At the present time the attention of mankind is being drawn to the conscious understanding and use of the Words “I AM” by the Ascended Masters, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Jesus, and others of the Ascended Host—who are pouring out ceaselessly the Great Light to release Freedom, Peace, and Perfection. The Cosmic Command for the permanent Golden Age has been given and must now manifest on this planet.
The Great Ascended Masters have worked for centuries preparing for the expansion of Light that is now flooding the entire system to which this earth belongs. The Great Cosmic Law has begun the release and increase of that Light which compels all things to come into Perfect Divine Order wherever It flows.
These Great Ones have always been the Custodians of the Eternal Inner Understanding concerning the use of the Great Creative Word, “I AM.” They, and They alone, have been able to give the complete Understanding concerning what occurs when those two Words, “I AM,” are used.
They have been the Elder Brothers, Protectors, Guardians, and Infallible Teachers of mankind throughout the centuries. The Ascended Masters are the only Infallible Source of Instruction to the humanity of this earth, because They are Wholly Divine, and One with the God Self of every individual. They are the Living Fulfillment of the Law They teach, and are the only Ones who have manifested Complete Victory over so-called death.
They are the Full Manifestation of that Light and Love which rule the Universe and which maintain Divine Order throughout Infinity.
The release of Their combined Light is taking place and flooding the earth at the present time. All that is not of the Light is consumed thereby. Their Light will continue to expand throughout this planet until all its humanity has made the Ascension also—and the earth itself becomes a Blazing Sun, whirling in its appointed path in space.
他们联合之光的释放正在发生着,并洒满地球。所有不是光的事物因此都得到转化。他们的圣光会持续在这颗星球上拓展,直至所有的人类都实现扬升 —— 直至地球本身变成一颗炽热的太阳,在宇宙中既定的轨道上螺旋前进。
To these Great Ascended Masters mankind owes all the good it has ever received or drawn forth, because They are the way and means by which the Infinite God Self expands Its Perfection through the finite activity of personalities.
This earth and its humanity are entering into the “I AM” Age, and therefore the full use of this “I AM” Knowledge must be understood and utilized by the individuals who live here in the present and near future.
地球和这里居住的人类正在进入“我是”时代,因此, “我是”知识的充分表达必须要让现在和不久的将来居住在这里的人们得到理解和利用。
The Great Cosmic Beings, the Ascended Masters, and Angelic Host have given tremendous Protection to America and her people—especially over the last five years. To all individuals who will call unto Them in the Name of the “Mighty I AM Presence” keep their feelings harmonized, and pour out intense Love continually to their own “Mighty I AM Presence” will be given Assistance without limit.
伟大的宇宙存有、扬升大师和天使之主为美国和她的人民提供了巨大的保护 —— 尤其是在过去的五年中。对于所有以“伟大我是临在”的名义呼请他们的人,保持他们的情感在和谐的状态,并不断地向他们自己的“伟大我是临在”倾洒强烈的爱,他们就会得到无限的帮助。
This book is especially charged with Beloved Saint Germain’s Ascended Master Consciousness and Love, and that of the other Ascended Masters concerned with this Activity, to bring Protection, Freedom, Illumination and Perfection to all who read or contact it, that all may express Mastery and also make their Ascension.
It is the privilege of every student of Light at this time to call in the Name of the “I AM Presence” with all earnestness and Love to these Great Ones, to protect America, the government and her people, to illumine all officials of the government, to perfect all within her borders, and to compel obedience everywhere unto “The Light of God that never fails.”
THE thirty-three Discourses contained in this book were dictated over a visible Light and Sound Ray in our home during 1932 by the Ascended Master Saint Germain and those other Ascended Masters directly concerned with this Activity. The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room. At times, His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room, when He radiated the Power and Energy of the Light Rays to accomplish special work.
The training and preparation for Him to do this at the present crisis of the outer world was given us over a period of thirty years, that it might be accomplished at this time, and assistance from the Ascended Masters come forth in this way to protect and free all individuals who make conscious effort to correct themselves and attain Mastery over all things on this earth.
Never before, except in the Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, has such intensified, transcendent Instruction concerning the “I AM” been given to individuals. Not for thousands of years have the True Inner Instruction and Use of the Sacred Flame been taught to mankind as Saint Germain and others of the Ascended Masters have revealed. Permission for Them to be explained to students as given forth in these Discourses has been granted to us by these Great Ones. Such Instruction as is herein contained has never been given to students until after a three year probation in the Retreats.
The condition of the outer world at the present time is such that those who sincerely seek the Light and want the constructive way of Life must have more than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos—which is the accumulated discord generated by humanity en masse through the centuries, and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals today.
当前外部世界的状况是这样的,那些真正寻求圣光的人,想要以建设性的方式生活的人,若是想要在当前混乱的状况下存活下来,必须要获得超越人类的帮助 —— 当前的混乱来自几个世纪以来人类大众产生的不和谐的累计,并且对当今个人外在生命体验当中产生了沉重的压力。
The need of protection and help for the children of earth is so great at the present hour that the Great Ascended Masters and Legion of Light have “let the bars down,” so to speak, and have released this Inner Understanding of the “Mighty I AM Presence” into the outer Life of mankind, that all who want the Light and will make conscious effort to attain their own Freedom and Mastery may have the Assistance which will give them the Eternal Victory.
Only fragments of the real understanding of the “I AM Presence” have been given to the outer world until now. The Ascended Master Saint Germain says: “It is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have, and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application. ” He considers it of such paramount importance that He dictated more than thirty-three Discourses in which He explains what happens in the outer Life of the individual when one says “I AM.” He also says: “Nothing will bless the individual to so great a degree as the Conscious Understanding of this ‘Creative Word’.”
When the phrase, “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ come forth, ” is used throughout this series of books, it is always a call to the God Presence to pour forth or release the Outpouring of Perfection which the one making the call desires.
It is always thought, felt, written or spoken with the feeling of intense LOVE. It is always a call to God, the “Mighty I AM Presence” to establish Perfection everywhere, and thus let God’s Will — Perfection— be made manifest on earth. When a command is given, it is always the outer self calling unto God, and in the Name of that “Mighty I AM Presence” commanding substance and energy to obey the Decree given—which is the Self-conscious effort required in order to open the door for the Intelligence of the “I AM” to release Its Perfect Manifestation.
总是要带着强烈的爱之感情去思考、感受、书写或说出它。这是对神的呼唤,“伟大的我是临在”可以在所有的地方建立完美,因此,让神的意志 —— 完美 —— 显化在地球上。当一个命令被发出,这总是来自外在自我对神的呼唤,以“伟大我是临在”的名义去命令物质和能量遵从给出的命令 —— 这是个人自我所需要付出的有意识的努力,从而为“我是”的智慧打开大门,释放它完美的显化。
This book not only carries the Ascended Masters’ Understanding of the “I AM” but is charged with Saint Germain’s Ascended Master Consciousness and the Ray of Light and Love from His Heart which is the Ascended Masters’ Feeling and Comprehension of Its full Power, forever Self-sustained.
May this book of “I AM” Discourses anchor the attention of all who read or contact it so powerfully upon each individual’s own Divinity, that the full Ascended Master Consciousness of the “Mighty I AM Presence” shall fill the earth, and release with the Power of a Thousand Suns the Eternal Dominion of “The Light of God that never fails.”
INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, Mighty Presence, Thou All-Pervading Principle of Life! We give praise and thanks for Thy Wondrous Activity through all outer presence. Out of Thy Mighty Essence comes all that is, and oh! that humanity might understand, Thou art ever and forever Self-sustained. Thou Mighty, Active Principle of Life, surge forth in the outer activity of mankind and manifest Thy Supreme Justice now in all places.
Mighty Presence of Light—God in Action! govern the minds of mankind, holding them to Truth and Justice, and see that Thy Messengers are placed in all official positions. Let naught of the outer interfere, that none of humanity may accept any thought of deception.
圣光伟大的临在 —— 行动中的神!统领人们的心智,让他们坚守真理和正义,并确保你的使者被安置在所有官方的位置上。不受外界的干扰,也没有人去接受任何欺骗性的想法。
Mighty Presence of God in Action, surge forth in the minds of all, expressing Thy Conquering Presence.
Greetings: I bring you Greetings from the Perfected Ones, who are watching closely over and ministering to all.
Life, in all Its Activities everywhere manifest, is God in Action; and it is only through lack of the understanding of applied thought and feeling that mankind is constantly interrupting the pure flow of that Perfect Essence of Life which would, without interference, naturally express Its Perfection everywhere.
The natural tendency of Life is Love, Peace, Beauty, Harmony, and Opulence, for Life cares not who uses It, but is constantly surging to pour more of Its Perfection into manifestation, always with that lifting process which is ever inherent within Itself.
“I AM”
“I AM” is the Activity of “That Life.”
How strange it is that students with sincere interest do not seem to get the True Meaning of those two words.
When you say and feel “I AM,” you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say “I AM not, ” you shut the door in the face of this Mighty Energy.
“I AM” is the Full Activity of God.
Having placed before you so often the Truth of God in Action, I wish you to understand Its first expression in individualization. The first expression of every individual, everywhere in the Universe, either in spoken word, silent thought or feeling, is “I AM,” recognizing Its Own Conquering Divinity.
The student, endeavoring to understand and apply these mighty, yet simple Laws, must stand guard more strictly over his thought and expression—in word or otherwise; for every time you say “I AM not” “I cannot” “I have not,” you are, whether knowingly or unknowingly, throttling that “Great Presence” within you. This is just as tangible as if you placed your hands about the throat of an outer form, only with the outer form, your thought governing the hand, you can release it at any time; but when you make a declaration using the words “I AM not,” you set in motion Mighty, Limitless Energy that continues to act, unless it is recalled and the imperfection consumed and transmuted.
努力理解并应用这些伟大又简单的法则的学生,必须严格地保护自己的思想和表达 —— 无论是在语言上还是在其他方面;因为每次你说“我不是”“我不能”“我没有”的时候,无论是有意的还是无意的,你都在扼杀你内在的“伟大临在”。这就像是你把手扼在外在形态的喉咙上,不过在外在形态中,你的思想可以控制你的手,你随时可以松开,这些是可以触碰到的;但是当你使用“我不是”这样的宣告时,你就是扼杀了持续作用的强大、无限的能量,除非你召回,让不完美被吞噬和转化。
This shows you the enormous power you have to qualify this Mighty Energy of God, and I tell you Beloved Students, dynamite is less dangerous, for that would but liberate you from the body; while these thoughts sent forth ignorantly and ungoverned bind you upon the wheel of re-embodiment indefinitely.
Thus you can see how important it is for you to know what you are doing when you thoughtlessly use wrong expressions; because you are using the Most Divine Principle of Activity in the Universe— “I AM.”
由此可见,自己在轻率地使用错误的表达时是在做什么,了解这一点多么重要;因为你在使用宇宙中最神圣的活动法则 —— “我是”。
Do not misunderstand me—this is no idle, foreign, or Oriental expression, but the Highest Principle of Life used and expressed throughout every civilization that has ever existed—for the first expression every Self-conscious form of Life gives is “I AM.” It is only afterwards, in its contact with outer, wrongly qualified activity, that it begins to accept anything less than “I AM.”
不要误会我 —— 这不是无聊的、外来的或者东方式的表达,而是生命的最高法则,在曾经存在的每个文明中都被使用和表达 —— 因为每个自我意识的生命形态给出的第一个表达就是“我是”。只是后来,在与外在错误限定的活动接触后,它才开始接受“我是”之外的其他事物。
Now Dear Students, do you not see that when you say , “I AM sick,” you are just reversing this Principle of Life, which is naturally all Perfection; thus requalifying it by your willful ignorance with something which it never naturally possessed?
Through long centuries of willful misunderstanding, humanity has charged the very atmosphere about them with falsehood and unreality, for I need not say to you that when you say “I AM sick,” it is an abject falsehood in respect to your Divinity, which cannot be sick.
Does this sound harsh to you?
Then I say, think it over, and you will see what a blessing and release it can be to you.
I say to you, Dear Students, in the Name of God, stop using these wrong expressions of your Godhead, of your Divinity, for it is impossible for you to have Freedom as long as you continue to do it. I cannot speak of this to you too often: that when you really recognize and accept the Mighty Presence of God in you, there are positively no adverse conditions.
STOP! I say to you, giving power to the outer conditions, persons, places or things, and in the Name of God, every time you find yourself starting to say “I AM sick,” “I AM broke, ” “I AM not feeling well” instantly reverse this fatal condition to your progress; and declare silently with all the intensity of your being —, “I AM”—which is all health, opulence, Perfection, happiness, peace, and the power to recognize Perfection in yourself and everywhere else.
停下来!我告诉你们,不要再把力量给予外部的状况、人、地方或者事物;以神的名义,每次当你发现自己开始说“我病了”,“我破产了”,“我感觉不好”时,马上把这种灾难性的表达转化成你的进步,并用你存在的所有强度去默默地宣告 —— “我是” —— 所有的健康、富裕、完美、幸福、和平和力量,并认识到你自己以及无所不在的完美。
When you think of the expression “I AM,” it means that you know you have God in Action expressing in your Life. Do not let these false expressions continue to govern and limit you. Continually remind yourself: “I live, move, and have my Being and all outer expression in the full opulence of God, made manifest every moment. “
In thus reminding yourself of this Invincible, Unconquerable Presence, you keep the door open for Its pure, Invincible Essence and Intelligence to weave into your outer expression that wondrous Perfection.
I plead with you, Dear Ones everywhere, do not continue to use these wrong expressions thinking that in some hocus-pocus way you may slide past reaping the result. IT SIMPLY CANNOT BE DONE.
Many of you know that they use the branding- iron on the Western Frontier as a recognition of ownership by the ranchmen. So great is my desire to have you recognize and hold fast to the active Presence of God in you, that I almost long for a branding-iron to brand those words —”I AM” —into your consciousness for constant use; that you could not be drawn off the recognition, acceptance, and use of that Mighty, Glorious Presence of God, which you are.
I trust that all who may hear or read these words will feel the Power and the Mighty Conviction of this Truth that goes with them—leaping into action wherever expressed.
我相信所有那些听到或阅读到这些文字的人,会感受到这一真理的力量和强大信念伴随着他们 —— 在表达时体现出来。
If at any time anything less than Perfection attempts to make an appearance in your experience, declare vehemently that it is not true, and that you accept only God, which is Perfection in your Life, everywhere manifest. As long as you give way to accepting false appearances, you will have them expressed in your Life and experience. It is not, Dear Student, a matter of belief on your part whether you accept these Truths or not, but they are the Law, proven through long centuries of experience, and are placed before you for your Freedom.
Awaken to the fact that your thought and feeling in the past have built—created—the inharmony of your world today. Arise! I say, Arise! and walk with the Father—the “I AM”—that you may be free from these limitations. There is only one thing in this Universe that can surround you with limitation, and that is accepting the outer appearance instead of the Mighty, Active Presence of God in you.
意识到,是你们过去建立起的想法和感觉 —— 创造了 —— 你们当今世界的不和谐。站起来,我说,站起来!与圣父同行 —— 与“我是”同行 —— 这样你们就可以摆脱这些限制。在这个宇宙中,只有一件事情可以限制你,那就是接受外在的表象,而不是你内在伟大的、活跃的神之临在。
The Western World likes to fool itself with the idea that it refuses to accept the ancient and Eastern idea of sorcery—in other words, the misuse of the Spiritual Powers. The worst kind of sorcery is being used in the political fields today that has ever been known in the history of mankind through the use of mental power—wrongly qualified.
西方世界喜欢用这样的观念自欺欺人,它拒绝接受古代和东方的巫术的理念 —— 即对灵性力量的滥用。当今政治领域正在使用的是人类历史上最卑劣的巫术,也就是利用被错误限定的心智力量。
It is today as it was at one time in Egypt. Those who misuse the mental power are binding themselves to the rack of inharmony, embodiment after embodiment.
Take the stand: “I do not take on conditions from anybody or anything about me but God— Good, and ‘I AM’ always God-commanded.” You need to acquire the habit of stilling yourself. Sit down three or four times a day and simply still the outer self. This will let the energy be supplied. Learn to command and control the energy in your body. If you want the energy still—be still. If you want the energy active—be active. You must stand up, face a thing, and rise above it. There is no other way.
采取这样的立场:“我不接受除了来自神之外的有关我的任何人和状况 —— 我只接受好的,‘我是’总处于神的命令中。”你需要养成让自己安静下来的习惯。每天安静地坐下来三到四次,让外在自我平静下来。这样会让能量得到供应。学会指挥和控制体内的能量。如果你想让能量静止下来 —— 就保持静止。如果你想让能量活跃 —— 就活跃起来。你必须站起来去面对一件事情,然后去超越它。别无他法。
The student should watch in every way for habits and break them up. He should not have to be told, but must look within himself and uproot whatever is not Perfect. This brings a freedom not possible in any other way.
The holding on of old habits is just like wearing old, worn-out garments. The student must not wait for someone else to think these things out for him. He must do it himself. It is not possible for anyone to do it but himself.
In this Work and under this Radiation, everything that is latent in the individual is being brought forth to be consumed. Watch—that the attention does not become fixed on the thing you do not want.
在这样的工作和这种照耀之中,潜伏在一个人中的一切都会浮出水面被转化。要注意 —— 不要把注意力集中在你不想体验的东西上。
It is perfectly ridiculous to keep recalling things which have not worked out. If you have built your limitations for centuries and can, by this attention and self-effort, free yourself in a few years, isn’t it worth it? Is it not marvelous?
A humorous sense of getting away from a thing is sometimes the quickest and most powerful way of doing it, for a buoyant, joyous feeling releases the energy that many times enables a very wonderful manifestation to take place.
If one will buckle down to brass tacks and call on the Law of Forgiveness, he can then consume all past creations in the Consuming Flame and be free. You must be conscious that the Flame is the Active Presence of God doing the consuming.
The Freedom of God is here in action.
When you have a feeling to do a certain constructive thing, go ahead, stick to it and do it, if the heavens fall. Whether the manifestation comes now or not should not enter into your consciousness at all.
Even when students only know a thing intellectually, they should not allow the mind to keep recalling wrong conditions when they know what this activity does to their success. It is unbelievable that people will not conquer this enemy in their consciousness. No student can ever gain the victory until he stops turning back to the old, negative conditions he is trying to get rid of.
