This series of books is dedicated in deepest, Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Master, Saint Germain, the Great White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, and those other Ascended Masters whose loving help has been direct and without limit.
THE time has arrived, when the Great Wisdom, held and guarded for many centuries in the Far East, is now to come forth in America, at the command of those Great Ascended Masters who direct and protect the evolution of mankind upon this earth.
The Great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, throughout this series of books, is one of those Powerful Emissaries from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who govern this planet.
He is the same Great Masterful “Presence” who worked at the Court of France previousto and during the French Revolution and whose advice, if it had been heeded, would havesaved great suffering. It was because of his Transcendently Divine Power that he wasreferred to at that time as “Der Wundermann” of Europe. He is indissolubly linked with America past, present, and future for a very important part of his work upon this earth is the purifying, protecting, and illumining of the people of America that she may be the Carrier of the Cup of “Light” to the nations of the earth in the Golden Age that is opening before us.
America’s very freedom in the beginning of her existence was due largely to his tireless efforts in protecting and encouraging those responsible for her inception. The drafting of the Declaration of Independence was also a direct result of his help and influence, and it was his love, protection, and guidance which sustained Washington and Lincoln during the darkest hours of their lives.
This Beloved Brother of humanity, who works untiringly for its Light and Freedom, is even now during the present hour in America working in the world of governmental affairs and bringing about certain beneficial changes that will bless her and through her the world. Not for many years ahead, will the people of America and the earth know how much of their good they owe to this Great Ascended Master to whom it is impossible to do full justice, except in deepest love, obedience, and service to the Ideal for which he stands and ceaselessly labors.
This intimate knowledge of his activities in our country makes possible a feeling of close contact and love for him that becomes a living tangible force in the life of the reader.
The radiation of this book is such as can only be given by an Ascended Master who in this case is the Great Beloved “Bearer of the Light,” Saint Germain.
IT WAS through Saint Germain’s assistance that I was privileged to have the experiences recorded in this series of books, and that permission has been granted for them to be put in a form which can be given to the public. No one can realize, unless he too has had similar assistance, how great and eternal is my love and gratitude to him and those other Ascended Masters, whose assistance I had.
With the exception of Saint Germain, the real names of the Ascended Masters, exact locations, records, and treasure herein described are withheld intentionally at his command, for reasons that are obvious because only by the Service of Love and invitation from the Ascended Masters is the right earned to be with them in visible, tangible, living, breathing bodies. Any other way of approach is bound to meet with disappointment and failure, for the Great “Presence” and Power which has guarded through the centuries, guards them still.
One’s own Inner purity, strength, and attainment are the only passports by which one enters into these activities, and association with the Ascended Masters comes about. When an individual, by conscious self-correction of his weaknesses, reaches a certain point, nothing in the universe can keep him from them.
In America is one of the most Ancient Foci of the Great White Brotherhood which has been working for man’s freedom since his advent upon this planet. Some of the activities within this retreat are revealed to the reader that he may, if he be ready, make conscious contact, through his own Inner Light, with the Greater Light pouring out through this powerful center of God-radiation, and thereby drink once again at the Fountain of the Ancient Wisdom and carry the Crystal Cup of Peace, Love, and Strength to his weary brothers.
The purpose of putting this book into the hands of the public is to convey to the individual the encouragement and strength that will lift and sustain him through the transition period we are now in, and reveal something of the sane and sound foundation upon which the future of our country and the coming age is this hour being built.
This book is written in the embrace of the majestic, towering presence of Mount Shasta, whose apex is robed forever in that pure, glistening white, the symbol of the “Light of Eternity.” Its pages are a record of the way by which I was brought in touch with the Beloved Master, Saint Germain, and those other Great Ascended Masters who labor ceaselessly to assist the humanity of this earth, as it struggles on the path to Peace, Love, Light, and Everlasting Perfection.
I, whose experience it was, held steadfastly to a great dominant desire from Within to see, to hear, and to know, infallibly, the Truth of Life. I was led step by step to realize and accept the Mighty God “Presence” within my own Being—the “Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world”—the “Christ.” A way to make contact with the Christ— “Light,” Its All-Knowing Omnipresence, and Unerring Activity was revealed to me, and I give it to the reader in these pages.
我的内心之中有一种强烈地想要真正地看到、听到、知道生命的真相,在我的经历中,我一直坚定着这份信念。在一步步的带领之下,我意识并接受了我自己存在之中的伟大的神之“临在” —— 这是“照亮每一个来到这个世界的人的圣光”—— “基督之光”。一种与基督 ——“圣光”、这种无所不知的全然临在和完美的活动建立连接的方法被揭示给我。我会在接下来的内容中展示给读者。
I can record only a part of the events that took place and the instruction I received. One by one, my great desires have been fulfilled because those desires were unselfish. My quest for Truth and Happiness has been long and steady but I have found both, and no human being can take them from me because they are Eternal and come from my own Great God Self.
In presenting this experience, it is with the deepest prayer that the reader may receive the “Light,” be blest and prospered on his way as he walks the Path of Truth, in which alone can permanent Happiness be found. There and there only will the seeker after “Light” find Eternal Peace and Activity in the Service of Love. If my present effort in sending these Books forth into the world can carry some of the Love, Light, and Happiness I have received to those of earth who also have been seeking the “Light,” I shall have been amply rewarded.
The saying that “Truth is stranger than fiction,” applies to this Book. It is for the reader to accept or reject as he chooses, but the Ascended Masters whose help I have received, have said to me often: “The more humanity can accept Our Presence, the wider it opens the door for Us to pour greater and greater help to them; but the rejection of Us by those who do not agree with this Truth does not remove Us or change Its Activity in the Universe.
Those who do accept the Truth herein recorded will find a new and powerful “Force” entering their lives. Each copy carries with it this Mighty Presence, Its Radiation and Sustaining Power. All who study these pages honestly, deeply, sincerely, and persistently, will know and make contact with the Reality of that Presence and Power. To those who read this Work, I wish to say that these experiences are as real and true as mankind’s existence on this earth today, and that they all occurred during August, September, and October of 1930, upon Mount Shasta, California, U.S.A.
MOUNT SHASTA stood out boldly against the western sky, surrounded at its base by a growth of pine and fir trees that made it look like a jewel of diamond shining whiteness held in a filigree setting of green. Its snow covered peaks glistened and changed color from moment to moment, as the shadows lengthened in the sun’s descent toward the horizon.
Rumor said there was a group of men, Divine men in Fact, called the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, who formed a branch of the Great White Lodge, and that this Focus from very ancient times had continued unbroken down to the present day.
I had been sent on government business to a little town situated at the foot of the mountain, and while thus engaged occupied my leisure time trying to unravel this rumor concerning The Brotherhood. I knew, through travels in the Far East, that most rumors, myths, and legends have, somewhere as their origin, a deep underlying Truth that usually remains unrecognized by all but those who are Real students of life.
I fell in love with Shasta and each morning, almost involuntarily, saluted the Spirit of the Mountain and the Members of the Order. I sensed something very unusual about the entire locality and, in the light of the experiences that followed, I do not wonder that some of them cast their shadows before.
Long hikes on the trail had become my habit, whenever I wanted to think things out alone or make decisions of serious import. Here, on this great giant of nature, I found recreation, inspiration, and peace that soothed my soul and invigorated mind and body.
I had planned such a hike for pleasure as I thought, to spend some time deep in the heart of the mountain, when the following experience entered my life to change if so completely that I could almost believe I was on another planet—but for my return to the usual routine in which I had been engaged for months.
我根据自己的想法计划了这样一个徒步旅行,在雪士达山的深处度过一段时间。当以下的经历来到我的生命之中时,我的生命轨迹发生了完全的改变,我甚至都认为自己居住在了另一颗星球上 —— 如果不是我要回到几个月以来一直从事的那些事务之中的话。
The morning in question, I started out at daybreak deciding to follow where fancy led, and in a vague sort of way, asked God to direct my path. By noon, I had climbed high up on the side of the mountain where the view to the south was beautiful as a dream.
As the day advanced, it grew very warm and I stopped frequently to rest and enjoy to the full the remarkable stretch of country around the McCloud River, Valley, and town. It came time for lunch, and I sought a mountain spring for clear, cold water. Cup in hand, I bent down to fill it as an electrical current passed through my body from head to foot.
I looked around, and directly behind me stood a young man who, at first glance, seemed to be someone on a hike like myself. I looked more closely, and realized immediately that he was no ordinary person. As this thought passed through my mind, he smiled and addressed me saying:
“My Brother, if you will hand me your cup, I will give you a much more refreshing drink than spring water.” I obeyed, and instantly the cup was filled with a creamy liquid. Handing it back to me, he said:
“Drink it.”
I did so and must have looked my astonishment for, while the taste was delicious, the electrical vivifying effect in my mind and body made me gasp with surprise. I did not see him put anything into the cup, and I wondered what was happening.
“That which you drank,” he explained, “comes directly from the Universal Supply, pure and vivifying as Life Itself, in fact it is Life—Omnipresent Life—for it exists everywhere about us. It is subject to our conscious control and direction, willingly obedient, when we Love enough, because all the Universe obeys the behest of Love. Whatsoever I desire manifests itself, when I command in Love. I held out the cup, and that which I desired for you appeared.
“你喝的东西,”他解释说,“直接来自宇宙的供应,就像生命本身一样纯净且充满活力,事实上,它就是生命 —— 无所不在的生命 —— 因为它存在于我们周围的一切地方。当我们拥有足够的爱时,它受制于我们意识的控制和指引,心甘情愿地去服从。因为整个宇宙都服从爱的要求。当我在爱中发出要求时,我想要的一切都会显化出来。我举起杯子,我想要为你显化的东西就出现了。”
“See! I have but to hold out my hand and, if I wish to use gold—gold is here.” Instantly, there lay in his palm a disc about the size of a ten dollar gold piece. Again he continued:
“看!我只要伸出手,如果我想要使用金子 —— 金子就在这里。”瞬间,他的手掌中多了一个十美金硬币大小的金盘。他继续说:
“I see within you a certain Inner understanding of the Great Law but you are not outwardly aware of It enough to produce that which you desire direct from the Omnipresent Universal Supply. You have desired to see something of this kind so intensely, so honestly, and so determinedly, it could no longer be withheld from you.
“However, precipitation is one of the least important activities of the Great Truth of Being. If your desire had not been free from selfishness and the fascination of phenomena, such an experience could not have come to you. When leaving home this morning, you thought you were coming on a hike, that is, so far as the outer activity of your mind was concerned. In the deeper—larger sense—you were really following the urge of your Inner God Self that led to the person, place, and condition wherein your most intense desire could be fulfilled.
“不过,对于沉降来说,这是伟大存在真理的最不重要的活动之一。如果你的心愿没有摆脱自私,没有摆脱对表面现象的迷恋,这样的体验就不会来到你身边。今天早晨当你离开住所的时候,你想的是要去远足,也就是说,你心智思考的外部活动是如此。在更深 —— 更大层面的意义上 —— 你实际上是在追随你内在的神之自我的冲动,把你带到可以满足你最强烈心愿的人、地点以及条件之中。”
“The Truth of Life is you cannot desire that which is not possible of manifestation somewhere in the universe. The more intense the feeling within the desire, the more quickly it will be attained. However, if one is foolish enough to desire something that will injure another of God’s children or any other part of His Creation, then that person will pay the penalty in discord and failure somewhere in his own Life’s experience.
“It is very important to realize fully that God’s intent for every one of His children is abundance of every good and perfect thing. He created Perfection and endowed His children with exactly the same power. They can create and maintain Perfection also and express God—dominion over the earth and all that is therein. Mankind was originally created in the Image: and Likeness of God. The only reason all do not manifest This dominion is because they do not use their Divine Authority—that with which each individual is endowed and by which he is intended to govern his world. Thus, they are not obeying the Law of Love by pouring out peace and blessing to all creation.
“重要的是要完全意识到,神对他的每一个孩子的意图是拥有所有的丰盛和完美。他创造了完美,并赋予他的孩子完全相同的能力。这样他们也可以创造并保持完美,并表达神 —— 掌管地球以及其中的一切。人类最初是按照这样的形象创造的:神的形象。之所以没有人表达出这种统辖权的唯一原因,是因为人们不去使用他们的神圣权威 —— 每个人被赋予的权力,也是要使用这种权力来掌管他所在的世界。因此,人们没有遵守爱之法则,没有把爱与祝福带到所有的造物之中。”
“This comes about through their failure to accept and acknowledge themselves—Temples of the Most High Living God—and to hold this acknowledgment with eternal recognition. Humanity—in its present seeming limitation of time, space, and activity—is in the same condition a person in need would be to whom some one held out a handful of money. If the needing one did not step forward and accept the money held out to him—how in the world could he ever have the benefit—which it could bring.
“这是因为他们不能接纳和认可自己 —— 他们是活生生的至高的神者 —— 他们也没有把这种认可带入永恒的接纳之中。人类 —— 目前看上去受制于时间、空间和活动的限制 —— 他们跟一个需要帮助的人处于同样的状况中,另一个人向他提供了一笔钱。如果需要钱的人不走出来接受这部分提供给他的钱 —— 他怎么可能得到帮助 —— 这笔钱带来的帮助。”
“The mass of mankind is in exactly this state of consciousness today—and will continue in it—until they accept the God within their hearts as—the Owner—Giver—and Doer— of all the Good—that has ever come into their lives and world.
“现在的人类正是处于这种意识状态之中 —— 还会继续保持这种状态 —— 直至他们接受了他们心中的神是来到他们生命和世界中 —— 所有美好一切的 —— 所有者 —— 给与者 —— 执行者。”
“The personal self of every individual must acknowledge completely and unconditionally that the human or outer activity of consciousness—has absolutely—nothing—of its own. Even the energy—by which one recognizes the Great God Within—is radiated into the personal self—by the Great God Self.
“每个个体的人类自我必须完全和无条件地承认,人类或者外在的意识活动 —— 完全没有 —— 属于人类自我的东西。甚至能量 —— 人们通过能量认识出他们内在伟大的神 —— 也是通过每个人的伟大神之自我 —— 照耀进入人格自我之中。”
“Love and praise—of That Great Self Within—and the attention maintained focused upon Truth—health—freedom—peace—supply—or any other thing that you may desire for a right use—persistently held in your conscious thought and feeling—will bring them into your use and world—as surely as there is a Great Law of Magnetic Attraction in the Universe.
“对内在伟大的神之自我的 —— 爱与赞美 —— 以及持续地把注意力放在真理 —— 健康 —— 自由 —— 和平 —— 供应 —— 或者其他任何你渴求的用于正当使用目的的 —— 把这些持续地保持在自己有意识的想法和感觉之中 —— 这样会让它们为你所用,并带入到你的世界中 —— 因为宇宙中存在着伟大的磁性吸引力法则,这一定会实现。”
“The Eternal Law of Life is that—’Whatever you think and feel you bring into form; where your thought is there you are—for you are your consciousness; and whatever you meditate upon—you become.’
“生命的永恒法则是 —— 不论你的想法和感觉是什么,你都会把它们显化出来;你的思想在哪里,你就在哪里 —— 因为你是你的意识;不论你思考什么 —— 你就会成为那样。”
“When one allows his mind to dwell upon thoughts of hate—condemnation—lust—envy—jealousy—criticism—fear—doubt—or suspicion—and allows these feelings of irritation to generate within him—he will certainly have discord, failure and disaster in his mind, body and world. As long as he persists in allowing his attention to be held by such thoughts—whether they be about nations—persons—places—conditions—or things—he is absorbing those activities into the substance of his mind, his body, and his affairs—in fact he is compelling—forcing— them into his experience.
“如果一个人允许他的心智驻留在这样的思想中 —— 仇恨 —— 谴责 —— 贪婪 —— 嫉妒 —— 评判 —— 恐惧 —— 疑虑 —— 怀疑,并允许这些刺激在他体内产生对应的感觉 —— 他的思想、身体和所在的世界之中肯定会有不和谐、失败和灾难。只要他一直把注意力集中在这些想法上 —— 不论是有关国家 —— 个人 —— 地点 —— 状况 —— 或者事物 —— 他都会吸收这些活动进入他的思想、他的身体和他的生活中 —— 事实上他是在强迫 —— 促使 —— 它们进入他的体验中。”
“All these discordant activities reach the individual and his world—through his thought and feeling. Feeling often flashes before one is aware of the thought—in the outer consciousness—which he might use to control it, and this kind of experience should teach him—how great is the energy within his many creations—which has accumulated through habit.
“所有这些不和谐的活动来到这个人身边和他所在的世界 —— 通过他的想法和感觉。感觉通常是在一个人 —— 于外在意识中 —— 了解某个想法之前闪现 —— 他或许会使用意识来进行控制,这种体验应该教会他 —— 在他众多的创造之中拥有着多么巨大的能量 —— 通过习惯积累而来。”
“The feeling activity of Life is the most unguarded point—of human consciousness. It is the accumulative energy by which thoughts are propelled into the atomic substance, and thus—do thoughts become things. I tell you—the need of guarding the feeling cannot be emphasized too strongly for control of the emotions plays the most important part of anything in Life, in maintaining—balance in the mind—health in the body-success and accomplishment in the affairs and world of the personal self of every individual.
“生命的感觉活动是 —— 人类意识中 —— 最没有防备的地方。思想通过这种积累的能量可以被推动进入原子物质中,这样 —— 思想的确变成了实物。我来告诉你 —— 保护感觉的需要怎么强调都不为过,因为控制情绪是生命中最重要的部分,从而保持 —— 思想的平衡 —— 身体的健康 —— 每个人的人格自我世界和事务中的成功和成就。”
Thoughts can never become things—until they are clothed with feeling.
想法永远不会变成实物 —— 直至它们穿上了感觉的外衣。
“The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is the feeling side of Life—God—the Activity of Divine Love—or the Mother Expression of Deity. This is why the sin against the Holy Ghost is referred to—as that which brings such great distress—because any discord in the feeling breaks the Law of Love—which is the Law of Balance—Harmony—and Perfection.
“圣灵/神圣的灵性是生命的感受面 —— 神 —— 神圣之爱的活动表达 —— 或者说是神圣母性面向的表达。这就是为什么那些对抗圣灵的罪行被认为是 —— 带来巨大痛苦 —— 因为感觉中的任何不和谐都会破坏爱之法则 —— 这是平衡 —— 和谐 —— 完美的法则。”
“The greatest crime in the Universe against the Law of Love is humanity’s almost ceaseless sending forth—of every kind of irritable and destructive feeling.
“宇宙之中与爱之法则相悖的最大罪行,就是人类几乎无休止地向外散发出 —— 各种烦躁和破坏性的感觉。”
“One day the race will come to realize and recognize—that the sinister destructive forces manifesting on this earth and in its atmosphere—generated mark you by human thought and feeling—have only entered the affairs of individuals or nations—through the lack of control in the emotions—of everyone’s—daily personal experience. Even destructive thoughts—cannot express themselves as action, events, or become physical things—except by passing through the world of feeling; for it is in this phase of manifestation—that the activity of coalescing the physical atom upon thought forms takes place.
“有朝一日,人类种族会意识到并且承认 —— 地球之上和大气层中出现的那些邪恶的破坏性力量 —— 是由人类的想法和情感产生的 —— 只是因为个人在日常生活中缺乏对情感的自我控制 —— 才进入了个人或者国家的事务之中。除非通过感觉世界 —— 否则那些破坏性的思想 —— 根本无法在行动、事情之中表达自己,甚至进入物质层面;因为在显化的这个阶段 —— 物质原子结合到思想形态上的活动才会发生。”
“As the noise from a sudden explosion shocks the nervous system of one who hears it—setting up a trembling sensation in the cellular structure of the body—in exactly the same way—do the flares of irritated feeling shock—disturb—and disarrange the finer substance in the atomic structure of the mind, body, and world of the person who sends them out—consciously or unconsciously—intentionally or unintentionally.
“就像突然爆炸产生的噪音会震惊到听到噪音者的神经系统 —— 它会给身体的细胞结构带来一种颤抖的感受 —— 愤怒时所产生的感觉颤抖 —— 以完全相同的方式 —— 扰乱 —— 并干扰那个人的思想、身体和他所在的世界 —— 不论是有意识还是无意识的 —— 不论是故意还是无意的。”
“Discordant feeling is the producer of conditions we call disintegration—old age—lack of memory—and every other failure—in the world of human experience. The effect upon the body structure is the same as that produced upon a building—if the mortar holding the bricks together were to receive repeated shocks, and each day those were to be increased. This continued shock would shake apart the particles composing the mortar—the building would collapse into a chaotic mass—and the form be no more.
“在人类所体验的世界中,不和谐的感觉会产生这些状况,我们称之为瓦解 —— 衰老 —— 记忆缺失 —— 以及每一种失败。这些感觉对身体结构的影响与对建筑物产生的影响相同 —— 如果把砖石附着在一起的砂浆一直受到反复的冲击,每一天这种冲击感都在加重。那么这种持续的冲击会震动构成砂浆的颗粒 —— 建筑物将会坍塌成一团混乱的物质 —— 形态将不复存在。”
“That is what mankind is—constantly—doing to the atomic structure of the human body.
“这就是人类 —— 持续地 —— 对人体的原子结构所做的事情。”
“To give expression to the discordant thoughts and feelings in one’s self is the course of least resistance, and the habitual activity of the undeveloped—undisciplined—and wilful individual—who refuses to understand the ‘Law of his own Being’ and bring the personal self—which is but his instrument of expression—into obedience to ‘That Law.’
“把一个人内心不和谐的想法和感受表达出来,是沿着阻力最小的那条路径,也是那些尚未进化的 —— 不自律的 —— 人性的个体的 —— 习惯性表达。他们拒绝去理解‘自己存在的法则’,也拒绝把他的个人自我 —— 也就是他表达的工具 —— 带入服从‘那条法则’。”
“He—who cannot or will not control his thoughts and feelings—is in a bad way—for every door of his consciousness is wide open to the disintegrating activities—thrown off by other minds and the emotions of other personalities. It takes neither strength, wisdom nor training to give way to unkind, destructive impulses, and the full-grown human beings who do this are but children—in their development of self-control.
“他 —— 不能、也不愿意去控制自己的想法和情感 —— 处于一种糟糕的状态 —— 因为他意识的每一扇门都对瓦解性的活动保持敞开 —— 那些被其他人格的心智和情绪所丢弃的活动。对这种不友好的破坏性能量做出让步,既不需要力量,也不需要智慧,更不需要自律,这样去做的成年人还处于孩童阶段 —— 就其自我控制的发展而言。”
“It is a blight upon the Life of mankind that so little control of the emotions is taught humanity from the cradle to the grave. Attention to this particular point is the greatest need—in the Western world today. It is easy to give way to discordant thoughts, feelings, and activities to be sure—because the mass of mankind are submerged as it were—by environment and association entirely created by themselves.
“从摇篮到坟墓,人类对情绪的控制少之又少,这对人类的生活来说是一种灾难。注意到这一点是当今西方世界最为需要的。很容易对不和谐的想法、情感和行为做出让步,这是肯定的 —— 因为人类大众沉浸在 —— 完全由自己创造的环境和状况之中。”
“The individual—through his control of the outer consciousness—must make the effort to rise out of this condition by his own free will—in order to transcend these limitations—permanently—and no one can hope to rid his life and world of misery, discord, and destruction—until he leashes his own thought and feeling. In this way—he refuses to let the Life—flowing through his mind and body—become qualified by the discord—resulting from every little disturbing occurrence in the world about him.
“个体 —— 通过对外在意识的控制 —— 必须努力通过自己的自由意志来超越这种状态—— 永久性地超越这些障碍 —— 没有人可以指望他的生活和世界摆脱掉痛苦、不和谐与毁灭 —— 直至他学会束缚自己的想法和情感。通过这种方式 —— 他拒绝让流经他心智和身体的生命能量流 —— 经受不和谐的污染 —— 这些不和谐来自世界上每一件令人不安的小状况。”
“At first—such discipline does require determined, continuous effort—for the thoughts and feelings—of ninety-five per cent of humanity—run as uncontrolled and free—as a little tramp dog.
“最初 —— 这样的自律需要坚定且持续地努力 —— 因为人类95%的想法和情感 —— 是不受限制和控制的 —— 就像一条小流浪狗那样。”
“However—no matter how much effort it takes to bring these two activities under control—it is worth any amount of time and energy expended—and no Real—Permanent—Dominion—of one’s Life and world can take place without it. It will be my pleasure and privilege to teach you the use of these Higher Laws, and their application will enable you to release True Wisdom and bring about All Perfection.
“然而 —— 不论花多少努力来控制这两项活动 —— 花费多少时间和精力都是值得的 —— 没有它 —— 一个人对生命和世界的 —— 真正 —— 永久性的 —— 统领 —— 就不可能发生。教导你如何使用这些高等法则是我的荣耀和荣幸,使用这些法则会给你带来真正的智慧,以及一切完美。”
“The first step to the control of yourself—is the stilling of all outer activity—of both mind and body. Fifteen to thirty minutes—at night before retiring and in the morning before beginning the day’s work—using the following exercise—will do wonders for anyone—who will make the necessary effort.
“控制自己的第一步 —— 就是停止所有的外部活动 —— 心智和身体的。晚上睡觉前和每天早晨开始一天的工作之前 —— 用15至30分钟 —— 进行以下的练习 —— 会给每个人带来奇迹 —— 那些做出必要努力的人。”
“For the second step:—make certain of being undisturbed, and after becoming very still—picture and feel your body enveloped in a Dazzling White Light. The first five minutes—while holding this picture—recognize—and feel intensely—the connection between the outer self and Your Mighty God Within—focusing your attention upon the heart center—and visualizing it—as a Golden Sun.
“第二步:—— 确保不受干扰,在变得非常静止之后 —— 观想并且感受自己的身体被耀眼的白光所笼罩。在前五分钟 —— 观想这个画面的同时 —— 识别 —— 并强烈地感受到 —— 外在的自我和你内在全能的神性 —— 把你的注意力集中在心轮 —— 并观想它 —— 成为一颗金色的太阳。”
“The next step is the acknowledgment:—’I now joyously accept—the Fulness of the Mighty God Presence—the Pure Christ.’ Feel—the Great Brilliancy of the ‘Light’ and intensify It—in every cell of your body for at least ten minutes longer.
“下一步就是认可 —— ‘我现在欣然并且完全地接受 —— 伟大的我是临在 —— 纯粹的基督意识’。感受 —— ‘圣光’的强大光芒,并加强它 —— 感受你身体的每个细胞被这种光芒照耀,至少持续十分钟的时间。”
“Then close the meditation by the command:—I am a Child of the ‘Light’—I Love the ‘Light’—I Serve the ‘Light’—I Live in the ‘Light’—I am Protected, Illumined, Supplied, Sustained by the ‘Light,’ and I Bless the ‘Light’.
“然后,通过以下的命令来结束冥想:—— 我是‘圣光’的孩子 —— 我热爱‘圣光’ —— 我为‘圣光’服务 —— 我活在‘圣光’之中 —— 我受到‘圣光’的保护、照耀、供应和加持,我祝福‘圣光’。”
“Remember always—’One becomes—that—upon which he meditates’—and since all things have come forth from the ‘Light’—’Light’—is the Supreme Perfection—and Control—of all things.
“要永远记得 —— ‘一个人会成为 —— 他冥想中 —— 所是’ —— 因为所有的事物都是来自‘圣光’ —— ‘圣光’是所有事物中至高无上的完美和 —— 掌控。”
“Contemplation and adoration of the ‘Light’ compels Illumination to take place in the mind—health, strength, and order to come into the body—and peace, harmony, and success to manifest in the affairs of every individual—who will really do it, and seeks to maintain it.
“对‘圣光’的沉思和尊崇会让心智的开悟发生 —— 健康、力量和秩序进入身体 —— 和平、和谐和成功显化在个人的事务之中 —— 这是对真正去这样做、并且持续维护它的人而言的。”
“All the way down the centuries—in every age, under every condition—we are told by all who have expressed the greater accomplishments of Life that—the ‘Light’ is Supreme—the ‘Light’ is everywhere—and in the ‘Light’—exist all things.
“几个世纪以来 —— 每个时代,每一种状况中 —— 我们被告知,那些表达出生命中较为伟大成就的人都在告诉我们 —— ‘圣光’是至高无上的 —— ‘圣光’无处不在 —— 在‘圣光’之中 —— 存在着万物”。
“That Truth is just as true today as it was a million years ago. As far back as there is any record of humanity, the Wise and Great Ones of all ages are portrayed with a radiation of ‘Light’ about them—emanating from the head and body itself.
“在今天,这个真理跟在一百万年之前一样真实。早在存在人类记录的时候,所有时代的智者和伟人都被描绘成,他们被‘圣光’的光环笼罩着 —— 这光是从头部和身体本身发出的。”
“This ‘Light’ is Real—just as Real as the electric lights in your homes. The day is not far distant—when machines will be constructed to reveal the emanation of—’Light’ about every individual—to the physical sight of any one—who cares to observe it. Such a machine—will also show the contamination—or discoloration—that becomes a cloud around the—’Light’ of God—which the personal self generates—through discordant thought and feeling. This—and this only—is the way by which the energy—of the Great Life Stream—becomes polluted.
“这‘圣光’是真实存在的,就像你家中的电灯一样真实。这一天不远了 —— 那时会制造某种设备 —— 向那些想要看到这道光的 —— 人类的肉眼揭示 —— 每个人都散发着‘圣光’。这样的设备 —— 也会显示出那些污染 —— 或者扭曲 —— 是围绕着神之‘光’的乌云 —— 它由人格自我 —— 通过不和谐的想法和感觉 —— 产生。这 —— 也是唯一的 —— 给伟大的生命能量流带来污染的方式。”
“If you will practice this exercise faithfully and—feel it in every atom of your mind and body—with deep, deep intensity—you will receive abundant proof—of the Tremendous Activity, Power, and Perfection—that abides and is forever active—within the ‘Light.’ When you have experienced this—for even a short time—you will need no further proof. You become your own proof. The ‘Light’ is—The Kingdom. Enter into It and BE—at peace. Return to the Father’s house. After the first ten days of using—this exercise—it is well to do it three times a day—morning, noon, and night.
“如果你笃定地进行这个练习 —— 同时用你心智和身体的每一个原子去感受它的存在 —— 用深沉的强度去感受 —— 你会得到充足的证据 —— 证明这种伟大的活动、力量和完美 —— 是存在的,而且永远活跃在 —— ‘圣光’之中。当你获得了这种体验 —— 即便是很短的时间 —— 你就不需要更多的证据了。你就会成为自己的证明。‘圣光’是 —— 神之领域。进入它,在安静中 —— 成为它。回到父神的家。在前十天要使用 —— 这个练习 —— 最好是一天三次 —— 早上、中午、晚上各一次。”
“We often hear the complaint: ‘Oh! I cannot give all that time.’ To any who are of that opinion, I wish to say simply this:
“The time the average person spends in criticising, condemning, and blaming—people, conditions, and things—for not being something other than they are—if occupied with this recognition and use of the ‘Light’—will make heaven manifest on earth—for the individual who dares to try and has determination enough to maintain it. Nothing is impossible. The ‘Light’ never fails.
“普通人花在批评、谴责和责备 —— 人、事、物 —— 之上的时间,评判他们不是该有的样子,如果把时间花在对‘圣光’的认知和使用上 —— 就会让天堂显化在地球上 —— 对于那些勇于尝试并且下定决心坚持下去的人来说。没有什么是不可能实现的。‘圣光’永远立于不败之地。”
“The ‘Light’ is God’s Way of creating and maintaining Order, Peace, and Perfection throughout His Creation. Every human being on this earth can have all the time he wants in which to do this—when his desire to do it is intense enough. The intensity—in the desire itself—will re-order the world of people, conditions, and things so as to provide that time—if he earnestly wishes to use it for his upward climb. No person in the world is an exception to—That Law—for the intense desire to do anything constructive—when it becomes intense enough—is the God-Power that releases the energy necessary to create and express the thing desired.
“‘圣光’是神在整个造物过程中创造并维持秩序、和平与完美的方式。地球上的每个人可以获得他想要去做这件事情的时间 —— 当他的意愿到达足够强烈的时候。强度 —— 意愿本身的强度 —— 会重新安排这世界上的人、环境和事物,从而为那个人提供出时间 —— 如果他真心的想要利用这样的时间向上攀爬成长。世界上没有人不受制于 —— 那个法则 —— 想要去做任何创造性的事情的强烈意愿 —— 当它变得足够强时 —— 就成为了创造和表达想要事物所需的神之力量。”
“Everyone has the same supreme privilege of contact—with the All-Powerful Presence of God—and it is the Only Power that—ever did—does now—or ever will—raise the personal self and its world—above earthly discord and limitation.
“每个人都拥有着相同的最高特权 —— 与全能的神之临在接触的能力 —— 也是这种唯一的力量 —— 在过去 —— 现在 —— 以及将来 —— 提升人格自我和他所在的世界 —— 超越世俗的不和谐与限制。”
“My Beloved Son, try this with great determination and know—God in You is Your Certain Victory.”
“我亲爱的孩子,以极大的决心这样去做,并且知道 —— 神就是你内在必然的胜利。”
As his discourse ended, I began to realize—that he must be one of the Ascended Masters—for he had not only given me proof of his Dominion over the elements by precipitation—but had instructed and explained—as he did it. I sat wondering how it was—that he knew me.
随着他的讲话终结,我开始意识到 —— 他一定是某一位扬升大师 —— 因为他不仅仅通过沉降展示给我看他对元素的控制 —— 当他这么做的时候 —— 还对我加以指导和解释。我坐着思考这是怎么一回事儿 —— 他认识我。
“My Son,” he said, answering my thought at once, “I have known you for æons. In raising your thought—by your own conscious effort—it made my coming to you possible at this time. While I have always been in touch with you, when we were both in our finer bodies—your conscious effort of reaching out to some one of the Ascended Masters—opened the way for me to come to you in a much more tangible way—that is—tangible to your physical senses.
“我的孩子,”他即刻回答了我的疑惑,“我认识你很久了。通过你自己有意识的努力 —— 你提升了自己的思想 —— 这让我在这个时候找到你成为可能。虽然我总是跟你保持着连接,当我们都处于更加精微的身体之中时 —— 你想要接触某个扬升大师所付出的有意识的努力 —— 为我可以用一种更切实的方式来到你身边开辟了道路 —— 也就是说 —— 你物质层面的感官可以感受到的方式。”
“I see you do not quite recognize me—in your outer consciousness. I was present during your birth, at your mother’s passing, and was instrumental in bringing you and Lotus together—at the right time—that your attainment might not be delayed. Again—I assisted—in bringing you and your son into association—in this embodiment. However, be patient:
“我看到你并没有完全地认出我来 —— 在你外在的意识之中。你出生的时候,我在你身边;你母亲去世的时候,我也在;在恰当的时机 —— 我指引你和洛特丝走到了一起 —— 这样你取得成就才不会延迟到来。再一次 —— 我帮助 —— 你和你的儿子连结起来 —— 在这一世的转世中。不过,请耐心些:
“Sit still a few moments—watch me closely—and I will reveal my identity to you.” I did as he requested and—in perhaps a full minute, I saw his face—body—and clothing—become the living—breathing—tangible—”Presence”—of the Master, Saint Germain, smiling at my astonishment and enjoying my surprise.
“静坐片刻—— 仔细地观察我 —— 我会向你透露我的身份。”我按照他的要求做了 —— 也许过了整整一分钟,我看到了他的脸 —— 身体 —— 还有衣服 —— 变成了活生生的 —— 有着呼吸的 —— 可以触碰到的 —— “临在” —— 圣哲曼大师,他微笑着回应我的惊讶,享受着我的惊喜。
He stood there before me—a Magnificent Godlike figure—in a white jeweled robe—a Light and Love sparkling in his eyes—that revealed and proved—the Dominion and Majesty that is his.
他站在我的面前 —— 一位像神那般宏伟的人物 —— 他身着镶嵌着白色宝石的长袍 —— 眼中闪烁着光与爱 —— 展露并证明了 —— 他的统领和威严。
“This,” he explained, “is the body in which I work a great deal of the time—when occupied with the welfare of mankind—unless the work I am doing at the moment—requires closer contact with the outer world of affairs, and in that case—I make my body take on the characteristics and dress—of the nation with which I am working at the moment.
他解释说,“大部分时间,我处于这具身体之中 —— 是我忙碌于人类福祉之时 —— 除非我现在需要做的工作 —— 需要与外部的世界进行更密切的接触,在那种情况下 —— 我会让自己的身体呈现出 —— 适合我目前工作所在国家的外表和穿着。”
“Oh!” I exclaimed, “now, I know you—for I have seen you many times like—that—at the Inner levels of consciousness.”
我惊呼道:“哦!现在我知道你了 —— 我见过你很多次 —— 在内在意识之中。”
“My Son,” he explained, “do you not see—what Real Mastery—actually is? We—in the Ascended State—can control the atomic structure of our world—as a potter controls his clay. Every electron and atom in the universe—is obedient—to our desire and command because of the God Power by which we control it and of which—we have earned the right—to be the Directors.
“我的孩子,”他解释道,“你理解 —— 真正的掌控 —— 实际上是什么吗?我们 —— 处于扬升的状态 —— 可以控制我们所在世界的原子结构 —— 就像一位陶工掌控他的粘土那样。宇宙中的每一个电子和原子 —— 服从于 —— 我们的意愿和命令,因为我们通过神的力量来控制它们 —— 我们已经获得了 —— 命令它们的权力。”
“Mankind in the unascended state marvel at these things—but I tell you—it is no more effort—for us to change the appearance and activity of our bodies—than it is for the ordinary human being—to change his clothes. The unfortunate condition in human consciousness—that keeps individuals in their self-created limitations—is their attitude of mind—which either fears or ridicules—what it does not understand—or what is still worse—in its ignorance says—’That is impossible.’ A thing may not be probable—under certain human conditions—but the God-Self—which is the Great ‘Light’—can change all human conditions—so nothing is—impossible.
“未扬升的人类惊奇于这类事情 —— 但是我告诉你 —— 对我们来说改变我们身体的外貌和活动 —— 并没有比普通人 —— 更换他们穿着的衣服 —— 更费力。人类意识中的不幸状况 —— 让个体处于自我创造的局限之中 —— 这是他们心智的特点 —— 要么恐惧要么嘲笑 —— 心智不能理解的东西 —— 或者更糟糕 —— 陷入无知状态,去说 —— ‘那根本不可能。’就特定的人类状况而言 —— 某件事情或许是不可能的 —— 但是神之自我 —— 也就是伟大的‘圣光’ —— 可以改变所有的人类状况 —— 因此没有什么是不可能的。”
“Every individual has the Divine Flame of Life Within him, and—That God-part of him—has Dominion—wherever he moves in the universe. If he—because of his own mental inertia—will not exert the necessary effort—to reorder his age old habits—of mind and body—he goes on bound by the chains of his own forging—but if he chooses to know the God Within himself—and dares—to give that God-Self—all control of his outer activities—he will receive the knowledge once more of his Dominion over all substance—which has been his from the beginning.
“每个人内在都拥有着生命的神圣火焰,而且 —— 他内在那部分神之自我 —— 都拥有掌控权 —— 不论他在宇宙的什么地方。如果他 —— 出于自己心智上的惰性 —— 不去付出必要的努力 —— 矫正他 —— 身体和心智的那些旧习惯 —— 那么他就会继续被自己锻造的锁链束缚着 —— 但是如果他选择去认识自己内在的神之自我 —— 并且勇于 —— 给予神之自我 —— 对他所有外在活动的控制权 —— 他会再次获得超越所有物质的掌控权 —— 这一切从最初起就是他的。 ”
“The time has arrived, when many of humanity are rapidly awakening, and they must—in some way be made to understand—that they have lived again—and again—in hundreds—sometimes thousands of lives—each time in a new physical body.
“时间已经到来,很多的人类正迅速地觉醒,他们必须 —— 以某种方式去理解 —— 他们已经一次又一次地 —— 有的时候是成百上千次的转世了 —— 每一次他们都在一具新的物质身体中生活。”
“The Law of re-embodiment—is the activity in human growth—that gives the individual an opportunity to re-establish a balance—in conditions that he has—consciously—caused to be thrown out of balance. It is but—one activity—of the law of compensation—cause and effect—or what might be called—an Automatic Balancing process—governing all forces—everywhere in the universe. The right understanding of—this Law—gives one the explanation of many conditions—in human experience—which otherwise seem wholly unjust. It is the—only—logical—explanation for the infinite complexities and experiences of human creation, and reveals—the operation and the Law—upon which all manifestation rests. It makes one—know that there is no such thing as—chance—or accident. All is under direct, exact, and Perfect Law. Every experience of consciousness—has a former cause, and everything at the same instant is the cause—of a future effect.
“重新转世法则 —— 是人类成长中的活动 —— 它给予个体重新建立平衡的机会 —— 曾经在一些状况之中,他 —— 有意识地 —— 让自己陷入失衡。这只是 —— 补偿法则的一种表达 —— 或者可以称之为 —— 因果法则 —— 一种自动平衡的过程 —— 掌管着 —— 这个宇宙所有的力量。对 —— 这个法则 —— 正确的理解可以解释 —— 人类经历的 —— 很多状况 —— 否则的话是无法给出合理解释的。它是对人类创造的无限的复杂性和经历的 —— 唯一 —— 合理解释,并揭示出 —— 所有外在显化所依赖的 —— 运作和法则。它让人知道 —— 没有所谓的 —— 偶然 —— 或者意外。所有的一切都是在这个法则的直接、准确且完美的掌控之中。意识的每一种体验 —— 都有一个前因,而同时所有的一切又是 —— 将来产生结果的起因。”
“If a man has injured a woman in one life, he is certain to be reincarnated in a feminine form and pass through a similar experience—until he realizes and experiences—that—which he has caused another to endure. The same thing is true—if a woman be unjust or injures a man. This is the only way by which one is compelled—or rather compels himself—to experience both the cause and effect of everything—which he generates in his world. The individual can create and experience—whatsoever he will in his own world—but if he chooses to do that which causes others to experience discord, then he—compels himself—to go through a similar condition—until he understands—what the effect of his own creation is—upon the rest of the Life of the universe.
“如果在一次转世中,一个男人伤害了一个女人,他一定会转世到一具女性身体之中,经历类似的体验 —— 直至他意识到并体验到 —— 他曾经让他人承受的伤害。同样地 —— 如果一个女人不公正地对待一个男人或者伤害了他,她也会经历这样类似的体验。这是一个人被迫 —— 或者说自己强迫自己 —— 来体验他在自己世界创造的 —— 所有事物之间因果关系的唯一方式。一个人可以创造并体验 —— 他在自己的世界中想要做的一切 —— 但是如果他选择去做的事情导致让其他人体验到了不和谐,那么他 —— 就会强迫自己 —— 体验类似的状况 —— 直至他理解了 —— 他自己的创造 —— 给宇宙其他的生命带来了哪些影响。”
“Come with me, and we will review the physical life in which you used a feminine form in France—wherein you were a singer of splendid accomplishment with a voice of rare beauty and power.”
“跟我来,我们来回顾你在法国使用一具女性身体时在物质层面的生活 —— 那时你是一个有着非凡成就的歌手,你的声音拥有罕见的美丽与力量。”
Immediately—without the least effort on my part—I stood outside my physical body—seeing it clearly—as it reposed upon the ground. I wondered, if it would be safe there on the mountainside, and in answer to my thought, Saint Germain replied:
随即 —— 我毫不费力地 —— 站在了我的肉身之外 —— 清楚地看到它 —— 躺在了地上。我在想,这具身体放在半山腰的位置是否安全,圣哲曼回应了我的想法,他回答说:
“Do not be disturbed. Not a thing in the world can harm your body—while we are away. Observe!”
“不要分神。当我们离开的时候 —— 没有任何东西可以伤害到你的身体!注意看!”
Instantly, I saw it surrounded by a White Flame—forming a circle about fifty feet in diameter.
刹那间,我看到它被一团白色的火焰包围着 —— 形成一个直径约五十英尺的圆圈。
He placed his right arm around me, and I saw—we were rising rapidly from the ground—but I soon became adjusted to his vibratory action. There was no definite feeling of motion through space, but presently—we looked down upon a village in the south of France, and he continued:
他用右臂环绕着我,我看到 —— 我们从地面快速地升起 —— 但很快我就适应了这种频率的活动。并没有一丝在空间之中移动的感觉,只是现在 —— 我们向下望去的时候,已经来到了法国南部的一座小镇,他继续说:
“Here, you were born as an only child—the daughter of a beautiful woman, whose life was an example of Idealism far in advance of the majority in that period. Your father was a most devoted husband and companion, highly cultured, and inspired by the early Christian Spirit.
“在这里,你是一位独生女 —— 一位美丽女人的女儿,她的生活方式是理想主义的典范,远远领先于她同时期的大多数人。你的父亲是一位忠诚的伴侣和丈夫,他很有文化,并受到早期基督精神的启发。”
“The atmospheric ether of every environment records all that has ever transpired—in that locality. I will revivify—these Etheric Records—and you shall see—living pictures—giving every detail of your life.
“每个环境中的以太场域都记录了曾经发生的一切 —— 那个区域发生的一切。我会重现 —— 这些以太记录 —— 然后你就会看到 —— 真实的场景 —— 记录着你生活的每个细节。”
“You sang at the church of this village and studied with a teacher, who persuaded your parents to let her give you training. You made rapid progress, and then received still greater advantages, when they moved to Paris. After a year of intensive study, an opportunity came to sing before the Queen of France, and through her patronage you had appearances at many of her salons. This assured you a successful musical career. France and success lavished their gifts upon you for the next five years, and you accumulated much wealth.
“Suddenly, both parents passed through the change called death, and the shock to you, was very great, followed by many weeks of serious illness. When you recovered and returned again to concert work, a new sympathetic quality had come into your voice, through the recent experience of grief.
“A man, who had guided much of your musical study, became director of your public work, and you came to depend upon him as one who seemed worthy of trust. Then followed fourteen years of brilliant success, at the end of which you became suddenly ill and passed on within a week. Your jewels and wealth were left in care of the director to be used to help others, and to fulfill certain plans for which you had worked all your life. The last rites were no sooner over, than a complete change took place within him. Greed took possession entirely. Now, I shall show you that man whom you met some years ago here in America in your present life. The incident in business, I am quite sure you remember clearly.”
Here, he showed me a business association in which I had tried to help several people while in the West some ten years previously, in connection with a representative from the Belgian government.
“That man,” he continued, “was given a chance here to right the wrong he did you in France. He was shown the condition, and knew full well the situation for we showed it to him, but he was not yet strong enough to permit the working out of the Great Cosmic Law of Justice and balance that debt. If he had done so of his own volition, it would have given him freedom in many ways and enabled him to have progressed much more rapidly in this embodiment.”
Thus, does the outer life keep the individual bound to the wheel of necessity, rebirth, continued struggle, and pain until we—let—the “Light of the Christ Within”—illumine and purify us that we may respond only to the Plan of God—Love, Peace, and Perfection for His Creation. This is the kind of lesson—one never forgets—because objective teaching records the experience in the—vision—as well as in the mind. The record in the sight is deeper and—necessarily receives more attention—from the outer activity of the intellect.
因此,一个人外在的生活让这个人被捆绑在必须要做的事情、转世、持续地挣扎和痛苦的滚轮中,直到我们 —— 让“内在的基督之光” —— 照亮并净化我们,从而让我们只对神圣计划进行回应 —— 那是神之爱、和平、完美的创造。这样学习到的东西 —— 一个人永远不会遗忘 —— 因为这种客观的教学在 —— 视野 —— 和心智中记录下这般体验。视野中看到这样的记录会更加深刻 —— 因此会在外在心智活动中 —— 受到更多的关注。
The essence of that long forgotten experience certainly fixed itself in my memory—permanently—for I can recall every detail of it to this day, as clearly as when I observed it with him.
这段被遗忘已久体验的本质无疑是在我们的记忆之中 —— 永久性地存在 —— 因为直至今天我仍然可以回忆起每个细节,就像是我跟他一起观看时那么清晰。
“Now,” he went on, “we will recall another of your embodiments—one that you had in Egypt.”
We rose from the earth, and moved rapidly forward. I was very conscious of the Mediterranean, as we passed over its beautiful waters. We went on to Karnak and Luxor—then again came into contact with the earth.
他继续说,“现在,我们将回忆你另一次转世 —— 你在埃及的那次。”我们从地面上升起,快速地向前移动着。当我们穿越一片美丽的水域时,我对地中海变得很有觉知。我们继续前往卡纳克和卢克索 —— 然后再次降落在地球。
“Watch closely,” he said. “This record is of a very ancient temple in Luxor—not among those whose ruins the archæologists are exploring today but one antedating any that have been discovered so far. If they knew where to look—they would find magnificent temples in a state of almost perfect preservation.”
他说,“仔细观看。这里记录了位于卢克索的一座非常古老神庙 —— 不是现代考古学家正在探索的那些遗迹,它比迄今为止发现的任何古迹都要早。如果人们知道要去哪里寻找的话 —— 他们会发现保存完好的宏伟庙宇。”
Indicating a certain spot filled with ruins—which is all that travellers can see today—the scene became replaced by the activity in the ether, as it had originally been—in all its beauty and splendor—far more magnificent than anything of which the present generation has any concept.
一个遍地废墟的地方 —— 这是现代旅行者看到的 —— 真实的场景则被以太层的活动取代,就像它最初的模样 —— 呈现出全然的美丽和辉煌 —— 远比现代人们脑中的任何事物都要壮美。
The gardens and pools were surrounded by great pillars of white marble and rose granite. The entire locality became Living—Real—Vibrant—and just as tangible as any physical city on earth today. It was so perfectly natural and normal that I asked—how he made these experiences so vivid?
花园和水池周围环绕着巨大的白色大理石和玫瑰色花岗岩石柱。整个地区都富有活力 —— 真实 —— 生动 —— 就像今天地球上任何一座拥有物质形态的城市那样。这一切呈现出完美的自然和正常状态,我禁不住问 —— 他怎样让这些体验变得如此生动?
“Man and his creations,” he replied, “as well as Nature, have an etheric counterpart—a pattern—which makes its eternal impression upon the atmosphere about him—wherever he goes. The pattern of the individual’s activity and life experience is—within his own aura all the time. A similar record exists in the aura of every locality. An Ascended Master may—if he chooses revivify or reclothe the individual’s record of former activities—wherever that person happens to be—for the pattern upon which the Master coalesces the atomic structure—is always in the aura of that individual. When the Master reclothes—the record of a locality—he must do it in the same specific place—for such a record, when reclothed—becomes the same living form and structure—that it was—when first built in physical substance.
他回答:“人和他的创造,以及大自然,都在以太层拥有着一个对应的存在 —— 一种模板 —— 不论这个人走到哪里 —— 都会在他周围的环境中留下永久性的印象。一个人的活动和生命体验 —— 总是存在他自己的气场之中。相似的记录也存在每个地区的能量场中。扬升大师 —— 可以选择复活或者重现个人能量场中曾经的活动体验 —— 不论那个人在哪里 —— 因为扬升大师根据原子结构聚集起来的模式 —— 总是在那个人的能量场中。当大师重现 —— 某个地区的记录时 —— 他必须要在同一个地方进行 —— 因为这样的记录,当重现发生时 —— 会成为 —— 与最初在物质层面存在时 —— 相同的形式和结构。”
“In this way—it is possible to coalesce again the physical structure of entire buildings—and their surroundings—when the Ascended Master so desires—for the accomplishment of some good purpose. When one has attained this God-Given Dominion—he can and does—reclothe and reanimate—any Etheric Record he desires to make visible—for the instruction and benefit of students and others.
“通过这种方式,可以重新聚合起整座建筑的物质架构 —— 以及它们周围的环境 —— 如果扬升大师想要这么做的话 —— 以实现某种良善的目标。当一个人获得了这种神赐予的统治力量时 —— 他也可以 —— 为了学生和其他人的成长与指导 —— 去披上外衣和复活 —— 任何他想要重现的事物。”
“When he does this—it is as Real as Reality Itself—and the reclothed objects can be photographed, handled and made physically tangible—to the physical senses of the one observing them.
“当他这样做的时候 —— 它会像实相一样真实存在 —— 重新披上外衣的事物可以被录影、可以进行处理,可以触碰到 —— 对于那些使用物质感官观察它的人来说。”
“Notice!” he reminded me, “you are experiencing these activities in your finer body—but they are none the less—Real—because of that—for your physical body is only a garment which you—the Self-Conscious—thinking—and experiencing individual, wear.
“注意!”他提醒我,“你正在自己更精细的身体中体验这些活动 —— 但是它们仍然是 —— 真实的 —— 因为你的物质身体仅仅是你 —— 自我意识 —— 思考 —— 和体验的个体 —— 所穿着的外衣。”
“It is the same as though you wore a heavy overcoat in the cold winter atmosphere and only a light suit of clothes on a very warm summer day. Experiences in your light suit of clothes—would surely be no less—Real—than those you lived through in your heavy overcoat. I call this to your attention, that you may understand—the fuller—and less limited—activities of Life.” We examined the grounds, the surrounding country, and architecture.
“就好像在寒冷的冬天,你穿着了一件厚重的大衣;在非常温暖的夏日,你只穿着轻便的衣服。你穿着轻便衣服时获得的体验 —— 肯定不会 —— 比你穿着厚重大衣时的经历 —— 更真实。我想请你注意这一点,这样你会更加了解 —— 更充实 —— 限制更少的生命活动。”我们检查了那个地方、它周围的乡镇和建筑物。
“Come, let us enter,” he said, and as he spoke, stepped forward and passed through the main entrance into the temple itself. We then became living actors and—at the same time observers—of the following experience. We passed into the main part of the temple, and proceeded toward the Inner Sanctuary. The High Priest came directly up to us, and seemed to know me.
“来,我们进去吧。”他边说边走上前,穿过了正门进入神殿。然后我们就成为了演员 —— 同时也成为了 —— 以下体验的观察者。我们进入了神殿的主体部分,然后继续向内殿前进。大祭司直接走到我们面前,他看起来似乎认识我。
“This priest of ancient days,” Saint Germain explained, “is now your son.” A lesser priest appeared whom I immediately felt I knew, and he remarked:
“The assisting priest was yourself.” We entered the Inner Sanctuary and saw the vestal virgin guarding the—Sacred Fire. She—whom I now beheld was Lotus—my beloved Twin Ray—whom I met and married some years ago and—who is the mother of our son.
“这位辅佐祭司是你自己。”我们进入了内殿,看到了守护 —— 圣火的贞洁圣女。她 —— 现在我知道她是洛特丝 —— 我挚爱的双生光 —— 我在几年前遇到她并跟她结婚了 —— 她是我们儿子的母亲。
The scene changed—and we saw a visiting prince from a distant province—plan to seize the vestal virgin for his bride. All seemed to go well, until the High Priest was shown a vision—of what was about to take place. It disturbed him—but he kept his own counsel.
场景发生了变化 —— 我们看到一位来自遥远省份前来拜访的王子 —— 他计划着掳走这位贞洁圣女,让她成为自己的新娘。一切看上去都很顺利,直至大祭司看到了一个异象 —— 即将发生的事情。这让他感觉不安 —— 但是他没有对外人说。
Standing guard—as the slaves of the prince entered—he watched them approach the Sanctuary. As they came nearer—he stepped forward and spoke but one word, that meant
当这位王子的奴隶进入时 —— 大祭司充满警惕性地站着 —— 他看到他们接近圣殿。当他们越来越接近时,他走上前只说了一个词,意思是“停下!”
One slave—bolder than the rest—came on. The High Priest warned him back—but still he came nearer. When he reached a certain Sacred Circle of force—which emanated from the Altar—the priest no longer hesitated. He stepped to the outer-edge of that Protecting Radiance—raised his right hand—and pointed directly at the slave.
其中一位 —— 比其他更大胆的奴隶 —— 继续前进。大祭司警告他后退 —— 但是他仍然前行。当他走到一个 —— 从祭坛散发出的 —— 神圣圆环能量之地时 —— 祭司不再迟疑。他走到那保护性的光芒外缘 —— 抬起右手 —— 直指奴隶。
A flash of Flame shot forth like lightning—and the slave fell lifeless to the floor. The prince, who was watching, came forward—in an insane rage.
一道闪电般的光芒射出 —— 奴隶倒在地上,毫无生气。一旁观看的王子怒不可遏 —— 走上前去。
“Stop!” commanded the priest again—in a voice like a clap of thunder. The prince hesitated for a moment—stunned by the very power of the word—and the priest continued:
“停下来!”祭司再次命令道 —— 他的声音如雷鸣。王子犹豫了片刻 —— 被这个词震慑住了 —— 祭司继续说:
“Listen to me! You shall—not—desecrate the highest of God’s Gifts—to the Temple of Life. Begone! before you follow the example—of your too brazen and misdirected slave.”
“你听我的!你不能 —— 亵渎神赐予 —— 生命神殿的 —— 最高礼物。走开!不要效仿你那 —— 厚颜无耻的、听从错误命令的奴隶。”
The High Priest was fully conscious—of the power he could wield and—as he stood watching the prince—he was the very embodiment of self-control—of Illimitable force—consciously held in obedience to his will. He was Majesty—crowned with Eternal Power.
大祭司完全意识到 —— 他可以运用怎样的力量 —— 当他站着看向王子时 —— 他体现出了 —— 运用无限力量的 —— 自制力 —— 他有意识地服从自己的意志。他散发出威严的姿态 —— 永恒的力量为之加冕。
The will of the prince was powerful also—but he had no control over himself and—as another wave of blind rage swept over him—when he found himself again opposed—and giving full vent to lust—he rushed forward.
王子的意志也很强大 —— 但是他无法控制自己 —— 当一股盲目的愤怒席卷他时 —— 当他发现自己再次遭到反对时 —— 他充分地发泄了自己的欲望 —— 冲向前。
The priest—quick as a flash—raised his hand. The Flame flashed out a second time—and the prince followed the fate of his former slave.
大祭司 —— 如同闪电般迅速 —— 举起了他的手。再次射出一道光芒 —— 王子追随了他奴隶的命运。
Saint Germain turned to me, and explained the experience still farther.
“You see,” he began, “that is the way the quality within every force—reacts—upon the one who sends it out. The prince and his slave came with the qualities of hate, selfishness, and depravity within their feelings and—when the priest directed the force—of which he was the master—toward them—it took on their qualities—the moment it touched their auras. He merely turned their own feelings and selfishness—back upon themselves. The priest—in his unselfish effort to protect another—was himself also protected.”
“你看,”他开始说,“这就是每一种力量之中的特质 —— 会反映在发送力量的人身上。王子和他的奴隶在他们的情感中携着仇恨、自私和堕落的特质,当祭司引导 —— 他所掌控的力量 —— 指向他们时 —— 在接触到他们气场的瞬间 —— 这力量就会带上他们的特质。他仅仅是把他们自己的情感和自私 —— 转回至他们自己身上。祭司 —— 在保护他人的无私行动中 —— 也保护了自己。”
That incident closed, the scene of splendor vanished, and again we stood amidst the temple ruins. Saint Germain revealed still more to me, which may not be recorded here.
“There is only one way,” he went on, “to avoid the cosmic wheel of cause and effect—the necessity for re-embodiment—and that is through the conscious effort to comprehend—the Law of Life. One must earnestly seek the God Within—make permanent, conscious contact with that ‘Inner Self’—and hold firmly to it—in the face of every condition in the outer life. It will be my pleasure and privilege to show you more—but only for the instruction it will bring—to yourself and others. Come! We must now return.” As we came near my body, he instructed again:
“只有一种方法,”他继续说,“来避免宇宙因果轮回 —— 重新转世的必要 —— 那就是通过有意识地努力去理解 —— 生命法则。一个人必须诚恳地去寻求内在的神 —— 并与那个‘内在自我’进行永久性的、有意识的接触 —— 在面对外在生活中的每一种状况时 —— 紧密地跟它连结在一起。我很荣幸也很高兴地展示更多给你 —— 不过仅限于它 —— 给你和他人 —— 带来的指引。来,我们现在必须回去了。”当我们靠近我们的身体时,他又指引说:
“Watch the circle of White Flame disappear!” I looked—it vanished—and a moment later I was back in my body. The sun was sinking, and I knew it would be nearly midnight by the time we arrived home.
“看那一圈白色的火焰消失了!”我看过去 —— 它消失了 —— 过了一会儿我回到了身体之中。太阳正在落山,我知道等我们回到家的时候,会接近午夜时分。
“Place your arm about my shoulder,” said Saint Germain, “and close your eyes.” I felt my body lifted from the ground, but I was not particularly conscious of moving forward. Presently, my feet touched the floor and opening my eyes—I stood in the lodge. Saint Germain was greatly amused, when I asked—how it was that we could come back in this manner without attracting the attention of the people about us—and he answered;
“把你的胳膊放在我肩膀上,”圣哲曼说,“闭上你的眼睛。“我感觉到身体从地面升起,但是我没有特别意识到我们是否向前移动。不一会,我的双脚着地,我睁开了眼睛 —— 我站在一间屋子里。当我问圣哲曼 —— 我们怎么会以这种方式回来,同时又不引起周围人的注意,他被逗乐了,回答说:
“We many times draw about our bodies the cloak of invisibility, when moving among those in physical form,” and the next second he was gone.
I had heard of the Great Ascended Masters who could take their bodies with them wherever they go, and manifest—or bring into visibility anything they desire to use—direct from the Universal. However, to actually experience contact with one of them was a very different thing, and I tried to realize in full the marvel of the experience. To Saint Germain, it was evidently a most ordinary occurrence.
我听说过,伟大的扬升大师们可以随意地把身体带往他们想去的地方,并从宇宙中直接显化 —— 或者是把任何他们想要使用的东西变成可见状态。然而,与他们中的一位进行直接的体验,则是完全不同的事情。我试图去完全理解这种体验的奇妙。而对圣哲曼来说,这是再平常不过的了。
I sat in quiet contemplation for a long time in deep, deep gratitude—trying to comprehend—and fully realize his explanation of—”The Law”—concerning desire. He emphasized its importance and activity as a motive power in the universe, to propel forward new ideas—compelling an expansion of consciousness to take place within the Life of every individual. He had explained it by saying:
我怀着深深的感激之情静坐了很久 —— 试图去理解 —— 充分地去理解他对 —— 法则中 —— 有关意愿部分的揭示。他强调了意愿作为这个宇宙驱动力的重要性和它的活动 —— 带来新的想法 —— 推动每个人生命意识的拓展。他解释说:
“Constructive Desire is the expanding activity within Life—for it is only in this way—that greater and greater ideas, activity, and accomplishment are pushed through—into expression in the outer world of substance and form. Within every—Right Desire—is the power of its fulfillment. Man is the Son of God. He is commanded—by the Father—to choose how he shall direct the—Life energy—and what quality he wishes his fulfilled desire to express. This he—must—do for free will is his birthright.
“建设性的意愿是生命中不断拓展的活动 —— 因为只有这样 —— 那些伟大的想法、活动和成就会被推动 —— 在物质层面和外部世界中进行表达。在每一个 —— 正确的意愿之中 —— 存在着实现它的力量。人类是神之子。他在 —— 父神的命令之中 —— 去选择他会如何引导 —— 生命能量 —— 以及他希望赋予这种达成的心愿什么特质。他一定要这样做,因为自由意志是他与生俱来的权利。
“It is the function—of the outer activity of the intellect—to guide—all—expansion into constructive channels. This is the purpose and duty—of the outer self. To allow the Great Life, or God Energy, to be used only for the gratification of the sense desires—the habit of the mass of mankind—is its destructive use and is always—without any exception—followed by inharmony, weakness, failure, and destruction.
“智力外在活动的功能 —— 指引 —— 所有一切 —— 拓展至建设性的渠道之中。这是外在自我的 —— 使命和职责。更伟大的生命,或者说,神的能量,仅仅被用于满足五感的欲望 —— 这是人类大众的习惯 —— 这是破坏性地使用这些能量,而且总是会 —— 毫无例外地 —— 伴随着不和谐、弱点、失败和破坏。
“The constructive use of desire is—the conscious direction—of this limitless God Energy—by Wisdom. All desire directed—by Wisdom—carries some kind of blessing to the rest of creation. All desire—directed by the God Within—goes forth with the feeling of Love and blesses always.” The next few days, I spent writing this record of my experiences. Then one morning on awakening I found a golden card lying on the table near my couch. It looked like a piece of metallic gold and on it in beautiful shaded script of a lovely violet color—was just one short sentence:
“对意愿的建设性使用 —— 是通过智慧 —— 有意识地引导 —— 这种无限的神之能量。所有经由智慧引导的意愿 —— 都为它之后的创造携带着某种祝福。所有的意愿 —— 由内在的神之自我引导 —— 总是会带来爱与祝福的情感。”在接下来的几天,我把自己的经历写了下来。然后一天早上醒来,我发现沙发旁边的书桌上放置着一张金色的卡片。它看起来是由黄金制成,上面是美丽的紫罗兰色阴影字体 —— 写着一句话:
“Be at our trysting place on the mountain at seven in the morning,” signed, “Saint Germain.”
I put this card away carefully, and could scarcely wait the intervening time—so great was my expectancy. Early the next morning, while preparing a lunch, there came a distinct impulse—not to take anything with me. I obeyed, and decided—to trust—that my needs would be supplied directly from the Universal.
我小心翼翼地收起这张卡片,等不及要见他 —— 我的期待是如此强烈。第二天一早,我起来准备午餐,突然间有一种冲动 —— 让我不要携带任何东西。我遵循了,并决定 —— 相信 —— 我的需要会直接从宇宙中得到满足。
Light of heart, I was soon on my way, determined not to miss any opportunity to ask questions—if permitted. As I approached the appointed place—my body became lighter and lighter—until by the time I was within a quarter of a mile—my feet scarcely touched the ground. There was no one in sight, so I sat down on a log to wait for Saint Germain—feeling no fatigue whatsoever—although my hike had been about ten miles.
怀着轻松的心情,我上路了,决心不要错过任何提问的机会 —— 如果允许的话。当我接近指定的地方时 —— 我的身体变得越来越轻 —— 当我距离那个地方只有四分之一英里(约400米)时,我的双脚几乎离开了地面。我没有看到任何人,于是坐在一棵木桩上等待圣哲曼到来 —— 我一点也不觉得累 —— 尽管我徒步旅行的距离大约有十英里。
As I contemplated the wonderful privilege and blessing that had come to me, I heard a twig crack and looked around expecting to see him. Imagine my surprise, when not fifty feet away, I saw a panther—slowly approaching. My hair must have stood on end. I wanted to run—to scream—anything—so frantic was the feeling of fear within me. It would have been useless to move for one spring from the panther would have been fatal to me.
当我思考发生在我身上的奇妙体验和祝福时,我听到了树枝断裂的声音,我环顾四周,希望可以见到圣哲曼。想象一下我的惊讶,在不到五十英尺(约15米)的地方,我看到一头豹子 —— 正慢慢地靠近。我的毛发一定树立起来。我想逃跑 —— 尖叫 —— 或者其他什么 —— 我内在的恐惧如此疯狂。对于这样一头可以让我致命的豹子来说,弹跳一步的距离是没有什么用的。
My brain whirled so great was my fear—but one idea came through clearly—and held my attention steady. I realized—that I had the Mighty “Presence of God” right within me and—that this “Presence” was all Love. This beautiful animal was a part of God’s Life also, and I made myself—look at it—directly in the eyes. Then came the thought that—one part of God could not harm another part—and I was conscious of this fact only.
我的大脑在恐惧之中旋转得很快 —— 但是一个清晰的想法出现了 —— 这个想法稳稳地抓住了我的注意力。我意识到 —— 我内在拥有着强大的“神之临在” —— 这个“临在”就是爱。这个美丽的动物也是神之生命的一部分,我让自己 —— 看着它 —— 直接看着它的双眼。然后想到 —— 神的一部分不可能去伤害另一部分 —— 我意识之中只有这个事实。
A feeling of Love swept over me, and went out—like a Ray of Light—directly to the panther—and with it went my fear. The stealthy tread ceased—and I moved slowly toward it—feeling that God’s Love filled us both. The vicious glare in the eyes softened—the animal straightened up—and came slowly to me, rubbing its shoulder against my leg. I reached down and stroked the soft head. It looked up into my eyes for a moment and then, laid down and rolled over like a playful kitten. The fur was a beautiful, dark, reddish brown, the body long, supple and of great strength. I continued to play with it and when I suddenly looked up, Saint Germain stood beside me.
一种爱的感觉席卷了我,然后发散出 —— 就像一道光芒 —— 直接射向了豹子 —— 与此同时我的恐惧消失了。我不再偷偷摸摸地向后倒退 —— 我慢慢地走向它 —— 感觉神之爱充满了我们俩。它眼中邪恶的目光开始变得柔软 —— 这只动物直起身来 —— 慢慢地走向我,用它的肩膀磨蹭我的腿。我伸手去抚摸它柔软的头。它朝着我的眼睛看了一会,然后像一只顽皮的小猫一样躺了下来翻了个身。它的皮毛是美丽的红褐色,身形长而柔软,充满着力量。我继续跟它玩耍,然后我突然抬起头看,圣哲曼就站在我旁边。
“My Son,” he said, “I saw the great strength within you or—I would not have permitted so great a test. You have conquered—fear. My congratulations! Had you not conquered the outer self, I would not have allowed the panther to harm you—but our association would have ceased—for a time.
