NEW energies, they disappear.
过去的一个月充满了各种能量状态。有的时候,进入新实相的开口会突然间向我们敞开,让我们感到震惊。这不仅仅是一种感觉 —— 不仅仅是一睹新实相的风采 —— 即便我认为自己对新实相的感觉会很熟悉,但是这种感觉的出现还是让人难以形容,令人惊讶的新颖!然后,在我们可以定义或者抓住这些全新的能量之前,它们消失了。
After a few experiences of this, these fresh new energies seem to go away and we are left in a place that feels like boring flatness ~ a Nowhere Land. But after several days, the fog lifts and the sunshine bursts through.
反复经历过几次这样的感觉后,这种新鲜的能力感觉似乎消失了,我们被留在一个感觉起来比较无聊的地方 ~ 一个无处可去的地方。但是几天过后,雾气退却,阳光普照。
Yet because we’ve experienced a NEW Reality beyond anything we have ever known, there is the sense that something vital is now missing. But we can feel that it’s not far away. It’s tantalizingly close, but just beyond our present level of perception.
Another unusual thing that some of us are experiencing is a strong sense of detachment from much that is around us. Yes, we know that all the quarantines and social distancing of the past few years broke us away from our usual patterns of activities, but this is more than that. We no longer want to go anywhere, do anything or be around many people. We feel tired much of the time, but it’s more than just a lack of energy.
If we look at this from a duality-based perception, we could easily say that this is a “bad” thing. Why can’t we function like we did before? Why are we no longer excited by our previous pursuits? But perhaps this is all part of detaching from duality and merging into the Timeless True Worlds. Or maybe this is what happens when duality fades away when we live on the New Timeline?
For me, my home is a constant source of nourishment and inspiration and I really love being here, but I have little desire to go anywhere else. I can enjoy going out for a meal or visiting friends, but as soon as I return home, I am completely exhausted and have to lie down for a few hours. I would love to know if anyone else is experiencing this.

June and July are months in which we can turn our attention to doing some much needed maintenance ~ both in our home environment and related to our health. These are personal projects that have been put off and shoved aside for some time. Things like getting much needed dental work or making repairs to our home environment that we have postponed for too long.
All of this is for the purpose of strengthening our new foundation. We need a solid foundation upon which to build our True Lives. That’s why we have this time of Ho’o Pono Pono or Making Things Right. And actually, getting these things done feels like a great accomplishment!
所有的这些都是为了巩固我们的新基石。我们需要一个坚实的基础来建立我们真实的生活。这就是为什么这个时间是Ho’o Pono Pono(让事情步入正轨)的时间。事实上,完成这些事情的感觉,就像完成了一个伟大的壮举!
Now that the world has opened up a bit and there’s a temporary dimming of the weirdness, there’s a big temptation to start making plans for the future. To our still unsettled and somewhat wary beings, making plans feels like we are creating a sense of stability.
The main problem with making plans for the future, is that we are still in the midst of deep transformation. Everything, inside and out, is changing tremendously. Things that we long believed to be true are turning inside out and new truths are being revealed. New energies that we have never experienced before are streaming in. If we make plans for next year, will we still be the same person we are right now? Will we still want to do the things that we have already mastered or will there be something completely fresh and new that we really want to do? Most likely we will prefer to do something new that resonates with our newly transformed being.
Please don’t be fooled into the belief that we are living in a “normal’ world. We most definitely are not!
It’s much better to keep our schedules as open and flexible as possible. There are some wondrous, unexpected opportunities coming our way that we can’t see right now. If we’re tightly scheduled, we won’t be able to do them. These are important opportunities coming from a completely new level that we will really want to do.
Right now, we have an unprecedented opportunity to totally recreate our lives on a much truer level. We can continue writing yet another chapter in our tired old Book of Life or we can finally set it aside and start writing our eternal True Story in a totally new book.
We can stop listening to our Ur-Fear Knot and start living True Lives in a place that truly nourishes us ~ where our heart sings. We can do the things that we are really meant to do here while making the world a better place.
我们可以选择拒绝听从恐惧的声音,开始在一个真正滋养我们的地方开启新的生活 ~ 在那里,我们的心在歌唱。我们可以做我们真正应该来到地球做的事情,同时,让这里变成一个更加美好的地方。
Are you ready to finally step away from duality’s sticky old web of all the things we are “supposed to do” and live a True Life as a Timeless True One? The choice is up to you! The door is wide open! But it won’t be open forever. The Time is Now!