The whole work of a teacher is to get some means and explanation over to the student of the activity of acceptance. What the mind accepts is that which the individual agrees with through his attention, by letting the two become one. When the mind accepts and agrees with a thing or condition, the individual decrees it into his world. Whatever you let the attention rest upon, you are agreeing with and accepting, because through the attention you have let the mind become one with it.
If an individual were to see a rattlesnake coiled, would he walk right up to be struck? Certainly not! Yet this is what students are doing when they let their attention turn back to their troubles. Such habits are only past momentum given a specific quality.
There are only two activities in Life, and if you will not let the Inner govern according to Its plan of Perfection, then the outer must.
When a constructive picture is flashed to your mind, it is a reality. When you recall it as a mental picture and hold it again, it calls forth the reality.
One can become so aware of his own God Presence that at any time he can see and feel Its Radiance pouring out to him.
For things it does not want, the outer has all the confidence in the world. It is up to the student to compel it to have the same confidence for the Perfection of God that it has for the imperfection of the senses.
The student must always rely on himself. He must always think, “What can I do to intensify this activity from the hints given? “
BENEDICTION: Mighty Perfected Ones! As we receive Thy Magic Circle of Protection, as we receive and are enfolded in Thy Mighty Opulent Presence, O Master Within! we accept fully that Opulence made manifest in our outer experience and use. We give praise and thanks for Thy Wisdom in Its use. We give praise and thanks that we have the full strength to accept only Thy Mighty Active Presence at all times, and to refuse acceptance to anything unlike Thee.
INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence—Thou Mighty Master within each human form! We acknowledge and accept Thy Full Presence manifest within these forms and within the human form of every individual that God has sent forth. We give praise and thanks that at last we have become aware of this Mighty Presence to Whom we can turn and recognize the Fullness of God’s Activity, the “I AM” of all things.
祈请词:你那无限、无所不在的临在 —— 你是每个人类形态中的万能导师!我们认可并接受你那全然的临在,显化在这些形态中,显化在神派遣来的每个人的身体中。我们赞美并感谢,我们终于意识到了这位伟大的临在,我们把注意力转向它,并认可神之活动的圆满,即万物的“我是”。
Greetings to you all.
When Jesus said: ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life. He gave forth one of the mightiest utterances that can well be expressed.
When He said “I AM,” He did not refer to the outer expression, but He did refer to the Mighty Master Presence—God Within, because He repeatedly said: “I of myself can do nothing. It is the Father within— the ‘I AM’ —that doeth the works.”
当他说“我是”时,他并不是指外在的表达,而是指内在的神 —— 伟大主宰临在,因为他反复地说:“我靠自己则无能为力。是内在的圣父 —— ‘我是’ —— 在发挥作用。”
Again Jesus said: “ ‘I AM’ the Way, the Life, and the Truth,” giving recognition to the One and Only Power—God in Action within him.
耶稣再次说:“‘我是’道路、生命和真理,”承认了那一位、也是唯一的力量 —— 他内在行动的神。
Again He said: “ ‘I AM’ the ‘Light’ that lighteth every man that cometh into the world“ prefacing every Statement of vital importance with the Words “I AM.”
Contemplating “I AM” as anything and everything you wish to be is one of the mightiest means of loosing the Inner God Power, Love, Wisdom and Truth, and setting It into action in the outer experience.
Again let us refer to His mighty utterance, perhaps one of the greatest ever spoken into the outer expression: “ ‘I AM’ the Open Door which no man can shut.” Do you not see how very vital this is when you come to review understandingly these Mighty Statements?
When you recognize and accept fully “I AM” as the Mighty Presence of God in you一in action—you will have taken one of the greatest steps to liberation.
当你完全认可并接受“我是”,把它作为你内在的 —— 行动中的 —— 伟大神之临在,你就迈出了通往解放的最重要的一步。
Now mark you, in the utterance of the Truth that, ” ‘I AM’ the Open Door which no man can shut,” if you can but realize it, you have the key that allows you to step through the veil of flesh, carrying with you all consciousness that you have generated or accumulated which is imperfect; and there transmute it, or in other words, raise it into that Perfection into which you have stepped.
Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of contemplating as often as possible the “I AM” as the Mighty, Active Presence of God in you, in your home, in your world, in your affairs. Every breath you breathe is God in Action in you. Your ability to express or send forth thought and feeling is God acting in you. You, having free will, it is entirely up to you to qualify the energy sent forth in your thought and feeling, and determine how it shall act for you.
No one can say: “How shall I know how to qualify this energy? ” for everyone knows the difference between destructive and constructive thought, feeling, and action.
The student, in receiving instruction, should constantly analyze the motive back of the question to detect if in that motive there is a feeling of intellectual pride, arrogance or stubbornness in the outer mind and body. If there is within the motive a lurking desire to argue and prove the instruction wrong rather than receive the Blessing and Truth intended, the individual has unknowingly shut the door, for the time being, to his ability to receive the good offered.
Again may I remind the students, regardless of their personal opinions as to what the Truth shall be, I have proven through many centuries, these condensed Instructions now being given forth. If one wants to receive the greatest benefit possible and the comprehension that will be absolute, certain freedom and liberation, listen with an entirely open mind, with the consciousness that the “I AM’’ —the Active Presence of God in you—is your certain ability to receive, accept, and apply without limit the Instruction which is being given forth with an accompanying Radiance—which will enable certain students at this time to comprehend these simple, yet mighty Assertions of Truth to their great Blessing and Freedom.
再次让我提醒学生们,不论他们个人对真理应该如何的观点是什么,在过去的很多世纪,我已经给出了证明,现在,这些浓缩的指引也正在被给出。如果一个人想要获得可能获得的最大益处,以及绝对的理解、确切的自由和解脱,那么就要以完全敞开的心态来聆听,并意识到“我是” —— 你内在活跃的神之临在 —— 就是你接收、接受和应用的确切能力,而且不受限制,现在给出的这些指引,伴随着光芒 —— 会让某些学生在这个时间理解这些简单而又强大的真理表达,从而进入到他们的伟大祝福和自由之中。
The admonition has been before humanity through many centuries: ‘‘Ye cannot serve two masters.” Why is this so? First: because there is only One Intelligence, One Presence, One Power that can act, and that is the Presence of God acting in you. When you turn to the outer manifestation and give all kinds of expressions and appearances power, you are attempting to serve a false, usurping master, because the outer expression can only find an appearance through the use of God’s Mighty Energy.
Your ability to lift your hand and the Life flowing through the nervous system of your outer form is “God in Action” in your body, through your mind.
Dear Students, try to use this simple means as a reminder of God in Action in you. When you start to go down the street, think for an instant: “This is God’s Intelligence and Power by which I walk, and this is His Intelligence by which I know where ‘I AM, going.” Thus you will see that it is no longer possible to go on without understanding that every move you make is God in Action. Every thought in your mind is God’s Energy, which enables you to think. When you know this is a fact—and there is no disputing it — why not adore, give full confidence to, trust in, have faith in, and accept this Mighty Presence of God in Action in you; instead of looking to the outer expression which is clothed, qualified, and colored by the outer, or human concept of things, regardless of the One Mighty Presence which enables the outer to express.
亲爱的学生们,试着使用这个简单的方法来提醒自己,是神在你之中进行表达。当你走在街上时,想一想:“我走路所使用的是神的智能和力量,通过他的智能,我才知道‘我是去哪儿’。因此,你会看到,如果你不理解你走的每一步都是神在进行表达,就不可能继续下去。你心智中的每一个想法都是神的能量,它使你能够思考。当你知道这是一个事实时 —— 而且没有争议 —— 那么为什么不去敬重、给予充分的信心、去相信、信任并接受这位伟大的神之临在在你身上的表达;而不是看向外在表达,外在的表达被外在心智、人类对事物的理念所覆盖、限定和着色,忽视了是那一位伟大临在让外在得以表达。”
All outer form and its attendant expression is but the experience Life by which each individual may learn—through his own experiences—the True Source of his Being, and come again into the Fullness of Perfection, through the Self-conscious knowing thus attained.
所有的外在形态及其伴随着的表达都不过是生命体验,通过这些一个人去学习 —— 通过他自己的体验 —— 去学习他存在的真正源头,并通过由此获得的自我意识知晓,再次进入全然的完美中。
The outer experience of Life is but a constant, changing, passing picture that the outer mind has created in its pretense (imagination) of being the Real Actor. Thus is the attention so constantly fixed upon the outer, which alone contains imperfection, that the Children of God have forgotten their own Divinity and must come back to It again.
God is the Giver, the Receiver, and the Gift, and is the Sole Owner of all the intelligence, substance, energy and opulence there is in the Universe.
If the Children of God would learn to give for the joy of giving, whether it be love, money, service, or whatever it may be, they would open the door to such vast opulence that it would be impossible to want for a single thing in the outer expression.
The unfortunate thing in humanity—which has caused such rampant selfishness and unprecedented condemnation of each other—is the idea of claiming ownership to these wonderful Blessings of God; for there is but One Love acting, One Intelligence, Power and Substance, and that is God in every individual. The Warning that should be placed before every student and individual is to guard against the desire of the outer self to claim power of its own. If in every act of the personality, God were given full credit, transformations unbelievable could not help taking place in the one thus giving full credit and power where it belongs.
人类的不幸 —— 导致了如此猖獗的自私和前所未有的互相谴责 —— 就是去宣称他们才是神美妙祝福的所有者;因为只有一种爱在起作用,一种智能、力量和物质,那就是每个人内在的神。应该摆放在每个学生和每个人面前的警告,就是要警惕外在自我去宣称这力量是他所有。若是在人格的每一个行动中,去给予神全部的认可,那么令人难以置信的转变将会不可避免地发生在这个人身上,把行动背后的力量完全交付给其所属。
There has rarely been a correct understanding of supply and demand. There is positively abundant supply omnipresent, but the demand for it must be made before the Law of the Universe permits it to come into the expression and use of the individual.
The individual, having free will, must consciously, with full determination, make the demand, and it cannot fail to come forth into expression—no matter what it is—so long as the individual holds an unwavering, determined consciousness.
拥有自由意志的个体,必须有意识地、坚定地提出这种要求,那么它就不可能不进入表达之中 —— 不论它是什么 —— 只要这个人保持坚定不移的意识状态。
This simple Statement used with sincere determination: “‘I AM’ the great Opulence of God made visible in my use right now and continuously” will bring to the individual all he can possibly use.
The limiting element so many students seem to be unaware of is that they start out declaring the Truth, for instance, as in the above Statement, but before many hours have passed over their heads, if they were to analyze themselves conscientiously, they would find in their feelings lurking doubt or fear, for both these are feelings. Naturally, this neutralizes to a large extent the constructive force that would quickly bring about the fulfillment of the desire or demand.
Once a student can become fully aware that every right desire or wish is God in Action, propelling his energy forth to full accomplishment, and is always Self-sustained, he would become aware of the Limitless Love, Power and Intelligence he has with which to accomplish any given purpose.
With this simple understanding, the word failure would be completely wiped out from his world, and in a very short time from his consciousness, because he would see that he was wielding Intelligence and Power that could not fail. Thus, students and individuals come into their Full Dominion as God intends. It was never intended by the Great, All-wise, All-loving Father that any of His children should want for a single thing; but because they allow their attention to become fixed on the outer appearance, which is like the changing sands of the desert, they have, knowingly or unknowingly, cut themselves off, to a large degree, from that Great Opulence and Intelligence.
This Great Opulence is their birthright which everyone can have who will again turn to the “I AM’’ —the Active Principle of God forever within himself— as the Only Source of Active Life, Intelligence and Opulence.
这种丰盛富足是他们与生俱来的权利,每个人都可以拥有,他们只需要再次把注意力转向“我是” —— 他们内在的活跃的神之法则 —— 并作为活跃着的生命、智慧和丰盛的唯一源泉。
All through the ages there have been certain standards of conduct necessary for the student who desires to reach beyond certain attainments. This is the conserving and governing of the Life Force, through the sex.
For an individual who has been using this energy without any thought of governing it to suddenly say, ‘‘I will cease this,” cut it off as it were, without understanding the correct attitude of consciousness, would be simply suppressing a flow of energy which he has caused to flow in the wrong direction. Any student who wishes to govern this will find this simple Statement the most efficient—if used understandingly—of any one particular thing that can be given. This will normally and naturally govern the flow of the Life Energy and bring it back into its natural channels. It is the Mighty Statement of Jesus: ” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life.”
对于一个一直在使用这种能量但是从来没有想过去控制它的人来说,突然说出:“我会停止这个。”若是在没有对这种意识正确态度的理解之上,来切断这种能量,他之前是让能量流向了错误的方向,但这么做只会压制向错误方向流动的能量。任何一位想要管理这种生命能量的人会发现下面这个简单的肯定句是最有效的 —— 若是在理解的基础上进行使用的话 —— 它可以改善任何的状况。这句话会正常且自然而然地来管理生命能量的流动,并将其带回到它自然的能量管道中。这就是耶稣那句强有力的陈述:“‘我是’复活和生命。”
This Statement will not only purify the thought, but is the most powerful, lifting, adjusting force that can be used for the correction of this greatest of barriers to the Full Height of Spiritual Attainment. Anyone who begins to feel the Inner Impulse to correct this condition and will use this Statement earnestly and continuously will raise this marvelous current of energy to the highest center in the brain, as was originally intended.
He will find his mind flooded with the most marvelous ideas—with the abundant, sustaining Power and ability coming into expression and use for the blessing of all mankind. I ask any student to try this and watch the results in his own mind and body.
他会发现自己的心智中充满了最美妙的想法 —— 丰富持久的生命力和能量进入表达之中,用于造福全人类。我请求每一位学生都去尝试这么做,并在他自己的心智和身体上去观察结果。
Feel deeply this Statement of Jesus: “ ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life.” Repeat it three times, either silently or audibly, and notice the lifting of consciousness which you will experience. There may be some who will need to try this several times in order to feel the amazing uplift that others will experience at the first trial. This will show you in a small way what can be done by its continued use.
There is only one means of overcoming, or rising out of anything, and that is, after you know what it is you are to rise out of, to take your outer attention completely away from it, fixing it firmly upon the above Statement. Any condition in the outer experience that one wishes to overcome can readily be accomplished by the use of this Statement, as well as using it to change the flow of the misdirected energy.
I had one student who felt the Inner Impulse to redirect this Mighty Energy, and the use of this single Statement alone enabled her with little assistance to raise her body. In one year a marvelous transformation took place in her entire outer appearance.
It seems incredible that in the recorded Statements accredited to Jesus—which were only a part of what He really gave forth—that so few of humanity would receive the mighty import of those wonderful Words of Wisdom. At no time in the history of the world have so many Mighty Statements been given as He taught. Every one of these, when conscientiously used, holds within it the attendant Radiance and accomplishment with which He attained. You not only have this Power of the “I AM,” but His individual Assistance also when these Statements are used. One should often contemplate the true meaning of these Mighty Statements of Jesus. When once you understand that your thought, feeling and expression of “I AM” sets the Mighty God Power in you into action—without any limit —then you receive that upon which the desire is fixed.
令人难以置信的是,在记录下来的耶稣给予的陈述中 —— 那些仅仅是他真正给出的一小部分 —— 但是很少有人能接收到这些神奇智慧之言的强大含义。在当今世界历史上,从来没有像他所教导的那样给出过如此强大的陈述。这些陈述中的每一句,当认真去使用时,每一句陈述的内在都蕴含着他取得的荣耀和成就中散发的光芒。你不仅仅拥有了“我是”的力量,在使用这些陈述时,你也可以获得他个人的协助。人们应该常常去思考耶稣给出的这些伟大陈述的真正含义。一旦你明白了你的思想、情感和“我是”表达,就是把你内在的伟大神之力量付诸于行动 —— 不受任何限制 —— 那么你就会接收到你的心愿所在。
It should be no trouble for the student to see and understand that the outer appearance is but man’s distorted creation—by claiming the outer as a source of power—when a moment’s contemplation will cause him to realize that there is but One Love, Intelligence, and Power which can act, and that is God.
对于学生来说,看到并理解外在的表象不过是人类 —— 通过宣称外在才是力量的源泉 —— 进行的扭曲创造,片刻的沉思会让他意识到,只存在一种有着爱、智慧和力量的活跃能量,那就是神。
The human, or outer defects or discrepancies, have nothing to do with the Omnipresent Perfection of God, for anything imperfect is the creation of the outer concept of mankind.
If man will turn to the “Mighty I AM’’ within, knowing that God is all Perfection, and that all outer appearance is but man’s creation through the misuse of the God Power, he will see at once that if he sincerely contemplates and accepts the Perfection of God, he will cause to come into manifestation in his Life and experience this same Mighty Perfection.
There is no possible means of bringing this Perfection into your mind, body and outer experience except by knowing and accepting the Mighty, Active Presence of God in you. Such full recognition will cause this Inner Power to propel this Perfection of God into your outer visible experience.
Say to students: ” ‘I AM’ putting forth, as a Messenger of this Truth, Statements of Truth which will positively produce results—if unwaveringly held to and used.’’ Students think things do not work because they do a thing today and forget it all next week.
The desire for Light and Truth is the Presence of God in the desire — propelling Itself forth into action. For illumination use the Statement:
对圣光和真理的渴望就是神之临在的渴望 —— 渴望把自己带入到表达之中。要获得启发,请使用下面的陈述:
” ‘I AM’ the full comprehension and illumination of this thing I want to know and understand. “
The day your eyes are opened to see some of these Marvelous Ascended Beings, the joy will last through eternity.
If one does not take the attitude that: “I have the ability to do this” he never in the world can accomplish the thing he wishes to do.
The moment you express, ” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life. ” —in thought and feeling—it immediately turns all the energy of your Being to the center in the brain which is the Source of your Being.
当你表达出“‘我是’复活和生命”的那一刻 —— 在你的思想和情感中表达出来 —— 它会即刻把你存在的所有能量转向大脑的中心,那里是你存在的源头。
You cannot overestimate the Power in this Statement. There is no limit to what you can do with it. It was the Statement that Jesus used most in his most difficult trials.
Always know that when you decree a constructive thing, it is God in you propelling you to do it.