“我的孩子,”他说,我看到你内在强大的力量 —— 否则我不会允许你进行这么大的考验。你已经战胜了 —— 恐惧。祝贺你!如果你没有战胜外在的自我,我也不会允许豹子伤害到你 —— 但是我们之间的来往会停止 —— 一段时间。
“I did not have anything to do with the panther being there. It was part—of the Inner operation—of the Great Law—as you will see before the association with your new found friend ceases. Now, that you have passed the test of courage, it is possible for me to give—much greater—assistance. Each day you will become stronger, happier, and express much, greater freedom.”
“我与豹子之间没有任何关系。这是 —— 伟大的法则 —— 内在运作的一部分 —— 将来你与你的这位新朋友停止联络之前也会看到这法则的运作。现在,你已经通过了勇气的考验,我可以给予你 —— 更大的 —— 帮助。每一天,你都会变得更强大、更快乐,并表达出更多、更大的自由。”
He held out his hand, and in a moment there appeared four little cakes of a beautiful golden brown—each about two inches square. He offered these and I ate them at his direction. They were most delicious. Immediately—I felt a quickening, tingling sensation through my entire body—a new sense of health and clearness of mind. Saint Germain seated himself beside me and my instruction began.
他伸出手,瞬间出现了四个漂亮的金褐色小蛋糕 —— 每个大概两英寸见方。他递给我,在他的指示下我吃完了。它们非常美味,即刻 —— 我的整个身体都感觉到一种快速的、刺刺的感觉 —— 我感觉到身体更健康,心智更清晰。圣哲曼坐在我旁边,开始对我的指导。
“INSTEAD of going forth from the body as in your recent experience, today we will use—the Projected Consciousness,” he remarked, as he placed the thumb of his right hand between my eyes and the rest of his fingers over the top of my head. A feeling like a powerful electric current passed over my entire body. Removing his hand, he continued:
“今天我们会使用 —— 意识的投射,而不是像上次体验那样从身体离开,”他说道,同时他把右手的拇指放在我的双眼之间,其余的手指放在我的头顶。一股强大的电流般感觉从我全身流过,他松开手,继续说:
“I wish you to fix firmly in mind, and recall frequently for contemplation—the fact—that the Laws I explain, and teach you to use, are to bring you into a condition—of Conscious Mastery—over all forces—and things on earth. This means that—no matter what is being experienced—you are always at every instant in complete, conscious control of your own mind and body, and able to use your own free will—at all times.
“我希望你牢牢地记住,并经常沉思 —— 这个事实 —— 就是我给你解释过的法则,我教导你如何使用这些法则,它们会把你带入一种状态 —— 让你可以有意识地掌握 —— 地球上所有的事物和力量。这意味着 —— 不论你正在经历什么 —— 你总是可以在每时每刻去完全地、有意识地掌控你的心智和身体,并且可以 —— 随时 —— 去使用自己的自由意志。”
“In this state of Projected Consciousness—you are completely conscious and have full mastery overall—your faculties every instant. There is nothing whatsoever—about any of this instruction and its use—that is either of the trance or hypnotic condition at any time, for in both trance and hypnosis the experiencing individual’s Conscious Will is not functioning—which is a most dangerous and disastrous activity—to anyone—who permits it to take place in his mind and body.
“在这种投射的意识之中 —— 你处于完全有意识的状态,并可以在每时每刻完全掌握你所拥有的能力。有关这个指令及其方法 —— 与昏睡或催眠的状态毫无关联,因为在那两种状态中,一个人的意识和意志都不发挥作用 —— 对于允许这一切发生在他们心智和身体中的人来说 —— 这是最危险并最具有灾难性的状况。”
“There is—no—Conscious Mastery or Dominion—in trance or hypnotic practices, and they are—most—uncertain and dangerous—to the Soul Growth—of the one who permits such practice. Please understand thoroughly—that the Conscious Control, Mastery, and use—of the forces and things on this earth, should at all times be under the direction of your—Inner—or God Self—through the perfect co-operation and obedience of—all—outer faculties in both mind and body, to that—Inner Guidance.
“在昏睡或者催眠的练习中,不受意志的掌控或者统领 —— 对于允许这种习练发生的人来说 —— 对他们灵魂的成长 —— 带来最大的不确定性和危险。请务必完全理解 —— 有意识地控制、掌控和使用 —— 地球上的事物和力量,这些应该时时刻刻都处于你 —— 内在 —— 或者神之自我的 —— 指导之中,通过让你心智和身体的所有外在功能 —— 处于 —— 内在指引的 —— 完美合作和服从之中。”
“There is no such thing as Mastery without this, and those known as the—Ascended Masters—never—never—intrude any activity upon the God-Given prerogative of the individual’s free will.
“如果不达成这一点,就没有所谓的掌控,你们知道的 —— 那些扬升大师 —— 从来 —— 从来 —— 不会侵犯神赋予个人的自由意志。”
“A student may be given the experience of Projection—if an Ascended Master chooses to expand his consciousness temporarily—so that he experiences things happening in two or more places at the same time. In such a condition—the student’s faculties are—completely—under the control and direction of his own free will—at every moment. He is fully conscious and active—wherever his body may be—and also at the place—to which the Ascended Master chooses to direct his attention for the instruction.
“学生会被给予这种投射的体验 —— 如果一位扬升大师选择暂时性地去拓展他的意识 —— 以便他可以同步体验在两个或者更多地方发生的事情。在这种状况下 —— 每时每刻 —— 学生的各种功能 —— 完全 —— 在他自己自由意志的控制和指导之下。不论他的身体在哪里 —— 他处于完全有意识的活跃状态 —— 在扬升大师的指引下他意识的投射之处 —— 也是如此。”
“The reason—an Ascended Master temporarily raises the consciousness of the student—is to show him how he may do this same thing for himself—by his own effort—consciously, and at will.
“扬升大师之所以会暂时性地提升学生的意识 —— 是想展示给他看,他通过自己的有意识的努力 —— 在自己自由意志的引导下 —— 自己也可以达成相同的事情。”
“Projected Consciousness is—but increasing the rate of vibration—of the atomic structure in both the mind and body of the student. This is done by the—Radiation—from an Ascended Master—and is an activity of the—’Light’—which increases the vibratory rate—up to the keynote—he sets for the experience. In the higher rate, one uses his faculties of sight and hearing—exactly as he does—in daily life—except—that they are expanded—into the next octave or zone above the human.
“意识的投射 —— 是这名学生心智和身体原子结构振动频率增加的结果。这是在扬升大师的 —— 照耀 —— 之下完成的,这是‘圣光’的活动 —— 增加了振动频率 —— 到一个关键的基调 —— 从而可以完成这种体验。在更高的频率之中,他可以像在日常生活中那样 —— 使用他的视力和听觉感官 —— 唯一不同之处是 —— 它们的功能被拓展至超越人类的更高领域/范围。”
“Such use of our senses is the same—as we experience every moment of the waking state—because we can become aware of that which is near and that which is distant—at exactly the same instant. The expansion or contraction of our consciousness is dependent—entirely—upon what the individual—desires. This is—always—subject to the free will and—conscious—direction of the student.
“我们对感官的使用是相同的 —— 就像我们在清醒意识中体验的每一刻那样 —— 我们在同一时刻可以感知哪些距离我们近,哪些遥远。我们意识的拓展或者收缩 —— 完全取决于 —— 我们个人的意愿。它 —— 总是服从于学生的自由意志 —— 以及学生对它进行的有意识的指引。”
“One can—of his own choice—be conscious of a certain tree in his garden—or—of the entire garden. He uses—the same faculty of sight—to observe both, and uses it in—exactly—the same way. When he wants to see all of the garden—he makes his sight enlarge its activity—until it takes in all he desires. The larger expansion still includes the smaller—so you see—you must—be conscious of the full control of—all—your faculties in both places—at the same time. The activity that takes place is really—an enlargement of the force-field—in which the sight acts.
“一个人可以 —— 根据他自己的选择 —— 对他花园中 —— 或者整个花园中的 —— 一棵树产生觉知。他使用 —— 同样的视觉感官能力 —— 可以观察到这两者,并以 —— 完全 —— 相同的方式 —— 观察。当他想看到整个花园的时候 —— 他扩大自己的视线范围 —— 直至看到了他想看的。在这种拓展的视野中,包含了小的视野 —— 所以你看 —— 你必须 —— 同时 —— 在两个地点 —— 对自己感官的运用 —— 拥有完全的觉知。实际上发生的其实是 —— 视觉作用力场的拓展。”
“The use of your faculty of sight—in this projection or expansion of consciousness—is accomplished by the raising of the vibratory rate in the optic nerve. The whole process corresponds to the thing that takes place—when one uses a field or marine glass.
“在这种投射或者意识拓展中 —— 视觉感官的使用 —— 是通过提升视神经的振动频率来完成的。整个过程可以类比于 —— 当一个人使用望远镜或者显微镜时发生的事情。”
“In ordinary experience—human consciousness has been accustomed to use its faculties—only within certain zones or force-fields—and the proof of this is—that one can listen to the sound of a person’s voice—who is physically present in the room speaking to him—and he can also hear the bell of a telephone ring somewhere else in the house—at identically the same instant. All the faculties of the outer activity are—elastic. They may be used as—either a microscope or a telescope—depending entirely upon the—desire and will—of the individual.
“在通常的体验中 —— 人类的意识已经习惯于它常常使用的功能 —— 只在某些特定的区域或者场域之中 —— 有关这一点的证据是 —— 一个人可以听到另一个人的声音 —— 当这个人在另一间屋子里跟他说话时 —— 他在同一时间 —— 也能听到房子里某处的电话铃响声。所有这些外在活动的功能 —— 是有弹性的。它们可以被用作显微镜或者望远镜,完全取决于 —— 这个人的意愿和意志。”
“If he can be conscious of sound in the room in which his physical body stands, and also be aware of sound two or three rooms distant—by exactly the same process—in a still farther expansion of this faculty—he can hear—at a more distant place. To do this—one must increase the vibratory rate—until it reaches into the more distant zone.
“如果他可以对他肉身所在房间的声音产生觉知,也通过相同的过程 —— 他可以听到两三个房间之外的声音,进一步地拓展这种能力 —— 他可以听到更远距离的声音。为了实现这一点 —— 一个人需要提高振动频率 —— 直至这频率可以触及更远的范围。
“When you contemplate this—Great Inner God Activity—do you not see how—perfectly and readily—the outer senses—merge into the—Inner—and what has been two becomes—One.
“当你思考这个 —— 伟大的内在神之自我的活动 —— 你难道没有看到 —— 外在的感官 —— 如何完美而轻松地 —— 与内在感官 —— 融合在一起 —— 曾经的两者 —— 合二为一。”
“This activity of consciousness can be applied to—all—the other senses—as well as those of sight and hearing. Such a raising process is natural, normal, and harmonious—as simple as the tuning of your radios to any desired wave-length. Radio wavelengths and those of sight and hearing—are—parts of the same activity. Sound contains color and color contains sound. In ordinary daily experience—human beings can hear color and see sound—whenever they become still enough.
“这种意识活动可以应用于 —— 所有其他的感官 —— 以及视觉和听觉。这样一个提升的过程是自然、正常、和谐的 —— 就像你把收音机调频至你想要收听的波长。无线电波长、以及视觉和听觉的波长 —— 是相同活动的一部分。声音之中包含着颜色,颜色中有声音。在日常的经验中,人类可以听到颜色,并看到声音 —— 如果他们变得足够静止的话。”
“Within certain octaves or zones, vibration registers upon the nerves of the eyes and the result is—what we call sight. Others register upon the nerves of the ears and the result is—what we call hearing. The—average—person’s eyes only see objects whose vibratory rate comes within these certain octaves—for they do not see below the infra red, or above the ultra violet ray or zone. Through the—Radiation—of an—Ascended Master—the atomic structure of the brain and eye—vibrates fast enough—to expand into the next octave—above the human.
“在特定的范围或者区域内,振动频率会记录在视神经上,其结果是产生了 —— 视觉。其他的振动频率记录在耳朵神经上,其结果是产生了 —— 听觉。普通人的眼睛只能看到某个特定范围内的振动频率 —— 比如看不到红外线之下和紫外线以上的区域。通过 —— 扬升大师的 —— 照耀 —— 大脑和眼睛的原子结构 —— 振动频率会足够快 —— 从而拓展至下一个区域 —— 高于人类感知的频率范围。”
“This same activity can be expanded several octaves farther—either by the Master’s Radiation—or at the command of the—Inner—or—God-Self—of the individual. Many persons do have such experiences involuntarily—but rarely understand—what they mean—or how they come about. In cases, where individuals have had moments of Transcendent Consciousness or been highly inspired—this is what has occurred—although they—seldom—recognize the assistance they have been given.
“同样的活动可以拓展至更更广的范围 —— 或者来自扬升大师的照耀 —— 或者在这个人 —— 内在神之自我的 —— 要求之下。大多数人偶然间会有这样的体验 —— 但是很少去理解 —— 这样体验的涵义 —— 以及它们的原理。在某些情况下,一个人可能有一些超然意识的状态,或者在高度启发之中 —— 就会发生这样的事情 —— 尽管他们 —— 很少意识到 —— 他们得到的帮助。”
“Projected Consciousness or Vision has nothing whatsoever to do—with mental pictures—produced by suggestions—that exist only in the minds of other human beings. Such thoughts and pictures are but—flashed—directly into the mind of another person—by the one sending the suggestion. It is the same activity that takes place—when one reflects the image of the sun into a mirror—and then—deflects—it upon the wall.
“投射的意识或者视野与 —— 由别人的建议产生的 —— 仅仅存在于其他人的心智中 —— 头脑中的场景 —— 毫无关联。这样的想法和图像只是 —— 直接闪现 —— 到另一个人的心智中 —— 通过提出建议的那个人。这跟人们把太阳的图像反射到镜子上 —— 然后再把这图像 —— 映射到墙上 —— 活动过程是相同的。”
“Suggestion is as different—from Projected Consciousness—as thinking about a place is different from—being—physically present. Projection is—vivid—Living—Real—as when your physical body is going through an experience, for it is the action of your Inner God-Self—with whom the Ascended Master is—ONE—The Supreme.”
“意识的投射 —— 与提出建议不同 —— 因为你心智中想着某个地方 —— 与身体真正地在那里是不同的场景。投射是 —— 活生生的 —— 生动具体的 —— 真实发生的 —— 就像你的物质身体在进行体验一样,因为这是你内在神之自我的行动 —— 扬升大师与你的神之自我是合一的 —— 是至高无上的存在。”
Saint Germain and I then became observers—and actors—in a scene of long ago. Again, I was—outwardly—conscious of going through experiences shown me in thought, feeling, and action. The entire operation was as—natural and normal—as breathing, and the only—unusual sensation—about it was the feeling—of greater freedom—and a sense of dominion. We both became very still for a few moments, as he revivified the Etheric Records and my instruction began.
然后,圣哲曼和我成为了观察者 —— 与表演者 —— 这段场景发生在很久很久之前。再次,我在外面有意识地体验到了展示给我看的思想、感觉和发生的事情。整个过程 —— 自然而言地进行着 —— 就像呼吸一样,唯一 —— 不同寻常的感觉 —— 是感受到了 —— 更大的自由 —— 以及一种统领感。我们都安静了一段时间,当他激活以太层的记录时,我的教导开始了。
“This is the Sahara Desert,” he said, “when it was fertile country having a semi-tropical climate.”
There were many streams of water carrying abundant moisture everywhere in the land. In the midst of this empire lay the capital, famous throughout the world for its splendor. The executive buildings were placed in the center upon a slight elevation, and from these, the city itself extended equally in every direction.
“This civilization,” he went on, “rose to its apex seventy thousand years ago.”
We entered the city, and felt an unusual rhythmic activity that gave one a strange sensation of—lightness—while walking. The people all moved about with great ease and grace. I asked Saint Germain the reason for this, and he replied:
我们进入了这座城市,感受到一种不同寻常的韵律节奏,走路的时候它给人一种奇怪的 —— 轻盈之感。人们走起路来都很轻松、优雅。我问圣哲曼是什么原因,他回答:
“These people remembered their—Source—and knew themselves as—Sons of God—hence, were the possessors and operators of power and wisdom that—to you—may seem miraculous—and super-human. Truthfully speaking—there are no such things as miracles—for all is according to—Law—and that, which seems miraculous to the present concept of humanity, is but—the result of the application of laws—to which mankind’s present consciousness is—unaccustomed—and so seems strange and unusual.
“这些人记得他们的 —— 源头 —— 知道他们自己是 —— 神的孩子 —— 因此,他们是权力和智慧的拥有者和执行者 —— 在你看来 —— 这就像是奇迹 —— 他们就像是超人。说实话 —— 没有所谓奇迹的事情 —— 因为所有的一切都是根据 —— 法则 —— 来运作的,这些对当前人类的认知来说是不可思议的 —— 但是它们只是法则运用的结果 —— 人类的意识 —— 还不习惯这些 —— 所以看起来奇怪与不同寻常。”
“When the Reality of Life is—correctly—understood—all manifestation—that seems miraculous to your present consciousness—is found to be just as—natural and normal an experience—as the forming of words are to one—who has learned the use of the alphabet. It is all but the action of an ever-expanding, ever-progressing manifestation—of Life in form—and that comes about at—all—times through an orderly process of—Law—in love and peace.
“当生命的实相 —— 得到正确的理解 —— 那么所有的显化 —— 对你现在的意识状态来说是奇迹的那些 —— 会被发现是一种 —— 自然而然的寻常体验 —— 就像是已经学习了使用字母表的人 —— 识别起单词一样得心应手。所有的这一切只不过是一种不断拓展、不断进步的生命在物质层面的显化 —— 任何时候 —— 都有序地在爱与和平中 ——遵循着生命法则的过程。”
“No matter how strange, unusual, and impossible an experience—seems—to humanity’s present mental state—it is no proof that there is not a Greater Law and a Wiser Intelligence—acting to produce greater wonders of creation and—surrounding us all the time.
“就人类当前心智状态而言 —— 不论一种体验 —— 看上去 —— 多么奇怪、不同寻常和不可能发生 —— 这些都不能成为更伟大的法则、更智慧的智能不存在的证据,这些法则和智能 —— 在运作中创造更伟大的奇迹,并时时刻刻包围着我们。”
“The knowledge—of the greatest minds of humanity—in the outer world today is to this—Great Inner Wisdom and Power—as the understanding of a small child is to the study—of calculus.”
“当今外部世界中 —— 人类最伟大心智掌握的知识 —— 与这种伟大的内在智慧和力量相比 —— 就像是一个小孩子对微积分的理解那般。”
In one building of the central group, we found the attendants attired in most gorgeous fabrics of soft, radiant colors, that harmonized with the interior decoration. One of these acted as guide taking us to the central building, and there he presented us to the king of this great people. The king proved to be—Saint Germain.
在位于中央的那座建筑中,我们发现那里的侍者穿着最华丽的面料,散发着柔和的色彩,与建筑物中的装饰相得益彰。他们中的一位担任向导,把我们带到建筑物中央,在那里他给我们介绍这位伟大的国王。而国王就是 —— 圣哲曼。
Beside him stood a young girl, very beautiful. She had hair like spun gold that hung almost to the floor and eyes of a piercing violet-blue. Her entire bearing was one of loving command. I looked inquiringly at Saint Germain, wondering who she could be, and he answered:
Beside her stood a young man about twenty years of age and a lad perhaps fourteen. The young man was he, whom we had seen as—the High Priest—in the temple at Luxor, and the lad was the lesser priest. These were the children of the king. Again, we four were working together.
站在她旁边的是一位二十岁左右的年轻人,以及一位十四岁左右的少年。那位年轻人就是我们在卢克索神庙中看到的 —— 大祭司,那位少年就是位阶稍低的那位祭司。他们都是国王的孩子。再一次,我们四个人一起工作。
“With this glimpse of former lives,” he said, “let us enter into the activity of that blessed people. I say blessed advisedly, and you shall soon see why. The majority of them still retained the full conscious use of all their wisdom and power—as Sons of God—and this—they wielded almost without limit—knowing full well from—Whence—they sprang, and to—What—they were heirs.
“一睹前世的生活后,”他说,“让我们进入那些受到祝福的人们的活动之中。我说他们收到祝福,你很快就知道其原因了。他们中的大多数人仍然保持着 —— 作为神之子 —— 拥有的全部智慧和力量的全然有意识地使用,他们对神圣力量的使用几乎没有限制 —— 他们也完全清楚自己从哪里来 —— 自己要到哪里去 —— 以及他们是谁的传承”
“The outer was but the instrument of the Divine Self, as it should be, and was only permitted to do that for which it was created. Naturally—the Great Inner Self—could act unfettered and, of course the perfection and activity of that period, was one of magnificent accomplishment.”
“外在身体不过是神圣自我的载具,它应该、而且只应该去做它被创造出来允许范围的事情。这样一来 —— 伟大的内在自我 —— 就可以不受约束地行动,当然那个时期的完美和活动,是一项伟大的成就。”
At the time of this former civilization, the whole empire was filled with great peace, happiness and prosperity. The King-emperor was a—”Master of the Ancient Wisdom”—and a—”Real Cupbearer of the Light.” He—ruled by that “Light”—and his empire was the living example of—Perfection.
在之前的这个文明时期,整个帝国都充满了和平、幸福与繁荣。国王 —— 是一位“远古的智慧大师” —— 他是一名“真正的光之承载者”。他通过那“圣光”来统治 —— 他统治下的帝国就是 —— 完美的最好见证。
“For hundreds of years,” Saint Germain continued, “this Perfection was maintained—without army or navy of any kind. The control of the people was vested in the care of fourteen—Ascended Masters of Light—two working on each of the Seven Rays. They thus formed points of focus for the Mighty God Activity to be made visible. Under these fourteen—Luminous Beings—were fourteen lesser—Masters—who formed the heads of seven departments, controlling the activities of science, industry and art. Each of the department heads guided the work under his care by conscious and direct contact with the—God—in himself. Hence, direct from their—Source—did all direction and instruction come for those under them. Thus—Divine Perfection—was constantly flowing through without any interference—from the human.
圣哲曼继续说,“这个完美一直延续了数百年的光阴 —— 没有任何形式的军队,不论是陆军还是海军。人们的统治交给了十四位 —— 光之扬升大师 —— 七道圣光中,每一道都由两位大师护持。因此,他们让伟大的神之活动的能量聚焦点变得可见。在这十四位 —— 光明的存有 —— 指导之下,是位阶较低的十四位大师 —— 他们形成了七个部门的首领,控制着科学、工业和艺术领域的活动。每个部门的负责人都通过有意识地与自己内在的神之自我进行直接地接触,来指引他的工作。因此,来自他们 —— 源头 —— 的指引引导着他们进行自己领域内的工作。所以 —— 神圣的圆满 —— 不断地在人间流淌 —— 不受任何干扰。”
“This form of government was most remarkable, successful, and satisfactory in every way. There has never been anything on earth since that time—which has even approached such heights. In the ancient records, that have come down to the present day, this former civilization is always referred to as the Golden Age—and so it was in every activity of Life.
“这种形式的政府在各方面都是卓越的、成功的、令人满意的。那时地球上还没有任何事物 —— 达到这样的高度。在流传至今的古老记录中,这种古文明被称为黄金时代 —— 那时生命的每一种活动都散发着这种光彩。”
“In your beloved America—in the not so far distant future—will come forth a similar recognition of the—Real Inner Self—and this her people will express in high attainment. She is a—Land of Light—and Her—Light—shall blaze forth—brilliant as the sun at noonday—among the nations of the earth. She was a Land of Great Light—ages ago—and will again come into her spiritual heritage for—nothing—can prevent it. She is strong within her own mind and body—stronger than you think—and that strength she will exert to rise out of and throw off from border to border—all—that weighs heavily upon her at the present time.
“在你热爱的美国 —— 在不远的将来 —— 会出现一种相似的 —— 对真正内在自我的认知 —— 她的子民会以极高的成就表达出来。她是 —— 光之领域 —— 她的圣光 —— 将会像正午的太阳一样灿烂 —— 照耀在地球上所有国家之中。很久之前 —— 她是伟大圣光的领土 —— 她会再次来到她的灵性传承之中 —— 没有什么会阻止这一点的到来。她的心智和身体 —— 要比你想象中强大 —— 她将使用这种力量从边缘中升起并抛开这些 —— 当前所有沉重地压在她身上的一切。”
“America has a destiny of great import to the other nations of the earth and Those—who have watched over her for centuries—still watch. Through Their protection and love—she shall fulfill that destiny. America! We—the Ascended Host of Light—love and guard you. America! We love you.
“对地球上其他国家来说,美国有着重要的使命,那些 —— 几个世纪以来守护着她的那些存有 —— 还在守护她。通过他们的保护和爱 —— 她会完成那既定的使命。美国!我们 —— 光之扬升大师 —— 爱你并守护着你。美国!我们爱你。”
“A similar form of perfect government—will—come at a later period, when you have cast off certain activities within—that hang like fungi—and sap your strength as a vampire. Beloved ones in America—be not discouraged—when the seeming dark clouds hang low. Everyone of them—shall—show you its golden lining. Back of the cloud that seems to threaten, is the—’Crystal Pure Light of God and His Messengers, the Ascended Masters of Love and Perfection’—watching over America, the government, and her people. Again I say, ‘America—we love you.’
“一种相似的完美政府形式 —— 将会出现,当你摆脱掉内在的某些活动时 —— 那些活动就像真菌一样悬挂着 —— 像吸血鬼一样吸食你的力量。美国的可爱众生 —— 当表面上看似乌云低垂时 —— 不要气馁。他们中的每个人 —— 会向你展示他们灵性的一面。看似威胁的乌云背后,是 —— ‘神的纯粹水晶之光,是扬升大师和神之使者的爱与圆满’ —— 他们在守护着美国、那里的政府和人民。我再说一次,‘美国 —— 我们爱你’。”
“One by one, great awakened souls are coming forth who will become clearly conscious of their own—Mighty, Inherent God-Power—and such as these—will—be placed in all official positions of the government. They will be more interested in the—welfare of America—than in their own personal ambitions and—private fortunes. Thus—will another—Golden Age—reign upon earth, and be maintained for—an aeon.
一个接一个地,伟大觉醒的灵魂出现了,他们会越来越清晰地认识到自己内在 —— 伟大的、与生俱来的神之力量 —— 这样的人会被安置在政府所有的官方职位上。相比自己个人的野心和财富,他们会更关心 —— 美国整体的福利。因此 —— 另一个黄金时代 —— 将会降临到地球,并永恒地存在。
“In the period, just preceding this, which you have been experiencing, the mass of the people used great airships for transportation purposes. As the development reached a still higher point, they had little need for them, except in the outlying districts. All the official class, because they were the more spiritually advanced souls of that race, were able to go from place to place—in the finer bodies—and do all they desired—the same as in your recent experience at Luxor. They also were able—to transport—the physical body at will—for the use of their power—to overcome gravity—was as natural as breathing is to you.
“就在你刚刚体验的那个世代之前,人民大众还需要使用巨大的飞行器来进行运输。随着发展到更高的水平,他们对它们的需求就很少了,除非要到边远地区。所有的官方阶层,那时他们是由那个种族灵性上更加进化的灵魂所组成的,可以通过他们精微的身体 —— 从一个地方到另一个地方 —— 去完成他们想做的事情 —— 就像你最近在卢克索经历的那样。他们也可以随意地移动他们的物质身体 —— 因为他们使用的力量 —— 可以克服重力 —— 这些对他们来说就像呼吸对你那么自然一般。”
“Gold was a common commodity in this age, as in all ‘Golden Ages,’ because its natural emanation is a purifying, balancing, and vitalizing energy or force. It is placed within the earth—by the ‘Lords of Creation’—those ‘Great Beings of Light and Love’—who create and direct worlds—systems of worlds—and the evolution of the beings upon them.
“在这个世代,黄金是一种常见的商品,就是“黄金时代”中的黄金那个词。因为它自然地散发出一种净化、平衡和充满活力的能量或力量。通过‘创造之主’ —— 那些‘伟大的光与爱的存有’ —— 它被放置在地球上 —— 也是他们创造并引导着世界 —— 众多的世界 —— 以及众生的进化。”
“The outer mind or intellectual knowledge of humanity, holds within it little—very little—understanding of the—Real—purpose for which gold exists on this planet. It grows within the earth like a plant, and—through it is constantly pouring a purifying, vitalizing, and balancing current of energy—into the very ground we walk upon—as well as into the growth of Nature—and the atmosphere we breathe.
“人类的外在头脑,或者说智力上的知识,很少能理解 —— 黄金存在于这颗星球上的 —— 真正目的。它像植物那样在地球上成长,而且 —— 也是它不断地向我们行走的土地 —— 大自然的成长 —— 以及我们呼吸的大气 —— 倾注净化、活化和平衡的能量流。”
“Gold is placed upon this planet for a variety of uses—two of its most trivial and unimportant ones—being that of using gold as a—means of exchange—and for ornamentation. The far-greater activity—and purpose of it within and upon the earth is—the release—of its own inherent quality and energy to purify, vitalize and balance the atomic structure of the world.
“黄金被放置在地球上用于多种用途 —— 其中两个最微不足道和最不重要的用途 —— 就是把黄金作为 —— 交易的手段 —— 和用于装饰。”它内在更伟大的活动、以及它存在于地球上的目的 —— 是为了释放 —— 它内在的品质和能量,从而去净化、活化和平衡这个世界的分子结构。
“The scientific world today has no inkling as yet of this activity. However, it serves the same purpose to our earth—that radiators do to our homes. Gold is one of the—most important—ways by which the energy from our sun is supplied to the interior of the earth, and a balance of activities maintained. As a conveyor of this energy—it acts as a transformer—to pass the sun’s force into the physical substance of our world—as well as to the Life evolving upon it.
“现代的科学界对这项活动还一无所知。然而,黄金对地球的作用 —— 就像暖气对我们家的作用。黄金是把来自太阳的能量带入到地球内部并保持各种活动处于平衡之中的 —— 重要方法之一。作为这种能量的导体 —— 它的作用就像变压器 —— 把太阳的能量传递到我们所在的物质世界 —— 以及在这个世界中进化的生命。”
The energy within gold is—really—the radiant, electronic force from the sun—acting in a lower octave. Gold is sometimes called a—precipitated sunray.
黄金中的能量 —— 实际上 —— 是太阳发射出的电子作用力 —— 进入更低的领域并发挥作用。黄金有时候也被称作 —— 沉降的太阳光。
“As the energy within gold is of an extremely high vibratory rate, it can only act upon the finer and more subtle expressions of Life—through absorption. In all—’Golden Ages’—this metal comes into plentiful and common use—by the mass of the people—and whenever such a condition occurs—the spiritual—development of that people reaches—a very high state. In these ages the gold is—never—hoarded but instead, is widely distributed into the use of the mass—who absorbing its purifying energy—are themselves—raised—into greater perfection. Such is the right use of gold and when this—Law—is consciously understood and—obeyed—the individual may draw any quantity he desires to himself by the use of that—Law.
“由于黄金中的能量具有极高的振动频率,它只能作用于生命中更微妙和精细的表达 —— 通过吸收的方式。在所有的 —— ‘黄金时代’ —— 这种金属 —— 通过大众 —— 得到了丰富且广泛地使用 —— 每当这种情况发生时 —— 人们的灵性发展 —— 就达到了一个非常高的状态。在那些年代,黄金 —— 从来不会 —— 被囤积起来,相反地,它被广泛地派发给大众使用 —— 人们吸收它净化的能量 —— 从而让他们自己 —— 提升到 —— 更伟大的完美之中。这就是黄金的正确使用方法,当这个 —— 法则 —— 被有意识地理解并 —— 遵守时 —— 个人就可以通过使用这个法则吸引来他需要使用的任何数量的黄金。”
“Because of the gold deposits in all mountain ranges—one finds health and vigor in Life upon the mountains—that he cannot find at any other place—on the earth’s surface. No one ever heard of detrimental effects coming to those—who constantly handle—pure—gold. While in its—pure—state, it is soft and wears away easily, still—that very quality—is the fulfilling of this purpose of which I have just spoken.
“因为山脉中存在着金矿 —— 所以人们看到山上散发着健康和生命的活力 —— 这是人们在地球表面其他地方找不到的。从来没有听说过负面的影响会来到那些经常与纯金打交道的人身上。当黄金处于 —— 纯净 —— 状态之中时,它是柔软的,而且很容易磨损,不过 —— 它所拥有的那种特质 —— 让我刚刚提到的那个目的得以实现。”
“The more advanced of these people produced much gold—by precipitation—direct from the Universal. The domes of many buildings were covered with sheets of pure gold and the interiors decorated with brilliant jewels in curious yet marvelous designs. These jewels were also precipitated—direct from the One Eternal Substance.
“那些人中更加进化的人直接从宇宙中 —— 通过沉降 —— 产生了更多的黄金。很多建筑物的圆顶上覆盖着纯金片,内部装饰着精美的珠宝,设计美妙而独特。这些珠宝也是沉降产生 —— 直接来自合一的永恒物质。”
“As in all ages past, there was a portion of the people—who became more interested in the temporary pleasures of the senses—than in the—larger—creative plan—of the Great God Self. This caused them—to lose—consciousness of the God Power throughout the land—until it remained active in little more than—the city itself. The capital was called the—’City of the Sun.’
“与所有过去时代一样,有一部分人 —— 他们对感官产生的短暂性快乐更有兴趣 —— 而不是对更伟大的 —— 伟大神之自我的 —— 创造计划更有兴趣。这导致他们 —— 失去了 —— 这片土地上神之力量的意识 —— 最终这种意识只在一个城市中保持着活跃。那座城市被称为 —— ‘太阳之城’。”
“Those governing—realized they must withdraw—and let the people learn—through hard experience—that all their happiness and good came from—the adoration to the God Within—and they must come back into the ‘Light’—if they were to be happy.”
“那些统治者 —— 意识到他们必须要离开 —— 从而让人们学习 —— 通过艰苦的体验 —— 学习到幸福和美好都来自 —— 对内在神的赞美 —— 他们必须要回到‘圣光’中 —— 如果他们想要获得幸福的话。”
The king-emperor—through the Inner Wisdom—seeing that the people were becoming still more deeply enmeshed in the sense gratification, realized that it was no longer the Divine Plan to further sustain the kingdom. He was instructed—by those of greater spiritual authority than himself—to give a banquet announcing his decision to withdraw, and thus—bid his subjects farewell.
“国王 —— 皇帝 —— 通过内在的智慧 —— 看到人们越来越深地沉迷于感官的满足之中,他意识到继续维系王国的存在不再是神圣计划的一部分。他被指引 —— 通过那些比他更加拥有灵性权威的存有 —— 举办一场宴会,宣告他要退位的决定,并向他的臣民告别。”
He called the councilors together, and gave directions for the banquet, ordering it held in the most magnificent place of the empire, known as—the Jeweled Room—in the king’s palace. This was lighted—by self-luminous globes—that emitted a brilliant, white radiance. They were suspended from the ceiling by chains of crystal. While the light within was intense and brilliant—yet it had an extremely soothing effect upon the body—giving those in its radiance a sense of great ease and calm. The light from the central globe set the jewels ablaze—in the sunburst design—that formed the great medallion in the middle of the ceiling.
他召集了众议员,下令摆宴,在这个帝国最宏伟的地方 —— 王宫中的玉室 —— 进行。这里被 —— 自发光的球体 —— 照亮,发出明亮白色的光芒。它们由水晶链条悬挂在天花板上。虽然光的内部强烈而明亮 —— 但是它对身体却有着极其舒缓的效果 —— 给沐浴在光芒中的人一种轻松和平和之感。来自中央球体的光芒让这些珠宝闪烁着 —— 旭日纹的图案 —— 成为了天花板中央巨大的装饰。
The large banquet hall was elaborately decorated and set with twenty-four white onyx tables, each seating twenty-four guests. This was the first occasion upon which all the king’s councilors and their staffs were to be his guests at the same time. The announcement of the banquet caused ‘much comment among the people who discussed it thoroughly—each with his neighbor—but to all it was a mystery—for none was able to discern its purpose.
宴会厅装饰精美,摆设二十四张白缟玛瑙桌子,每张桌子可以坐下二十四位宾客。这是国王的大臣和他们的幕僚们第一次同时成为国王的客人。这场宴会的宣告引起了众多人们的讨论 —— 每个人都与相邻的人议论着 —— 但是对所有的人来说,这仍然是一个谜 —— 没有人能看出这场宴会举办的真正目的。
The evening of the event came at last. No one suspected the sorrow within the heart of the noble ruler—nor did they dream of the change so soon to come upon them. The hour arrived, the guests assembled, and everyone breathed mystery.
The great bronze doors to the banquet hall swung majestically open, and a burst of transcendent music, as if played by a gigantic symphony—in the invisible—came forth, surprising even those—who knew the tremendous power—of their adored monarch. He was looked upon—almost like a God—by the people, so great was their love and admiration for the wisdom and help he constantly poured out to them.
宴会厅的青铜巨门在庄严之中打开,伴随着超脱的音乐声,仿佛一首巨大的交响乐 —— 在无形中 —— 响起,就连他们最尊重的君主 —— 熟悉那伟大力量的人 —— 也感到惊讶。人们仰望着他 —— 就像一位神,人们对他一直以来为他们所倾注的智慧和帮助流露出强大的爱与敬意。
As the triumphal music ceased—the king entered—accompanied by his children. The girl was a vision of loveliness. She wore a gown of soft golden fabric—unlike any material of our modern world. The over-drape appeared as if covered with diamonds for with every movement of her body points of light flashed forth. The golden hair falling over her shoulders was caught with two emerald clasps. On her forehead was a single band of white metal, set with diamonds. In the center was what appeared to be a large diamond but was—really—a powerful condensation of “Light”—focused and maintained there by her father.
随着欢迎的音乐结束 —— 国王走了进来 —— 在他孩子的陪伴下。一位少女透露着可爱。她身着一件柔软的金色丝织长袍 —— 不同于我们现代世界的任何材料。身披之物仿佛点缀满了钻石,伴随着她的每个动作,闪烁着光点。垂在肩膀上的金色长发被两个祖母绿的发夹夹住。她的前额环绕着一条白色的金属带,上面镶嵌着钻石。中央的位置看上去像是一颗更巨大的钻石,但是 —— 实际上 —— 那是一道“圣光”的凝聚 —— 由他父亲凝聚并保持在那里。
The king was the only one in the whole empire—who was entrusted with the use of such—Transcendent—Power. The royal family had never used these—Jewels of “Light”—in their contact with the outer world—until that night. Such use of this power was only permitted—in their private worship—of the Great God Self—of whose “Supreme” Presence—they were keenly and constantly aware.
国王是整个帝国中唯一被赋予使用这种力量的人 —— 他可以使用这种 —— 超凡之力。这个皇室家族 —— 与外界的人接触时 —— 从来没有使用过这些 —— “圣光”宝石—— 直至那天晚上。这种力量的使用只有在他们个人 —— 对伟大的神之自我 —— 的尊崇之中才被允许,他们一直敏锐地知晓并觉察到他们自己的“至高无上的临在”。
The ruler and his two sons wore form-fitting garments of the same soft golden fabric as the daughter. These were as pliable as leather but made of metallic gold with breast plates like a great sun of jewels. They wore sandals of the same material, also set with precious stones, and the wonderful—Jewel of “Light” rested upon the forehead of each.
The king gave a signal, and the assembled guests were seated. In a voice majestic and powerful, he poured out an invocation from the depths of his heart to that—”Infinite Supreme One.”
国王给了个手势,众宾客就坐。他以威严而有力的声音,从他的心底向那 —— “无上至尊”发出祈请。
“O Thou Mighty Omnipresent Source, Thou who dost govern the Universe, The Flame in each human heart! we give love, praise and gratitude unto Thee for Thine own Life, Light, and Love in all things. We adore Thee, and look only unto Thee, the ‘Presence’ in all things visible and invisible, evolved and unevolved, Thou ceaselessly flowing stream of Life, Who dost forever pour Thyself into all creation, the One Self in All.
“My heart calls unto Thee as never before to arouse these, my people, to their danger, for of late indifference to Thee is creeping over them like a poisonous breath, producing a soul-sleep and drawing a veil before them that shuts out ‘Thy Shining Presence.’
“If they must have the experience that consumes and burns away the dross and clouds of the outer self, then do Thou sustain and at last bring them forth in Thy Eternal Perfection. I call unto Thee, Thou Creator of the Universe—Thou Supreme Omnipotent God.”
“如果他们一定要进行这样的体验,来消耗并烧毁外在自我产生的无用之物和乌云,那么请你维持他们,并把他们最终带入到你永恒的圆满之中。我呼唤你,宇宙的创造者 —— 至高无上的全能神者。”
The king took his seat and all waited in silent expectation. In a few moments the service for each individual appeared before him. Course after course was served—as if by unseen hands—the food coming in marvelous crystal and jeweled containers—then disappearing as soon as the course was finished—followed immediately by the succeeding one. Finally, the most elaborate banquet—the empire had ever known—came to an end. All was silence again, as if in breathless expectancy—anticipating some most unusual occurrence.
国王就坐,所有的人都在安静中期待着什么。过了一会,每个人将要享用的菜肴出现在了他们面前。一道菜接着另一道菜 —— 似乎是由看不见的双手端了上来 —— 食物装在由美妙的水晶和宝石制作的容器中 —— 当一道菜吃完时,它们也消失了 —— 紧接着下一道菜又出现了。终于,这个帝国有史以来所举办的 —— 最盛大的宴会 —— 落下帷幕。一切又回归寂静,人们仿佛在屏住呼气期待什么 —— 一些最不同寻常的事情将要发生。
The king arose and stood a few moments—calmly waiting. Soon—a crystal goblet—appeared at the right hand of each guest. These were filled with a—condensation of Pure Electronic Essence—and for all who drank it, no matter how far down the ages his life-stream extended or how varied his experiences—he never could completely forget the—”God-Self Within.” This soul protection was granted to those at the banquet, as a reward for their faith and loyalty—to the God in themselves—the king—and the empire. The councilors and those present had served sincerely and continuously for the good of the empire—and for that service—soul protection—through the centuries was given to them.
国王站了起来,停留了一段时间 —— 静静地等待着。很快 —— 一个水晶高脚杯 —— 出现在了每位宾客的右手边。这里面装满了 —— 纯粹电子精华的浓缩 —— 对于喝过它的人来说,不论他的生命之流延伸到何年何月,或者他的体验有多么丰富 —— 他永远不会完全忘记 —— “内在的神之自我”。这种灵魂的保护被赠予出席宴会的那些人,作为他们 —— 对内在的神 —— 对国王 —— 以及对这个帝国 —— 的信念和忠诚的奖励。几个世纪以来,众议员和那些在场的人一直诚诚恳恳地为这个国家的利益服务 —— 因为他们几个世纪以来的服务,从而赐予他们灵魂的保护。
Each lifted his goblet and drank to the “God in himself”—to his own “Flame of the Most High Living One.” The proceedings of the banquet were broadcast to everyone in the empire—through a radio similar to that—which we use today. It was no larger than a dinner plate—yet powerful enough—to receive what was happening—at any point on the earth’s surface.
每个人都举起他的高脚杯,致敬给“他们内在的神” —— 他们自己的“至高无上的生命火焰”。宴会的过程通过广播 —— 类似于我们今天使用的收音机 —— 传播给帝国的每个人。它的尺寸不大于餐盘 —— 但是拥有足够的能量 —— 可以在地球表面的任何地方 —— 收听到正在发生的事情。
After the salutation to the Divine Self in each—all became very still—the atmosphere itself seeming perfectly motionless. In a few moments a—Wondrous “Presence”—slowly became visible—in front of the king.
当每个人向内在的神性自我致敬之后 —— 一切变得非常安静 —— 空气似乎完全静止下来。片刻之后,一位 —— 特别的“临在” —— 慢慢地出现在国王的面前。
That “Presence” was a “Cosmic Master” from out the—”Great Silence.” A murmur of awe and surprise passed over the assembled guests at his appearance—as they recognized in amazement—one of whom they had heard for many centuries—yet whose visible—”Presence”—none had ever seen. Raising his right hand, he addressed those present and all dwelling within the empire.
这位“临在”是来自“伟大寂静”之中的“宇宙大师”。当他出现时,在场的宾客们发出了敬畏和赞叹的低语 —— 他们在惊讶之中认识到 —— 这位“临在”是他们几个世纪以来一直听到过的其中一位 —— 可是他的肉眼可见的“临在” —— 从来没有人见过。他举起右手,对在场的所有人、以及整个帝国的居民说:
“O Children of Earth, I bring you a warning of serious import, at a time of great crisis. Arouse yourselves from the snare of the senses that is engulfing you! Awake from your lethargy, before it is too late! This, my ‘Brother of Light’ must withdraw and leave you to the experience that you have chosen, and which is slowly enticing you into its many pitfalls.
You have opened yourselves to the uncontrolled ignorance and emotions of the outer self.
“You give little attention and still less adoration to your ‘Source’—the Supreme, the Mighty, the Radiant, the Majestic, the Infinite Cause of all that is—the Creator and Sustainer of all worlds. You give no gratitude to the ‘Great Glorious Presence’—the ‘Lord of Love’—for the very Life by which you exist.
“你们对自己的‘源头’ —— 至高无上的、全能的、闪耀的、威严的、无限万有之源泉 —— 所有世界的创造者和维持者 —— 给予的关注和尊敬甚少。你们对 —— 赋予你们生命的‘伟大荣耀的临在’ —— ‘大爱之主’没有感激之心。”
“Oh! why are you not even grateful, for the blessings Nature pours out so lavishly, for the abundance that comes to you through this fair land, and from your own wise and unselfish ruler? You thank each other for favors—the things of the senses and form that are so ephemeral—that pass from one to another and then are no more—but why, Oh why! do you forget the—’Source’—of all Life, all Love, all Intelligence, all Power?
“噢!为什么你们不对大自然慷慨馈赠的祝福表达感激之情,感谢这片美丽的土地、感激你们明智而无私的君主给你们带来了丰盛?”你们互相感谢对方的恩惠 —— 那些短暂的满足感官的有形事物 —— 从一个人到另一个人手里,然后就不复存在 —— 但是为什么,为什么!你们是否遗忘了所有生命、所有爱、所有智能、所有力量的‘源泉’。
“People! O People! where is your gratitude to Life for Love, for the magnificence of experience that you enjoy every moment, every hour, every day, year after year? All this you call your own, but it has always belonged, does now, and always will belong to the—One Great Source of Life, Light, Love and All Good—GOD—the Supreme—the Adorable—the All-Pervading One.
“人们!噢,人们!你们对生命之爱的感激到哪里去了?你们每一刻、每小时、每一天、年复一年之中对体验到的那些精彩的感激之情哪里去了?所有的这一切你都称之为是自己的,但是,它从来都是、现在、并且将永远属于 —— 生命、圣光、大爱和所有一切美好的合一伟大源头 —— 神 —— 至高无上的 —— 令人尊敬的 —— 无所不在的合一。”
“When by your own misuse of the energy of Life—which this All-Pervading One showers upon you constantly, pure, perfect, and uncontaminated—you have created conditions so destructive and painful that they can no longer be endured—you turn in either desperation, agony, or rebellion and call upon—God—for relief from your misery. This is your offering to the—’Giver of all Good’—in return for that Ceaseless Perfection which he continually bestows in—Supreme Love. The only condition, upon which the—’One Great Self’—gives all, is its right use—that it may bless the rest of creation with infinite joy, harmony and activity.
“生命能量是无所不在的合一能量,它不断地冲刷着你,它纯净、完美、不受任何的污染 —— 当你滥用生命能量时 —— 你创造了具有破坏性和痛苦的状况,这些状况让你不能忍受 —— 你要么绝望、要么痛苦、要么反抗,并呼请 —— 神 —— 让你从痛苦中解脱出来。这就是你对 —— ‘所有美好给予者’的供奉 —— 以换取他不断赐予的 —— 在至高之爱中的 —— 永无止境的完美。给予一切的‘合一伟大自我’ —— 唯一要求的条件是 —— 正确地使用它 —— 它可以为其他的创造带来无尽的欢乐、和谐与活动。”
“When in the depths of misery—you turn again to your Source, for relief from your misdeeds—you either cry in the agony of despair or, if rebellious, blame—Life—and the—Source of All Good—for allowing, what you call injustice and wrong conditions to exist in you and your world.
“当处于痛苦的深渊 —— 你再次把注意力转向你的源头,寻找恶行中的解脱 —— 你要么在绝望哭泣,或者你会反抗,责备 —— 生命 —— 以及所有一切美善的源头 —— 因为它允许你称之为不公平和错误的状况存在你身上和你的世界之中。”
“It is you, the little personal self—who are unjust to Life—you who are unfair—you who create the misery of earth, for only humanity—because it has free will to create as it chooses—each individual through his own thought and feeling—only humanity—who dares to bring into existence the discord, misery, and deformity that express upon earth. This is a blight upon Creation and the Perfection that forever swings in the—Great Cosmic Melody of Eternal Song.
“是你自己,微小的个人自我 —— 不公平地对待生命 —— 是不公正的你 —— 创造了地球上的苦难,因为人类 —— 拥有自由意志去创造他所选择的 —— 每个人通过他自己的想法和情感进行创造 —— 只有人类 —— 敢于把不和谐、痛苦和畸形的存在带入地球上表达出来。永恒之歌的伟大宇宙旋律荡漾着创造与完美,而这是人类施加在其上的枯萎。”
“Only mankind is guilty of making a discord in the music of the spheres, for all else lives and acts in accordance with the—’Law of Love, of Life, of Harmony, and of Light.’ All else blends into the harmonious whole—the ‘Body of the Infinite, All-Loving One.’
“只有人类可以犯下在这宇宙韵律之中制造不和谐的过错,因为所有其他的生命和行为都与 —— ‘爱、生命、和谐、和圣光法则’ —— 相一致。所有的一切都融合进入这个和谐的整体 —— 即‘无限充满爱之合一的身体’。”
“All other realms of—’Life and Light’—move and create according to the fundamental principle upon which all Perfection rests. That principle is Love. If it were not for the—’Great Selfless Ones’—like your ruler—the Great Host of Ascended Masters—whose very keynote of existence is Love—humanity would long ago have destroyed itself and the very planet upon which it exists.
“生命和圣光的所有其他领域 —— 根据完美所依赖的基本法则进行运作和创造。这个原则就是爱。如果不是因为 —— ‘伟大而无私的存有’ —— 就像你们的统领者 —— 伟大的扬升大师 —— 他们存在的基调就是爱 —— 人们早就会摧毁自己以及他们所在的星球了。”
“The transcendent and magnificent activities of Love and Light are the Natural Conditions in which God created and expected His human children to manifest—obeying His command—’to Love.’ There is no such thing as a supernatural condition anywhere in the universe. All that is Transcendent, Beautiful and Perfect is Natural and according to the ‘Law of Love.’ Anything other than that is sub-natural. The daily experience of the Host of Ascended Masters is—the Perfection—God’s children were meant to live in always. Earth’s children did express this Perfection once—in a former cycle, which was—’One Golden Age.’
“爱与光的超然和伟大活动是神创造出的、并期待他的孩子也展现出来的自然状况 —— 所有一切都服从他的指令 —— 去‘爱’。在宇宙之中的任何地方都没有所谓的超自然现象。所有的超然、美丽和圆满都是自然的,且遵循着‘爱之法则’。除此之外的一切都是不自然的。扬升大师的日常体验就是 —— 圆满 —— 神之子也注定要活在这样的状态中。地球上孩子们曾经表达过这种完美 —— 在之前的一个周期,那曾是 —— ‘一个黄金时代’。”
“That former civilization—that Ancient Perfection—is older than you dream—older than you believe the planet to be. All mankind at that period lived in a similar transcendent state, as the Ascended Masters, and the condition of misery, that has followed since that time down through the ages, came about because they chose to look away from their ‘Source’—Love—as the plan by which to live Life.
“那个之前的文明 —— 那个远古时代的完美 —— 要比你想象的还要古老 —— 比你所想的地球还要古老。那个时期所有的人类都生活在像扬升大师那般超然的状态中,之后才是世代沿袭下来的痛苦状况,悲惨状况的发生是因为人们不再把注意力放在他们的‘源头‘ —— 爱 —— 之上,而他们本应该如此进行生活。”
“When the children of earth look away from Love—they are deliberately and consciously choosing the experience of chaos. Whoever seeks to exist without—Love—cannot survive long—anywhere in creation. Such efforts are bound to bring failure, misery, and dissolution. By its very condition—it must return to chaos—the unformed—so it may be used over again in combination with Love, and thus produce a new form.
“当地球上孩子们的注意力远离了爱 —— 他们就是在故意地、有意识地选择混乱的体验。那些想要在没有爱的情况下活着的人 —— 无法长久地存在 —— 不论他在何处。所有这样的努力注定带来失败、痛苦和瓦解。就其本身的状况而言 —— 它一定会重归混沌 —— 那未成形的状态 —— 因此它可以再次与爱结合,从而产生一种新的形态。”
“This is the ‘Law of Universal—as well as individual Life.’ It is Immutable, Irrevocable, Eternal, yet Beneficent, for creation in form exists that God may have something upon which to pour out—Love—and so express in action. This is the ‘Law of the Mighty One’ from which all else proceeds. It is the ‘Mandate of Eternity’ and the Vastness and Brilliance of that Perfection cannot be described in words.
“这就是‘宇宙法则 —— 以及个人生命法则’。它是不可改变、不可撤销的、永恒存在,同时又是仁慈的,因为创造的形态存在,让神可以有一些东西把 —— 爱 —— 倾洒在上面 —— 并在行动中表达出来。这是‘伟大存有的运作法则’,其他一切都由此而来。它是‘永恒的指令’,无法用语言表达出那种完美的浩瀚和辉煌。”
“If there were not these Actual, Real, Permanent and Perfect conditions of Life and experience, which far transcend human description—existence would be but a travesty upon the stupendous activity of Life—that swings forever throughout creation. There are those higher, harmonious, Transcendent Spheres—realms of activity and consciousness—individual and cosmic—where creation goes on continually in Joy, in Love, in Freedom, and in Perfection.
“若不是生命和体验中存在这些真实、真切、永恒且完美的、远远超越人类语言所能描述的状况 —— 存在就会成为一种对生命浩瀚活动的嘲讽 —— 穿插在整个造物过程中。存在着更高、更和谐的超然领域 —— 在那些领域的活动与意识中 —— 不论是在个人还是在宇宙层面 —— 创造在喜悦、爱、自由和完美之中不断地进行。”
“These are Real, Real, Real and much more permanent than your bodies and buildings in the physical world about you. These Realms of Life are created of Substance which is so charged with—Love—that they can never have a quality or activity of discord, imperfection, or disintegration imposed upon them or registered within them. Because they are based upon Love, the Perfection of such a manifestation is forever maintained, ever active, ever expanding, ever blessing with the joy of all that exists.
“You bring woe upon yourselves—which propels you into embodiment again and again in the ignorance of the senses, the human appetites, and desires of the outer self. These appetites in the feeling nature of mankind are in themselves but an accumulation of energy which the individual through his thought and feeling has given a quality of one kind or another. This misqualified energy, gathers a momentum through human expression and becomes habit. Habit is but energy specifically qualified and held focused for a time upon one objective.
“你自己给自己带来了痛苦 —— 它驱使你一次又一次陷入外在无知的陷阱中,陷入人类的贪婪和外在自我的欲望之中。人类感觉本性中的欲望是一种能量的积累,一个人通过他的思想和情感赋予某种欲望以特质。这种误用的能量通过人类的表达积累起来,并成为了习惯。习惯只不过是一种被赋予某种特质的能量,且这能量被长时间地集中在某个目标之上。”
“The sense appetites of former lives become the driving forces and habits of the next—keeping you slaves, bound to the chariot wheels of discord, lack, and necessity—whirling you through a maze of human problems and experiences of your own creation—compelling you to learn and obey the—’Law of the One’—’Love.’
“前世生活中的感官欲望会成为下一次转世生活中的驱动力和习惯 —— 让你成为奴隶,把你捆绑在不和谐、匮乏和必然的战车车轮上 —— 让你在人类问题的困境和自己创造的体验中旋转翻滚 —— 强迫你学习和遵守 —— ‘合一法则’ —— 爱。”
“Your own miscreations drive you on, and on, and on, until you are willing to understand Life and obey Its—One Law—Love. You whirl through Life after Life, experiencing discord upon discord, until you do learn to live the ‘Law of Love.’
“你自己的错误驱使你不断前进、前进、前进,直至你愿意去理解生命,并遵循生命的合一法则 —— 爱。你在一次又一次的转世生活中旋转翻滚,体验了一次又一次的不和谐,直至你学会在‘爱的法则’中生活。”
“This is a compelling activity—which none escape—and it continues until the outer self asks-the reason—for its misery, and understands that its release from the experience of suffering can only come through—obedience—to the ‘Law of Love.’ Such obedience begins as calm, peace, and kindliness in the feelings—whose center is in the heart. Its contact with the outer world must come through the ‘Inner Feeling.’
“这是一种强大的活动 —— 没有人可以逃脱它 —— 它会一直进行下去,直至外在的自我去寻找原因 —— 到底什么带来了痛苦,外在自我最终会明白,只有通过 —— 顺从 —— ‘爱之法则’ —— 一个人才会真正地从痛苦中解脱出来。这种顺从开始于情绪中的冷静、和平与善意 —— 这种感觉集中在内心。它与外部世界的接触要通过‘内在感觉’来实现。”
“Love is not an activity of the mind, but is the—’Pure and Luminous Essence’—which creates mind. This—Essence—from the—Great God Flame—streams into substance, and constantly pours itself out, as Perfection in form and action. Love is Perfection manifest. It can only express peace, joy, and an outpouring of those feelings to all creation—unconditionally. It asks—nothing—for Itself because It is—Eternally Self-Creating—being the Heartbeat—of the ‘Supreme.’ Love owns—All—and is only concerned with setting the Plan of Perfection into action in all. Thus, It is a constant pouring out of Itself. It takes no cognizance of what has been given in the past, but receives Its joy and maintains Its balance by the continual—Out-streaming of Itself. Because this Perfection is within Love—forever flowing forth—it is incapable of recording anything but Itself.
“爱不是心智的活动,而是创造心智的 —— ‘纯洁光明的精华’。这种 —— 精华 —— 来自 —— 伟大的神之火焰 —— 并流入到物质之中,而且不停地向外倾洒,它是形态和行动中完美的体现。爱是完美的表达。它只能表达平和、喜悦之情,并且 —— 无条件地 —— 向所有的创造倾洒这种情感。它从不为自己所求什么,因为它 —— 永远在自我创造 —— 它是‘至高无上’的 —— 心脏脉动。爱拥有 —— 所有一切 —— 它只在乎把神圣完美计划付诸行动。因此,它不断地从自身倾洒而出。它并不理会过去存在的东西,而是通过不断地 —— 向外倾洒自己 —— 来接收喜悦并保持平衡。因为这种完美在爱之中 —— 并随着爱一起流动 —— 除了它自己,它无法记录除此之外的任何东西。”
“‘Love’ alone is the basis of harmony and the right use of all Life energy. In human experience, this grows into a desire to give, and give, and give of all the individual’s peace and harmony unto the rest of creation.
“People! O People! forever throughout the ages! only enough Love can bring you back to the Heaven you once knew and abided in. Here, you will once again embrace the fulness of the ‘Great Light’ that gives all through Love.
“A visiting prince approaches your borders. He will enter this city—seeking the daughter of your king. You will come under the rule of this prince but the recognition of your mistake will be futile. Nothing can avail, for the royal family will be drawn into the protection and care of those—whose power and authority are of God—and against whom—no human desire can ever prevail. These are the Great Ascended Masters of Light—from the Golden Etheric City—over this land. Here your ruler and his beloved children will abide for a cycle of time.” Turning to the king he addressed him, saying:
“一位来访的王子接近了这个国家的边界。他会进入这座城市 —— 他来寻找你们国王的女儿。你们会接受这位王子的统治,但那时承认你们的错误已经是徒劳了。没有什么用处,因为王室会受到 —— 神的力量和权威 —— 的保护与照顾,没有人的欲望可以战胜这种力量。他们是伟大的光之扬升大师 —— 来自 —— 这片土地上空的 —— 黄金以太之城。在这里,你们的国王和他的子民将停留一个周期的时间。”他转向国王,强调说:
“I bless you my noble, patient Brother! Loving and selfless has been the service to your people. Deep and eternal is your devotion to the Supreme One—the Source of All Creation. The Golden Etheric City awaits and joyously welcomes you and your children.
“我祝福你,我尊贵且有耐心的兄弟!你对你子民的服务一直充满着爱与无私。你对至高无上的存在 —— 所有造物的源头 —— 有着深刻而永恒的虔诚。黄金以太之城在等待着,并愉快地欢迎你和你的子民到来。”
“Within Its radiance you shall live serving through the Rays of Light which are forever streaming out from those who dwell therein, until these your people shall redeem themselves by—obedience—to the ‘Law of Love.’
“圣光永远向外流淌至居住在它之中的人,在它的照耀之中,你们将进行服务生活,直至你的子民通过 —— 服从 —— ‘爱之法则’ —— 得到自我救赎。”
“This ‘Empire of Light’ exists over the land you have loved so well. It is composed of self-luminous, etheric substance and rests above the physical city which is your capital. It is Real, very Real and much more permanent than any earthly city, for—’Light’—is indestructible and the Golden City is made of—’Light.’ Into It, no inharmonious thought or disturbing condition of any kind can ever enter.
“这个‘光之帝国’一直位于你们深深热爱的土地上方。它是由自发光的以太物质构成,位于你们首都,也就是这座物质层面城市的上空。它是真实存在的,它非常真实,比地球上的任何城市都要恒久,因为 —— ‘圣光’ —— 是坚不可摧的,黄金之城就是由 —— ‘圣光’构成的。在这座城市,任何不和谐的思想和不安的情感都不能进入它。”
“I will return in seven days to take you and your children into the—’City of Light’—where we shall watch the progress of humanity, and draw into the—’Light’—all who will discipline and make themselves ready. Encircling the City is—an invincible belt of electronic force—through which it is impossible for anything uninvited to pass.”
“七日后我会回来,把你和你的子民带到 —— ‘圣光之城’ —— 在那里我们会观察人类的进步,并把所有自律、且让自己准备好的人带入 —— ‘圣光’。包围这座城市的 —— 是一道不可逾越的电子之力 —— 任何没有受到邀请的事物都不能通过。”
When he had finished speaking, he blessed the royal family, the guests and the empire and, in the moments of silence that followed—His Light—and the outline of His Body within it—grew fainter and fainter until it disappeared entirely.
他说完这些,便祝福了整个王室、在座的宾客和整个帝国。在随后的寂静之中 —— 他的光芒 —— 以及光芒中他身体的轮廓 —— 变得越来越微弱,最后完全消失。
A murmur passed through the great banquet hall, and as all looked toward the king, his head was bowed in reverent silence. Then he slowly rose and bid his guests good-night.
On the seventh day, the—”Brother from out the Silence”—returned and enfolding the king and his children within his own blazing aura, withdrew into the—”Golden Etheric City of Light.”
在第七天,那位 —— ‘来自伟大寂静中的兄弟’ —— 归来,把国王和他的孩子包裹在自己闪耀的能量场中,退回到那 —— “黄金以太之城”。
The visiting prince arrived the next day, discovered the condition of the empire, and the consternation that still held sway over its people. He at once subtly planned to become its ruler. This he accomplished without opposition. Two thousand years later—most of that empire had become barren land, the streams dried up, and desolation stretched everywhere—all the result of the discord and selfishness of mankind and the blight it becomes upon the growth of plant life in nature. This kingdom had extended the entire width of Africa on east—until it reached the Himalayan Mountains.
一天后,来访的王子到了,他了解了这个帝国的状况,以及仍然笼罩在这个国家人民之中的惊愕。他即刻巧妙地进行了计划,成为了这个国家的统治者。他在没有任何反对的情况下就成功了。两千年后 —— 那个帝国的大部分土地都变得荒芜,溪流干涸,到处都是荒凉的景象 —— 这一切都是人类不和谐和自私的后果,以及它对大自然中植物生命的成长带来的破坏。这个国家一直向东延伸,跨越了整个非洲的宽度 —— 直至喜马拉雅山脉。
There followed a great cataclysm—submerging all the land. Through that change, an inland sea was formed where the Sahara Desert now lies. Another earth change, which took place about twelve thousand years ago—drained this sea—and a part of it later became the present Sahara Desert. The River Nile, as it is today, most nearly resembles the beautiful streams—of that long forgotten period.
随后发生的是一场大灾难 —— 吞没了整片土地。通过那次变化,撒哈拉沙漠现在所在的位置成了一片内陆海。大约一万两千年前,发生了另一次地球变化 —— 那片海洋枯竭了 —— 海洋的一部分变成了如今的撒哈拉沙漠。今天的尼罗河,很像那 —— 长久以来被遗忘的美丽溪流。
Thus ended our observation of those very ancient scenes. I could hardly believe my senses—I was so astonished at the way the experiences of the past were revivified—the pictures projected in all three dimensions—and the activity of the people in that remote age portrayed.
我们对那些非常古老场景的观察就这么结束了。我简直不敢相信自己的感官 —— 我惊讶于过去的体验可以被如此栩栩如生的方式呈现出来 —— 所有的画面投射在三个维度上 —— 展示出那个遥远时代人们的活动状态。
Realizing how surprised and unaccustomed to such activities I was—Saint Germain promised to take me to the physical records of that period and its people—and give me physical proof—that it was not—a vision—conjured up by him.
意识到我对这样体验的惊讶之情与不熟悉之感 —— 圣哲曼承诺要带我去看那个时期以及那时人们的实物记录 —— 证明给我看 —— 这一切 —— 并不是由他凭空捏造出来的 —— 场景。
Glancing around from the log upon which we were seated, we saw the panther lying nearby fast asleep. Saint Germain took up the explanation of several important phases on the application of higher laws, for the manifesting of one’s own inherent dominion over the things of the sense world. This led to how he was able to express such youth and Perfection in a body so old—according to the way human beings count time.
坐在圆木上望向四周,我们看到那只豹子躺在附近睡着了。圣哲曼解释了在应用高等法则时几个重要的阶段,从而体现出一个人对感官世界中事物的内在掌控。这就解释了他为什么有能力在一具 —— 根据人类计算时间的方式 —— 古老的身体中表达出年轻和完美。
“Eternal Youth,” he explained, “is the—Flame of God—abiding in the body of man—the Father’s gift of Himself—to His Creation. Youth and beauty of both mind and body can only be kept—permanently—by those individuals—who are strong enough to shut out discord, and whoever does—that—can and will express—Perfection—and maintain it.
“永恒的青春,”他解释说,“是 —— 居住在人体中的 —— 神之火焰 —— 这是来自父神的,赠予 —— 他造物的 —— 礼物。心智和身体的年轻与美丽 —— 只能由那些 —— 强大到不受不和谐影响的个体 —— 保持,不论是谁,如果做到这一点,就可以表达出 —— 完美 —— 并维持这种状态。”
“Where Peace, Love, and Light do not abide within the thoughts and feelings of a human being—no amount of physical effort can possibly keep the outer self—expressing youth and beauty. These exist—Eternally—within the God Flame which is the—Divine Self—of every individual. Whatever discord the outer self allows to flash through the thought and feeling is—that—instant stamped upon the flesh of the physical body. Eternal Youth and Beauty are Self-Created and—forever Self-Existent—within the Flame of God’s Life—in every human being. This is—God’s Plan—for manifesting—His Perfection—into the world of form and maintaining it forever.
“当和平、大爱与圣光不再存在于一个人的思想和情感之中时 —— 再多物质层面的努力也无法让外在自我 —— 持续地表达出年轻与美丽。这些 —— 永恒地 —— 存在于神之火焰之中 —— 那是每个人内在的神圣自我。若外在自我允许不和谐在思想和情感中闪现,不论这种不和谐是什么 —— 都会瞬间刻印在物质身体上。永恒的青春和美丽是 —— 每个人内在 —— 神之生命火焰中 —— 自我的创造 —— 而且会永远存在。这就是 —— 神的计划 —— 在有形的世界中 —— 显化他的完美 —— 并永远保持下去。”
“Youth, Beauty, and Perfection are attributes of Love which the—God Principle—is continually pouring forth into—Its Creation. Within each individual is placed the power and means for—maintaining and increasing—that perfect ever-expanding activity of creation.
“青春、美丽和完美是爱的属性,神之法则 —— 不断地倾注到它的创造之中。每个个体都被放置了 —— 保持和增加 —— 这种不断拓展的完美创造活动的 —— 力量和方法”
“The power of accomplishment is the energy of the—God Self—in each human being born into the world. It is always active every moment in your mind, body, and world. There is no instant in which this mighty energy is not flowing through all individuals. You are privileged to qualify it—as you please—at the command of your own free will through consciously directed thought and feeling.
