圣光门户开启:人类命运的转折点 – 2023年5月1日

The past few years have witnessed massive changes, some of which have been big and dramatic, like the C0VID-19 pandemic, Russo-Ukrainian War escalation, and the recent capsizing of Silicon Valley Bank.


It seems like our world is getting crazier. Despots are rising and our freedoms are diminishing. Greed has overstepped all known limits. Several areas of the world are on the brink of revolution and possible civil wars. There are so many terrible things going on that they are too long to list.


In cultures of supremacy, the game is rigged to benefit the one percent. This was extremely magnified when Pluto was in Capricorn in the past fifteen years.


However, as we are reaching the turning point in human destiny, the remaining 99 percent is about to reclaim its power.


For the first time in over two centuries, Pluto shifted into the sign of Aquarius this March 2023. It will be in Aquarius from now until June 11th.


Pluto is a transformer. Wherever Pluto goes, it brings about slow change and deep transformation, burning down one way of being and rebuilding the next version of society. Aquarius represents a collective, communal energy of sharing resources and making sure that everyone in our world is resourced and cared for.


Last time Pluto journeyed through Aquarius, between 1777 and 1798, the world’s balance of power massively shifted. These two decades saw the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The monarchy was toppled in France, showing that even the world’s most powerful institutions can crumble in the face of Pluto’s shock wave.


The Age of Enlightenment also reached a crescendo at that time. Aquarian ideals of reason, rationality, and humanity’s power to steer its own destiny fueled that epoch and laid the groundwork for democratic institutions and human rights.


Today, Pluto moved into Aquarius again after more than 200 years. This time Pluto in Aquarius signifies humanity are finally waking up from a prolonged nightmare into the new golden age that their heart longing and deep desire.


During the whole period Pluto in Aquarius from March to June, Pluto makes an exact grand trine with Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades) and M87 galaxy (a major galaxy in the Virgo cluster, as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe).This grand trine brings extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this is the trigger that allows the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely.


The cosmic energy will reach its peak intensity on May 1st when Pluto turns retrograde.
This is the best possible moment to anchor energy to the surface of the planet. The exact time will be 10:06 am PDT on May 1st in Los Angeles.


To have the maximum positive effect on humanity, we will be doing Portal of Light Activation at this moment.This is the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now.


Each of you who will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the new golden age closer to us. If we manage to gather 144,000 volunteers doing this meditation, we will experience the fastest and most harmonious transition for this planet.


Actually, it will create an energetic upgrade for the whole planet!


Let’s rise up as never before.


Let’s reclaim our power.