It is the most foolish question imaginable to ask, “Have you proved this in your own experience?” Each individual has to prove it for himself or it will mean nothing to him. Nothing ever really means anything to anyone until he uses it.
The feeling carries with it a certain coexistent sight. One often feels a thing with such clearness that he really sees it from the Inner Standpoint.
As you enter the Ascended State, thought, feeling, seeing, and color are almost simultaneously manifest.
Harmonious sound is quiet. This is why ravishing music is the most quieting in its effect, while bombastic music is just the opposite.
BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Majestic, Conquering “I AM,” we give praise and thanks for our comprehension of Thee as God Acting in us; and with Thy Mighty Presence and Radiance, cause us to feel the Mighty Import of Thy Mighty Truth and Wondrous Presence. When we contemplate Thee, let Thy Mighty Radiance fill us with that comprehending Consciousness to know and apply Thy Assertions of Truth more and more perfectly. We give praise and thanks for Thy Mighty Perfection and Truth for all those who look unwaveringly to Thee.
INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence! With Thy Mighty Radiance surging forth throughout the atmosphere of earth, we give praise and thanks for the onrushing Christ Power of Love and Wisdom, which with no uncertainty is raising the consciousness of mankind above the sordid selfishness of the activity of the outer self.
We give praise and thanks that we have become conscious of Thy Mighty, Active Presence at all times, and that in the conscious recognition of Thee, Thou dost charge our minds and bodies with Thy Pure Presence forever.
I bring Greetings from the Radiant Host to you all.
From within the Radiance of the Great Electronic Belt “I AM” projecting this today.
From the Heart of the Golden City the Twin Rays come forth, upon which are the speech, the Light, and the sound.
The time has rapidly enfolded us when we must be more aware of the Great Electronic Belts encompassing all creation from the Godhead to the individual.
The Etheric Belt around the Golden City is impenetrable—far more so than a wall of many feet of steel would be.
环绕着黄金之城的以太带是坚不可摧的 —— 远远比一堵数英尺厚的钢墙更加牢固。
So in a lesser degree may the individual, with sufficient comprehension of the Active Principle of the God Self, surround himself with an Electronic Belt or Circle, which he may qualify in any manner he may choose; but woe be unto the individual who qualifies it destructively.
If anyone should be foolish enough to do this, he would find this Belt of Electronic Force closing in upon his own outer form, and it would be consumed; but those who with wisdom build and qualify it with God’s Mighty Love and constructive Power will find themselves moving in a world untouched by the ignorance of mankind.
The Cosmic Period has arrived when those who have attained a certain degree of understanding must create, apply, and use this Wondrous Electronic Circle. Every creation that is Self-conscious action has this Circle of pure Electronic Force about it naturally, but to a large degree its force is ungoverned, therefore dissipated.
In consciously creating this Mighty Ring of Pure Electronic Force, you stop all leaks in the generation of this Limitless Essence, and hold it in reserve for conscious use and direction. After a few months of this conscious creative activity of and within this Electronic Ring, one will need to be very careful in loosing or directing this Force in any manner except by Divine Love.
In the beginning of man’s individualization, he was naturally surrounded by this Magic Circle, but as the consciousness was lowered more and more, rents were made in this Great Circle of Force, causing leaks, as it were, until It has almost entirely disappeared. This, however, was not a conscious creation of the individual, but was a natural, enfolding circle.
Now students of the Light must go to work with no uncertainty and consciously create this Electronic Belt about themselves—visualizing It Perfect—with no rents or breaks in its construction.
现在,圣光的学生必须要带着确信去工作,围绕着他们自己有意识地去创造这道电子环状带 —— 观想它呈现完美的状态 —— 在建造过程中,没有裂痕或漏洞。
Thus it will be possible to consciously reach within the Electronic Belt of the Godhead, and there receive Limitless Wisdom, Love, Light, and the Application of simple Laws by which all creative power is possible.
While the student is admonished to look always, and never forget it, to his own God Self, which is the Creator of his individualization, yet never has there been a single attainment in which there has not been given the Assistance of those still in advance.
There being but the One God, the One Presence, and His All-Powerful Activity, then the one more advanced than the other is but more of the God Self in action. In this recognition you will understand why you can feel, “ ‘I AM’ here and ,I AM’ there,” for there is but the One God Self everywhere.
When the student can once understand that the Ascended Host of Masters are but the more advanced Consciousness of himself, then he will begin to feel the unquestionable possibilities within his grasp. Whether he speaks to the Godhead direct, to one of the Ascended Masters of Light, or to his own God Self, in reality it makes no difference, for all are One.
Until one does reach this state of Consciousness, it does make a difference, for the individual is almost certain to feel a division of the One Self, which is not possible to be made—except in the ignorance of the outer activity of the mind.
直至一个人到达这种意识状态之前,都会有影响,因为一个人肯定会感觉到这种合一自我的分裂 —— 在外在心智活动的无知中,这让分裂的确有可能发生。
When the student thinks of the outer expression, he should at all times be aware that it is but the outer activity of the One Intelligence, guarding himself at all times against trying to divide in his own consciousness this One Mighty God-Power centered in him.
Again I must remind you that this Limitless, Mighty Power of God cannot intrude Its Wondrous Powers into your outer use—except by your invitation. There is only one kind of invitation that can reach it and loose it, and that is your feeling of deep devotion and Love. When one has generated about himself this Electronic Belt or Ring, there is no power that can penetrate it except Divine Love. It is only your consciousness of Divine Love that can penetrate within this Great Inner Blazing Belt of the Godhead, through which the Godhead sends back to you Its Great Outpouring—mark you —through His Messengers, Transcendent Beings so far surpassing anything of your present conception that it is not possible in words to convey to you the Majesty of the Love, Wisdom and Power of these Great Ones.
再次,我必须提醒你,神的这种无限的伟大力量不能将其奇妙的力量侵入到你外在的使用中 —— 除非通过你的邀请。只有一种邀请可以到达它并让它释放,那就是你深深的奉献和爱之情感。当一个人围绕着自己创建了这条电子环状带时,除了神圣之爱以外,没有任何力量可以穿透它。只有你神圣之爱的意识可以穿越造物主的伟大内在闪耀的电子带,造物主通过它把自己伟大圣光的倾洒传回给你 —— 通过他的使者 —— 从而将你标记出来,这些使者是超然的存在,超越了你当前概念的所有认知,不可能用言语向你们传达这些伟大存有的爱、智慧和力量的威严。
At this point let Me again remind you that the student who will dare to do and be silent will find himself lifted into the Transcendent Radiance of this Inmost Sphere; then by experiencing and seeing will he comprehend this of which I have spoken. The soul who is strong enough to clothe itself in its Armor of Divine Love and go forward will find no obstruction; for there is naught between your present consciousness and this Mighty, Transcendent Inner Sphere to obstruct the approach of Divine Love.
When you have touched and seen within this Inner Circle, you will then understand how imperfect is the present expression of Divine Love. Once one becomes consciously aware of these Great Spheres to which he may reach, he will find himself fearlessly reaching deeper and deeper within the Radiance of this Mighty Intelligent Hub of the Universe—from which all worlds, all creation have proceeded.
当你在这个内在领域去触碰和观察时,你就会理解当前神圣之爱的表达是多么不完美。一旦一个人对这些他可能触碰到的伟大领域产生有意识的觉知,他就会发现自己无所畏惧地在宇宙的这个伟大宇宙智能中心探索得越来越深入 —— 所有的世界、所有的创造都是从这里开始的。
There are among you strong, dauntless, fearless souls who will understand this and be able to use it with great blessing to themselves and others. There are those who will understand and see that the “Presence” which beats each heart is God in Action; that the Activity sending the circulation through the body is God; that the Essence charging forward to vitalize the outer form is God in Action.
Then, O Beloved Students, awake to this—now! Do you not see how great a mistake it is to sink under the ignorance of the outer self, feeling pain, distress, and disturbance, all created by the ignorance and activity of the outer self; when a few moments of earnest contemplation will cause one to realize that there can be but One Presence, One Intelligence, One Power acting in your mind and body, and that is God.
那么,亲爱的学生,觉醒到这一点 —— 就是现在!难道你没有看到,陷入外在自我的无知之中,感受痛苦、苦恼和不安,是多么巨大的错误吗?这一切都是由外在自我的无知和活动造成的;片刻的真诚沉思会让人意识到,只有一种临在、一种智慧、一种力量在你的心智和身体中发挥作用,那就是神。
You see how simple, yet powerful, is this Consciousness within you to loose the full recognition of the Great, Pure Activity of God into your mind and body; and to let its Wondrous, Transcendent Essence fill full to overflowing every cell.
It seems to Me, Beloved Students, that you cannot fail to grasp this simplicity of your True God Self acting in you. Ever turn to It, praising It, loving It, demanding and commanding It to surge forth into every cell of your body; into every demand of the outer activity, in the home, in your affairs, in business. When your desire is sent forth clothed in the God Presence, Power and Intelligence, it cannot fail. It must bring to you that which you desire. Desire is but a lesser activity of decreeing. Decreeing is and should be the recognition of the accomplished desire.
Beloved Students, do forever put away any fear of the use of this Great Power. You know without being told that if you misuse It, you will experience inharmony. If you use it constructively, it will bring such Blessings untold that you can but give praise and thanksgiving for the moment when you awakened to the fact that this Limitless Power is omnipresent— ever awaiting your conscious direction.
亲爱的学生们,请永远消除对使用这种伟大力量的恐惧感。即便没有人告诉你,你也会知道,如果你滥用它,你就会体验到不和谐。如果你建设性地使用它,它将带来难以言喻的祝福,当你意识到这种无限力量是无所不在之时 —— 永远等待着你有意识的引导,你只能给予赞美和感恩。
The individual who has said that you cannot add one cubit to your height by your thought has stifled the activity and progress of the individual, for thought and feeling are the Creative Power of God in Action.
The uncontrolled, ungoverned use of thought and feeling has brought about all kinds of discord, sickness and distress. Few, however, believe this, and keep going on and on continually creating by their ungoverned thought and desire, chaos in their worlds; when they could as easily as a breath face about, using their thought constructively with the motive power of Divine Love, and build for themselves a Perfect Paradise within the period of two years.
Even physical science has given proof that the body or outer form completely renews itself within a few months. Then you must see that with the conscious understanding and application of the True Laws of your Being, how easy it is to cause Perfection to manifest in your entire body, and every organ to leap
into its Perfect, normal activity. In a short time it would not be possible for inharmony to enter your thought or body.
O Children reaching to the Light! this great privilege is the Open Door of God before you, which none may shut but yourselves. None may obstruct or interfere with it but yourselves. Fearlessly use your God-given Dominion and Power and be free. You cannot attain and hold this Perfect Freedom except through consciously applied knowledge.
Now I shall give you a secret that if understood by the angry or discordant individual would tear him or her from that destructive activity—even from a purely selfish standpoint.
现在我要告诉你们一个秘密,若是愤怒或不和谐的人理解了这个奥秘,他或她就会摆脱那种破坏性的活动 —— 即便是从纯粹自私的角度来看待。
The angry, condemning person who sends out destructive thought, feeling, or speech to another who is poised in his own God power, receives back to himself the quality with which he charged this power; while the poised person receives the energy which serves him, and which he automatically requalifies by his own poise. Thus, the creator of discord, through anger and condemnation, is consciously destroying himself, his world of activity, and his affairs.
Here is a vital point students should understand. When one consciously reaches within the Inner Electronic Circle of God, he makes his outer expression and activity a channel for the ceaseless outpouring of the Pure Essence from the Godhead. This in itself,
even though he be entirely silent in the outer expression, is one of the greatest services to humanity—which but few not Ascended are aware of what it means to mankind.
这是学生应该理解的一个重点。当一个人有意识地进入内在的神的电子环状带时,他就会让他的外在表达和活动成为造物主的纯粹精华不断涌出的管道。即便他在外在表现上完全沉默,但这本身就是对人类最伟大的服务之一 —— 除了扬升存有之外,很少有人意识到这对人类来说意味着什么。
The one reaching within the Electronic Circle becomes a continual outpouring, and this very Radiation alone is a tremendous Blessing to all mankind. Thus, aeon after aeon, have there been those unselfish Messengers of God through whom was poured forth the Blessing of those not understanding the uplifting Presence of this surging energy. When there is one or more found who can be an outpouring for this great welled-up Presence, it is likened unto the first trickling of a leak in a dam.
As the consciousness is held steady and firm, and as the rent in the dam increases, greater volume of water comes forth, for at last all obstruction is swept away, and the whole force back of it is poured forth into use. Unlike the water dammed up that rushes forward, dissipating itself because it is without direction, the God-Power thus loosed goes direct to the channel of consciousness most receptive, and there builds Itself up, awaiting the opportunity to rush forward more and more. Thus, the student of Light, aside from his activity in dispensing the Truth, becomes, as it were, an artesian well, from the depths of which flows this Mighty Essence of God.
The students should at all times remember that no matter what their mistakes may have been, God never criticizes nor condemns them; but at every stumble which is made, in that sweet, loving Voice says: “Arise, My Child, and try again, and keep on trying, until at last you have attained the True Victory and Freedom of your God-given Dominion.
Always when one has been conscious of having made a mistake, his first act should be to call on the Law of Forgiveness, and demand wisdom and strength not to make the same mistake a second time.
God, being all Love, must have Infinite Patience, and no matter how many mistakes one may have made, he can always once again, “Arise and go unto the Father.’’ Such is the Love and Freedom within which God’s children are privileged to act.
There is only one, mighty, invincible, evolving process, and that is through the power of consciously generating Divine Love. Love, being the Hub of all Life, the more we enter in and use It consciously, the more easily and quickly we release this Mighty Power of God, which is always standing as a dammed-up force, waiting to find an opening in our own consciousness by which It can project Itself.
For the first time in many centuries, the Searchlights, or Rays, from the Golden City over the Sahara Desert, are set into active operation over. America and the earth. There may be some individuals who will see these Rays, not knowing what they are.
Mankind need no longer think that personalities can continue to generate their destructive forces and long survive. Those who can use this Knowledge of the Electronic Circle should no longer be deprived of its benefits. Give it forth and the warning with it.
Use this Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the fulfilled activity and sustaining power of every constructive thing I desire. ” Use it as a general statement, for the sustaining power is in everything that there is. “ ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there” in whatever you want to accomplish is a splendid way to feel that you are using the One Activity, and you thus rise above the consciousness of separation.
使用这个陈述句:” ‘我是’我所渴望的每一个建设性活动的实现和维系的力量。”把这句话作为一种普遍存在的描述,因为这种维系的力量存在于一切事物中。‘我是’在这里,‘我是’在那里,在所有你想要完成的事务中,去感受你使用的是一种合一的力量,这很美妙,从而超越分离的意识状态。
BENEDICTION: O Mighty Ones of the Golden City, Glorified are we in Thy Wondrous Radiance. Privileged are we in the use of Thy Great Rays. Blessed are we in the conscious recognition of Thy Mighty Presence. Enfold us forever in Thy Transcendent Light.
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty Consuming Flame of God! We bow before Thy Mighty Majestic Power! We rejoice in Thy Directing Wisdom! We rejoice in Thy Presence in the heart of every one of God’s Messengers that go forth to direct His Service and Energy to the blessing of mankind. We give praise and thanks that Thy Presence has changed the tide of things, and that Thou art as always, the Mighty Governing Intelligence.
We give praise and thanks that Thy Consuming Fire and Thy Creative Activity dwelling in the heart of every one of us are ready to be loosed by the conscious desire into action. We give praise and thanks that Thou art the Consuming Presence everywhere; that ‘‘ ‘I AM’ there and ‘I AM’ here, and ‘I AM’ the Power that makes all things clear.”
“I AM” the Majestic Presence, “I AM” the Conquering Power, “I AM” Thy Mighty Energy, Thy Consuming Flame each hour.
I bring Greetings to you all from the Heart of the Creative Fire.
The Creative Fire that “I AM” is the Flame of God, His Master Presence, anchored in the heart of every one of God’s children. While in some It is but a spark, yet with the right touch, that spark can be fanned into a Creative Fire and Consuming Flame.
This Mighty Presence, God, in Its myriad activities, is the Omnipresent Activity that all may use without limit if they only will dismiss from their recognition the outer appearance, which is but an appearance, and take their attention away from that which has bound them through endless years.
Today, the Scepter of Power and Authority stands in the atmosphere before the Single Eye of every advancing student. At first they may reach up mentally and take the Scepter of Authority, using It in this way, until before they are scarcely aware of it they will find It tangible and visible in their use at times.
It is no idle promise that those seeking the Light may again receive this Dominion. When we go through a footpath in the forest, we know we may return the same way if we wish, but we must make the decision. So after hundreds of years of search in the outer for power and authority, we find that anything that seems to be so is but shifting sand, and tomorrow it may be gone.
By the rejoicing acceptance of your God Dominion, you may step firmly upon the sure foundation of the Rock of Truth, which is God, and from which no outer disturbance can ever shake you—once you know from actual experience.
Students of Truth wonder why they cannot hold a firm anchor in their decision to hold fast to the God Presence, which is their Dominion. They do not analyze their outer expression to see what is lurking there to cause disturbance, question and doubt; but for those who will take the authority which is theirs and probe deep into their motives, it will be so easy to pluck out the tares from the Golden Grain and soon be free from the disturbance that causes them to doubt themselves and the very Presence of God which beats their hearts.
When students will be honest enough with themselves and their God, the “I AM Presence,’’ to pluck out by the roots anything that is causing disturbance within them and be able to feel the Mighty Light and Radiance of the Great God Self, they will require little effort in loosing the “Great I AM Presence’’ in Love and Intelligence—which is an eversustaining Power in strength, assurance, or whatever they may need—in order to hold their feet firm upon the Rock of Truth, which is one of the Great Jewels in God’s Kingdom. Its Dazzling Radiance will enfold them upon the slightest invitation.
当学生们对自己和对他们的神之自我、“我是临在”足够真诚时,就可以从根本上拔除任何在他们内在导致干扰的东西,并可以感受到伟大神之自我的强大圣光和照耀,他们不需要付出什么努力,就可以在爱和智慧中释放“伟大的我是临在” —— 这是一种持久存在的确保性力量,或者说,为了让他们的脚坚定地站在真理的磐石上,会让他们获得他们可能需要的任何东西,真理磐石是神之国度的伟大宝石。只要稍有邀请,它耀眼的光芒就会把他们笼罩在其中。
O Students of today!Hold fast to this Mighty Presence which beats your hearts, whose Life flows through your veins, whose Energy flows through your mind! You have free will and can qualify and bless it to your Perfection or imperfection. Always remember that through your failure to turn to this Mighty Presence—by which you find you have created inharmony and disorden—you must give yourselves ample time to gain the full recognition of this Mighty Power and give It full activity in your Life.