达成的力量是 —— 神之自我 —— 的能量 —— 它存在于出生在这个世界上的每个人之中。它每时每刻都在你的心智、身体和世界中活跃着。这种强大的能量没有一刻不在每个人的身上流淌。你有权 —— 根据自己的喜好 —— 赋予它特质 —— 在你自由意志的命令下让它有意识地引导至你的思想和情感之中。
“Thought is the only thing in the universe that can create vibration—and through vibration—you qualify this ever-flowing energy with whatever you desire to have manifest in your life and world. This limitless, intelligent, radiant energy is flowing—ceaselessly through your nervous system—and is the Eternal Life and vitality in the blood stream coursing through your veins. It is an all-powerful, omnipresent, intelligent activity given you by—the Father—the God Principle of Life—to be consciously directed according to your freewill. Real Intelligence—which uses everything constructively—comes only from Within the God Principle—the Flame of Life—and is not merely the activity of the intellect. Real Intelligence is Wisdom or—God knowledge—and this does not and—cannot—think wrong thoughts. Wrong thoughts come only from impressions made upon the intellect by the world—outside—of the individual. If individuals would discriminate between their—own thoughts—that is thoughts from within their own God Flame—and the suggestions, thrown off by other people’s intellects and the evidence of the senses which consider appearances only—they would be able—to avoid all discordant activities and conditions—in the world of experience.
“思想是宇宙之中唯一可以产生振动的东西 —— 通过振动 —— 你赋予这种永远流动的能量以你想要的特质,从而显化在你的生活和你所在的世界中。这种无限的、智能的、闪耀的能量一直在流动 —— 永不停歇地流过你的神经系统 —— 它是你血管中流淌血液的永恒生命和活力。它是一种全能的、无所不在的智能活动 —— 由父神 —— 生命的神之原则 —— 赋予你的 —— 它可以根据你的自由意志有意识地引导。来自神之道 —— 生命的火焰的真正智能 —— 建设性地使用所有一切,不仅仅是智力的活动。真正的智能是智慧、或者 —— 神之知识 —— 它不能 —— 也不会 —— 思考错误的想法。错误的想法仅仅是由个人外在自我在世界上对智力施加的烙印。如果人们可以分辨出他们 —— 自己的想法 —— 也就是来自他们自己神之火焰的想法 —— 以及由其他人的智力抛出的建议和仅仅考虑表相的迷惑感官证据之间的区别 —— 那么他们就可以 —— 在体验的世界中 —— 避免所有不和谐的活动和状况。”
“The Light—from within one’s own—God Flame is the criterion—the standard of Perfection—by which all thoughts and feelings—that reach us through the five senses—should be tested. No one can keep his thoughts and feelings qualified with Perfection—unless he goes to the—’Source of Perfection’—for that quality and Perfection only abides within the—God Flame.
“来自一个人自己 —— 神之火焰的圣光 —— 是衡量所有通过我们五感来到我们思想和情感中一切的完美标准。没有人可以赋予他的想法和情感以完美特质 —— 除非他到达 —— ‘完美的源头’ —— 因为那种特质和完美仅仅存在于神之火焰中。”
“This is the individual’s need—for meditation upon and communion with—the Light of God—within himself. Pure Life Essence will not only give and sustain Eternal youth and beauty in the body—but will enable you to maintain—Perfect Balance between your God-Self and the outer or personal self. In fact—this Pure Life Energy is the power—which the outer self uses—to hold its connection with its Divine Source—the God Self. In reality—these two are One—except, when the intellect or outer activity of the mind—the sense consciousness—accepts imperfection, inharmony, incompleteness or thinks itself a creation apart—from the All-Pervading One ‘Presence’ of Life. If the sense consciousness thinks itself something separate from God—Perfection—then that condition is established unto it—for what the sense consciousness thinks into its world—the world returns to it.
“这个人需要 —— 与他自己内在的神之光 —— 进行冥想和交流。纯粹的生命精华不仅会给予和维系身体永远的年轻和美丽 —— 也会让你保持 —— 你的神之自我和外在个人自我之间的完美平衡。事实上 —— 这种纯粹的生命能量是外在自我用来 —— 与它的神圣源头 —— 神之自我 —— 保持连接的能量。实际上,这两者其实是一体的 —— 除非当智力或者心智的外在活动 —— 感官意识 —— 接受不完美、不和谐、不完整,并认为自己不是来自 —— 全能合一生命‘临在’的创造。如果感官意识认为它自己是与神 —— 完美 —— 分离的,那么这样的状况就会建立在它身上 —— 因为不论感官意识在它所在的世界思考什么 —— 这世界都会返回给它。”
“When one lets an idea of imperfection or separation from God occupy his attention, and therefore his mind—a condition corresponding to that begins to express itself in his body and world. This causes the person—to feel—himself an entity apart from his Source. The moment he thinks himself separated from God—he thinks his Life, Intelligence, and Power has beginning and end.
“当一个人让一个不完美的、或者与神分离的想法占据了他的注意力,因此他的心智 —— 一种与那个想法相对应的状况就开始表达在他的身体和世界中。这会导致这个人 —— 感觉 —— 他是与他的源头分离的实体。就在他认为自己与神分离的那一刻 —— 他也认为他的生命、智能和力量便有了开始和终结。”
“Life always has been, is now, and always will be. No one can really destroy Life. Through various activities in the mental and physical world—form can be disintegrated or temporarily demolished—but the consciousness of the individual is Eternal; and can control all substance everywhere in manifestation—when the God Life within is acknowledged as the—’Knower, Giver, and Doer’ of all good in creation.
“生命一直存在,现在是,将来也是。没有人可以真正摧毁生命。通过心智和物质世界的各种活动 —— 形态可以被瓦解或暂时摧毁 —— 但是个体的意识是永恒的;并且当内在的神之生命作为创造中所有美好的‘知者、给予者和行动者’被认可时 —— 个体可以掌控所有显化出来的物质”
“I tell you—Truth—when I say there is only one Source of all Good—God. The conscious recognition and acceptance of this Fact—acknowledged by the—outer activity—of the mind, not two or three times a day—but every few moments all day long—no matter what the outer self is doing, and this maintained—will enable anyone to express his perfect freedom and dominion over all things human.
“我是在告诉你 —— 真相 —— 当我说只存在一个所有良善的源头 —— 神 —— 的时候。心智的外在活动有意识地承认和接受这个事实,不是每天两到三次 —— 而是一天之中每隔几分钟就去这样做 —— 不论外在的自我在做什么,并且一直保持下去 —— 这么做会让人在人类事物中都表达出他的完美自由和统领。”
“To most people the above sounds difficult—for they have lived so many centuries in the belief that they are beings apart from God—while every instant of every day, they are using—God Life—God Energy—God Substance—and God Activity in everything they think and do without realizing it. However, it requires the conscious admitting of this fact in the outer activity of the mind, and constructive direction, to release Its Full Power—through the personal self.
“对大多数人来说,以上这些听起来很困难 —— 因为他们很多世纪以来都拥有这样的信念:他们是与神分离的存有 —— 然而于此同时,在每一天之中、在他们所想的每一件事中,他们都使用着 —— 神的生命 —— 神的能量 —— 神的物质 —— 和神的活动,他们没有意识到这一点。不过,需要在心智的外在活动中有意识地承认这一事实,并进行建设性地引导,才会通过 —— 个人自我 —— 释放它全部的能量。”
“Recognition, conscious direction, and constructive use of the—God Energy—maintained within one’s self at all times—is the way of Perfection, Mastery, and Dominion over all things on earth—including the conscious control of—all—natural forces. The instruction I have been giving you will erase completely all false beliefs—if maintained. The rapidity with which it is accomplished depends upon how continuously, persistently, and deeply you feel and associate with your—God Self.
“识别、有意识地引导、建设性的使用 —— 始终保持在个人自我之中 —— 神之能量 —— 是完美化、掌控和统领地球上所有事物的方式 —— 包括有意识地控制 —— 所有自然的力量。我给你的这些指引 —— 如果坚持下来的话 —— 将会完全清除所有的错误信念。它的完成速度取决于你如何一直持续地加深你与自己的 —— 神之自我 —— 之间的情感和连结。”
“In the attainment of Mastery or Adeptship—the conscious control of all force and manipulation of substance are dependent first—upon the acknowledgment of your own individual God Self; second, upon perfect calmness of feeling—under all circumstances; and third, one must be passed—all—temptation of misusing power. The stilling of all emotions at the command of the conscious will is imperative—and the demand for it in the Adept is unconditional—if Dominion is to be attained.
“在达到精通或掌控的过程中 —— 对所有力量有意识的控制和对物质的掌控首先取决于 —— 你对自己内在神之自我的认可;第二,取决于 —— 在所有状况下 —— 你感觉中完美的平静;第三,必须通过 —— 所有 —— 滥用权力的考验。在有意识地命令下,在所有状况中保持情感的冷静是很有必要的 —— 如果要达成掌控 —— 成为一名大师,就要对自己做出这样无条件的要求。”
“It does—not—mean a repression of discord within one’s self at any time—but is a stilling and harmonizing of the feelings—no matter what the circumstances are—which surround the mind or body of the student. Such control is not an easy thing for humanity in the Western World—because the temperament—of most people in the Occident is sensitive, emotional, and impulsive. This characteristic is energy of tremendous power. It must be controlled—held in reserve—and released only through conscious direction—for the accomplishment of something constructive. Until the waste of energy is checked and completely governed—the individual cannot, and never will, make—permanent progress.
“它并不意味着 —— 总是去压制一个人内心的不和谐 —— 而是在所有的情况中 —— 让包围着学生心智和身体的情感处于平静和和谐的状态。这种控制对西方人来说并不是一件容易的事情 —— 因为大多数西方人的性情是敏感的、情绪化和冲动的。这种特性拥有巨大的能量。它必须受控 —— 处于保留状态 —— 只有在有意识的引导下才可以释放 —— 从而完成一些建设性的事情。在能量的浪费得到控制和完全掌控之前 —— 一个人不能、也永远不会取得 —— 永久的进步。”
“The student often asks, if one reaches a point—while still on the path of attainment—where he rises above the use of affirmation? When an individual sincerely uses affirmation—he brings about a full acceptance of the—Truth—of whatever he affirms—for its use is but to focus the attention of the outer mind—so steadily upon the Truth—that he accepts it fully in his feelings—because feeling is the actual- God Energy released—which manifests the—Truth affirmed.
“学生经常问,如果一个人到达了某一点 —— 当走在这条成就之路上时 —— 他何时会超越使用肯定词的状态?当一位学生很真诚地使用肯定 —— 他会带来对 —— 真理 —— 完全的接受,不论他进行的是什么肯定;因为肯定的使用是为了让外在的心智保持注意力 —— 他在真理上的注意力是如此集中 —— 以至于他的情感也完全接受了真理 —— 因为情感才是真正神之能量的释放 —— 会把肯定词中的真理显化出来。”
“The continued use of affirmation brings one to the point where he has such a deep realization of the—Truth in anything—he affirms that he is no longer conscious of it—as an affirmation. One uses an affirmation, mantram, or prayer because he desires something made manifest. Right desire is the deepest form of prayer. Thus—by the use of affirmation—the student raises his outer self into the full acceptance of its Truth and—generates—the feeling by which it becomes—a thing manifest. In this deep acceptance comes the manifestation—for through concentration—the spoken word begins to cause instantaneous activity.”
“持续地使用肯定词会让一个人非常深刻地意识到 —— 所有事物中的真相 —— 他会确信他不再把那认为一种肯定。一个人使用肯定、梵颂或祈祷,是因为他想要某些事情显化出来。正确的渴望是最深切的祈祷。因此 —— 通过使用肯定 —— 学生把自己外在的自我提升到对真理的完全接受之中,并且 —— 产生 —— 对应的感觉 —— 这样它就显化出来。在这种深度的接受中,事物得到显化 —— 因为通过集中注意力 —— 说出的话语会开始产生即刻的活动。”
My gratitude to Saint Germain for all I had received was too deep for words. He read my thoughts and feelings as one reads a book, and so we both sat silent for some few moments—in perfect attunement. He roused me from my reverie to watch the gorgeous colors in the western sky—the sunset’s afterglow.
我对圣哲曼的感激之情无以言表。就像一个人读一本书那样,他可以读懂我的想法和情感,我们都安静地坐了一会儿 —— 处于完美的协调之中。他把我从沉思中唤醒,让我看着西方空中绚烂的色彩 —— 夕阳的余晖。
I wanted to remain on the mountain all night and return home in the morning, enjoying the sunrise. I had no sooner felt the desire—than a beautiful sleeping bag lay at my feet. It was unlike anything—I have ever seen. I reached down to examine the unusual fabric of which it was made, and to my astonishment—found it glowing and warm. I looked up, and Saint Germain smilingly extended to me—a crystal cup—filled with golden liquid—about the consistency of honey. Obedient to his slightest wish I drank it, and instantly, a radiant glow passed through my body. When I had finished, the cup disappeared in my hand.
我想在山上呆一夜,早上回家,顺便欣赏日出。我刚刚感受到这种意愿 —— 一个美丽的睡袋就躺在了我脚下。它不同于我曾经见过的任何事物。我伸手去检查制作它的不同寻常的面料,让我惊讶的是 —— 我发现它发着光而且温暖。我抬起头,圣哲曼笑着伸手 —— 递给我一个水晶杯 —— 里面装满了金黄色的液体 —— 就像蜂蜜那么浓稠。顺从他的意思,我喝了下去。一瞬间,一道光芒从我身体中闪过。当我喝完时,杯子消失在我的手中。
“O why could I not keep this lovely creation?” I asked in surprise. “Patience—my Son,” he answered, “are not your desires being fulfilled one by one? Your sleeping bag will remain until daybreak, and your friend, the panther, will guard you during the night.”
“为什么我不能保留这个精致的造物呢?”我惊讶地问。“耐心些 —— 我的孩子,”他回答道,“你的愿望不是正在一个接一个地得到满足吗?你的睡袋会一直存在到天亮时分,你的朋友豹子,会在夜间守护着你。”
Bowing slightly, and with a smile that was graciousness itself, his body became gradually indistinct and then disappeared entirely. I lay down in the lovely bag and was soon fast asleep. As the rosy tints of dawn touched the eastern horizon, I awoke, and the first thought in my mind was concerning the bag, which I had so much enjoyed. With that thought—it vanished back into the universal substance—from which it had come.
微微一鞠躬,圣哲曼带着慈祥的笑容,他的身体渐渐变得模糊,然后彻底消失了。我躺在这个优美的睡袋中很快就睡着了。当黎明的玫瑰色触碰到东方的地平线时,我醒来了,脑中的第一个念头就是关于睡袋的,它让我很享受。想到这里 —— 睡袋消失到 —— 它来自的 —— 宇宙物质之中。
The panther came toward me, and together we turned our footsteps homeward. After walking for some distance, the sound of men’s voices caught our ears. The animal sniffed the air, suddenly stopped directly in front of me, and looked up. I reached down and patting him, said:
“Now you may go.” He bounded away into the thickly wooded section of the mountain to the right of the trail. I continued on my way without further incident, and at last reached my lodgings shortly after noon, in a state of mind—hard to find words to describe.
“现在你可以走了。”它跳进山路右侧茂密的树林中。我继续前进,没有再发生任何意外,终于,正午过后我到达了我的住处,我的状态 —— 很难找到词语来形容。
I wanted to think—contemplate—digest—and become adjusted to an entirely new set of ideas. The unusual—yet very real experiences—through which I had passed within the forty-eight hours just preceding, were causing me to reorder my entire world. I was happy in the extreme and yet, it seemed as if another universe had manifested itself around me.
我想要思考 —— 沉思 —— 消化 —— 从而适应这些全新的理念。我在刚刚过去的四十八小时内体验到的不同寻常 —— 然而又非常真实的经历 —— 让我重新整理我的整个世界。我非常高兴,不过同时,看上去似乎另一个宇宙在我的周围出现了。
There was the same old prosaic world on the outside that I had always known—to be sure, and yet—was it? Within it all the time had been these wonderful experiences—this tremendous power—these marvelous revelations of freedom and dominion over—all manifestation—of which I had been so totally unaware.
在外面有一个我一直都知道的陈旧的平淡无奇的世界 —— 我一直都很确信这一点,可是真如此吗?我体验到的这些美好的经历 —— 这种巨大的力量 —— 这些掌控所有显化的自由和统领力量的奇妙揭示 —— 是我从来都没有意识到的。
I had been surrounded all my life by these seeming miracles—to which in my previous years I was as oblivious—as if no such thing existed in creation. I thought and thought, deeper and deeper than I had ever contemplated anything before—in my whole existence.
我的整个生命都被这些看上去的奇迹包围着 —— 在前几年,我对此一无所知 —— 就好像在造物中完全不存在这样的体验。我想了又想,在我整个存在中 —— 比我之前在所有事物上的沉思更加深入。
The dinner hour arrived but I was not hungry. However, to begin the evening meal, I ordered a glass of milk. It was served and a few moments later, as I tasted it—imagine my astonishment—to find that it had become—the same creamy liquid—Saint Germain had first given me.
晚餐时间到了,但我并不饿。不过,为了开始晚餐,我点了一杯牛奶。它端了上来,过了一会儿,当我品尝它时 —— 想象一下我的惊讶 —— 我发现它已经变成了 —— 圣哲曼第一次给我喝过的 —— 相同的奶油般的液体。
I finished the meal—returned home, and was preparing my bath before retiring, when suddenly the familiar—electrical signal—thrilled me from head to foot. Involuntarily—I held out my hand—and in a few seconds a small cake of crystal-like substance formed in the palm. I somehow knew this was to be put in my bath, and had no more than dropped the substance into the water—than it immediately bubbled and sparkled—as though alive.
我吃完饭 —— 回家。正准备洗澡然后休息,突然间一股熟悉的 —— 电信号 —— 从头穿越我的脚。我不由自主地伸出双手 ——过了几秒钟,一个水晶般小蛋糕一样的物品在手掌中出现。在某种程度上我知道这是要放进浴缸的,我把它扔入了水中 —— 它立刻起泡并闪闪发光 —— 就好像是活的一样。
I stepped in, and a tingling sensation—thrilled every cell—in my body. I felt—charged—with a high powered electrical current—that illumined and strengthened—my whole being. My bath finished, I lay down, and soon dropped into a dreamless sleep.
我走进水中,一种刺刺的感觉 —— 激活着我身体的每个细胞。我感觉到 —— 一股强大的电流 —— 充满了我 —— 并照亮和强化了我的整个生命。洗完澡,我躺了下来,很快就进入了无梦的睡眠。
FOUR days passed without any unusual occurrence, and I tried to realize fully the deeper significance of my recent experiences. It was just growing dark on the evening of the fifth day, when there was a sound of tapping on the window of my room. I looked out, and on the window sill stood a snow white dove—with a tiny card in its mouth.
四天过去了,没有任何不同寻常的事情发生,我试图去完全地体会我最近体验的更深层意义。第五天的傍晚,天色渐暗,从我房间的窗户传来一阵敲击声。我向外看去,窗台上站着一只雪白的鸽子 —— 嘴里叼着一张卡片。
I stepped to the window and opened it. The dove walked in and—stood calmly waiting. I took the card and read the message—which was written in the same beautiful script—as the previous one—but this time in gold ink—on a white card. On it were the words:
我走到窗前打开了它。鸽子走了进来 —— 静静地站着等待。我拿起卡片阅读了上面的信息 —— 上面写着漂亮的字体 —— 跟之前的那张一样 —— 但是这次用的是金色墨水写在白色卡片上。上面写着:
“Be at our meeting place at seven in the morning,” signed, “Saint Germain.”
As soon as I had taken the card—the dove flew to my shoulder and rubbed its head against my face—as if conveying a message of love—flew again to the window, and was gone like an arrow. I put the card away carefully, hoping it would remain, but the next morning as I looked for it before starting on my hike—it had been dissolved. The golden card, on which the first message was written, had lasted into the third day for I looked at it several times, hoping I could keep it permanently. When I found it had been returned to the universal my heart sank, so great was my disappointment.
我一拿到卡片 —— 鸽子就飞到我的肩膀,用头蹭着我的脸 —— 仿佛在传递着爱的信息 —— 它又飞到窗边,像箭一样消失了。我小心翼翼地把卡片收起,希望可以把它保存下来。但第二天早上我在出发之前去看它时 —— 它已经消融了。那写给我信息的第一张金色卡片,存在了三天,因为我看了它好几次,我希望可以永久性地把它保留下来。当我发现它已经回归宇宙时,我的心沉了下来,我的失望是如此巨大。
To make the hike of ten miles and be there at seven in the morning, I knew would make it necessary for me to leave shortly after midnight. I arose early, and was on my way at three o’clock. By walking rapidly, I reached the forest just at daybreak. I had not gone far—until a plaintive cry came to my ears. Before realizing it, I answered in the same tone—so involuntary was my response. There was a rush of something through the timber and my friend—the panther—bounded toward me, the very embodiment of joy. I patted it and together we proceeded on our way to the meeting place.
为了完成十公里的徒步并在早上七点到达那里,我知道自己必须在午夜过后不久离开。我起的很早,三点钟就上路了。我快步地走着,天刚亮就到达了那片树林。我还没走多远 —— 一阵哀伤的嚎叫进入了我的耳朵。不知不觉地,我也用同样的语气应答着 —— 我的反应是如此不由自主。有什么冲出了树林,我的朋友 —— 豹子 —— 向我冲来,它是喜悦的化身。我拍了拍它,我们一同前往见面的地点。
Promptly at seven o’clock, Saint Germain stepped—right out of the atmosphere—greeting me with open arms. Again, he handed me the crystal cup—filled this time with a clear—sparkling liquid. I drank it—and the taste was not like anything I had ever physically experienced before. It was almost like the juice of grape-fruit iced—but sparkling and effervescing. The moment I drank it—a sensation like lightning went through my body—carrying the feeling of its sparkling activity—into every vein.
一到七点钟,圣哲曼 —— 从空气中走了出来 —— 张开双臂问候我。又一次,他把水晶杯递给我 —— 这次装满了清澈的、闪闪发光的液体。我喝下了它 —— 它的味道不像我以前尝过的任何东西。它像是冰镇葡萄柚汁 —— 但又闪闪发光且冒着泡泡。我喝下它的那一刻 —— 一种闪电般的感觉贯穿了我的全身 —— 把那种闪闪发光的活力感觉 —— 带入了我每个血管。
Saint Germain—then gave the panther a little brown cake—which it quickly devoured. In a moment its hair stood straight up—and he remarked:
然后圣哲曼 —— 给了豹子一个棕色的小蛋糕 —— 它很快就吃完了。不一会儿,它的毛发立了起来 —— 圣哲曼说:
“Your friend will never again kill deer.”
“For the coming experience and instruction—it will be necessary to leave your body here on the mountain side—because you have not yet called forth the—Inner Power—enough to enable you to take it where we are going today. The panther will be the guard for you and as an extra precaution—I will place the cloak—of invisibility—around both. We will go to the Royal Teton.
“为了接下来的体验和指导 —— 你要把你的身体留在山中 —— 因为你还没有召唤出足够的 —— 内在力量 —— 让你可以把身体带到我们今天要去的地方。豹子将会作为你的守卫,一种额外的保护措施 —— 我会围绕着你们 —— 放置上隐形斗篷。我们要去提顿王室。”
Instantly—I stood out in my finer body—clothed in a rich garment—of self-luminous, golden fabric.
刹那间 —— 我就站在了我更精微的身体中 —— 身着一件华丽的衣服 —— 一件自发光的金色织物。
“Observe carefully—the material in which you are clothed,” he continued. “The substance composing the garment you wear has certain, extraordinary qualities and powers of its own—one of which is to enable its wearer—to lift and transport physical objects. The garment itself—possesses pure electronic energy, and can be used to move objects—the same as the force one uses through his physical body. This is a phenomenal activity that—the Great Masters of Light—have given permission to be used—for the first time, on this planet.”
“仔细观察 —— 你穿着的材料,”他继续说。“你穿着的这件衣服的材质拥有着一些特定的、卓越的特质和力量 —— 其中之一就是允许它的穿着者 —— 可以举起并移动物质层面的物体。这件衣服本身 —— 拥有着纯粹的电子能量,可以被用来移动物体 —— 就像一个人通过他的物质身体使用力量移动一样。这是一项非凡的活动 —— 光之扬升大师 —— 第一次允许在地球上使用它。”
For the benefit of my readers, I want to state clearly and unmistakably, that—while I was clothed in a body which did function in four dimensions during these experiences—yet it gave me the ability to feel and handle solid objects in the physical world—the same as every one can do in his own physical body. The body I used this time was—not—that which is sometimes called—the astral body.
为了让我的读者更好地理解,我想清晰无误地声明,虽然在这些体验中,我穿着一件可以在四个维度进行运作的身体载具 —— 然而它让我可以像在物质世界那样去感受和触碰到那些坚固的物质 —— 就像每个人在他自己的物质身体中做的那样。我这次使用的身体 —— 不是有时候说到的 —— 星光体。
We soon reached the top of a majestic mountain that stands sentinel over one of the most beautiful scenic belts in the United States. Vast forests lay beneath us, and great ranges of mountains, with their treasures of mineral wealth still untouched, stretched as far as the eye could see.
Going to a point where huge masses of stone lay in confusion, as if giants had hurled them in a war upon each other, Saint Germain touched a great boulder. Instantly, the enormous mass tipped out perhaps four feet away from its original position. He motioned me to follow. We entered and, to my astonishment, stood before a large bronze door.
“This has been here since before the sinking of Atlantis—more than twelve thousand years ago,” he explained.
“它在亚特兰蒂斯沉没之前就存在了 —— 一万两千多年前,”他解释说。
He stepped forward and pressed certain points on the door. The great mass of bronze weighing many tons swung slowly open, and admitted us into a spacious chamber from which a stairway, cut in the solid rock, led downward. We descended some two hundred feet, and entered another space—circular in shape. Saint Germain stepped across the room to a door opposite the stairs, and placed his right hand against it. As it opened, we stood before the entrance of a tube elevator. The interior looked like frosted silver—and in answer to my thought, he said:
他走上前去,按了门上特定的几个点。重达数吨的巨大铜门缓缓打开,我们进入一个宽敞的房间,房间里有一个楼梯,是从坚硬岩石中部切开的,通向下方。我们下降了大约两百英尺,进入了另一个房间中 —— 它是圆形的。圣哲曼穿过房间走到楼梯对面的一扇门前,把右手放在门上。随着它的打开,我们站在了一个升降电梯管道入口。内部看起来像是磨砂银 —— 回应我的想法,圣哲曼说:
“Yes, but harder and stronger than steel and—indestructible.” A flat disc of the same metal, fitting the tube quite closely, rose within it to the level of the floor. The platform was controlled and operated—entirely—by the Master. He stepped upon it, and I followed. The door closed, and we began to descend. It was a long way down, although we did not move rapidly. The platform came to a stop at another bronze door of entirely different design.
“是的,但比钢铁更坚硬 —— 而且坚不可摧。”一个由相同金属制成的扁平圆盘,与电梯管道紧密贴合,管道内的圆盘与地板平齐。整个平台完全由大师来操控和运作。他踩了上去,我紧随其后。门关上了,我们开始下降。虽然我们的速度并不快,但是向下的路很长。电梯在另一扇设计完全不同的青铜门前停了下来。
“We have descended two thousand feet into the very heart of the mountain,” he commented, as we stepped out of the tube.
The space in which we stood was of peculiar design and arrangement. It formed an oblong from east to west—whose northeast and northwest corners had been cut on an angle. This formed an outer court or reception room. The heavy bronze door from the tube elevator opened into the court on the northeast wall.
我们站的空间有着特别的设计和布置。从东到西构成了一个长方形 —— 东北角和西北角切割出一个角度。这形成了一个庭院或接待室。电梯管道的沉重青铜门通往东北墙方向的庭院。
In the north side were two other large bronze doors exactly alike, entering into a great audience hall. On the northwest wall was still another, a fourth door, like the one through which we had come in. Opposite on the long unbroken stretch of the south wall, hung an immense tapestry.
It was made of most unusual material and, while the weave was coarse, yet the thread or fiber was as soft—as camel’s hair. The background was of a delicate cream color and against this were two life-sized figures—representing—God Beings—of Great Majesty and Power. The one on the right was masculine, the other feminine. Both were standing—as if in the act of commanding—Cosmic Forces—to obey their decrees.
它是由最不同寻常材料制成的,虽然编织得粗糙,但是材料的纤维却像骆驼毛一样柔软。背景是淡雅的奶油色,映衬着两个真人大小的形象 —— 代表着 —— 拥有伟大威严和力量的神之存有。位于右侧的是男性,左侧的是女性。两个人都站着 —— 仿佛在指挥 —— 宇宙的力量 —— 服从他们的命令。
The masculine figure wore a full-flowing robe of some rich material, of a deep sapphire blue, banded and heavily embroidered in gold. It was evidently—a robe of state—or symbol of authority. Under the outer robe, was a tunic of golden fabric, metal-like in appearance.
那位男性穿着一件由珍贵材料制作而成的羽衣,深蓝宝石色,用金色镶边和刺绣。这显然是一件 —— 象征着身份的长袍 —— 或者说是权威的象征。外面的长袍里面,是一件金色的宽松过膝外衣,外观如金属一般。
A sunburst of rubies, diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds covered the chest. The waist was encircled by a jeweled belt, and from it hung a panel about twelve inches long. It too was heavily encrusted with the same kind of jewels. The tunic reached to the knees, and the lower edge was trimmed with a band about four inches wide of heavy embroidery, in silk of the same color as the jewels.
The entire effect gave one the impression that the garments were—all—self-luminous. The feet were clad in sandal-like boots of golden leather reaching almost to the knees, very ornate and laced with sapphire blue cords. A band of gold about an inch and a half wide rested half way down upon the forehead, binding the figure’s wavy golden hair which hung to about six inches below the shoulders.
整体给人的印象就是,这些衣服全部是 —— 自发光的。脚上穿着凉鞋样式的金色皮革靴子,几乎到达了膝盖,非常华丽,并系着蓝宝石色的鞋带。一条大约一英寸半宽的发带放置在额头中央,把他们的金色波浪长发绑在肩膀之下大约六英寸的位置。
The complexion was very fair with a soft pink tint, and the eyes were a deep violet blue. The fingers of the left hand rested lightly over the heart, and the upraised right hand held—a blazing crystal rod of power and authority. The lower end was shaped to a point, and on the top rested a sphere, about three inches in diameter—that gave off rays of sparkling white light.
他的肤色很白皙,带着柔和的粉红色。眼睛是深蓝紫色,左手的手指轻轻地放置心脏处,抬起的右手中握着 —— 一根发光的、代表力量和权威的水晶杖。水晶杖的下端是点状,顶端有一个直径约三英寸的球体 —— 散发出耀眼的白光。
One knew—unmistakably—that the figure portrayed was in the act of wielding—gigantic power—and was a manipulator—of some Mighty Cosmic Force. The entire appearance suggested fullest youth and yet—the wisdom of the ages spoke through the eyes—of a hoary past.
人们 —— 毫无疑问地知道 —— 挂毯上的人物正在指挥着 —— 巨大的力量 —— 他是某种强大宇宙力量的掌控者。整个外表暗示着他处于辉煌的青春之中,然而 —— 古老的智慧通过他的双眼传达着 —— 一个古老的过去。
The feminine figure’s robe of authority was a deep violet, banded with golden embroidery similar to that of her companion. The underdress was a soft, golden, shimmering material that came almost to the floor. The thread used in weaving the tapestry to represent the garments must have been the same which had actually composed the material in the original clothing. This—Being—wore a jeweled girdle with its panel reaching about two inches below the knees, and encrusted with the same kind of jewels as those of the masculine figure.
那位女性穿着的代表威严的长袍是深紫色的,上面装饰着与她同伴类似的金色刺绣。长袍里面是一种柔软的、金色的、闪闪发光的材料,长度几乎垂到了地板。挂毯上用于编织的材料一定与实际原始服装中的材料组成相同。这位存有 —— 穿着一条镶有宝石的腰带,裁片垂到膝盖之下约两英寸的位置,上面镶嵌的与那位男性使用的宝石相同。
The toe of her right sandal was just visible beneath the edge of the dress and was made of golden leather. Her head-dress was a plain band of gold exactly like his and the eyes were the same violet blue but lighter in shade, her golden hair falling to the knees.
On the chest suspended from a golden chain—hung a large seven-pointed star—cut from a single diamond. In her left hand she held a crystal sphere about six inches in diameter, and in her right uplifted like that of the other figure, was a scepter—of a most strange design. About two thirds of the lower portion was made of gold terminating in a spear-shaped point, the upper third composed—of a crystal-like substance—radiantly luminous. This formed into a design at the top—similar to a fleur de lis—except that the middle point was much longer, and tapered to a slender apex formed by its four facets.
胸前挂着的是一条金链子 —— 悬挂着一颗巨大的七芒星 —— 由一整颗钻石切割而成。她的左手拿着一个直径约六英寸的水晶球,右手像那位男性一样高举着一根权杖 —— 设计极为特别。权杖较低的三分之二部分是由黄金制成,末端是矛形尖端;较高的三分之一是由水晶状物质构成 —— 散发着光芒。在顶部汇聚成 —— 类似百合花的 —— 设计 —— 除了中心点更长一些之外,并逐渐变细,延申至由它四个叶片形成的细长顶点。
The curved leaf on the right of the central portion was—a beautiful pink—and that on the left—a deep sapphire blue—but the middle one was—crystal white. All were—transparent and glowed—with Light. The gold and crystal like portions blended with each other perfectly—for there was no line of demarcation between the two substances. Her scepter symbolized—the three activities—of the Creative Force.
在中央右侧那片弯曲的叶片是 —— 美丽的粉红色 —— 左边那片是 —— 深蓝宝石色 —— 中央是 —— 晶莹剔透的白色。所有的都 —— 晶莹剔透,并发着光。黄金和像水晶的那部分完美地融合在了一起 —— 因为这两种物质之间没有分界线。她的权杖象征着 —— 神圣力量的 —— 三重活动。
The crystal ball in her left hand—revealed—the unmanifested Perfection of the future—in Cosmic Activity. Both scepters represented—the drawing and directing—of the Creative Power—into universal substance—for special manifestation. They were radiant and beautiful even in the tapestry, and I could but wonder what they must have been—in Reality. Saint Germain stood patiently waiting while I studied the whole concept—so fascinated was I by the—magnificence—of the entire work.
她左手的水晶球 —— 揭示了 —— 宇宙活动中 —— 将来尚未显化出的完美。这两根权杖都代表了 —— 吸收并引导 —— 创造的力量 —— 来到宇宙物质中 —— 用于特殊的显化。即便是在挂毯中,它们也散发着美丽的光彩,我不禁想知道在实际中它们是什么样子。当我思考挂毯象征的完整理念时,圣哲曼耐心的等待着 —— 我非常着迷于 —— 这整幅作品。
“These two Great Beings—were the founders of this retreat,” he remarked, as we turned and passed through the bronze door on our right, and entered a large room which one realized instantly was used as a great council hall for some kind of sacred, ceremonial purpose.
“这两位伟大的存有 —— 是这个隐蔽之地的创建者,”当我们转身穿过右侧的青铜门,进入一间大房间时,他说道。顷刻间我意识到这个房间是用于作为某种神圣仪式的大会议厅。
The whole atmosphere was one of magnificence and beauty. Words utterly fail to convey—that which my eyes beheld—and my feelings experienced. It took me some moments to become accustomed to the—dazzling sight—and the—splendor—of my surroundings.
空气中充满了壮丽和美丽。言语无法传达 —— 我眼睛看到的 —— 以及我的感受。我花了一些时间才习惯我周围 —— 令人眼花缭乱的壮观景象。
This room was at least two hundred feet long and a hundred feet wide—with a ceiling about fifty feet high. A soft white light, which Saint Germain explained was—an omnipresent force—that the Great Ones always use for light, heat and power—flooded the entire place. About twenty feet of the side-walls and far end of the room were formed in—white onyx.
这个房间至少有两百英尺长,一百英尺宽 —— 天花板大约有五十英尺高。圣哲曼解释说,伟大的存有总是使用一种柔和的白光 —— 一种无所不在的力量 —— 用于照明、加热和提供动力 —— 它充满了整个地方。大约二十英寸的侧壁和房间尽头是由白色缟玛瑙制成的。
Where this formation ended, the builders had cut through a great vein—of virgin gold—more than two feet in width.
在这种构造的尾端,建造者已经切开了一条两英尺多宽的 —— 原始黄金矿脉。
The main stretch of both side-walls was of a light, blue granite but near the end from which we entered, the natural structure changed into rose granite of a still finer quality. The surface of the walls, ceiling and floor had been—highly polished—evidently by some remarkable process.
两侧墙壁的主体部分是浅蓝色的花岗岩,靠近我们进入的那侧,自然的结构变成了材质更好的玫瑰花岗岩。墙壁、天花板和地面都经过 —— 高度抛光 —— 显然是通过某种非凡的工艺。
The arched ceiling rising some ten feet higher than the side-walls, was inlaid with a most unique design. Directly in the center was—a disc of gold—at least twelve feet in diameter. Filling it so that the points touched the circumference—blazed a seven pointed star—composed entirely of yellow diamonds—a solid mass of brilliant, golden Light.
拱形的天花板比侧壁高出十英尺,上面镶嵌着最独特的设计。正中央是一个 —— 黄金圆盘 —— 直径至少十二英尺。填充它的、顶点接触到圆周的 —— 是一个闪耀的七芒星 —— 完全由黄色钻石构成 —— 散发出明亮金色的光芒。
Radiating from this—Central Sun—were two rings of color—each about twelve inches wide—forming a definite band of Light around the star, and of these the inner band was—rose pink—and the outer—an intense violet. The background, against which this star lay, looked like—golden frost—the star itself sending down long rays of gleaming, crystal Light.
从这个 —— 中央太阳 —— 辐射出两个光环 —— 每一个大约十二英寸宽 —— 在中央太阳的周围形成了一个明确的光带,内部的光带是 —— 玫瑰粉色 —— 外部的是 —— 明亮的紫色。这颗太阳所在的背景,看起来像是 —— 金灿灿的一片 —— 太阳本身发散出长长的晶莹剔透的光芒。
Around this design were placed—seven smaller discs—each about two feet in diameter—representing the planets of our system—and the seven rays of color—within the spectrum of white Light. The surface of every disc was—velvet-like in its softness and only the clearest, most intense, positive shade of each color had been used.
围绕着这个图案的 —— 是七个较小的圆盘 —— 每个直径约两英尺 —— 代表我们太阳系的行星 —— 以及白光光谱中的七种颜色。每个圆盘的表面都像 —— 天鹅绒一样柔软 —— 只使用了每种颜色中最清晰、最强烈、最明亮的色调。
As I learned later, at certain times for special purposes—Great Cosmic Beings—pour through these discs—their powerful currents—of force. Here—it is received—by the Great Illumined and unselfish Ones—known as—the Ascended Masters of Light—who again send it forth to the humanity of our earth. This radiation affects—the seven ganglionic centers within every human body on our planet—as well as all animal and plant life. The background of the entire ceiling was the color of a very clear sky on a brilliant moonlight night—yet the surface was highly refractive.
我后来了解到,有时候会出于一些特殊目的 —— 伟大的宇宙存有 —— 会通过这些圆盘—— 传导他们强大的能量流。在这里 —— 它被伟大的开悟者和无私存有 —— 接收 —— 他们是光之扬升大师 —— 他们会把能量再次发送给我们地球上的人类。这种辐射影响着 —— 地球上每个人身体的七个神经中心 —— 也影响着所有的动物和植物生命。整个天花板的背景是月夜下晴朗天空的颜色 —— 不过表面高度反光。
In the center at the far end of the hall about thirty-five feet from the floor in the wall itself—was a large eye—at least—two feet across. This represented the—”All-Seeing-Eye of the Creator”—forever watching over—His Creation—and from Whom—nothing can be hidden.
A tremendous power was focused through—this eye—at certain times—for the accomplishment—of specific results. I could but wonder—as I contemplated it—what my sensations would be were I to see—That Power—in full operation.
在大厅尽头的中央、距离地板约三十五英尺的墙壁上 —— 有一只巨大的眼睛 —— 至少两英尺宽。这代表着 —— “造物主的全视之眼” —— 永远观察着他的创造 —— 没有什么可以躲避他的眼睛。在某些时候 —— 一股巨大的能量会贯穿这只眼睛 —— 为了达成某些特定的结果。我不禁想知道 —— 当我在思考的时候 —— 那股力量完全运作时 —— 会是一种什么感觉。
Perhaps forty feet from the far end on the east wall, stretching about seventy feet in length and thirty feet in height—was a panel—of some precipitated material. It had been placed a little more than—five feet above the floor level—and sunken into the side-wall for a depth of two inches—making a concave surface around the entire edge.
距离东墙远端大约四十英尺处,长约七十英尺,高三十英尺的地方 —— 是一块平板 —— 由沉降的材料制成。它被放置在离地面五英尺多一点的高度 —— 并嵌入侧墙两英寸深 —— 整个边缘形成一个凹面。
The substance composing it—looked like beautiful velvet—of a deep indigo blue—yet it was not a fabric of any kind. The nearest physical material to which one could compare it would be that—of a mineral. This substance—is not—in use in the outer world of mankind anywhere—but it can be and is, sometimes precipitated—by the Great Ascended Masters of Light—for a special purpose.
构成它的材料 —— 看起来像是美丽的天鹅绒 —— 深靛蓝色 —— 但是它不属于任何一种织物。与之最接近的物质材料可能是 —— 某种矿物。这种物质 —— 没有 —— 用在人类外部世界的任何地方 —— 但是它可以,有的时候 —— 通过光之扬升大师 —— 用于特殊目的而沉降出来。
Saint Germain explained that—the panel had been precipitated—and served as a—universal mirror—for the instruction of Initiates and Inner members of a group of Highly Evolved Beings. These Great Ones work—ceaselessly—helping the humanity of our earth—to become Perfected men and women—and enable them to manifest—in their outer lives—the same great—Perfection and Dominion—as did Jesus Christ.
圣哲曼解释说 —— 这块平板被沉降出来 —— 作为一个 —— 宇宙镜面使用 —— 用于指导一群高等进化存有中的启蒙者和内部成员。这些伟大的存有 —— 永不停歇地 —— 帮助我们地球的人类 —— 让他们变成完美的男人和女人 —— 并让他们可以在外在的生活中显化出 —— 像基督那样的 —— 伟大完美和统领。
There is—no—outer—organization—of these—Perfected Beings. Only by—living—and expressing—this Perfection—through self-correction of human weaknesses—and full adoration to the Divine Being Within—can an individual draw himself—into association—with those working at this—high—level of attainment.
这些完美的存有 —— 没有外在的组织。只有通过 —— 对人类弱点的自我纠正以及对内在神圣存在的完全尊崇 —— 来活出 —— 和表达出这种完美 —— 一个人才能吸引自己 —— 与这些在高等意识层面运作的存有 —— 建立连结。
“Upon this panel,” said Saint Germain, “are projected scenes of earth, pictures in the ethers—the akashic records—and activities taking place on Venus or at any other point—which those instructing—wish to make visible to the students. Such scenes are not only pictures of the past and present—but can portray activities—into the far future. These you shall see later.”
圣哲曼说,“在这个平板上,投射出的是地球的场景,以太场景 —— 阿卡西记录 —— 以及在金星或者其他地方发生的事情 —— 这些是指导者希望学生看到的。这些场景不仅仅是过去和现在的图片 —— 也可以描述未来的活动。这些你稍后会看到。”
We passed through the last door on our right, and entered a room whose dimensions were about eighty feet long, forty wide and twenty high, with an arched ceiling—similar to that in the large hall—from which we had just come.
我们穿过右手边最后一扇门,进入一间长约八十英尺,宽约四十英尺,高约二十英尺的房间,有一个拱形天花板 —— 与我们刚进来时大厅的天花板相似。
“The entire interior surface of this room is made of—frosted gold—and the purple and green veining—you see on the walls—as if embossed—is precipitated,” he continued.
“整个房间的内部是由 —— 磨砂金 —— 制作而成 —— 你在墙壁上看到的紫色和绿色脉络 —— 像是浮雕的那些 —— 是经由沉降而来。”他继续说。
At the far end and on the side wall to our right, reaching from floor to ceiling, was a framework made—of white metal—that looked like—frosted silver. In this framework resting upon roller bearings, were containers made of the same metal. The lids—of these containers—gave classifications—in hieroglyphics—of the contents on the four spindles within each—the hieroglyphics being embossed upon every lid.
在房间尽头,我们右边的墙壁上,从地板一直延伸到天花板的,是一个由白色金属制成的框架,看起来像 —— 磨砂银。这个框架放在轴承之上,框架上摆放的是一些由相同的材料制成的容器。每个容器盖子上有象形文字的浮雕 —— 对容器中不同的东西进行了分类 —— 每个容器中有四个绕杆,上面环绕着什么。
The spindles were at least ten inches long—and around every one—had been wound a ribbon—about eight inches wide—made of pressed gold—alloyed with some material—that made it tough and pliable and yet—no thicker—than a piece of ordinary writing paper. The length—of the ribbons of gold—on the spindles varied—from seven to fifty feet—and on each were characters—as if etched into the gold—by something like a stylus. These characters—had been so perfectly done—as to make the whole appear—like script.
绕杆至少有十英寸长 —— 每个绕杆周围都缠绕着一条丝带 —— 大约八英寸宽 —— 由压制的黄金 —— 与某种金属制成合金 —— 使其坚毅柔韧 —— 但是并不比一片普通的书写纸厚。绕杆上金丝带的长度 —— 从七英尺到五十英尺不等 —— 每条丝带上都写着文字 —— 就好像是通过针尖蚀刻在黄金上一样。这些文字完成得非常精美 —— 整体看上去就像是手稿一样。
“These records are the fulfilling of my promise to you,” said Saint Germain, as he indicated a particular section at the far end of the side-wall. “They describe the city, country, and civilization which once existed where the Sahara Desert is now—during the time in which you were my son—and I the ruler—of that ancient empire. This room contains records of many countries—and the rise and fall—of many civilizations.” Handing me one of the spindles he released the fastening, and I found—to my astonishment—that I could read its contents.
“这些记录履行了我对你的承诺,”圣哲曼一边说,一边指着侧墙远端某个特定部位。“它们描述了曾经存在于撒哈拉沙漠的城市、国家和文明 —— 在那个时代你是我的儿子 —— 我是那个古老帝国的统治者。这个房间有很多国家的记录 —— 以及很多文明的兴衰。”他递给我一根绕杆,松开扣件,令我惊讶的是 —— 我发现 —— 我可以读懂里面的内容。
“I am enabling you to do this,” he continued, “by temporarily—raising your consciousness—and calling forth the hidden memory—the former record—of these experiences which you once lived through. The matter of—knowing God and His Universe—is but a contacting—of the Life-record in every form. All forms contain Life, and within the Light emanation of every form—is recorded—its entire past—which anyone may train himself to discover and understand—if he be willing to give—his attention and time to the self-discipline necessary—to still the confusion—in the outer activity—of his every-day existence. This eternal record within all things has existed—from the beginning.
他继续说,“我让你做到这一点,通过暂时性地 —— 提升你的意识 —— 并唤醒你曾经经历过这些的隐藏记忆 —— 过去的记录。阅读神和他的宇宙这件事不过是连结到每一种形态中的生命记录。所有的形态都包含着生命,在每一种形态散发的圣光中记录着它的全部过去 —— 每个人都可以训练自己去发现和理解这一点 —— 如果他愿意把他的注意力和时间花在必要的自律上 —— 在他每天的生活中平息外在活动的混乱。万物中永恒的记录 —— 从最初就存在。”
“In ages past, humanity manifested Perfection in every way. This former condition of the race has been chronicled by historians as the—Garden of Eden—Eden or E-Don—meaning Divine Wisdom. As the conscious attention—of the outer activity of the mind—was allowed to rest upon the world of the physical senses—the ‘Divine Wisdom’—the All-Knowing—activity of consciousness—became clouded or covered over and the ‘Cosmic Divine Plan’—of the individual’s life—became submerged. Perfection and conscious control—by mankind over all form—was hidden and forgotten—along with it.
“在过去,人类在各个方面都表达出完美。历史学家把之前人类种族的这个状况称之为 —— 伊甸园 —— 伊甸或伊顿 —— 意思是神圣智慧。随着外在心智活动的注意力被允许停留在物质感官的世界中 —— ‘神圣智慧’ —— 全知意识的活动变得乌云密布或被笼罩,‘个人’生命的宇宙神圣计划被颠覆了。人类对所有形态 —— 完美和有意识的控制 —— 随之被隐藏和遗忘。”
“Man became sense-conscious—instead of God-conscious—and so manifested—that—to which his attention was directed and—which he thought most upon. He—deliberately and consciously—turned his back upon the Perfection and Dominion—with which the Father—endowed him in the beginning. He created his own experiences of lack, limitation, and discord of every kind. He identified himself—with the part—instead of the whole—and of course—imperfection—was the result.
“人开始变得有感官意识 —— 而不是神之意识 —— 他的注意力被引导至他最想要的东西之上 —— 从而这么显化出来。他 —— 故意且有意识地 —— 背弃了完美和统领 —— 这是最初圣父赋予他的。他创造了自己的各种匮乏、限制和不和谐的体验。他把自己 —— 与部分 —— 相认同 —— 而非整体 —— 当然就会出现 —— 不完美的结果。”
“All mankind’s limitation—is the result—of the individual’s own misuse of the—God-attribute—of freewill. He—compels—himself to live within his own creations until—by the direct volition of the outer activity of his mind—he again consciously looks back—to his Royal beginning—God—the Great Source of All. When this occurs—man will begin to remember—That—which he once was, and may become again—whensoever he chooses to look once more at the—’Great, Cosmic, Blue-Print’—of Himself.
“全人类的限制 —— 是个人滥用 —— 神之自由意志特性的结果。他 —— 强迫自己生活在自己的创造之中 —— 直至通过他心智外在活动的直接命令 —— 他再次有意识地看到 —— 他神圣的起源 —— 神 —— 万有之源。当这发生时 —— 人类会再次回忆起 —— 他曾经所是,并且会再次成为 —— 无论他选择何时再次去看到 —— 他自己的‘伟大宇宙蓝图’。”
“The record, you have been enabled to read, described the Life and people—as we saw it taking place seventy thousand years ago. You had much to do with the work of making these records—in several lives—which have not yet been revealed.”
“你有能力去阅读的那些记录,描述了那时的生命和人们 —— 正如我们看到它在七万年前发生的那样。你在几次转世中做了很多这种记录的工作 —— 这部分还没有展示给你。”
We crossed the council hall entering the opposite door, and found a room similar in size to the one we had just left—with two smaller rooms adjoining it on the north wall. In the larger room, covering almost the entire wall surface, was more metal framework filled with containers quite like those in the other room.
我们穿越了议会大厅,进入对面的门,发现了一间与我们刚离开的那间大小形似的房间 —— 北面的墙上有两个临近的小房间。在这个更大的房间中,几乎布满整个墙壁的是放置着容器的金属框架,就像刚刚那间房间一样。
“These rooms,” he continued, “contain only gold and jewels—that are to be used for a special purpose—which will bless the entire world—when mankind has transcended its—unbridled—selfishness.” Here, he drew forth a container—filled with gold coin—and went on explaining. “This is Spanish Gold—lost at sea and we—seeing it would not be recovered by other means—brought it here through the activity of certain forces—which we govern. Later—in a time that is rapidly approaching—it will again be sent forth for use in the outer world.
他继续说:“这些房间里只有黄金和珠宝 —— 用于特殊的目的 —— 当人类超越了不受约束的自私时,它们的祝福会遍布整个世界。”说到这里,他拿起来一个装满金币的容器,继续解释。“这是西班牙黄金 —— 在大海中丢失 —— 我们看到它无法通过其他方式被找回 —— 就通过某些力量活动把它带到了这里 —— 我们掌控着这些力量。稍后 —— 在一个快要到来的时代 —— 它会再次被送到外部的世界使用。”
“In these containers,” indicating another section, “gold is stored from the lost continents—of Mu and Atlantis—the ancient civilizations of the Gobi and Sahara Deserts—Egypt—Chaldea—Babylonia—Greece—Rome—and others. If all this gold were to be released into the outer activity of the world—it would compel sudden re-adjustment—in every phase of human experience. At present—it would—not—be the part of wisdom. The Infinite Wisdom and Power of those—Great Cosmic Masters—who have been the guardians of the race since its first appearance upon earth—is almost beyond the comprehension of the human mind.
“在这些容器中,”他指着另一个地方说,“储藏的黄金来自那些沉没的大陆 —— 姆和亚特兰蒂斯 —— 戈壁和撒哈拉沙漠的古代文明 —— 埃及 —— 迦勒底 —— 巴比伦 —— 希腊 —— 罗马 —— 等等。如果所有的这些黄金被释放到外部世界的活动中 —— 它会迫使人们在人类体验的每一个阶段 —— 进行突然的重新调整。当前,它不会成为智慧的一部分。伟大宇宙大师的无限智慧和力量几乎超越了人类心智的理解范围,他们是人类种族的守护者,自从人类出现在地球后,他们就守护着人类。”
“No one—in this world—ever accumulated a great amount of wealth—without the assistance and radiation of some—Ascended Master. There are occasions—in which individuals can be used as a focus of great wealth—for a specific purpose—and at such times—greatly added power is radiated to them—for through it—they can receive personal assistance. Such an experience is a—test—and opportunity—for their growth. All unusual accomplishment—that takes place in human activity—no matter what the particular channel may be—is always attained—through the assistance of super-human Love, Wisdom, and Power—from an Ascended Master—because he has transcended all limitations of the physical world and—for this reason—more than ordinary success is due to His greater power—through radiation.
“没有一些扬升大师的帮助和照耀 —— 没有人会在这个世界上积累如此大量的财富。有些时候 —— 出于特定目的 —— 一些人可以成为巨额财富的聚焦点 —— 在这种情况下 —— 伟大的权力力量会照耀到他们身上 —— 因为通过它 —— 他们可以接收到个人帮助。这样的体验是他们成长的 —— 考验 —— 和机遇。发生在人类活动中的 —— 所有不同寻常的成就 —— 不论那条特定的渠道是什么 —— 总是通过来自扬升大师的 —— 超越人类的爱、智慧和力量的帮助来达成 —— 因为扬升大师已经超越了物质世界的所有限制。出于这个原因,通过照耀,来自他的伟大力量会带来超乎寻常的成功。”
“In 1887—the Ascended Host of Masters established a school—on the Inner planes—for the specific purpose of instructing those who have misused wealth—and revealing fully—the results—of their mistakes. Such—as these—are taken and told the—Truth—concerning the—Universal Law—governing all wealth, and the results that come from influencing others to perpetuate their wrong ideas and mistakes. They are given—complete freedom—to accept or reject—the proof—offered. They—always—accept and abide by the instruction given.”
“1887年,扬升大师们在内部层面建立了一所学校 —— 具体的目的就是指引那些滥用财富的人 —— 并充分揭示 —— 他们错误的后果。这样的人被接收,他们讲述了支配所有财富的宇宙法则真理,以及影响他人从而让别人错误的想法和行为变得不可逆转之后果。这些人被给予 —— 完全自由的选择 —— 接受或者拒绝提供的证据。他们总是 —— 去接受,并遵循给出的指引。”
We next entered the two smaller rooms which were also equipped with the same kind of containers only—not as large. These were filled with jewels of all kinds—diamonds, rubies, pearls, emeralds and sapphires classified as to variety and quantity. Smilingly, he turned to me and said:
然后我们进入了那两个较小的房间,它们中放置着同一种容器 —— 但是比较小。里面装满了各种各样的珠宝 —— 钻石、红宝石、珍珠、祖母绿和蓝宝石,按种类和数量分着类。他微笑着转过头对我说:
“Now—you know and understand—that the Great God Self—is—the only—Real Owner and Controller of—all—wealth. That ‘Presence’ appoints—keepers of His treasures—on every plane of life—whether it be Light, Wisdom, Substance or physical riches. You are calm and poised I see, while we are observing this phase of our activity—and that is well. It reveals your Inner strength and ability to do—what is now ready to be accomplished—as soon as you are prepared outwardly.
“现在你知道并理解了 —— 伟大的神之自我 —— 是所有财富的 —— 唯一真正的拥有者和控制者。那位‘临在’在生命的每个层面都任命了 —— 他财富的守护者 —— 不论是圣光、智慧、实物或者物质上的财富。当我们观察我们活动的这个阶段时,我看到你很平静并泰然自若 —— 这很好。这显示出你有内在的力量和能力 —— 去做那些准备完成的事情,只要你外在做好了准备。”
“You have been shown—proof—that it is we—who really govern the wealth of the world—and use it but as a test—of the soul strength—of the individual. It is always a—trust—given to those—who should be strong enough to use it—only—constructively—but few, very few, really pass that test under the temptation—existing in the world at large today. If we choose—we can raise the humblest of God’s children—who have sufficient preparation, into wealth, power, and prominence, if by so doing, help can be given to many others—through such accomplishment.”
“证据已经展示给你看了 —— 是我们 —— 在真正地掌管世界的财富 —— 并使用它 —— 用来测试一个人灵魂的力量。它总是一种信任 —— 给予那些足够强大可以建设性地使用它的人 —— 但是就当今世界普遍存在的诱惑而言 —— 只有非常非常少的人真正可以通过这个测试。如果我们选择 —— 我们可以培养神最谦逊的孩子 —— 他们为进入财富、权力和声望做出了充足的准备,如果这样做,通过这种成就 —— 可以帮助到其他很多人。”
After examining other containers filled with more jewels, we turned and re-entered the council hall. Looking toward the entrance through which we had first come, I saw my loved ones—Lotus and our son—in charge of one of the Ascended Masters—whom Saint Germain said was known as Amen Bey. After greetings had been exchanged, we were conducted to seats before—the panel on the east wall. In groups of from three to twelve came the blessed ones of the—Ascended Host—until seventy of them were seated.
在看完了装满了更多珠宝的容器之后,我们返回、重新进入了议会大厅。朝我们第一次来的入口看去,我看到了我的亲人 —— 洛特丝和我们的儿子 —— 他们在一位扬升大师的带领下 —— 圣哲曼称呼这位扬升大师为Amen Bey。在寒暄过后,我们被带领至东墙面板之前的座位上。深受祝福的扬升大师三至十二人每组不等,来到了这里,一直到他们坐满了七十人。
A great hush fell upon all assembled, and for a few moments the silence was breathless—expectant. A ball of—soft White Light—began to form—in front of the panel—increasing rapidly in size and brilliance—until it became an oval—at least seven feet in height. As though born from within the Light itself—stepped a most Glorious Being—tall, majestic, and powerful. He made the sign uniting the finite with Infinity, and in a voice that—thrilled every atom of mind and body—asked—if all were ready.
所有聚集在一起的人陷入了巨大的寂静之中,有那么一会,寂静到让人屏住呼吸充满期待。一团 —— 柔和的白光 —— 在面板前成形 —— 它的亮度和尺寸迅速增加 —— 直至变成了一个椭圆形 —— 至少有七英尺那么高。仿佛从圣光中诞生的那般 —— 出现一位最具荣耀的存有 —— 高大、威严、有力量。他做出一个手势,让无限和有限得以结合,并以一种 —— 让心智和身体的每个原子都兴奋的声音 —— 询问我们是否做好了准备。
A blazing light—flashed forth from the substance that composed the panel—until it looked like a mirror of Living Light. In a moment, this changed—into a crystal clear atmosphere—and it then became a cosmic screen upon which—living pictures—in all dimensions could be portrayed—with no limit to the space—that could be observed. It was self-evident—that everything—which had or ever could take place—in all Eternity—might be made visible on this screen—if the Directing Intelligence so desired.
一道闪耀的光 —— 从构成面板的物质中闪现 —— 直至它看起来像一面活跃着圣光的镜子。刹那间,它变成了 —— 晶莹剔透的大气层 —— 然后它变成宇宙屏幕 —— 上面描绘出各个维度的活动画面 —— 不受空间的限制 —— 所有的都可以看到。所有一切都不言自明 —— 在永恒之中已经发生的事情 —— 都可以在这个屏幕上看到 —— 如果指引的智能愿意去展现的话。
The first scenes portrayed the continent of “Mu”—the activity and accomplishment of its people, and the height to which that civilization attained. This covered a period of thousands of years. Then came events that surely must have been—a reign of terror—to the inhabitants of that land. A cataclysm occurred which tore the surface of the earth—until all collapsed within itself. The ancient land of Mu sank beneath the waves—of what is now the Pacific Ocean—where it still rests wrapped in its mantle of water. Again—it will rise—and once more absorb the Life and Light of the physical sun.
第一个场景描绘了“姆”大陆 —— 那里人们的活动和成就,以及该文明达到的高度。这涵盖了数千年的时间。然后发生了一系列事情 —— 对这片土地的居民来说,肯定是 —— 恐怖的统治。发生了一场大灾难,撕裂了地球表面 —— 直至所有一切都在自身内部坍塌。古老的姆大陆沉没在海浪之中 —— 就是现在太平洋的位置 —— 它现在仍然被水覆盖着。不过再次 —— 它会升起 —— 并再一次吸收到物质层面太阳的生命和光。
Next, came the growth to beauty, wisdom, and power of Atlantis, a great continent covering a large part of what is now the Atlantic Ocean. At that time, there existed solid land between Central America and what today is Europe. The things accomplished in that age—were tremendous—but again the people’s misuse—of the Mighty God Energy—overwhelmed them and, as things were thrown more and more out of balance—the tearing apart of the earth’s surface by cataclysmic action was re-experienced.
接下来迎来的是亚特兰蒂斯的美丽、智慧和力量,这是一个覆盖了现大西洋大部分区域的伟大大陆。那时,中美洲和现今的欧洲之间还存在着结实的土地。那个时代完成的事情 —— 是巨大的 —— 但是人们再次滥用了 —— 伟大的神之能量 —— 他们难以承受,随着事情越来越失去平衡 —— 撕裂地球表面的灾难再次上演。
It left but a small remnant of Atlantis—merely an island in mid-ocean—cut off from close contact with the rest of the civilized world. The east and west portions of the land had sunk beneath the Atlantic Ocean—leaving only the island called Poseidonis. It had been the heart of the then known civilized world, and preparation was made—to protect and preserve—its most important activities—as a central focus—to carry forward certain unfinished work. In that period very great attainment was reached both—spiritually and materially.
只有亚特兰蒂斯一小部分得以保留 —— 海洋中央的一个岛屿 —— 与其他文明世界的紧密连接被切断了。那片陆地的东部和西部已经沉没在大西洋之下 —— 只剩下一个叫做波塞冬尼斯的岛屿。它曾经是当时已知文明世界的中心,那时已经做了准备工作 —— 来保护和保留它最重要的活动 —— 让它作为中心点 —— 继续推进某些未完成的工作。在那个时期,灵性层面和物质层面都取得了非常大的成就。
The mechanical development of this cycle reached a very high state of achievement, and one of its most remarkable expressions was the perfection of their aerial navigation. The air-transportation of our modern life is—as yet—very crude and primitive—compared to what was then on Atlantis. The Great Masters of Light and Wisdom—made this possible—for the people of Poseidonis because they inspired, instructed, protected, and revealed knowledge of great advancement—in every phase of human activity.
那个时期的机械发展达到了很高的成就,最显著的表现之一就是他们空中导航技术的完美。与当时亚特兰蒂斯时期的相比,我们现代生活的航空运输仍然非常粗糙和原始。是光和智慧的扬升大师 —— 让这一切成为可能,因为他们会启发、指引、保护和揭示给波塞冬尼斯的人民伟大进步的知识 —— 在人类活动的每个阶段。
A large portion of these people became aware of the—Great Inner God Power—within the individual but as before—the human side of their nature or outer activities again usurped—the Great Energy. Selfishness and misuse of this transcendent wisdom and power gained the ascendency to even greater height than before. The Masters of the Ancient Wisdom—saw the people were building another destructive momentum—and that a third cataclysm was threatening. They warned the inhabitants—again and again as previously—but only those who served the “Light” gave heed.
这些人中有很大一部分意识到了个人内在的 —— 伟大内在神之力量 —— 但是跟以前一样 —— 他们本性中的人类面向、外在活动再次篡夺了 —— 这伟大的能量。他们通过自私和滥用这种超然的智慧和力量,获得了比以往更高的地位。古老的智慧大师 —— 那时看到人们正在建立另一种破坏性的势头 —— 人们面临着第三次灾难的威胁。他们警告了居民 —— 跟以前一样一次又一次地发出警告 —— 但是只有那些为“圣光”服务的人才会留心。
Great buildings were constructed—of imperishable material—where records were placed—that have been preserved through the centuries. These remain in a state of perfect preservation—now—on the bed of the Atlantic Ocean—hermetically sealed. They will be brought to the light of day—by the Great Ones—who directed their preparation—and control their protection.
伟大的建筑是由不朽的材料建造的 —— 那里是保存记录的地方 —— 已经保存了几个世纪。这些仍然处于完美的保存状态 —— 它们位于大西洋的海床上 —— 被密封起来。在伟大存有的指引下 —— 它们会重见天日。这些伟大的存有指引了记录的准备工作,并对它们进行保护。
In them are recorded humanity’s advance and accomplishment of that period, so there has been no permanent loss to mankind of the activities of the Atlantean civilization. Beside the preserving of such records, great wealth, principally gold and jewels, was transferred at that time to other points of safety. This has been and will continue to be guarded over the centuries—and used at a future time for the uplift and advancement of generations—yet unborn.
那些记录中记载着人类在那个时期的进步和成就,因此亚特兰蒂斯文明的灾难没有给人类造成永久性的损失。除了保存这些记录之外,大量财富,主要是黄金和珠宝,在当时被转移到其他安全的地方。几个世纪以来,它们一直受到保护,而且还会持续下去 —— 并在将来用于几代人的提升和进步 —— 他们尚未出生。
The final cataclysm spent its momentum, and the last remaining fragment of a once world-empire sank to rest—for purification through the centuries—beneath the present Atlantic Ocean. The remembrance of Atlantis and her people, unlike the lost continent of Mu, has not been entirely forgotten or obliterated in the history of mankind—for it has been recorded in many ways through the centuries. Even though twelve thousand years have elapsed since the sinking, fragments of information concerning it—still drift to us from most unexpected channels. Myths and legends abound in reference to Atlantis and—these are two avenues—which preserve to mankind—certain actual conditions—that have been upon the earth—in one age or another. As time goes on indisputable proof—of its existence and the height of its attainment—will be revealed by oceanography, geology, and other scientific data.
最后一场灾难消散了它的势头,曾经的世界帝国的最后残留也沉没到了大西洋底 —— 接受几个世纪的净化。与沉没的姆大陆不同的是,亚特兰蒂斯和她的人民并没有被完全被人类历史遗忘或者抹除 —— 因为它在几个世纪以来以多种方式被记录下来。尽管大陆的沉没已经过去了一万两千年,有关它的信息碎片 —— 仍然从最意外的渠道飘到我们身边。有关亚特兰蒂斯的神话和传说比比皆是 —— 通过两种途径,为人类保留了某些实际状况 —— 这些方法在某些时代早已存在于地球。随着时间的推移,海洋学、地质学和其他科学领域将会揭示出它的存在、以及它所取得成就的无可争辩的证据。
Then passed before our vision the ancient civilizations—of the Gobi and Sahara Deserts—showing the rise and fall of their principal activities. The decline in each of these was due this time—not to cataclysmic action—but to being overrun by hordes of primitive souls—taking embodiment in that cycle.
然后出现的就是戈壁沙漠和撒哈拉沙漠的古文明 —— 他们主要活动的兴衰景象。这次,每个文明的衰落 —— 不是由于灾难性的活动 —— 而是过量成群的原始灵魂 —— 在那个周期中开始转世。
Next came pictures of Egypt—her rise and fall—the latter being due to the deliberate misuse of knowledge and power—by a large number of the humanity embodied in that land—whose predominant qualities—were pride of their intellectual accomplishments—and rebellion against the restraint—of their lower nature.
接下来看到的就是埃及的场景 —— 她的兴衰 —— 衰亡的原因是 —— 转世到那片土地的大量人类 —— 对知识和权力的故意滥用 —— 那片土地的突出特质 —— 就是人们以智力的成就为荣 —— 并反抗克制 —— 他们的低级本性。
Egypt rose to her greatest height—by the right use of knowledge and power. These always demand humility—obedience of the intellect to the God-Self Within—absolute and unconditional control—of the human or lower nature—in those who seek such gifts—if they are to avoid destruction. The souls embodied in Egypt—during her decline—were not undeveloped—as were those in the civilizations of the Gobi and Sahara Deserts. On the contrary, they had attained the conscious use of knowledge and power, and—deliberately—chose to misuse it. This activity has nothing whatsoever to do with—Wisdom—for those who are the Eternal Inheritors of the gifts from that Divine Goddess—must forever be past—all—temptation to misuse knowledge and power. Wisdom—is the right use of all that manifests—and he, who realizes this self-evident, Immutable Truth becomes an open door to all good that abides in creation.
通过正确地使用知识和力量 —— 埃及到达了她的巅峰。它们总是要求寻求这些赠予的人保持谦逊 —— 让智力服从于内在的神之自我 —— 完全和无条件地控制人类或者低等本性 —— 如果他们想要避免毁灭发生的话。在埃及的衰败期间 —— 转世到埃及的灵魂 —— 并不是未进化的那种 —— 不是像在戈壁沙漠和撒哈拉沙漠中曾经存在的文明那样。相反地,他们已经掌握了对知识和力量有意识地使用,并 —— 故意 —— 选择滥用它。这种活动与 —— 智慧 —— 毫无关系,因为对于那些神圣女神恩赐的永恒继承者来说 —— 他们必须永远地避免所有对 —— 权力和知识的滥用。智慧 —— 是对一切可以显化的能量的正确使用,对于意识到这个不言而喻、不可改变之真理的人来说,他就成为了通向存在于创造中所有良善的敞开之门。
The reference to Egypt—as a land of darkness—is most unjust for out of Egypt in her earlier cycle came—Very Great Light, and out of Egypt will again come—Very Great Light.
把埃及看作 —— 一片黑暗之地 —— 是最不公平的,因为在她早期阶段 —— 降临了非常强大的圣光,而埃及也会再次迎来 —— 非常伟大的圣光。
The next scene portrayed the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. When the darkness and degradation of those centuries had reached their lowest point—lo! Jesus appeared—pouring out His Blazing Light and Love as the Christ—and through His Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension—such an overwhelming flood of—God’s Perfection—spread over the earth—that never again can so vast a darkness encompass humanity—in any age. The accomplishment—of His Life—stands Eternally Recorded—upon the atmosphere of this planet—and acts as a magnet—drawing mankind unto—a Like Perfection.
下一个场景描述的是罗马帝国的兴衰。当那些世纪的黑暗和堕落达到最低点时 —— 看!耶稣出现了 —— 作为基督向外倾洒着他闪耀的圣光和爱 —— 通过他的变身、复活和扬升 —— 神之完美的巨大洪流 —— 在地球上蔓延开来 —— 从此以后再也没有如此强大的黑暗可以笼罩人类 —— 不论是什么时代。他生命的成就 —— 永恒地记录在这颗星球的大气层中 —— 就像磁铁一样 —— 把人类吸引至 —— 一个同样完美的状态。
The coming of Jesus was—an initiation—to the people of our world and—a Cosmic Command—to use the Power of Divine Love—in all their future activities. This outpouring—of His Love—to the earth—at its darkest cycle—became the birth of the Christ Child in the individual. He called forth—once again—the Cosmic, Divine, Blue Print—and revealed the Decree for the incoming age. That plan is Complete Dominion over all things finite through the Full Stature of the Christ Within every human being.
基督的到来 —— 是对我们世界人们的启蒙 —— 也是宇宙的命令 —— 在人们未来所有的活动中 —— 使用神圣之爱的力量。他的爱 —— 在最黑暗的时期 —— 倾洒到地球上 —— 从而诞生了每个人内在的基督之子。他再次召唤 —— 宇宙的神圣蓝图 —— 并揭示了即将到来时代中的喻令。这个计划就是通过每个人内在完整的基督显化,达成对所有事物的完全掌控。
Next, came the reign of Richard the Lion Heart of England. Humanity has little or no knowledge of the real, spiritual activity that took place—during those years. The same Light that inspired Richard’s enthusiasm and activities in the crusades, released—through his followers and the people of that time—certain forces—that the Ascended Host used at Inner levels of consciousness.
Then, came pictures of the recent world war in Europe and these disclosed the activities—that generated it. Only a few individuals—know the real cause—and no doubt it is for the best—more do not. It is too destructive—for the consciousness to contemplate. Nothing can possibly be gained by focusing—the attention upon war. This too perhaps was the reason why the period from Richard to the world war was not portrayed. Here, the activities of the Ascended Host were revealed—and we saw them dissolve—the cause and greater part—of the accumulated momentum of the world’s recent conflict.
然后就是近期在欧洲发生的世界大战的场景,这些景象揭示了大战发生的原因。只有很少的人 —— 知道真实的起因 —— 毫无疑问,大多数人不知道真相是好的。它的破坏性太大 —— 以至于意识无法去思考。把注意力放在战争上是没有任何收获的。这也许就是为什么从理查德至世界大战之间的场景没有给出的原因。在这里,扬升之主的活动被揭示 —— 我们看到他们消融了 —— 最近世界上积累起来冲突势头的 —— 起因和大部分势头。
They accomplished it—by consciously focusing and directing—enormous—Rays of Light—whose power to consume and transmute is—too stupendous—for finite description. These Perfected Ones have been watching for the Cosmic Moment to arrive when they might perform for humanity a Service of Love that has been long awaited and of which mankind has as yet—little or no comprehension.
他们是通过有意识地聚焦和引导 —— 巨大的圣光光芒 —— 来完成的,圣光光芒的消融和转化的力量 —— 太过惊人 —— 无法进行确切的描述。这些完美的存有一直等待着特定宇宙时刻的到来,那时他们就可以为人类提供等待已久的爱之服务,而人类至今对此知之甚少,或完全不理解。
These remarkable pictures continued and—revealed activities stretching forth into the far future—and affecting the whole earth. They showed—many changes to come—in the surface of the land itself. One of the most important of these—concerned the progress of North America. The Divine Plan—for the future of North America—is a condition of intense activity in the greatest peace, beauty, success, prosperity, spiritual illumination, and dominion. She is to carry—the Christ Light—and—”Be”—the Guide for the rest of the earth—because America is to be the heart center of the—”Golden Age”—that is now dimly touching our horizon. The greater portion of the land of North America will stand for a very long time. This has been known for thousands of years—yes—for over two hundred thousand.
这些非凡的场景继续地播放着 —— 并揭示了延伸至遥远未来的活动 —— 以及它们对地球的影响。展示了地表世界很多到来的转变。其中最重要的就是 —— 有关北美的发展。神圣计划对北美未来的安排是 —— 让那里成为最伟大的和平、美丽、成功、繁荣、灵性启蒙和统领的激烈活动之地。她将携带 —— 基督之光 —— 并 —— “成为” —— 地球其他地方的引领者 —— 因为美国将要成为 —— 正隐约进入我们视野的“黄金时代” —— 的中心点。北美的大部分区域会存在很长时间。这是千万年来已经被人们所知晓的 —— 是的 —— 超过了二十万年。
The pictures continued for nearly three hours—portraying many scenes and activities that have entirely escaped the recording of historians—and the world of science—because of their great antiquity. Wonderful and beautiful—as our moving pictures are today—they are mere toys—when compared with the living, breathing, actual existence—revealed upon this cosmic screen. Here, it was possible to watch—the Cosmic Cause—go forth of many events and conditions found upon earth—so that those watching—received instruction of most extraordinary magnitude.
这些场景持续了接近三个小时 —— 描绘了很多完全没有被历史学家和科学界记录下来的场景和活动 —— 因为它们实在是太古老了。那些场景美丽而且美妙 —— 就像我们今天看的电影一样 —— 但是与宇宙屏幕上展示的那些活生生的、有着呼吸的、真实的存在相比,现代的电影就是小儿科。在这里可以看到宇宙层面的起因 —— 触发了很多地球上发生的事情和状况 —— 因此那些观看的人 —— 接受了最非凡的指导。
At the close of the instruction, Saint Germain presented us—to the Great Ascended Master—Lanto—who had manifested from within—the Blazing Light—and then to the seventy Masters assembled.
在指导结束之时,圣哲曼向我们介绍了 —— 伟大的扬升大师 —— 兰托(Lanto) —— 他从自己内在显化出耀眼的圣光 —— 然后介绍了聚集在这里的七十位上师。
“We shall rejoice indeed,” said Lanto, turning toward us, “when you are again ready—to join in the conscious service of the glorious work at hand. This opportunity comes to you through the mighty victories—you have won over the human self and outer world. The time is nearing—when you shall be privileged—to see how truly great those victories are. Each day accept in its—Fulness—the Mighty Active ‘Presence’ of the Great God within you—and there can exist no such thing as failure—anywhere along the path. Everyone, who sincerely seeks the—’Light’—is always known to the Ascended Masters. On New Year’s eve, we will meet here again—when there will be twelve guests from Venus. It is our wish that you be present. Saint Germain and Amen Bey will be—your sponsors.”
兰托说,“我们会欢呼,”他转向我们继续说,“当你再次准备好 —— 加入即将到来的荣耀工作的有意识服务之中时。这个机会会通过伟大的胜利来到你身边 —— 你已经战胜了人类的自我和外在的世界。时间即将到来 —— 那时你们将有幸 —— 看到那些胜利是多么地伟大。每一天都去全然地接受你内在伟大之神的全能活跃‘临在’ —— 去这么做,那么这条道路的任何地方都不可能存在失败这样的事情。每一个真诚地寻求 —— ‘圣光’ —— 的人总是会为扬升大师所知。除夕之夜,我们将再次在这里碰面 —— 届时会有十二位来自金星的客人。我们希望你们可以出席。圣哲曼和阿门·贝(Amen Bey)会招待你们。”
At a signal, all became silent and received Lanto’s blessing of love before returning to their respective fields of service. Most of them simply disappeared from the room within a few moments, and the rest—left by the way of the tube.
一声令下,所有人都静了下来,接受了兰托的爱之祝福,然后返回到各自的服务领域。他们中的大部分在几分钟之内就从房间消失了,其余的则通过 —— 电梯管道离开。
“My children, I see you are unaware of time. It is now three o’clock in the morning,” remarked Saint Germain, as he turned to say, good-bye—to Lotus and our son who—after embracing me left by way of the outer reception room—as we passed through the first door on the right. “There is one thing more,” he continued, “I want you to see before we go.
“我的孩子们,我看到你们没有意识到时间。现在是凌晨三点。”圣哲曼边说,边转身向洛特丝和我的儿子告别 —— 他们拥抱我之后从外面的接待室离开了 —— 我们则穿过右手边的第一扇门。圣哲曼继续说,“还有一个东西,我希望在我们离开之前让你看到。”
“Here is a group of most unusual musical instruments—that are used for a special purpose—being constructed or created so as to have a tone of special quality—for the work we do.” Here, he turned to an organ key-board, and went on explaining.
“这是一组最不同寻常的乐器 —— 用于特殊的目的 —— 正在构建创造一种特殊特质的音调 —— 用于我们所做的工作。”说到这里,他转向风琴键盘,继续解释。
“This seems to be a pipeless organ but the pipes, which are much smaller than ordinary, are placed within the case. The tone of the whole instrument is—superior to anything the earth has ever known before in music. These organs will come into use in the outer work as the incoming—Golden Age—moves forward.”
“它看上去似乎是一个无管风琴,其实是它的音管要比普通的风琴小得多,被放置在外壳之内。整个乐器的音调 —— 要优于地球上目前已知的所有音乐。随着即将到来的 —— 黄金时代 —— 向前推进,这些风琴会在外部的工作中使用到。”
Next, we examined four magnificent harps—slightly larger than those in ordinary use in the musical world today. Saint Germain seated himself at one of these and played several chords—to give me some idea of their tone. It was the most wonderful music, I have ever heard.
然后,我们查看了四把华丽的竖琴 —— 尺寸比当今音乐界中常用的竖琴略大。圣哲曼坐在其中一把竖琴旁边,演奏了几个和弦 —— 从而让我对它们的音调有所了解。这是我听到过的最美妙的音乐。
“This harp is a surprise for our Beloved Lotus,” he said, “for on New Year’s eve in this retreat—you shall hear the organ and four harps played by skilled artists.” We finished the inspection of the room, and left through the door on the northwest wall.
Instead of passing out of the retreat, as we had come in, Saint Germain opened a small door on the left and entered—a glistening tunnel—whose walls sparkled with a crystal-like formation—which became instantly—illumined-by the White Light—that he always released by manipulating the electronic substance about him. We walked rapidly forward in the tunnel—came to a bronze door that opened at his touch—and stood again under the starlit sky.
并没有像我们来时那般离开这个隐蔽之处,圣哲曼打开了左侧的一扇小门,走了进去 —— 一条闪闪发光的隧道 —— 隧道中的墙壁是闪闪发光的像水晶一样结构 —— 即刻就被白光照亮了 —— 这道白光是他通过操控身边的电子物质释放出来的。我们快速地沿着这条隧道向前 —— 走到一扇青铜门前,他一碰就打开了 —— 再次,我们站在星空之下。
We remained in perfect silence for an instant—then rising to some five hundred feet above the ground level—passed swiftly through the air and a few moments later stood beside my physical body—on the southern slope of Mount Shasta—where the panther still guarded. I had been away twenty-two hours—and as I looked up—dawn was just creeping over the eastern horizon.
我们保持了片刻的完全沉默 —— 然后上升到距离地面约五百英尺的高度 —— 快速地在空气中穿梭,一会儿过后我就站在了我的物质身体旁边 —— 雪士达山南侧的斜坡上 —— 那只豹子仍然守护在我身旁。我已经离开了二十二个小时 —— 当我抬头看时 —— 黎明刚刚从东方地平线爬上来。
“Here is your breakfast,” announced Saint Germain, as he handed me—the Crystal Cup—containing a clear, white, sparkling liquid. “This is both strengthening and refreshing—so you will enjoy hiking home—because your body needs the exertion and activity. I sense something in your mind which is not at ease or at least is not clear to your consciousness.”
“这是你的早餐。”圣哲曼边说边递给我一个 —— 水晶杯 —— 里面装着的是白色清澈的闪闪发光的液体。“它既能增强体力又可以提神 —— 这样你就可以开心地走回家 —— 因为你的身体需要锻炼和活动。我感觉到你的心智中有些不安的东西,或者至少说你的意识尚不清晰。”
“Yes,” I replied. “I have a question that has been holding my attention for some time, and it is concerning—visualization. What is true visualization and what happens—when one does visualize?”
“是的,”我回答。“有一个问题已经困扰我相当长一段时间了,它跟 —— 观想 —— 有关。什么是真正的观想,当一个人观想时,会发生什么?”
“True visualization,” he answered, “is God’s attribute and Power of Sight—acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled—he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. There is much confusion and uncertainty in the minds of many, concerning what actually happens—when one visualizes or makes a mental picture—of something he desires. No form ever came into existence—anywhere in the universe—unless some one had consciously held a picture of that form in his thought—for every thought contains a picture of the idea within it. Even an abstract thought has a picture of some kind—or at least a picture—that is one’s mental concept of it.
他回答:“真正的观想,是神的属性和视觉力量在人心智中的活动。当一个人有意识地在他的心智中描绘出他想要实现的愿望 —— 他就是在使用一种最强大的方法把它带入到自己看得见、摸得着的体验中。当一个人观想或者在心智中想象他想要事物的画面时,就这个时候实际发生的事情而言,很多人的心智中存在着困惑和不确定性。没有任何形态会存在于宇宙之中 —— 除非有人有意识地在他的思想中持有那些形态的画面 —— 因为每一个思想都包含着它内部想法的画面。即便是一个抽象的思想也有某种画面 —— 至少是某个人对这个思想的心智感知画面。”
“I will give you an exercise by which one may develop, consciously control, and direct his visualizing activities for definite accomplishment. There are several steps to the process—which every student can use at any and all times. The practice does bring visible, tangible results—when really applied. The first step—is to determine upon a definite plan or desire to be fulfilled. In this, see that it is constructive, honorable, and worthy of your time and effort. Be sure to examine your—motive—for bringing such a creation into expression. It must be honest—both toward yourself and the rest of the world, not merely to follow a whim or gratify—appetites of the physical senses. Remember there is a vast difference between use, desire, and appetite. Use—is the fulfilling of the Great Universal Law of Service. Desire—is the expanding activity of—God—through which manifestation is constantly sustained and is Perfection—enlarging itself. Appetite—is but habit—established by the continued gratification of the feeling nature—and is but energy—focused and qualified by suggestions—from the outer activity of life.
“我会给你一个练习,一个人可以通过它来培养、有意识地控制、并指导他的观想活动,从而达成确切的成就。这个过程有几步 —— 每个学生随时都可以使用。这种练习 —— 当真正地去应用时,会带来看得见、摸得到的结果。第一步就是 —— 确定一个明确的计划,或者想要实现的心愿。就这一点而言,要看到它是有建设性的、荣耀的、值得花费你的时间和努力的。在把这样的创造带入表达之中时,一定要检查你的动机。一定要诚实 —— 不论是对自己还是对整个世界,而不仅仅是一时兴起或者为了满足身体感官的欲望。请记住,使用、意愿和欲望之间,存在着巨大差异。使用 —— 是伟大宇宙的服务法则的实现。意愿 —— 是神的拓展活动 —— 通过它,显化得以不断地维持,是完美自身的扩张。欲望 —— 不过是由持续地满足感觉本性建立起来的习惯,由生命外在活动的建议聚集并限制的能量。”
“Be—very sure—that there is no lurking feeling within—that you would be glad to benefit at the expense of another. A Real student—and only such a one will get the benefit out of this kind of training—takes the reins into his own hands and—determines—to discipline and consciously control—the human self. He chooses what shall or shall not be in his world and—through the process of picturing within his mind—designs and brings into manifestation—a definitely determined plan of Life.
“要非常确定 —— 内心没有这样潜在的感觉 —— 就是以牺牲他人从而给自己带来好处为乐。一个真正的学生 —— 只有这样的人才能从这种训练中受益 —— 把主导权掌握在自己手中,并 —— 决定 —— 去规范和有意识地控制 —— 人类自我。他选择让哪些或者不让哪些来到他的世界 —— 通过在他心智中的这种观想过程 —— 他设计出了一个明确坚决的生命计划 —— 并实现它。”
“The second step—is to state your plan in words—as concise and clear as possible. Write this down. Thus, you make a record of your desire in the outer, visible, tangible world. The third step—is to close the eyes and—see—within your mind a mental picture of your desire or plan—in its finished, perfect condition and activity.
“第二步就是 —— 用语言把你的计划表达出来 —— 尽可能地简洁和清晰。把它写下来。这样,你就在外在、可见、有形的世界中记录下来你的心愿。第三步就是 —— 闭上你的双眼 —— 在你的心智中看到,你的心愿或者计划 —— 已经实现,处于完美的状况和活动之中。”
“Contemplate the fact—that your ability to create and see a picture within your own consciousness—is God’s attribute of sight—acting in you. The activity of—seeing—and the power to—create—are attributes of your—God Self—which you know and feel is within you at all times. God’s Life and Power are acting within your consciousness to propel into your outer world, the picture you are—seeing and feeling—within yourself.
“仔细思考这个事实 —— 你在自己的意识之中创造和看到的能力 —— 代表着神的视觉属性 —— 在你之中发挥作用。观想活动和创造的力量是你神之自我的特性 —— 你知道、并可以感觉到它一直在你之内。神的生命和力量在你的意识中进行运作,并把你在内在观想和感受到的画面推动进入你的外部世界。”
“Keep reminding the intellect—that the ability to picture is an attribute of God—the attribute of sight. The power to feel, experience, and associate with the perfected picture is God’s power. The substance used in the world without—to make the forms in your picture and plan is God’s pure substance. Then you must—know—God is the Doer, the Doing, and the Deed of every constructive form and action that ever has been sent forth—into the world of manifestation. When you thus use all the constructive processes—it is impossible for your plan—not—to come into your visible world.
“不断地去提醒智力 —— 观想的能力是神的属性 —— 视觉属性。去感觉、体验,并把它们与完美的画面连结起来的力量是神的力量。在外部世界中呈现出你观想的画面和计划 —— 所使用的物质,是纯粹的神之材料。然后你一定要知道 —— 神是执行者,是行动,是每一个被带入外在世界表达的创造性形式和行动的完成者。当你这样使用所有建设性的步骤时 —— 你的计划绝对不可能不来到你可见的世界。”
“Read your desire or plan over, as many times in the day as possible and always just before retiring—because on going to sleep—immediately after contemplating the picture in your own mind—a full impression is left upon the human consciousness undisturbed—for a number of hours—enabling it to be recorded deeply in the outer activity—and allowing the force to be generated and accumulated—which propels it into the outer experience Life. In this way, you can carry any desire or picture into your consciousness—as it enters—the Great Silence—in sleep. There—it becomes charged by God’s Greatest Power and Activity—which is always within—the Heart of the Great Silence.
“在一天当中要尽可能多地重复读出你的意愿或计划 —— 并且总在睡觉之前 —— 因为在你心智中认真思考这个画面之后马上入睡 —— 一个完整的印象就会不受干扰地停留在人的意识之中 —— 持续数小时之久 —— 从而让它被深深地记录在外在活动之中 —— 并让力量产生和累积 —— 推动它进入外在生活的体验中。通过这种方式,当你的意识在睡眠中进入伟大的寂静之中时 —— 你可以把任何意愿或者画面带入你的意识。在那里,它被神最伟大的力量和活动赋能 —— 神的最伟大力量和活动总是处于伟大寂静的中心。”
“Under no circumstances—discuss either your desire or the fact that you are visualizing—with anyone whatsoever. This is imperative. Do not talk to yourself about it out loud—or even in a whisper—for you should realize that the greater the accumulation of energy—generated by your visualization, contemplation, and feeling the Reality of your picture—the quicker it will come—into your outer experience.
“在任何情况下 —— 都不要与任何人讨论你的心愿、你正在进行观想这个事实。这很有必要。不要大声地自言自语 —— 也不要小声跟自己去探讨它 —— 因为你应该意识到 —— 通过你的观想、沉思、以及感受你观想画面的真实性 —— 积累的能量越多 —— 它就会越快地来到你外在的体验中。 ”
“Thousands of desires, ambitions, or ideals would have manifested into the outer experience of individuals—if they had not discussed them with friends or acquaintances. When you decide to definitely bring about an experience—through consciously directed visualization—you become The Law—God—the Law of the ‘One’—and to whom there is no opposite. You must make your own decision—and stand back of your own decree—with all your power. It means you must take an unshakable, determined stand. To do so, know and feel that it is God desiring, God feeling, God knowing, God manifesting and God controlling everything concerning it. This is the Law of the ‘One’—God—and God only. Until this is fully understood, you cannot and never will get your manifestation—for the moment a human element enters—you are taking it out of God’s hands—and of course it cannot express—because you are neutralizing it—by the human qualities of time, space, place and a thousand and one other imaginary conditions—which God knows nothing about.
“如果人们不去与朋友或熟人讨论,成千上万的意愿、抱负和理想本可以显化在他们个人的外在体验中。当你决定一定要带来一种体验时 —— 通过有意识地引导你的观想画面 —— 你就成为了神之法则 —— ‘合一’的法则 —— 对他而言不存在对立。你必须做出自己的决定 —— 并用你所有的力量 —— 坚持自己的决定。这意味着你必须采取坚定不移的立场。做到这一点,需要知道并感受到这是神的意愿、神的感觉、神的知晓、神的显化,神控制着有关它所有一切。这就是‘合一’法则 —— 合一就是神,而且只有神在运作。在完全理解这一点之前,你不能、也永远不会得到你的显化 —— 因为当人的因素进入的那一刻 —— 你就把它从神的手中夺走了 —— 它当然不会显化在外在世界 —— 因为你在抵消神的力量 —— 通过各种人类加工的限制,时间、空间、地点、以及其他一千零一种想象中的状况 —— 而神对这些一无所知。”
“No one can ever know God—as long as he considers—a force—opposed to God—for whenever he acknowledges that two forces can act, he has a resultant quality of neutralizing activity. When you have neutralization—you have no definite quality either way. You merely have nothing or—no thing—in your manifestation. When you acknowledge God—The One—you have only Perfection manifesting—instantly—for there is nothing to oppose or neutralize it—no element of time. So is it—established unto you—for there is none to oppose—what God decrees.
“只要他去思考一种反抗神的力量 —— 那么他就不会认识神 —— 因为当他承认有两种力量在起作用时,他就会得到抵消活动的结果。当你让力量抵消后 —— 就不再拥有确切的特质。在你的显化之中 —— 你仅仅得到一无所有的结果。当你承认神 —— 是唯一的存在 —— 你就只会得到完美的即刻显化 —— 因为没有什么可以反对它或者抵消它 —— 不存在时间因素。因此它向着你建立起来 —— 因为没有什么来反对 —— 神的命令。”
“Conditions can never improve for anyone until he desires—Perfection—and stops acknowledging—a power opposed to God—or that there is something either in or outside of him—that can prevent God’s Perfection from expressing. One’s very acknowledgment of a condition—that is less than all of God—is his deliberate choice of an imperfection and—that kind of choice—is the fall of man. This is—deliberate and intentional—because he is free—every moment—to think whatsoever he chooses to think. Incidentally—it takes no more energy to think a thought or picture of Perfection—than it does one of imperfection.
“任何人的状况永远不会得到改善,直至他开始渴望 —— 完美 —— 并停止认同 —— 一种反抗神的力量 —— 或是他内在外在的某些阻止神完美表达的东西。一个人对状况的认同 —— 认为那不是神的全部 —— 当他这么做时,他就是故意选择不完美 —— 那种选择 —— 就是人的堕落。这是故意、有意为之 —— 因为他有自由意志 —— 在每一个时刻可以去选择他想要思考的任何事情。顺便说一句 —— 思考一个完美的念头或者画面并不比一个不完美的想法或画面要花费更多能量。”
“You are The Creator—localized—to design and create—Perfection in your world and place—in the Universe. If Perfection and Dominion are to be expressed—you must know and acknowledge only—The Law of—’The One.’ The One—exists and controls completely everywhere in the Universe. You are the Self-Consciousness of Life—The One Supreme ‘Presence’ of the Great Flame of Love and Light. You alone are the—Chooser—the Decreer—of the qualities and forms you wish to pour your Life into, for you are the only energizer of your world and—all it contains. When you think or feel—part of your Life energy goes forth to sustain your creation.
“你就是本土化的造物主 —— 在宇宙中你所在的世界和地方 —— 来设计和创造完美。如果要表达出完美和统领 —— 你必须要知道并且只承认 —— ‘合一’的法则。合一 —— 无处不在,并完全控制着宇宙万物。你是生命的自我意识 ——光与爱伟大火焰的唯一至高无上的‘临在’。你自己就是 —— 选择者 —— 和决定者 —— 你希望把你的生命倾注到哪些特质和形态之中,因为你是你的世界、以及它所包含一切的唯一能量源泉。当你去思考或者感受时 —— 你生命的一部分能量会发出来维持你的创造。”
“Cast out of mind then, all doubt or fear of the fulfillment of that—which you are picturing. Should any such thoughts or feelings—which are after all but human emanations, thoughts and feelings that do not contain perfection, come to your consciousness instantly replace them by the full acknowledgment of your self and world as—the Life of God—’The One.’ Further than that, be completely unconcerned about it—except during the time you are visualizing. Have no set time in your mind for results—except to know there is only—now—just the immediate moment. Take this discipline—use it—and you can manifest a resistless power in action—that cannot and never did fail.
“那么,请抛开对实现你所观想画面的所有怀疑和恐惧。如果存在任何这样的想法或者感觉 —— 这些仅仅是人类散发出来的,这些想法和感觉中不存在完美,当它们来到你的意识中时,马上通过完全认可你的自我和世界是 —— ‘合一’的神之生命来替代它们。更进一步地,完全不在意那些想法和感觉 —— 除了在你观想的时候。不要在你的心智中设置结果出现的时间 —— 除了知道只存在着 —— 当下 —— 就是眼前的时刻。使用这种练习 —— 要去使用它 —— 然后你就可以在行动中表达出一种不可抗拒的力量 —— 这种力量不会失败,也从未失败过。”
“Always remember you are God picturing. You are God Intelligence directing. You are God Power propelling. It is God’s—Your Substance—being acted upon. As you realize this and contemplate the fulness of it often—everything in the Universe rushes to fulfill your desire, your command, your picture—for it is all constructive and therefore—agrees with the Original Divine Plan for Self-Conscious Life. If the human side of us really agrees to the Divine Plan and accepts it—there can be no such thing as delay or failure—for all energy has the inherent quality of—Perfection—within it and rushes to serve its Creator.
“永远要记得,你是神在观想,你是神的智能在指导,你是神的力量在推动。被作用的,是神的、也是你的物质。当你领悟到这一点,并常常沉思它的全部含义 —— 宇宙中所有的一切都会前来实现你的心愿、你的命令、你观想的画面 —— 因为它们都是建设性的,从而 —— 与自我意识生命的最初神圣计划相一致。如果我们的人类自我真的同意并接受神圣计划 —— 就不会存在延迟或者失败这样的事情 —— 因为所有能量在其内在都拥有与生俱来的 —— 完美品质,并争先恐后地为其创造者服务。”
“As your desire or picture is constructive—you are God seeing His Own Plan. When God Sees—it is an irrevocable decree or command—to appear Now. In the creation of this earth and system of worlds, God said—’Let there be Light’—and Light appeared. It did not take aeons of time to create—Light. The same Mighty God is in you—now—and when you see or speak—it is His attribute of sight and speech—which is acting in and through you.
“因为你的心愿、观想画面是建设性的 —— 你就是神看到他自己的计划。当神看到时 —— 它就成了一个要求在当下就出现的不可撤销的喻令或者命令。在这个地球和众多世界的创造过程中,神说 —— ‘让光出现’ —— 然后圣光就出现了。创造 —— 圣光并不需要亿万年的时间。同一位伟大的神也在你之中 —— 就是现在 —— 当你在看或者在说话时 —— 就是他的视觉和语言属性 —— 正通过你发挥作用。”
“If you realize what this truly means—you can command by His Full Power and Authority—for you are His Life-Consciousness—and it is only the Self-Consciousness of your Life—that can command, picture, or desire a constructive and Perfect Plan. Every constructive plan is His Plan. Therefore, you know God is acting, commanding—’Let this desire or plan be fulfilled now’—and It is Done.”
“如果你可以意识到这真正意味着什么 —— 你就可以通过他的全部力量和权威来命令 —— 因为你是他的生命意识 —— 只有你生命的自我意识 —— 才可以命令、观想、或者意愿一个具有建设性的且完美的计划的实现。每一个创建性的计划都是他的计划。因此,你知道神在行动,在命令 —— ‘让这个心愿或者计划现在就实现’ —— 它就实现了。”
Here, Saint Germain finished speaking, and bidding me a smiling—”good-bye”—for the time being, disappeared from my sight. I turned my footsteps toward home, and the panther trotted close by my side. He had been fully twenty-four hours without food, and it was not long until he dashed off through the woods and disappeared in the heavy timber. I continued on my way and arrived home at eleven o’clock, spending the rest of the day trying to realize—the full import of what I had been privileged to experience—and how the entire concept of my world had changed so unexpectedly.
圣哲曼说到这里就结束了,微笑着向我 —— “再见” —— 这会儿,他渐渐地消失在我的视线之中。我朝着家的方向走去,豹子小跑着靠近我的身边。他已经整整二十四小时没有吃东西了,没过多久,他就跳入树丛,消失在重重的树林中。我继续前进,十一点的时候到家,用了这一天中余下的全部时间,试图去理解 —— 我有幸体验到的这一切的全部意义 —— 以及我的整个世界观如何发生了如此出乎意料的转变。
SEVEN days passed—it was then the first week in September. On the evening of the eighth day, I sat contemplating Life and its infinite expressions, when my thought turned naturally to Saint Germain. Immediately—an overwhelming love went out to him in deep gratitude for all I had been privileged to experience—through his assistance and Light.
七天过去了 —— 然后到了九月的第一周。在第八天的晚上,当我的思绪自然而然地转向圣哲曼时,我坐了下来思考生命以及它无限的表现形态。即刻 —— 一股压倒性的爱涌向了他 —— 我深深地感激通过他的帮助和圣光,有幸经历了这一切。
A feeling as of a “Presence” in the room began to come over me like a breath and looking up suddenly—there he stood smiling and radiant, the very “Presence of Divinity.”
房间中一种“临在”的感觉开始像呼吸一样向我袭来,我突然向上抬头 —— 他站在那里微笑着,容光焕发,就是那位“神圣的临在”。
“My son,” he said, “am I so unexpected a visitor—that I surprise you? Surely, you know quite well that—when thinking of me—you are in contact with me, and when I think of you—I am with you. In meditation, your attention was upon me and so—I appear. Is that not according to the Law? Then, why not accept it—as natural? What one thinks upon—he draws unto himself.
他说,“我的孩子,我是位意外的到访者 —— 让你吃惊了吗?当然,你很清楚,当你想到我的时候 —— 你就是在和我接触,当我想到你的时候 —— 我就跟你在一起。在冥想中,你的注意力集中在我身上,所以 —— 我就出现了。这不是根据法则在运作吗?那么,为什么不把我的出现看作一种自然而然的表达呢?一个人想什么 —— 他就会吸引到他自己身上。”
“Allow me to suggest that you train yourself—never to be surprised, disappointed, or your feelings hurt under any circumstances—for perfect self-control—of all the forces within you at all times—is Dominion—and that is the reward for those who tread the pathway of ‘Light’ and correction of the human self.
“请允许我为你的训练提供建议 —— 在任何情况下都不要感到惊讶、失望、或是让你的情感受到伤害 —— 始终让你内在的所有力量处于完美的自我控制之中,这就是统领 —— 这就是对那些踏上‘圣光’之路和对人类自我进行自我修正的奖励。”
“Remember always—that the right to command—which is Dominion—is only—permanently—retained by those—who have first learned to—obey—because he, who has learned obedience to the ‘Law of The One,’ becomes a Being of Cause—only—and that Cause—Love. Thus, he in—Reality—becomes ‘The Law of The One’—through the quality of similarity. Watch, so nothing goes out from you except that which is harmonious, and do not allow a destructive word to pass your lips—even in jest. Remember—you deal with a force of some kind—every instant—of Eternity, and you are its qualifier at all times.
“永远都要记得 —— 命令权 —— 也就是统领 —— 只会永久性地被那些 —— 首先学会服从的人持有,因为他学会了服从‘合一法则’,成为了存在的唯一原因 —— 那原因就是爱。因此,在实相中通过特质的相似性他就成为了 —— ‘合一法则’。注意,除了和谐的话,其他什么话也不要从你口中说出来,不要让破坏性的词从你口中说出 —— 即便是开玩笑。记住 —— 你在与某种力量打交道 —— 它存在于永恒中的每时每刻,你在任何时刻都是它的限定者。”
“I have come to take you on an important journey. We will be gone thirty-six hours. Draw the curtains to your room, lock the doors, and leave your body in bed. It will be guarded until our return. You have made certain Inner advancement, and a very interesting, delightful experience and journey are ahead of you.”
I prepared my body for bed and soon became very still. A moment later—I stood upon the floor outside of my body—clothed in the same—golden garment—I had worn on my visit to the Royal Teton. The sense of density one has about the walls was gone—and as I passed through them—the feeling was that which one experiences—when walking through a heavy fog.
我躺在了床上,很快变得静止。过了一会儿 —— 我就站在身体之外的地板上 —— 我穿着同样金黄色的衣服 —— 在访问提顿王室时穿过的那件。墙壁的那种稠密感消失了 —— 当我穿越它们时 —— 那种感觉就像一个人在大雾中行走时体验到的那样。
This time, I was clearly conscious of passing through space. I did not ask—where we were going but it was not long until—we came to the Royal Teton. Toward the east, stood the towering Rockies, and beyond them stretched vast plains that will one day be teeming with semi-tropical vegetation, and its people living in peace and abundance.
这次,我清晰地意识到自己穿越了空间。我没有问 —— 我们要去哪里,但是没过多久,我们就来到了提顿王室。东方矗立的是高耸入云的落基山脉,远处是广阔的平原,有一天那里会长满亚热带植被,那里的人们过着安宁富足的生活。
To the west, we could see the Sierra and Cascade mountains and still farther on the Coast Range—whose shore line is all to be changed. Northward, we looked down upon the “Yellowstone” whose marvelous beauty veils its ancient mysteries and wonders from our present American civilization.
向西,我们可以看到内华达山脉和喀斯喀特山脉,一直到达海岸山脉 —— 海岸线将被改变。向北,我们俯视着“黄石”,它奇妙的美丽把它古老的奥秘和奇迹从现代美国文明中掩盖过去。
“The word—’Yellowstone,’ explained Saint Germain, “has been brought down through the centuries—for more than fourteen thousand years. At that time—the civilization of Poseidonis had reached a very high point of attainment because—a Great Master of Light was at the head of the Government. It was only during the last—five hundred years—that the decline took place, and the misuse of her great wisdom held sway. Within the present boundaries of the—Yellowstone—which are still the same, existed the richest gold mine the world has ever known. It belonged to the government and much of its wealth was used for experimental and research purposes in chemistry, invention, and science.
圣哲曼解释说,:“‘黄石’这个词,已经流传了几个世纪 —— 超过了一万四千年。那时 —— 波塞冬尼斯的文明已经到达很高的境界,因为 —— 有一位光之大师是政府的首脑。直至它最后的五百年,才开始衰败,对她伟大智慧的滥用占了上风。在 —— 黄石 —— 当今的边界内 —— 其边界古今仍然相同,存在着世界上最丰富的金矿。它曾经属于政府,其中大部分的财富用于化学、发明和科学中的试验和研究。”
“Thirty-seven miles from this place, was located a—diamond mine. The stones taken from it were the most beautiful—yellow diamonds—that have ever been found within this earth—before or since that period. Among the gems which came from that mine—were a few rare stones of very remarkable beauty and perfection. If properly cut, they showed—a tiny blue flame—at the center—that looked like liquid Light. When worn by certain individuals—the radiance from this flame—could be seen more than—an inch above the surface of the stone.
“距离此处37英里处,曾经有一个 —— 钻石矿。从中开采的宝石是 —— 那个时期之前和之后 —— 地球上发现过的最美丽的 —— 黄色钻石。在那个矿场中出产的宝石中 —— 有一些非常美丽和完美的稀有宝石。若是切割得当,它们会在中心显示出 —— 一个微小的蓝色火焰 —— 看起来就像是液态圣光。当一些特定的个体佩戴它们时 —— 能看到 —— 这种火焰的光芒 —— 上升至高出宝石一英寸的地方。”
“These were held sacred and—only used in the highest—most secret rites of the Ascended Masters. Sixteen of them are still held in sacred trust by the ‘Brotherhood of the Royal Teton,’ and will again be brought into use at an appointed time. It was because of these magnificent yellow diamonds—that the present name—Yellowstone—has come down to us.
“它们非常神圣 —— 而且只用于扬升大师的最高等最神秘的仪式中。它们中的十六个仍然在‘提顿王室兄弟会’的神圣委托之中,并将在特定的时间再次投入使用。正是由于这些华丽壮美的黄色钻石,黄石 —— 现在的名字 —— 才流传至今。”
“You, my son, were the discoverer of both mines. I will reveal the records—that are the physical evidence of what I have just been telling you. These records give the date of their discovery—amount of wealth taken out—length of time operated—description of the machinery used, which handled refractory ores recovering eighty-seven per cent of their value running of it into bullion while yet in the mine, making unnecessary any operation at the surface—where shipped—and the date of closing and sealing. Here are the duplicate records.
“你,我的儿子,是这两座矿场的发现者。我将揭示这些记录 —— 那是我刚刚告诉你事情的物证。这些记录给出了它们的发现日期 —— 提取的财富数量 —— 运行的时间长度 —— 所使用机械的描述,这机械可以处理难熔矿石,回收率到达其自身价值的87%,在矿场中把它们加工成金条,不需要在地表进行任何操作 —— 也记录了运输地点 —— 以及矿场的关闭和封闭日期。这是记录的副本。”
“In the life on Poseidonis—you lived in a beautiful home with a sister—who is now Lotus. Both attained and maintained close contact with the ‘Inner God-Self’—so God was truly in action at all times. You were an official in the bureau of mines and through that connection, invented and built a wonderful airship. In it you travelled a great deal over the mountains. One day while in deep meditation, you were shown the location of these mines which you later discovered, opened up, and turned over to the government. With this explanation, I will now show you—proof—of what I have described—although there is not a trace of these mines on the surface today. Come, we will enter the mine itself.”
“在波塞冬尼斯生活时 —— 你与一位妹妹 —— 她是洛特丝 —— 居住在一个美丽的家中。你们都获得并保持了与‘内在的神之自我’的紧密连结 —— 因此神总是处于无时不刻地行动中。你是矿业局的一名官员,通过这层关系,你发明并建造了一艘美妙的飞艇。你驾驶着它穿越了群山。有一天在深度冥想中,有人向你展示了这些矿场的位置,之后你发现了这些矿场,开发了它们并移交给政府。有了这些解释,我现在把证据给你看 —— 证明我刚才所说 —— 不过现在地表上已经没有这些矿场的踪迹了。来吧,我们要进入矿场。”
Leaving the Royal Teton, I was perfectly conscious of passing through space and moving rapidly, until we reached a certain spot in—Yellowstone Park. Here—we descended and stood before a wall of solid rock.
离开了提顿王室,我开始穿越空间,迅速地移动着,我对这一切拥有完全的意识,我们最终到达了黄石公园的某个地点。在这里 —— 我们向下落,站在一堵坚硬的岩石前。
“Do you see any way to enter?” asked Saint Germain, turning to me.
“No, but I feel the opening is here,” I answered, as I pointed to a certain spot on the granite wall. He smiled, and going up to the place indicated, laid his hand upon it and in a moment we stood before a metal door—unsealed.
“没有,但是我感觉开口就在这里。”我指着花岗岩墙上的某处回答。他笑了笑,走到了我指的地方,把手放在上面,不一会儿我们就站在一扇金属门前 —— 它打开了。
“You see,” he explained, “we have our own methods of sealing any entrance we choose—for protection—and it is impossible for it ever to be found or entered unless—we so desire. The substance with which we hermetically seal places and things is drawn—from the universal. It is harder than the rock itself—though in appearance—exactly like it.
他解释说:“你看,我们有着自己的方法来密封我们选择的任何入口 —— 出于保护的目的 —— 除非我们想这么做,否则它不可能被发现或进入。我们用来尘封这个地点的物质是 —— 从宇宙中获取的。它比岩石本身更坚硬 —— 尽管在外观上 —— 看上去与岩石一样。”
“In this way—we are able to protect entrances to retreats, buildings, buried cities, mines and secret chambers of—the Great Ascended Brotherhood of Light—many of which have been held in a state of perfect preservation—for over seventy thousand years. When we no longer have use for such places or things—we return them back to the universal—so you see all power becomes the willing servitor of one—who has conquered himself. All forces of the Universe are awaiting our command, whenever it is the part of—wisdom and love—to use them.”
“通过这种方式 —— 我们得以保护光之伟大扬升兄弟会的隐蔽所、建筑、地下城市、矿场和密室的入口 —— 许多已经处于完好的保存状态长达七万年之久。当我们不再需要这样的地方或者事物时 —— 我们就会将它们归还给宇宙 —— 所以你会看到所有的力量都成为了已经征服了自己的人的仆人。宇宙所有的力量都在等候我们的命令,只要它是 —— 智慧和爱—— 的一部分,就可以使用它们。”
On the door we faced, was a replica of a man’s right hand—raised in the metal itself—at about the level of my shoulder. It looked strikingly like my present physical hand.
我们面前的门上,有一个人右手的复制品 —— 在金属中凸起 —— 大约与我的肩膀平齐。它看起来与我现在的手非常相像。
“Place your hand over this metal one,” said Saint Germain, “and press hard.” I obeyed. It fitted over the other perfectly. I pressed with all my strength. Slowly, the great door opened and he continued: “You have retained that form and size of hand for several embodiments. It was placed on the door by the government—as an honor—because you were the discoverer of the mine. That hand is a model—of your hand—fourteen thousand years ago.”
“把你的手放在这个金属的手上面,然后用力按压。”圣哲曼说。我遵从了他的话。我的手与金属的手完美契合。我用尽全身力气。缓慢地,大门打开,他继续说:“你在很多次转世中都保留了那只手的形状和大小。是政府把它安置在门上的 —— 作为一种荣耀 —— 因为你是矿场的发现者。那只手是你一万四年前的 —— 模型。”
We entered through this door, and passed into a long round tunnel—finally emerging into a great cavity. There to my utter amazement—I found tools and machinery of various kinds—made of an imperishable white metal—in as perfect a state of preservation—as if constructed but yesterday. In the center of the cavity, was a shaft. Our present mining engineers would be amazed—at the simplicity and perfection—of the mining activities of that former age. The same method will again be brought forth into use—here in America—within the next century.
我们从这扇门进入,穿越一条长长的圆形隧道 —— 最后出现一个大洞穴。令我大吃一惊的是 —— 我发现了各式各样的工具和器械 —— 由一种不会腐烂的白色金属制成 —— 它们保存完好 —— 就像是昨天才铸造好的一样。洞穴的中央是一个竖井。我们现代的矿业工程师会对那个时代采矿活动的简单和完美感到惊讶。下个世纪,同样的方法将会在美国再次使用。
Saint Germain stepped to the shaft and pulled a lever. Soon a cage of peculiar design came to the top. We stepped inside, and he touched a smaller lever within it. As we began moving downward toward the two hundred foot level, we came to a station. Continuing on down to the seven hundred foot level, we stopped. This was the central station, and from it led five tunnels—like the spokes of a wheel.
圣哲曼走到竖井前,拉动了一根杠杆。很快,一个设计独特的笼子上升到顶部。我们走了进去,他碰了碰笼子里面较小的一根杠杆。我们开始下降,到了二百英尺的距离,我们到达一个站点。继续下降到七百英尺的高度,我们停了下来。这里是中央站点,从这里辐射出五条隧道 —— 就像车轮的辐条。
These were all perfectly round and lined with the same white metal of which the machinery was constructed. It was so thick and strong—that only the collapse of the mountain itself—could crush it. Two of the five tunnels were driven into the mountain for more than two thousand feet. In the central station was one engine—that handled all the cars.
隧道都是完美的圆形,并衬有与制造工具相同的白色金属。它很厚实而且结实 —— 只有山体本身的坍塌 —— 才能压垮它。其中有两条隧道深入山中达两千多英尺。在中央站点有一个引擎 —— 控制着所有往来的交通工具。
“The white metal you see,” explained Saint Germain, “is a most remarkable discovery—for it is light in weight, tougher than anything known, untarnishable, and imperishable. You may only give a fragmentary description of all these marvels—that are actual physical proof of the great height of this ancient civilization. Such wonders have existed and are now—in your midst—undreamed of until this revelation shall go forth.” As we came to the end of the tunnel, he showed me the drills—that had been used in that distant day. “These drills,” he continued, “sent forth a tube of blue-white flame about an inch in diameter. They operated at amazing speed—consuming the rock as they passed through.”
圣哲曼解释说:“你看到的白色金属,是一个了不起的发现 —— 因为它重量很轻,比已知的任何东西都坚韧,不会变色,不会腐烂。你只能对所有的这些奇迹给出一个片段的描述 —— 它们是这个古老文明所到达高度的现存有形证据。这样的奇迹已经存在,现在 —— 就在你们中间 —— 直至这种揭示出现之前,你们做梦也不会想到它们的存在。”我们来到竖井的尽头,他展示给我看在那个古老的时代使用过的钻头,他继续说,“这些钻头可以发射出直径约为一英寸的蓝白色火焰。它们以惊人的速度运行 —— 当它们穿越时会把岩石粉碎。”
We returned to the station, and entered a triangular-shaped room between two tunnels. At the far end, were containers made of the same white metal. They were about twelve inches square and three feet in length. Saint Germain opened one and—showed me the wonderful, uncut, yellow diamonds. I was speechless, they were so beautiful. I think—I hear my readers say—”Do you mean to tell me that these were physical?” To that perfectly natural question, I wish to answer—yes—just as physical—as the diamonds you wear on your fingers today. Other containers were filled with cut stones of fabulous value.
我们返回至中央站点,进入两条隧道中间的一个三角形房间。在远端是用同样的白色金属制成的容器。它们大约有十二英寸见方,三英尺长。圣哲曼打开了一个容器 —— 展示给我看那些美妙的未经切割的黄色钻石。我说不出话来,它们实在太美丽了。我想 —— 我听到我的读者们问 —— “你的意思是它们都是实物吗?”对于这个非常自然的问题,我的回答是 —— 是的 —— 就像你今天戴在手指上的钻石一样是实物的存在。其他的容器中装满了价值不菲的切割宝石。
We then returned to the entrance of the mine. Saint Germain closed the door and—sealed it as before. No one not—an Ascended Master—could have distinguished it from the surrounding rock. Rising from the ground, we quickly covered the thirty-seven miles—to the gold mine. This time, we stood on the very top of the mountain—near a cone shaped rock—that looked perfectly solid. It was about fifteen feet in diameter at the base and perhaps ten feet in height.
我们回到了矿洞入口。圣哲曼关上了门,然后封闭了它 —— 让它像以前一样。没有人 —— 除了扬升大师 —— 能够把它与周围的岩石区分开来。从地面升起,我们迅速地穿越了三十七英里的距离 —— 到达了金矿。这一次,我们站在山顶 —— 旁边是一块圆锥形的岩石 —— 它看起来非常坚固 —— 它的底部直径大约十五英尺,高度大约十英尺。
“Watch—closely,” he said, as he laid his hand against it. Slowly a triangular shaped section moved out—disclosing a flight of steps leading downward. We descended these stairs for some distance—and soon came to a cavity at the top of a shaft—similar to the one in the diamond mine.
“仔细观察,”他一边说一边用手按着它。一个三角形的部分缓缓地移了出来 —— 露出一段向下的台阶。我们沿着这些台阶向下走了一段距离 —— 很快就来到竖井顶部的一个空室 —— 与钻石矿中的那个相似。
“You will notice the absence of crushers,” he continued, “everything is done within the mine itself. Not a thing is handled at the surface.” We stopped at the four hundred foot level where there was another—immense cavity. Here—complete equipment—for treating the ore was located. He explained the extreme simplicity of the process used—which seemed incredible—it was so simple.
“你会注意到这里没有破碎机,”他继续说,“所有一切都在矿山内部完成。没有什么是在外面处理的。”我们在四百英尺的距离停了下来,那里还有一个巨大的空室。处理矿石的全套设备就在这里。他解释了整个处理过程是多么简单 —— 这似乎难以置信 —— 它实在太简单了。
We continued on down—to the eight hundred foot level—and saw the same arrangement—as in the diamond mine. Here again, were tunnels going out from a central point, like the spokes of a wheel. Three triangular-shaped rooms—had been built between these tunnels, containing the remaining output from the mine—just before it had been closed. The same white metal containers were here—as in the other rooms. Only three of them—am I allowed to describe.
我们继续向下 —— 到达八百英尺的距离 —— 看到了与钻石矿中相同的布局。这里又是从中心处延伸出来的隧道,像车轮的辐条。隧道中间建立了三个三角形的房间,里面是这个矿场的剩余产出 —— 在它被关闭之前开采的。这里也使用了同样的白色容器 —— 与其他房间使用的相同。我可以对其中的三个容器进行描述。
The first receptacle contained nuggets—from an ancient river bed—in a placer formation—at the eight hundred foot level—in which the gravel had been slightly cemented together—holding the gold. This condition existed—for a depth of twelve hundred feet—and held immense value. The second container was filled—with wire gold—from a white quartz vein—at the four hundred foot level. Another—held solid gold discs—weighing eight pounds each.
第一个容器中是金块 —— 来自一个古老的河床的 —— 砂矿层 —— 位于八百英尺处 —— 那里的砾石轻微地粘合在一起 —— 从而可以容纳黄金。这个矿层有一千二百英尺深 —— 拥有着巨大价值。第二个容器中装满了金线 —— 来自一个白色石英矿脉 —— 位于四百英尺处。另一个容器中 —— 装着金盘 —— 每一个重八磅。
“The place in which they stored all the gold,” he explained, “was known—as the bullion room. There have been—duplicate records—kept of this mine. The originals being in the record room—at the retreat in the Royal Teton—and the duplicates here.” We returned to the surface. Again Saint Germain sealed the entrance as described and turning to me again, said:
他解释说:“他们储藏所有黄金的地方,被称作 —— 银库。那里有这个矿场记录的副本。原件在档案室 —— 也就是提顿王室的隐蔽之所 —— 副本在这里。”我们回到地面,圣哲曼按照之前我描述的那样封闭了入口,再次转向我说:
“My son, you discovered these mines and—assisted by your colleagues, put them into operation—and brought about this perfection. You also made the records—on the imperishable metal—which I will show you in the Royal Teton. The Ascended Masters—saw that the cataclysm of twelve thousand years ago was approaching—and knowing the mines would not be much affected—had them prepared and sealed—for use in a far distant age—into which we have now entered.
“我的孩子,你发现了这些矿场 —— 在你同事的协助下,让它们运作起来 —— 从而带来这种完美。你也在那不会腐烂的金属上 —— 做了记录 —— 我在提顿王室中给你看过。扬升大师 —— 看到了一万两千年前的那场大灾难即将来临 —— 他们知道 —— 如果把矿场准备好并封锁起来,它们不会受到太大的影响 —— 从而供遥远的时代使用 —— 也就是我们现在进入的时代。”
“At seven different periods of your many embodiments—the memory and process—for making these records—has been recalled. You will bring them forth again—in the present age to—the blessing of all mankind. This accounts for your feeling since childhood—of interest in ancient records of all kinds—and that you would have much to do with such work again in this life.
“在你许多转世的七个不同的时期 —— 你回忆起制作这些记录的 —— 记忆和过程。你会再次把它们带到 —— 现在的时代 —— 从而给全人类带来祝福。这解释了为什么你从孩童起 —— 就对各种各样的古老记录感兴趣 —— 你会在自己的这一世再次从事此类工作。”
“Come, we will now return to the Royal Teton. There—in a room adjoining the great audience hall—are these records—to which I have referred. It is a place for the preservation of inventions and scientific discoveries. The one we were in on our former visit—contained only records of the various civilizations.”
“走吧,我们现在要回到提顿王室。那里 —— 在大宴会厅旁边的房间中 —— 有这些我提到的记录。那是保存发明和科学发现的房间。我们在之前的那次访问中看到的 —— 只包含各种文明的记录。”
We returned to the retreat, and entered this time by way of the tube, as on our first visit. Stepping out, we passed through the second door to the right of the entrance. It opened directly into—the scientific record room—a space about seventy, by forty, by fifteen feet. The entire walls, ceiling, and floor were lined with the same—imperishable white metal—of which the shelving and containers were constructed.
我们回到那个隐蔽之地,像我们第一次来时一样,我们通过电梯管道进入。走出后,我们穿过入口右侧的第二扇门。它直接通向 —— 科学档案室 —— 那是一个约七十英尺乘四十英尺乘十五英尺的空间。整个墙壁、天花板和地板都遍布着那种同样的 —— 不会腐烂的白色金属 —— 架子和容器也是由它制成的。
Saint Germain drew out one of the latter and handed me the record—I had made of the diamond mine. Again, I was able to read it—but this time—he told me to call upon the God-Self Within—and thus let—It—reveal the complete former knowledge which I had at that time. The record gave a clear but condensed history of the discovery and operation. He handed me another spindle, and on it was—the complete history of the gold mine.
圣哲曼从容器中拿出一份记录并递给我 —— 这是我对钻石矿的记录。又一次,我可以阅读它 —— 不过这次 —— 他告诉我呼请内在的神之自我 —— 然后让它把那时的我拥有的完整知识揭示给我。这份记录提供了发掘和开采的清晰而简洁的历史。他递给我另一个绕杆,上面记录着 —— 金矿的完整历史。
“Now—that you have seen the physical proof of what I have explained,” he said, “I want you to know that—I will never tell you anything—which I cannot prove.” Here he turned toward me with a—piercing look—in his eyes that—passed clear through—my mind and body.
他说,“既然你已经看到了我解释的这些的实物证据,我想要让你知道 —— 我永远不会告诉你任何 —— 我无法证明的事情。”他转过身来,用一种 —— 锐利的眼神 —— 看着我 —— 这眼神清晰地穿越了我的心智和身体。
“My son,” he continued, “you have done well and are calm and poised under these recent experiences. Much depends upon your next step. Focus your entire attention upon—the All-Controlling God-Self Within you—and do not forget to hold it there.”
“我的孩子,”他继续说,“你做的很好,面对最近的这些经历,你很冷静沉着。你的下一步很大程度上取决于这些。把你的全部注意力集中在 —— 你内在控制着一切的神之自我上 —— 同时不要忘记,把注意力牢牢地放在那里。”
In the light of what occurred later, it was well—he had fortified me with that admonition. With that warning, he led the way across the large audience hall—to the great bronze door on the west wall. Placing his hand against it, the panel slowly moved upward until we had entered, and then closed after us.
鉴于之后发生的事情,幸好他使用这个劝诫强化了我。在这个告诫之中,他带领我穿过宽敞的宴会厅 —— 来到了西墙的青铜大门前。他把手放在上面,大门缓缓地向上移动,我们进去之后,它就关上了。
I stopped—immovable—with amazement, for I looked upon—that—which human eyes are—rarely if ever—permitted to behold; and the scene held me motionless—so great was the fascination of its beauty and wonder.
我停了下来,吃惊得一动不动,因为我看到了人类的双眼很少被允许看到的东西;这一幕让我一动不动 —— 它的美丽和奇妙是如此让人着迷。
About twelve feet in front of me, stood a block of snow white onyx—three feet high and sixteen inches square. On this rested a—crystal sphere—filled with a ceaselessly moving, colorless—”Light”—in which were points of radiance—darting to and fro. The sphere continually sent forth—rays of prismatic colors—to a distance of about six inches. It seemed made of—living substance—so constantly did it scintillate.
我前方大约十二英尺处,矗立着一块雪白的玛瑙 —— 三英尺高,十六英寸见方。上面放着一个 —— 水晶球 —— 里面充满了不停移动的、无色的 —— “光” —— 在水晶球中有光点 —— 来来回回地动着。这个球体不停地发出 —— 彩虹光 —— 至大约六英寸的地方。它似乎是由 —— 有生命的物质构成 —— 所以它不停地闪烁。
Out of the top of the crystal ball poured forth three—Plumes of Flame—one molten gold, one rose pink, and the other electric blue—extending at least three feet in height. Near the top, each section—bent over like an ostrich plume—graceful, beautiful, and in—perpetual motion. The—radiance—from this gorgeous sphere filled the entire chamber—producing a sensation of electronic energy—no words can convey. The Light, Life, and beauty of that scene simply—overwhelm—human powers of description.
从水晶球的顶部涌出三种 —— 火焰之羽 —— 一种是熔金色,一种是玫瑰粉,还有一种是电蓝色 —— 至少有三英尺高。靠近顶部,每个部分都像鸵鸟的羽毛一样弯曲着 —— 优雅、美丽 —— 而且处于不停的运动中。这个极其美丽球体的光芒 —— 充满了整个房间 —— 产生一种带电能量的感觉 —— 无法用语言描述。这一幕的光、生命和美丽 —— 简直碾轧了人类的描述能力。
We stepped toward the far end of the room, and there, side by side, stood—three crystal caskets—each containing a human body. As I came nearer—my heart almost stopped beating—for within were the forms Lotus, our son, and I had used—in an ancient embodiment. I recognized them readily—for Lotus still retains some resemblance to that body—but the bodies of our son and myself had features of greater regularity and perfect physiques. All showed—the full perfection—of a type almost like that of the ancient Greek.
我们走向房间尽头,那里并排陈列着三座水晶棺 —— 每一个里面都装着一具人类身体。当我靠近时 —— 我的心脏几乎停止跳动 —— 因为里面的是,洛特丝、我们的儿子,还有我 —— 在古老的转世中使用的身体形态。我很快就认出他们 —— 因为洛特丝仍然与那具身体有些相像 —— 不过我儿子和我的身体有着更高的匀称度和完美的体格特征。所有身体都呈现出 —— 完全的完美 —— 非常接近古希腊人的身体类型。
They looked as—life-like—as though only sleeping. Each had wavy golden hair and was clothed in garments of a—similar golden fabric—to that in the robes worn by the figures—in the tapestry. An Ascended Master—had but to look upon these bodies—to see registered—every vital action—experienced in any physical embodiment—since that time. Thus, they acted as—mirrors—to record passing activities—which, however, left their original perfection unchanged.
他们看起来 —— 就像有生命 —— 仿佛只是在睡觉。每个人都有着波浪般的金色头发,穿着的是相似的金色面料衣服,与挂毯中的人穿着的面料相似。一位扬升大师 —— 只需要看着这些身体 —— 就可以看到自从在物质层面转世起所体验过的每一个重要活动,它们在身体中记录了下来。因此,这些身体就像是镜子一样 —— 记录了来往的活动 —— 不过这些身体却保持在了它们最初完美的状态。
Each casket stood upon a large base made of the same kind of white onyx as that on which the sphere was placed. These were covered by lids of crystal, fitted very tightly in a groove around the edge, but were not sealed. On the cover of all three just over the center of the chest was a—seven-pointed star. Below it were—four hieroglyphics. At the end, and placed so it would be just over the top of the head, was a—six-pointed star. On the side just beneath the shoulders were—two clasped hands—and farther down nearer the feet, was a—lighted torch—placed so the—flame—touched the lid of the casket. This flame—remained golden—no matter what other colors of light played through the room. At the opposite end was a—five-pointed star—under the feet. All the emblems were—raised—as if embossed upon the crystal.
每个棺材都放置在一个大底座上,底座是由与放置水晶球底座相同的白玛瑙制成。棺材由水晶盖盖住,紧紧地嵌在边缘的凹槽中,不过没有密封。三个人胸口中央的上部放置的是一颗 —— 七芒星。七芒星的下方是 —— 四个象形文字。在顶部,特意放置在头部顶端的,是一颗 —— 六芒星。肩膀的正下方是 —— 两只紧握的手 —— 再往下靠近脚的地方 —— 是一个点燃的火炬 —— 火炬放置的位置刚好可以让火焰碰到棺材盖。这火焰 —— 一直保持着金光 —— 不论房间中有什么其他颜色的光。在另一端,脚下是一颗 —— 五芒星。所有的符号都是凸起的 —— 就像是水晶上的浮雕。
“These bodies,” explained Saint Germain, “belonged to you three in one particular life, when you left the Golden City—to do a special work. Your experiences were so—terrific—and yet so much good was accomplished in that life that a—Great Cosmic Being—appeared and gave the command—to preserve them—until such time as you could—raise your bodies and—return to the Golden City. He gave full direction for their—preservation—which was faithfully carried out, as you see.
圣哲曼解释说:“这些身体属于你们三个人某一次特定的转世,那时你们离开了黄金之城 —— 去做一项特殊的工作。你们的经历实在是 —— 太棒了 —— 在那次转世中完成了如此多的好事 —— 以至于一位伟大的宇宙存有 —— 出现并下达了命令 —— 要保管着这些身体 —— 一直到你可以提升自己身体的时刻到来 —— 回归到黄金之城。正如你所看到的,他为这些身体的保管给予了完整的指导 —— 并忠实地进行了落实。”
“Now, you can all realize how—important and necessary it is—to keep keenly aware of and deeply centered upon the Master Christ-Self Within—that only God’s Love, Wisdom, and Perfection may act through your minds and bodies—at all times.”
“现在,你可以全部意识到 —— 对内在之主基督自我保持敏锐的意识,并把注意力深深地集中在那里 —— 是多么重要 —— 在每时每刻之中 —— 只有神的爱、智慧和完美通过你的心智和身体发挥作用。”
At that moment—a Dazzling Light and Tremendous Power surged through me and my—God Self—spoke.
就在那一刻—— 闪耀的光芒和巨大的力量在我身上涌动,我的神之自我 —— 开口讲话。
“Great Master of Light—Parent, Brother, and Friend—O Mighty Son of God—Thou hast indeed an Everlasting Love and through It, thou hast attained thy well deserved Eternal Peace and Mastery over the five lower kingdoms. The Great God Self in these children, thou lovest so well, shall soon come forth in—Full Conscious Dominion—to give every assistance thou hast so long desired—for each of God’s children has a service to perform—which none but he may give. I call forth the—’Great Light’—from the very—Heart of God—to bless you forever.”
伟大的光之大师 —— 父母、兄弟和朋友 —— 神的伟大的儿子 —— 你的确拥有着永恒的爱,通过它,你已经获得了永恒的和平、以及对五个较低等王国的主宰。这些孩子中让你如此深爱的伟大神之自我,很快就会到来全意识的主宰 —— 提供给你一直以来渴望的帮助 —— 因为每一位神之子都要去进行服务 —— 这项服务只有他才能提供。我呼请 —— 来自神之内心的‘伟大圣光’ —— 永远祝福你。
As these words were spoken—a great shaft of Light blazed forth—filling the chamber with points of brilliant prismatic colors. They darted everywhere in the room and all became a blaze of rainbow Light, pulsing with Life.
随着这些话说出 —— 一道巨大的光柱闪耀而出 —— 用明亮的彩虹光点充满了整个房间。它们在房间中四处飞奔,全部变成了彩虹之光的火焰,充满了生命的脉动。
“See—my Son,” said Saint Germain, “how perfectly—you can let the Great God Self express Itself! You shall soon be able to do this consciously and at will—whenever you desire.
“看 —— 我的孩子,”圣哲曼说,“你可以让伟大的神之自我进行多么完美的表达!很快你就可以有意识地、随意地做到这一点 —— 当你想要这么做的时候。”
“Notice the stalactite effect on the ceiling and the—silver white—appearance of the walls. They are all made of—precipitated—substance, and the room is maintained at the same comfortable temperature at all times.” We crossed to the far end of the chamber and stood before—a polished archway in the wall. Saint Germain placed his hand upon it, and a door opened disclosing the wonderful white metal—equipment—for making the records. “In the age we are now entering,” he continued, “much equipment will be brought into humanity’s use—that has been preserved—and so will not have to come through either the avenue of invention or discovery.”
“注意天花板上的钟乳石效果以及墙壁的银白色外观。它们都是由 —— 沉降 —— 的物质制成,房间始终保持着相同的舒适温度。”我们越过房间尽头,站在 —— 墙上一个抛光的拱门面前。圣哲曼把手放在上面,门打开了,里面是奇妙的白色金属设备 —— 用于制作那些记录。“在我们正要进入的时代,”他继续说,“很多保存下来的设备会带给人类使用 —— 因此不需要通过发明或者探索的途径。”
“How is it,” I asked, “that everything in this retreat and the mines is kept so free from dust and the ventilation so good?”
“That,” he explained, “is very simple. The Ascended Masters use the same—force—to cleanse and ventilate by which they produce heat, light, and power. The emanation from any one of them—as they pass through the mines or chambers—instantly consumes all unnecessary substance. It is nearing the second morning since leaving your body, and we must now return.”
他解释说:“这很简单。扬升大师用来清洁和通风的能量是同一个,也是通过这能量来产生热、光和动能。这些能量中的任何一个 —— 当它们穿越矿场或者密室时 —— 可以瞬间清理掉所有不必要的物质。距离你离开身体已经快到第二天早上了,我们现在必须回去了。”
We passed through the audience chamber out of the door at the left of the tube, and stood once more under the light of the stars. We came back to my room quickly and a moment later I was again in my body. Saint Germain stood beside me holding out the familiar crystal cup, filled this time with an—amber colored liquid. I drank it, and felt the vivifying effects pass through every cell of my body.
我们穿过宴会厅,从电梯管道左侧的门出来,再次站在星空下。我们很快就返回到我的房间,片刻之后我回到了我身体里。圣哲曼站在我的身边,拿着熟悉的水晶杯,这次里面装的是 —— 琥珀色的液体。我喝了它,身体的每个细胞都充满了活力。
“Now sleep as long as you can,” he said and disappeared from sight. I must have slept soundly—for I awakened many hours later—completely refreshed, my body renewed in strength and power.
“现在,你能睡多久就睡多久。”他说着就从我的视线中消失了。我一定睡得很香甜 —— 因为几个小时之后我醒来 —— 完全精神焕发,我的身体充满了力气和力量。
THE next ten days passed uneventfully. Through past training, I never went to sleep without holding my attention upon—the Great God Self Within and sending a thought of loving gratitude to Saint Germain. On the evening of the eleventh day while retiring, I heard his voice say distinctly:
接下来的十天平安无事地过去了。通过过去受到的训练,我每次入睡时没有一次不把注意力放在 —— 内在的伟大神之自我上,并向圣哲曼发送充满爱的感激之情。在第十一天晚上,临睡时,我清清楚楚地听见他的声音:
“Come!” I had learned to obey that call and immediately stood outside of my body, passed quickly through space, and in a few moments came to the Royal Teton. He stood upon its side awaiting my arrival. This time, he had called me to come to where he was. I obeyed and saluted him.
“At your service,” I said, stepping to his side, and smiling at me he replied:
“We have work to do. Let us go!”
I was fully aware of the direction in which we traveled—certain we were going a little west of south. Soon, we saw the lights from a city, and Saint Germain, directing my attention to them, remarked:
我非常清楚我们前进的方向 —— 我们向正南偏西前进。很快,我们看到了一座城市的灯光,圣哲曼让我注意到了它们,他说:
“Los Angeles.” After traveling some distance farther on, we passed over another lighted section and this time to my inquiry, he answered: “Mexico City.” We then came to a tropical forest and began to descend. Presently we stood upon an old ruins.
“These are the ruins of the ancient temple of Mitla in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico,” he explained. “You three came into embodiment to give assistance, as the Inca civilization reached its apex. With the approval of the Ascended Masters who were directing your own growth, you chose to come into the Inca family to give the service needed at that time.
“Here, you were born as the children of an Inca ruler who was a strong soul of great growth and illumination. In deep love for his people, he called to the One Supreme God for—’Light’—abundance, and perfection to bless them and the land.