学生们啊!牢牢地依附于这位大的临在,它让你的心脏跳动,它的生命流经你的血管,它的能量流过你的心智!你拥有自由意志,可以去限定这种能量,让它的祝福给你带来完美,或是不完美。永远记住,若是你未能把注意力放在这位伟大的临在上 —— 你就会发现你创造了不和谐和混乱 —— 你必须要给予自己充足的时间来获得对这伟大力量的全然认知,并让它在你的生命中充分发挥作用。
Do not become impatient because things do not work out as rapidly as you would like them to. They can only work according to the speed of your acceptance and the intensity of your feeling.
The Mighty Energy that surges through your mind into your body is the Pure Electronic Energy of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence.” If your thought is joyously held upon your God Self as the Source of your Being and Life, that Pure Electronic Energy continues to act unabated, uncontaminated by human, discordant qualification; but knowingly or unknowingly, if you let your thought begin to gather from the discord by which it is so often surrounded, you change the color and quality of this Radiant Pure Energy.
It must act, and you are the one who shall choose how it shall act to you. Don’t ever think you can get away from this simple fact. It is an Immutable Law of God, and no human being can ever change It. Students must understand and maintain this attitude if they wish to make steady progress.
I tell you beloved students, you may rage and doubt and fear and rebel all you please at Self-correction; but it is the open door to your Mighty Illumination and Freedom from all limitation in the outer world of activity.
There are a great many students, when they come to a certain point of understanding—where all the results of their activity are revealed to them and they look upon the many mistakes that have been made which must be corrected—become despondent, critical, and condemnatory to themselves and God. This is a great mistake again. Everything that is revealed to them in which they find they have been making a mistake should make them rejoice exceedingly—that the things are revealed which need correcting. Knowing that God is the Power to think, then they know they have the Power to correct this and should joyfully set to work to do so.
有很多学生,当他们到达某种理解程度时 —— 他们活动的所有结果都会揭示给他们,他们会看到他们已经犯下许多必须纠正的错误 —— 变得沮丧、挑剔、对自己和对神进行谴责。这又是一个巨大的错误。凡是向他们揭示的、他们发现自己犯了错误的事情,都应该让他们非常高兴 —— 因为那些需要纠正的事情都被揭示了出来。知晓神是思考的力量,那么他们就知道自己有能力去纠正这个问题,而且应该开心的努力去这么做。
The Power of God’s Life which beats their hearts is absolute proof that they have the Intelligence and Power of God within them by which they may dissolve and consume all the mistakes and discordant creation they have consciously or unconsciously drawn about them. They may say to this undesirable creation: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Consuming Flame that now and forever consumes all past and present mistakes, their cause and effect, and all undesirable creation for which my outer is responsible. “
It seems so strange that students seem to have such difficulty in fixing the anchorage and recognition of the Limitless Power they are wielding when they say “I AM.” When the intellect, which is the outer activity, knows this, then the students should intensify it with all their power by the intense feeling of the Truth of this. Then they would find greatly added speed and Power in their active use. I tell you, Dear Students, you have come to a time when you can use this Power with great authority to free yourselves from the chains of limitation that have bound you so long.
Set about it with joyous determination to put your house in order. If you were going to have a distinguished guest, I doubt not that you would spend days working earnestly—cleaning, washing, polishing, and preparing for this guest. How much more important it is to prepare for this Great Prince of Love and Peace—the Prince of Consuming Fire that dwells within you and controls the element of fire.
就好像是你带着喜悦的决心开始要把房子整理好。若是你要接待一位尊贵的客人,我相信你会花几天时间认真工作 —— 清理、清晰、粉刷,为这位客人的到来做准备。为这位伟大的爱与和平的王子进行准备是多么重要 —— 他是居住在你之中,控制着火元素的吞噬火焰王子。
When one thinks of Oromasis, Prince of the Fiery Element, it is the Flame of Creative Fire within that is calling to Him for Assistance in the quickening of this Creative Power—and brings results unimaginable.
当一个人想到奥拉马西斯(Oromasis),也就是火元素王子时,内在的创造性火焰就会呼请他的帮助,来加速这种创造力量的表达 —— 带来难以置信的结果。
There has been no time in My Memory when there was so much natural assistance at hand for the student of Light for his use as there is at this time, and the students should take advantage of this with joyous intensity.
When you speak in the Name, Power, and Authority of the “Mighty I AM,” you are releasing limitless energy to do your bidding to fulfill your desire. Why longer allow doubt and fear to beset you when “ ‘I AM’ the Open Door which no man can shut into the great Opulence of God—waiting, surging to press forward to heal, to bless, and to prosper you abundantly. “ Dare to be, to feel, to use this Mighty Authority—God in you!
当你以“伟大我是”的圣名、力量和权威来说话时,你就释放了无限的能量服从你的命令来实现你的心愿。当你知晓“‘我是’一扇无人可以关闭的敞开的大门,通往神的巨大丰裕时,为什么还要让怀疑和恐惧来困扰你?神的巨大富足在等待着、涌动着,向前推动来疗愈、祝福并让你丰盛繁荣。”敢于去成为、去感受、去使用这伟大的权威 —— 你内在的神!
Beloved Students, do you not realize that you can express Perfection by taking your determined stand with sufficient intensity that: “ ‘I AM’ the Mighty Electronic Energy flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of my mind and body—right now.’’ Do you not see, with sufficient intensity of this, in a few minutes or hours you could dispel any disturbing condition in the mind or body and allow that Mighty, Pure Energy to do its work, uncolored, unaffected by any discordant element in your own thought?
亲爱的学生们,难道你们没有意识到,你们可以通过以足够的强度来坚定立场,表达出完美:“‘我是’伟大的电子能量,流经、填满并更新我心智和身体的每个细胞 —— 就在此时此刻。”难道你没有看到,只要有足够的强度,在几分钟或几个小时内,你就可以驱散心智或身体中任何不安的状况,从而让伟大纯粹的能量来发挥作用,不受任何你自己想法中不和谐元素的影响和污染?
You can renew any nerve, any organ, and build any member of the body into its Perfection almost immediately. Oh why not feel this, apply It, and as you begin to experience the remarkable results, your confidence will leap into its Perfect Activity, and your mind will have all confidence in this Mighty Presence and Power and Its omnipresent limitless use.
When there is a seeming lack of energy, take your determined, joyous stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Presence of this Alert, Radiant Energy, surging through my mind and body, dismissing everything unlike Itself. I take my stand in this Alert, Radiant Energy and Joy for all time.” You can pass this Pure Energy through your mind and body as I would pass My Hand down before you.
At first, because you do not seem to feel any great magnetic electronic force pass over you, does not in any way indicate that you have not received this Mighty Energy which you have commanded with authority to flow through your mind and body.
One may say the same thing to his affairs that may not be according to his desire for Perfect Expression. The student can stand and call forth the Mighty Presence of the ”I AM”; send It forth into his business and world; command It to consume everything unlike Itself, and replace all with the Mighty Perfection of God—which “I AM”;command It to be Self sustained, and cause that Perfection to manifest his unceasing authority and power, and cleanse his world of every discordant thing, for ‘‘ ‘I AM’ the Supreme Authority, God in Action.”
一个人可以对那些没有符合自己心愿表达出完美的事物说同样的话,学生可以站起来,呼请“我是”伟大临在,把它发送到自己的事务和世界中,命令它消灭所有不与它校准的,用神之伟大的完美 —— 也就是“我是”来替代一切;命令它自我维系,并完美地表达出他持续不断的权威和力量,清除他世界中一切不和谐的事物,因为“‘我是’至高无上的权威,行动中的神。”
One does not need to do this with any tension, or to the extent that he creates tension in the action of the body, but he can rise in the Supremacy and Dignity of the Authority of God, and cleanse everything needing it. In doing this, one need not speak in a loud voice, but in a very low, masterful tone.
Stand in the room by yourself and declare: “ ‘I AM’ Master of my world. ‘I AM’ the Victorious, Intelligence governing it. I send forth into my world this Mighty, Radiant, Intelligent Energy of God. I command It to create all Perfection—to draw to me the Opulence of God made visible in my hands and use. ‘I AM’ no longer the Babe of Christ, but the Master Presence grown to Full Stature, and I speak and command with authority. ”
独自站在房间中宣告:“‘我是’我世界的主人,‘我是’战胜者,‘我是’统治着我世界的智能。我把神的这伟大、闪耀、智能的能量发送到我的世界。我命令它创造一切完美 —— 把神的富足吸引到我身边,让这富足在我的手中和使用中可见。‘我是’不再是基督的婴孩,而是长成的全然主宰临在,我带着权威来讲话和命令。”
Thus one may consume the mistakes and imperfection he may have created, and in the authority of the “I AM,” recreate—immediately—the Perfection he desires. Know that it is constantly Self-sustained, so long as you do not intrude upon it the discordant activity of your thought and feeling.
I want so much to have you feel that you are the Only Authority in this world or any other, so far as your world is concerned. Do not ever fear that the perfecting of your world is going to disfigure anyone else’s world, so long as your intent is not to harm anyone. It does not matter what the world about you says, or how much they try to intrude upon you their doubts, fears and limitations. You are the Supreme Authority in your world, and all you have to do is to say, when you are beset by those conditions: “ ‘I AM’ the Mighty, Magic Circle of Protection about me that is Invincible and repels from me every discordant thought and element which seeks to find entrance or intrude itself. ‘I AM’ the Perfection of my world, and it is Self-sustained. ”
O Beloved Ones! It is no longer necessary to wonder, waver, and question: “ ‘I AM’ the Authority.’’ Go on—dare to be—and use this Authority of God which is expressing in the “I AM” of everything. Why not be fearless? You have been wanting the Presence of the Great Ascended Ones: “ ‘I AM’ the Visible Presence of those greatly beloved Ascended Masters whom I wish to have appear here to me, and whose Assistance I desire. ”
噢,亲爱的学生们!不再需要疑惑、动摇和质疑:“‘我是’权威。”继续这么做 —— 敢于这么做 —— 使用神的这种权威,通过万物的“我是”表达出来。为什么不能无所畏惧呢?你一直想要伟大扬升者的临在出现:“‘我是’那些深受爱戴的扬升大师的可见临在,我希望他们出现在我的面前,我也渴望他们的帮助。”
You have come to the point where you can dismiss all discord from your minds. Fill your minds with this Pure Electronic Essence, and no discord can enter so long as you keep it filled with this “Presence”. I tell you again, you are the Authority in your world, and if your thought is filled with this Essence, then no discord will touch it. We are going to take this Authority and use it, clear away all discord, and declare with no uncertainty: ” ‘I AM’ the Supremacy of man, everywhere I go! ‘I AM’ God in Action”.
BENEDICTION: Mighty Creative Fire, we give praise and thanks for Thy Great Omnipresence today, to heal, to bless, and to prosper everywhere. Enter into the hearts of mankind with Thy Creative Presence and Genius, and let the Full Divine Justice of Thy Supremacy reign throughout the land in all official places. See that all authority is in the hands of Thy trained and trusted Messengers; that they may govern fully all governmental offices in America, and be ever divinely sustained; that America be healed, blessed, and forever prosper; that all sinister influence be consumed and forever repelled from within the borders of America.
The Host of Angels rejoice at the return of the wanderer who has come back home—who has sought authority so long in the outer, and found only husks. After his energy is wasted, he comes back home, and there is the Fountain to recharge, rebuild him against all the discrepancies called old age. Thus you can stand forth renewed again in the fullness of Youth and Power, for such is The Way of Life—God’s Life.
天使之主为流浪者的归来感到高兴 —— 他们已经在外在寻找权威那么久,最终找到的只是空壳。当他的能量被浪费掉后,他回到家中,在那里有喷泉可以让他回复,让他重建,从而对抗所有称之为老年的不协调。这样,你们就可以再次在全然的青春和力量之中站立起来,因为这就是生命之道 —— 神的生命。
It keeps the most marvelous vibratory action expressing for each one to speak gently. It is perfectly wonderful if you could see the Inner action of it.
Let each one enter into the Happiness and Love of Perfect Obedience, and liberate the Great Power of God. If one just lets go of the outer and enters into the Inner, every discord lets go at once.
ETHERIC CITIES: Over the principal deserts there are Etheric Cities. Over the Arizona desert is the Etheric City in America. There is one over the Sahara and one over the Gobi.
The one over Brazil is the Etheric City for South America. Humanity should know and be made to realize that again, again, and again, the inhabitants of cities pass out through so-called death and re-embody in that same place, because attachments have been formed that draw them back into the same environment again. The student who has to re-embody should take the command that: “The next time I will be born into a family of Great Light” .This would open the door to great speed in his progress.
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty Infinite Presence — Thou All-Pervading Healing Presence! Descend and do Thy Work. Thou Mighty Infinite Intelligence! Give forth Thy Confidence and Strength! Fill the mind and body of each one with Thy Radiant Presence! Fill every cell with Thy Radiant Presence! Prove Thy Presence in Thy Conquering Mastery and Power. Mighty Master Presence within each one—come forth! Erase this outer human self and hold Thy Dominion now and forever. There is but One Intelligence, Presence, Essence and Love, and this Thou art. Pour forth Thy Radiance through these outer cloaks of flesh and command Thy Perfection to thus be manifest and sustained.
祈请词:你那伟大无限的临在 —— 你那无所不在的疗愈性临在!沉降下来,做你的工作。你那无穷无尽的智能!倾洒你那信心和勇气!让你那闪耀的临在充满每个人的心智和身体!让你那闪耀的临在充满每个细胞!在征服性的主宰和力量中证明你的临在。每个人内在伟大的主宰临在 —— 显现出来!抹除这个外在的人类自我,从现在起直至永远,保持你的统治。只有一种智能、临在、精华和爱,那就是你。通过这些肉身的外衣,倾洒出你的光辉,并命令你那完美得以显化和维系。
I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, ever shedding their Radiance and Intelligence.
Take the Command: “ ‘I AM’ the Pure Electronic Essence that fills my mind and body, and I brook nothing eke.” God in you is Master of all conditions at all times. Say often: ” ‘I AM’ always the Victorious Presence of the Mighty ‘I AM.’ ”
Feel the mighty current of Electronic Essence fill your mind and body, erasing instantly all inharmonious activity, and giving you the Consciousness of Mastery and Victory.
Command: “Divine Presence! Pour Thy Radiance through this mind and body, and see that Thy Wisdom directs always in every outer activity.”
Let us be conscious of the Healing Radiance filling this home. The great need today is the healing of the nations and of individuals. As the individual is given Assistance through the outpouring of the Electronic Energy through the mind and body and filling every cell, so in an expanded degree is the nation treated likewise. The nation is a great body of individuals and of Nature’s creations. We have the same power, being the individualized Presence of God. Then we know: ” I AM’ everywhere present, and when my consciousness takes on this expansion, I know Its energy leaps into action everywhere, in the cell of the body of the world as well as in the body of the individual.” We must come to know that the Active Presence of God, All-Powerful, is everywhere present: that there is not a single nook nor comer anywhere that the Active Presence of God is not; that this Active Presence seizes and binds all human creation and consumes instantly everything of an inharmonious and undesirable nature.
With the use of the Electronic Belt surrounding the individual, he must understand that he can make this an absolutely Invincible Protection; through Its Protection, Divine Wisdom acts, repelling everything through our conscious action that shall not be taken into the system, and that this Omnipresent Wisdom and Intelligence is always prompting us to refuse acceptance of anything into the system, either through feeling, thought, or food that would in anywise disturb its harmonious activity.
The Natural Activity of the Currents of Life play everywhere like the play of a searchlight. The outer activity should at all times be an invitation to the receptivity of the Currents of Life, which are Pure Cosmic Energy and which are ever flowing through the atmosphere of the earth.
It is true that where there are conditions too dense for It to penetrate, It goes over or under them, so to speak, and finds Its way onward just the same. Every individual, since the beginning of this year, should come to understand that he is walking and moving constantly within the reach of Mighty Healing Currents. Through the Power of Cyclopea, the Secret Love Star, and the Rays from the Golden City, currents of Healing Force of tremendous Power are consciously directed through the atmosphere of the earth. These, you will understand by their very nature, being the Energy of God in Action, are therefore Self-sustained.
The consciousness in the individual of their presence will enable him to contact these Rays at any time.
Students who have a feeling of patriotism and who wish to help the nation should take the stand that these Healing Currents reach not only individuals, but carry into conditions, environment and official places like an Intelligent Flame, and are doing a work for the protection and uplift of the children of earth not heretofore set into such powerful action since the creation of this planet.
The more individuals become truly and sincerely conscious of this operation, the more can they become mighty Messengers of assistance in this most unusual Work.
Through the conscious manifestation of the mental forces back of the communists is the sinister influence with which We are dealing in the outer world’s activity. Those who wish to be true Messengers will meditate upon this idea until they have grasped the full import of it. They will use their conscious effort, knowing that these Currents of Consuming Electronic Energy consciously directed through the atmosphere of the earth cannot be interfered with: and that in every sincere, conscious effort of the individual—in his desire to give his assistance — there will flow a consciousness of this Energy that he has not hitherto possessed.
支撑着共产意识的是其背后心智力量有意识的显化,这是我们在外在世界活动中处理的邪恶影响。那些希望成为真正使者的人,要去沉思这一点,直至他们掌握了其全部重要性。他们会使用他们有意识的努力,知晓这些由意识引导的吞噬性电子能量流在穿越地球大气时不会受到干扰:在每个个体真诚、有意识的努力中 —— 在他提供帮助的意愿中 —— 流淌着他迄今为止从未拥有过的这种能量意识。
Sometimes there are individuals of such a nature, that while wonderfully kind and willing, the sudden consciousness that they need to let go of certain kinds of food or other activity is a sort of shock to them. I would say to these individuals that the Divine Intelligence within each one will cause them to naturally let go of the things not in accordance with this Great Presence at every step of the way when it is necessary. In order for an individual to consciously let go of a thing, he must have something that he feels is stronger to which he can anchor. As students become conscious of this, the confidence and strength will come to them to take the step.