“在这里,你们作为印加统治者的孩子出生,那位统治者是一位有着卓越成长和闪耀的强大灵魂。出于对他子民的深深之爱,他呼请那合一至高无上的神 —— 让‘圣光’ —— 带来丰盛和完美,以护佑他的子民和土地。”
“The Inca’s devotion to his Source was—very great—for he knew and consciously acknowledged—the power of the—’Great Central Sun.’ This True Understanding was taught to the Incan people and, because they knew to what the—Great Central Sun—referred, used the Sun as the symbol of the—Godhead. They had—Real—Inner Understanding, and acknowledged the Fulness of the power from this—Great Central Sun—which today we call the—’Christ’—for it is the—Heart—of the Christ Activity in the Universe.
“印加的统治者对他的神圣源头非常忠诚 —— 因为他知晓并且有意识地承认 —— ‘伟大中央太阳’ —— 的力量。这种真正的理解被教导给印加人,因为他们知道 —— 伟大中央太阳 —— 指什么,他们使用太阳作为 —— 神性 —— 的象征。他们拥有 —— 真正的 —— 内在理解,并认可来自这 —— 伟大中央太阳 —— 的全然力量 —— 今天我们称之为 —— ‘基督’ —— 因为它是宇宙中基督活动的 —— 核心。”
“Because of the Inca ruler’s devotion to both his Source and the people, his deep desire for blessing and Light to guide and help them was granted, and—fourteen—from the Golden City—over the Sahara Desert—responded to give him assistance. You, Lotus and your Son were three of that fourteen.
“因为印加统治者对他源头和子民的忠诚,他想让祝福和圣光来指引和帮助人民的深切愿望得到满足,来自撒哈拉沙漠上空 —— 黄金之城的 —— 十四位存有 —— 回应了他,提供帮助。你、洛特丝和你的儿子是那十四位中的三位。”
“When you were ten, Lotus twelve, and your Son fourteen, all were placed under my care and direction—to be prepared and trained—for the work you did later. At that time, I resided in the Golden City—but after the preliminary attunement had taken place, I came to the palace daily and gave the necessary radiation and instruction. This continued for four years—before it was revealed to your father.
“当你十岁,洛特丝十二岁,你儿子十四岁时,你们三人都在我的照顾和指引下 —— 为你们之后所做的工作进行准备和训练。那时,我居住在黄金之城 —— 不过当初步的调和完成后,我每天都会到宫殿中,给予必要的照耀和指引。这一直持续了四年 —— 直至这被透露给你的父亲。”
“The Inca ruler was amazed at the wisdom of the children, and constantly poured out his praise and gratitude to God for thus blessing him. When you were fourteen, the same—Great Cosmic Master—who had taken us all to the Golden City at the end of the embodiment in the Sahara Civilization—appeared to the Inca and told him his petition had been granted—in a very Real manner.
“印加统治者对于孩子们的智慧感到赞叹,并不断地向神赞美和感谢,为他带来如此的祝福。当你十四岁时,同一位 —— 伟大的宇宙上师 —— 也就是我们在撒哈拉文明转世终结时带我们所有人到黄金之城的那位 —— 以非常真实的方式出现在这位印加人面前,并告诉他,他的请求曾获得了许可。”
“It was from this time on for over seventy years, that the Incan civilization came to its greatest height. I came daily from the time you were fourteen—instructed and attuned the Inca Ruler as well as you three. You were referred to as the Inca children from the—’Sun.’ His gratitude, love and co-operation were wonderful indeed, and he was taught to understand and use the—Great Cosmic Law.
“从那时起,七十多年来,印加文明达到了巅峰。从你十四岁起,我每天都来 —— 指导和调和印加统治者以及你们三个。你们被称作来自 —— ‘圣日’的印加儿童。他的感激、爱和合作的确很棒,他被教导去理解和使用 —— 伟大的宇宙法则。”
“Your childhood and youth were wonderful for no cloud came to mar the beauty of that training. Your son was taught the—Laws of Government and the—Divine Duties—of a Ruler; Lotus the Inner Work and given the Full Law and consecration of Priestess in the—’Temple of the Sun.’ You were taught the Cosmic Laws of the priesthood, also secretly, the generalship of Armies.
“你们的儿童和青年时期是美好的,因为没有乌云笼罩着那美好的训练。你的儿子被教授了 —— 政府的律法和作为统治者神圣职责;洛特丝被教导的是内在的工作,传授了完整的宇宙法则并授职‘太阳神殿’中女祭司。你被教导的是祭司的宇宙法则,也被秘密传授了军队的策略。”
“After ten years of special training in Peru—all three of you were sent north to one of the new colonies of the Incan Empire; for the purpose of helping the people to expand their activities and stimulate their progress. You went forth with all the love, honor, and blessing the Inca ruler knew how to give, and established the Capital of the Colony at what is now—Mitla—in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.
“在秘鲁经过十年的特训之后 —— 你们三人被派往北方,前往印加帝国的一个新殖民地;目的是帮助那里的人们拓展他们的活动,并促进他们的进步。你们带着印加统治者给予的爱、荣耀和祝福前去,并建立了殖民地的首都,它位于现今的米特拉,在墨西哥南部的瓦哈卡州。”
“Here, you built a great temple under the direction of—Those in the Golden City—by whom you had been instructed and helped. Lotus was called—Mitla—in that life, and it was in honor of her that the city was named. Here she served as—priestess—for more than—forty years. It was one of the most magnificent temples of that period, and no expense was spared, for the secret part of it—built below the surface of the earth—was to remain, and bear witness to that splendid civilization—centuries later. You knew this at the time it was built, and certain definite orders were given and fulfilled concerning it; because the entire construction was directed—by one of the Great Ascended Masters from the Golden City.
“这里,在那些住在黄金之城中的存有的帮助和指引下 —— 你们建立了一座伟大的圣殿。洛特丝在那一世叫 —— 米特拉,这座城市用她的名字命名来纪念她。在这里她担任 —— 女祭司 —— 的职位四十多年。它是那个时期最宏伟的圣殿之一,不惜一切代价建成,因为它的秘密部分 —— 建立在地表之下 —— 会在几个世纪以后保留下来,见证那个时期的灿烂文明。你们在建造它的时候就知道这些,并下达和执行了一些明确的指令;因为整个建设是由 —— 来自黄金之城的一位伟大扬升大师指导的。”
“The outer part was made of massive stones, some of which may still be seen—today—among the ruins. The interior was lined with marble, onyx, and jade. The jade came from—a secret source—in the Andes Mountains that has never been revealed to any one. The coloring of the interior decorative work was most artistic and beautiful, the main color scheme being—gold, purple, rose and shell pink.
“圣殿的外部是由大石头制成,其中一些至今仍然可以在废墟中看到。内部铺满了大理石、玛瑙和玉石。玉石来自安第斯山脉的 —— 一个秘密之处,从来没有向任何人揭示过那个地方。室内装饰用的是最具艺术美感的色彩,主色调是 —— 金色、紫色、玫瑰色和贝壳粉。”
“The Inner Sanctuary was gold—with designs in purple and white. The chair—in which the priestess officiated—was also of gold. Here—the Spiritual Power—was focused and maintained—which radiated out to the empire and its people. With this explanation as a preliminary, we will now enter the subterranean temple—in which a room has been preserved—amidst the ruins—of a once great glory.” We went some distance farther away—when Saint Germain commanded:
“圣殿内部是金黄色 —— 中间有紫色和白色的图案。女祭司主持仪式的椅子 —— 也是金色。在这里 —— 灵性的能量 —— 得以集中和维持 —— 从而向外照耀到帝国和它人民中间。有了这些作为初步的解释,我们现在要进入地下的圣殿 —— 在废墟中 —— 一个房间得到保存 —— 那里曾经是伟大的荣耀。”我们继续走了一段距离 —— 圣哲曼命令道:
“Stand back!”
He focused a—Ray of Mighty Power—on a pile of great rocks before us. Suddenly—they were thrown in every direction—uncovering a cube of—rose colored granite. He stepped forward and placed his hand upon it. Slowly it turned, as if on a pivot, revealing an opening about three feet wide with well defined steps leading downward. We descended twenty-one steps to a door that—seemed to be made of copper—but Saint Germain said it was—a combination of metals alloyed—so as to make it imperishable.
他把一道 —— 强大力量的光芒 —— 聚焦到我们面前一堆大石头上。突然 —— 它们被抛向各个方向 —— 露出一个玫瑰色的花岗岩立方体。他走上前把手放在上面。慢慢地转动它,好像一个转扭,出现一个大约三英尺宽的开口,连着向下延伸的层层台阶。我们往下走了二十一阶台阶,来到一扇门前 —— 看上去是铜制成的 —— 不过圣哲曼说它是由几种金属的合金制成 —— 从而不会腐烂。
Pressing on a cube of rock to the right of the entrance, the door swung slowly open and admitted us into a small room. At the farther side was a great archway—closed by another massive door. This time, he pressed his foot upon a stone of peculiar design in the floor, and the door moved back—disclosing a chamber of immense proportions—that seemed very much in need of cleansing and ventilation. No sooner had the thought entered my mind—than the place became filled with—a powerful violet light—followed by a soft white haze—becoming brilliant as the noon day sun. The cleansing was complete, for everything was fresh, clean, and filled with the—fragrance of roses.
按下入口右侧的一块岩石,门缓缓打开,我们得以进入一个小房间。在另一侧是一个巨大的拱门 —— 被一扇巨大的门封闭着。这一次,他把脚踩在地板上的一块设计奇特的石头上,门向后移 —— 出现一个巨大的房间 —— 这个房间看上去似乎非常需要清洁和通风。这个想法刚进入我的脑海 —— 这里就充满了强大的紫罗兰光 —— 之后是柔和的白色薄雾 —— 逐渐变得像正午的太阳一样明亮。清洁已经完成,因为一切都变得清新、干净,并充满了玫瑰的芬芳。
As we entered the great room, my attention was held by a number—of the most remarkable portraits—I have ever seen. They were etched on solid gold—in colors—true to life.
当我们进入这个大房间时,我的注意力被一些我见过的最出彩的肖像所吸引。它们在纯金上雕刻 —— 颜色逼真 —— 栩栩如生。
“These,” Saint Germain explained, “are also—Indestructible. Five of them are of the Inca Ruler, Lotus, your son, you and myself—all in the likeness of the bodies we used at that time. It was only during the—Incan period—that this particular kind of art has ever been expressed. Through the devotion of—Lotus to her own God-Flame—at that time, she attracted a—Great Master from Venus—who taught her. That kind of art was different from anything known on earth—in any age. The Master from Venus—only allowed a certain number to be made—because this particular type of art was centuries ahead of its time, and therefore was not permitted to be used at that period of the world’s development. However, it will come forth in the present—Golden Age we have now entered.
圣哲曼解释道:“这些也是 —— 坚不可摧的。其中五个雕像是印加统治者、洛特丝、你的儿子、你,还有我 —— 这些与我们当时使用的身体很相像。只有在 —— 印加时期 —— 才表达过这种特殊的艺术。那时通过洛特丝对她自己神之火焰的虔诚,她吸引来一位 —— 来自金星的伟大大师 —— 来教导她。那种艺术不同于地球上任何时期已知的艺术表达。那位来自金星的大师 —— 只允许制作特定数量的艺术品 —— 因为这种特殊的艺术类型超前那个时代几个世纪的时间,所以在世界发展的那个阶段还不允许使用。不过,它会出现在现在 —— 也就是我们进入的黄金时代。”
“My son—Oh, that the people of America could only—understand—what tremendous possibilities stand before them—waiting, waiting, waiting—for them to turn away from creeds, cults, dogmas, isms and all else that binds and limits—by keeping their attention—from the Great God ‘Presence’—within their own hearts. Oh, that they might—realize—what freedom, power, and Light await their service, dependent—only—on their recognition and use of the—Great Loving ‘Presence’ Within—breathing through them each moment—know and feel—the Almighty Control—it has over all manifestation. Oh, could they only realize that their—bodies—are the—’Temples of the Most High Living God’—who is—Ruler—of heaven and earth; that they might know what it means—to love—that Mighty Self, talk to it, acknowledge it—in all things, and—feel—the Reality of That ‘Presence’—with at least as great a certainty as they do other persons and things. If they could only—feel—the closeness and Reality of the—’Great Presence’—deeply, even for a moment, nothing could ever again stand between them and the—Same Mighty Supreme Accomplishment—as Jesus—and other Ascended Masters have attained.
“我的孩子 —— 但愿美国的人民能够明白 —— 多么巨大的可能性摆在他们面前 —— 等待着,等待着,等待着 —— 等待他们远离信条、宗教膜拜、教条、各种主义以及其他所有束缚和限制的事物 —— 把他们的注意力转移到他们内在的 —— 伟大的神之临在之上。噢,他们或许会意识到 —— 等待着他们服务的是何等的自由、力量和光,这一切只取决于他们承认和使用内在的伟大爱之临在 —— 这临在每时每刻都贯穿在他们的呼吸之间 —— 要知道并感受到临在对所有显化形态的全能主宰。噢,若是他们能意识到他们的身体是 —— ‘至高生命之神的圣殿’ —— 他是天堂和地球的主宰者;他们或许可能知道,去爱那位全能的自我、与他交谈、承认他在万物中的存在意味着什么,并且去感受那位临在的‘真实感’ —— 就像是他们对其他人和事情有一定程度的把握那样。如果他们可以深深地感受到‘伟大临在’的亲近和真实,即便是片刻的时间,就再没有什么可以阻挡在他们之间了,他们就会取得 —— 像耶稣 —— 以及其他扬升大师所取得的同样强大的至高成就。”
“O America—Beloved Children of the ‘Light’—let—this Great God ‘Presence,’ its wisdom and power surge through you—now—and see how quickly God’s Kingdom—can and will—manifest upon earth. America is the Way Shower among the nations—bearing the—’Light’—that heralds the incoming Golden Age. Regardless of her present conditions—’That Light’ shall burst forth and consume the shadows that seek to disrupt her—Ideals and Love—for the Great God Self.”
“噢,美国 —— ‘圣光’的爱子,让这位伟大神的临在,它的智慧和力量现在就通过你涌现出来,然后看看神之国度可以多么快地出现在地球上。美国是各个国家的引路人 —— 承载着‘圣光’ —— 预示着即将到来的黄金时代。无论她当前的状况如何 —— ‘那光’将爆发并消融所有那些试图干扰她的阴影 —— 出于对伟大神之自我的理想和爱。”
We then passed through a door at the right where we found more imperishable records—this time of the Incan civilization and the important part it played in that cycle.
然后我们穿越右边的一扇门,在那里我们发现了更多保存良好的记录 —— 这次是关于印加文明以及它在那个时代发挥的重要作用。
“You recalled the process for making these records from the memory of your life fourteen thousand years ago,” remarked Saint Germain. “They will be transported to the Royal Teton together with the portraits—for this secret temple has completely fulfilled its usefulness and is—now—to be dissolved.”
“你从你一万四千年前的生活记忆中回忆起制作这些记录的过程,”圣哲曼说。“它们连同雕像会被一同运往提顿王室 —— 因为这座神秘的圣殿已经完全履行了它的效用,现在 —— 即将瓦解。”
Soon Beautiful Glistening Beings appeared and removed the portraits and records. When they had finished, we returned to the entrance and walked some distance away. Saint Germain—focused—his attention for a few moments upon the position of the secret temple and—stood very silent. I felt a sudden stillness—grip and hold me—motionless. There was a great rumbling—like an earthquake. In a moment—all was over—and the secret temple, which had been the most magnificent creation of its day—collapsed into ruins.
很快,美丽闪耀的光之存有出现,转移了这些雕像和记录。当他们结束后,我们返回入口处,走了一段距离。圣哲曼 —— 把他的注意力集中在秘密圣殿所在的位置一段时间 —— 然后静静地站着。我感觉到一阵静止 —— 紧紧地附着在我身上 —— 让我一动不动。然后是巨大的轰隆声 —— 就像发生了地震。顷刻间 —— 一切都结束了 —— 这座当时最宏伟的秘密神殿坍塌成废墟。
I could but gasp at Saint Germain’s—stupendous power. Truly—the Great Ascended Masters are—Gods. It is no wonder in the mythology of the ancients that—their activities—have been brought down to us in the guise of myth and fable. They wield Tremendous God Power at—all—times because they hold with—unwavering determination—to the Great God—”Presence”—and hence all power is given unto them—for they are—All—Perfection.
圣哲曼的惊人力量让我倒吸一口气。真的是这样 —— 伟大的扬升大师们 —— 是神。难怪远古神话以神话故事和寓言的形式把他们的活动记录下来传递给我们。他们时时刻刻指挥着巨大的神之力量,因为他们以 —— 坚定不移的决心 —— 护持着伟大的神之“临在” —— 因此所有的力量都被赋予了他们 —— 因为他们是一切的完美。
“When Jesus said, ‘All these things I have done, ye shall do and even greater things shall ye do,’ he knew whereof he spoke,” continued Saint Germain.
“He came forth to—reveal—the Conscious Dominion and Mastery that it—is possible—for every human being to attain and express—while still here on earth. He showed the—Dominion of the Ascended Master—and—proved—to mankind that it—is—possible for everyone to so call forth his—God Self—that he can consciously control—all—things human.
“他的出现是为了 —— 揭示 —— 有意识地主宰和掌控,这对地球上的每个人来说都是可以获得和表达出来的 —— 只要他们还在地球上。他向人类展示了 —— 扬升大师的统领 —— 并证明给人类看 —— 每个人都可以呼唤出他的 —— 神之自我 —— 从而可以有意识地掌控人类的一切事物。”
“The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection—who have guided the growth of humanity on this planet from the beginning—are no figment of anyone’s imagination. They are Real—visible—tangible—glorious—living—breathing—Beings—of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind—gasps—at the immensity of it. They work—everywhere—in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do—naturally—all that the average individual considers—super-natural.
“充满爱、圣光和完美的伟大扬升大师 —— 他们从最初起就指导这颗星球上人类的成长 —— 他们不是人们想象中的虚构人物。他们是真实存在的 —— 可见的 —— 可以触碰到的 —— 荣耀的 —— 活着的 —— 会呼吸的存有 —— 充满了巨大的爱、智慧和力量,它的无限会让人类的心智震惊。他们工作在宇宙的各个地方,拥有着完全的自由和无限的力量,他们自然而然地去做事情,普通的人类却认为这是超自然的。”
“They are wielders of such Power and manipulators of such Force as to stagger the imagination of the person—in the outer world. They are the—Guardians—of the race and, as in the world of physical education various grades of teachers are provided—to guide the development of the individual’s growth—from childhood to maturity, and then beyond preparing him for special work; so do the—Ascended Masters of Perfection—exist to educate and help the individual that he too may grow beyond—ordinary, human expression. Thus, he develops his Super-Human Attributes, until like the student graduating from college—the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master—graduates out of his humanity—into the—Full—Continuous—Expression—of his Divinity.
“他们是这种力量的持有者和操控者,会震惊外部世界人们的想象力。他们是人类种族的守护者,就像是物质层面的教育界会提供不同等级的老师 —— 来指导个人的成长发展 —— 从童年到成熟,然后超越这些阶段为特定工作进行准备一样;完美扬升大师的存在 —— 是为了教育和帮助个人,从而让他们超越普通的、人类化的表达。这样,个人就发展出了他的超级人类属性,直至他像大学毕业的学生一样 —— 在扬升大师的照顾和指引下 —— 从他的人类属性中毕业 —— 进入他神性完整 —— 持续的表达中。”
“The Ascended Master is an individual—who by self-conscious effort—has generated enough Love and Power—within himself—to snap the chains of all human limitation, and so he stands—free and worthy—to be trusted with the use of forces—beyond—those of human experience. He feels himself—’One’—with Omnipresent God—’Life.’ Hence, all forces and things obey his command because he is a Self-Conscious Being of free will controlling all—by the manipulation of the ‘Light’ within—Himself.
“扬升大师是一个个体 —— 他通过自己有意识地努力 —— 在他自己内在产生了足够的爱和力量 —— 来打破所有人类限制的枷锁,因此他自由地站着,他值得被信任来使用超越人类体验的那些力量。他感受到自己与无所不在的神 ‘生命’ —— ‘合而为一’。因此,所有的力量和所有的事物都服从他的命令,因为他是一个拥有自我意识的存有,使用自由意志 —— 通过操控自己内在的‘圣光’ —— 来主宰万物。”
“It is through the radiation or outpouring of this ‘Light’—which is really his own—’Luminous Essence of Divine Love’—that an Ascended Master is able—to help—those who come under his care and direction.
“正是通过这种‘圣光’的照耀和倾泻 —— 实际上是他自己的 —— ‘神圣之爱的光明精华’ —— 从而让扬升大师可以帮助 —— 那些在他的照顾和指导下的人。”
“When such an—Outpouring—to a student takes place, his own Inner bodies—and by that I mean his emotional, mental, and Causal bodies—absorb the—Master’s Luminous Essence—and the ‘Light’ within them glows and expands like a spark—which one fans into a—flame.
“This ‘Luminous Essence’ has within It the Highest Force in the Universe—for it dissolves all discord—and establishes—Perfect Balance—in all manifestation. The Ascended Master’s—Body—is constantly pouring out Rays of his ‘Light Essence’—upon the discords of earth—dissolving them as—the rays of force—which we call light and heat from our physical sun—dissolve a fog.
“当这种圣光的倾注 —— 发生在学生身上时,他自己内在的身体 —— 我是指他的情绪体、心智体和因果体 —— 吸收了 —— 大师的光明精华 —— 这些身体中的‘圣光’开始发光,并像火花一样拓展 —— 进而燃烧成一团火焰。这种‘光明精华’内部有着宇宙中至高无上的力量,因为它消融所有的不和谐 —— 并在所有的显化中建立完美的平衡。扬升大师的身体 —— 不断地倾洒出他‘光明精华’的光芒 —— 照耀到地球的不和谐上 —— 瓦解它们 —— 就像是 —— 力量的光芒 —— 我们称之为来自我们物质层面太阳的光和热 —— 来消融大雾一样。”
“The Radiation—they pour out to humanity of earth is—Consciously Drawn Energy to which they give—quality—and again send it out to accomplish a—definite result. In this way, they give protection thousands and thousands of times to persons, places, conditions, and things of which mankind is totally oblivious, going on its appointed way—serenely unconscious—of its Protectors and Benefactors.
他们倾洒至地球上人类的光芒 —— 会有意识地吸收被他们赋予特质的能量 —— 然后再次发送出去,以完成某个特定的目标。通过这种方式,他们给予人、地点、状况和事物成千上万次的保护,人类对这些毫无察觉,在宁静的无意识中,这些保护持续地按照保护者和帮助者既定的路线前进。
“In this kind of activity—the Ascended Masters—are able to change the bodies they function in—like one ordinarily changes his clothes—for the cellular structure is always under conscious control, and—every atom—is obedient to their slightest direction. They are free to use one or more bodies, if the work they desire to do requires it, for their—ability—to assemble or dissolve an atomic body—is absolutely—Unlimited. They are All-Powerful Manifestors—of All Substance and Energy for the forces in Nature—which mean the four elements—are their willing and obedient servants.
“在这种活动中 —— 扬升大师可以改变他们运作的身体 —— 就像一个人日常换衣服一样 —— 因为细胞结构总是在有意识地控制之中,而且每个原子 —— 都服从于他们最轻微的指示。他们可以自由地使用一具或者多具身体,如果他们想做的工作需要他们这么做的话,因为他们进行组装或者瓦解一具原子身体的能力是绝对无限的。他们是自然界力量中所有物质和能量的万能显化者 —— 这意味着四大元素 ——是他们心甘情愿和顺从的仆人。”
“These Glorious Beings—who guard and help the evolving human race, are called the Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection. They are all the word—Master—implies because—by bringing forth the Love, Wisdom, and Power of the God Self Within—they manifest their—Mastery—over all that is human. Hence, they have—’Ascended’—into the next expression above the human—which is the Super-human—Divinity—Pure and Eternally, All-Powerful ‘Perfection.’
“这些荣耀的存有 —— 他们守护和帮助人类种族的进化 —— 他们被称作充满爱、光和完美的扬升大师。他们就是这个词 —— 大师 —— 所暗示的那样,因为通过带来内在神之自我的爱、智慧和力量,他们表达出了他们的主宰 —— 超越人类所有的一切。因此,他们已经 —— ‘扬升’ —— 进入超越人类的下一个表达 —— 也就是超级人类 —— 即神圣、纯洁、永恒的全能完美。”
“The humanity of earth frequently, in its ignorance and limitation, presumes to pass judgment upon and express various opinions about Jesus and many others of the Ascended Host. That practice is one of the most binding things it can indulge in, for in such activity—the criticism and judgment sent forth in this way simply return—to its generator—and thus mankind is bound more tightly to its self-created suffering and limitation. The activity of the Law is that—the Ascended Masters—having freed themselves from human limitations—have become a—Blazing Outpouring of Light—into which—no human thought of discord can possibly enter. This compels all destructive—thought creation and feeling—to return to its sender and—bind him—still more closely in the chains of his own creation.
“地球上的人类经常出于无知和限制,擅自对耶稣和其他扬升之主做出评判并发表各种意见。这种做法是它可以沉迷的最可以束缚自我的事情之一,因为在这种活动中 —— 通过这种方式发出的批评和判断只会返回 —— 它的产生者 —— 从而让人类更牢固地捆绑在自己创造的痛苦和限制之中。法则的活动是,扬升大师们已经从人类的限制中把自己解放了出来 —— 成为了圣光闪耀的倾泻 —— 人类任何不和谐的想法都不可能进入其中。这会迫使所有破坏性的思想创造和感觉 —— 返回到它的发送者身边,并更加牢固地把他束缚在自己创造的枷锁之中。”
“If human beings could see their own thoughts, feelings, and words go out into the atmosphere—upon the ethers—gather and gather more of their kind and return—they would not only be amazed at what they give birth to—but would scream for deliverance—and if for no other reason than to blot such creation out of mind—they would with full determination—face their own Divinity—and enter into it. Thoughts and feelings—are—living—pulsating—things. The individual who—knows that—will use his wisdom—and control himself—accordingly.
“如果人们可以看到他们自己的想法、情感和词语进入到大气层中 —— 附着在以太之上 —— 并聚集和吸引更多相同类型返回 —— 他们不仅仅会惊讶于他们创造的东西 —— 他们也会放声尖叫想获得解脱 —— 如果他们的动机是把这些创造从心智中抹除 —— 他们会下定决心 —— 面对自己的神性 —— 并进入它。想法和情感是活着的、拥有脉动的事物。知道这一点的人会相应地运用他的智慧并掌控自己。”
“Jesus is to mankind gaining its experience on this earth—as the Great God Self—within every human being—is to the personal or outer self. He—revealed the—Master Record—to the outer world, and—He—is still the—Living Proof—of the individual’s ability to free himself from—all—limitation and to express Divinity—as was originally intended—for the first condition in which humanity existed was—wholly harmonious and free.
“耶稣对于人类来说在地球上获得他的体验 —— 就像是每个人内在的伟大神之自我之于人格自我或者外在自我。他向外部世界揭示了 —— 伟大的记录,而且他是活生生的证据 —— 一个人有能力把自己从所有的限制中解放出来并表达出神性 —— 就像最初计划的那样 —— 因为人类存在的最初状况就是完全和谐与自由的。”
“When some of those individuals—who study Life and the Laws of the Universe, more deeply than the mass of earth’s children—become aware of the fact that there are Ascended Masters—they often desire to go to these Great Ones for instruction. While, in many instances, this is an unconscious upreaching of the soul within to the—Greater Light—yet the personal self little realizes in what relation it stands to those—Great Beings—who are Wholly Divine.
“当研究生命和宇宙法则的一些人 —— 他们比地球上的大多数孩子的探究都更加深入 —— 开始意识到扬升大师存在的事实时 —— 他们经常想要找到这些伟大的存有寻求指引。虽然在许多情况下,这是内在灵魂无意识地想要提升至更伟大的圣光中 —— 然而人格自我很少意识到它与那些完全神圣的伟大存有之间的关系。”
“There is a way by which an intensely earnest and determined student may make contact with one of them but that can only be through the activity of enough Love and discipline of the personality. If the motive for such contact be for the gratification of curiosity thinking to prove or disprove the Ascended Masters’ existence—to merely solve a problem—or to convince a doubt in the personality—it will never come about—rest assured of that—for the Ascended Host are never concerned with satisfying the—human side—of any student. Their entire effort is with the—expansion of the God Self Within—so that Its Power may be released forcefully enough—to snap the limitations in the human self that do not give it a Perfect Vehicle for use in the mental, emotional, and physical worlds of manifestation. These are the realms of thought, feeling, and action.
“有一种方法可以让一个非常认真且坚定的学生与一位扬升大师接触,不过这只能通过足够的爱和人格的自律来实现。如果这种接触的动机是想要满足好奇心,来证明扬升大师是否存在 —— 仅仅是为了解决这个问题 —— 或者说打消人格的怀疑 —— 那么接触将永远不会发生。请放心,扬升之主从来不会关心满足任何学生的人格自我面向。他们的全部努力是 —— 拓展内在的神之自我 —— 这样它的力量就可以足够有力地释放 —— 从而打破人类自我的局限,人类自我并没有在心智、情感和显化出的物质领域给神之自我一个完美的载具来使用。这些领域是思想、感觉和行动的领域。”
“Human weaknesses and limitation simply impair the vehicle—that should be trained and kept in the best possible condition—as an efficient servant—for the use of the Great Inner God Self. The human body with its faculties—is—God’s Temple of Energy—which the ‘Great God Presence’ provides—and through this outer self—It wishes to express a Perfect Divine Plan or Design. If the uncontrolled sense appetites—and demands of the personality—waste the God energy—so the ‘Inner Presence’ is not given command of the vehicle—It steadily withdraws—the human self loses the power to manipulate mind and body—and the temple collapses into decrepitude and dissolution. We then have the condition the world calls death.
“人类的弱点和限制只会损伤载具 —— 载具本应该被训练和保持在最佳状态 —— 作为一个有效的仆人 —— 供伟大内在神之自我使用。人体及其机能 —— 是神的能量殿堂 —— 由‘伟大的神之临在’提供 —— 通过这个外在自我 —— 它希望表达出一个完美的神圣计划或蓝图。如果不受控制的感官欲望 —— 和人格的要求 —— 浪费了神的能量 —— 也就是说没有把载具的掌控权赋予‘内在临在’ —— 它就会稳步地撤回 —— 人格自我就失去了控制心智和身体的力量 —— 身体殿堂坍塌成衰老和消融的状态。然后就有了世人称之为死亡的状况。”
“The person—who seeks to contact an Arisen Master—in the visible, tangible, living, breathing body without the preparation needed—to gradually attune his own outer structure and mind—is in the same position a child in kindergarten would be—were he to see a college professor and insist on learning the A. B. C’s under him.
“一位在可见、有形、有生命、有气息的身体中寻求接触扬升大师的人,但他不做必须的准备工作,不去逐渐调和自己的外在结构和心智 —— 他处于与幼儿园孩童相同的位置 —— 就像是他要拜见一位大学教授,并坚持在他手下学习A.B.C字母那样。”
“The Ascended Masters are—Really—Great Batteries of Tremendous Power and Energy and whatever touches their—Radiance—becomes highly charged with their—’Light Essence’—through the same activity—that makes a needle—kept in contact with a magnet—take on its qualities—and become a magnet also. All their help and Radiation is forever a free gift of Love. This is the reason they—never—use any of their force to compel.
“扬升大师们是真正的 —— 惊人力量和能量的巨大储存池,不论什么接触到他们的 —— 照耀 —— 都会充满他们的 —— ‘圣光精华’ —— 这种活动就像是一根与磁铁保持接触的针 —— 这根针也会被赋予磁性 —— 从而成为一块磁体。他们所有的帮助和照耀永远都是爱的免费礼物。这就是为什么他们 —— 从来 —— 不会使用他们的力量去进行强迫的原因。”
“The Law of Love—the Law of the Universe—and the Law of the individual—does not permit the Ascended Master to interfere—with the free will of the individual—except at those periods of Cosmic Activity—in which the Cosmic Cycle supersedes that of the—individual. It is during these times—the Ascended Master may give—more—than ordinary assistance. The earth has entered such a Cycle now, and the greatest Outpouring of the—’Light’—the earth has ever known is being and will continue to be shed upon humanity—to purify it and re-establish the Order and Love that is—imperative—for the future maintenance of our planet and the system of worlds to which we belong. All that does not—or will not—come into the action of Order—Balance—Peace—must of necessity pass into some other school-room of the universe—and work out its own understanding of this Law—in some other way—than is to be the expression of the future Life upon our earth.
“爱的法则 —— 宇宙的法则 —— 以及个人法则 —— 不允许扬升大师干涉个人的自由意志 —— 除非是在一些宇宙活动周期 —— 那时宇宙循环周期优先于个人周期。也是在这些时期 —— 扬升大师可能会给予 —— 比平时更多的帮助。现在地球就已经进入了这样的周期中,地球所知的最伟大圣光正倾洒在人类身上,并且会持续地倾洒 —— 以净化人类并重新建立秩序和爱,这对我们星球以及我们所属世界系统的未来维护是极为重要的。所有没有 —— 且将来也不会进入 —— 秩序、平衡、和平 —— 之中的行为必须进入宇宙的其他教导室,并以其他方式来学习自己对这项法则的理解 —— 不会成为我们地球上未来生命的表达。”
“There is only one passport into the ‘Presence,’ of these—Great Ones—and that is—Enough Love—poured out to one’s own—God Self—and to—Them—united with the determination to root out of the human all discord and selfishness. When an individual becomes determined—enough—to serve only the Constructive Plan of Life, he disciplines—perfectly—his human nature, no matter how unpleasant the task. Then he will automatically draw to himself the attention of an—Ascended Master—who will take note of his struggles and pour out courage, strength, and Love—sustaining him—until he maintains—permanent contact—with the Inner God Self.
“进入这些伟大存有‘临在’之中的通行证只有一种,那就是 —— 倾注足够的爱给他们自己的神之自我以及给伟大的存有们 —— 同时要有坚定的决心根除人类一切的不和谐与自私。当一个人足够坚定 —— 只为生命的建设性计划服务,他就完美地约束了他的人格本性,不论这项任务是多么让人不舒服。然后他就会自发地吸引一位 —— 扬升大师的注意力到他自己身上,大师会注意到他的挣扎,并倾注勇气、力量和爱来支持他 —— 直到他与内在的神之自我保持永久性的连接。”
“The Ascended Master knows and sees all concerning the student—for he reads clearly the record—which the student has made in his own aura. This reveals the state of the disciple’s development—his strength as well as his weakness. The Ascended Master—is—the All-Knowing Mind and the All-Seeing Eye of God—for from him—nothing—can be hidden. The one who wishes to come into the visible, tangible—’Presence’—of the Ascended Host—should understand that unless he makes himself a Radiating Sun of Love, Light, and Perfection—which the Master can expand, and use as a part of Himself—that he can direct to any place consciously at will—he would be useless—merely a barnacle and drain upon the Master’s work and world.
“扬升大师知晓并可以看到学生的一切 —— 因为他可以清晰地阅读学生在自己的气场中制作的记录。这揭示出弟子的成长状态 —— 他的强项和他的弱点。扬升大师是神的全知心智和全视之眼 —— 因为没有什么可以在他面前隐藏。那些希望能进入可见的、有形的扬升之主的‘临在’之中的人应该明白,除非他让自己成为爱、光和完美的闪耀太阳 —— 让大师可以拓展,并作为自己的一部分来使用 —— 有意识地把能量根据自己的意志导向任何地方 —— 否则他是无用的 —— 就像个寄生虫,消耗并占据大师的工作和世界。”
“If the student has not, be not willing to, or does not discipline the personal self—so it is calm in mind—peaceful and loving in feeling—and strong in body—he is not material that the Ascended Master can use in the—more-than-human work that he does. When the student has not a strong, controlled, well developed vehicle—he is unable to co-operate with an Ascended Master, and thus do—work—of a kind which is beyond that—of the ordinary human experience.
“如果学生还没有、不愿意、或者不去约束人格自我 —— 也就是平静自己的心智 —— 让情感中充满安静与爱 —— 让身体变得强壮 —— 那么他就不是扬升大师可以用来完成超越人类工作使用的材质。如果学生没有强壮的、受控的、发展良好的载具 —— 他就无法与扬升大师合作,因此无法去完成 —— 超越普通人体验的工作。”
“Were one of these—Perfected Beings—to take a student without such qualities into his field of work—he would be making the same mistake one does in building a machine or home, if he constructs it of imperfect material.
“如果这些完美的存有 —— 要把一名不具备应有特质的学生带入到他工作的领域 —— 他就会犯下像一个人使用残缺的材料建造机器或者房屋那样的错误。”
“That kind of material—naturally could not stand unusual strain, under sudden need, or prolonged service. Thus, it would not be the part of either wisdom, love, nor mercy to subject anyone to an experience for which he has—neither the training—nor is strong enough to bear. As the Ascended Masters are the Acme of Perfection—they naturally would not do anything except that which is just, loving and wise.
“那残缺的材料 —— 自然无法承受超乎寻常的压力、突然的需要或长期服务。因此,不论是出于爱、智慧还是慈悲,都不可能让任何一个人去经历 —— 他没有经过训练准备的 —— 或是他没有强大到可以承受的。因为扬升大师是完美的极致 —— 他们自然不会做除了爱和智慧之外的事情。”
“The attitude of one who wishes to work in conscious co-operation with the Ascended Host should not be—’I wish I could go to them for instruction’—but rather—’I will so purify, discipline, and perfect myself, become such expression of Divine Love, wisdom, and power that I can assist in their work—then I will automatically be drawn unto them. I will love so constantly, so infinitely, so divinely, that the very intensity of my own—”Light”—will open the way for them to accept me.’
“那些想要有意识地跟扬升之主合作的人的态度不应该是 —— ‘我希望我可以找到他们接受指导’ —— 而是 —— ‘我会训练、净化并完善自己,成为神圣之爱、智慧和力量的表达,从而可以协助他们的工作 —— 然后我就会自动地被吸引至他们身边。我会持续地、无限地、神圣的去爱,从而我自己的 —— ‘圣光’ —— 会强大到为他们接受我开辟道路。’”
“My son, self-correction and control of the forces within the use of human consciousness—is not the work of a moment—nor a path of ease, lethargy, and self-gratification—for the senses riot within the average human being—and he rebels furiously against the restraint of his—lower nature—which is imperative—if he is to govern these forces properly within himself—especially in his feelings—so they may be used and act—only—under the conscious Dominion of his God-Mind.
“我的孩子,在人类意识的范围内进行自我纠正并控制力量 —— 不是一时的工作 —— 也不是一条安逸、呆滞和自我满足的道路 —— 因为普通人的感官活动剧烈 —— 他会对约束自己的低等本性进行强烈反抗 —— 约束低等本性至关重要 —— 若是他正确地管理自己内部的这些力量 —— 尤其是他的感觉 —— 这样他就可以让这些力量仅仅在他神之心智有意识地主宰中使用和运作。”
“The saying that—’Many are called but few are chosen,’—is very true. All are constantly being called but—few—are awake enough—to realize—the Ecstatic Joy and Perfection within—the God-Self—and to hear Its Voice in the ‘Light’ forever and forever calling everyone back into the Father’s House.
“有句话说的是 —— ‘很多人被召唤,但只有少数人被选中’ —— 这是真的。所有一切都在不停地呼唤 —— 但是只有极少数 —— 足够觉醒 —— 去意识到内在神之自我的狂喜和完美 —— 去听到它在‘圣光’中的声音,那声音一直在呼唤每一个人回到圣父的殿堂。”
“Every individual on earth is free each moment to ‘Arise and go unto the Father’—his God Self—if he will but turn his back upon the creation of the human senses and—hold his attention—on the—Only Source—in the Universe from which peace, happiness, abundance, and—Perfection—can come.
“地球上的每个人在每一刻都可以自由做出选择‘提升去见到圣父’ —— 他的神之自我 —— 只要他愿意拒绝人类感官的创造 —— 并把自己的注意力只集中在 —— 宇宙中唯一的源头,从那里产生和平、快乐、丰盛和完美。”
“There is a way for all to come into contact with the Ascended Masters, and that is to—think—upon them—call unto them—and they will answer every call with their own ‘Presence’ of Love—but the motive for the call must be—Love of the One Source—Love of the Light—Love of Perfection.
“有一种方法可以让所有的人都接触到扬升大师,那就是去 —— 思考他们 —— 呼唤他们 —— 他们会用他们自己的‘爱之临在’来回应每一个呼唤 —— 但是这种呼唤的动机必须是 —— 对合一源头的爱 —— 对圣光的爱 —— 对完美的爱。”
“If this be real, determined, and steadfast, the student—will—receive greater and greater—Light—for the ‘Light’ knows Its own and gives of Itself, unceasingly, unconditionally, every moment. Ask and ye shall receive—knock and it shall be opened unto you—seek and ye shall find—call unto the ‘Light’ and the—Ascended Masters will answer you—for they are the ‘Light’ of this world.
“如果真的这么做了,并且坚定和坚决,学生将会接收到越来越伟大的圣光 —— 因为‘圣光’了解它自己,并在每时每刻无条件地、不间断地奉献它自己。去请求你就会得到 —— 去敲门,它就会为你打开 —— 去寻找你就会找到 —— 呼唤‘圣光’,扬升大师 —— 会回应你 —— 因为他们就是这个世界的‘圣光’。”
“Lotus served as a priestess in the temple of Mitla—for more than forty years with you and your son. By the combined efforts of you three, the various cities in the colonies were brought to a state of great perfection. You established industries and directed the agriculture, until prosperity abounded in the land.
“洛特丝在米特拉神庙中担任女祭司 —— 与你和你儿子一起工作了四十多年。通过你们三个共同的努力,殖民地的各个城市都到达完美的状态。你们建立了工厂、指引农业发展,最终给那片土地带来繁荣。”
“It was revealed to the Inca Ruler, when he was to finish his earthly pilgrimage and service in that civilization. It was then—he called the three of you home to him. Others were appointed to take your places and with blessings and love to your people, you bade them farewell.
当印加统治者即将结束他在那个文明人世间的朝圣和服务时,他被提前告知。就在那时 —— 他把你们三个人叫回家。任命其他人接替你们的位置。带着你对人民的祝福与爱,你向他们道别。
“On your arrival home, the King was much surprised to find—none of you had aged during the long absence. Your youthful appearance was the result of training received in childhood, and still greater proof that his children had been divinely sent in answer to his prayer. Deep gratitude, to the One Mighty God for blessing him, his children, and the people, always filled his heart.”
At this point, as Saint Germain described the Incan embodiments—living pictures began to appear in the atmosphere before me—all in their—original—color and activity. They lasted for nearly three hours, and he revealed those ancient experiences as a—Living Reality in Peru and Mitla.
此刻,当圣哲曼描述这些在印加的转世场景时 —— 活生生的画面开始出现在我面前的空气中 —— 所有一切都保持着最初的颜色和活动。它们持续了近三个小时。此外,他揭示了那些古老的经历 —— 秘鲁和米特拉的现实生活。
The Inca Ruler—called the fourteen from the Golden City together—in preparation for the—most important event—of his earthly pilgrimage. He knew the hour of passing was near, and the affairs of the empire had to be transferred into the control of the elder son—whom he was to appoint his successor at the banquet.
印加统治者 —— 把来自黄金之城的十四个人召集起来 —— 准备他在人世间朝圣中最重要的事情。他知道自己时日无多,帝国的事务必须转移给长子掌控 —— 他将在宴会上任命长子为继承人。
The palace—was famous for centuries, as the most magnificent building of the period—because the King had tremendous resources at his command throughout the entire reign. He lived close to his God Self at all times—and wealth untold flowed into his use. The interior of the palace was most ornate, the private rooms of the royal family being decorated in—pure gold set with jewels—and the symbol of the Sun—used wherever possible, as a constant reminder of the God Self Within.
这座宫殿闻名了几个世纪,作为那个时期最宏伟的建筑 —— 因为国王在整个统治期间有着大量的资源供他使用。他总是生活在接近他神之自我的地方 —— 数不尽的财富流向了他。宫殿内部是最为华丽的,皇室的私人房间装饰着 —— 镶嵌着珠宝的纯金 —— 并尽可能多地使用太阳符号,作为对内在神之自我的不断提醒。
The banquet hall was set with five tables of—carved jade—resting on white onyx pedestals, each seating twenty people, with the exception of the royal table at which were sixteen—these being the fourteen from the Golden City, the King, and—the Master Saint Germain—who was then known as “Son Uriel.” The chairs at the King’s table were made of gold, slightly canopied with gorgeous ostrich plumes in magnificent colors. In the Inca’s chair, the plumes were a beautiful violet; in Saint Germain’s an intense gold; the daughter’s pink; the eldest son’s violet; but of a lighter shade than the ruler’s—and those in the chair of the younger son—white—representing the authority—of the priesthood. The plumes in the chairs of the rest of the fourteen from the Golden City were of—varying colors—beautiful beyond description, the color in each case—representing the office and service—that each occupant gave—to the empire.
宴会厅里摆着五张 —— 雕花玉石桌子 —— 放置在白色玛瑙的底座上,每张桌子坐二十人,而王室的那张桌子 —— 坐了十六人 —— 他们中的十四位来自黄金之城,还有国王和圣哲曼大师 —— 圣哲曼当时被称为“圣子乌列尔”。国王那一桌的椅子是用黄金打造的,略微覆盖着绚丽的鸵鸟羽毛,色彩灿烂。印加统治者的椅子,羽毛是美丽的紫罗兰色;圣哲曼的椅子是灿烂的金色;女儿的是粉色;长子的是紫罗兰色,不过比统治者的颜色更浅一些 —— 那位更年轻儿子的椅子是白色 —— 代表着祭司的权威。来自黄金之城十四位中其他人椅子上的羽毛 —— 是不同的颜色 —— 美丽得无法形容,每一种颜色代表着 —— 每位存有给予帝国服务的不同职位。
Cloths of a very soft material, heavily embroidered with thread of remarkable brilliancy, covered the tops of the tables. The entire palace was lighted by—self-luminous, crystal globes—that Saint Germain gave to the Incan ruler, when his instruction first began.
桌子表面覆盖着的是一种非常柔软的布料,上面绣着非常闪耀的线。整个宫殿被自发光的水晶球照亮 —— 这是圣哲曼在他刚开始授课时送给印加统治者的。
The King wore a royal robe of golden, metallic-like fabric with a marvelous jeweled breastplate representing the—”Sun.” Over this was his robe of office, made of rich, purple fabric trimmed with magnificent ostrich plumes around the entire edge, and deep collar. His crown was a band of diamonds, that held three violet plumes at the back. These three plumes in the Inner Life of the ruler symbolized the three activities of the Godhead—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—acting through man as Love, Wisdom, and Power. The two sons were clothed in garments similar to their father’s, except for the long robe of state, each wearing the symbol of the—”Great Sun”—formed by a breastplate of jewels. The crown of the elder son was set with emeralds and the plumes at the back were violet like the king’s, but of a lighter shade. The head-dress of the other son was set with pearls, and his plumes were white—another symbol of his office—as priest.
国王穿着一件金色的、金属质感的皇家长袍,上面有镶嵌着精美宝石的胸甲,象征着 —— “太阳”。长袍外面是他的官袍,由华丽的紫色织物制成,边缘装饰着华丽的鸵鸟羽毛,领口很深。他的王冠是一圈钻石,后面有三根紫罗兰色的羽毛。统治者内在生命的这三根羽毛象征着神性的三种活动 —— 圣父、圣子和圣灵 —— 作为爱、智慧和力量在人类中发挥作用。两个儿子的着装与父亲相似,除了长袍,每个人都穿着由胸甲上的珠宝构成的 —— ‘伟大太阳’ —— 图案。长子的王冠上镶嵌着祖母绿,后面的羽毛跟国王一样是紫罗兰色的,颜色更浅。另一个儿子的头饰是珍珠,羽毛是白色 —— 这是他作为祭司职务的另一个象征。
The king’s daughter was robed in a golden fabric—fine as gossamer silk—with an over-drape of opalescent material, dazzling to behold—that changed color with every movement of the body. She wore a jeweled girdle of diamonds and emeralds with its panel reaching nearly to the floor. On her head was a close-fitting cap of woven material, and around the neck a chain—on which hung the symbol of the “Great Sun” set in diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. Her sandals were of gold—also jeweled.
国王的女儿穿着一件金色长袍 —— 像薄纱一样细腻 —— 上面覆盖着一层乳白色的材质,看起来很闪耀 —— 颜色会伴随着身体的每个动作而变化。她穿着镶嵌有钻石和祖母绿的宝石腰带,垂带几乎到了地板。她头上带着一顶贴合的编织帽子,脖子上有一条项链,项链上挂着由钻石、红宝石和祖母绿镶嵌而成的“伟大太阳”图案。她的凉鞋是金色的 —— 也镶嵌着宝石。
Just as the King left his private chambers on the way to the banquet hall, a—Blazing Light—flashed through the rooms, and Saint Germain stood before us—looking like a God. The “Light” about him was almost blinding in its Brilliance and we were a few seconds becoming accustomed to it.
就在国王离开他的私人寝室前往宴会厅的途中,一道耀眼的圣光 —— 闪过房间,然后圣哲曼站在了我们面前 —— 看起来就像是神一样。他身上的“圣光”明亮得炫目,过了几秒,我们就习惯了。
His beautiful golden hair hung to the shoulders, and was held in place by a band of—blue diamonds—around the forehead. His own Intense Radiance shone through the color of the hair—until it looked like sunlight. The piercing, sparkling violet of his eyes contrasted strongly against his skin—that revealed the soft pink color of youth and perfect health. His features were very regular—like those of the ancient Greeks.
他美丽的金色头发垂到肩膀上,额头周围有一圈 —— 蓝色的钻石 —— 固定在恰当的位置。他自己身上散发的强烈圣光穿透了头发的颜色 —— 看上去就像是阳光那样。他那双锋利而闪烁的紫罗兰色双眼与他的皮肤形成了强烈的对比 —— 他的皮肤是柔和的粉红色,展示出青春和完美的健康。他的五官非常规整 —— 就像是古希腊人的五官。
He wore a robe of—marvelous—dazzling white fabric—entirely different from anything—in our modern world. It fitted the body slightly at the waist around which was clasped a—girdle of yellow diamonds and sapphires—with a panel reaching to his knees. On the third finger of his left hand was a ring set with a—gorgeous yellow diamond—and on the middle finger of his right a—sapphire almost as brilliant—both blazing tremendously because of his own great Radiation—as he had just come from the—Golden City.
他身穿一件长袍 —— 那是一件美妙又闪耀的白色织物 —— 完全不同于我们现代世界的任何材质。它在腰部位置略微贴合着身体,腰间系着一条镶嵌着黄色钻石和蓝色钻石的腰带,腰带上的裁片延伸到了他的膝盖。在他左手无名指上佩戴着一枚戒指,上面镶嵌着一颗华美的黄色钻石 —— 他右手中指上佩戴着是一颗同样闪耀的蓝宝石 —— 因为他自己发出强烈的光芒,两颗钻石也极度闪耀 —— 因为他刚刚从黄金之城到来。
The King was surprised and overjoyed at his appearance—and making the sign of the heart, the head, and the hand—bowed low before him and offered the Master his arm. They proceeded thus into the banquet hall.
国王对他的出现既惊讶又欣喜 —— 他在的心脏位置、头部和手部表示出某种姿态 —— 在他面前深深地鞠了一躬,并向大师伸出手臂。他们就这样一同进入了宴会厅。
Here, the tables had been laid with an entire service of gold, crystal, and jade. The children of the king soon entered and, when they beheld their beloved Master, were almost overcome with joy. However, they did not forget the dignity of the occasion and, making the Divine Sign he had taught them—bowed low before their father and Distinguished Guest.
这里,桌子上摆满了黄金、水晶和玉石。国王的孩子们很快就进来了,当他们看到他们敬爱的大师时,他们高兴极了。不过,他们并没有忘记这个场合的庄重,并做出了他教导给他们的神圣仪态 —— 在他的父亲和这位尊贵的客人面前鞠躬。
The signal was given and all were seated. The King sat at the head of the table, the Master, Saint Germain, at his right and next to him his daughter. The elder son was placed at his left and the younger son next, then the rest from the Golden City.
At the close of the banquet, the Ruler arose and all gave complete attention. He stood silent a moment, and extending his hand to the beloved Saint Germain—introduced him to the guests. The Master bowed graciously, and the King told them how the Higher Spiritual Law had been taught to him and his children, and how the great blessings which had come to the land and its people, were the result of the Master’s Great Love. He explained further that the banquet had been given for him to appoint his—successor to the throne.
宴会结束时,统治者站了起来,所有人都注视着他。他沉默了片刻,向尊敬的圣哲曼伸出手 —— 把他介绍给在座的人。大师优雅地鞠了躬,国王告诉他们,高等的灵性法则是如何被教导给他和他的孩子们,以及降临到这片土地和人民的伟大祝福如何是大师伟大的爱之结果。他进一步解释了这次宴会举行的目的是为了任命他的 —— 王位继承人。
He signaled to the elder son to rise and announced him—as their future ruler. Removing the Royal Robe—he placed it upon the son’s shoulders and Saint Germain raising his hands above him in blessing, said:
他示意大儿子站起来,并宣告他是 —— 他们未来的统治者。他脱下了皇家的长袍 —— 把它披在儿子双肩上,圣哲曼双手举过他的头顶给予祝福,他说:
“I bless you my son, in the Name and Power of the One Mighty God—in man and governing the Universe—whose Supreme Wisdom shall direct you—whose ‘Light’ shall Illumine you—whose Love shall bless and enfold you—the land—and its people.”
“我祝福你,我的孩子,以 —— 人类和主宰宇宙的 —— 合一伟大的神之名字和力量 —— 他至高无上的智慧将会引导你 —— 他的‘圣光’将照亮你 —— 他的爱将祝福和拥抱你、还有这片土地、以及它的子民。”
Touching the thumb of his right hand to the forehead of the son, the Beloved Master raised his left hand and a Blinding Flash of “Light” enfolded them.
The king then appointed those who were to take the place of his daughter and two sons in the temple at Mitla. Saint Germain, the king, his children, and the rest of those from the Golden City, proceeded into the throne room, where the Master turned and again addressed them saying:
“Beloved ones of Light, your brother, the King, will soon pass to his well deserved rest and higher instruction. Until that time—I will remain with you. Your civilization will reach its apex under the rulership of this our beloved brother, and you will need much added wealth to accomplish all that is to be done. In the heart of the mountains not far distant, is great treasure of gold and precious stones.
“圣光之爱,你们的兄弟,也就是国王,很快就要前往他应得的安息之中,并接受更高的指引。在那之前 —— 我会一直跟你们在一起。你们的文明会在我们敬爱的兄弟的统治下到达巅峰,你们会需要更多财富来完成所有要做的事情。在不远的群山深处,有大量黄金和宝石。”
“The younger son of your ruler has not so far recalled a faculty—he used formerly. I will quicken it into action again, that the requirement of your future activities be supplied.” He stepped toward the younger son and touched his forehead with the thumb of his right hand. A tremor passed over the body and his—Inner Sight—became opened.
“你们国王的小儿子至今还没有拿回 —— 他曾经使用过的能力。我会尽快让它再次发挥作用,以供你未来活动的需要。”他走向小儿子,用右手拇指摸了摸他的额头。他的身体一阵颤抖,他的 —— 内在视觉 —— 被打开了。
He saw—in the mountain fastness a certain location—which held such vast wealth—he knew they would need no other supply for whatever might be required to produce the things—they were to use in the outer activities. The son made obeisance to his Beloved Master and promised that—with his assistance—the plan for its use would be fulfilled. Three of the mines which he opened and operated were closed and sealed—when the reign of those from the Golden City was finished. They have remained closed—to this day.
他看到 —— 在山体要塞的某个地方 —— 储藏着如此巨大的财富 —— 他知道他们不需要其他的供应就可以生产这些东西 —— 它们要被用于外在活动中。儿子向他敬爱的大师致敬并承诺 —— 通过他的帮助 —— 履行矿场的使用计划。当来自黄金之城的统治结束时,他开采和经营的三个矿场被关闭和封锁。直至今天它们还处于封锁中。
Archaeologists—in various ways from time to time—are finding evidence and proof—of the tremendous height to which this civilization reached and the—splendor of its attainment. The fragments of the Incan activities—they have discovered so far—are of the civilization during its decline—but the day will come, when that which was expressed at its—apex—will be revealed to the blessing, enlightenment, and service of posterity.
历史学家 —— 一直在使用不同的方式 —— 寻找证据来证明这个文明到达的巨大高度和它取得的辉煌。他们迄今为止发现的是印加活动的碎片 —— 那些活动处于印加文明的衰落时期。但是终有一天,印加文明巅峰时的活动会出于祝福、启发和服务的目的揭示给后人。
The following day, messengers were sent to the principal points in the empire, announcing the ascension to the throne of the King’s son. His reputation had preceded him from the City of Mitla, for his wisdom, nobility of character, and justice were known throughout the kingdom during the years he served there.
A few days later, the younger son directed the head mining engineer to prepare equipment, men, and supplies for going into the mountains and opening the mine he had been shown through the use of his—Inner Sight.
When they were ready to start, the son remained alone and held his attention fixed steadily on the God Self Within, knowing that he would be directed unerringly in finding the mine, and because of this—had no difficulty or delay in going directly to the location shown him in the vision. He put a large number of men to work, and in sixty days had opened the mine to the point where they made contact with the—richest gold vein that has ever been located in South America—before or since that time. The discovery and operation of that mine—has come down to the present day—in legend among the people. The younger son returned from his achievement amidst the warm welcome of the people, and received the blessings of his father, Saint Germain, his older brother and sister.
当他们准备开始时,小儿子一直是独自一人,他把自己的注意力牢牢地放在内在的神之自我上,知道他会被准确无误地引导找到矿山的位置,正因如此,他毫不费力地、也没有被耽误,直接前往了内在视觉中看到的地点。他派遣了大量的人员去工作,在六十天内把矿山开采 成为 —— 南美洲有史以来最丰盛的金矿 —— 之后也没有金矿与之比肩。那座矿场的发现和经营 —— 一直流传到今天 —— 在民间传说中流传甚广。小儿子在人民的热烈欢迎中功成身退,得到了他的父亲、圣哲曼,还有他哥哥姐姐的祝福。
The location of the mine was at an altitude of eight thousand feet, and during the time the king’s son was there he became highly sensitized—an activity that—always occurs—at high elevations. Upon his return to the palace, he felt clearly—the time had arrived—for the Inca Ruler to make the great change, and knew his passing was near.
矿场的位置是海拔八千英尺,那段时间国王的儿子对一种经常发生在高领域的活动 —— 变得高度敏感。当他回到王宫后,他清楚地感觉到 —— 印加的统治者发生重大变更的时间已经到来 —— 他知道国王将不久于人世。
The day arrived for the coronation of the King’s son, when he was to legally and publicly assume the responsibility and duties of the realm. The royal family asked their Beloved Master and Friend to perform the act of crowning the new ruler—to which he graciously agreed.
国王儿子加冕的日子到了,届时他将依法公开承担起王国的责任和义务。皇室要求他们敬爱的大师和朋友,为新统治者加冕 —— 他欣然同意。
Elaborate preparation for the important event had been completed, and the ceremony had progressed to the moment—when the crown—was to be placed upon the head of the new ruler. All noticed—that Saint Germain made no effort—to receive it.
为重要事件进行的精心准备已经完成,仪式已经进行到要把王冠戴在新统治者头上的重要时刻。所有人都注意到 —— 圣哲曼并没有准备 —— 要把王冠接过来。
Suddenly—there came a Blinding Flash of—”Light”—and before them stood a—Most Wonderful Being. She seemed to be a girl of only eighteen—but from her eyes and “Presence” shone forth a Dazzling Radiance, filled with the Love, Wisdom, and Power of a Goddess. The—Light—that filled the atmosphere around her, was crystal-white—sparkling within Itself—and scintillating—constantly.
突然 —— 一道闪耀的“圣光”出现 —— 他们面前出现了一位最为美妙的存在。她看起来只有十八岁少女的样子 —— 但是她的眼眸和“临在”中散发着耀眼的光芒,充满了女神的爱、智慧和力量。弥漫在她空气周围的是 —— 圣光 —— 水晶般的白色光芒 —— 闪闪发光 —— 而且不断地闪烁着。
Extending her dainty hands to the crown bearer—she lifted the crown—and with infinite grace—placed it upon the head of the King’s son, and in a voice—that was the very soul of music said:
她将纤巧的手伸向拿着王冠的人 —— 举起王冠 —— 以无限优雅的姿态 —— 把它放置在国王儿子的头上,并用一种声音 —— 那是音乐的灵魂,说:
“Beloved of the Golden City—I crown you with Love, Light, and Wisdom of which—this crown—is the symbol. May your justice, honor, and nobility ever continue. By a—Divine Order—I shall reign with you invisible to all—but those of the Golden City—who are here.”
“黄金之城的爱子 —— 我以黄金之城的爱、圣光和智慧为你加冕 —— 这顶王冠就是它的象征。愿你的正义、荣耀和高贵永远延续下去。根据 —— 神圣法令 —— 我将与你一同统治 —— 不过除了在场的黄金之城的诸位外,其他人看不到我。”
The new ruler knelt to receive the crown and the—Wondrous Being—stooped and kissed his forehead. She then turned to the assembled guests, extended her hands, and blessed them. Immediately—a soft rose colored—Light—filled the entire place—It being the Outpouring of Her Love to them. She blessed the former king and turning to his daughter held her in a fond embrace. To the younger son she extended her hand—and he kneeling—kissed it with deep reverence.
新统治者跪下接受加冕 —— 这位美妙的存有 —— 弯下腰亲吻他的额头。然后她转向所有聚集在这里的客人,伸出双手为他们祝福。即刻 —— 一种柔和的玫瑰色的圣光 —— 充满了整个空间 —— 这是她对他们爱的倾洒。她祝福了前任国王,然后转向他的女儿,深情地拥抱了她。她向小儿子伸出手 —— 小儿子跪下 —— 怀着深深地敬意亲吻了它。
The new king ascended the throne and bowed to his guests. Offering his arm to the Beautiful Being, he led the way to the banquet hall and here they celebrated the coronation by a feast. He gave the signal to be seated and then addressed them.
“My greatly beloved people,” he said, “I know there is but One Mighty ‘Presence’—God—in mankind and the Universe, governing all. It is my desire, as it ever has been, to so live that my mind and body are clear channels and perfect expressions of the—One Great Indwelling ‘Presence.’ May you my friends, my people, our land, and its activity be always blessed with God’s greatest love, peace, health, and happiness. May this empire—which is God’s domain— and of which we are but the custodians, continue in abundant prosperity. The Love of God in me shall always enfold you, and I ask God’s Eternal—’Light’—to raise you into His Divine Perfection.”
他说:“我敬爱的人民,我知道在人类和宇宙中只存在一位伟大的‘临在’ —— 神,主宰一切。我一如既往地渴望这么活着,让我的心智和身体成为 —— 合一伟大的内在‘临在’的清晰管道和完美表达。愿你们,我的朋友们、我的人民、我们的土地以及它的活动永远被神最伟大的爱、和平、健康和幸福所祝福。愿这个帝国 —— 也就是神的领域 —— 继续繁荣昌盛,而我们只是它的监护人。我内心对神的爱永远包围着你们,我祈求神的永恒 —— ‘圣光’ —— 把你们提升到他神圣的完美状态。”
As the banquet progressed, the Former King grew very pale. The new ruler signaled his brother who stepped to his father’s side, and assisted him to the private rooms of the royal family. The King lay down and remained motionless nearly four hours. His children, the Master Saint Germain, and the Beautiful Being remained at his side.
When the final moment of his earth span arrived, the Beautiful Being stepped forward to the head of the couch on which he lay, and addressed him, saying:
“Brother Inca—thou hast thought to leave thy form to the action of the four elements—but I say to thee—it shall be Raised—Transmuted—and Illumined—into that Eternal ‘Temple of God’ that expresses All Perfection. Thy great service has freed thee from the wheel of birth and death. Be thou—now—received by the Ascended Host of Light—with whom thou art forever—One.”
“印加兄弟 —— 你曾想过把你的形体留给四大元素,让它们来进行作用 —— 但我告诉你 —— 它会被提升、转化,并被照亮 —— 进入表达出所有完美的永恒‘神之殿堂’。你进行的伟大服务已经让你从生死之轮中解放出来。现在你被 —— 圣光的扬升之主接收 —— 你和他们永远是合一的存在。”
Slowly—the body began to fade from sight—dissolving into a fine mist—and then completely disappeared. Saint Germain turned to those who stood by.
慢慢地,他的身体开始从视线中淡化 —— 化作一团薄雾 —— 然后完全消失了。圣哲曼转向站在一旁的人。
“My work here is finished,” he said, and stepping forward, placed a ring—of most unusual design upon the third finger of the king’s right hand. Its jewel was a—miniature self-luminous globe—of some kind of precipitated substance—that looked like pearl, and directly within the center was a—tiny blue Flame. It was a focus of “Light”—the same as the globes Saint Germain had given the king’s father—with which the palace was lighted.
他说,“我在这里的工作已经完成了。”他走上前,把一枚设计极为特别的戒指戴在了国王右手的无名指上。上面镶嵌的宝石 —— 是一个小的自发光球体 —— 由某种沉降的物质构成 —— 看起来像是珍珠,它正中央是一团微小的蓝色火焰。这是“圣光”的聚焦点 —— 与圣哲曼曾经送给国王父亲的那颗 —— 照亮整个宫殿的球体相似。
“Accept this,” he continued, “from the—Master of the Golden City. It is his request—that you wear it upon your person—always.” Bidding them farewell and bowing graciously, he disappeared from sight.
“收下这个,”他继续说,“它来自黄金之城的大师。这是他的要求 —— 你要一直把它戴在身上。”向他们告别并优雅地鞠躬后,他从视线中消失了。
The Inca’s three children had perfect physical bodies, due—to the instruction they had received in childhood—from the Master Saint Germain, when he came daily from the Golden City to prepare them for their life service to the people. All had most beautiful golden hair and violet blue eyes. The two sons were fully six feet three inches in height and the daughter about five feet seven. There was a great natural dignity of bearing—suggesting the Inner Dominion, which they had gained under his instruction. When the elder son ascended the throne, he was sixty-eight years old, yet looked not more than twenty-five. Even at the time they left the earth—none looked more than that age. The new king reigned forty-seven years, living to the age of one hundred fifteen. The daughter lived to be one hundred thirteen and the younger son one hundred eleven.
“那位印加人的三个孩子有着完美的物质身体,这要归功于他们在童年时期接受过的圣哲曼大师的教导,那时他每天都从黄金之城来到这里,为他们终生为那里的人民服务进行着准备。他们都拥有最美丽的金色头发和蓝紫色眼睛。两个儿子有六尺三寸高,女儿约有五尺七。他们都散发出一种巨大的天然威严 —— 暗示着他们在圣哲曼的指导下获得的内在主宰。当长子即位时有六十八岁,但看上去不超过二十五岁。即便是当他们离开地球时 —— 没有一个人看起来超过二十五。新国王在位四十七年,活到了一百一十五岁。女儿活到了一百一十三岁,较年轻的儿子活到了一百一十一岁。”
The Incan people of that period were all dark eyed and dark haired—with skins like the American Indian. Those, who incarnated as the mass of the Incan people, were not souls of previous advanced knowledge, as was the case in some of the former civilizations such as Egypt, Atlantis, and the Sahara Desert. For this reason—the Great Host of Ascended Masters—who direct the evolution of humanity on this earth, placed the Incan ruler, his children, and the rest of the fourteen from the Golden City in charge of the government and its people—to establish the pattern—upon which the later activities were to be molded. They designed a form of government and a plan of development which—if adhered to—would have enabled the entire civilization to reach a great height of outer accomplishment—and at the same time—receive tremendous Inner Illumination.
那个时期的印加人都是黑眼睛和黑头发 —— 皮肤像美洲的印第安人。那些转世为印加人的民众,不是像埃及、亚特兰蒂斯和撒哈拉沙漠等之前文明中的那些拥有高等知识的灵魂。出于这个原因,伟大的扬升大师之主 —— 引导人类在地球上进化的存有们,任命了印加统治者、他的孩子,以及来自黄金之城十四位中的其他人来管理政府和它的子民 —— 建立一种模式 —— 之后的活动将以此模板为基础。他们设计了一种政府形态和发展计划,如果得到遵循 —— 那么整个文明就会达到外在成就的伟大巅峰 —— 同时获得巨大的内在启示。
As the time drew near to select a ruler from among the Incas themselves, to succeed the king and his assistants, great care was taken to choose those whose—Inner Growth was most advanced. Fourteen were found to take the places of those from the Golden City. The Beautiful Being had made herself visible to the king—every day—for forty-seven years, giving advice, and assistance through Her Radiation that wisdom and strength might be the directing power of the people.
随着人们要从印加人中选出一位统治者接替国王和他助手时间的临近,人们非常小心地选择那些 —— 内在成长最为进步的人。他们选出了十四人来替代来自黄金之城的人。在过去的四十七年来,那位美丽的存有 —— 每一天 —— 都让国王看到自己,通过她的照耀来给他提供建议和帮助,从而让智慧和勇气成为指导人们的力量。
The successors to the king and the fourteen from the Golden City were called into the presence of the much loved and wise ruler, and-the Beautiful Being—who had been invisible—made herself visible to all. The “Light” about her grew very bright—and she addressed them saying:
国王的继任者、以及来自黄金之城十四位存有的继任者被召集到备受爱戴且睿智的统治者面前,原本隐身存在的美丽存有 —— 让自己现身在他们所有人眼前。她周围的“圣光”变得非常明亮 —— 她对他们说:
“For over ninety years—the Great Ascended Masters of Light—have taught, enlightened, blessed, and prospered the people and this empire. The example is before you. If you follow it, all will continue to prosper and bless your land. If you do not keep the Love for the One Supreme God Self—first—in your hearts and acknowledge him—always—as the Ruler of the empire and its inhabitants, decay will set in, and the glorious perfection, enjoyed for over a century, will be forgotten. I commend you to the care of the Great Supreme ‘Presence’ in all. May he ever protect, direct, and enlighten you.”
“九十多年以来 —— 伟大的光之扬升大师 —— 一直教导、启发、祝福并繁荣这里的人民和这个帝国。榜样就在你面前。如果你效仿它,他们所有人会持续带来繁荣并祝福你的土地。如果你没有把对合一至高无上的神之自我放在你心中的首位,不去一直承认他作为这个帝国及其居民的统治者,衰败就会开始,享受了超过一个世纪的荣耀完美将会被遗忘。我嘱托你关注万物中至高无上的‘临在’,愿他永远保护、指引和启发你。”
Here—a visible proof of the existence of the—Inner God-Self—of each human being was revealed—to those who were to guide the destiny of the empire—during the succeeding years. This same example—will again be given—to the present people of America.
这里,每个人内在的 —— 神之自我 —— 存在的可见证据被揭示给那些即将指导帝国命运的人。同样的状况 —— 会再次呈现给 —— 现代的美国人民。
Then—in the presence of the new ruler and his associates—the king and the fourteen from the Golden City—stepped out of their bodies—and revealed—the Divine Self of each—visible—to all assembled. In a few moments the physical bodies disappeared—dissolving in ambient air.
然后,在新统治者和他伙伴面前 —— 国王和那十四位来自黄金之城的存有 —— 走出他们的身体 —— 展示了每个人的神之自我 —— 让所有聚集在场的人看到。片刻之后,肉体消失了 —— 消融在周围的空气中。
“Thus,” explained Saint Germain, “is revealed to you the record of another life, the blessing and achievement which results from—loving acceptance—of the Supreme ‘Presence’ of the One God-Self Within. Let us now go back to the Royal Teton.”
We returned to the entrance and passed forward to the audience chamber. There—on its walls—were the portraits done on gold—transferred from the ancient temple of Mitla. We went on to the record room, and saw the records carried by the Beautiful Glistening Beings. Other things too had been brought—which I have not permission—to reveal.
我们回到了入口,向前走到宴会厅。那里的墙壁上 —— 陈列的是黄金制作的雕像 —— 从古老的米特拉神庙转移而来的。我们继续走到档案室,看到了那些美丽闪耀的存有搬过来的记录。还有一些其他的东西也被带到这里 —— 不过我没有得到许可透露。
As these experiences ended, I realized at least partially, something of what Real Love is, for no one can possibly explain the—intense feeling of love and gratitude—one has for the—Ascended Masters—after being permitted the experiences I had passed through since—first meeting Saint Germain. It can never be put in words. There is only one overwhelming desire in Life—after such contact—and that is to “BE” what they are.
随着这些体验的终结,我至少部分地意识到什么是真正的爱,因为没有人可以解释清 —— 一个人对扬升大师的 —— 强烈爱与感激之情 —— 自从我第一次见到圣哲曼后,我得以经历如此多体验。它永远无法用语言表达出来。在这样的接触之后,生命中只存在一种无法抗拒的渴望 —— 那就是成为他们“所是”。
Then, one comes to realize what Jesus meant by the Father’s House, and where the home of the Soul—really is. Once he has really—even for the fraction of a second—experienced the Ecstatic Bliss Radiating from an Ascended Being—there is nothing in human experience he would not endure or sacrifice—in order to reach that height of attainment—and work for in order to express such Dominion and Love also.
然后,一个人开始真正意识到,耶稣所说的圣父殿堂意味着什么,以及灵魂之家的真正所在。一旦一个人真正的 —— 哪怕是只有几分之一秒 —— 体验到一位扬升存有身上散发出的那种极致喜悦 —— 那么为了到达那种成就的高度 —— 为了可以同样表达出那种主宰和爱 —— 在人类的体验中没有什么是他不能忍受或者去牺牲的。
One—Really knows—such Perfection—is—for all of God’s children and is as—Real—as Reality can be. Even the happiest life lived—by the average human being—is certainly the husks of existence, compared to the—Ascended State—of these Great Ones. The most beautiful and, so called perfect, creation of human beings with all their boasted power and accomplishment is coarse and crude, compared to the Freedom, Beauty, Glory and Perfection that is the—daily—continual—experience—of every one—who has raised the body—as Jesus did.
一个人真正知道这样的完美 —— 对所有的神之子来说都可以实现 —— 而且这种完美就像实相一样地真实。即便是普通人过得最幸福的生活,与这些伟大存有的扬升状态相比,也会成为存在的空壳。像耶稣那样提升了自己的身体的人,每天的日常生活就是体验自由、美丽、荣耀和完美,跟他们相比,人类夸夸其谈的那些创造,所谓的最美丽的完美创造也是相当粗糙和简陋的。
I was almost overwhelmed by a feeling of gratitude and love to Saint Germain, as it came time to return to my body. He realized how I felt and understood my position.
“My son,” he said, “you cannot receive what has not been earned. You deserve this and much more—which will become evident—as we advance. Remember, however, what seems mysterious—only appears so—because it is unexplained. When understood, all unusual occurrences will be found—natural—and according to—Law. The following Truth shall remain engraved on your memory forever. It is this:
他说:“我的孩子,你获得的是你值得得到的。你值得得到这些,还会有更多 —— 随着我们的进展,会越来越明显。要记住,看似神秘的东西 —— 只是表面上看起来如此 —— 因为它无法解释。当它被理解,所有不同寻常的事情都会被发现是自然而然的表达,是根据法则来运作的。下面的这个真理要永远铭刻在你的记忆中。它是:”
“Every one of God’s children who will—acknowledge and accept—the ‘Presence’ of the—One Mighty God—anchored Within his heart and brain—and feel that Truth deeply—many times a day, realizing and knowing God fills his mind and body—so full of—’Light’—there is no room for anything else—he can be free. The One All-Powerful ‘Presence’ is the Mighty Harmonious Activity of one’s Life and affairs, and if his attention be fixed firmly—with determination—on this Eternal Truth—no height of attainment is—too great—for him to reach.
“每一位神之子 —— 如果他承认并接受 —— 合一伟大之神的‘临在’ —— 并把‘临在’锚定在他的内心和大脑中 —— 同时在一天之中深深地感受这种真实感,去领悟并知晓神充满了他的心智和身体 —— 满满都是‘圣光’ —— 没有空间容纳其他任何东西 —— 那么他就会获得自由。合一全能的‘临在’是一个人生命和事务中的伟大和谐活动,凭借着坚定的决心,如果他把注意力牢牢地绑定在这个永恒的真理上 —— 那么就没有什么成就过于伟大,让他无法达到。”
“There is but—One Source and Principle of Life—to which we should give our undivided attention—that is the—God Self—Within—every—individual. To the Great Harmonious Self—the personal self should give—conscious recognition at all times—and keep in constant Inner Communion with It—no matter what the outer activity of the mind is.
“只存在一个生命之源 —— 我们应该把自己的注意力全部给它 —— 那就是每个人内在的神之自我。对于伟大和谐的自我来说 —— 人格自我应该总是有意识地承认它 —— 并且与它保持持续的内在沟通 —— 不论心智的外在活动是什么。”
“This One Great Self is the Life-Energy flowing through every human body each moment—by Which—all—are enabled to move about in the world of form. It is the Wisdom flowing through the mind—the Will directing all constructive activities—the Courage and Strength sustaining every one—the Feeling of Divine Love with Which—all force—can be qualified as it flows through the individual—and the Only Power—that can ever accomplish any good thing. It is the—All-Victorious, Conscious Dominion—over every condition of human activity, when released through the personal self—without resistance or interruption.
“这个合一的伟大自我是每时每刻流经每个人身体的生命能量流 —— 通过它 —— 万物得以在有形态的世界中活动。它是流经心智的智慧 —— 是指导所有建设性活动的意志 —— 是支撑每个人的勇气和力量 —— 是神圣之爱的感觉,当它流经一个人的时候,可以去限定所有的能量 —— 它也是可以完成任何好事的唯一力量。当通过个人自我 —— 不受抵抗或中断地 —— 来释放这种能量时,它就成为了人类活动每一种状况中全胜的、有意识的主宰。”
“This Mighty God Self is Within you, is the Supreme Ruler of all creation, and the only Dependable, Permanent and Eternal Source of Help in existence. Only through—Its—Love, Wisdom, and Power can anyone ever rise into the Ascended Mastery—for constant—conscious—communion—with It—is Freedom—and Dominion over all human creation. When I say human creation—I mean all that is discordant and less than Perfect.”
“这种伟大的神之自我就在你内在,它是所有创造的至高统领,也是存在中唯一可靠、永久、永恒帮助的源泉。只有通过它的爱、智慧和力量,一个人才可以进入扬升的主宰中 —— 因为与它持续地有意识的交流可以带来超越所有人类创造的自由和统领。当我说人类创造时 —— 我是指所有不和谐不完美的东西。”
We returned to my body, and as soon as I had reentered it, Saint Germain took my hands and poured a stream of his Divine Energy through me to sustain and give strength. I instantly felt revivified in both mind and body. I sat down, fixed my attention with deep intensity upon my own God “Presence,” and offered up a prayer of gratitude for the tremendous blessings I had been privileged to receive. He bowed graciously and disappeared.
A SHORT time later, I was working intently one evening, when I heard Saint Germain’s voice distinctly.
“Be ready,” he said, “tonight at nine o’clock, and I will come for you.”
I was alert in an instant, hurried through my work, bathed, and was preparing for an early dinner.
“I will bring you the proper nourishment,” he explained, so I waited and entered into the deepest meditation of which I could be aware, recognizing only—God’s Perfect Manifestation.
“我会给你带来合适的滋养食物,”他解释说,因此我等待着,并进入了我能意识到的最深冥想之中,只承认 —— 神之完美显化的存在。
Promptly at nine o’clock, he appeared in my room—wearing garments of Glistening Metallic-like Substance that looked, as if made of burnished steel—but felt like a combination of very soft silk and rubber—extremely light in weight. I touched the beautiful, wonderful fabric and was so fascinated that—I stepped forth from my physical body, and was unaware of it, until I turned and saw it lying in bed. Stepping forward to a large mirror in the door, I saw—my—garments were exactly like those of Saint Germain. I wondered at this, and did not understand—why they were different from the—ones—in which we had gone forth before. He saw that question in my mind and answered it.
九点整,他出现在我房间 —— 穿着闪闪发光的看起来像金属材质的衣服,就像是由抛光的钢铁制作而成 —— 可是感觉起来又像非常柔软的丝绸与橡胶的混合物 —— 质地很轻。我触摸了那美丽奇妙的布料,被深深吸引住了 —— 不知不觉中,我从物质身体中走了出来,直至我转过身看到肉体躺在床上。走到门口的一面大镜子前,我看到我穿着跟圣哲曼一模一样的衣服。我对此好奇,而且不理解 —— 为什么 —— 它们跟我们之前所穿不同。他在我心智中看到了这个问题,回答了我。
“Try to realize, my son, that in the—Ascended Condition of Life—we are—always free—to use the Pure, Universal Substance for whatever purpose we choose, and give it any specific quality—we desire—for the requirement at hand.
“我的孩子,试着去了解,在生命的扬升状态中 —— 为了达成我们选择承担的任务,我们总是自由地使用纯粹的宇宙材质,并根据我们希望的 —— 来赋予它任何特定的特质 —— 满足完成任务所需。”
“If we wish to use material that is—imperishable—we impose that quality upon the Pure, Universal Substance, and It—responds accordingly. If we wish a form to be manifest only a definite length of time, we give the Substance, of which it is composed—that quality or command—and the form manifests accordingly. In the present instance, we are going to pass—through water—and the Radiation from the material in your garment so surrounds your finer body—as to insulate you from the natural qualities and activities—of the water element.
“如果我们想要使用不会腐败的材料 —— 我们就会赋予纯粹宇宙材质以那种特质,它就会做出相应的回应。如果我们希望一种形态只出现一段特定的时间,我们就会给予构成那种形态的材质以这种命令或特质 —— 然后相应的形态就会显化出来。比如在当前的状况中,我们要去穿越水域 —— 你穿着衣服材质的辐射会包围着你更精微的身体 —— 从而让你与水元素的自然特质和活动隔离开来。”
“Try to think upon this Power, which is—within—you. Call into use the great sea of Universal Substance from which you may draw without limit. It obeys—without exception—the direction of thought, and records any quality imposed upon it, through the activity of the—feeling nature in mankind.
“Universal Substance is—obedient—to your conscious will at—all—times. It is constantly responding to humanity’s thought and feeling—whether they realize it or not. There is no instant—at which human beings are not giving—This Substance—one quality or another, and it is only through the—knowledge that the individual has conscious control and manipulation of a limitless sea of It—that he begins to understand—the possibilities of his own Creative Powers, and the—responsibilities—resting upon him in the—use—of his thought and feeling.
“宇宙材质 —— 总是服从于你有意识的意志。不论人们是否意识到 —— 它总是不断地回应人类的想法和感觉。人们没有一刻不去给予这种物质以某种特质,只有通过这样的知识,即一个人有意识地控制和主宰宇宙材质的无限海洋 —— 他才会开始理解自己创造力量的可能性,以及他在使用他的想法和感觉时所肩负的责任。”
“Mankind—through the centuries has qualified the Universal Substance with perishability and limitation—and the bodies it uses today are expressing—those characteristics. The entire human race has storms of hate, anger, revenge et cetera within its feelings—and the four elements—which have recorded those qualities—return them to man through the world of nature—as storms. The people of earth have cataclysms of thought and feeling—as resentment against each other, against injustice, against places and things—knowingly and unknowingly sending out the feeling of—revenge. The great sea of Universal Substance—upon which these qualities have been recorded—and imposed—expresses them back to their source—the individual—by means of the four elements—as cataclysms—in Nature.
“几个世纪以来,人类赋予宇宙材质以枯萎和限制的特质 —— 人类使用的身体正表达出这些特性。整个人类的情感中充满了仇恨、愤怒、报复等情绪风暴 —— 四大元素记录下了这些特质 —— 通过大自然中的风暴 —— 它们返回到人类身上。地球上的人们拥有着灾难性的思想和情感 —— 比如怨恨彼此、抱怨不公平、憎恶某些地方和事物 —— 他们有意或者无意地散发出报复的感觉。这些特质被记录在了 —— 宇宙材质的浩瀚海洋中 —— 并在自然界四大元素中以灾难的形式返回发出它们的源头个体。”
“Such activities are but Nature’s ways of purifying and shaking herself—free—from the contamination of—human—discordant thought and feeling, and returning—to her Pristine Condition—of God’s Purity.
“这些活动是大自然净化和提升她自己的方式 —— 摆脱人类不和谐思想和感觉的污染,返回到她神之纯净的原始状态。”
“Every moment, each individual is receiving into his—mind and body—the Pure and Perfect Life of God. Each moment, he is also giving quality of some kind to the Pure Universal Substance of God. This quality—he alone creates and generates—and he must receive it back into—his mind and body—for all things in the Universe move in circles, and thus, return unto their—source.
“每时每刻,每一个人都会接收到神之纯洁和完美的生命到他的心智和身体中。每时每刻,他也在赋予神纯粹的宇宙材质以某种特质。这种特质是他自己创造和产生的 —— 他一定会接收到这种特质返回自己的心智和身体中 —— 因为宇宙中的万物都在循环运动中,并回归到它们的源头。”
“The Ascended Masters—have learned the—’Law of the Circle’—’The Law of the One.’ Hence, we impose upon the Pure Universal Substance—only—the quality we wish to use, for the special work in hand. If we desire a manifestation to express a certain length of time—we set the time—give the command—and the Substance of which that special manifestation is composed—responds accordingly.
“扬升大师们已经掌握了 —— ‘循环法则’—— ‘合一法则’。因此,我们只会把我们希望使用的特质加到纯粹的宇宙材质中,用于手头的特殊工作。如果我们希望一种形态只出现一段特定的时间,我们就会设定时间并给出命令 —— 然后由这种特质构成的相应形态就会显化出来。”
“In the case of the records—at the Royal Teton—and certain retreats throughout the world—it is necessary for our work—that certain things be made imperishable, in order to be maintained during the centuries. We decree—that quality—into them, and they record exactly our decree, for—Nature never lies. She is a Truthful recorder of the qualities playing upon Her. She obeys us, and also obeys man, but there is a certain activity within Her—that mankind is either in ignorance of—or else stubbornly refuses—to acknowledge. For this ignorance and stubbornness—it pays—and pays—and pays—continually, until the individual personal self learns and does acknowledge—this—Fundamental Eternal Truth: It is—’The Law of the One’—’The Law of Love’—’The Law of Harmony’—’The Law of the Circle’—’The Law of Perfection.’
“就那些在提顿王室以及世界各地隐蔽之处的记录而言,对我们的工作来说 —— 有必要让某些东西不腐败,从而在之后时代中保存下来。我们向材质发出 —— 拥有这种特质的指令,它们就准确地记录下我们的命令,因为 —— 自然从不说谎。她是在她身上发挥着作用特质的真实记录者。她服从于我们,也服从于人类,不过在她内在有一种特殊的活动 —— 人们要么是无知 —— 要么就是顽固地拒绝承认。对于这种无知和顽固,人类不断地付出代价 —— 付出代价 —— 付出代价,直至个人自我学习并认可这一 —— 基本永恒真理:它是 ——‘合一法则’——‘爱之法则’——‘和谐法则’——‘循环法则’——‘完美法则’。”
“When humanity really does learn that ‘Fact’ and obeys—Its Everlasting Decree—the discords of earth and the destructive activities of the four elements—will cease.
“当人类真正地学习了这一‘真理’并服从 —— 它永恒的指令 —— 那么地球的不和谐以及四大元素的破坏性活动 —— 将会停止。”
“There is a Self-generating and Self-purifying Force within Nature that rises, and throws off all that disagrees with the—’Law of the One.’ This force or Energy is a Pushing Activity from within out, and is—the One Power—expanding. If discord is imposed upon Pure Universal Substance, the electronic energy becomes temporarily damned up within it. When such accumulated energy reaches a certain pressure—expansion takes place—shattering the discord and limitation. Thus, ‘The Great Life of the One.’—’The Ever-Expanding Luminous Essence of Creation’—’God in Action’—overpowers whatever seeks to oppose It, and goes on Its appointed Way the—Supreme Ruler—of the Universe. The Ascended Masters of Light—know this—and are ‘One’ with that knowledge.
“自然界中存在着自我产生和自我净化的力量,它会升起,并抛掉所有不与‘合一法则’校准的一切。这种力量或者能量是一种由内向外推动的活动,是一直拓展的 —— 合一力量。如果不和谐的特质被施加到纯粹的宇宙材质上,其中的电子能量会暂时性地被破坏。当这种积累的能量达到一定压力时 —— 就会发生扩张 —— 打破所有的不和谐和限制。因此,‘合一的伟大生命’——‘永恒拓展的创造光之精华’——‘行动中的神’—— 会超越一切试图反对它的东西,并继续根据宇宙的至高统治者指定的道路前进。光之扬升大师 —— 知道这一点 —— 并与这种知识是‘合一’的。”
“Mankind may know it, and be at ‘One’ also—if they only will. It is within the capabilities and possibilities of every individual—for It is the Innate Eternal Principle—Within—Self-Conscious Life. All human beings are—Self-Conscious Life. This Principle plays no favorites, and—all—can express Its fulness—if they really so desire.
“人类或许也知道这一点,并且也处于‘合一’之中 —— 如果他们愿意的话。它在每个个体的能力和可能性范围内 —— 因为这是拥有自我意识的生命内在的永恒法则。所有的人类都是拥有自我意识的生命。这个法则没有偏爱,如果人们真的愿意的话,所有人都可以表达出它的全部。“
“Within the—Life—of every human being is the—Power—by which he can express—all—that the—Ascended Masters express—every moment—if he but chooses to do so. All Life contains—Will—but only—Self-Conscious Life—is free to determine—upon its own course of expression. Hence, the individual has—free choice—to express either in the human, limited body or the—Super-Human, Divine Body. He is the chooser of his own—field of expression. He is the Self-determining—Creator. He has willed and chosen to live as—Self-Conscious Life.
“在每个人的生命中都存在着这种力量 —— 如果他选择这么做的话 —— 他可以表达出扬升大师在每时每刻表达出的一切。所有生命中都包含了 —— 意志 —— 但是只有拥有自我意识的生命才可以自由地去决定 —— 它自己的表达路径。因此,个体可以自由选择在人类受限的身体中进行表达,或是在超人类神圣的身体中表达。他是自己表达领域的决定者。他是自我决定的创造者。他愿意并选择过 —— 拥有自我意识生命的生活。“
“When one individualizes—within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life he chooses of his own free will to become an—intensified individual focus—of Self-Conscious Intelligence. He is the conscious director of his future activities. Thus, having once made his choice—he is the—only one—who can fulfill that destiny—which is—not inflexible circumstance—but a definitely—designed—plan of Perfection. It is—a blue print—which he elects to express in the realm of form and action. So you see, my son, a human being may at any time determine to rise out of his human qualities or limitations—and if he will give—all—of his Life, his Energy, to that determination he will succeed. Those of us who have raised the body accomplished the—’Ascension’—by giving—all—unto the God-Self Within—and hence, It expresses through us Its Perfect Qualities—’The Divine Plan of Life.’ Come, let us go.”
“当一个个体在绝对、无所不在的生命中达成个体化时,通过自己的自由意志,他选择成为拥有自我意识的智能 —— 强化的个体聚焦点。他是自己未来活动的有意识的指导者。因此,一旦做出了他的选择 —— 他是唯一可以实现他使命的人 —— 这不是一成不变的状况 —— 而是一个明确的设计好的完美计划。这是一个蓝图,他选择在形态和行动的领域中进行表达。所以你看,我的孩子,一个人可以在任何时候下决心超越他的人格特性或局限 —— 如果他愿意把他全部的生命、能量投入到那个决心之中,他就会成功。我们中的这些已经提升身体达成 —— ‘扬升’的人 —— 通过把所有一切交给内在的神之自我,因此它通过我们表达出了它完美的特质 —— ‘生命的神圣计划’。来,我们走。”
As we started on our journey, I was conscious of going south and east. We passed over Salt Lake City, New Orleans, the Gulf of Mexico, The Bahama Islands, and then came to a silver ribbon which I knew to be a river. This we followed to its mouth. As we proceeded the God-Voice Within me said:
“It is the Amazon.”
“Now, be conscious,” instructed Saint Germain, “that the God in you is always directing and—Master—of every situation.”
圣哲曼教导说,“现在,要意识到你内在的神总是在指引并 —— 主宰 —— 每一种状况。”
Just at that moment, we began to descend, and in an instant touched the surface of the water. It seemed firm—as solid earth—under our feet, and I experienced a feeling of surprise at the contact. He explained further—that we could go under water quite as well as to remain on top—for the garments we wore—radiated a protective aura—for a considerable distance around our bodies—and contained the conditions we needed—which enabled us to explore the subterranean stratas of earth and things—under water.
就在这时,我们开始下沉,我们瞬间就碰到了水面。我们的脚下似乎很坚固 —— 就像坚实的大地一样,接触到的一瞬间我感到很惊讶。他进一步解释说 —— 我们既可以潜入水下,也可以留在水面上 —— 因为我们穿着的衣服 —— 散发出一种保护性的光环 —— 可以围绕着我们的身体延伸出相当长的距离 —— 同时包含我们需要的条件 —— 让我们可以探索地球地表之下和水下的区域。
“This,” he continued, “is due to what the scientific world would call—an ‘electrical force-field’ around our bodies—but the electronic force with which these garments are charged—is of a higher, finer electricity than that known in your-physical world. Some day, even your men of science—will stumble upon it and realize—it has always existed in the atmosphere—but they have not known how—to direct and control it—for the service of mankind.
他继续说,“这是因为科学界所谓的 —— 电力场 —— 环绕着我们的身体,但是这些衣服携带的电力要比你们物质世界已知的更高、更精微。有一天,你们的科学家 —— 会偶然发现它,并意识到 —— 它一直存在于大气中 —— 但是他们并不知道如何 —— 去指挥和使用它 —— 用于人类的服务。”
“It is much more easily directed—by the mind—than by physical apparatus of any kind, yet it can be drawn and controlled through mechanical means. That which the outer world knows as—electricity—is but a crude form of the—Great Spiritual Energy of Life. It exists throughout Creation. As man raises and keeps his consciousness in contact with his Inner God-Self, he will become aware of the gigantic possibilities in the use of this higher power and force. Its service to him is—Infinite—in the creative work that he can do in all phases of activity.”
“使用心智进行引导,要比任何类型的物理设备要容易的多,不过,它也可以通过机械手段来引导和控制。外部世界所知道的 —— 电 —— 仅仅是伟大生命灵性能量的 —— 一种粗糙形态。伟大生命灵性能量存在于整个创造过程。当人提升并让他的意识与自己内在的神之自我保持连接时,他就会意识到使用这种高等力量和能量的巨大可能性。在他可能做的创造性活动的所有阶段中,这种能量都可以为他提供无限的服务。”
We then entered the water, passing through it with—no resistance—at all. I was slightly startled at the novelty of the experience but remembered instantly the admonition to be conscious only of the—God Within me—as the Master—of every condition. Presently, we came near the shore and passed over many crocodiles—who saw us—but were undisturbed by our presence. Proceeding inland, we came to what looked like the top of a monument.
然后我们进入水中,毫无阻力地穿过它。我对这种新奇的体验略感惊讶,但是马上回想起那句劝诫,即只对内在的神产生意识觉知,并让他成为每一种状况的主宰者。当前,我们靠近岸边走,路过很多鳄鱼 —— 它们看到了我们 —— 但是并没有被我们的存在打扰。我们继续向内陆前进,来到了一个看起来像是纪念碑顶部的地方。
“This is the top of a sixty foot obelisk,” explained Saint Germain. “There is only about ten feet above ground. It marked the highest point in a city of importance that was buried during the last cataclysm—when Atlantis was submerged. The obelisk is made of Imperishable metal and covered with hieroglyphics of that period. Notice, they are—very clear and will remain so—because of the Indestructibility of the metal. The city was originally built ten miles from the edge of the river—but at the time it was submerged—the mouth of the river was widened many miles.”
“这是一座六十英尺的方尖碑顶部,”圣哲曼解释说。“这里距离地面只有大约十英尺的距离。它标志着上一次大灾难 —— 也就是亚特兰蒂斯沉没时,一座被掩埋的重要城市的最高点。方尖碑由不会腐烂的金属制成,上面覆盖的是那个时期的象形文字。注意,它们非常清晰,并且会这样保持下去 —— 因为那些金属经久不衰。这座城市最初建立在离河边十英里的地方 —— 但是当它被淹没时 —— 河口被拓宽了很多英里。”
We raised above the earth, and passed forward, following the Amazon to a point—fifty-six degrees west longitude. There, we took observations, and then proceeded to a point—seventy degrees west. Saint Germain explained—here was the locality for further observation and research. The section he indicated—covered the Amazon between these two points, and also two of its principle tributaries, the Jurua and Madeira rivers.
我们从地面升起,继续前进。沿着亚马逊河到达西经五十六度的一个地方。在那里我们进行了观察,然后前进到一个地方 —— 西经七十度。圣哲曼解释说 —— 这里是进一步观察研究的地方。他指着的位置 —— 是指这两个地方之间的亚马逊河区域,以及它的两条主要支流,朱鲁阿河和马德拉河。
“This civilization,” said Saint Germain, “was built during the period—between twelve and fourteen thousand years ago. The portion of the country we are concerned with is that section reaching from where—the Madeira River empties into the Amazon—to a point west—where the Amazon touches Columbia and Peru.
“Thirteen thousand years ago, the Amazon—was held within great dykes of stone. The entire country around it lay at an altitude of at least five thousand feet, and instead of the tropical climate it has today, a semi-tropical temperature existed the year round.
“For a great distance in this locality, the country formed a table land or plateau. Near the mouth of the Amazon were wide beautiful falls. The city, in which the obelisk stood, was built between the falls and the sea coast—about ten miles south of the river. There were great reptiles and vicious animals to be found in the Orinoco River—to the north.” We came to a place near the Madeira River, and Saint Germain continued:
“这个国家在这个位置建立了一个巨大的台地或是平地。在亚马逊河口处是宽大美丽的瀑布。方尖碑所在城市,位于瀑布和海岸之间 —— 大约是河流南部数十英里的距离。那时从奥里诺科河一直向北,可以看到大量爬行动物和凶猛的动物。” 我们来到靠近马德拉河的地方,圣哲曼继续说道:
“This is the site of an ancient city—the capital of the empire and most important place in the civilization of that period.” Here, he raised his hand, and it became as clearly visible, as any physical city is today.
“这是一座古城遗址 —— 帝国的首都,也是那个时期文明最重要的地方。”说到这里,他举起手,这里的景象变得清晰可见,就像是现代的任何一座物质层面的城市那样。
“Notice,” he explained, “how it was built in a series of circles and the business streets go out from its center, like the spokes from the hub of a wheel. The outer circles were pleasure drives built every third mile. There were seven of these making the city forty-six miles in diameter including the central circle. Thus, the business activities did not interfere with the beauty and convenience of the drives.
“The inmost circle was four miles in diameter, and within it were placed the executive buildings of the whole empire. The streets were all beautifully paved, and constructed eighteen inches to two feet below the surrounding buildings and grounds. They were flooded every morning, and washed thoroughly clean before the activities of the day began.
“Observe, the unusual magnificence of the pleasure drives, and how gorgeously beautiful were the plants and flowers forming the banks on both sides. One very predominant feature of their architectural design was that on the top floor of almost all the buildings, especially residences, were built adjustable domes. These could be opened or closed at will—as they were constructed in four sections and arranged so as to serve—for either sleeping or entertaining purposes. The days were never uncomfortably warm, and at evening the wonderful cool air from the mountains came as regularly as day appeared.”
“仔细观察,这些休闲车道异常壮观,车道旁的植物和花卉是多么美丽。他们建筑设计的一个非常显著的特点是,几乎所有建筑物的顶层,尤其是住宅,建造了可调节的圆顶。这些圆顶可以根据意愿打开或者关闭 —— 因为它们由四个部分构建而成,如此安排是为了用于睡眠或者娱乐休闲。白天从来不会温暖得让人不舒服,夜晚的时候美妙凉爽的空气从群山中吹来,有如日出般那么规律。”
We entered the capital, an enormous structure of great beauty. The interior was finished in cream colored marble veined in green, and the floor, made of a dark moss green stone resembling jade in its texture, had been laid—so perfectly—as to seem almost like one piece. There were large tables in the rotunda—of the same kind of green stone as the floor—but lighter in shade. These had heavy bronze pedestals placed about three feet from each end. Here, Saint Germain again held out his hand—and we were among living people—moving through the buildings and grounds.
我们走进首都,那是一座巨大而美丽的建筑。内部用带有绿色脉络的奶油色大理石装饰,地板是用质地类似玉石的深苔藓绿色石头铺设的,铺设得非常完美 —— 看上去就像是一整块大石头。圆形的大厅里有几张大桌子 —— 与铺地板的石头是同样种类 —— 不过颜色稍浅。它们有着沉重的青铜基座,每个之间的距离大约三英尺。这里,圣哲曼再次伸出他的手 —— 我们就位于了来来往往的人们中间 —— 他们在建筑物和庭院之间行走着。
I held my breath astonished—for I saw an entire race of golden haired people—with beautiful pink and white complexions. The men stood fully six feet two to six feet four inches in height and the women averaged about five feet ten. Their eyes were a most beautiful violet blue, very clear and brilliant, expressing great, calm Intelligence. We passed through a door at our right, and entered the throne-room of the emperor. It was evidently his audience day—for he was receiving foreign and local guests.
我惊讶得屏住呼吸 —— 因为我看到整个种族都是金发 —— 他们的肤色是粉红透白。男性站立时身高有六英尺二英寸到六英尺四英寸,女人们的平均身高约为五英尺十英寸。他们的眼睛是最美丽的蓝紫色,非常清澈透亮,透露着伟大沉着的智慧。我们穿越了右手边的一扇门,进入了帝王的宝座室。这一天显然是他的接待日 —— 因为他接待了外国和当地的客人。
“This was the emperor, Casimir Poseidon,” said Saint Germain, in explanation. “He was truly God Incarnate. Note the kindly nobility of his face and—yet the tremendous power within him. He—was and is—an Ascended Master—Blessed and greatly beloved. For many centuries in myth and fable his memory was kept alive and the perfection of his kingdom described in epic poems, but as time passes into eternity the memory of such great accomplishments fades, and is often forgotten by succeeding generations.”
“这位是帝王,卡西米尔·波塞冬,”圣哲曼解释道。“他是真正神的化身。注意他脸上慈祥的高贵 —— 他的内心也拥有着巨大的力量。他 —— 曾经是,现在也是 —— 受到祝福和爱戴的 —— 扬升大师。许多世纪以来,在神话和寓言中,有关他的记忆一直很鲜活,他的王国在史诗描述中是完美的存在,但是随着时间的流逝,人们对这些伟大成就的记忆逐渐模糊,在随后时代常被遗忘。”
Casimir Poseidon was every inch a Magnificent Ruler. He was fully six feet four inches in height, well built and straight as an arrow. When he stood, he towered above those around him and—the very atmosphere seemed charged—with Mastery. His golden hair was heavy and hung full to the shoulders. The royal robe was made of a material that looked like violet colored silk velvet trimmed in gold and under it he wore a close fitting garment of soft golden fabric. His crown was a simple band of gold with—an immense diamond—in the center of the forehead.
卡西米尔·波塞冬在各个领域都是一位伟大的统治者。他足足有六英尺四英寸高,身材魁梧,笔直如箭。当他站立时,高高在上,整个空气中似乎充满了 —— 他的主宰。他金色的头发很稠密,一直垂到肩膀上。王室外袍的衣料看起来像是用黄金剪裁的紫罗兰色丝绸天鹅绒,里面是一件柔软金色面料的贴身长袍。他的皇冠是一条简单的金带,额头中央的位置镶嵌着一颗巨大的钻石。
“These people,” said Saint Germain, “were in direct contact with all parts of the world through marvelous aerial navigation that had been brought forth for their use. All light, heat and power were taken directly—from the atmosphere. Atlantis—during this period—was in a wonderful state of progress—because she had been governed and—shown the way to Perfection by various Ascended Masters—appearing from time to time and—ruling for the spiritual uplift of the people.
“这些人,”圣哲曼说,“通过专供他们使用的神奇空中导航科技,可以与世界各地直接接触。所有的光能、热能和电能都是从大气中直接获取的。亚特兰蒂斯 —— 在这个时期 —— 还处于一个美妙的进步状态 —— 因为她受很多扬升大师管理,并展示了通往完美的道路 —— 扬升大师们时不时地出现 —— 为人们的灵性提升而统治。”
“Again and again all the way down the ages, whenever a great civilization has arisen it has been founded—on Spiritual Principles in the beginning—and maintained obedience to those Laws of Life—during the time of its ascendency. However, the moment any government or the people themselves begin to drift into lax ways, so that injustice and the unclean use of Life become habits either of officials or the people—disintegration begins and continues—until they either return—to the Fundamental Laws of Balance and Purity—or are wiped out by their own discord, that—the Balance may be re-established—and a new start given.
“古往今来,每当一个伟大文明出现时,它最初都是建立在 —— 灵性法则之上 —— 在它的上升时期,保持着对这些生命法则的服从。然而,不论在什么时刻,当政府或者人民自己开始变得松懈,对生命能量不公平和不洁净地使用成为了官员或者人民的习惯后 —— 衰退就开始了,并会持续下去 —— 一直到他们回归到平衡和纯洁的基本法则之中 —— 又或者,他们会被自己的不和谐所消灭,这样平衡或许会重新建立 —— 并从全新开始。”
“Casimir Poseidon was a direct descendant—of the Mighty Ascended Master Rulers of Atlantis. In fact, the civilization over which he ruled was—a child of the Atlantean culture and attainment. His capital city was famous throughout the world—for its magnificence and beauty.
“卡西米尔·波塞冬是亚特兰蒂斯伟大扬升大师统治者的直系后裔。事实上,他所统治的文明是 —— 亚特兰蒂斯文明和成就的产物。他帝国的首都闻名于世 —— 因为它的恢弘和美丽。”
“As the rural districts are shown, watch the method by which objects are transported—for the power these people used was generated in an instrument-like box—two feet square and three feet long—attached to the mechanism of the implement in use. The water supply from the streams was placed under control and its power also utilized. There was no need for police or military organization of any kind because of the method—by which the people were reminded of—’The Law’—and the wonderful sustaining power that was radiated—enabling them to give obedience unto It.”
“正如在乡村地区所展示,观察那些物品运输的方法 —— 这些人使用的动力是在一个仪器状的盒子里产生的 —— 两英尺见方,三英尺长 —— 连接到所使用工具的机械装置上。来自溪流的水源供应也在控制之中,水流的能量得到利用。不需要任何形式的警察或者军事机构,因为通过提醒人们“法则”运作的方法 —— 以及散发出的美妙加持能量 —— 让人们能够去遵从法则。”
To the east in the park, stood a magnificent building. We approached it. Over the entrance were placed the words—”God’s Living Temple To Man.” We entered, and found it much larger within than seemed apparent from the outside. There must have been seating capacity for at least—ten thousand people.
庭院的东面,矗立着一座宏伟的建筑。我们走向它。入口上方放置着这样的字 —— “神赐予人类的生命殿堂。”我们走了进去,发现从里面看要比外面看上去大得多。这里有至少可以容纳一万人的座位。
In the center of this immense temple—stood a pedestal about two feet square and twenty high—made of a Self-luminous milk-white Substance—that gave off—a White Light—with a breath of pink in it. Upon it stood—a crystal globe—two feet in diameter made of some kind of—Substance—holding a soft Self-luminous White Light—within. It was very soft, and yet so—Intensely Luminous—that the entire building was brilliantly lighted.
在这座巨大殿堂的中央 —— 矗立着一个大约两英尺见方、二十英尺高的底座 —— 它是由自发光的乳白物质构成 —— 发出白色的光 —— 带着粉红色的气息。它的上方立着一个 —— 水晶球 —— 直径两英尺,由某种内部持有柔和的白色光芒物质构成。它非常柔和,但是同时发出的光又如此明亮 —— 整栋建筑都被照亮了。
“That sphere,” remarked Saint Germain, “was made of a Precipitated Material enclosing an Intense Focus of ‘Light.’ It was drawn—and placed in the temple at that period, by one of the—Great Cosmic Masters—as a sustaining and Life-giving activity for the People. It continually sent forth not only the—’Light’—but an Energy and Power which stabilized their activities and the empire.
“那个球体,”圣哲曼评论说,“是由沉降的材料制成,是包裹着强烈‘圣光’的聚焦点。它是在那个时期由一位伟大的宇宙大师显化出的 —— 用于人们的加持以及赋予生命的活动。它不仅仅持续地发出 —— ‘圣光’—— 而且发出可以稳定人们活动和帝国的能量与力量。”
“The sphere of ‘Light’ was focused by the—Great Being—and the building erected around it afterward. It was—really—a Precipitated Focus and Concentrated Activity of the Supreme God ‘Presence.’ The Great Cosmic Master—who established It—appeared once a month beside the ‘Light’ and proclaimed ‘The Law of God’—’The Law of Government’—and The Law of Man.’ Thus, he decreed—the Divine Way of Life—and was the Focus of the Christ Activity—for the people of that Age.”
“球体的‘圣光’被伟大的存有所聚焦,随后在它的周围建立起了这座建筑。它真的是至高神之‘临在’沉降下来的聚焦点和集中活动中心。打造它的 —— 伟大的宇宙大师 —— 每月一次出现在‘圣光’旁边,并宣告‘神之法则’——‘政府法则’—— 还有‘人类法则’。因此,他为那个时代的人们颁布了神圣的生活方式,并成为了基督活动的聚焦点。”
Here, Saint Germain stretched forth his hand again, and living, talking pictures of this—Great Being—passed before us. It is absolutely impossible to describe in words the—Glory—of that “Presence.” I can only say—he was truly the—Son of God—in Perfect Expression. In a moment, I heard the—Great Cosmic Master—proclaiming—”The Law”—to the people.
在这里,圣哲曼再次伸出他的手,这位伟大存栩栩如生的动态场景 —— 展示在我们眼前。绝不可能用语言来描述那位“临在”的荣耀。我能说的是,他是真正 —— 神之子的完美表达。在那一刻,我听到 —— 这位伟大的宇宙导师 —— 在向人们宣告“法则”。
The Record and Majesty of his “Presence” and “Decree” are burned into my memory for eternity—so clearly do they remain in my consciousness. I give His Decree to you—just as it still stands before me.
他“临在”和“喻令”的画面与威严永远地铭刻在我的记忆中 —— 它们清晰地保留在了我的意识中。我把他的喻令展示给你们 —— 就像这喻令在我面前一样。
“Beloved Children of the One Mighty God—knowest thou not the Life thou art using is from the ‘One Supreme Presence’—Eternally Pure, Holy, and Perfect? If thou dost aught to mar the Beauty and Perfection of that—One Life—thou cuttest thyself off from the Gifts of Thy God. Thy Life is the—Sacred Jewel—of Thy God’s Love—the ‘Source’ of the Secrets of the Universe.
“合一伟大神的爱子 —— 你们难道不知道你们正在使用的生命是来自‘合一至高的临在’—— 永恒的纯洁、圣洁和完美吗?如果你们做了任何破坏 —— 合一生命 —— 美丽和完美的事情,你们就是在切断自己与神的恩赐之间的连结。你的生命是 —— 神之爱的神圣宝石 —— 神之爱是宇宙奥秘的‘源头’。”
“Thy God dost trust thee with—His Own Heart’s ‘Light.’ Cherish It—Adore It—and let It ever expand unto greater—Light—and greater—Glory. Thy Life is the—Pearl of Great Price. Thou art the—Keeper of God’s wealth. See thou use It for Him only and—know—thou hast received the ‘Light of Life’—for whose use—thou shalt give an accounting.
“你的神把他自己内心的‘圣光’托付给了你。珍惜它 —— 尊崇它 —— 让它一直拓展至更伟大的圣光和荣耀之中。你的生命是无价之宝。你是神之财富的守护者。确保你只为他使用 —— 知道你已经接受了‘生命之光’—— 你要肩负起使用它的责任。”
“Life is a continuous Circle—the Principle upon which thy city is builded. If thou dost create—That—which is like unto Thy ‘Source’—and knowest His Love and Peace within thee, if thou dost use Thy Powers of Creation to bless only—then as thou dost move around thy circle of existence—thou wilt know the Joy of Life—and unto It shall be added Greater Joy. If thou createst not like thy ‘Source’, thine evil shall return unto thee—with more of its kind.
“生命是一个连续的循环 —— 这座城市就是建立在这个法则之上。如果你的确创造了 —— 与那‘源头’相似的事物,并知道他的爱与安宁在你内在,如果你使用创造的力量仅仅用于祝福 —— 那么当你绕着存在范围走一圈时 —— 你就会知道生命的喜悦 —— 并会为它增加更大的喜悦。如果你创造的事物与你的‘源头’不相像,那么邪恶就会 —— 带着更多它的同类,返回到你身上。”
“Thou alone dost choose thy destiny—and thou alone—answerest to Thy God—for the use thou dost make of ‘Life’—Thy Being. The Great Law—no one can escape. Long, have I proclaimed this ‘Law of Life.’ The Law of ‘Thyself—Thou are unto thyself, because thou canst always come unto Thy God—if thou desirest the Perfection of Life.
“只有你自己决定自己的命运 —— 也只有你 —— 对你的神之自我负责 —— 因为你使用了‘生命’ —— 你的存在。没有人可以逃脱 —— 伟大的法则。我宣布这个‘生命法则’已经很长时间了。这就是你对自己的法则,因为你总是可以来到你的神面前 —— 如果你渴望生命完美的话。”
“I come not always as now—to hold thy straying feet upon the Pathway of Truth—nor to remind thee of—Thy Eternal ‘Light’—set upon a mountain top for thy guidance. In a far distant day—I will speak within the Heart of man, and if thou dost Love Life—thou wilt call unto Me—abiding in many selves. Let this not confound thee, my children. If thou wouldst know Me—The Light’—thou wilt have to seek Me—find Me—and having found, abide within Me always.
“我并不总是像现在这样 —— 在真理的道路上抓住你迷路的双脚 —— 也不是来提醒你在山顶处存在着永恒‘圣光’为你提供指引。在将来的某天 —— 我会在人们的内心讲话,如果你热爱生命 —— 你就会呼唤我 —— 我居住在每个人的自我之中。不要让这困惑住你,我的孩子。如果你想认识我 —— ‘圣光’,你必须要去寻找我 —— 找到我,找到之后,永远居住在我里面。”
“In that day, the ‘Father—Mother—Son’ will be ‘One’ in the Heart of man. The Son is forever the Door—the Way unto God. In thy mind and in thy heart is ‘My Light’—ever reminding thee of ‘My Presence’—for in the time to come, I will be present only in—That Light.’
“那时,‘圣父 —— 圣母 —— 圣子’将会成为人们心中的‘合一存在’。圣子永远是通向神的大门、通道。在你的心智与你的内心中‘我的圣光’永远在提醒着你‘我的临在’ —— 因为在将来,我只会在‘那圣光中’出现。”
“Then, will I Be Wisdom in thy Mind to govern the Love in thy heart—that thou mayest be filled with the Peace of The One Life—God. Thy body is but the instrument of thy Soul, and into thy Soul must stream—’My Light’—or thou wilt perish.
“那时,我将会成为你心智的智慧,来主宰你心中的爱 —— 让你充满合一生命 —— 神的安宁。你的身体只是灵魂的载具,你的灵魂必须流入 —— ‘我的圣光’ —— 否则你将衰败。”
“My Light—in thy mind is ‘The Way’ into the Heart of All Light. Only by My Light in thee—canst thou expand—the Light in every cell of thy Being—into greater and greater Being. In thy throat is My Light—which is Thy Power to speak—My Words. Through these—I always illumine, protect, and perfect my children. Words that do not this three-fold mission—are not My Words—and can only bring misery—when spoken.
“你心智中‘我的圣光’是进入所有圣光核心的‘道路’。只有通过我在你里面的光 —— 你才能把你存在的每个细胞中的光 —— 拓展进入越来越伟大的存在之中。在你喉咙之中的是我的圣光 —— 这是你说出我的话语的力量。通过这些 —— 我总是可以照亮、保护、完善我的孩子们。没有肩负这三重使命的话语 —— 不是我的话语,当它们被说出时,只会带来痛苦。”
“Meditate upon My Light in thy mind—in thy heart, and thou shalt See within all things—know all things—and do all things. Then that which is not of Me can never confound thee.
“在你的心智和你的内心中对我的圣光进行深思,你就会看到万物的内在 —— 理解万物 —— 成为万物。然后那些不属于我的东西永远不会让你困惑。”
“I speak these words now—and they shall be engraved upon the tablets of earth and the memory of its children. In the far off day of which I speak—one of God’s children shall receive—these my words—and shall give them forth to bless the world.
“我现在说出这些话 —— 它们将被铭刻在地球的石板上以及地球孩子的记忆中。在我所说的将来的日子里 —— 神之子会接收到我的这些话语,并把它们传达出来,用来祝福全世界。”
“In that time, when thou hast fully received ‘My Presence’—and art letting It always act in thy Life and thy world—thou wilt find the cells of the body—thou dost then occupy—becoming bright with ‘My Light’ and thou wilt realize thou canst continue on into that ‘Eternal Body of Light’—the Seamless Robe of Christ. Then and then only, wilt thou be free from the wheel of re-birth. Having traveled thy long journey through human experience, and fulfilled the Law of Cause and Effect—thou shalt transcend all conditions governed by—Law—and shalt Thyself have become ‘The Law’—All Love-‘The One.'”
“那时,当你完全接受‘我的临在’—— 并让它一直在你的生活和你的世界中发挥作用 —— 你会发现你占据的那具身体的细胞 —— 会因‘我的圣光’变得明亮,你会意识到你可以继续进入那个‘圣光的永恒身体’中,即基督的无缝长袍。只有那时,你才能从转世之轮中解脱出来。在经历了人类体验的漫长旅途,履行了因果法则之后,你将超越所有受限于这一法则的状况 —— 你将会成为‘法则’ —— 全然的爱 —— ‘合一’。”
“Such is the Eternal Ascended Body of Christ,” said Saint Germain turning to me, “in which one is able to wield the Scepter of Dominion—and be Free. My son, even now you can ascend into—’The Light of the One’—for—The Light—is in your mind—The Light—is in your heart, and if you will stand in It firmly, you can and will raise your physical body of limitation into your ‘Pure Eternal Body of Light’—forever youthful and free, transcending time, place, and space.
“这就是基督永恒的扬升的身体,”圣哲曼转向我说,“在基督的身体中,一个人可以挥舞主宰的权杖 —— 并获得自由。我的孩子,即便是现在,你可以扬升进入 —— ‘合一的圣光’中,因为圣光就在你的心智中,圣光就在你的心中,如果你坚定地站在圣光之中,你就可以提升你受限的物质身体到你‘纯粹永恒的光体’之中 —— 永远青春自由,超越时间、地点和空间。”
“Your Glorious Self stands ever waiting for you. Come into—Its Light—and receive Eternal Peace and rest—in action. It—needs no preparation. It—has All-Power. Come fully into the embrace of your ‘Light-Self’ and that moment—even today—your present body can become Ascended.”
“你荣耀的自我永远在等待着你。进入它的圣光中,并接收它永恒活跃着的安宁与安息。它不需要准备什么。它拥有所有的力量。完全进入你的‘光之自我’的怀抱,那一刻 —— 即便是今天 —— 你现在的身体就可以达成扬升。”
As he finished speaking, the pictures ceased. We went a short distance further on, and stopped at a place where a large flat stone lay on the ground. As Saint Germain focused his power upon it—the stone raised from the earth and moved aside—disclosing an opening with steps leading downward. We descended about forty feet, and came to a sealed door. He passed his hand quickly over the door, unsealing it, and revealing certain hieroglyphics. “Center your attention on this writing,” he instructed.
话刚落音,画面就停止了。我们又向前走了不远,停在了放在地面上的一块平整的大石头旁。当圣哲曼把注意力集中在它上面时,石头从地面上升起移动到一边 —— 露出一个通往地下的台阶。我们下降了大约四十英尺,来到一扇密闭的门面前。他用手快速地扫过门,门就打开了,露出了某些象形文字 。“把你的注意力集中在这些文字上。”他指示说。
I did so, and saw the words—”God’s Living Temple To Man,”—stand out clearly on the door before me. There—in front of me—stood the physical door—we had just seen a short while previously—in the living pictures.
我这么做了,看到 —— “神赐予人类的生命殿堂” —— 这几个字清晰地写在我面前的大门上。在我面前是一扇实体门 —— 我们在刚刚动态的场景中看到过它。
The door opened, and we entered a room under one of the small domes built at each corner. In this, were a great number of metal boxes about two feet long, fourteen inches wide and six inches deep. Saint Germain opened one, and I saw they contained sheets of gold—on which the records of that civilization had been written with a stylus.
门打开了,我们进入一个房间,房间的每个角落都有一个小穹顶。在这里存放着大量的金属盒子,大约两英尺长,十四英寸宽,高六英寸。圣哲曼打开了一个,我看到里面装的是金片 —— 上面用尖笔写下了那个文明的记录。
I realized—there must be rooms which had been sealed and preserved—under each of the four small domes, and that the large central dome had been built over the “Sphere of Light.” We found a secret passage connecting the four small rooms, passed on to the second of these and saw the containers filled with—jewels belonging to the temple.
我意识到 —— 在四个小穹顶下,一定都有被密封和保存好的房间,而中央的大穹顶则建立在“圣光之球”上。我们找到了连接四个小房间的秘密通道,然后进入其中第二间,看到里面的容器中装满了属于那个圣殿的珠宝。
The third room contained golden and jeweled ornaments, the throne chair, and other chairs of gold. The throne chair was a striking example of the goldsmith’s magnificent workmanship. The back formed into a shell making a canopy over the head of the ruler, and from its sides, hung golden drapes made of tiny golden links each forming a figure eight. These were looped back against the chair making a delicate and extremely graceful effect.
In the center of the room, was a table about fourteen feet long and four feet wide made of—real jade—resting upon a golden bronze pedestal. Near it—stood fourteen jade chairs—whose feet were tipped with gold, the seats curved and—the backs beautifully carved. On top of the back of each chair, as though standing guard—rested a beautiful phoenix made of gold—the eyes set with yellow diamonds. This design symbolized the immortality of the Soul, and the—Perfected Divine Being—each individual becomes, as he rises through the fire of suffering—from the ashes of his human creation.
房间的中央,是一张长约十四英尺,宽约四英尺的玉石桌子,放在金色的青铜台座上。旁边放着十四张玉石椅 —— 椅子腿镶嵌了黄金,椅子座呈弧形 —— 靠背雕刻精美。每把椅子的靠背上,仿佛站立着 —— 一只休憩的美丽黄金凤凰 —— 眼睛上镶嵌着黄色钻石。这种设计象征着灵魂的不朽,以及每个人会成为的完美神圣存有 —— 当每个人在历经苦难之火后从他人类创造的灰烬中重生时。
The fourth room contained seven different types of power boxes—as I called them—that received and transmitted the force—drawn from the Universal, for lighting, heating, and propelling power. The records—showed these people were in contact with—all parts of the world through wonderful airships. Following this civilization came one known as the Pirua—and after that the Incas—both stretching over a period of thousands of years.
第四间房间有着七种不同类型的我称之为能源盒子的东西 —— 可以接收并传输来自宇宙的能量,用于照明、加热和驱动。记录显示,这些人通过神奇的飞船与世界各地接触。这个文明之后出现的是被称之为皮乌拉的文明,之后是印加文明 —— 两者都延续了数千年的光阴。
Shortly before the city, just described was buried, it reached the height of its glory and the Great Cosmic Master, who had drawn the Light by which it was developed and sustained—appeared for the last time to that empire. He came to warn of impending disaster, and would have saved its inhabitants—had they heeded him.
就在刚刚描述的那座城市被埋葬之前不久,它就到达了荣耀的巅峰,聚集起圣光让这座城市得以发展和维持的伟大宇宙导师 —— 最后一次出现在那个帝国。他前来警告即将发生的灾难,如果它的居民听从的话,他们会获得拯救。
He foretold the cataclysm that swept the empire into oblivion before five years had passed and announced, it was his last appearance among them. Those—who wished to save themselves—were instructed to leave that part of the country—and were directed where to go with the warning—that the final activity would be sudden and complete.
他在五年前就预言了席卷整个帝国的灾难,并宣告这是他最后一次出现在他们中间。那些希望获得自救的人被引导着离开该国家的那部分地区,并被指示去到哪里 —— 警告告诉他们说,最后的毁灭性活动会是突然且彻底的。
As he finished the prophecy—his body faded rapidly from sight—and to the consternation of the people—the pedestal and the crystal globe holding the—Eternal Light—disappeared with him. For a time the populace were disturbed by the forecast of events affecting their empire—but after a year passed and nothing occurred, the memory of—His Presence—became dulled, and doubt began to creep in—as to the fulfillment of his decree.
当他说完预言后 —— 身体就迅速地从视野中消失了 —— 令人们惊愕的是 —— 承载着永恒之光的水晶球以及它的基座 —— 也跟他一同消失了。有那么一段时间,人们对他们帝国毁灭的预言感到不安 —— 但是一年过去了,什么都没有发生,人们对这位临在的记忆变得模糊,人们开始怀疑 —— 他的寓言是否会实现。
The emperor—and those more advanced in spiritual growth left the kingdom—and came to a certain place in the western part of the United States—where they remained in safety until the change had taken place.
国王 —— 以及那些灵性更进化的人离开了帝国 —— 来到美国西部的某个地方 —— 在那里安全地等待着,直至转变的发生。
The great mass of the people who remained became more and more skeptical, and after two years one among them more aggressive than the rest attempted to set himself up as emperor. When the real emperor had left the kingdom—he sealed both the palace—and the temple—in which the “Light” had been maintained. The would-be-emperor attempted to force an entrance to the sealed temple and fell—lifeless—at its door.
留下来的大多数人开始变得越来越怀疑,两年后,人群中一位更加激进的人试图让自己成为皇帝。当真正的帝王离开那个王国后 —— 他封锁了宫殿和圣殿,让“圣光”在那里得以维持。这位准皇帝试图强行进入封锁的神殿,结果倒在了大门口 —— 死了。
Near the end of the fifth year at noon on the fateful day—the sun was darkened—and an awful terror filled the very atmosphere. At sundown, terrible quakes shook the earth and demolished the buildings into unbelievable chaos.
在第五年快要结束时,灾难发生的那天中午 —— 太阳变暗了 —— 一种可怕的恐惧弥漫在空气中。日落时分,可怕的地震撼动了大地,把建筑物摧毁至令人难以置信的混乱。
The land—which is now South America lost its equilibrium—and rolled to the east—submerging the entire eastern coast one hundred and sixty feet. It remained so for several years—and then gradually righted itself to within sixty feet of the original position—where it remains today.
那片土地 —— 就是现在南美洲的位置 —— 失去了它的平衡,向东翻滚 —— 淹没了整个东海岸160英尺的距离。这样保持了好几年 —— 然后逐渐地恢复到原来位置的六十英尺以内的距离 —— 至今仍然如此。
That activity caused the widening of the Amazon. Previously the river was eighteen miles wide, deeper than it is today, and navigable from end to end. It flowed from what is now Lake Titicaca in Peru to the Atlantic Ocean. In a former time, there had been a canal built from the Pacific to Lake Titicaca, and this connecting with the Amazon formed an entire waterway between the two oceans.
The name of the continent at that time was Meru, it having been given the name of—a Great Cosmic Master—whose principle focus of activity was at Lake Titicaca. The meaning of the name Amazon, is—”boat destroyer”—which has come down the centuries from the cataclysmic period—referred to above.
当时那片大陆的名字叫梅鲁,它被赋予了一个伟大宇宙导师的名字 —— 他的主要活动重点就是在的的喀喀湖。亚马逊这个名字的意思是 —— “驱逐舰” —— 这个名字从上面提到的灾难时期一直流传了几个世纪。
The rolling of the entire continent of South America explains many conditions on its western coast—that geologists and men of science have been unable to explain—from the scientific data they have discovered—up to the present time.
整个南美洲大陆地貌的起伏解释了其西海岸的很多状况 —— 直到现在,地质学家和科学家也无法从他们发现的科学数据中进行解释。
Thus, do the great cataclysms of Nature draw the cosmic veil over civilizations of splendid achievement, and only fragments of these come to light as time passes into eternity. This Truth—may be doubted by the outer world—but the records, of that civilization—now reposing in the Royal Teton—will one day be its proof—reveal its existence, and the accomplishment—of that former age.
因此,自然界的巨大灾难为曾经取得辉煌成就的文明蒙上了一层宇宙的面纱,随着时间的流逝,只有其中一些片段重见天日。这个真相 —— 可能会受到外部世界的质疑 —— 但是放置在提顿王室的那个文明的记录 —— 终有一天会成为证据 —— 揭示它的存在,以及之前那个时代取得的成就。
As I was shown these tremendous activities, I wondered why a civilization could be brought forth so wonderful, beautiful, and perfect in every way, and then go down—through the terrible destructive activities of a cataclysm. Saint Germain saw the question in my mind and volunteered the following explanation:
“You see,” he said, “when a group of mankind is fortunate enough to come under the instruction and Radiation of—a Great Master of Light—such as this Great Cosmic Being is—they are given an opportunity of seeing—what the Plan of Life is for humanity, and the Perfection they are intended to bring forth and live in—by their own conscious effort. However, unfortunately, and it has been so many times down the centuries—the people will not try to understand—Life—but let themselves drop into a state of lethargy. They do not exert the necessary effort required to accomplish these things—by the power of God—within the individual. They begin to lean—on the One giving the Radiation. The sustaining power is only withdrawn, when the individual ceases to make conscious effort to understand—Life—and willingly work in harmonious co-operation with it.
“They rarely realize—most of their blessings are the result of the sustaining power—from the One giving the Radiation. If a certain group of souls have been taught the—Way of Mastery—and reminded lifetime after lifetime of their Divine Birthright—the hour arrives—when no more assistance is permitted. It is then—the Radiation of the Ascended Masters is withdrawn—and those souls are compelled to come face to face with the fact—the sustaining and accomplishing power was not due—to their own effort.
“These must understand—they can only receive that—for which an effort is made. In such activity, the experiences passed through—compel them to make the necessary self-conscious application—and when that is accomplished—expansion and God-Dominion begin to express.
“这些人必须理解 —— 他们只能接收自己为之付出努力的部分。在这样的活动中,体验过的经历会强迫他们做出必要自我意识的使用 —— 当它完成时 —— 拓展和神之领域就开始表达。”
“There is no failure for anyone—who continues to make self-conscious effort to express Dominion of the Divine over the human—because failure only comes—when self-conscious effort ceases. All experience—through which the individual passes—exists for one purpose only, and that is to make him—aware of his ‘Source.’ He—must learn—who he is, recognize himself as a Creator and—as such—Master of what he creates.
任何继续有意识地努力去表达神圣意识对人类统领的行为都不会失败,因为只有当有意识的努力停止时,失败才会到来。一个人经历的所有体验都只为一个目的而存在,那就是让他意识到 —— 他的‘源头’。他必须学习 —— 他是谁,意识到自己是创造者,并主宰他所创造的。
“Everywhere throughout the Universe—whenever the power to create is given to a Being—the responsibility of creating is always co-existent—with the power. All creation is by Self-conscious effort, and if the individual upon whom this—Great Gift of Life—has been bestowed refuses to take his responsibility—and do his duty, his experiences in Life will prod him with misery—until he does, for mankind never was created in a condition of limitation and it can have—no rest—until the Perfection—with which it was endowed in the beginning—is Fully expressed. Perfection—Dominion—Harmonious use—and Control of All Substance and Force is the ‘Way of Life,’—the Original Divine Blue Print for humanity.
“在这个宇宙的任何地方 —— 每当创造的力量被赋予某个存有时 —— 创造的责任也伴随着力量到来。所有的创造都是自我意识的努力,如果一个人被赋予了这份生命的伟大礼物,但是却拒绝承担它的责任,履行自己的职责,他在生命中的体验将会以痛苦的方式刺激他 —— 直至他承担起责任,因为人类从不是在受限的情况下被创造出来的,直至达成完美,也就是把它在最初时被赋予的完全表达出来之前,都不会停歇。完美 —— 主宰 —— 和谐地使用和控制所有的物质和能量是‘生命之道’ —— 即人类最初的神圣蓝图。”
“God Within the individual—is—that Perfection and Dominion. It is that ‘Presence’ within the heart of everyone which is the—Source of Life—the Giver of every good and perfect thing. When the individual looks to and recognizes his—Source—as the Outpouring of All Good, he that moment automatically starts the flow of All Good things unto him and his world because—his attention—to his ‘Source’ is the—Golden Key—that opens every good thing unto him.
“一个人内在的神就是那完美和主宰。它是每个人内心的‘临在’,它是 —— 生命之源 —— 一切美好和完美事物的给予者。当一个人看向并认可他的 —— 源头 —— 作为一切美好事物的倾泻之处,他在那一刻就自动开启了流向他和他世界的美好能量流,因为他的注意力转向他的‘源头’,这是一把为他打开一切美好事物的金钥匙。”
“The Life in every person is—God—and only by the Self-conscious effort to understand Life, and express the Fulness of good through himself—can the discord in the outer experience cease. Life—the Individual—and The Law—are ‘One’ and so it is—unto Eternity.
“每个人的生命都是 —— 神的表达,只有通过自我意识的努力去理解生命,并通过自己表达良善的圆满 —— 外在体验的不和谐才会停止。生命 —— 个体 —— 和法则 —— 是‘合一’的,它在永恒之中就是如此。”
“Come,” he continued, “we will go to a buried city near the Jurua River.”
We traveled west, and soon came to a slight elevation. Saint Germain extended his hand, and again vivified—the Etheric Records of those people. The place we observed was—the second city of importance in the empire. The one from which we had just come was—the focus of spiritual power and activity, while the second, we were now to see, was the seat of commercial and governmental operations concerned with the physical welfare of the population. Here, was located the national treasury, mint, governmental, experimental, and inventive activities.
我们向西行,很快就来到了一个稍微高一点的地方。圣哲曼伸出手,那些人在以太层的记录 —— 又活跃了起来。我们观察的地方是那个帝国的第二重要城市。我们刚刚离开的地方是 —— 灵性的力量和活动的焦点,而我们将要看到的第二座城市,是与人民的物质福祉有关的商业和政府运作所在地。这里是国库、铸造厂、政府、实验和发明活动之地。
Not far distant from this city, rose the Mighty Andes, the source of the immense mineral wealth of the empire. I noticed one thing among these people that seemed most remarkable. All—were so completely at peace—and thoroughly contented. They expressed quiet and exquisite rhythm as they moved about. The pictures came to an end, and we proceeded to the only rocky spot visible.
距离这座城市不远的地方是雄伟的安第斯山脉,是这个帝国丰富的矿产财富源泉。我在这些人们之中注意到一件非常显著的事情。所有的人 —— 完全地处于安宁之中 —— 而且心满意足。他们来来往往的步伐呈现出安静而且细腻的节奏。画面结束,我们继续向前到达唯一可见的岩石点。
Saint Germain touched one of the rocks. It moved aside, and we saw a flight of twenty metal steps leading down. These we descended and came to a metal door. We passed through, went down twenty steps more, and found ourselves before a massive sealed bronze door. He reached to the right, and unsealed a square opening—in which were metal stops like those of an organ. He pressed two of these, the great mass slowly opened, and we stood in an immense room—with everything just as it had been in that far off time. It had been used as a display room for inventions et cetera—to which the public had access. All the fixtures were made of metal—combined with what looked like opalescent glass.
圣哲曼碰了碰其中一块石头。它移向一边,我们看到了一排二十阶通向下方的金属台阶。我们沿着台阶向下,到达一扇金属门前。我们穿越大门,又下降了二十阶,来到一扇巨大的密封青铜门前。他把手伸向右边,打开了一个方形的开口 —— 里面就像是管风琴的金属挡块。他按下其中的两个,这个庞然大物慢慢打开,我们站在了一个巨大的房间里 —— 所有一切都跟那个遥远的时代一样。它曾经被用作发明创造的展览室 —— 公众可以进入。所有的固定装置都是由金属制成的 —— 与看起来像乳白色玻璃的东西粘合在一起。
“This,” said Saint Germain, “was made by a fusing process combining certain metals with glass in such a way—as to make the metal—strong as steel and Imperishable. One man in the present age came very near the discovery of the same process—for he had all but one element, and that—would have made it imperishable.”
“这个,”圣哲曼说,“是通过某些金属与玻璃结合在一起的熔合过程制作的,这种方法可以使金属像钢铁一样坚固且不会腐烂。当代的一个人曾经非常接近发现这个相同的工艺 —— 因为他只差一个元素就成功了,而那就会让金属永不腐烂。”
The entire room was lined with the same peculiar metal and three massive doors led from it. Saint Germain went to a box of stops, pressed three of them, and all the doors opened at once. We entered the first one and found a passage long and narrow, more like a vault than a room. It was lined with containers—filled with discs of gold about the size of a silver dollar, stamped with the head of the emperor and an inscription that read—”God’s Blessing to Man.”
整个房间中都内衬着同样特别的金属,这个房间通往三个巨大的金属门。圣哲曼走到一排挡块前,按下了其中三个,所有的门一下子都打开了。我们进入第一扇门,发现一条狭长的通道,与其说是房间,不如更像是一个金库。里面摆放着容器 —— 容器中装满了银元大小的金盘,上面印着帝王的头像和铭文 —— “神对人类的庇佑。”
Entering the second door, we found similar containers filled with—uncut jewels of all kinds. In the third room, the containers were flat, and held—thin sheets of gold—on which were written—the formulas and secret processes—used in that period。
进入第二个房间,我们发现了类似的容器 —— 装满了各种未经切割的珠宝。第三个房间里放着扁平的容器 —— 薄薄的金片 —— 上面写着那个时期使用的配方和秘密工艺。
“Among these,” said Saint Germain, “are many formulas and processes—which were not used in that former time. They will be given into the use of the present age.”