As I suggested once before, I would consciously, at least once or more a day, stand on the floor and charge the home with this Pure Electronic Energy—and keep it charged—so that God’s very Presence will keep out of the home, food, thought, any kind of presence, and everything that is not in accordance with the desires here.
正如我之前所建议的,我会有意识地,每天至少一次或多次,站在地板上,用这种纯粹的电子能量为家里充能 —— 保持能量充满的状态 —— 这样神之临在就会把任何不与其意愿校准的食物、想法、其他存有等等一切隔绝在房屋之外。
I would suggest that whenever you find someone is coming you take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the Pure Radiance of Divine Love enfolding these individuals, and this Garment enfolds them when they come and when they leave.” When you are conscious of this, you clothe them and they will wear this Garment into the home and out of it; and for them it will be a sustaining power.
Those who come into your home are deserving of assistance, and this will enable them to receive the full assistance they desire and you will love to give.
No matter how great the knowledge attained, we at no time ever have the right to force either the knowledge or the discipline upon anyone. Only as students apply what they hear and receive can they ever know the Reality.
When you say “I AM,” you acknowledge the Power that breaks down all barriers and conditions of opposition. This human self is just like a starving lion in the jungle. It will tear anything to get what it wants to eat. In this state, the human consciousness will tear its best friend to pieces to get its own way.
In any astral element there is that human desire element through which, unless one shuts his mind entirely to the astral world, will constantly find himself interrupted in a good decision—because he has left that door open to a force far more subtle than is ever found in the outer world. Many think there are good forces in the astral world. I tell you, no good force ever comes from the astral world. Any good force that seems to come from there must come through it; but it makes its own Tunnel of Light through which it comes.
在所有的星光元素中,都存在着人类的欲望元素,除非一个人把自己的心智完全隔离在星光世界之外,否则他会发现自己在做正确的决定时总是被打断 —— 因为他让那扇门对外部世界中一种更精细的能量敞开着。很多人认为星光界存在着良善的能量。我来告诉你,星光界从来没有良善的能量。那些看起来来自那里的良善能量都必须穿越星光界;但是是它创造了自己的光之隧道,并从中穿越。
In the first place, what makes the astral world? There is only one place where the undesirable creation can find a home, and that is the next step to the human activity, which is the astral realm. This realm of astral activity has within it all undesirable creation accumulated through the centuries. Therefore, it is easy to see at once that no good comes from any contact with the astral realm. IT HAS NOTHING IN IT WHATSOEVER OF THE CHRIST.
There is as wide a difference between the astral realm of activity and what some call the Star Astral as there is between Light and darkness. However, the so-called Star Astral is again misunderstood. It is really called “Star Astrea/’ It is really an Activity, not a realm, and it is from the fourth sphere. The “Star Astrea” is a Cosmic Being whose Work it is to consume all possible within the astral realm, and to reach individuals whose attention seems to be drawn there. This Great Being will sooner or later clear the understanding of such individuals and consume their desire for any contact with that unhappy realm. No little children remain in the astral realm. The home of children who leave the earth is in the etheric realm. People who are in the body are in the same sphere when they sleep as the disembodied. There is a Sustaining Consciousness of the “I AM Presence” which, if one goes forth with It on going to sleep, through that sustaining Power one can reach unbelievable Heights. If you have the Consciousness through the outer expression of this “I AM Presence” and you take this Consciousness with you as you go into the other realms, It is a Sustaining Presence that is unbelievable.
There is an activity in the experience Life that demands the conscious recognition and use of the “I AM Presence” of God in Action. When you take that Consciousness with you through the veil of sleep, the soul is able to function out of the body with almost limitless Power.
Suppose there is a seeming need in the physical activity. Before going to sleep we can say this: “Through the Mighty Power and Intelligence which ‘I AM,’ I go forth while my body sleeps, make conscious contact with, and abundantly fulfill this requirement, no matter what it is.”
Knowing that this activity is Self-sustained, it cannot fail in any way. It is a mighty way of setting into motion the “I AM Presence”. Whatever the “I AM” commands while the body sleeps must be obeyed.
I knew of one instance of this kind when there was need of protection. The one using it had a certain consciousness of this Presence. The individual was falling over a cliff, and this “I AM Presence” instantly built up a form, caught the individual, and took him back to safety.
When one enters the conscious path and goes into any environment where there might be danger, one should always do some quick, definite work on his protection; for until one raises the body, he is always functioning more or less where he is contacting the outer thought of humanity. If the student be climbing the mountains, he must do conscious protective work. He must do the protective work, and do it consciously.
If the student will always keep up his conscious protection, he will be able to avoid the destruction of other individuals.
Steamship Protection: “God is the Almighty Power protecting and directing this steamship; therefore, it moves in a zone of absolute safety” On the conscious path, you must be up and in action all the time. There are some who might think this is a suggestion of fear, but it is not. It is a recognition of the Omnipresent Protective Power.
Autos: “God is All-seeing and All-knowing, sees ahead, and will naturally avoid undesirable contact.” When you say: “God is driving this car, ” the Vision of God goes ahead, sees blocks and miles ahead, and the prompting will come to go to the street which is clear. ”Because God is driving this car, our path is unobstructed in every way.”
There are two reasons why students have accidents. First, because they have become angry and opened the door. Second, because the student has lain down on the job.
Whenever we do a thing with a positive, dynamic attitude, it gives confidence to the outer, and it cannot fail.
To project an Electronic Belt around another, say: “ ‘I AM’ the Protective Electronic Belt around …” When you say, “’I AM’ the Protective Ring or Belt,” it means that the Electronic Belt is instantly formed— invincible. Realize that when you say “I AM”, whatever is commanded is All-Powerfully, instantly done. You cannot use the “I AM Presence” without having instantaneous Activity.
要把电子环状带投射到另一个人身上,就说:“‘我是’环绕着…的保护性电子环状带。”当你说,“‘我是’保护性的电子环状带”时,它意味着即可形成电子环状带 —— 无敌的状态。要意识到,当你说“我是”时,不论命令是什么,都是全能的话语,即刻完成。使用“我是临在”,都会产生即刻的活动。
Often say: ” ‘I AM’ the Omnipresent, All-Powerful, Protecting Intelligence governing this mind and body”. It is instantly omnipresent there in action when you say “I AM.” The ‘I AM’ which is everywhere present is at that point doing the work that moment. This is the way you set into action by the most direct means the All-Powerful Action of the “I AM” which is All in All.
Constantly remind the outer consciousness that when you say “I AM,” you have set into action all the attributes of the Godhead.
You are now at a point when you should have instantaneous activity. When you say, “I AM” in any condition, it means that instant action is taking place there by the Greatest Power in the Universe. The moment you become conscious that “I AM” is the Full Activity of God—containing all the attributes of the Godhead—you do that moment have the full use of this Mighty Power.
当前,你正处于一个状态中,此时你应该有着即刻的活动。在任何情况下,当你说出“我是”时,这意味着宇宙中最伟大的力量正在采取即刻的行动。当你意识到“我是”神的全然活动 —— 涵盖了神的所有属性 —— 那一刻你就可以充分利用这种伟大的力量。
Use often: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence producing this Master Home.” Get the consciousness of the Mighty Presence you are calling forth when you are using the “I AM.” I have always loved to specify what I wanted to do. If I want health in my body I say: “ ‘I AM’ the Presence charging this body with Pure, Electronic Energy.
When you say: “‘I AM’ the Ascension of this physical body right now,” then you have accepted and entered into that action right now. When you are striving for the Light in unlimited action, you are striving for the Greatest Thing in the world. Fill your world with the Presence which “I AM,” and when you do this, feel you are doing it consciously.
If one will take the consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Activity of every organ and cell of my body” then it must manifest. You have but to be conscious of this, and it must be.
Use often: ” ‘I AM’ Perfect Health now manifest in every organ of my body. ” Put your confidence in your “I AM” instead of some thing. Suppose you want great intelligent activity, say: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Intelligent Activity in this body.” You cannot do this looking to something outside.
To clear the mind, eyes, and ears:
“‘I AM’ the Perfect Intelligence active in this brain. “
“‘I AM’ the Perfect Sight looking through these eyes. “
“‘I AM’ the Perfect Hearing through these ears. “
Go at these treatments with determination and they cannot fail. You have the reins, now use them! Avoid all use of words that seem to be a reminder of limited conditions.
When you are conscious of the “I AM,” you don’t care what anyone in this world does. You must not be concerned about anything but your world. For squaring the circle, use the “I AM” Activity. Pay no attention to what anyone says. Just say specifically what you want to produce.
Say again and again: ” ‘I AM’ the only Presence acting in this.”
Say: “ ‘I AM’ the only Presence acting in my world”.
For finding things: ” ‘I AM’ the Intelligence and All-Seeing Eye which finds this.”
You will be amazed at the feeling that grows within when you do not have to look to anything but the “I AM.”
Wipe out of your mind everything but the conscious operation of the “I AM,” for It is the most Potent Power possible.
Get the sense of ease about producing these seeming miracles.
Suppose you want to illumine a room. Say: “ ‘I AM’ the illumination of this room.”
Then you act upon the electrons in the room. The illumining of the atmosphere of a room is as easy as raising your hand. Your ability to illumine a room is just as easy as physically illumining it through the electric lamp. You can just as easily plug into the Universal current of electricity as through the wires.
To make visible the illumination within your own body say: “ ‘I AM’ the visible illumination through this body now.” Right within yourself is a focal point.
The “I AM” in you created everything in the Universe.
When you enter into the Confidence of the “I AM,” It will soon do away with all obstruction. Use often: “ ‘I AM‘ the Consuming Power and Presence of every bit of fear, doubt, and questioning in my outer activity concerning this Invincible Activity of the ”I AM”. Keep this up, and you will always know instantly what to do. You can take this and use it, and thus remove every obstruction to the “I AM” Activity. When you operate consciously, you know positively it is done.
The consciousness of an individual clothes the form with that individual’s own concepts of it. When these are drawn about an individual who has generated a certain energy, they impose upon him nothing but the things in his own world.
Whenever you feel a sudden joy impulse, grasp it, use it, and decree.
BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Intelligence! We give praise and thanks for Thy Mighty Comprehension and Mighty Manifestation in the consciousness of those present. We give praise and thanks that “I AM” the Perfect Understanding in operation, and that “I AM” everywhere present, performing all required to be done. “I AM” the Illumination of everyone who looks to me. “I AM” the Radiant Intelligent Activity in the minds of all mankind. “I AM” the Master acting in the brain of everyone of humanity, causing Divine Love, Justice, Peace, Harmony and Perfection to manifest to our Beloved America.
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence! Creator of all that is, always majestic in Thy Conquering Presence, we give Power only to Thee. We forever withdraw all power we have ever given to outer things and stand serene in Thy Majestic Presence, Love, Wisdom and Power. Knowing that, “ ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there and ‘I AM’ everywhere, then ‘I AM’ serene in Thy Majestic Presence, manifesting Thy Love, Wisdom, Power and Judgment—that I have Thy foresight and see far beyond human possibilities.” I give praise and thanks that I, now and forever, acknowledge and accept only Thy Mighty, Victorious Presence in all things, in my Life, my world, my mind, and my body.
祈请:你那伟大、无限的临在!所有一切的创造者,你那雄伟的征服临在,我们只把力量赋予你。我们将永远撤回我们赋予外在事物的力量,并在你威严的临在、爱、智慧和力量中保持冷静。知道“‘我是’在这里,‘我是’在那里,‘我是’无所不在,那么在你庄严的临在中,“我是”沉着冷静,彰显着你的爱、智慧、力量和判断力 —— 我拥有你的远见,看到远远超越人类的可能性。”
I give praise that I have placed about each form Thy Magic Circle, Invincible, Impenetrable to anything unlike Thee. I stand guard over my Life, body, mind, world and affairs, that nothing manifest unlike Thee. We thank Thee.
Keep reminding the outer activity, the outer consciousness, that when I say “I” “I AM” using the Infinite God-Power. When I say “I AM,” I have set this Power into motion to successfully accomplish whatever the idea is which has been held in consciousness, or whatever idea the attention has been held upon. Sincere students should not forget this for a single hour, until the Truth becomes so fixed in the outer activity that it automatically acts.
Therefore, you will see how perfectly ridiculous it is to say: ” ‘I AM’ sick, ‘I AM’ financially embarrassed’’ or that there seems to be a lack of anything. I tell you that you cannot possibly be affected if you will hold fast to this idea, then use it.
When you seem to have a cold, you do not need to be told to use a handkerchief. Then why do you need to be reminded that the outer activity has but One Power by which to move itself about, and that is the ‘I AM Presence’, God in you? The unfortunate thing about sincere students is that they will not meditate often enough upon this Truth for its marvelous Presence to come into activity.
Know that: ‘‘ ‘I AM’ the Majestic, Victorious Presence, filling all official places,” and know it with certainty in your minds. If any of the students will sincerely take hold and use this, such an one will be blest for so doing.
Guard yourself in the outer contact constantly, that you do not unknowingly accept the appearance of things or the fear of so-called financiers. God governs your world, your home, your business, and that is all with which you are concerned. Do not ever fear that you are running amuck with your imagination when you sense and feel the nearness of the full manifestation of the Mighty, Individualized Presence. Rejoice! Believe in the Mighty Presence that holds in Its embrace everything in this world that you can desire or use. You are not dependent on the outer things. With the joyous entering into this Mighty Power and Presence which contains all, do you not see how you would be provided for, if everything were cut loose?
I want you to feel, joyously accept, and with all your Being know that the Power of precipitation is no myth. It is real. Those who enter into this feeling deep enough will have the precipitation of anything they want.
Children have been chastised for seeing Angelic Beings and for manifesting an Inner Perception. It is the parent of that child who should be chastised, and well at that, for daring to interfere with the God-given Freedom of that child. If grown-ups would live more in the conscious imaging and acceptance of these Mighty and Great Presences (of whose very existence most of humanity doubts), they would feel Their Presence and uplifting sustaining Intelligence.
My Beloved Ones! If suddenly we find ourselves needing courage or strength: ” ‘I AM’ there surging forth, supplying this instantly.’’ If I need harmony in my mind or body, then: ‘‘ ‘I AM there, supplying it instantly, and I do not need to wait.’’
Do not give a thought to the world or individuals who do not understand these things. Go right on rejoicing in the visible, active Presence, precipitated into your Life and use, of whatever you wish.
Our outer common sense, so-called, must tell us that unless we expect, accept, and rejoice in the Presence of the thing we want, how in the name of God can we expect to have it? The poor, insignificant outer self struts itself about saying, ” ‘I AM’ too important to give attention to these childlike fairy stories. ” Well, let me say to you that one day the individuals who say this will be only too glad to listen to those fairy stories and fill their minds with those ideas—that they may come forth.
我们所谓的外在常识会告诉我们,除非我们期望、接受并因我们想要东西的临在而感到高兴,否则我们怎么能期待以神的名义拥有它?可怜的、微不足道的外在自我趾高气扬地说:“‘我’太重要了,无法去关注这些孩子气的童话故事。”好吧,我来对你说,有一天,说出这句话的人会非常地庆幸,他们去倾听了哪些童话故事,并用那些想法充满他的心智 —— 从而把它们带出来。
In every instance in the outer contact of the world of business, whenever there is a negative condition that seems to touch your world in any way, instantly take your firm stand: ” ‘I AM’ the precipitation and Visible Presence of whatever I desire, and no man can interfere with it.’’
This is a Mighty Truth. When I speak of precipitation in this manner, I do not only mean through the invisible, but through any channel, for all is a precipitation; it is only a little difference in activity.
When I recognize who “I AM’’ then I have entered into the “Great Silence’’ wherein is God’s Greatest Activity. This recognition should bring great revelations to the individual, if he holds to it with joyous acceptance.
In your outer experience, the use of any activity develops your strength to greater and greater efficiency, does it not? If one can apply this in the outer activity, do you not see how much more important it is to the Inner Activity? The more you put it into use, the greater the power you put into it. Know you can do it with the Inner Spiritual things far greater and quicker than in the outer things, for with Spirit, the Power acts instantly. There is no waiting when the “I AM” acts.
The fact that you give credence to development of the muscular system by use should make you realize that the same effort given to the exercise and recognition of the Inner Power would naturally produce far greater results. For instance, man is supposed to perform certain physical exercises in order to develop his muscles. I have, in my students, many, many times, enabled them to produce powerful muscles in a symmetrical, beautiful body without having taken a single exercise to do it. It is the same with the exercise of your Inner Faculties in bringing forth the Inner Power.
In all development, either of the Inner or the outer, the first part of the exercise is mental. Here we must know that there is only one Power and Energy to use, and that is from the “I AM God Presence” in you. Therefore, the exercise of your Inner Faculties is necessarily mental —called mental—but I say to you, it is God in action, because you cannot form a thought without the Intelligence and Energy of God to do it. Therefore, your mental activity is the Energy of God in action. Now you see how easy and possible it is to make a strong physical body without lifting your hand in physical exercise to do it.
在所有的发展中,不论是内在还是外在的,发展的第一部分就是心智层面。在这里我们必须知道,只有一种力量和能量可以使用,那就是来自你内在的“我是神之临在”。因此,你内在能力的锻炼必然是心智上的 —— 它叫做心智 —— 但是我对你们说,它是行动中的神,因为若是没有神的智能和力量,你就无法形成一个想法。因此,你心智的活动是行动中的神之能量。现在你就明白了,在不需要亲自去进行身体锻炼的情况下,拥有一个健壮的肉身是一件容易和可能的事情。
Most scientific, medical, and men of physical culture will deny this, but I assure you it is only because they have not become aware of, or thought deeply upon the energy or power that is acting; because no kind of activity can take place except by the use of this Inner energy and power.
Individuals allow the impingement of doubts and fears to rush in and overwhelm them when it comes to the recognition of these Great Faculties, which are free for their use at any time. You see, they are but submerged as it were, by the outer, like a cork that has been pushed beneath the water, which when released by a little effort, pops up to the surface into use.