He went back to the box of stops and pressed another. A fourth door opened—which I had not noticed before. This led into an arched tunnel or passage-way—connecting the treasury with the mint. It must have been at least a quarter of a mile long—and at the far end we entered—an enormous room.
他回到挡块那里,按下了另一个。第四扇门打开了 —— 我之前没有注意到。这扇门通向一条拱形的隧道或者通道 —— 把这些宝藏与铸造厂连接了起来。它一定至少有四分之一英里那么长 —— 在隧道尽头我们进入了一个巨大的房间。
It was the main part of the mint, and was filled with a maze of machinery—of most wonderful construction. Among many things I saw were machines used for stamping the gold and cutting and polishing the jewels. They simply fascinated one—so perfect was their operation. Here, Saint Germain showed me a specimen of malleable glass, clear as crystal.
这里是铸造厂的主要部分,里面都是机械迷宫 —— 结构设计非常美妙。在我看到的众多机械中,有冲压黄金以及切割和抛光珠宝的机器。它们非常令人着迷 —— 它们的运作是如此完美。在这里,圣哲曼向我展示了一块可延展的玻璃样本,就像水晶一样透明。
In this room were great quantities of native gold nuggets—gold-dust—and gold ingots—weighing eight and ten pounds each. I was speechless—at such an amazing quantity of wealth in one place—and Saint Germain knowing how I felt, remarked:
这个房间里有大量的本土金块 —— 金粉 —— 和金锭 —— 金块金锭重八磅和十磅。我惊讶地说不出话,在一个地方居然有如此巨大的财富 —— 圣哲曼知道我的感受,说道:
“It is utterly impossible—for such quantities of wealth as you see before you—to be released unto the mass of mankind—because the selfishness within the commercial world at the present time—makes it the height of folly—to let humanity—waste more of Nature’s gifts.
“把你看到的如此巨量的财富释放给人类是完全不可能的 —— 因为当今商业世界中的自私 —— 让人类再去浪费更多大自然的馈赠 —— 无疑愚蠢至极。”
“God and Nature bestow their wealth lavishly upon the earth—for the use and blessing of the Souls who incarnate here but—the selfishness and lust for power—within the feelings of mankind—make them forget the ‘Higher Way of Life,’ and cause man’s inhumanity to man.
“神和大自然将他们的财富慷慨地赐予地球 —— 为了让转世到这里的灵魂的使用和祝福 —— 然而人类情感中的自私和对权力的渴望 —— 让他们忘记了‘生命更高等的存在方式’,并造成了人与人之间不人道的行为。”
“The few—who rise to control of the mass should have the Intelligence to know that—what helps the mass—helps the individual most—but if they refuse to recognize this—’Law’—self-destruction follows—brought about—by their own selfishness. Selfishness and the feeling of power to control others—blind the reason—and dull the perception—of the outer mind to its own dangers—and such individuals—ride headlong to ruin in every case—ruin spiritually—mentally—morally and physically—extending many times—into the third and fourth embodiment following.
“那些提升至控制大众的位置上的少数人 —— 应该拥有智能 —— 知道可以帮助大众的,就是最可以帮助到个人的 —— 但是如果他们拒绝承认这条 —— ‘法则’—— 随之而来的就是自我毁灭 —— 这是他们自身的自私造成的。自私和控制他人的权力感 —— 会盲目了理智 —— 并让外在心智对其自身危险的感知变得迟钝 —— 这样的个体在每一种状况中都会一头扎入毁灭之中 —— 摧毁灵性、心智、道德和身体 —— 并会延伸进入很多次转世中 —— 一直至接下来的第三次和第四次转世。”
“Only when mankind rises out of the mire of its own selfishness and lust—in all its forms—can human beings be entrusted—with all that God and Nature hold ready—for Right Use; but any individual, as he cleanses himself of his own selfishness and lust—may have the fullest use of all these riches, when he will use them harmoniously—and for the blessing of others. Individuals—can—make themselves ready to be custodians of these gifts—for in the age that is already ushered in—only those will have unlimited use of wealth—who have made themselves worthy—to be Trusted Keepers and Dispensers of this treasure. God and Nature provide these Gifts for man to use rightly and Right use alone—is the condition on which they may be received.” Saint Germain crossed his hands upon his chest and continued:
“只有当人类摆脱自私和欲望的所有形式的泥潭时 —— 人类才能被托付以 —— 神和大自然为正确使用而准备好的一切;任何个体,当他清除自己的自私和欲望,就可能充分地利用所有的这些财富,当他可以和谐地使用它们时,就可以去造福他人。一个人可以让自己做好准备成为这些礼物的保管人 —— 因为在已经进入的时代中 —— 只有那些人才能拥有无限使用的财富,他们是那些让自己准备好成为这些宝藏值得信赖的守护者和分配者的人。神和大自然为人类提供这些礼物,是为了让他们去正确地使用,而正确地使用 —— 才是接受这些馈赠的唯一条件。” 圣日耳曼双手交叉放在胸前,继续说道:
“Mighty God—enter so firmly into the hearts of Thy children—that they want—Only Thee, then none shall want—for any of Thy Great Gifts.”
“伟大的神 —— 请坚定地进入你这些孩子的内心 —— 让他们想要的 —— 只有你,这样他们就不会想要 —— 你那伟大的礼物了。”
He sealed everything as we had found it, and we returned to my body—which I re-entered quickly.
他密封了我们找到的所有东西,然后我们回到我们的身体中 —— 我很快就重新进入身体。
He again gave me the crystal cup filled with Living Substance, and said:
“My beloved son, you will be a very valuable helper and may God always bless you.” With that blessing, he bowed and was gone.
“我亲爱的孩子,你会是一个非常有价值的帮手,愿神永远祝福你。” 带着那个祝福,他鞠了一躬就走了。
ONE morning sometime later, I received a strange letter by post—asking me to come to a certain address—in Tucson, Arizona. It conveyed the idea—that the information to be given was of such a nature—as could only be explained in person. I considered the extraordinary way in which the request had reached me, and yet felt an Inner Desire to respond to the call.
不久后的一天早上,我收到一封奇怪的邮寄信件 —— 要我去亚利桑那州图森市的某个地址。它传达了这样的信息 —— 要告知我的内容属于那种必须要面对面亲自解释。考虑到这个请求以不同寻常的方式到达我这里,我内心渴望回应这个要求。
In a few days, I went to the address given, rang the bell, and in a moment the door was opened by a tall slender gentleman about forty years of age, with iron gray hair and gray eyes, who stood perhaps six feet one inch in height.
I introduced myself, and he greeted me with a cordial, sincere hand shake which revealed unmistakably—his was an absolutely true and dependable nature. His eyes were steady and fearless, and he gave one the impression—that he possessed great reserve energy.
我做了自我介绍,他亲切而真诚地握住我的双手迎接我,毫不含糊地透露出他是一个绝对真实而可靠的人。他的眼神沉稳而无畏,给人的印象是 —— 蕴藏着强大的后劲。
I felt an unusual Inner harmony about him, and knew it could only mean the starting of a deep and wonderful friendship. He too seemed aware of an Inner something—that made each of us feel attracted to the other. He asked me to come in, and be seated.
我从他身上感受到了一种不同寻常的内在和谐,我知道这只会意味着开启一段深厚而美好的友谊。他似乎也意识到了一种内在的什么东西 —— 我们每个人都感觉就被对方所吸引。他请我进门坐下。
“You are here,” he began, “at my request, and I am deeply grateful, strange as it must have seemed to you. Your address was given me by one of whom I shall speak later. In explanation, I have this to say—that I have made some very remarkable discoveries which I must ask you to accept on faith—until I can take you with me, and prove their Truth and Reality to you.
“你来这里,”他开始说,“是应我的请求,我非常感激,尽管你觉得这件事情一定很奇怪。你的地址是我稍后要谈到的一位人给我的。作为解释,我有必要说 —— 我做了一些非常了不起的发现,直到我可以带你一起去,并向你证明它们的真实性之前,请务必相信我说的话。”
“I was advised to get directly in touch with you personally—as the only one to whom this should be revealed—and with which I am concerned. For a starting point, I shall have to begin with things that occurred twenty years ago.
“我被建议直接与你个人取得联系 —— 你是唯一一个可以知道这些的人 —— 就是我关心的这些事情。作为开始,我要从二十年前发生的事情开始讲起。”
“At that time, I had a beautiful wife. Now, I know she had great Inner growth of which, however, I was not aware. A son was born—whom we both idolized. For five years, our happiness was complete. Suddenly, without any warning or apparent reason—the child disappeared.
“那时,我有一位美丽的妻子。现在,我知道她内在有了巨大的成长,但是那时的我并不知情。我们的儿子出生了 —— 我们都非常宠爱他。五年过去了,我们过着幸福的生活。突然间,没有任何预警或者明显的原因 —— 孩子消失了。”
“For many weeks, we searched and searched, and did everything humanly possible to find him, but to no avail. Finally, we gave up all hope. His mother never recovered from the shock and five months later—passed on.
“几个星期以来,我们四处寻找,尽一切可能找到他,但无济于事。最后,我们放弃了所有希望。他的母亲再也没有从震惊中恢复过来,五个月后 —— 去世了。
“She had made a strange request during the last few days of her life—that her body be held in the vault for seven days—after her passing and then cremated.
“在她生命的最后几天,她提出了一个奇怪的要求 —— 在她去世后,将她的遗体在墓穴中存放七天,然后再火化。
It seemed rather peculiar to me—for at no time had we ever discussed anything—in regard to this subject. However, I complied with her wishes. Imagine my surprise five days after her funeral, when I received a call from the man in charge of the cemetery saying—he had found the vault open that morning—and the body gone. No clue to anything concerning the whole strange occurrence was ever discovered.
这对我来说非常奇怪 —— 因为我们从来没有就这个话题进行过讨论。不过,我还是遵从了她的意愿。你可以想象我的惊讶,在她葬礼的五天后,我接到了墓地负责人的电话说 —— 他那天早上发现墓穴打开了 —— 尸体不见了。没有发现任何有关这场离奇事件的线索。
“Sixteen years later, I awakened one morning—to find a letter—upon the floor of my room—addressed to me but with no postmark. I picked it up, opened it, and read the contents—which left me mystified and incredulous. It read:
“十六年过后的一天早晨,我醒来 —— 在我房间的地板上发现一封信 —— 是给我的,但是没有邮戳。我捡起来打开它,阅读上面的内容 —— 这让我非常困惑和惊讶,上面写着:”
“‘Your wife and son are living, well, and strong. Soon you will see them. Have patience until that time. Rejoice to know there is no death. At the appointed time—directions will reach you in this manner—which you are to follow—implicitly. All depends upon your absolute silence. You shall see, and receive full explanation of all that has seemed so mysterious. Then—you will understand why Truth is far stranger and more wonderful than fiction—for even the most extraordinary fiction—is but the record of a Truth—that is somewhere in the universe.
“你的妻儿都活得很好,而且很健康。很快你就会看到他们。耐心等到那个时候。要去欢呼,不存在死亡。在既定的时间 —— 指引会以这种方式到达 —— 你要去跟随这些隐含的指引。所有一切都取决于你的绝对安静。你将会看到、并接收到所有看上去如此神秘事物的全部解释。然后 —— 你就会明白为什么真相要远远比小说更加离奇,更加精彩 —— 因为即便是最非凡的小说 —— 也不过是对真相的记录 —— 发生在宇宙某个地方的真相。”
“‘A Friend’
“My Friend, you can imagine my astonishment. At first—I did not believe a word of it. The third evening after this—I was sitting in front of my grate fire, when I heard my beloved wife’s voice as clear and distinct—as if she were in the room beside me, saying:
“我的朋友,你可以想象我有多么吃惊。最初 —— 我一个字也不信。在这之后的第三天晚上 —— 我坐在炉火前,我清清楚楚地听到我妻子的声音 —— 仿佛她就坐在我的身边,她说:”
“‘Robert, My Beloved—I am alive and well, and our son is with me. We will be so happy, when you are with us again. Do not distrust the message. It is all true. You will be brought to us—if you do not allow doubt to shut the door. I speak to you through the Sound Ray which you will one day learn to use.’ I could stand the tension no longer—and said:
“‘罗伯特,我的挚爱 —— 我还活着,活得很好,我们的儿子跟我一起。当你再次跟我们重聚时,我们会非常开心。不要不相信这则信息。这一切都是真的。你会被带到我们这里 —— 若是你没有让怀疑关闭大门的话。我通过声音光线跟你讲话,有一天你也会学着使用。’我再也无法容忍这种紧张,我说:
“Show yourself to me, and I will believe.” Instantly, the voice replied:
“‘Wait a moment.’ In about three minutes, a Brilliant Ray of Golden Light came into the room—forming a tunnel, at the other end of which, stood my beautiful wife. It was she—unmistakably.
“‘稍等。’ 大约三分钟后,一道璀璨的金光射入房间 —— 形成一条隧道,隧道的另一端站着我美丽的妻子,是她 —— 没错。
“‘Beloved,’ she said, ‘seeming miracles have taken place in the midst of your Life for years but because your attention has not been called in the right direction, we had to wait until this time. Trust the message that will come to you. Then—you will come to us—and I assure you a new world will open. To our great love there is no barrier.’
她说:“亲爱的,多年来你的生命中似乎发生了奇迹,但是因为你的注意力没有被引导至正确的方向,我们不得不等到这个时候。相信将要到来的信息。然后 —— 你就会来到我们身边 —— 我向你保证,一个新的世界会打开。对我们伟大的爱来说,不存在任何障碍。”
“Instantly—the Light Ray vanished and with It the voice. My joy knew no bounds. I could no longer doubt. I felt a relaxation, peace, and rest I had not known for years. Then—came weeks of waiting which I now know was a preparation going on—within me. At last the message, I longed for so much, came and with it a diagram and directions to be followed.
“瞬间 —— 光线消失了,声音也随之消失了。我的喜悦是无限的。我再也不会怀疑了。我感到一种多年来从未有过的放松、平静和安息。然后 —— 接下来是数周的等待,现在我知道了我是在做内在的准备。最终,我非常渴望的消息终于来了,并附有一张图表和要遵循的指示。
“I saw this would lead me into the high mountains southeast of Tucson, Arizona. I made preparation to go at once, saying to my friends I was going to do a little prospecting. I took a horse and pack animal, finding very little discomfort and no difficulty in following the directions given. If I could have gone as the crow flies, I would easily have covered the distance in two days.
“Just before sundown of the third day, I came to a blind canyon and would have passed it unnoticed, if it had not been for the diagram. I had just made camp, when it became dark. I rolled up in my blankets and soon dropped off to sleep, dreaming most vividly—of waking in the morning and seeing a young man—standing near by—looking at me.
“就在第三天日落前,我来到一个不起眼的峡谷,如果不是因为这张指示图,我可能根本不会注意到它。我刚扎营,天就黑了。我裹在毯子里,很快睡着了,做了一个生动的梦 —— 梦见早上醒来,看到一个年轻人 —— 站在附近 —— 看着我。”
“When I did awaken, to my astonishment—there stood the young man in Real Life—looking at me intently. He greeted me with a beautiful smile—saying:
“当我醒来时,令我惊讶的是 —— 我身边真的站着一位这样活生生的年轻人 —— 专注地看着我。他带着美丽的笑容向我打招呼 —— 说:
“‘My Friend, you are expected to follow me.’ I noticed, he had my things in readiness and turning without further discussion, led the way toward the head of the canyon. After about an hour, we came to a stop because of a cliff that seemed to close the way before us.
“He turned, placed his hands upon the rock, and pressed against it. A section of the wall—perhaps ten by twelve feet—moved in to a depth of about one foot—and then slid to one side. We entered a tunnel that centuries ago—must have been the bed of an underground water-course. My companion closed the entrance behind us and, as we turned to go forward, a Soft Radiance spread everywhere—so we could see quite clearly. I was astonished at all I saw but I remembered the admonition I had received in my instruction—’to be silent.’
“他转过身,把双手放在岩石上,然后压在上面。墙体的一部分 —— 大约十乘十二英尺 —— 移动了大约一英尺的距离 —— 然后滑向一边。我们进入了一条几个世纪前的隧道 —— 一定是地下水道的河床。我的同伴在我身后把入口关闭了。当我们转身向前时,柔和的光辉四处蔓延 —— 所以我们看得很清晰。我很惊讶于我看到的,但是我想起来在指示中收到的警告 —— ‘要保持沉默’。”
“We continued in the tunnel for more than an hour, and finally came to a massive metal door. This opened slowly at my companion’s touch. He stood aside, and waited for me to pass through. I stepped out into the bright sunlight, almost breathless with delight at the beauty of the scene before me. Ahead of us, lay a valley of surpassing loveliness—about a hundred acres in extent.
“我们在隧道里又走了一个多小时,最终来到一扇巨大的金属门前。在我同伴的触碰下,门缓缓打开了。他站在一旁等我通过。我越过大门进入明亮的阳光下,眼前的美景让我开心的喘不过气。在我们面前,是一个美丽无比的山谷 —— 大约有一百英亩。”
“‘My Friend,’ said the young man, ‘you have returned home after a long absence—all of which you shall soon understand.’ He then led the way to a beautiful building, near the foot of a sheer cliff at the upper end of the valley. As we came nearer, I could see many kinds of fruit and vegetables growing in abundance, among them oranges, dates, English walnuts, and pecans. A beautiful waterfall poured over the cliff—making a limpid pool at its base. The building was a massive one, and looked as though it had stood there for centuries.
“‘我的朋友’”,这位年轻人说,‘这么久之后你终于回到家了 —— 所有的这些你很快就会明白的。’然后他带路到达一座美丽的建筑,位于山谷顶部的悬崖脚下。当我们走近时,我看到长得旺盛的各种各样的水果和蔬菜,其中有橙子、枣子、英国核桃和山核桃。一条美丽的瀑布从悬崖上倾泻而下 —— 在它的底部形成一个清澈的水池。这是一座巨大的建筑,看起来好像已经矗立了几个世纪。
“We had almost reached it, when a beautiful woman in white appeared at the entrance. We came nearer—and my beloved wife—stood before us—more beautiful than ever. In another instant, I held her in my arms, and after all the agony I had been through in those years—it was almost more than I could stand. She turned, putting her arm, around the young man who had brought me, and said:
“我们几乎快到了,入口处出现了一位美丽的白衣女人。我们走得更近了 —— 是我心爱的妻子—— 站在我们面前 —— 她比以往任何时候都美丽。一瞬间,我把她抱在怀里,毕竟那些年我所经历的痛苦 —— 几乎是我无法忍受的。她转过身,用手臂搂住带我来的那个年轻人,说:
“‘Robert, this is our son.’
“‘Son!’ was all I could say, so nearly was I overcome by my emotions.
“He stepped forward, put his arms around both of us, and we three—stood there for a moment in deepest love and gratitude—happy once more. I suddenly realized it was sixteen years since he had disappeared, and by now he must be twenty-one. He answered my thought, by saying:
“他走上前,用双臂搂住我们,我们三个 —— 怀着最深沉的爱和感激之情站在那里一段时间 —— 我们再次快乐起来。我突然意识到他已经失踪十六年了,现在他一定是二十一岁。他回答我的想法,说道:”
“‘Yes Father, I am twenty-one. Tomorrow is my birthday.’
“‘How can you read my thought so readily?’
“‘O, that is a very ordinary and easy thing for us. It is all quite natural, when you understand how to do it and really—quite simple,’ he replied.
“‘哦,这对我们来说是一件非常普通和容易的事情。这一切都很自然,当你知道如何去做的时候,而且它真的 —— 非常简单,’他回答道。
“‘Come,’ he continued, ‘you must be hungry. Let us have something to eat.’ With their arms around me, we entered the ancient building. The interior was finished in pink marble and white onyx. I was shown to a beautiful room where the morning sun flooded everything with its glorious radiance. I refreshed myself, and found a suit of white flannel—had been provided for me. I tried it on, and it fitted perfectly. This surprised me but again I remembered the admonition ‘to be silent.’ I went downstairs, and was presented to—a striking looking gentleman—about my own height with large, dark, piercing eyes.
“‘来吧,’他继续说,‘你一定饿了。我们吃点东西吧。’ 他们搂着我,我们进入了这座古老的建筑。内部装饰着粉红色的大理石和白色的玛瑙。我被带到了一个美丽的房间,清晨的阳光遍布了每个角落。我容光焕发,我还找到了一套为我准备的白色法兰绒。我试穿了一下,它非常合身。这让我很惊讶,但我又一次想起了“保持沉默”的告诫。 我下楼,被介绍给一位相貌出众的绅士,身高与我相仿,有一双黑色的大眼睛,眼神锐利。
“‘Father,’ said my son, ‘this is our Beloved Master, Eriel. He is the one—who saved the lives of both Mother and me—and has trained us all these years—until you could be prepared to join us here. It was he—who sent you the message and directions to come—because the time had arrived for your definite training to begin.’
“‘父亲,’我儿子说,‘这是我们敬爱的导师,埃里尔Eriel。是他 —— 救了我和妈妈的性命—— 多年来他一直在训练我们 —— 直到你准备好加入我们这里。是他 —— 向你发送了消息和指示 —— 因为你开始进行明确训练的时间已经到了。”
“We entered the dining-room which was magnificent, and I could not refrain from expressing my admiration. It had been placed at the south-east corner of the building on the main floor and was flooded with sunshine morning and afternoon. The walls were made of heavily carved walnut and the beamed ceiling, inlaid between the beams with motifs in hexagonal design. A solid piece of walnut at least two inches thick resting on an ornately carved pedestal, served as a table and looked as if it were thousands of years old. We took our places around it, and presently a slender youth entered. My son introduced him by saying:
“‘This is our Brother, Fun Wey, whom Our Master brought from China, when he was an infant at a time—his Life was about to be taken. He is from a very ancient Chinese family, and is able to do many wonderful things. He has always wished to serve us, and we are privileged and happy to call him—Brother. He is one of the most joyous natures I have ever known.’
“这是我们的兄弟,范威,他是我们的上师从中国带来的,当时他还是一个婴儿 —— 他的生命即将被夺走。他来自一个非常古老的中国家庭,能够做很多奇妙的事情。他一直希望为我们服务,我们很荣幸,也很开心称呼他为 —— 兄弟。他是我所认识的最快乐的人之一。”
“Among the things for breakfast were luscious strawberries with delicious date and nut cakes. We went into the large living-room and the Master Eriel said to me:
“‘At the time your beloved wife—who is your Twin Ray—would have passed on, I saw an opportunity to give certain assistance—which would enable her to reach the Ascended State—and thus have much greater freedom and wider capacity for service. It was my great privilege and joy to give that assistance.
“你挚爱的妻子 —— 是你的双生光 —— 在她即将去世的时候,我看到了提供某些帮助的机会 —— 这可以帮助她到达扬升的状态 —— 从而拥有更大的自由和更广泛的服务能力。能为她提供帮助是我莫大的荣幸和喜悦。”
“‘I opened the casket—restored her to conscious action—and enabled her to raise the body. It had already reached a point of high attenuation—because her desire for the “Light” was very great. It was her intense adoration to and longing for the “Light” that made possible her Ascension. I explained this to her the day you thought she had passed on.
“‘我打开了棺材 —— 恢复了她有意识的活动 —— 从而让她可以提升身体。这具身体已经到达了一个很高的校准点 —— 因为她对“圣光”的渴望非常强烈。是她对“圣光”强烈的尊崇和渴望让她达成了扬升。就在你认为她去世的那天,我已经向她解释了这点。”
“‘All three of you were children of mine in an embodiment—of long ago. A great love was generated then—which has lasted through the centuries. Her deep love made possible—the assistance and raising—that has been accomplished at this time.
“‘你们三位都是我在很久之前一次转世中的孩子。那时已经产生了伟大的爱 —— 持续了几个世纪。她深刻的爱让帮助和提升 —— 在那时的完成 —— 成为可能。’”
“‘Your son—who was stolen with the intention of being held for ransom—was brought to this canyon. The two concerned with his kidnapping began to quarrel, and one—planned to take the child’s Life.
“‘你们的儿子 —— 为了勒索赎金被偷走 —— 带到了这个峡谷。两个与他绑架相关的人开始争吵,其中一个计划夺走孩子的性命。’”
“‘I appeared before them—and took him. They were paralyzed by their own fear—and neither ever recovered. Both passed on a few weeks later. If one deliberately takes the life of another human being—or determines mentally to take it—he has set a cause into motion that will surely take his own.
“‘我出现在他们面前 —— 把孩子带走了。他们因自己的恐惧而瘫痪了 —— 没有恢复过来。几周后他们都去世了。如果一个人要故意夺走另一个人的性命 —— 或者说下决心夺走他人性命 —— 他就种下了恶因,显然会自食其果。’”
“‘A feeling or desire—for the death of another person—will do the same thing—for it goes forth to the person, and then begins its return journey to the one who sent it out. Many times individuals allow resentment against injustice to flash forth, with an intense feeling to rid the world of a certain individual. This is a—subtle form—of the thought of death—and to the one who sends it out—it must return.
“‘想让一个人陷入死亡的感觉或者愿望 —— 会对这个人本身做相同的事情 —— 因为它会传到这个人身上,然后开始它的回归之旅,回归到发出这个意愿的人身上。很多时候,一个人允许对不公平事情的怨恨发泄出来,强烈地想让这个世界的某个个体消失。这是死亡想法的一种微妙表达形式 —— 对于发出它的人来说 —— 这个想法一定会返回。’”
“‘Many, many people bring about their own dissolution—by this very subtle activity of the human self—for no one ever escapes this “Immutable Law.” There are many phases of Its reaction—and it is because humanity indulges—in such thoughts and feelings—that the race as a whole—has been experiencing the dissolution of body after body.
“‘很多人通过人类自我的这种微妙的活动 —— 带来了他自己的瓦解 —— 因为没有人可以逃脱这个“不变的法则”。它的反应有很多阶段 —— 因为人类沉浸于这样的想法和感觉中 —— 整个人类种族一直在经历一个又一个身体的瓦解。’”
“‘The number of mankind—that pass out through physical violence—is infinitesimal—compared to the deaths brought about—by these subtle activities—of thought, feeling, and the spoken word. The human race has been killing itself off—for thousands of years in this subtle way—because it will not learn “The Law of Life” and obey It.
“‘通过物质层面的暴力死亡的人数 —— 与这些想法、情感和言语的微妙活动所导致的死亡人口数量相比 —— 是微不足道的。人类一直在自杀 —— 数千年以来以这种微妙的方式进行着 —— 因为它不学习“生命法则”,也不遵守它。’”
“‘There is only One Law of Life, and that is “Love.” The Self-Conscious, thinking individual who will not or does not—obey that—Eternal Beneficent Decree—cannot and will not retain the physical body—because all that is not Love—dissolves form and it matters not—whether it be thought, word, feeling or deed—intentional or unintentional—the ‘Law’ acts—regardless. Thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds are each but so much force acting—and eternally move in an orbit of their own.
“‘生命只有一个法则,那就是“爱”。那些有自我意识、有思想的个体,若他们不愿意、无法遵守 —— 那永恒慈悲的法令 —— 就不能保存他的肉身完好 —— 因为所有一切不与爱校准的形态都会瓦解,不论是想法、语言、感觉还是行为 —— 不论是有意的还是无意的 —— 这个‘法则’都会发挥作用。想法、情感、言语和行为每一个都在起作用 —— 并且永远地在它们自己的轨道上运作。’”
“‘If man knew—he never ceases creating even for an instant—he would realize, through the “Presence” of God within himself—he could purify his miscreations—and thus be free from his own limitations.
“‘如果人类知道 —— 他没有一刻不停止创造 —— 他就会意识到,通过他内在的神之‘临在’ —— 他就会净化自己的错误创造 —— 从而摆脱他自己的局限。’”
“‘He spins a cocoon of human discord around himself—and goes to sleep within it forgetting—at least for a time, that if he can build it, he can also—break through. By using the Wings of his Soul—Adoration and Determination—he can break through his self-created darkness. Then, he lives once more at the—Center of his Being—in the “Light” and Freedom of his “God-Self.”
“‘他围绕着自己编织了一个不和谐的人造茧 —— 然后在里面睡着了,他忘记了 —— 即便是想起一次也好,如果他能建造它,那么他就可以打破它。通过使用他灵魂的双翼 —— 尊崇和下定决心 —— 他就可以突破自己创造的黑暗。然后,他可以再次生活在 —— 他存在的中心 —— 他自己‘神之自我’的圣光和自由中。’”
“‘However, in the activity of you and your beloved family, or shall I say my beloved family, the cloud that has seemed to hold so much of sorrow is now turned inside out and reveals its glorious golden lining. You have now come within the—Radiant Splendor of the “Light”—from which you will never again recede.
“‘不过,在你和你心爱家人的事件中,或者说是与我心爱的家人,看上去承载了如此多悲伤的云朵已经翻了个底朝天,露出了它内在闪耀的金光。你现在已经进入了‘圣光’闪耀的辉煌中 —— 你将永不会从中退缩。’”
“‘In most cases, if human beings knew the wonderful things that are sometimes planned for them, they would unknowingly prevent the approach of this greater good. You have been invited here, not only to join your loved ones, but to receive—definite instruction—concerning the existence, use, and direction of the Mighty God-Power—latent within you. When you understand how to release and control It, anything will be possible for you.
“‘在大多数情况下,如果人类有的时候知道为他们规划的美好事物,他们会在不知不觉中阻止这种伟大利益的接近。你被邀请到这里来,不仅仅是与你爱的人会合,而且更是为了接收 —— 明确的指引 —— 关于潜伏在你内在的伟大神之力量的存在、使用和引导。当你了解如何释放和控制它时,你将无所不能。’”
“‘Your loved ones used the Light and Sound Rays in communicating with you. This knowledge with its power will be explained, and you too shall be enabled to operate them—consciously and at will. You feel deeply, and when that characteristic is consciously governed, there will come an Awareness of the Mighty God-Power—that stands ready to be released—at any instant.
“‘你的爱人使用圣光和声音射线与你交流。这种知识以及其力量会解释给你,这样你也可以有意识地随意操控它。你会深刻地感受到,当这种特性被有意识地掌控时,就会出现一种对伟大的神之力量的觉知 —— 这种力量随时准备好被释放。’”
“‘You are to remain here for six weeks of training. and then return to the outer world—to use—the understanding you have received. Come again, at any time for you are now one of us.’
“‘你要在这里接受六个星期的训练。然后回到外面的世界 —— 去应用你获得的理解。你可以随时回来,因为你现在已经是我们中的一员了。’”
“I can never put in words—what those six weeks meant to me. To become aware of my own ability to use the instruction and application of such wisdom astonished me. Soon, I began to gain a confidence in myself—that made everything much easier. What seems so mysterious and unusual to the human—I found natural and normal—to this Stupendous ‘Inner-Presence.’
“‘我永远无法用语言表达 —— 那六个星期对我来说意味着什么。意识到我自己有能力运用这些教导,并对这些智慧加以应用,真的让我感到惊讶。很快,我开始对自己充满信心 —— 这让一切变得更加容易。对人类来说如此神秘和不同寻常的事情 —— 我发现对这位惊人的‘内在临在’来说自然而然而且很正常。’”
“I had to realize that I was—Truly—the Son of God. As a Son of the—Source of all Good—the Limitless Wisdom-Energy obeyed my conscious direction, and when I directed it—as does a Master—produced results instantly. As I gained confidence in my own ability to use the ‘Great Law,’ the fulfillment naturally became more and more rapid. I marvel yet—at the Ever-pouring Fountain of Love and Wisdom that streamed forth from this—Great Master. We love him with a deep devotion—greater than any love that could ever exist between parent and child—for the Love Tie formed by the giving of Spiritual Understanding is Eternal, and far deeper than any love generated through human experience—no matter how beautiful and strong it may be. He often said to us:
“我真正地意识到,我真的是神之子。作为万善之源的儿子 —— 无限智慧的能量服从我有意识的引导,当我引导它时 —— 就像一位上师那么做 —— 就会产生即刻的结果。随着我对自己使用‘伟大法则’能力的信心增加时,结果自然变得越来越快。我还惊讶于这位伟大导师源源不断地涌出的爱与智慧的源泉。我们深深地爱着他 —— 要比父母和孩子之间可能存在的爱更伟大 —— 因为通过给予灵性理解而形成的爱之纽带是永恒的,比任何人类体验所产生的爱更加深刻 —— 不论人类体验的爱有多么美丽和强大。他常对我们说:”
“‘If you will make yourselves—an Eternal Fountain of Divine Love—pouring it forth into every place your thought goes, you will become such a Magnet for All Good—that you will have to call for help to dispense it. Peace and Calmness of Soul release a power—which compels obedience—of the outer mind. This must be—claimed—with authority. Our home here in this Secret Valley has been used for over four thousand years.’
“‘如果你们让自己成为 —— 神圣之爱的永恒源泉 —— 倾注到你们思想所至的每个地方,你就会成为一切美好的吸铁石 —— 你将不得不寻求帮助来分配它。灵魂的安静与和平会释放出一种力量 —— 迫使外在心智的服从。灵魂会以权威的方式来宣告。在这个秘密之谷的家,我们已经这么使用了四千年。’”
“One day, after giving a remarkable discourse on ‘God’s Ownership,’ he looked at me very intently, and suggested we take a walk. He led the way to the opposite side of the valley from which we had entered. Near the south wall, and running parallel with it from east to west, was a ridge beginning at the ground, rising to about seven feet in height, extending about two thousand feet in length, and then descending to the ground again. As we came closer, I saw it was a vein of white quartz. The Master Eriel stepped to where the vein came to the ground and kicked a piece loose with his foot. I saw it was—immensely rich—in gold. My human love for gold attempted to surge forth but the ‘Inner-Presence’ instantly checked it, and with a smile the Master remarked:
“‘That is well done. Now, I have work to do in Europe and must leave you for the present.’ He smiled, and was gone instantly. It was the first time—he had shown the Full Dominion he possessed, and the things—he was able to do in this manner. Immediately—my son became visible—in exactly the same spot—where Eriel had been standing the instant before and laughed heartily at my surprise.
“‘做的好。现在,我在欧洲有事情要完成,必须暂时离开你。’他笑了笑即刻就离开了。这是第一次 —— 他展示出自己拥有完全的主宰权,以及他能够用这种方式做事情。突然间 —— 我的儿子出现了 —— 站在相同的位置 —— 就是埃里尔刚刚站的地方,他对我的惊讶大笑起来。”
“‘Mother and I,’ he said, ‘can take our bodies with us—wherever we choose in the same way. Do not be surprised. It is a—Natural Law—and—only seems strange and unusual—because you are not using it—as yet. It really is no more extraordinary—than the telephone would have been—to the people of the Middle Ages. If they had known the “Law” of its construction, they could have used it then—just as well as we of this century.’
“他说,‘妈妈和我可以带着我们的身体 —— 以相同的方式到达我们选择到达的地方。不要吃惊。这是自然的法则 —— 它看起来奇怪和不同寻常 —— 因为你还尚未使用它。它真的不比活在中世纪的人看到别人打电话更特别。如果他们知道其构造的‘法则’,他们就会知道如何去使用了 —— 就像我们现在这样。’”
“Since that visit to my family in the Secret Valley, I have been there seven times. The last time, I returned to the outer world—the Master gave me your address—which accounts for my asking you to come here. He extends the invitation for you—to return with me.”
“自从上次到神秘之谷探访我的家庭之后,我已经去了七次。上一次,我回到了外面的世界 —— 上师把你的地址给了我 —— 所以才叫你来到这里。他拓展了邀请 —— 让你跟我一同回去。”
My host suddenly realized he had been talking several hours, and begged indulgence for taxing my patience. I told him the experiences were so fascinating, and I had been so intensely interested that time was non-existent, so far as I was concerned. I accepted and was deeply grateful—for the Master Eriel’s invitation to visit them, and said so frankly. A moment later, a tall young man came into the room.
“Let me present our Brother, Fun Wey,” said my host, introducing him, and in the most perfect English, he replied:
“My Brother—with the Heart of Light—has journeyed far. My heart leaps in ecstasy and joy. My soul feels your Serenity and Radiance.” Addressing my host directly, he continued.
“我的兄弟 —— 带着圣光之心 —— 已经旅行了这么远。我的心在欢愉和喜悦中跳动。我的灵魂感受到你的宁静和光辉。”他直接向这位主人继续说。
“Knowing you were busy, I am here to serve you.”
“It will give us great pleasure to have you break bread with us,” said my friend turning to me, and together we passed into the dining room. Our dinner was delicious, and when finished my host again resumed his conversation—relating many of his personal experiences with Eriel. They were remarkable indeed—that is speaking from the human side of our consciousness only—but from the standpoint of our—Divinity—all was and is—Supremely Natural.
“你若是跟我们一起掰面包,我们会很高兴的,”我的朋友转身对我说,然后我们一起走进了餐厅。我们的晚餐很美味,吃完后,这位主人又开始了他的谈话 —— 讲述了他与埃里尔的许多个人经历。它们的确非凡 —— 这是从我们意识的人性方面来说的 —— 但是从我们神性的视角来看 —— 所有一切 —— 过去和现在的 —— 都非常自然。
Suddenly, a Ray of Light—or rather a Tube of Light—came into the room, and from the conversation I knew it was my host’s Twin Ray speaking. In a moment, the Ray was directed to me, and he said:
突然,一道光 —— 或者说一根光柱 —— 进入了房间,从谈话中我得知那是主人在与他的双生光交谈。片刻后,光柱照向我,他说:
“Beloved, allow me to present the Brother—whom our Master Eriel has requested I meet.”
I saw his Twin Ray, and heard her as clearly—as if she stood in the room beside us. This way of communicating is a wonderfully happy experience, and—it is possible—to so condense “Light” as to form a Tube in which Sound and Vision can be conveyed. It was as Real—as a search-light.
“亲爱的,请允许我介绍这位兄弟 —— 我们的大师埃里尔要求我来见他。”我看到他的双生光,也清楚地听到了她的声音 —— 仿佛她就站在我们身边一样。这种交流的方式是一种美妙而愉悦的体验,的确有可能把“圣光”聚焦起来形成一个管道,在其中传递声音和视觉画面。它就像照明灯一样真实。
My host insisted that I make his home mine—until the day of our departure into the mountains. We started before daylight the seventh day after our meeting, and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my Life up to that time. All he had told me proved to be true—in the minutest detail.
这位主人坚持我把他的家当成自己的家 —— 一直待到我们出发进山的那天。我们在会面后的第七天,天还没亮就出发了,这是我一生中最难忘的经历之一。他告诉我的一切都被证明是真的 —— 最微小的细节也是。
Our arrival at the Secret Valley was a most joyous event, and our happiness was very great. I met my host’s Twin Ray and their son, and was then shown over the ancient building—where so many students had received the True Understanding of the Laws of Being—and attained their Eternal Freedom.
我们来到神秘之谷是一件非常喜悦的事件,我们非常开心。我遇到了这位主人的双生光和他的儿子,然后被带到了这座古老的建筑上 —— 很多学生在这里接受了对存在法则的真正理解 —— 并获得了他们永恒的自由。
It was a marvelous sensation—to stand where the Great God-Power had been focused for so many centuries, and—the Ascended Masters had made a retreat—for some of their work. I sat contemplating the blessings the students had received—who were privileged to come there, when the Master Eriel addressed me.
这真是一种美妙的感觉 —— 站在几个世纪以来伟大神之力量的集中之处,扬升大师们为了他们的一些工作准备了这个隐蔽之处。当埃里尔大师对我讲话时,我坐了下来沉思那些学生接收到的祝福 —— 他们真的是有幸来到这里。
“My Son,” he began, “you are nearing wonderful liberation. Hold close to the continuous acceptance of your own indwelling ‘Master-Presence,’ and you will have just cause for great rejoicing.” He extended his right hand, and—the veil between the visible and invisible—was drawn aside.
“我的孩子,”他开始说,“你正在接近美妙的自由。牢牢抓住并持续接受你自己内在的‘主宰临在’,你将会有正当的理由喜悦。”他伸出右手,然后可见世界和不可见世界之间的面纱 —— 被拉到一边。
“I want you to see,” he continued, “as we who have Ascended—The Sublime and Majestic Activity of Our World. Here, we continually bear witness, as Sons of God, because there is no longer doubt, fear, or imperfection within us.” I shall always remember the joy and privilege that was mine during the days I spent with those wonderful people.
“我想让你看到,”他继续说,“作为像我们一样扬升的人 —— 我们世界崇高和庄严的活动。在这里,我们作为神之子持续地见证着,因为我们内在不再有怀疑、恐惧和不完美。”我将永远记得我与那些美妙的人待在一起度过的快乐和荣耀的日子。
“Every day,” said Eriel, “you shall witness the use of the—Light and Sound Rays—that annihilate time and space, and which mankind is destined to use in the near future—as naturally as they now use the telephone. This is one of the most Stupendous Activities the individual may learn how to direct. A Light Ray can be drawn and controlled—so it may be used as a pencil—to write upon metal—or in the sky, and the writing—remain visible—as long as the one directing—desires.
“每一天,” 埃里尔说,“你都会见证 —— 圣光和声音射线 —— 的使用,它们可以超越时间和空间,人类注定在不久的将来就会使用它们 —— 就像他们现在使用电话一样自然。这是一个人可以学会去引导的最了不起的活动之一。光线可以被绘制和控制 —— 它可以像铅笔一样使用 —— 可以在金属上或者天空中书写,并且让书写保持可见 —— 只要引导者愿意。”
“When the student is strong enough—to stand against the opinions of the world of ignorance—then he or she is ready—to bear witness to the—Marvels of the Individual Activities of God—manifested by the Ascended Masters.
“当学生足够强大 —— 可以抗拒世界上无知的观点时 —— 他就准备好去见证 —— 由扬升大师们展示的神之活动在个人表达中的奇迹。”
“Until he can do this—the power in suggestion and the radiation of doubt from others will disturb him intermittently—to such an extent—that he many times gives up the quest for Truth. Interruption to the steady flow of instruction—is—discord. Discord is the wedge—and subtle way—by which the sinister force on this earth—enters the outer activity of a student—who has determined to face—’The Light.’
“在他可以做到这一点之前 —— 来自他人建议的力量和怀疑的辐射会间歇性地扰乱他 —— 达到这样的程度 —— 以至于让他多次放弃对真理的追求。干扰指引稳定流动的是 —— 不和谐。不和谐是楔子 —— 也是一种微妙的方式 —— 地球上的邪恶力量通过它进入已经下定决心面对 —— ‘圣光’ —— 的学生的外在活动中”
“Such activity is very subtle—because it is a feeling, and creeps in upon one before he is—really aware—of its existence. It is persistent beyond belief—and the growth is so insidious—that one does not realize what has been done—until the momentum is already under way.
“这种活动是非常微妙的 —— 因为它是一种感觉,在一个人还没真正意识到它的存在之前 —— 它就悄悄地潜入。它的持久令人难以置信 —— 而且增长也非常阴险 —— 以至于一个人还没有意识到发生了什么之前 —— 那势头已经就开始了。”
“This feeling begins—as a slight doubt. A doubt need only be—felt—two or three times, until it becomes—distrust. Distrust—whirls a time or two in the emotional body—and becomes suspicion—and suspicion is self-destruction.
“这种感觉一开始 —— 是轻微的怀疑。怀疑只需要 —— 感觉到 —— 两三次,它就变成 —— 不信任。 不信任 —— 在情绪体中盘旋一两次 —— 就变成怀疑 —— 怀疑就是自我毁灭。”
“Remember this my son, as you return again to the outer world, and you will find it a safeguard—that will carry you through every experience in Life—keeping you untouched by discord. If one sends out suspicion, he—will—be suspected, for every one has in his world just exactly—that—which he puts into it, and this ‘Eternal Irrevocable Decree’ exists throughout the Universe. All impulses of consciousness—travel back to the central point—that sent them out—not even an atom escapes.
“记住这一点,我的孩子,当你再次回到外面的世界时,你会发现它是一种保障 —— 伴随你度过生命中的每一次经历 —— 让你免受不和谐的影响。如果一个人发出怀疑 —— 他就会陷入怀疑中,因为每个人在他自己的世界中拥有的正是他自己放入的东西,而这个‘永恒的不可撤销的法令’存在于整个宇宙中。所有意识的冲动 —— 都会回归到发出它们的中心点 —— 甚至一个原子都不例外。”
“The Real student of ‘Light’ faces ‘The Light’—sends it before him—sees its Enfolding Radiance—everywhere he moves, and adores ‘It’—constantly. From the doubts, fears, suspicion, and ignorance of the human mind, he turns away, and knows—only ‘The Light.’ This is His Source—His True-Self.”
“‘圣光’的真正学生面对送到他面前的‘圣光’ —— 看到圣光的光辉 —— 环绕着他去的每个地方,并持续的尊崇‘它’。面对来自人类心智的怀疑、恐惧、质疑和无知,他转过身子,知道 —— 只有‘圣光’。这就是他的源头 —— 他真正的自我。”
With these parting words, Eriel bade me farewell, and I returned to the daily routine of my outer life.
THE following day, I received a communication through which I became engaged in a business activity that required all my time and attention. The mere anticipation of it gave me great joy, and I entered in with much enthusiasm. There came a refreshing, quickening sense, a thing I had never before known in my business experience.
In the course of its progress, I came into close personal contact with a man of very dominating character. His entire attitude in business was to gain his desire by force—if intrigue failed or he was opposed in any way.
在活动进行的过程中,我与一位性格非常专横的人建立了密切的个人接触。他在商业活动中的整个态度就是通过强迫来满足他的欲望 —— 如果阴谋失败或者他被以某种方式反对的话。
He believed only in the power of his own intellect and human will, and had neither knowledge of nor faith in—anything else. At no time, did he hesitate to crush or ruin persons or things that stood in the way of his success, and used all means to gain his own selfish ends.
他只相信自己的智力和人类的意志,对 —— 其他任何事情 —— 一无所知,也没有任何信念。任何时候,他都会毫不犹豫地粉碎或者毁灭阻碍他成功的人或事,不择手段地满足一己之私。
I had met him some three years before the following experience took place—and at that time had felt almost helpless in his presence—so overpowering was the feeling of domination he continually sent out. Yet, I knew in spite of my own reaction to him that his control over others was—only force—focused into the outer activity. I was somewhat disturbed, as I realized I would have to associate with him. Immediately, I sought a way to deal with him by application of the God-Law, when the “Inner Voice” said to me clearly:
我是在接下来的经历发生的三年前认识的他,那时当他在场时,我会感到无助 —— 因为他持续不断地散发出的支配感是如此地强烈。然而,我知道尽管我对他的个人反应是如此,他对其他人的控制更是通过 —— 强迫 —— 把注意力集中在外在活动上。我感到有些不安,因为我意识到我必须同他打交道。即刻,我寻求应用神之法则来与他打交道,这时“内在的声音”清晰地对我说:
“Why not let the ‘Mighty God Within’—take full charge and handle this condition? That ‘Inner-Power’ knows no domination, and is—Always Invincible.”
“为什么不让‘内在伟大的神’来全权负责处理这种情况?那‘内在的力量’不知何为主宰,并且总是 —— 战无不胜。”
I was immensely grateful, and completely released everything into “Its” management. I met this man with two others, and agreed to go with them to inspect a mining property in a distant state. I felt it to be a very valuable one. The owner was an elderly lady whose good husband had passed on by an accident in the mine some months before.
He had left things in a precarious condition, and our dominating friend had determined to buy the mine at his own price—not an honest one. After a long trip by auto, we reached our destination about two o’clock the second day. We met the owner whom I realized was a blessed soul—true and honorable.
他的离开让事情处于不稳定的状态,我们专横的朋友决心以他自己的价格 —— 而不是一个诚信的价格来买下矿山。经过长途汽车旅行,我们在第二天下午两点左右到达了目的地。我们遇到了矿场的主人,我意识到她是一位受到祝福的灵魂 —— 真实且荣耀。
Then and there—I took the determined stand that she should have a square deal, and receive full value for the property. She invited us to a lovely luncheon, and we proceeded to examine the mine. We went through the workings, tunnels, drifts, shafts and stopings. The more I watched, the more certain I became something was wrong. The very atmosphere seemed to breathe it to me.
I was certain—a rich strike had been made—which had not been reported to the owner. I somehow knew the buyer had secretly placed one of the workmen on duty to watch for such an activity and that during the weeks of watching, he had gained the confidence of the superintendent. I realized at heart he was a good man but—not awakened spiritually speaking.
我非常确信 —— 已经发现了一笔巨大的财富 —— 但是尚未报告给矿场所有者。我不知何故得知了买方已经秘密安排一位值班工人监视这个活动,并且在监视的这几周,他获得了主管的信任。我从心里意识到主管是位好人,但是灵性尚未觉醒。
As we stood talking to him, my God-Self disclosed fully what had occurred. A short time previously, as these two were on their inspection of the work, they had come to a spot where the shots had broken into the face of a tunnel leading directly into the heart of the mountain. The blast had broken into—a very rich vein of gold bearing quartz. The superintendent was about to rush out, and report it to the owner, when the spying workman remarked:
“Wait! I know the man who is going to buy this mine. If you want to continue your present position, don’t mention that strike. I’ll see to it you not only stay here, as superintendent, but there’ll be five thousand in it for you. The old lady’ll get enough to keep her anyway,” and the superintendent fearing the loss of his position had agreed.
In our examination of the mine, we came to the end of the main tunnel, and I felt strongly this was the place, the rich strike had been made. It had been cleverly covered up and disguised as a loose formation where it was dangerous to work. Such was the report they had made to the woman who owned the mine. As I stood at this place talking with the others, my Inner Sight was opened, and I saw all that had taken place, the rich strike, the covering of it, the offer to the superintendent, and his acceptance. I was grateful to have my feeling verified—but knew I must wait. We returned to the owner’s residence, and negotiations began. The buyer opened the subject by saying:
当我们检查矿井时,我们来到了主隧道的尽头,我强烈地感觉到这里就是发现丰富矿产的地方。它被巧妙的掩盖起来,伪装成一个松散的构造,看上去很危险的样子。这就是他们对拥有矿山的女主人所做的汇报。当我站在这个地方与其他人交谈时,我内在的视野被打开,我看到了发生的一切,金矿的发现,掩盖,以及向监工提出的要求和他的接受。我很高兴我的感觉得到了验证 —— 但是我知道自己必须等待。我们回到了矿场主人的住处,开始谈判。买方打开了话题,说道:
“Mrs. Atherton, what do you expect for this property?”
“I am holding it at two hundred fifty thousand dollars,” she replied courteously and gently.
“Absurd!” he shouted, “preposterous, ridiculous. It is not worth half that amount.” He carried on in this vein for some few moments, blustering as was his habit. It had worked many times before, and he was still following the old line of procedure. He argued and stormed and ended by saying:
“Mrs. Atherton, you are in a position—where you must sell, I will be generous and give you—a hundred and fifty thousand.”
“阿瑟顿夫人,你所处的位置 —— 是必须要卖掉这个矿场。我会慷慨地给你 —— 十五万。”
“I will consider it,” she replied, so cowed by his attitude of domination and bluster—that she began to accept his ideas and give in to his arrogant impudence.
“我会考虑的,”她回答说。他的霸道和狂妄自大的态度让她感到害怕 —— 她开始接受他的想法,并屈服于他的傲慢无礼。
He saw her waver and immediately, began to high pressure the whole situation.
“I cannot wait,” he went on, “my time is valuable. You must decide at once or the deal is off.”
He drew the papers from his pocket and placed them on the table. Mrs. Atherton looked about helplessly, and I shook my head—no—to her but she did not see me. The contract lay open, and she stepped across the room taking a chair at the table—preparing to sign. I knew, if she were to be protected, I must act at once, and going to where she sat, I addressed our dominating friend.
他从口袋中掏出文件,放在桌上。阿瑟顿夫人无助地环顾四周,我摇了摇头 —— 不 —— 但她没有看到我。合同打开了,她走过房间,坐在桌旁的椅子上 —— 准备签字。我知道,如果要保护她,我必须立刻采取行动,我走到了她坐的位置,对我们的霸道朋友说话。
“Just a moment, my good man,” I said, “you will pay this dear lady what her mine is worth—or you are not going to get it.” He turned his wrath upon me—with several very pungent invectives and attempted the same tactics—as usual.
“等一下,这位朋友,”我说,“你要付给这位亲爱的女士她矿场所值 —— 否则你无法得到这座矿场。”他像往常一样朝我发怒 —— 用了几次非常尖锐的谩骂,并尝试了与往常相同的策略。
“I’d like to know who is going to prevent me having the mine at—my price?” he retorted. I felt a surge of the—Mighty God-Power Within—come forth like an avalanche, keeping me unaffected by his tirade of vindictiveness, and I replied:
“我想知道谁会阻拦我以我的价格购买矿场?”他反驳道。我感觉到一股 —— 内在的强大的神之力量 —— 如雪崩一般涌出,让我不受他报复的长篇大论的影响,我回答说:
“God will prevent you.”
With that answer, he burst out laughing. He carried on boisterously, cynically, insultingly. I waited calmly.
“You fool,” he began again in another tirade of anger—”you prate about God. Not you nor God nor anything can stop me. I get what I go after, and I get it regardless. No one has ever stopped me yet.” His arrogance seemed to have no limit, and he revealed himself—mind and body—but the victim of his emotions. His reason was unable to function, as is always the case under any uncontrolled feeling—or it would have warned him to go no further—with his insults.
“你个傻瓜”,他又开始了愤怒的长篇大论 —— “你对神喋喋不休。不论是你、神,还是其他任何事情都不能阻止我。我会得到我想要的,不论如何都会得到。从来没有人能阻止我。”他的傲慢似乎没有止境,他暴露了他自己 —— 心智和身体 —— 都成为了他情绪的牺牲品。他的理智无法发挥作用,就像在所有不受控的感觉中的状况那样 —— 不然理智就会警告他,不要再继续侮辱下去了。
I felt the expansion of the God-Power—again. ‘This time it came stronger and stronger—until in a tone like a clarion, the Mighty Inner-Voice of my God-Self revealed the Truth of the whole transaction—and the deception at the mine.
我再次感觉到神之力量的拓展。这一次它变得越来越强 —— 直至我的神之自我强大的内在声音以号角般的基调揭示了整个交易的真相 —— 还有矿场中的骗局。
“Mrs. Atherton,” I said, “there has been gross deceit practiced upon you. Your workmen made a rich strike. This man had a spy among them who has bribed your superintendent—to remain silent concerning it.” The superintendent and the others in the room went white and speechless, as my Inner-Self continued to expose their treachery. The prospective buyer seemed equal to any emergency, and interrupting me in his wild anger, shouted:
“阿瑟顿夫人,”我说,“你受到严重的欺骗。你的工人们发现了一处丰富的金矿。这个人在你的工人之中安插了一名间谍,他贿赂了你的监工 —— 让他对这件事情保持沉默。” 当我的内在自我持续地揭露他们的背叛行为时,监工和房间里的其他人脸色煞白,说不出话来。这位准买家似乎对任何紧急状况都无所畏惧,他愤怒地打断了我的话,大声喊道:
“You lie. I’ll brain you for such interference.” He lifted his steel cane and as I raised my hand to seize it—a White Flame suddenly shot forth flashing—full in his face. He dropped to the floor as if struck by lightning. Then My Mighty God-Self spoke again with All Authority of Eternity, Majestic, Powerful: “Let no one in this room move—until given permission.” My outer self no longer me—but “God in Action”—stepped to where the man lay, and went on:
“你撒谎。你要为自己做出的干扰付出代价。”他举起他的钢手杖,当我伸手去抓住它时 —— 一道白色的火焰突然喷射而出 —— 照亮了他整个面容。他像是被闪电击中一样倒在地上。然后,我伟大的神之自我再次以全然的永恒、威严和强大的权威说话:“这个房间里的人都不要动 —— 除非得到许可。”我外在的自我不再是我 —— 而是“行动中的神” —— 走到那个人躺着的地方,继续说:
“Great Soul in this man—I speak to you! Too long have you been held prisoner—by his dominating personal self. Come forth—now! Take command of his mind and body! Right the many deceptions he has practiced—in the present life. Within the hour—this strong outer human creation of discord and injustice—which he has built up shall be consumed—and never again—shall it deceive or humanly dominate—another of God’s children. To the outer self, I say—Awaken! In peace, love, kindliness, generosity and good will to all that lives.”
“这个人伟大的灵魂 —— 我对你讲话!你被他处于主宰中的个人自我 —— 禁锢得太久了。现在就出来!掌控他的心智和身体!他在当前的这次转世中已经进行了许多欺骗。在一个小时之内 —— 他所建立的这种强大的外在不和谐和不公正的人类创造物 —— 会被摧毁 —— 并且永远不会再去欺骗或者用人性去支配 —— 神的另一位孩子。对外在的自我,我说 —— 醒来!在和平、爱、仁慈、慷慨和对所有生命的善意中醒来。”
Slowly, the color began to come back into the man’s face, and he opened his eyes in strange bewilderment. “God in me”—still in charge, took him gently by the hand and putting an arm under his shoulder helped him to a large easy chair. Again, It commanded:
“My Brother—look at me!”
“我的兄弟 —— 看着我!”
As he raised his eyes to mine, a tremor passed over his body, and in a voice scarcely audible said:
“Yes, I have seen. I understand—how wrong I have been. God forgive me.” He dropped his head in his hands and hid his face—silent and ashamed. Tears began to drop through his fingers and he wept like a child.
“是的,我看到了。我明白了 —— 我错得多么离谱。神,请原谅我。”他双手抱头,掩住脸 —— 沉默而羞愧。眼泪开始从他的指尖滑落,他哭得像个孩子。
“You will pay this dear lady, one million dollars,” My God-Self continued, “and give her a ten per cent interest in the mine beside—for in the strike recently made is at least—ten million in gold ore.” With deep humility and a strange sweetness, he answered:
“你要付给这位尊敬的女士一百万美元。”我的神之自我继续说,“除此之外还要给她这座矿山10%的权益 —— 因为在最近的这次开采中,至少发现了 —— 价值一千万的金矿。”他带着深深的谦卑和一种异常的柔和,回答:
“Let it be done now.” He requested his men this time, instead of ordering them as was his former habit, to draw up the papers—as had been directed. Mrs. Atherton and he both signed—completing the transaction.
I turned to the others in the room, and realized from the expression on their faces all of them had been so lifted in consciousness—they had seen beyond the human veil—each of them saying:
我转向房间中的其他人,从他们脸上的表情中我意识到所有人的意识都被提升了 —— 他们看到了人类面纱之外的东西 —— 他们中的每个人都说:
“Never, so help me God, will I ever attempt to deceive or do wrong to my fellow man again.” They had been raised to fully recognize and accept the God-Self within—every one.
“请神帮助我,我再也不会试图去欺骗或者伤害我的同胞了。”他们已经被提升,完全地认识和接受了 —— 每个人内在的神之自我。
It was late afternoon, when this occurrence took place. Mrs. Atherton extended a cordial invitation to remain as her guests over night, and accompany her to Phoenix in the morning—for the recording of the papers for the sale. After dinner that night, we gathered in the big living room before a large open fire-place. Everyone sincerely sought more understanding of the—Great Cosmic Laws of Life.
事情发生的时候已经是傍晚时分了。阿瑟顿夫人诚挚地邀请她的客人留下过夜,并在明天早上陪她同去菲尼克斯 —— 为她交易的文件做记录。那天晚饭过后,我们一同坐在客厅前的大壁炉前面。每个人都真诚地寻求对伟大宇宙生命法则更多的理解。
They asked—how it happened I had come into this kind of knowledge, and I told them of the Master Saint Germain and the way I had met him. I related some of my experiences on Mount Shasta, and how in the course of our conversation in regard—to the Great Cosmic Law—he had said:
他们询问 —— 我是如何获得这种知识的,我把圣哲曼大师告诉了他们,以及我是如何遇见他的。我讲述了我在雪士达山的一些经历,以及我们有关伟大宇宙法则的谈话,他是这么说的:
“My Son, the Great Cosmic Law does not discriminate any more than does the multiplication table, if one makes a mistake in its application—or electricity, when one, who is ignorant of the—Law—governing its use, tries to direct its force—without knowledge of the way to control it.
“The Great Immutable Decrees—which forever keep order in the Infinite Realm of manifested Life—are all based upon the ‘One Great Principle of Creation’—LOVE. That is the Heart—the Source of All, and the very Hub upon which—existence in form takes place.
“伟大的永恒不变的法令 —— 在生命显化的无限领域中让一切处于永恒的秩序之中 —— 这都是基于‘创造的伟大法则’ —— 爱。那是万物源头的核心所在,也是枢纽,是所有存在形态的发生之地。”
“Love is Harmony—and without it in the beginning of a form—that form could not come into existence at all. Love is the cohesive Power of the Universe, and without it—a Universe could not be.
“爱是和谐 —— 如果在形态开始成型时没有它的存在 —— 形态就根本无法存在。爱是宇宙的凝聚力。没有它 —— 宇宙就不可能存在。”
“In your scientific world, Love expresses itself, as the attractive force between the electrons. It is the directive Intelligence which Wills them into form—the Power which keeps them whirling around a central core—and the Breath within the core—that draws them to it. The same thing is true of each vortex of force—everywhere in creation.
“在你们科学世界,爱以电子之间的吸引力来表达自己。它是引导电子形成形态的指导性智能 —— 爱是让它们围绕着一个中央核心旋转的力量 —— 以及把它们吸引至核心处的神圣呼吸。同样的道理适用于每个力量的漩涡 —— 在创造中无所不在。”
“A central core and the electrons whirling around it form an atom. This core of Love is to the atom—what the magnetic pole is to the earth—and what the spine is to the human body. Without a central core or Heart Center—there is only the unformed—Universal Light—the electrons filling Infinity and whirling around the—Great Central Sun.
“一个中央核心和围绕着它旋转的电子形成一个原子。这个核心的爱对于原子来说 —— 就像磁极对地球一样 —— 就像是脊柱对于人体一样。没有中央核心或心之中心 —— 只会有未成形的宇宙圣光 —— 即充满了无限领域的电子,围绕着伟大的中央太阳旋转。”
“The electron is Pure Spirit or ‘Light’ of God. It remains forever Uncontaminated and Perfect. It is—Eternally Self-sustained, Indestructible, Self-luminous and Intelligent. If it were not, it could not and would not obey ‘The Law’—the directing activity of Love. It is Immortal, Ever-Pure, Intelligent Light-Energy, and the only Real True Substance out of which everything in the Universe is made—The Eternally Perfect ‘Life-Essence’ of God.
“电子是纯粹的圣灵或神之‘圣光’,它永远保持未受污染和完美的状态。它 —— 永远都是自我维系、不可摧毁的,它是自发光的且拥有着智能。若不是如此,它不可能也不会去遵守‘法则’ —— 即爱的指引活动。它是永恒的、永远纯净的、拥有智能的光之能量,也是唯一真正实质性的物质,宇宙中的一切都是由它构成的 —— 神永恒完美的‘生命精华’。”
“Inter-stellar space is filled with this pure ‘Light-Essence.’ It is not dark and in chaos, as has been the ignorant, limited concept of puny human intellects. This Great Sea of Universal Light—that exists everywhere throughout Infinity—is constantly being drawn into form, and given a quality of one kind or another, according to the way the electrons are held around a central point or core by—Love.
“星际空间中充满了这种纯粹的‘圣光精华’。它不是黑暗和混乱的,不是弱小的人类智力中无知和受限的概念。这个宇宙的圣光海洋 —— 存在于无限中的每个地方 —— 不断地被吸入到形态之中,被赋予一种或者另一种特质,这取决于电子被爱围绕在一个中心点或者核心处的方式。”
“The number—of electrons which combine with each other—in a specific atom—is the result of and determined by—conscious thought. The rate—at which they whirl around the central core—is the result of and determined by—feeling. The intensity—of the drawing and whirling motion within the central core is the—’Breath of God’ and therefore, the most—Concentrated Activity of Divine Love. Speaking in scientific terms it would be called—centripetal force. These are the determining factors—which make the quality—of an atom.
“在某个特定的原子中,相互结合的电子数量是有意识的想法的结果和决定。它们围绕着中央电子核旋转的速率是感觉的结果和决定。中央电子核的吸引和旋转运动强度是 —— ‘神的呼吸’,因此,是最集中的神圣之爱的活动。用科学的术语来讲,它就是 —— 向心力。这些是决定一个电子特质的决定性因素。”
“Thus, you will see the atom is an entity—a living, breathing thing—created or brought into existence by the—Breath and Love of God—through the—Will of Self-Conscious Intelligence. In this way, the ‘Word is made flesh.’ The machinery—that Self-Conscious Intelligence uses to accomplish this manifestation of its Being—is thought and feeling.
“因此,你会看到电子是一个实体 —— 一个有生命的、会呼吸的实体 —— 通过自我意识智能的意志 —— 由神之呼吸和爱来创造或者带入存在之中。通过这种方式,‘道化作肉身’。自我意识的智能是通过想法和感觉来实现这种存在的显化。”
“Destructive thought and discordant feeling so rearrange the ratio and rate of speed of the electrons—within the atom—that the duration of the Breath of God—within the pole—is changed. The duration of the Breath—is decreed by the Will of the Consciousness—using that particular kind of atom. If that Conscious Directing Will is withdrawn—the electrons lose their polarity—and fly apart seeking their way back—Intelligently mind you—to the ‘Great Central Sun’ re-polarizing themselves. There they receive Love only—the Breath of God is never-ending—and Order—the First Law—is Eternally maintained.
“破坏性的想法和不和谐的感觉会重新排列原子内部电子的比率和速度 —— 在极点之间,神呼吸的持续时间被改变了。呼吸的持续时间是 —— 通过使用那个特定原子 —— 意识的意志来决定。如果那个引导意识的意志被撤回 —— 电子失去了它们的极性 —— 就会四散开来寻找它们返回的道路 —— 智能地提醒你返回到‘伟大的中央太阳’那里重新极化它们自身。在那里它们只会接收到爱 —— 神的呼吸永无止境,秩序 —— 第一法则 —— 永远得以维系。”
“Some scientists have claimed and taught that planets collide in space. No such thing is possible. To do so—would be to throw the entire scheme of Creation into chaos. It really is fortunate indeed—that the ‘Mighty Laws of God’ are not limited—to the opinions—of some of the children of earth. It does not matter what any scientist—mundane or otherwise thinks—God-Creation—is ever moving forward—and expressing more and more—Perfection.
“一些科学家声称并教导说,太空中的行星会发生碰撞。这样的事情是不可能发生的。这样做 —— 会把整个创造的计划推向混乱。这的确是幸运的 —— ‘神的伟大法则’是不受制于地球上孩童般的观点的。不论任何科学家 —— 世俗之人或者其他人的想法如何 —— 神的创造 —— 一直在向前发展 —— 并表达出越来越多的完美。”
“The constructive thought and harmonious feeling within a human mind and body are the Activities of Love and Order. These permit—the Perfect Ratio and Speed of the electrons within the atom to remain permanent, and thus, they stay polarized at their particular point in the Universe, as long as the duration of the—Breath of God—within their core—is held steady by the Will—of the Directing Self-Conscious Intelligence using the body in which they exist. In this way, the quality of Perfection and the maintenance of Life in a human body is—always—under the conscious control of the Will of the individual occupying it. The Will of the Individual is Supreme—over his temple—and even in cases of accident—no one leaves his body-temple—until he wills to do so. Very often pain in the body, fear, uncertainty, and many other things influence the personality to change its decisions concerning what it has willed in the past—but everything that happens to the body—is and will always be—under the control of the individual’s free will.
“人类心智和身体中的建设性的想法与和谐的感觉是爱与秩序的活动。它们让原子内电子的完美比率和速度保持不变,因此,它们在宇宙的特定位置保持着它们的极性,只要它们原子核心内的神之呼吸由它们所存在身体的指导自我意识的智能意志保持在稳定状态。通过这种方式,人类身体的完美特质和生命的维持 —— 总是处于占据这个身体的个人意志的有意识的控制之中。个体的意志是至高无上的 —— 主宰着他的圣殿 —— 即便是在发生意外的状况下,除非他愿意这么做 —— 否则他不会离开自己身体的圣殿。身体中的疼痛、恐惧、不确定性和其他因素常常会影响人格,从而改变其关于过去意愿的决定 —— 但是发生在身体上的一切,总是、并将永远处于这个个体自由意志的掌控之中。”
“To understand the above explanation—concerning the electron and the conscious control the individual has—through his thought and feeling—to govern the atomic structure of his own body—is to understand the—One Principle Governing—form throughout Infinity. When man will make the effort to prove this to himself—or within his own atomic flesh-body—he will then proceed to Master Himself. When he has done—that—all else in the Universe is his—willing co-worker—to accomplish whatsoever he wills—through Love.
“要理解上面的解释,即有关电子的那部分,以及个体通过他的想法和情感对他自己身体的原子结构进行有意识的掌控,就是要去理解贯穿无限的掌管形态的合一法则。当一个人愿意努力向自己证明这一点,或者在他自己的原子肉身中去证明这一点 —— 他就会朝着掌控自己的方向前进。当他成功时,宇宙中的其他一切都会成为愿意的合作者 —— 通过爱 —— 来完成他想要达成的任何事情。”
“Whoever makes himself—willingly obedient—unto the ‘Law of Love,’ has—Perfection in his mind and world—Permanently maintained. Unto him and him alone does—All Authority and Mastery—belong. He—Only—has the right to Rule because he has first learned—to obey. When he has—obtained obedience—from the atomic structure within his own mind and body—all atomic structure outside of his mind and body will—obey him also.
“谁让自己心甘情愿地服从 —— ‘爱之法则’,他自己心智和世界中的完美就会永久地得到保持。所有的权威和主宰都会属于他,并只属于他。只有他拥有主宰的权力,因为他首先学会了 —— 去服从。当他自己的心智和身体的原子结构中服从于他后,他心智和身体之外的所有原子结构也会服从于他。”
“Thus, mankind through thought and feeling has the power—each individual Within himself—to rise to the Highest or sink to the lowest. Each one alone—determines his own pathway—of experience. By conscious control of his attention—as to what he allows his mind to accept—he can walk and talk with God—Face to Face—or looking away from God, become lower than the animals, sinking his human consciousness into—oblivion. In the latter case—the God-Flame Within him—then withdraws from its human habitation. After aeons of time, it tries a human journey once again—into the world of physical matter, until—final victory—is accomplished consciously—and of its own Free-Will.”
“因此,人类通过思想和情感,在每个个体内部拥有着提升至最高点或者堕落至最低点的能力。每一个人单独 —— 决定了他自己体验的路径。通过有意识地控制他的注意力 —— 就他允许自己的心智接受哪些东西而言 —— 他可以与神同行和交谈 —— 面对面地 —— 或者是远离神,变得比动物还要低等,把他的人类意识陷入 —— 遗忘之中。在后者的情况下 —— 他内在的神之火焰 —— 会从它人类居住的领域撤退。许多世代过后,它会再次尝试一次人类之旅 —— 进入物质世界,直至有意识地通过它自己的自由意志达成 —— 最终的胜利。”
“I told them of the limitless possibilities which Saint Germain had shown me were before mankind for accomplishment, whenever they are willing to accept The Great God—’Presence Within’ every Individual—as the directing and accomplishing power. The buyer of the mine asked me why I used the word—acceptance—so often, and I recalled the words Saint Germain had used in explaining it to me, for he said:
“我告诉他们,圣哲曼向我展示的摆在人类面前的无限可能性,只要他们愿意接受每个人内在的‘伟大的神之临在’作为指导和达成的力量。矿场的购买者问我,为什么我经常使用 —— 接受 —— 这个词,我想起了圣哲曼向我解释时说过的话,因为他说:”
“Even in the outer activity of your Life, if you purchase a thing or are offered something marvelous and perfect, if you do not—accept—it, it would be impossible for you to use—or have the benefit from it. So it is—with the ‘Great God-Presence’ Within us. Unless, we—accept—that our Life is God-Life—and that all power and energy we have with which to do anything is God-Power—and God-Energy—how can we have—GOD-Qualities and accomplishment—in our world?
“As Sons of God, we are commanded to choose—whom we shall serve, the Mighty ‘Presence’ of God Within us—or the outer human self. The gratification of the outer human appetites and sense demands—has one and only one result—misery, degradation, and destruction.
“作为神之子,我们被命令着去选择 —— 我们要去侍奉谁,是我们内在的‘伟大神之临在’ —— 还是外在的人类自我。外在人性的欲望和感官要求 —— 只会并且只有一个结果 —— 那就是苦难、堕落和毁灭。”
“All Constructive Desire is really the God-Self Within—pushing Perfection forward—into the use and enjoyment of the outer self. The Great Energy of Life—is flowing through us constantly. If we direct It to constructive accomplishment—It brings joy and happiness. If directed to sense gratification, there cannot be anything but misery as a result because it is all the action of—Law—an Impersonal Life-Energy.
“所有建设性的意愿实际上都是内在的神之自我 —— 把完美推动进入外在自我的使用和享用中。生命的伟大能量 —— 持续不断地流经我们。如果我们引导它进入建设性的成就 —— 它就会带来快乐和幸福。如果引导它进入感官享乐,结果就是除了痛苦之外别无他物,因为这都是法则运作的结果 —— 一种非人格化的生命能量的运作。”
“Keep before the outer activity of your mind the constant reminder that you are ‘Life’—’God in Action’ in you and your world. The personal self is continually claiming things and power of its own—when the very Energy by which it exists—is loaned it—by the God-Self. The outer personal human activity does not even own—its skin. The very atoms of its body are loaned to it—by the ‘Supreme God-Presence’ from the Great Sea of Universal Substance.
“在你心智进行外在活动之前不断地提醒自己,你就是‘生命’ —— 是你和你世界中‘行动的神’。个人自我不断地宣称这些事物和力量是它自己的 —— 而事实却是它赖以存在的能量 —— 是神之自我借给它使用的。外在人格自我的活动甚至都不拥有它自己的皮肤。它身体的原子都是 —— ‘至高无上的神之临在’从宇宙物质的浩瀚海洋中借来的。”
“Train yourself to return all power and authority to the ‘Great Glorious God-Flame’ which is your ‘Real Self’ and the ‘Source’ from which you have always received every good thing.” We talked until two o’clock in the morning, and then, I had to suggest—we retire. No one wanted to sleep but I said to them:
“训练你自己把所有的力量和权威都归还给‘伟大荣耀的神之火焰’,它才是你‘真正的自我’和‘源头’,也是从这里你收获一切美好的事物。”我们一直聊到凌晨两点,然后我不得不建议 —— 我们去休息。没有人想去睡觉,但是我对他们说:
“You will sleep in the arms of God,” and the next morning, they were surprised to realize how quickly they had dropped off to sleep.
We were up at seven, and on our way to Phoenix. The recording was completed, and I explained I must leave—as my work with them was finished for the time being. They were all deeply grateful and anxious to know more. I promised to keep in touch with them and give further help, as the Master Saint Germain should direct. As I was leaving the buyer of the mine turned to me, and said:
我们七点起床,出发去了菲尼克斯。文件记录完成了,我解释说我必须要离开 —— 因为我跟他们的工作暂时结束了。他们都非常感激,并渴望了解更多。我答应与他们保持联系并提供进一步的帮助,正如圣哲曼大师所指示的那样。当我离开时,矿场的买方转向我说:
“I don’t care what anyone thinks of me—I want to embrace you—and thank you from the bottom of my heart—for saving me from the ruin of my outer self—and for revealing the ‘Great Light.’ I bowed my head in deep humility, and replied:
“我不在乎别人怎么看我 —— 我想要拥抱你 —— 并从心底感谢你 —— 你把我从外在自我的毁灭中拯救出来 —— 揭示了‘伟大的圣光’”。我在谦逊中深深地低下头回答说:
“Thank God—I am but the channel. God alone is the Great ‘Presence’ and Power—that does all things well.” Mrs Atherton turned to me and expressed her feeling:
“感谢神 —— 我只是管道。只有神才是伟大的‘临在’和力量 —— 让一切做得很好。” 阿瑟顿夫人转向我,表达了她的感受:
“I do praise and thank the God in you—for the Mighty Protecting ‘Presence,’ and never in my Life shall I cease to thank God and you—for the—Light—this experience has brought us all.
“我真诚地赞美并感谢你内在的神 —— 为它强大的保护性‘临在’,此后在我的生命中,我不会停止感谢神,以及你 —— 因为这次体验为我们所有人带来了圣光。”
“I feel certain we shall all meet again,” I replied and bidding everyone, good-bye, turned my face once more toward Mount Shasta—arriving at my lodge the evening of the second day.
“我相信我们一定会再见面的,”我回答道,并向大家告别,然后再次向雪士达山前行 —— 第二天傍晚到达我住的小屋。
Two weeks later, I felt a strong impulse to make one more trip to my trysting place—with the Master Saint Germain. I started at four in the morning, and reached the edge of the dense timber about nine.
The plaintive cry of my panther friend came to my ears—before I had gone twenty paces into the woods. I answered quickly. In a moment he came bounding to my side with all the welcome of an old time friend, and we proceeded onward to our meeting-place.
I noticed the panther was very restless, and acted as if laboring under some inner agitation. This was most unusual—for he had always been very quiet, when in my presence. I patted and stroked the beautiful head but it made—no difference. I sat down and we ate lunch.
我注意到豹子非常焦躁,好像是因内在的不安而躁动。这很不同寻常 —— 因为当我在场时,他总是非常安静。我拍了拍他,并抚摸着他美丽的脑袋 —— 没什么用。我坐了下来,我们吃了午饭。
“Come on old boy,” I said as we finished, “let’s go for a walk.” He gave me a long steady look, the most pathetic expression I have ever seen. I could not understand it.
We had gone some distance, when we came to a cliff about fifteen feet high at the top of which—hung a projecting rock. Something caused me to look at the panther. The expression in his eyes was wild and fierce. I sensed a sort of tension in the atmosphere but did not realize—what it was. I walked on a few paces farther, and felt a—chill pass over me. Looking up suddenly, I saw a mountain lion crouched—ready to spring. The next instant—it leaped toward me. I threw myself against the cliff—and the lion landed beyond—where I had stood. Like a flash of lightning—the panther sprang and the two locked in mortal combat.
我们走了一段距离,来到一个大约十五英尺高的悬崖边 —— 那里有一块突出的岩石。发生了一些事情,让我看向了豹子。他眼中的表情狂野而凶猛。我感觉到空气中有一种紧张的氛围,但是没有意识到 —— 那是什么。我又向前走了几步,感到一阵寒意掠过我的全身。我猛然抬头,看到一只山狮蹲伏着 —— 准备跳起来。下一个瞬间 —— 它扑向了我。我跌倒在悬崖边 —— 狮子落地在我刚刚站立的地方。如同一道闪电 —— 豹子纵身一跃,它们展开了殊死搏斗。
No words can describe the terror of the struggle—that followed. They screamed, rolled, tore, and clawed each other. The lion was considerably heavier, and it seemed for a time, as if it would gain the advantage. However, the panther was the faster moving of the two, and finally broke away. There was just an instant’s pause until it saw a chance, and then with one spring landed on the lion’s back, and fastened its teeth—just behind the ears.
没有任何言语可以描述随后发生的斗争的凶残。它们嚎叫着、翻滚着、撕扯着、抓着对方。狮子明显体重更重,一时间似乎占了上风。不过豹子的速度更快,最终还是挣脱了。只有一瞬间的停顿,豹子看到了机会,然后跳跃着落到狮子的背部,它紧闭牙齿 —— 狠狠地咬住狮子耳朵后方。
The panther’s grip was like steel, and after a few seconds of rolling and twisting, the lion’s struggles grew weaker. Finally they ceased altogether. The panther came reeling toward me—his side terribly torn. He looked up at me all the fierceness gone from his eyes—and his energy ebbing fast. There passed an expression of contentment over the face, and suddenly—giving a plaintive cry—he fell over dead at my feet.
豹子的咬合力像钢铁一样,在翻滚扭动了几秒钟后,狮子的挣扎也弱了下来。最后它们完全停止了争斗。豹子摇摇晃晃地朝我走来 —— 它的肋骨部位被狠狠撕开。他抬头看着我,眼中所有的凶狠都消失了 —— 他的能量也在迅速消退。他脸上掠过一丝满足的表情,突然 —— 他发出一声哀嚎 —— 他倒在我的脚下死去了。
I stood motionless, and wept silently at the loss of my friend—for I had become almost as attached to him as to a human companion. The next instant, I looked up, and beside me stood—Saint Germain.
我站着一动不动,为失去我的朋友默默哭泣 —— 因为我对他的情感就像对一位人类伙伴一样。下一刻,我抬起头,看到我身边站着 —— 圣哲曼。
“My Beloved Brother, be not sad or dismayed,” he said, “your contact with the panther had so quickened its consciousness—that it could no longer remain in that present body, and the Great Cosmic Law—demanded from it some service—to you. This it gave in love by saving your life. All is truly well.” He touched the thumb of his right hand to my forehead.
“我亲爱的兄弟,不要悲伤或者沮丧,”他说,“你与这只豹子的接触加速了它的意识成长 —— 它无法继续留在现在的身体中,伟大的宇宙法则 —— 要求它为你做一些服务。就是通过拯救你的生命给予爱。一切真的都很好。”他用右手的拇指抚摸着我的额头。
“Be at peace,” he continued, as the feeling of grief left me, and I felt completely relieved. “The Great Cosmic Law is unerring. We cannot receive without giving, and we cannot give without receiving. Thus, the Great Balance of Life is maintained.
“I congratulate you sincerely on the service rendered at the mine, and your serenity during the occurrence. All concerned with that transaction—will—become great helpers to humanity.
“我真诚地祝福你在矿场所做的服务,以及在状况发生时你的平静态度。所有与那场交易有关的人 —— 都会成为人类的伟大帮助者。”
“Soon, you will be called upon to render a far greater service—than any you have given so far. In it, remember always it is God’s Power and Intelligence acting, and your mind and body—only the channel. Until you meet with this experience, meditate constantly upon the ‘Limitless Power of God’ which can express through you at—any time.”
I asked him what the Ascended Master’s attitude is in regard to the many channels through whom partial Truth is given forth, and he replied:
“There are many sincere channels. Some have more understanding than others. All are God’s children serving to the best of their ability with the understanding they have at present. We may not judge anyone—but we must—know and see only God—expressing in all. Our endeavor is to bless all activity—wherever it is. We see the ‘Inner-Light’ radiating through such activities, and this makes it impossible for us to be mistaken—as to whether they—are or are not—giving forth Truth.
“有很多真诚的管道。有些人要比其他人更有理解力。所有人都是神的孩子,根据他们当前的理解尽其所能地服务。我们不会评判任何人 —— 但是我们必须知道和看到 —— 只有神在通过所有的渠道进行表达。我们的努力是祝福所有的活动 —— 不论它在哪里。我们看到‘内在的圣光’通过这些活动散发出来,就他们是否在给出真理而言,这不可能让我们给出错误的判断。”
“It is the same with individuals. Those—who offer their service in the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ—will always receive more—than ordinary sustaining power.” We had walked some distance, when he said:
“在个人层面也是如此。那些以扬升的耶稣基督之名提供他们服务的人 —— 总是会获得比普通支持更多的力量。”我们走了一段距离,他说:
“Come, I will accompany you home. Place your arm about my shoulder.” I did so and felt my body lifted from the ground. In a few moments more, I was in my room at the lodge with Saint Germain standing beside me—smiling at my surprise.
“来吧,我送你回家。把你的手搭在我肩膀上。”我这么做了,感觉我的身体从地面上升起。又过了一会儿,我就在我旅馆的房间中了,圣哲曼站在我旁边 —— 微笑着看着我的惊讶。
“Meet me in seven days,” he said, “at our appointed place for then—we will finish our work in this part of the country.” He smiled, bowed graciously, and slowly faded from sight. The last thing that remained visible—as he gradually disappeared—were his marvelous, beautiful eyes—smiling back at me.
“七天后我们会见面,”他说,“届时在我们指定的地点 —— 我们将完成在这个国家这一地区的工作。”他微笑着,优雅地鞠了一躬,然后慢慢地从视野中消失了。当他缓慢地消失时,最后消失不见的 —— 是他奇妙而美丽的双眼 —— 正对着我微笑。
As I meditated each day upon the “Great God-Presence Within,” for my coming service, I realized more and more—how important it is—to keep the attention focused upon “That Presence Only”—no matter what appearances seem to indicate—in order to keep any outer condition—from affecting me. In one of Saint Germain’s conversations, he had stressed particularly the all importance of keeping my outer self harmonious, and in regard to this had said:
我每一天都为我即将到来的服务对“内在的伟大神之临在”进行冥想,我越来越意识到,把注意力集中在“那唯一的临在”上是多么地重要 —— 不论表相看上去如何 —— 这样可以不让任何外在状况影响到我。在与圣哲曼的一次谈话中,他特别强调了保持外在自我和谐的重要性,就这一点他说:
“My Son, you cannot realize—how very great is the necessity—for harmony in the outer self—if the Fulness of the Inner Perfection and Power—is to be expressed—in your outer life. The importance of keeping a Feeling of peace, love, and serenity in the—personal self—cannot be emphasized too strongly—for when this is done the “Mighty God-Presence Within” can act—without limit—in an instant.
“我的孩子,你无法意识到 —— 如果要让内在的完美和力量在你外在的生命中进行全然地表达,保持外在自我和谐的必要性有多大。在个人自我当中持续地感受到安宁、爱与宁静的感觉,怎么强调都不为过 —— 因为当做到这一点时,‘伟大内在的神之自我’就可以在瞬间不受限地行动。”
“The continual Outpouring of a Feeling of Peace and Divine Love to every person and everything unconditionally—no matter whether you think it be deserved or not—is the Magic Key—that unlocks the door and—releases instantly—this ‘Tremendous Inner God-Power.’ Fortunate indeed is—he—who has learned this ‘Law’ for—he then seeks to—BE—All Peace and Love. Without It—humanity has nothing good, and—with It—they have all things ‘Perfect.’ Harmony is the Keynote—the ‘One Great Law of Life.’ Upon It rests—All Perfect Manifestation—and without It all form disintegrates and returns into the Great Sea of Universal Light.”
“无条件地向每一个人、每一件事持续不断地倾注安宁的感觉和神圣之爱 —— 不论你认为它是否值得 —— 是打开大门的魔法钥匙 —— 这会即刻释放出这种‘伟大的内在神之力量’。幸运的是,一个学习了这个‘法则’的人,他会开始寻求处于全然的和平与爱之中。没有它 —— 人类一无是处,有了它 —— 人类会拥有所有的‘完美’。和谐是‘合一伟大生命法则’的基调。在它之上,所有的完美可以显化出来,没有它,所有的形态都会瓦解,并返回至宇宙圣光的浩瀚海洋之中。 ”
The following seven days, I spent much time in meditation. I felt a greater and greater peace growing within me—until by the sixth day, it seemed as if my entire consciousness were like a great calm sea.
接下来的七天,我花了大量的时间冥想。我感觉到内在越来越平静 —— 直至第六天,我的整个意识就像是一片平静的海洋。
On the morning of the seventh day, I left my lodge at four o’clock and reached our meeting place at ten thirty. I sat down on a log to wait with a feeling of wonderful exhilaration—which I knew to be the result of my meditation. I was so deep within the contemplation of my God Self—I did not hear anyone approaching—until a voice spoke to me.
在第七天的早上,我四点钟就离开了我的小屋,在十点半到达了我们的见面地点。我坐在一根圆木上等待,心情无比愉悦 —— 我知道这是我冥想的结果。我陷入了对我的神之自我的沉思之中 —— 以至于没有听到任何人靠近的声音 —— 直至一个声音开始对我讲话。
I looked up, and saw an old man with white hair and beard, whom I thought at first sight, was an old prospector, although his clothing was too clean for that occupation. As he came up to me and held out his hand, that too confirmed my feeling—he was not a laboring man. We exchanged greetings, chatted for a few moments on generalities, then he turned to me, and said:
我抬头一看,是一位头发和胡子花白的老者,乍一看像是一位年长的勘探者,但是他的衣服就那个职业来说太过干净了。当他靠近我向我伸出手时,这也证实了我的感觉 —— 他不是一位打工者。我们互相问候,聊了些一般情况,然后他转头对我说:
“My Friend, I would like to tell you a story. It won’t take long. I haven’t told it to anyone for a long time. I would like to try once more.
By that time I began to have a feeling of intense interest. It occurred to me he might be thirsty, and as I reached for a cup to get him a drink—from the spring by which we stood—a crystal cup formed within my hand—like the one Saint Germain had held out to me several times. The old man looked up and with eyes shining and excited, almost shouted:
那时我开始产生一种强烈的兴趣。我想到他可能口渴了,我伸手去拿一个杯子 —— 让他从我们站的泉水旁边可以喝水 —— 我手中出现了一个水晶杯 —— 就像是圣哲曼多次递给我的那个。老者抬起头,双眼闪耀着兴奋,他几乎喊了出来:
“It is he! It is he!”
I did not know what to do, so I insisted—he drink. As I looked within the cup, I saw it was filled with the same clear—Sparkling Liquid—the Master had given me. The old man grasped it eagerly, and—with an intense expression of the deepest gratitude I have ever seen—drank the contents. He immediately became very calm and quiet—but with it all a deep, intense sincerity. I asked him again to tell me the story, and he began by saying:
我不知道该怎么办,便继续让他 —— 喝水。当我往杯子里看时,我看到里面充满了上师曾经给我的那种同样清澈的 —— 闪闪发光的液体。老者急切地抓住杯子,然后 —— 带着一种我从未见过的最深切的感激之情 —— 一饮而尽。他立即变得平静与安宁 —— 但是同时又充满了深切且强烈的敬意。我再次请他把故事告诉我,他开始说:
“My father was a British officer stationed in the Punjab of India where we made our home. When I was sixteen, he financed a friend who went to South Africa—to try his luck in the diamond mines, but my father never heard from him afterward.
“我父亲是一名英国军官,驻扎在我们安家的印度旁遮普邦。在我十六岁时,他资助了一位朋友去南非 —— 在钻石矿中碰碰运气,但我父亲在那之后从未收到他的消息。
“The year I was twenty, a tall handsome stranger, a man of great wisdom, visited my father at our home. He had come to bring a message from father’s friend.
“‘I bring you news,’ he explained, ‘from the friend whom you financed four years ago. He met with great success on that venture—in fact became very wealthy. He has recently passed on at the mines, and left no relatives. His entire fortune has been left to you and in case of your passing—it is to go to your son. If you desire, I will take charge of the matter and have it transferred—at once.’
“‘我给你带来消息,’他解释说,‘来自你四年前资助的朋友。他在那次冒险中取得了巨大的成功 —— 事实上他变得非常富有。最近他在矿场中去世了,也没有留下任何亲人。他的全部财产都留给了你,若你死了 —— 就会给你的儿子。如果你愿意,我会负责这件事,并把它马上转移给你。
“‘I cannot leave India at the present time,’ my father replied, ‘for I am on government duty here. I appreciate greatly your offer to take care of the matter for me.’ I was standing nearby during their conversation, and when they had completed arrangements the stranger turned to me.
“‘My son,’ he said, ‘when you find the man who will offer you a—crystal cup of Sparkling Liquid—you will have met the one—who can assist you in raising the body. I cannot tell you more than this, except that you will find him—on a great mountain in North America. This may seem vague to you now but—it is all I can say.’
“‘我的孩子,’他说,‘当你找到那个愿意给你一杯 —— 用水晶杯装着的闪闪发光液体的人 —— 你就是遇到了那一位可以帮助你提升身体的人。你会在北美的一座大山上找到他,除了这些我不能告诉你更多。这些信息看起来对你很模糊 —— 但是这是我可以告诉你的全部。’”
“The stranger left, and a month later my father, who had ridden out to adjust certain government matters with the natives, was shot, and passed on before he could be brought home. I was an only son, and after another month, mother and I prepared for our return to England. Just before we left the same stranger came again, and said he was ready to transfer father’s fortune to me. I explained, father had been shot.
“‘Yes,’ the stranger replied, ‘when I left two months ago, I knew your father would pass on before my return. I have arranged for the fortune to be transferred to you, or rather to the Bank of England—for you. Here is money you may wish to use on the journey home, also the papers of transfer, and the credentials you will need at the bank. Present them, and you will receive custody of your wealth. Much of it is in diamonds of the first quality.’ I thanked him, and offered to pay for his services and kindness but he replied:
“‘Your kind intent is greatly appreciated but that is—already adjusted. I will be happy to accompany you to the steamer at Bombay.’
“The trip revealed to me his great wisdom and beside him—I felt like an infant. I know now—he enveloped me in a Radiation which has stayed with me—throughout the years. He arranged for transportation, accompanied us to the boat, and his last words to me were:
“这趟旅程向我展示了他伟大的智慧,在他身边 —— 我感觉自己像个婴儿。现在我知道了 —— 他用一种光包围着我,这些年来这道光一直伴随着我。他安排了交通,陪我们上船,他对我说的最后一句话就是:”
“‘Remember—the “Crystal Cup.” Seek and you shall find.’
“‘记住 —— 水晶杯。去寻找,你就会发现。’”
“After a most wonderful voyage, we arrived at Southampton—went on to London, and presented my credentials to the Bank of England. The official to whom I presented them remarked:
“度过了一段美妙的航程后,我们到达了南安普顿 —— 继续前往伦敦,向英格兰银行出示了我的凭证。我向其出示凭证的工作人员说:”
“‘Yes, we were expecting you today. Here are your bank and checking books.’
“I looked at them to see how much my fortune amounted to and was amazed to learn—a hundred thousand pounds—had been placed to my credit. Five years later, my mother passed on. I transferred one half of my wealth to a bank in New York and began the search for ‘the man with the Crystal Cup.’
“我查看了一下我的财产有多少,然后惊讶地发现 —— 十万英镑已经存入了我的账户。五年后,我的母亲过世。我把一半的财产转移到了一家纽约的银行,开始寻找‘拥有水晶杯的人’。”
“I can never repeat the disappointments, the trials, the sorrow I have been through but in the face of everything, somehow—I could never give up. The thing which seems so strange to me is—while I have grown old in outer appearance, my energy and strength are as great as ever—sometimes I think greater—than in my fullest youth.
“我无法再去经历我体验过那些失望、考验和悲伤,但是面对这一切,不知何故 —— 我无法放弃。对我来说非常奇怪的是 —— 虽然我的外表已经老去,我的精力和力量一如既往地强大 —— 有的时候,我认为自己的精力要比我青壮年时期还要充沛。”
“In years, I am seventy. Today, I just wanted to follow this trail, and praise God I have found you. My desire was so great—it was almost irresistible.”
“多年过去,我七十岁了。今天,我只想沿着这条路走,感谢神,我发现了你。当时我的意愿如此强烈 —— 几乎无法抗拒。”
“But my good man,” I asked, “what am I to do for you?”
“You will know,” he replied, “for I know I have made no mistake. In the heart of this majestic mountain is a Great Power. I feel it. Ask God—to show you what to do.”
“你会知道的,”他回答说,“因为我知道我没有错。在这座雄伟的山中存在着伟大的力量。我感觉到它。去问神 —— 让他告诉你该怎么做。”
Suddenly, I felt the “Mighty God-Power” surging forth so strong—it almost lifted me from the ground. Making the sign—Saint Germain had taught me, I called to God for “Light” and raising my hand in salutation said:
突然,我感觉到“伟大的神之力量”汹涌而出,那力量如此强大 —— 差点把我从地上掀起来。我做了圣哲曼教给我的手势,我呼请神的“圣光”,举起我的手致敬说:
“Mighty God in man and the Universe! We seek Thy Light! We seek Thy Wisdom! We seek Thy Power! Let Thy Will be done in and for this, My Brother, who has sought and found me to do for him—I know not what. Thou knowest! Manifest Thy Will through my mind and body, and let what ever is to be done for this Brother—Thy Son—come forth.”
“存在于人和宇宙中的伟大的神,我们寻求你的圣光!我们寻求你的智慧!我们寻求你的力量!让你的旨意成就于此,我的兄弟,他一直在寻找我,找我为他做事情 —— 但是我不知道是什么。你是知道的!请通过我的心智和身体表明你的意志,让为这位兄弟 —— 你的儿子 —— 所做的一切都出现。”
As my hand came down, it held the—Crystal Cup—filled with “Living Liquid-Light.” I offered it to him, and my—Mighty God-Self spoke—again.
当我的手落下时,它拿着水晶杯 —— 里面装满了“生命液态圣光。”我把它递给他,然后,我的伟大的神之自我又开始讲话。
“Drink without fear. Thy search is ended.”
He drank the contents without a moment’s hesitation. I stepped forward quickly—and took both his hands in mine. Slowly and steadily—every vestige of age—disappeared from him, and the God in me continued:
他毫不犹豫地喝下了。我迅速上前 —— 握住他的双手。慢慢地、稳定地 —— 岁月的痕迹从他身上消失了,我内在的神继续说:
“Behold! Thou art forever Free from all earthly limitation. Ascend now—unto the ‘Ascended Host of Light’—who await Thee.”
“看呐!你永远摆脱了所有尘世的限制。现在就扬升进入 —— ‘扬升之主的圣光’之中 —— 他们等待着你。”
Very slowly, he began to rise from the ground, and as he did so, his human garments disappeared, and he became clothed in raiment of Glistening White. I let go his hands. Then in a voice of deepest Love, he said:
“I shall return to thee—Beloved Brother. Well shalt thou be repaid for this—Transcendent Service. Thou wert the—only one—through whom—this—could be done for me. Some day, thou shalt see why,” and with a happy smile, he disappeared on—a Radiant Pathway of “Light.”
“我会回到你的身边 —— 亲爱的兄弟。你会为这次提升的服务得到回报。你是唯一的一位 —— 通过你 —— 可以帮我达成的人。终有一天你会明白其原因。”带着快乐的微笑,他消失在“圣光”照耀的道路上。
As the Mighty God-Power Within me receded, I was so astounded—I fell on my knees and offered the deepest prayer of my Life in grateful humility and praise for the—privilege—of giving such service.
随着我内在强大的神之能量的消退,我感到非常震惊 —— 跪倒在地,怀着感恩的谦卑和对提供这种服务荣耀的赞美 —— 献上了我生命中最深切的祈祷。
I rose and the Master Saint Germain received me into his wondrous embrace.
“My Beloved Brother!” he said, “I am greatly pleased. Noble and faithful was your attendance upon the Great God Within you. Beautifully did you receive your Mighty ‘God in Action.’ I do indeed congratulate you. You will ever be held within Our Embrace, even though outwardly you may not always be aware of it.
“You have become a worthy ‘Messenger’ of the Great White Brotherhood and the Ascended Host. Hold close to your—Mighty God Self. Thus, you will ever be ready for service—wherever and for whatever—is required. My Love enfolds you—until we meet again. I will keep you informed.”
“你已经成为了伟大的白光兄弟会和扬升之主们的一位有价值的‘信使’。要靠近你的 —— 伟大的神之自我。这样,你就会永远准备好进行服务 —— 不论何地 —— 不论需要什么。我的爱环绕着你 —— 直至我们再次见面。我会通知你的。”
Slowly, I wended my way back to the lodge, every step praise and gratitude to the “One Mighty God” that molds us all into “Eternal Perfection.”
ANY weeks had passed, and the morning of December, thirty-first, nineteen hundred thirty, came and with it—the Master, Saint Germain.
“Be ready at seven o’clock tonight,” he instructed, “and I will call for you. Focus your attention as much as possible on the—Glory of God Within yourself—that you may receive the full benefit intended—on this Divine Occasion. Remember your Twin Ray and son—for the three of you will be honored guests—of the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton—at their New Year Assembly tonight.”
“今晚七点准备好,”他指示说,“我会叫着你。把你的注意力尽可能多地集中在 —— 你内在神的荣耀之上 —— 这样你就可以获得 —— 这个神圣场合 —— 预想的全部受益。你的双生光和儿子也会同去 —— 你们三人会是提顿王室兄弟在今晚举办的新年大会上的贵宾。”
I spent the remainder of the day in deep meditation. He arrived at seven o’clock and as I had already placed my physical body in bed—I stepped forth—in the one he had prepared for me.
那天剩余的时间我在深度的冥想中度过。他七点钟到达,因为我已经把我的物质身体放在床上了 —— 我走上前 —— 穿上他为我准备的身体外衣。
“Tonight,” he continued, “an experiment is to be tried—which has not been accomplished—for over seventy thousand years. We feel perfectly confident of success on this occasion, as all are now well prepared. Come.”
“今晚,”他继续说,“将要进行一项试验 —— 这项试验已经进行了七万多年。我们对这次的成功充满信心,因为所有的人都已经做好了充分的准备。来吧。”
We must have travelled at great speed, although I did not realize it, and soon stood on the apex of the Royal Teton, where the heavy covering of snow made it glisten in the moonlight like millions of diamonds. As we approached the entrance to the tube, I noticed a clearing around it for a radius of at least a hundred feet. As we stepped within it, the atmosphere felt warm and comfortable. We passed on through the entrance—which had been opened for those attending the New Year celebration.
我们穿越的速度一定很快,尽管我没有意识到,不过很快我们就到达了提顿王室山峰的顶端,厚厚的积雪让它在月光下像数百万颗钻石一样闪闪发光。当我们接近管道的入口时,我注意到它的周围有一块空地,半径至少有一百英尺。踏入其中,温度温暖舒适。我们进入了入口 —— 这是为那些来参加新年庆典的人开放的入口。
Saint Germain and I entered the great audience chamber, and met Lotus and our son—who had already arrived with their escort—Amen Bey. Our joy on this occasion was very great—for we had not been together on the physical plane for some two years, and during that time, while working out of the body, each had been occupied with his own individual activities—which necessitated our being in different channels at the Inner levels.
圣哲曼和我进入了宏伟的宴会厅,遇到了洛特丝和我们的儿子 —— 他们已经跟着他们的守护者 —— 阿门·贝到达了。我们对这次会面非常高兴 —— 因为我们已经有两年的时间没有在物质层面上见面了,在那段时间,在身体之外的工作中,每个人都忙于自己的个人活动 —— 都需要我们进入内在不同层面的不同管道中。
The great room was brilliantly lighted, and the glorious fragrance of roses and lotus blossoms filled the air. The sweetest, most delightful music floated in from everywhere. Many had already come and others were arriving every few moments.
We noticed a large object—covered with a golden cloth—had been placed in the center of the room—but as no explanation was offered concerning it, we remained silent. Saint Germain presented us to the guests, and then led the way into a room filled with rare musical instruments. We saw a great pipe organ and four harps made of a substance like pearl with posts of gold, the sounding boards and upper parts being constructed of white metal. The high strings on the harps were silver wound, the bass ones gold and—the material of which they were made—gave forth a tone—that combined the sounds produced by metal, wood and the human voice. The tone of these instruments can only be known by being heard, for they were different from anything which has ever been used in the outer world of music in the West. The sound—produced by this unusual material—more nearly resembles some of the wonderful tones of the esraj, an instrument used in India.
我们注意到一个巨大的物体 —— 用金色的布覆盖着 —— 放置在房间中央 —— 但是没有人对此做出任何解释,我们也保持着沉默。圣哲曼把我们介绍给客人,然后带路进入一个摆满了稀有乐器的房间。我们看到一架巨大的管风琴和四把竖琴,它们由珍珠般的物质制成,支架由黄金制成,共鸣板和上半部分由白色金属制成。竖琴上的高音弦是用银线缠绕的,低音弦是用金线缠绕的,而且 —— 制造它们的材料 —— 发出的音调 —— 结合了金属、木头和人声发出的声音。这些乐器的音色只有通过亲耳聆听才能知道,因为它们不同于西方音乐外部世界中使用过的任何乐器。这种不同寻常材料所产生的声音更接近于在印度使用的乐器,迪尔鲁巴琴产生的美妙音调。
We saw four violins—also made of a substance that looked like pearl—but the resonance is far beyond that—of any known wood. The strings were wound with both gold and silver and produced a beauty of tone almost beyond description. We heard all these instruments—played later that evening.
我们看到了四把小提琴 —— 也是用一种看起来像珍珠的材料制成的 —— 但是其声音远远超越了任何已知的木材。琴弦由金线和银线缠绕而成,音色之美几乎无法形容。我们都听到了这些乐器 —— 那天晚上稍晚些时候进行了演奏。
Returning to the Great Audience Hall, Saint Germain showed Lotus and our son—the beautiful portraits—which had been recently transferred from the temple of Mitla in Oaxaca, Mexico. He escorted them through the record room—where they were shown the evidence—of my former observations with him.
回到宴会大厅,圣哲曼向洛特丝和我们的儿子展示了最近从墨西哥瓦哈卡州的米特拉神庙转移过来的美丽雕像。他陪同他们游览了档案室 —— 在那里他们看到了我之前和他一起看到的证据。
For the work being done during this New Year celebration, all members of the Royal Teton were clothed—in plain golden robes of gorgeous material—with the emblem of the Brotherhood on the left breast—embroidered so it looked like dark blue velvet, the same shade as the great panel—that formed—the Cosmic Mirror.
There were seventy men, thirty-five ladies, and—the Presiding Master, Lanto—who is the Blessed Brother—in charge of this Retreat. When all had assembled who belonged to this branch, he stepped forward and addressed them saying:
在场的有七十位男性,三十五位女性,以及主持上师,兰托 —— 他是受到福佑的兄弟 —— 负责管理这个隐蔽之处。当所有属于这个分支的人聚集在一起时,他走上前来对他们说:
“It is now eleven o’clock and time for our meditation. Tonight, let us pour out adoration unto the ‘Great Light,’ feel at ‘One’ with our own—Divinity—for thirty minutes, and during the following thirty minutes know the ‘Oneness’ of Venus with our earth. All take their accustomed stations, and form an elliptic in the center of the room.”
“现在是十一点,我们要冥想的时间。今晚,让我们倾诉对‘伟大圣光’的尊崇,感受我们与自己 —— 神性 —— ‘合而为一’三十分钟的时间,在随后的三十分钟,要知道金星跟我们的地球也处于‘合一’之中。所有的人都站在他们一贯的位置上,在房间的中央形成一个椭圆形。”
For one hour, it seemed as though a hundred and six golden figures were united in one breath—so completely were they in unison. At the close of the meditation—a joyous burst of music filled the immense hall, and—Lanto stepped before—the Great Mirror.
在那一个小时中,一百零六道金色的身影仿佛融合在了同一的呼吸之中 —— 浑然一体。在冥想结束时 —— 一阵欢快的音乐充满了巨大的宴会厅,然后兰托走到那扇巨大的镜面面前。
He extended his hands and—a Tremendous Blaze of “Light”—flashed forth upon it, revealing a group of people—far in the distance—surrounded by golden, rose, and violet “Light,” Dazzling in its Beauty and Radiance. They drew nearer, and the same glorious, wondrous colors filled the great audience chamber—giving everyone a tremendous feeling of uplift and power.
他伸出双手,一道极度闪耀的“圣光” —— 闪现,映射出了远处的一群人 —— 他们被金光、玫瑰光和紫罗兰色的“圣光”环绕着,美轮美奂,璀璨夺目。当他们走近时,同样辉煌、美妙的光泽充满了整个宴会大厅 —— 给每个人一种振奋和充满力量的感觉。
Presently, Twelve Guests from Venus—stood in our midst—robed in White, Scintillating Garments—surpassing all power of description. There were seven gentlemen and five ladies—all extremely handsome.
现在,有来自金星的十二位客人 —— 站在我们中间 —— 身着闪亮的白色长袍 —— 超越了语言可以描述的能力。其中有七位男士和五位女士 —— 他们都异常美丽。
Six of the men were at least six feet four inches in height—the seventh fully two inches taller than the rest. The ladies were about five feet ten. All had light brown hair with the exception of the Tall Master and his was—a glorious pure gold. Their brilliant, piercing, violet-blue eyes were beautiful and fascinating.
其中六位男士身高至少六英尺四英寸 —— 第七位男士要比其他人高出足足两英寸。女士们大约都是五英尺十英寸。除了那位最高的上师,其他人的头发都是浅棕色,而他的头发是 —— 耀眼的纯金色。那双明亮、锐利的紫蓝色双眼美丽而迷人。
The Tall Master gave the salutation of the East, touching his heart and forehead with the finger tips of his right hand—and bowed low—before Lanto. The others also came forward, greeted him, and were presented to those assembled. Lanto gave a brief address of welcome, only the following part of which is permitted to be recorded:
这位高个子上师以东方人的方式行礼,用右手的指尖触碰了自己的胸口和前额 —— 然后 —— 在兰托面前 —— 深深地鞠了一躬。其他人也走上前来,向他打招呼,并被介绍给在场的人。兰托作了简短的欢迎致辞,不过只有下面的内容被允许记录:
“In the ‘Presence’ of the One Supreme God—and those of the ‘Great White Brotherhood’ assembled here—these Twelve Guests from Venus are made ‘Members of the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton.'”
“在合一的至高无上的神之‘临在’中,以及在聚集在这里的‘伟大白色兄弟会’的临在中 —— 来自金星的这十二位客人成为了‘提顿王室兄弟会的成员’。”
The Tall Master was made Presiding Master for the evening. He acknowledged the welcome, stepped to the center of the room, and caused the golden cloth to be removed from the objects it covered.
Lo! before us stood—the three crystal caskets—still containing the sustained bodies of Lotus, our son, and myself. They looked—as if the forms had just gone to sleep, glowing with perfect health. The Presiding Master turned to us and said:
看呐!摆在我们面前的 —— 是三具水晶棺材 —— 里面仍然装着的洛特丝、我的儿子和我的身体。他们看起来 —— 仿佛是这些形体刚刚入睡,散发出完美的健康。主持上师转身对我们说:
“Are you ready?” and we three answered, in the affirmative.
“Then, take your places by the containers,” he directed.
We obeyed and immediately—a Marvelous Radiance gathered and drew close around the bodies and ourselves—the intensity increasing rapidly—until we must have been invisible to the outer sight. In a few moments—the Radiance diminished—and to our amazement—the caskets were empty. We stood there—clothed in those bodies we had laid aside so long ago—which had been sustained and purified by the “Flame of Life”—during these many centuries.
我们服从了,即刻 —— 一道神奇的光芒聚集起来靠近了我们和这些身体 —— 强度迅速增加 —— 一直到我们无法用外在的视觉看清事物。片刻之后 —— 光芒减弱了 —— 令我们惊讶的是 —— 棺材空了。我们站在那里 —— 穿着我们很久以前搁置的那具身体 —— 这些身体在过去的这么多世纪以来被“生命火焰”维系和净化着。
The transformation was amazing and—the feeling cannot be described—for we were as much surprised—as is the reader. However, the human side of anyone, even at its best, knows so little of the Tremendous Wonders—existing everywhere around us all the time, and the Infinite Possibilities within every plane of Life—that all things are possible, and—the closer we live—in Love and recognition of our Divinity, the more of these Wonders throughout Creation—will be revealed in our individual lives.
这种转变非常震惊 —— 那种感觉无法描述 —— 因为我们跟读者一样感到吃惊。然而,任何人的人性面向,即便是最好的一面,对一直存在于我们周围的巨大奇迹,以及生命各个层面的无限可能 —— 一切皆有可能,都知之甚少,而且,我们越是居住在爱以及对我们神性的认知中,这些创造中的奇迹会越来越多地揭示到我们的个人生活中。
The experiment had proved a success and, as we moved about among the Brothers and Sisters, all congratulated the Master and ourselves upon the accomplishment. They greatly rejoiced that—so strange an experiment had become a mighty Truth—many commenting upon how much those bodies resembled the ones of the Visitors from Venus.
试验成功了,当我们在这些兄弟姐妹之间走来走去,所有的人都祝贺上师和我们取得的成就。他们非常高兴 —— 一个如此奇怪的试验变成了一个伟大的事实 —— 很多人评论说这些身体与来自金星的访问者的身体是多么相似。
The crystal caskets were then removed to their room, and the wonderful musical instruments—brought into the audience chamber. Saint Germain played the first number on the great organ, a composition he called “Hearts Of The Future.” It seemed to me the most delicate, colorful, yet powerful music that ever came from an organ on earth. While he played—the most beautiful colors—gorgeous past description—poured through the atmosphere of the enormous room.
水晶棺材随后被转移到其他房间,美妙的乐器被带到了宴会大厅。圣哲曼用那架巨大的管风琴演奏了第一首曲子,他把那首曲子称之为“未来之心”。在我看来,这似乎是地球上的风琴发出的最细腻、最丰富多彩、同时又强而有力的音乐。在他演奏的同时 —— 最美丽的色彩 —— 比言语的描述更加华丽 —— 倾洒到整个房间中。
A group played the next number. The Master Saint Germain at the organ, three of the Lady Masters from Venus, and Lotus played four harps, two of the Brothers from Venus, our son, and I played four violins. When all were in readiness the words—”Souls In Ecstacy”—flashed out above the organ, as Saint Germain played the prelude. All entered deeply into the fulness and joy of that marvelous music. The Volume and Power swelled into such Magnitude—it seemed as though the Beauty and Glory of that Joy must send forth enough God-Consciousness—to lift all mankind—yes—even the earth itself—into Everlasting Perfection.
一组人演奏了下一个音乐片段。圣哲曼大师在管风琴前,来自金星的三位女士以及洛特丝演奏了四把竖琴,来自金星的两位兄弟、我的儿子和我演奏了四把小提琴。一切准备就绪后,随着圣哲曼奏响序曲,管风琴上方闪过“灵魂的狂喜”这几个字。所有人都深深地沉浸在美妙音乐的圆满和欢乐中。声音和力量膨胀到如此巨大 —— 似乎那种喜悦的美丽和荣耀一定要发出足够强大的神之意识 —— 以提升全人类 —— 是的 —— 甚至地球本身 —— 也进入永恒的完美中。
There were four more numbers—played with the same Tremendous Power to lift and harmonize everywhere—until we felt as if—the very mountain would float away. At the close of the music, the instruments were returned to their room, and the Presiding Master seated all in proper order—before the Great Mirror. He took his place at the point of earth’s triangle—and scenes of wonder from Venus—began to appear—he—explaining every detail that did not explain itself.
还有四组音乐片段 —— 用同样强大的力量演奏,以提升和协调所有的地方 —— 直至我们感觉 —— 仿佛这座山会飘走。音乐结束,乐器被送回至它们的房间,主持上师让所有人以特定的秩序坐在宇宙镜面前。他在地球三角点的位置坐下 —— 来自金星的奇妙景象 —— 开始出现 —— 他解释了每一个无法自我解释的细节。
The pictures revealed much of their system of education—showing astronomical instruments—whose perfection would make the scientific world of today speechless—with admiration and astonishment—and geologist’s equipment for examining the interior of the stratas of the planets—of both Venus and earth. We saw inventors and several of their tremendous discoveries—surpassing our fondest imagination.
这些场景揭示了他们大部分的教育体系 —— 展示了天文设备 —— 它们的完美会让今天的科学界赞叹不已 —— 以及地质学家用来检查金星和地球底层内部的地质学设备。我们看到了发明家和他们的几项重大发明 —— 超越了我们最丰富的想象。
“Many of these inventions,” explained the Master, “will come into use on earth in—the Golden Crystal Age—we have now entered.”
“这其中的很多发明,”上师解释说,“将来会在地球上投入使用 —— 即我们已经进入的黄金水晶时代。”
Some of the principal inventions—that are to be utilized on earth—were explained and could humanity have seen them—it would take heart and be tremendously encouraged—in regard to the future. It may be these pictures from Venus—will be taken up and described in a separate work later—providing permission can be obtained.
一些将要在地球上使用的主要发明 —— 被阐述明白,若是人类可以看到它们 —— 就未来而言 —— 会令人振奋并受到极大鼓舞。这些来自金星的场景 —— 可能会在之后的工作中单独进行描述 —— 前提是要获得许可。
The scenes from Venus finished, and those concerning the earth came on the screen. Many changes were shown to take place in the next seventy years. These affected Europe, Asia, India, North and South America, and revealed to us—that regardless of all appearances at the present time—the sinister force attempting to create chaos and destruction throughout the world—will be completely destroyed. When that is accomplished—the mass of humanity—will turn to the “Great God Presence” within each heart and also governing the Universe. “Peace Shall Reign On Earth—and Man Send Out Good Will To Man.” This Revelation was stupendous. The closing scenes followed next—and these concerned principally the United States in the next century. The progress and advancement she will make is almost—unbelievable.
来自金星的场景播放结束,地球上演的戏码搬上了银幕。展示了在接下来的七十年中发生的许多变化。它们影响了欧洲、亚洲、印度、北美和南美,并向我们揭示了 —— 不论当前表面上看上去如何 —— 企图在全世界制造混乱和破坏的邪恶力量 —— 将被彻底摧毁。当完成这一点时 —— 人类大众 —— 会把注意力转向每个人心中的、同时又掌管着宇宙的“伟大的神之临在”。“和平将主宰地球 —— 众人彼此之间友好相待。”这个启示是惊人的。接下来是结束的场景 —— 主要涉及下个世纪的美国。她将要取得的进步和成就几乎 —— 难以置信。
These things are true for the “Great God Law” makes no mistakes and—the Revelations of that New Year’s night—are God’s Eternally True Records.
这些事情是真实的,因为“伟大的神之法则”不会犯错 —— 新年夜的揭示 —— 是神永恒的真实记录。
Certain great souls were shown who would awaken, be Raised, and added to the—Host of Ascended Ones—to carry forward this great progress. The Presiding Master—then reminded those present—of the “Blessed Kumaras” and in a voice filled with Love and Adoration gave the following explanation—in tribute to them.
一些伟大的灵魂也被展示出来,他们将觉醒、被提升,加入扬升之主 —— 从而推进这一伟大的进步。主持上师 —— 接下来让在场的人想到了 —— “受到祝福的库马拉(Kumaras)”,并且用充满爱与尊崇的声音给出了以下解释 —— 向他们致敬。
“The Seven Kumaras, whom some Inner students have known as—’Lords of The Flame’ from Venus—were the Only Ones from this entire system of planets—who of their own free will and infinite Love—offered to guard the children of earth and assist their upward progress. They came and gave Transcendent Help here—at the most critical period of earth’s growth. It was the time of initiation—that is most dangerous in the Life of a planet and its humanity, but through their protection and guidance, the goal was attained—and mankind has been enabled to reach—the ‘Greater Heights.’
“七位库马拉,一些内在领域的学生称呼他们为 —— 来自金星的‘火焰之主’ —— 他们是整个行星体系中唯一的存在 —— 出于他们自己的自由意志和无限的爱 —— 主动提供帮助,保护地球的孩子们,并帮助他们向上成长。他们在地球成长的最关键时期 —— 来到这里 —— 给予了超凡的帮助。他们在地球的启蒙时期来到这里 —— 是一颗星球及其人类生命中最危险的时期,但是通过他们的保护和指引,目标得以实现 —— 人类已经能够达到 —— ‘更伟大的高度’。”
“Many of the Brothers understand—that every twenty-five hundred years—the Kumaras release a greatly increased Outpouring of Cosmic Love—Wisdom—and Energy. This Blazing Light and Transcendent Radiance—flooding the earth and its inhabitants—interpenetrating all—is a Tremendous Lifting Process, and gives a forward impulse to the growth of the entire earth, as well as its humanity.
“很多兄弟们明白,每隔两千五百年 —— 库马拉会释放出极大强化的宇宙之爱 —— 智慧 —— 和能量。这种闪耀的圣光和超然的光辉 —— 会淹没整个地球及其居民 —— 穿透一切 —— 这是一个巨大的提升过程,为整个地球和人类的成长提供了向前的推动力。”
“Just preceding each of these Great Outpourings extraordinary physical disturbances occur, and general unrest is felt throughout—by the people. Such disturbance is due to the discord that has accumulated during the last—of the preceding period. The generation of such inharmony is due—always—to the wandering away from the fundamental ‘Principle of Life’—and the human sense disturbance thus created—pollutes the outer activity of mankind, the earth, and its atmosphere.
“就在每一次这些伟大的圣光倾泻之前,都会发生特别的物质层面的扰动,整体来说人们都会感受到普遍的动荡。这种扰乱是由于上一个宇宙周期期间所积累的不和谐造成的。这种不和谐的产生 —— 总是 —— 由于偏离了基本的‘生命法则’ —— 造成了人类感官的污染 —— 污染了人类、地球和大气层的外在活动。”
“It is to cleanse this, and bring humanity back to—the Original Purity of Life—that cataclysmic action takes place. It is following these periods, the Kumaras release an Enormous Outpouring of ‘LIGHT’—to illumine and strengthen earth’s children, ultimately enabling them to make—the Supreme Attainment.
“正是要净化这些,并把人类带回 —— 生命最初的纯净之中 —— 灾难性的事件发生了。在这些时期过后,库马拉会释放出强大倾泻的‘圣光’ —— 来照亮和强化地球的孩子们,从而使他们最终可以达成 —— 至高无上的成就。”
“We are approaching another such period, and this time the release of the Great Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Energy—the Mighty Rays of Light—will not only quicken the minds of the race but the atomic structure of earth as well—making it more ‘Luminous’ in our solar system. Never, since these Great Lords of the Flame came to earth—have conditions permitted such a Great Outpouring to take place—as will occur ere long. Many—who have seemed to become hardened by their former activities, will awaken, as it were almost over night, and feel—the Nearness of the Great God ‘Presence’—within each heart. Many, who have been meek and humble but holding close to the ‘Inner Presence,’ will suddenly blaze forth amazing themselves as well as others—by the Transcendent Light, they will manifest. All will be done by the Power of God-Love, and humanity will truly begin to realize—that it is the height of folly—for one part of God’s Creation—to war against another part.
“我们正在接近另一个这样的时期,这一次释放出的伟大宇宙之爱、智慧和能量 —— 圣光的强大光芒 —— 不仅会加速人类种族的心智发展,也会加快地球的原子结构 —— 让它在我们太阳系中更加‘明亮’。自从这些伟大的火焰之主来到地球后,还没有出现过允许的状况让这样伟大圣光的倾洒发生 —— 不过不久后就会出现。许多人 —— 他们看上去因为他们之前的遭遇变得冷酷无情,几乎会在一夜之间醒来,并在每一颗心中感受到伟大神之‘临在’的临近。很多保持温顺谦逊又一直仅仅抓牢‘内在临在’的人,会突然间 —— 通过超然圣光 —— 闪耀出让自己吃惊也让他人吃惊的光芒,他们会表达出这圣光。所有一切都将由神之爱的力量完成,人类会真正开始意识到 —— 到达了多么愚蠢的高度 —— 因为神创造的一部分与另一部分进行对抗。”
“The desire to bless others instead of themselves—will almost involuntarily—enter into the hearts of mankind, and send forth a ‘Light’-that will illumine the rest of the ‘Way to Perfection.’
“祝福他人而非自己的心愿 —— 几乎会不由自主地 —— 进入人类的心灵,并发出‘圣光’ —— 照亮通往‘完美的道路’的剩余部分。”
“Selfishness alone—holds the children of this sphere in the bondage and misery—which have been allowed to express upon earth—but when the ‘Light of the Christ’ expands the ‘Love in the Heart,’ selfishness flees and returns to the sea of forgetfulness.
“唯有自私 —— 把这个领域中的孩子们束缚在捆绑和苦难之中 —— 这一度允许在地球上表达 —— 但是当‘基督的圣光’拓展人们‘心中之爱’时,自私就消失了,返回至遗忘的海洋。”
“Great, natural, physical changes will take place. Two Great Centers of ‘Light’—will pour forth their blessing to humanity—one—the Glorious Glistening ‘Presence’ of Shamballa in its Dazzling Radiance—and the other—will appear in the United States—not however where any so far have been led to believe—but at a point—which has not yet been indicated to—outer channels—of the world.
“巨大的、自然的、物质层面的转变会发生。‘圣光’的两个伟大的中心 —— 将向人类倾注它们的祝福 —— 其中一个是在其闪耀光芒中的荣耀灿烂的香巴拉‘临在’ —— 另一个将会在美国出现 —— 但是不是迄今为止人们被引导着去认为的某个地方 —— 那个地方尚未通过外部渠道向世界表明。”
“During the present activity of assistance and intense outpouring of ‘Light’ by the Great Ascended Host—who minister to the children of earth, hundreds of humanity—will find their present physical bodies—being quickened by the rapid raising—of the vibratory rate and, as this is completed will realize—that human, physical limitation and discord have dropped away like an old worn out garment, and that they—the Children of Light—stand forever at ‘One’ with the ‘Flame of Life-Everlasting’ and the ‘Perfection of Eternal Youth and Beauty’ a Visible Tangible Reality.
“目前,在来自帮助地球上孩子们成长的伟大扬升之主的帮助和‘圣光’的强烈倾洒中,数以百计的人会发现他们当前的物质身体 —— 由于振动速度的增加而快速提升,随着这一切的完成,人类会意识到,物质层面的限制和不和谐已经像一件破旧的衣服那样消失了,他们 —— 圣光之子 —— 永远站在‘合一’之中,‘永恒的生命火焰’和‘永恒的青春与美丽的完美’与他们同在,这是一个看得见摸得着的实相。”
“Beloved children of earth, you stand upon the Threshold of the Ages. Its door is being held open by the ‘Great Ones of Love’ who ever invite you to walk consciously by their side in the—’Light.’ No matter what the activities in the world without—walk with the ‘Light’ and in the ‘Light’—regardless of appearances. Then, will you find a Master of the ‘Light,’ who has trod this self same path before you, ever watches and stands by your side revealing—the ‘True Way.’
“亲爱的地球上的孩子们,你们站在时代的门槛上。它的大门正被‘爱的伟大存有’打开,他们邀请你有意识地在‘圣光’之中跟他们同行。不论外在世界上发生了什么 —— 要与‘圣光’同行,不论表相看上去是什么,要处于‘圣光’之中。然后,你就会找到一位‘圣光’上师,他曾经在你前面走过相同的路,一直观察着你,并站在你的身边,向你揭示 —— ‘真正的道路’。”
“The cycle changes—and we enter a New Dispensation—that brings with it a safer, more powerful, and yet rapid means by which the one climbing the Path to Attainment is enabled to hold—Permanent Contact with the ‘Great Cosmic Light.’
“周期转变了 —— 我们进入了一个新世代 —— 它带来了一种更加安全、更加强大,同时又快速的方法,让在这条通达之路上攀登的人可以与‘伟大的宇宙圣光’保持永久性的连结。”
“In this New Order, the discipline for the neophyte—will be the focusing and maintaining—of his attention entirely—upon the three highest centers of the body, and he will do all his work at these points. Only the centers in the heart, throat, and head will receive conscious consideration and attention.
“在这种新的秩序中,新的入道人的训练 —— 应该把他的注意力完全集中和保持在 —— 身体的三个最高中心上,他会在这三个能量中心完成他所有的工作。只有心脏、喉咙和头部的能量中心会接收到有意识的思考和注意。”
“The entire effort of the aspirant will be—to hold his attention upon these—for only by looking away from the lower centers—will he ever be able—to rise out of misery and limitation. The center at the top of the head is the highest focus in the human body, and there the Silver Cord of ‘Liquid White Light’ from the Great Source of Creation—enters.
“求道者的全部努力 —— 是把他的注意力集中在这里 —— 因为只有把目光从低等的能量中心移开 —— 他才能超越痛苦和限制。头顶的中心是人体中最高的能量聚焦点,来自创造伟大源头的‘液态白色圣光’的银色生命之线从这里进入。”
“When the attention of the mind is held steadfast upon this, the Door of the Soul is opened and—the Three Fold Activity of the Pure White Light—encircles the waist just below the solar plexus—cutting off forever—the destructive activities of the animal nature in man. This permits his soul to leap forth into its Complete Divine Activity—united once more with the Perfection of Its Source—and Eternally thereafter—Master of all human creation—which means the discords of earth.
当心智的注意力牢牢地固定在这里时,灵魂之门就会打开 —— 纯净白色圣光的三重活动 —— 会环绕在太阳神经丛正下方的腰部 —— 永远切断人类中动物本性的破坏性活动。这会让他的灵魂跳跃进入完整的神圣活动中 —— 再一次与其源头完美地结合在一起 —— 从此之后永恒地主宰所有的人类创造 —— 也就是地球上的不和谐。
“Sincere students should meditate frequently upon the Perfect Action of the ‘Golden Light’ within the head—for It will illumine and teach the outer mind—all good things. This is the ‘Light of the God Within.’ One should feel It filling his entire consciousness—his body and world. This is the ‘Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world,’ and there is no human being in existence—who has not some of this ‘Light’ within him.
“真诚的学生应该经常去沉思头脑中‘黄金圣光’的完美行动 —— 因为它会照亮并教导外在的心智 —— 所有美好的事物。这就是‘内在的神之圣光’。一个人应该感觉到它充满了他的整个意识 —— 他的身体和他所在的世界。这就是‘照亮每个来到这世界上的人的光’,所有存在的人类中,没有一个人内在没有这种‘圣光’。”
“There are many throughout the earth—who are rapidly awakening, and feeling the Mighty Surge of this ‘Inner Light’ pouring itself out through them and thus—finding greater expression. If these will rigidly keep themselves harmonious—unflinchingly hold their attention upon the God Self Within—accept and visualize the Full Activity of Its Dazzling Radiance—they can encircle themselves in the Three-Fold Activity of the White Light. This cuts off—the discordant creation of the outer world.
“地球上有很多人 —— 他们正在迅速地觉醒,并感受到这种‘内在圣光’的强大涌动从他们身上倾洒而出 —— 从而找到更伟大的表达。如果他们能够严格地让自己处于和谐之中 —— 坚定不移地把他们的注意力集中在内在的神之自我上 —— 接受并观想其闪耀光芒的全然活动 —— 他们就可以让自己包围在白色圣光的三重活动中。这会切断外部世界中不和谐的创造。”
“Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it will be our great joy and privilege to meet with you in January and July of each year, here in your Retreat because of—the Nearness and Outpouring of the All-controlling God-Light—which will soon be flooding America from shore to shore.
“Now, while the crystal containers are being brought in, let us meditate deeply upon the—’Oneness of Venus and the earth—the Omnipresence of Divinity—abiding in form.'”
“现在,当水晶棺被搬运进来时,让我们进行对 —— 金星和地球的合一 —— 深入的冥想,神性是无所不在的,居住在形态之中。”
We remained in deep silence for about ten minutes, and then the Presiding Master instructed us three—to take our places beside the caskets. He made the Sign of the heart and head, crossed his hands upon his chest, and called unto the “God-Presence”:
我们处于深度冥想中大约十分钟,然后主持上师吩咐我们三人 —— 到对应的棺材旁。他在心脏部位和额头做了个手势,双手交叉在胸前,呼请“神之临在”:
“Thou Mighty Creator of the Universe and all it contains—Thou One Omnipresent God—we await the Manifestation of Thy Great Beneficent Presence.”
“你是宇宙及其所包含一切的伟大创造者 —— 你是无所不在的神 —— 我们等待着你伟大仁慈临在的显现。”
A soft rose-colored “Luminous Essence” enveloped ourselves and the containers, drawing close about us. Suddenly—A Great Shaft of Dazzling White Light entered the enveloping Radiance—remained three or four minutes, and gradually faded from sight.
一道柔和的玫瑰色“发光精华”环绕着我们和那几具棺材,向我们靠近。突然 —— 一道耀眼的白色光柱进入了环绕着我们的光芒中 —— 足足停留了三四分钟,才逐渐淡出视线。
As we looked into the containers, the three bodies were resting within them. Observing each other, we were again clothed in the bodies—the Master, Saint Germain—had prepared for us—and because of which, we were enabled to visit the Great Assembly in the Royal Teton.
The Presiding Master blessed those assembled—the “Brotherhood of the Royal Teton” and all upon earth—promising to be with them again the following July.
主持上师祝福了那些聚集在这里的人 —— “提顿王室兄弟会”以及地球上的所有人 —— 并承诺在这个七月再次与他们相聚。
The Twelve from Venus—then took their stations upon the circle in the floor of the audience hall.
来自金星的十二位 —— 根据宴会厅地板上的圆圈站在他们各自的位置上。
The entire mountain trembled with the Mighty God Power—which they drew—and the “Light” thus focused took the form of an enormous eagle—its body violet and the head and feet of gold. The entire room became filled with a “Blazing White Light” forming one end of a “Great Pathway of Luminous Essence” on which the Twelve Radiant Beings returned to their home on Venus.
整座山峰都因他们带来的伟大神之能量而震颤 —— 这“圣光”汇聚成一只巨大的老鹰的形态 —— 它的身体是紫罗兰色,头和足是金色。整个房间都充满了“闪耀的白色圣光”,形成了“光明精华的伟大通道”的一端,十二位闪耀的存有通过这条通道返回了他们在金星的家园。
The Supreme Vision—those assembled gazed upon—surpasses anything words can describe. As the Great Vibratory Activity was lowered—a Wondrous Crystal Radiance illumined the Cosmic Mirror—and the words: “Peace and Illumination to all the earth and its inhabitants. Blessings from Venus”—appeared across its surface.
那些聚集在这里的人一起凝视着的 —— 至高无上的愿景 —— 超越了任何语言可以描述的范畴。当伟大的振动活动降低时 —— 一道美妙的水晶光芒照亮了宇宙镜面 —— 这句话出现在了上面:“愿地球以及其所有的居住者处于和平与光芒之中,来自金星的祝福”。
Each guest touched his heart and forehead, crossed his hands upon his chest and bowed in acceptance of—the Mighty Outpouring. All passed before Lanto, and received individual instruction for the work of nineteen thirty-one—then sat in deep silence and adoration unto the “Great Light.” At the end of the meditation, a glorious burst of music filled the great hall and heads were bowed to receive His Blessing. His voice—clear, beautiful and resonant rang out:
每一位客人都触摸着他的心口和额头,双手交叉在胸前,鞠躬以接受 —— 伟大的圣光倾洒。所有的人一个个经过兰托面前,并为1931年要进行的工作接受了个人层面的指导 —— 然后静静地坐着,尊崇“伟大的圣光”。在冥想结束后,一阵美妙的音乐响彻整个大厅,人们低下头接受他的祝福。他的声音响起 —— 清晰、动听且洪亮:
“There is nothing Supreme but—God. There is nothing Eternal and Real but—The Christ. There is nothing True but—The Light. These Three are ‘The One.’ All else is shadow. Remember—shadows hide—shadows mislead—and shadows make mankind stumble.
“除了神之外,没有什么是至高无上的。除了基督之外,没有什么是永恒和真正的。除了圣光之外,没有什么是真实的。这三者是‘一体’。其他一切都是阴影。要记得 —— 阴影会遮蔽 —— 阴影会误导 —— 阴影会让人类跌倒。”
“He, who walks the Pathway of Light—stands True to the Christ and looks always Godward, lives in a world of his own—untouched by the seething vortex about him—yet ever working in it, while the shadows last. These he turns his Light upon, and thus compels them to pass into the sea of forgetfulness.
“走在圣光道路上的人 —— 忠于基督,永远看着神的方向,生活在他自己的世界中 —— 不受他周围充斥着的漩涡的影响 —— 虽然阴影一直存在,但他可以一直在其中工作。他把他的圣光照耀到阴影上,从而迫使它们进入遗忘的海洋。”
“There is no happiness apart from facing and adoring the One Great God—The Source of All. There is nothing permanent but—Christ. There is no way to proceed through the Universe but on the ‘Pathway of Light.’
“除了面对和尊崇合一的伟大之神 —— 万物之源外,没有幸福可言。除了 —— 基督,没有什么是永恒的存在。除了通过‘圣光的道路’,没有其他穿越宇宙的方法。”
“If you will arm yourselves with this Eternal Understanding of Life—swear allegiance only to your Source—God—stand True to the Christ—and carry the Light—you will accept as your code of honor the Obligation ‘To Love and Bless Life’—no matter in what form it may be expressing, wherever you meet it.
“如果你愿意用这种对生命永恒的理解来武装自己 —— 宣誓只效忠于你的源头 —— 神 —— 忠于基督 —— 并携带圣光 —— 你就会把‘对生命的爱与祝福’当作自己的荣誉准则 —— 不论它以什么形式进行表达,不论你在哪里遇到它。”
“This is the Eternal Plan of Existence—and whosoever knows—That—may proceed anywhere in the Universe, explore all it contains, and yet be untouched by whatever shadows mankind has created, in its forgetfulness of—Whence It sprang.
“这是存在的永恒计划 —— 任何知晓的人 —— 都可以在宇宙的任何地方前行,探索它其中的一切,同时又不会被人类创造的任何阴影所影响,人类处于遗忘之中,忘记了 —— 生命从何而来。”
“GOD alone is Great—and only unto ‘The Source of All Greatness’ does All Glory belong. He, who knows only his Source and refuses aught else is Wise indeed, for he becomes Permanent Happiness, and is—Master wherever he moves.
“只有神是伟大的 —— 所有的荣耀都属于‘一切伟大的源头’。只有知道他的源头并拒绝接受任何其它的人才是明智的,因为他成为了永恒的幸福,不论他走到哪里,都是主宰者。”
“Then and then alone—may be become Creator of Worlds. Upon these he bestows his happiness, and in this activity really lives the Divine Plan for All.
“Members of the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton—Reveal thou This Plan to the wayward children of earth. Shed Thy Radiance upon their self-created shadows, and point them ‘The Way’ to ‘The Great Central Sun’—Our Transcendent Source. My Light enfolds you—My Power upholds you—and My Love breathes through you to those who seek their home in ‘The Light.’
“提顿王室兄弟会的成员 —— 向地球上叛逆的孩子揭示这个伟大的计划。把你的光芒倾洒在他们自己创造的阴影上,并为他们指明通往‘伟大中央太阳’ —— 我们超然源头 —— 的道路。我的圣光包围着你们 —— 我的力量支撑着你们 —— 我的爱通过你们的呼吸进入那些在‘圣光’中寻找家园的人。”
“Beloved Humanity—may this same Mighty Radiance shed its Light to illumine, heal, and bless you with That Divine Love which will ever hold All close in the Eternal Embrace of ‘The One Supreme Light.’
“亲爱的人类 —— 愿这同样强大的光芒洒下它的光辉,用那神圣的爱来照亮、疗愈和祝福你,神圣之爱永远把万物紧紧地拥抱在‘合一至高无上圣光’的永恒怀抱中。”
“America—God bless you and clothe you—now—with the ‘Everlasting Shadowless Light.'”
“美国 —— 神保佑你,现在就让你覆盖上‘让阴影无所遁逃的永恒圣光’。”