I must say it is positively pitiful when earnest students spend so many years straining at intervals to gain the use of these faculties, and then because they do not operate immediately, relapse into a state of inactivity until something spurs them on, and then relapse again. Persistent, determined recognition of this “I AM Presence’’ will take you through anything to absolute certain accomplishment—unless you lie down on the job.
我必须说,认真的学生花费了这么多年的时间,时断时续地努力使用这些能力,就因为它们没有马上发挥出作用,学生就陷入无所作为的状态,直至有什么东西刺激到他们让他们继续,然后再次陷入不作为的状态,这是非常可怜的。持续并坚定地意识到“我是临在”,这会带你超越所有的事情,取得绝对确定的成就 —— 除非你躺平。
I see, and especially at this time, a goodly number of individuals who, with a little encouragement and description of the simple use of these faculties, will quickly leap into their freedom —and especially those who have this verbal instruction and the Radiation that goes with it.
我看到,尤其在这时,有很多人,只需要一点点的鼓励还有这些能力简单使用的描述,就会快速地跳入到他们的自由之中 —— 尤其是那些接受过这种口头教导的人,这种圣光的辐射会伴随着自由。
Is it not appalling that Sons and Daughters of God will submit to the binding claims of limitation when, with persistent effort and determination, they would open the door and step through into this great Inner Chamber, filled with such Dazzling Light, jewels, gold, and substance from which every kind of food in the Universe can be precipitated? Then with this Truth plainly before them, these individuals still hesitate, through unbelief, to step through, take this scepter and be free.
Beloved Ones! Again I say to you: Sing the Great Melody of the ‘I AM’ Conquering Presence. Sing It in your hearts continuously. Feel It with all your ability; be determined to use It. Hold fast to that determination, and the knowledge and the way will steadily open to give you that Mastery which is your Eternal Freedom. Just keep joyously knowing that you are through the veil now.
Whatever Mastery the individual has gained over himself, his affairs or his world, is always, and should be, a Sacred Chamber—an Inner Sanctuary upon which no other inquiring individual may intrude. No one may attain Mastery through the desire of the outer to find the Mastery within another.
不论个体对自己、自己的事务和他所在的世界取得了怎样的主宰,这总是、而且应该是一个神圣的房间 —— 一个内在的庇护所,任何其他好奇的个体都无法入侵的地方。没有人可以通过外在的欲望去通过找到别人的主宰而获得自己真正的主宰。
To seek, find, and apply the Law of one’s own Being is the student’s sure road to Mastery, and only when the individual has attained it himself may he really understand what True Mastery is. There is only one Mastery to be sought, and that is over one’s own outer self.
One might walk beside a Master for years and not discover it until his own Inner Faculties revealed the fact. One might live in the same house with a Master for years and not know it until some crisis arose to be handled, and thus the Real Power be revealed.
For a Master to discuss or disclose his own attainment of Mastery would be to dissipate his own forces and may not be done at any time.
If a student be fortunate enough to have a beautiful experience and then discuss it with others, there is usually so much doubt poured at him that he soon begins to doubt himself. It is really funny how convincing someone else’s argument can be. If a student will listen to the argument of someone else, why not be at least as fair to his own God Self and listen to Its Power and Good as expressed through the Inner Experience?
The moment doubt begins to enter, more doubt rushes in. The same with the “I AM.” If you put your attention upon It, It rushes forth more and more. Where the conscious attention is fixed, there the energy pours. Dear Ones, do you not see, when you want something revealed, or to be inspired in some way, do you not see, “I AM that. ” The moment you say “I AM, ” you set in motion this Power that has inherent within It all these faculties. It has all substance, and must take on whatsoever form the attention of the mind is fixed upon.
The “I AM” is the Fathomless Mind of God. In reaching for understanding, the average student is but contacting the recurring memory of that which has been, instead of going into the Heart of God and bringing forth that which never has been.
Individuals and students many times do not and will not realize that there have been many civilizations of vast attainments which are entirely unknown to the outer world today. Atlantis and Lemuria, or the Land of Mu, as credited by a few today, are but fragments of the great civilizations that have been.
To do unusual things: The students who wish to do this, take the determined stand: “ I AM’ the Heart of God, and I now bring forth Ideas and accomplishments which have never been brought forth before.”
Consider only: “ ‘I AM’ that which I wish to bring forth. ” The ‘I AM Presence’ is the Heart of God. You are immediately in the “Great Silence’’ the moment you say “I AM.” If you recognize that you are the “I AM,” then whatever you declare is manifest that moment.
To believe is to have faith a thing is true. There is an interlocking of belief and faith. In the beginning a thing is belief, and if held to, it becomes faith. If you do not believe a thing is true, you cannot bring it into manifestation. If you do not believe, “ ‘I AM’ a thing,” how can it act for you?
The old saying: “There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” is an Absolute Truth.
When you know that God’s Energy comes forth into the individual absolutely Pure and Perfect, then you must realize that it is the individual who requalifies that energy and imposes his own impure quality upon it. This Pure God Energy is projected forth by the conscious effort of the individual, and he must impose some kind of a quality upon it, for that is his privilege as a Creator.
Everyone is constantly qualifying this energy, which is pouring forth continually. Each one is continually pouring his color into it, through his own consciousness.
Every activity of the outer that qualifies carries with it the inherent faculty of sound and color. No activity of any kind can take place which has not sound and color inherent within it. God’s Perfection naturally has no discoloration within it. Within the outer facility which gives quality to a thing is where the discoloration takes place. Every student must take the responsibility of his own activity in qualifying the energy he sends forth.
The mind cannot act upon anything that has not Intelligence inherent within it. Do not allow yourself in the human sense to consider the element of time in anything you do, but enter into a thing joyously, and stick to it until it does manifest.
Be like a blow torch. If you will hold steady on the Mighty God Presence as the Actor doing the thing, you will enter into the fullness and Perfection of everything, ready for your use now. All permanent accomplishment must be by the Self-conscious effort of the individual.
Q. What is sympathy?
A. It is but agreement with imperfection. Whatever you do, be adamant before human sympathy. Watch that you do not allow yourself to be dragged down into quicksand when you can use wings to lift yourself above its destruction. Judge not, but keep joyously entering into the “I AM Presence’’ and all things will manifest perfectly.
For any imperfect condition, especially old age, use:
“‘I AM’ the Perfection of that individual.”
No matter what is said in the outer world, you must be unaffected by it, for you are coming to this Perfection, and you must bring it about consciously.
If you do not watch, you can let in an expression in a moment that can follow you for years if you do not erase it. When you are consciously using the Great Law, know that the active Power of God’s Thought knows its direction, goes and performs perfectly. Consciously charge the “I AM Intelligence” to use whatever is necessary. Say: ” ‘I AM Intelligence’ qualify this with whatever is required.”
For Healing: I had one student who so qualified the Electronic Circle about him with the Power of healing that he was called the “Healing Shadow.” Of course it was not the shadow that healed, but the moment people contacted his Electronic Circle, they were healed instantly.
Q. Understanding God as Love, why did God individualize Himself?
A. In order to have something to love.
Q. Why were the Rays divided?
A. In order to express Love.
Love is the “Active Principle of God.” When you are loving, you are enfolding what you are loving in that “Robe of God’’ that Radiant Presence and Activity.
Never condemn. Try always to understand whenever there seems to be a wrong sex activity, and lift the consciousness of the individual by focusing the attention upon a high ideal of some kind in order to control the thought, so the sex activity can come under conscious control of the individual through the use of his own will.
The proper, clean use of the sex is for the expansion and expression of Love in the procreation of a form, that the incoming soul may have an harmonious and loving disposition and temperament. The thought and feeling of the parents are the influencing, molding activity. The nature of the Life Principle of the individual is to love.
BENEDICTION: Infinite God of Love! We give thanks for Thy Gracious Outpouring today, for Thy Mighty Radiance filling all things everywhere. We give praise and thanks that we have entered into Thy World where everything is so fair, where Thy Radiance, creative with every thought, brings into Perfection all things held within our thought.
Raising the body: Nada raised her body 2,700 years ago. In the case of three raising the body at one time, they might Ascend at the same moment, or within a few weeks or months.
Controlling an animal: Use: “ ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there, and I command silence there.” Also, look the animal in the eye and know that the Love of God controls it.
The difference between Divine Compassion and human sympathy is as great as that between Light and darkness. Divine compassion holds the student’s attention anchored to the “Mighty I AM Presence’’ calling It forth to produce Perfection. Human sympathy is a rushing forth of energy qualified by a feeling of imperfection, and but intensifies the imperfection already manifesting.
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Silent Watcher! Even as Thou hast before Thee the Cosmic Crystal, send forth Thy Rays, anchoring them in the hearts of God’s Children. Teach them obedience to the Great Cosmic Laws. Teach them obedience to the Light. Fill their hearts and minds with Thy Peace, with Thy Silence, with Thy Poise. Let the rejoicing of Thy Heart fill their hearts, every one—even to overflowing—with Thy Substance and Pure Electronic Force that brings with It Thy Immeasurable Infinite Blessings.
Let each one feel Thy Omnipresent, Watchful Care, Thy Sustaining Love, Wisdom and Power.
I bring you Greetings from the Great Host of Light who watch attentively the Outpouring of Divine Radiance, whose Great Love, Peace and Light always enfold you, as Messengers of the Light, giving always strict obedience to the Great Light.
Obedience of all manifestation is the first demand of the Great Host. When the Command went forth: “Let there be Light!” obedience was the first activity, consequently Limitless Light was at hand. It is so with all outer activity of the One Active Principle, God. The first activity of the outer should be to give Perfect Obedience to that Inner Presence. Thus is it enabled to receive harmoniously the unadulterated Pure Essence; and so it should be with friends, with relatives, with associates, and with all outer contact of individuals.
There should always be this wondrous grace of Love, Light and obedience. It matters not the age of the individual. Still the outer expression often, for its need is obedience to the Great Inner Light. When the impulse surges forth to argue, criticize, or feel a resistance, it is your signal that the outer is intruding itself to demand attention. Then is the time, by the power of your free will, to command the outer to be silent and obey the “I AM Presence. “
It is useless to argue any point. Silence the outer, and then in loving obedience, give the Instruction. In this way It can come forth unobstructed.
When students have entered the conscious path, the slightest intimation of disturbance or resistance of any kind should be followed instantly by silencing all outer activity and declaring: ” ‘I AM’ the obedient, intelligent activity in this mind and body; ‘I AM’ the governing power and do govern it harmoniously.”
It matters not upon what plane or in what sphere of activity the Son of God—that is, the Son or Daughter of God—acts, obedience to Its Laws, or the Divine Laws of the sphere in which he is acting, is always imperative to his steady, onward progress.
Someday, I hope in the near future, We shall take up for consideration the elements of outer activity which are most disturbing, and the effect of their activity upon the body. I do not wish to do this however, until the students are strong enough to hear the Truth of this activity without a single twinge of resistance or self-condemnation — because to start an activity within the individual of either condition would be a mistake upon My part.
我希望在将来不久的一天,我们会考虑最令人不安的外部活动因素,以及它们对身体的影响。然而,在学生们足够强大到可以倾听这个活动的真相,同时没有一丝一毫的抵抗或自我谴责的苦恼之前,我不希望这样做 —— 因为不论在个人内部触发了哪一种状况,对我来说都是一种错误。
I spoke some time ago about the student keeping on guard to watch that in an unguarded moment he did not find himself unknowingly entertaining some feeling of resistance, criticism, or some activity which he later discovered had been acting.
Every student should constantly use, many times a day, for it only requires a minute, and silently declare: “ ‘I AM’ the Invincible Guard, established, sustained and maintained over my mind, my body, my home, my world and my affairs. ”Keep conscious that this Guard, being the “I AM Presence”, naturally has Infinite Intelligence. This will establish an Intelligent Guard and activity about you that does not have to be constantly repeated.
Again we come to the point where every time we use the expression ‘I’ or ‘I AM’, we know that It is the full Power of Love, Wisdom and Intelligence acting. Use frequently: “‘I AM’ the full Liberation of Divine Love acting.”
Now as a preparatory activity for the day, I would suggest that the students, with great joy and firmness, after having refreshed themselves in the morning, would silently declare—knowing that the Power of the declaration is Self-sustained: ” ‘I AM’ the governing Love, Wisdom and Power with its attendant Intelligent Activity which is acting today in every single thing that I think or do. I command this Infinite Activity to take place every moment and be the sustaining Guard about me, that I move, speak and act only in Divine Order. ” Then during the day, whenever you think of it, take the firm consciousness: ” ‘I AM’ the commanding, governing Presence, moving everywhere before me during the day—commanding Perfect Peace and Harmony in all activity. “
作为一天之中活动的准备,我建议学生们,在早上精神抖擞之后,带着巨大的喜悦和坚定,去默默地宣告 —— 知晓这种宣告的力量是自我维系的:“‘我是’主宰的爱、智慧和力量,伴随着其智能活动,在我今天所想所做的每一件事情中发挥着作用。我命令这种无限的活动每时每刻都在进行,并成为持续守护我的力量,我只在神圣秩序中运动、说话和行动。”然后在一天之中,每当你想到它时,就坚定地意识到:“‘我是’命令性的主宰临在,一天之中随着我到处运作 —— 在所有的活动中要求完美的平和与和谐。”
In this manner you will lock the door open for the continuous Outpouring of this Inner Intelligent Presence, which will transform your world and keep you from contacting inharmony of any kind, enabling you to have that steady flow of Inner Peace and Harmony in all outer contact. 通过这种方式,你就会让大门敞开,让这种内在智能的临在持续倾洒,这将转变你的世界,保护你不接触任何不和谐的活动,让你能够在外在接触中拥有稳定的内在平静与和谐。
It matters not what the manifestation may be within the body or without, the student must take his firm stand that his body is the “Temple of the Most High Living God.’’ This is an Unquestionable Truth, and this attitude consciously maintained will more rapidly bring the body into the Perfect Activity which was intended from the beginning. I say to the students in all sincerity, there is no possible way of attaining a quality or a desired attribute without claiming it. The outer has drifted into a limited consciousness of declaring it did not have the desired quality, and of course it could not manifest it under those conditions. The thought of the student often is, “Well, I have been holding this idea for a long time, but it doesn’t manifest; it doesn’t work” This is positive proof that somewhere in the consciousness there was lurking a doubt—possibly unknown to the individual.
不论身体内在或者外在的表现如何,学生都必须坚定立场,他的身体是“永生至高之神的殿堂”。这是不容置疑的真理,有意识地保持这种态度会快速地把身体带入完美的活动之中,从最初起本该如此。我真诚地对学生说,不可能在不去宣称的情况下就获得某种品质或者所需要的属性。外在已经陷入一种受限的意识之中:宣告外在不具有所需的品质,当然它无法在这些条件下表达出来。学生的想法常常是,“我已经持有这个想法很长时间了,但是它没有显化出来,它没用。”这是一个确凿的证据,表明意识中的某个地方潜伏着怀疑 —— 还不为这个人所知。
I tell you that no matter what appears on the surface, if you will continually, with firm determination, claim the quality, condition or things you desire, and go right on claiming them with that firm determination, they will find expression in your use just as certain as you do this; but I cannot urge you too strongly always to keep on guard in this matter, for the outer, when you have tried a thing for a few hours, days or months and it seems not to have appeared immediately, begins to say: “It’s no use, if it were going to have acted, it would have by this time. ” Such a thing as failure is absolutely impossible when you have set the Power of the “I AM”一God in you —in action to accomplish a given purpose, if you hold unwaveringly to it with determination.
我告诉你,不论表面上呈现出来的是什么,只要你不断地以坚定的决心,去宣告你想要的品质、状况和事物,以坚定地决心持续地去宣告,当你这样去做的时候,它们就会在你的使用中得到表达;在这件事情上我无法过分强烈地敦促你始终保持警惕,因为对外在自我来说,当你尝试一件事情几个小时、几天或者几个月,而又没有马上出现结果时,外在自我就会开始说:“它没用,若是有用的话,这时已经会有效果了。”当你把内在的神 —— “我是”的力量付诸到行动之中来实现既定目标,若是你坚定不移地坚持下去,那么失败这类的事情是绝对不可能发生的。
Many times I have seen students nearing wonderful achievement, wonderful Victory and Freedom, and this outer attitude of, “not yet being accomplished” would rush in, get their attention to such an extent that it would either retard greatly their progress, or shut the door indefinitely.
很多时候,我看到学生非常接近美妙的成就、美妙的胜利和自由,而外在 “尚未完成”的态度就会冲进来,吸引他们的注意力,从而导致他们进步的大大延迟,或者是无限地关闭他们进步的大门。
The student should compel himself or herself to hold before the mind this Truth: that when the “I AM” Power and Presence is set in motion, It can no more fail in Its Accomplishment than the Universe stop its activity. For this “Mighty I AM Presence” to fail in Its Accomplishment would mean that the Universe would instantly be thrown into chaos. Such is the Certainty and Power of the “I AM” accomplishment. It simply cannot fail unless the outer obstructs the way.
Every student should guard with great watchfulness that he does not use the “I AM” in negative expression, for when you say: ” ‘I AM’ sick, I have failed, ‘I AM’ not accomplishing this thing as I should, “you are throwing this mighty energy into action to destroy the thing you wish to accomplish. This always happens whenever you use the word “I,” for that is the release of the Universal Power.
Knowing that the “I AM” is you, then when you say, “My head aches, my stomach is out of order, my intestinal tract is disturbed, you are throwing the energy into those parts to act according to the thing you have decreed; for when you say “MY,” it is the same energy acting, because there is only one person who can say “I” or “MY,” and that is you, decreeing for your world.
Any expression which can only be used for yourself is including the energy and activity of the “I AM Presence”. The correct attitude to take if some organ seems to be rebellious is to instantly declare and hold fast to it: ” ‘I AM’ the only and Perfect Energy acting there. Therefore, every appearance of disturbance is instantly corrected.’’ This is the important point to keep before the student. If, through habit, you have thought that certain remedial agencies gave assistance, then use these sparingly until you gain sufficient Mastery to govern entirely by your “I AM Presence”.
I assure you that even though you think that this remedial agent has given you relief, it is still the same “I AM Presence’’ that has given the remedial agency the power to give you relief. For instance, I have watched the medical world for many centuries, and when one individual of so-called authority says that a certain remedy is no longer of use, it is but a short time until it disappears entirely.
The question within the mind of all thinking individuals is that certain herbs or remedial agencies have a certain natural chemical action corresponding to the element within the body. I say to you, what gives or makes the chemical affinity? The Power of your “I AM” which enables you to think!
Thus when you come to go round the circle of activity, you will find that there is only One Intelligence and Presence acting, and that is the “I AM” 一 God in you.
因此,当你围绕着这些活动转一圈时,你就会发现,只有一种智能和临在发挥作用,那就是“我是” —— 你内在的神。
Now why not look this Truth square in the face? Take your stand unwaveringly with the “I AM Presence” God in Action in you, and know that It is the only Life in you and all things or remedies to which you alone give power.
Is it not much better to go directly to this “Great I AM Presence’’ and receive Its All-Powerful, Limitless Assistance which cannot fail, than to give power to something that leads you around Robin Hood’s barn to get assistance from something in the outer to which you have given the power?
I know it is not easy for students to turn away from old, old habits or dependence upon certain remedial agencies; but a little thought and meditation upon this fact will simply compel the outer reason and dependence upon these outer things to give way completely before the “Great I AM Presence”.
There is no way of convincing the student upon this most vital of questions, except he apply the Wisdom and Knowledge with unwavering determination until he proves for himself the active Truth of these simple things. There is no one who can tell to what degree the student can apply this, for only he alone, by trying, may know. Many times the Inner accumulated energy is such that the student is amazed with the results when he begins to apply this.
The Oriental phrase for ,’I AM” is “OM.” That means the same thing that “I AM’’ is beginning to mean to the Western World. For Myself, I like very much the use of the “I AM” because Its very expression indicates “God in Action in the individual. “OM,” as understood by the Orientals, is a Universal Presence, and not nearly so apt to give the student the consciousness of the “I AM Presence’’ acting in the individual, as the use of “I AM.” This largely explains the reason for the condition in India today. Hundreds of thousands in India, through the confu-sion of many castes, have fallen into the error that the intonation of “OM” was all that was required in their lives. While this brings a certain activity in hundreds of thousands of cases, it does not bring the energy of that activity into the individual’s action, and so is of little benefit.
对于东方来说,与“我是 I AM”对应的词就是“OM”。这对西方世界开始使用的“我是”来说,意味着同样的事情。对于我自己来说,我非常喜欢使用“我是”,因为它的表达意味着“神在个体中运作”。东方人所理解的“OM”,是一种普遍的临在,并不像使用“我是”那样容易地让学生意识到“我是临在”在个体中的运作。这在很大程度上解释了印度当今状况的原因。印度有成千上万的人,由于众多种姓的混乱,陷入错误之中,他们认为“OM”唱诵就是他们生活中所需要的一切。虽然这在数万个案例中带来某种活动,但是它并没有把那种活动的能量带入个人行动之中,因此没有什么用处。
The method of the Ascended Masters throughout the ages from time immemorial has been the conscious use of the “I AM Presence,” the recognition and full acceptance of God in Action in the individual, which more and more brings into the individual the Full Intelligent Activity of the God Presence—the Godhead.
自远古以来,历代扬升大师的方法就是有意识地使用“我是临在”,承认并且完全接受神在个体中的运作,这会把神之临在 —— 神性的全然智能活动越来越多地带入到个体之中。
Those Orientals who have reached great attainment, which many of them have, have become aware of this True Activity through their sincere meditation.
Perhaps the simplest, most powerful single thing that the individual can keep himself reminded of is that when he says “I AM,” he is knowingly or unknowingly, setting into action within himself the Full, Unadulterated Energy of God.
Energy becomes power through conscious use. The fact that individuals are in human embodiment is the command to raise the world of the individual into Perfect Activity. When the consciousness of the individual is raised, everything in the world of that individual is raised into the Inner Activity.
“O Mani Padme Hum” really means God in Action in the individual. Use the “I AM” instead of OM at all times, because many of you have been embodied in an Indian embodiment. At one time you knew that use, and to prevent it calling forth a lesser use, use the “I AM” now to take you to the Full Height.
“O Mani Padme Hum”六字大明咒真正的意思是神在个体中的运作。在任何时候都去使用“我是”而不是OM,因为你们中的很多人已经在印度转世过。曾经你们知道它的使用,为了防止减少它的效用,现在请使用“我是”,把你带到全然的高度。
Whenever you say “I AM,” you are setting the Pure Energy of God into motion, uncolored by human concepts. This is the only way of keeping the pure energy of God uncontaminated by human qualification. Enormous results can be had in a short time by the determined use of these affirmations:
“‘I AM’ this Pure Inspiration.”
” ‘I AM’ this Pure ’Light’ right here in action.” (Visualize this through the body now.)
“‘I AM’ this Pure Revelation of everything I want to know.”
Hold the reins of power forever within yourself. People are afraid of just embracing the Great God Power and letting It operate. What is there to fear in God? Its operation is Pure and Perfect, and if you do not reach out to embrace the Great Pure God Power, how can you expect to use It and have Perfection? You must claim It for your own. To say: ” ‘I AM’ the Ascended Being I wish to be now” immediately enfolds the outer in That Raising Presence. ” ‘I AM’ my Eternal Liberation now from all human imperfection”. Realize who “I AM” is.
You have to use terms of explanation up to a certain point. Know: “This body is the Temple of the Living God and is ascended now.” The human side is such a doubting, criticizing Thomas. All instruction is but to give the individual student a chance to prove it within himself by applying and using the explanation of the “Law” given. Say often: ” ‘I AM, the Governing Power of this activity, and therefore it is always normal.” There is no human being in the Universe who can recognize this “I AM Presence” for another. In your recognition of this “I AM Presence’’ as who you are, every step you gain is a permanent accomplishment, and there can be no retrogression.
BENEDICTION: Thou Infinite, All-pervading Presence, whose Active Intelligence governs all who look unto Thee, fill each one who seeks the Light with Thy Mighty Inner Light. Hold each one closer and closer in the “Great I AM Presence” that It fills the world of everyone with Thy Great, Great Perfection; and that the consciousness of each individual desires only that Great, Great Presence and Perfection.
All jewels are a high activity of God’s Substance. The more intense the fire, the greater the purifying power. Gold does not long for nor adhere to anything else; all other metals or alloys cling to it. Gold is this way because it is of a pure element.
In all kinds of fuel activity there is at some point a golden flame. All consuming of outer substance at some point is always red, for the red color is the throwing off of the imperfection and impurity. If the impurity were not there, the substance would go from the outer immediately into the golden flame.
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, All-Pervading Presence! Thou All-Pervading “I AM”! We give praise and thanks for the happiness pervading those under this Radiation. We give praise and thanks that the Simple Key to Perfect Happiness may be given to bless and to anchor these Children of God into their own firm Dominion. We give praise for the harmony maintained within each student, and that they feel the necessity to continue it. We give praise that “I AM” everywhere present, controlling every outer activity and bringing it into Perfection.
I bring Greetings to you always.
That which everyone seeks is happiness, sometimes called bliss, and yet many who have sought so earnestly have unknowingly continued to pass by the key to this happiness.
The simple key to Perfect Happiness and its inherent sustaining power is Self-control and Self-correction. This is so easy to accomplish when one has learned he is the “I AM Presence” and Intelligence controlling and commanding all things.
Surrounding each individual is a thought-world created by him or her. Within this thought-world is the seed, the “Divine Presence,” the “I AM,” which is the only acting Presence there is in the Universe, and which directs all energy. This energy can be intensified beyond any limit through the conscious activity of the individual.
The “Divine Presence” within is likened unto the pit or seed of a peach; the thought-world around It unto the pulp of the peach. The pulp represents not only the thought-world created by the individual, but also the Universal Electronic Substance, ever present, waiting to be acted upon by the conscious determination of the individual—to be precipitated into his visible use as the form of whatsoever he may desire.
内在“神圣的临在”可以被比作桃核或桃子的种子,果肉可以比作环绕着临在的思想形态。果肉不仅代表了个体所创造的思想形态,也代表了一直存在的宇宙电子材质,它们处于待命的状态,等待着个体有意识的去下定决心 —— 从而以他想要的各种形态沉降至他能看到的使用之中。
The sure pathway to the understanding and use of this conscious power comes through Self-control. What do I mean by Self-control? First, the recognition of the “I AM Intelligence” as the only Acting Presence. Second, that knowing this, we know there is no limit to the power of Its use. Third, that individuals, having been given free will and choice, do create in the world about them whatsoever their thought, through their attention, is held firmly upon.
The time has arrived when all must understand that thought and feeling are the only and Mightiest Creative Power in Life or in the Universe. Thus the only way to the definite use of the full power of one’s thought and feeling, which is God in Action, is through Self-control—Self-correction—by which one may quickly reach the attainment, the understanding whereby he may direct and use this Creative Thought power without any limit whatsoever.
时间已经到来,所有人必须要理解,想法和情感是生命或宇宙中唯一最强大的创造力。因此,去明确使用一个人思想和情感全然力量,也就是运作中的神之力量的唯一方法,就是通过自我控制 —— 自我纠正 —— 这样一个人就会快速地取得成就,达成理解,从而可以没有任何限制地去引导和使用这种创造性的思想力量。
When sufficient Self-control is attained, it enables individuals to hold the thought steady upon a given desire, likened unto the flame of an acetylene torch held immovable. Thus thought and feeling held upon a given desire unwaveringly, with the consciousness that it is the “I AM Presence and Intelligence” thinking—that it is God in Action—then will they understand that they may bring into visibility, precipitate into visibility, whatsoever they desire.
当获得足够的自我控制时,它就可以让个人在某个意愿的想法上保持坚定,就好像是举着一把燃烧着的乙炔火炬,一动不动地。就这样,让想法和情感在一个确切的愿望上保持稳固,意识到,这是“我是临在和智能”在思考 —— 那是行动中的神 —— 然后他们就会理解他们会把他们想要的,不论那是什么,带入到可见领域,沉降至可见领域。
It has been proved in a thousand ways that the effect of a thing cannot bring happiness. Only by the understanding of the cause operating may the individual become Master of his world. Each individual, knowing that he is the Creator of his own world and what he wishes to have manifest in it, will understand that he has at no time any right to create anything discordant in another’s world. Thus is each individual left free to meet the effect of his own creative cause.
I rejoice exceedingly to see the success with which each student under this Radiation is coming into the Mastery and control of the outer self. Here I must say to them: Beloved Students! could you but understand and see the Magnificent Splendor of achievement before you through asserting Self-control over the outer activity, you would bend every effort, every moment to attaining Control and Mastery over all outer expression.
Thus will you be enabled to maintain the needed harmony through which the Inner Mighty Power of the “I AM Presence” is liberated into your conscious and visible use. Let us disabuse the minds of these beloved students of the sense of time, distance and space.
The Key which opens the entrance to all higher spheres above you lies in the simplicity and firmness of this Self-control. All students should dwell earnestly upon the Great Truth that: “Where your consciousness is, there you are, for ‘I AM’ everywhere. “
Long dwelling in consciousness that there was space, great distance, or that there is time, is all but the outer creation of man. Therefore, to step through this gossamer veil that separates your outer consciousness from its Full Inner Power and Activity is but a state of thought and feeling.
Those who are reaching to the “Light” so earnestly, desiring to live in and be “Children of the Light,” are dwelling constantly in these Higher Spheres. The beauty of these spheres surpasses the fondest imagination of the outer consciousness. When you enter them consciously and at will you will find all creation there just as tangible as your physical buildings are here.
To take your firm stand:” ‘I AM’ the Power of my complete Self-control, forever sustained” will make it easier for you to gain this Mastery. Students must be conscious that when they recognize the “I AM Presence” acting, it is impossible for It to be interrupted. or interfered with in any way. Know there is no time nor space; then the knowing of the vastness of Eternity is within your grasp. To enter a Higher Sphere than your physical world in full consciousness is but an adjusting or changing of your consciousness. How do we do this?
Answer: By knowing we are consciously there.
Affirm often: “Through the Power of the Electronic Circle which I have created, ‘I AM’ no longer touched by any doubts or fears. I joyously grasp the Scepter which ‘I AM’ and step boldly forth into any of these Higher Spheres that I wish, retaining perfectly clear conscious memory of my activity there.”
In this way one may quickly find himself enjoying Limitless Freedom and the Perfect Happiness of being active in any sphere he chooses.
To be aware of what is a thousand years in advance is as easily and readily attained, in fact more so, as going to your library in search of a book.
The great delusion the outer consciousness of mankind has built up, creating time and space in its belief, has been the great stumbling block to humanity’s Freedom.
Those who have reached the great disillusionment, that wealth, or the outer effect of things, cannot bring happiness, will understand with great blessing that within their own Creative thought, power and feeling are held Perfect Happiness, Perfect Freedom, and Perfect Dominion.
When the student once understands that whatsoever he connects himself with through his attention he becomes a part of to the degree of the intensity with which his attention is fixed, he will see the importance of keeping his attention off the seeming destructive angles of human experience, no matter what they are.
To discuss the seeming inability, shortcomings, or faults of your friends and associates but builds that element upon which your discussion rests within your own consciousness, and also adds to the appearance which seems to be in the other individual.
Because there are black magicians in the world, certain of God’s Children who are misdirecting and contaminating the Pure Electronic Energy of the “I AM Presence” is no reason why we should let our attention rest upon that fact, just because we are aware of it. Our business is to hold the attention free to rest within our own Self-control, compelling it by the conscious action to rest on whatsoever we choose.
Few understand that when their attention is called to some destructive thing, how much and how often they allow the attention to go back to it; or if another has displeased them in some way, how much and how often the attention returns to that incident—when they have the full power to control their attention and make it obey their command.
很少有人能明白,当他们的注意力被放在某些破坏性的事物上面时,他们会在多大程度上,又会有多频繁,允许自己的注意力重新回到那上面;或者,如果一个人让另一个人不高兴了,会在多大程度上,又会有多么频繁,让注意力重新回到不开心的事情上 —— 而他们完全有能力控制自己的注意力,让它服从他们的命令。
Few, even among earnest students, yet understand what a mighty power their faculty of attention becomes under their controlled use.
I wish so much to impress upon the students how foolish it is to be affected, displeased or disturbed by the imaginary activities of the ignorance of the outer self. When they once know: “‘I AM’ the only All Powerful acting Presence in my mind, my body and my world”. they cannot possibly be affected or disturbed by any of their associations in the outer world. They must know then that they are entirely immune from hurt or disturbance of the outer mind of other individuals, no matter what they try to do.
With this understanding, or by giving willing attention to this Great Truth, they will soon find a Peace, Happiness, and Self-control operating about them to such an extent that no outer condition, disgruntled comment or disturbance of their associates could in any wise disturb them, their world or their affairs. As soon as the individual becomes aware that he really has control of his own Creative thought, power, and feeling, then he knows positively that he can precipitate into his visible use, or bring into his use from the outer where it is already created, anything whatsoever upon which he holds his Creative thought and feeling firmly.
The moment that he is truly aware of this, he will know he is forever free from the need of the wealth of the outer world, or anything that the outer world can give. Thus has he entered into the Mastery and Dominion of his own world, the only world that is ever existent to him, and which is his God-given Birthright.
I assure you, there is no such thing as a supernatural world. As we step from this sphere of activity into another higher, that one becomes just as Real as this is. It is simply a different state of consciousness we have entered into.
To the joy, glorification and blessing of the mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, I will say that within one hundred years there will be hundreds who will be able to use the Cosmic Rays to cleanse their homes and keep them so; to weave their seamless garments when they will have no desire to follow the freakish styles created by some commercialized idea.
I find so many of the students wondering how it is that Ascended Beings or Masters, with all Their Creative Power, often choose to live in humble quarters. I assure you the explanation is very easy. The far greater part of Their Life and Activity is spent in the Higher Spheres in which they are directing Mighty Rays of Light to the Blessing of humanity— from Homes and Temples of Light and Wisdom so beautiful, so transcendent as almost to stagger the imagination of the outer consciousness. Those Homes and Temples are Eternal, ever becoming more and more beautiful. So They only spend a few hours in the visible world, which causes Them to lower the density of Their Transcendent Forms, that They may become visible to those yet occupying the physical body. If the students will understand this, it will save them much questioning and confusion in the outer expression—which time they can use in the Activity of the “Mighty I AM Presence”.
我发现很多学生想知道,为什么扬升存有或者扬升大师,尽管他们拥有所有的创造力,却常常选择居住在简陋的房间里。我向你保证,原因很简单。他们的生命和活动的大部分时间都花在更高的领域,在那里他们引导伟大的圣光射线,用来祝福全人类,那些伟大的圣光射线来自光与智慧的家园和殿堂,它们是如此美丽超然,会震撼外部意识的想象力。那些家园和殿堂是永恒存在的,并且变得越来越美丽。因此,他们只会在可见的世界中度过几个小时,这会让他们从他们的超然形态中降低振动频率,从而对那些仍然使用肉身的人可见。如果学生们明白了这一点,他们就会对扬升存有的外在表达减少很多疑问和困惑 —— 这些时间他们可以用在“伟大我是临在的活动”中。
This will bring them into that Transcendent State and consume the longing for the wealth of the outer world, which is but rubbish in comparison to the transcendent, Creative Power inherent in every individual. They can bring this Transcendent Power into their use through their own Self-control and Mastery. I say to you beloved students, Children of the One God, is it not worth your sincerest effort— when you know you cannot fail? Take your Scepter of the Mighty Creative Power and be forever free from all past, binding limitations which have beset mankind through the ages. I assure you that everyone who enters in to attain this Scepter and Mastery will be given every needed assistance, if each one will try with all his ability.
这会把他们带入那种超然状态中,转化对外部世界财富的渴望,因为这与每个人内在固有的超然创造力相比,外部世界的财富就像垃圾一般的存在。他们可以通过自己的自我控制和主宰,来运用这种超然的力量。我对亲爱的学生们讲,合一之神的孩子们,这难道不值得你付出最真诚的努力吗 —— 当你们知道自己不会失败?带着你伟大创造力的权杖,永远摆脱掉过去困扰人类多个世代的束缚限制。我向你们保证,如果每个人都竭尽全力去尝试,获得这权杖和主宰的每个人,都会获得所需要的一切帮助。
The one having the understanding of his Creative Ability must know that he can create whatsoever he will, in whatever rate of vibration he desires to hold it, whether it be Light, or any other condensation he may choose to maintain it.
You know you have the ability to change your thought from Chicago to New York in the same instant, and you know you can change your thought from a condition of Light to one of very dense condensation, such as iron. Then one cannot help but see that this which he does every moment, consciously and at will, he can bring into a more powerful use— by consciously fixing the attention and holding it upon what he desires.
你知道你有能力在一瞬间把你的思想从芝加哥切换到纽约,并且你知道你可以把自己的思想从圣光的状态转变为非常稠密的凝结状态,比如铁。然后一个人就会自然而然地发现,他在每时每刻,都可以有意识地,根据自己的意愿,把自己要做的事发挥出更强大的效用 —— 通过有意识地把注意力牢牢集中在他想要的事物上。
The attention is the channel by which God’s Mighty Energy, through thought and feeling, flows to its directed accomplishment. Because one has not yet precipitated something from the invisible, there is that lurking doubt, until some simple manifestation has occurred. Then his courage and confidence leap into dominion, and in the future he has no trouble in precipitating whatsoever he desires.
The precipitation of gold or jewel from the invisible to the visible is as simple as breathing, when once that foolish questioning doubt accumulated by the outer is consumed or pushed aside.
Mankind, through the centuries, has built up these walls of limitation. Now they must be broken up, shattered and consumed in any way that we can do it. At first it does take determination to do it, but when you know it is the “I AM Power” acting, you know It cannot fail. The outer only has to hold the attention fixed on the object to be made visible. Dwell on this, and all of a sudden you will find yourself into the activity, and you will be amazed that you dwelt so long without using it.
The length of the Ray from a precipitated substance or condensation of “Light” is controlled by the consciousness of the wearer. If the wearer’s consciousness is raised very high, the scintillation is very great.
The “Jewel of Light” is yet in its Transcendent State of Perfection. The jewel in a condensed substance such as a diamond, emerald, or ruby, naturally will take on the condition of its wearer. If the rate of thought vibration in the person wearing it be low, the jewel will become lusterless, while if the thought be transcendent, it will become very luminous.
When one has become a sincere student reaching to the Light, he must qualify everything in his environment with the Quality of the “I AM Presence” no matter what the appearance seems to be. You see, there cannot be a quality or an appearance in your world except what you give to it.
If fear causes you to believe in a disturbing presence, you are responsible for it, because if there were to be a disturbing presence and you qualitied it by the “I AM Presence, ” you see how impossible it would be for it to disturb you. There is only one energy acting, and the moment you acknowledge the “I AM Presence”, you have requalified that activity with Perfection.
Expectation is a very powerful qualifying consciousness to maintain. Intense expectation is a splendid thing. It manifests always. The individual, through the centuries, has created a veil through which he has shut out these Transcendent Spheres. If he has created it, which he has, then common sense and reason will tell one that he can uncreate it.
A Powerful Radiation has gone forth to yourselves and students with a powerful conviction that will be sustained—until they have this Work which is given today. To convey the simplicity, the ease and certainty with which the idea, through Creative thought and feeling, can be brought into visibility, is a thing the students should dwell upon. This will dissolve that feeling of “Can I?” and in its place put “I can” and “I know”.
一道强大的照耀已经向你们和学生们发送出,带着强大的信念,它会维系下去 —— 直至他们也学习到今天给出的这部分内容。创造性的思想和情感可以被带入到物质领域显化出来,这个真理简单、轻松而且确切。学生们要认真思考这件事情。这会消除“我可以吗?”这种疑惑的感觉,取而代之的是“我可以”和“我知道”。
If the students will keep themselves harmonious, from time to time they will have flashes that will give them all needed confidence. Add to all commands on going out of the body that you retain the conscious memory of whatever you experience. Stick right to a thing from the start and know that whatever knowledge you need will be forthcoming instantly.
When you allow the attention to become fixed upon a thing, you that moment give it power to act in your world.
BENEDICTION: Thou Great Happiness—the Mighty Presence and Power which “I AM”! I qualify Thee to go forth in the hearts of mankind, anchoring there and filling their minds, bodies and homes, filling them with Thy Great Happiness.
祝福:你那伟大的幸福 —— “我是”伟大的临在和力量!我让你进入人类的内心,锚定在那里,充满他们的心智、身体和家庭,让他们充满你伟大的幸福。
Open the door of their consciousness so that the Mighty Power which “I AM” can come forth in Full Perfection. O Mighty Presence! Hold the Children of Light, the Individualities of God, hold them close in Thy Embrace, letting Thy Quality flow forth in their command, filling them with Thy Great Peace. O Mighty Presence of Justice! Enter in and reign in all official places. Let the destructive intent of mankind be revealed, that it may be cast out and be consumed. Let the Fullness and Power of Thy Radiant Light enfold all, and Thy Glorious Transcendent Light fill all places.
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, All-Powerful, Active Presence—God! We ever grow in deeper praise, thanks and gratitude to Thee for Thy Life, Thy Light, and Thy Intelligent Power manifest everywhere in the Universe; for Thy Active Presence manifest in the mind, body, home, world and affairs of everyone.
祈请:你那伟大、全能的活跃临在 —— 神!我们对你显化在宇宙中那无所不在的生命、圣光和智能力量,给予不断增加的赞美、感谢和感激;因为你那活跃的临在表达在每个人的心智、身体、家庭、世界和事务中。
Enable us to understand and feel Thy Radiant Power, always active in our world, affairs, and business—knowing no single activity can go wrong; for Thou dost govern all action in Thy Love and Justice, guiding and regulating all.
让我们可以理解并感受到,你那闪耀的力量,始终活跃在我们的世界、事务和商业活动中 —— 知晓任何一项活动都不会出错;因为你以你的慈悲和正义,掌管着一切行动,指导和规范一切。
Thou Mighty Supreme Ruler of the Universe! whose Law is Justice, whose Power is Invincible! protect America in Thy Great, Blazing, Loving Presence. Reveal to the authorities of the United States of America any wrong activities.
“I AM” the Mighty Channel of Justice, claiming all now and for all time, that they serve only the cause of America and the Light of God. No human thought shall enter in. No human hand shall be raised against her, for she is sealed within the Love of the “Great Ascended Host of Light” forever.
Mighty God of the Universe! Thy Love, Light, Wisdom, Intelligence and Justice shall fill every office in the land; all political graft shall be wiped out forever, and Thou shalt reign through Thy Creation, through Thy Children, in Perfect Justice to all.
I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, ever watching over and ministering through Their Divine Radiation—to heal, bless, enlighten and prosper all who will accept.
我给你们带来伟大上主的问候,通过他们的神圣照耀,一直进行着守护和服务 —— 为所有向他们保持开放的人带来疗愈、祝福、启发和富足。
One of the great needs of individuals, and even of sincere students today, is to feel the necessity of giving time morning and evening to sincere meditation: to the stilling of the outer activity that the Inner Presence may come forth unobstructed.
Meditation really means — feeling—the Active Presence of God. Therefore, when one attempts to enter meditation, he cannot drag all the disturbance that has beset him during the day along with him. Therefore, consciously remove from the feeling and attention every disturbing thing, enter into your meditation to feel the “Presence of God,” and do not revolve your troubles. When the Statement was given: “Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free, ” it meant the recognition, acceptance and Activity of the “Mighty I AM Presence. “
冥想实际上意味着 —— 感受神的活跃临在。因此,当一个人进入冥想时,他不能把白天困扰他的所有那些干扰带入冥想。因此,要有意识地从感觉和注意力中移除所有扰乱你的事情,进入冥想中,感受“神之临在”,不要在你的烦恼中打转。有这样一句话:“去知晓真理,真理会让你获得自由。”这句话意味着对“伟大我是临在”活动的认可和接受。
First, know: “I AM” is the First Principle and absolute certainty of Freedom now. Second, know: “I AM” the active Presence, governing all manifestation in my Life and world perfectly. Then I have entered into the Truth which shall bring all Freedom. I must relate a thing that would be most laughable, if it were not really serious. You would chastise it and rebel considerably if your little pet dog continued to carry bones from the alley into your living room. You would think he were doing that which is very much out of place.
Do you know, Beloved Students of Truth, that when you allow your minds to dwell upon disturbing things or experiences, you are doing a great deal worse than bringing bones into the living room? The unfortunate thing with students and individuals which seems so difficult for them to understand is: never under any circumstances try to hold the water that has gone over the wheel.
In other words, the unpleasant experiences, losses, or any imperfection that has passed over your wheel of experience to the present time should never be held close to you. They have gone over the wheel—forgive and forget them. To give and forgive is Godlike indeed. For illustration: if an individual or group of individuals has gone into a business undertaking, and through lack of understanding, it has failed or gone to pieces, it is always because of inharmony in the mental attitude and feelings.
换而言之,那些不愉快的体验、损失或者不完美的经历,那些从你的体验之轮中已经滚动过去的所有事情,都不要一直把它们放在你的注意力中。它们已经滚动过去了 —— 原谅并释放它们。去给予和去宽恕的确是神一般的行为。举个例子:若是某个个体或团体承担起一项事业,由于缺乏理解,这项事业失败或溃散,这是因为心智的态度和情感存在着不和谐。
If every individual in such an association would take his stand—and hold it —that there was only God in Action, only the most perfect success would come out of it. Since the individual has free will, if he will not control his own thought and feeling, he will wreck things for himself and others. Such is the Great Law, unless every individual corrects his own thought and feeling, and keeps it so.
若是这样团体中的每一个个体都坚持自己的立场 —— 坚守这一点 —— 只有神在运作,其结果只有最完美的成功。因为个体拥有自我意志,若是他不去控制自己的想法和情感,他就会毁掉自己和他人的事业。这就是伟大的法则,除非每个人去纠正自己的想法和情感,而且要保持这种状态,否则就会失败。
Everyone who manifests in the physical form today has made plenty of mistakes—sometime, somewhere—so let no one take the attitude, ” ‘I AM’ more holy than thou” but each one’s first attitude should be to call on the Law of Forgiveness; and if he be feeling or sending criticism, condemnation, or hate to another of God’s children, a brother or sister, he can never have enlightenment or success until he calls on the Law of Forgiveness. Further than this, he must say to that person to whom he was feeling disturbed in any way—silently: “I send to you the fullness of the Divine Love of my Being to bless and prosper you.” This attitude is the only release and Freedom from the seeming failures of the outer activity.
现今,显化在肉身形态之中的人都犯了很多错误 —— 某个时间、某个地点 —— 所以任何人都不应该有这样的态度:“‘我是’要比你更加神圣”。每个人应该端正的首要态度就是转向宽恕法则,若是一个人对另一位神之子、他的兄弟姐妹散发出评判、谴责或者仇恨,除非他呼请宽恕法则,否则他永远不可能获得开悟或者成功。更进一步地,他还必须要对那位让他感到不安的人默默地说:“我向你发送我存在的全部神圣之爱,来祝福你,并给你带来成功。”这种态度是从外在活动的看似失败中解脱出来,重获自由的唯一方法。
For individuals to continually revolve in their minds and discussion a business or project that has disintegrated will surely in the end destroy themselves—if they do not face about, and through calling on the Law of Forgiveness find complete conscious release from the entire situation.
For an individual to hold an attitude of revenge for any seeming wrong, imaginary or otherwise, can only bring upon himself incapacity of mind and body. The old, yet wondrous Statement brought down to us through the ages: “Unless you are willing to forgive, how can you be forgiven,” is one of the Mightiest Laws for use in human experience. Oh that individuals and many students could only see how they hold to themselves the things they do not want by allowing the mind to revolve upon the discordant things which have passed and cannot be helped through the outer senses!
The greatest thing that all mankind is seeking in reality is Peace and Freedom, which is always the doorway to happiness. There is only one possible way to receive this, which is to know God—the “I AM Presence” —and that this Presence is the only acting Intelligence in your Life and world at all times. Then stand by this and live it.
全人类在现实生活中追求的最伟大的事情就是和平与自由,它们是通往幸福的途径。只有一种方法到达那里,那就是认识神 —— 也就是“我是临在”。这位临在是你生命和世界中唯一的行动智能。坚持这一点,并活出这一点。
One of the most amazing things that it has been My experience to witness—since coming into the Ascended State—is the distorted idea of Freedom, financially and otherwise. There is but one sure, certain rock upon which to build your eternal financial freedom, and that is to know and feel with every fiber of your Being: ” ‘I AM, the wealth, the opulence, the substance, already perfected in my world, of every constructive thing that I can possibly conceive of or desire. ” This is true financial freedom and will bring it as surely as it is maintained—and it will not get away, I assure you.
自从进入扬升状态以来,我所经历的最令人惊奇的事情之一,就是目睹对自由这个词的扭曲,不论是财务上的,还是其他的。只有一块确切的、确定的基石,让你可以建立自己的永恒财务自由,那就是用你存在的每一条神经去感受:“‘我是’我想到的、或者想要去做的每一件建设性事情的财富、丰盛和材质,这在我的世界已经完美。”这是真正的财务自由,并且它一定会带来它所保持的 —— 而且它不会消失,我向你保证。
On the other hand, man may use—knowingly or unknowingly—enough of this “God I AM Presence’, or God-Energy to accumulate through the outer activity millions of dollars; but wherein is his certainty of keeping it? I assure you, it is impossible for any Being in the physical world to keep wealth that is accumulated without his being aware that God is the Power producing and sustaining it. You see before you constant illustrations of great wealth taking wings overnight, as it were. Thousands within the past four years have met this experience. Even after the seeming loss had occurred, had they been able to take their firm, conscious stand: ” ‘I AM’ the wealth—God in Action—now manifest in my Life, my world,” the way, the door, would have immediately opened for them to have again received abundance.
另一方面,人类可能 —— 有意或无意地 —— 使用了足够多的“神之我是临在”,或是,神的能量通过外部活动积累了数百万美元;但是他确保这百万美元一直存在的确定性在哪里?我向你保证,若是意识不到神才是产生并维系财富存在的力量,那么物质世界的任何人都不可能保留下这积累的财富。你会看到不断出现的实例,巨额财富仿佛在一夜之间蒸发完。过去四年中,有数千人有过这种经历。但是,即便经历了表面上的损失,一个人仍然可以采取坚定的有意识的立场:“‘我是’财富 —— 运作中的神 —— 现在就显化在我的生命和我的世界中。” 然后,道路、大门就会立即开放,让他们再次获得丰盛。
Why do I say, “Again to have received abundance”? Because they had built the momentum and had attained great confidence. Therefore all requirements were at hand ready for further use; but in most instances, they allowed great discouragement—often hatred and condemnation—to enter in, which shut and locked the door to further progress.
为什么我会说“会让他们再次获得丰盛呢?”因为他们已经积攒了势头,获得了极大的信心。因此,所有的要求已经具备,可供进一步使用;但是在大多数情况下,人们会让极大的沮丧 —— 通常来说是仇恨和谴责 —— 进入,从而关闭和锁上更进一步的大门。
Now let me assure you, Beloved Children of God, there is no outer condition ever existed in this world so bad, so disastrous, but that there is the “I AM, ” the Active Presence of God with the Eternal Strength and Courage of the Universe, to again rebuild you into Freedom and independence, financially and every way.
I especially want the students who come under this Radiation to understand this, because in this day of falling thrones and governments, individual fortunes and otherwise, they need to know and understand if their wealth has flown away through ignorance of understanding, then the “I AM Presence” in them, God in Action, is the sure Rebuilder of their faith, confidence, wealth, or to whatever they wish to direct their conscious attention. Thus they allow this Mighty Inner Energy to flow into their desire—which is the only Power that ever accomplished anything.
我特别希望在这种照耀之下的学生能够理解这一点,因为在这个王位、政府、个人财富等等纷纷垮台的世代,他们需要知道并理解,如果他们的财富因为自己的无知而飞走了,那么他们内在的“我是临在”,运作中的神,定然是可以重新建立他们的信念、信心和财富,不论他们希望把他们的注意力导向哪里,“我是临在”都是重新建设者。因此,他们允许这种伟大的内在能量流入他们的意愿之中 —— 这是可以完成任何事情的唯一力量。
Every individual who has seemingly expressed a loss of wealth to any degree should immediately use the marvelous Statement of Jesus: ” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life of my business, my understanding, or whatever thing I wish to focus my attention on. “
I tell you frankly, Beloved Students and individuals, there is not the slightest hope for you in heaven or earth so long as you persist in holding within your consciousness thoughts and feelings of criticism, condemnation, or hate of any description, and that includes mild dislike.
This leads us to the very vital point that you are concerned only with your own activity and your world. It is not your province to judge another, for you do not know the forces playing upon another or the conditions. You know only the angle that you see of it, and I tell you that if an individual should be entirely innocent of any intent to wrong another, the individuals who send criticism, condemnation or hate to such an one are doing worse than committing physical murder. Why is this so? Because thought and feeling are the only Creative Power; and while such thoughts and feelings may not touch or harm their objective, they must return and bring with them the conditions sent out by the individual who sent them forth—and always with accumulated energy.
这把我们带向非常重要的一点:你只需要去关心自己的活动和自己的世界。评判他人不是你的职责,因为你不知道影响其他人或状况的因素是什么。你只知道你看上去事情的角度,我来告诉你,若是一个人完全没有任何伤害他人的意图,那么其他向这个人发送评判、谴责或仇恨的人,比实施人身谋杀更加糟糕。为什么如此,因为想法和情感是唯一创造的力量,虽然这些想法和情感可能不会触动或伤害他们投射的目标,但是它们一定会返回,并携带着发送这些能量出去的个体所限定的状况 —— 而且总是伴随着积累的能量。
So after all, the one who holds vicious thoughts to another is in reality but destroying himself, his business and his affairs. There is no possible way of averting it, except for the individual to awaken and consciously reverse the currents.
Let us go one step further. Throughout all ages, there have been business associations in which there were one or possibly two with the deliberate intent to do wrong, and through this association, a number of individuals absolutely innocent of any wrong intent have been imprisoned. I now tell you, as an Unfailing Law that cannot be changed, that the individual or individuals who cause innocent persons to be incarcerated—thus depriving them of their of action as God intended—will bring that exact experience which they have desired for another into their own experience, even unto the third and fourth embodiment following.
让我们更进一步。古往今来,总是有一些商业协会,其中会有那么一两个持有做错事的意图。通过这样的协会,就会有一些绝对无辜的、没有任何负面意图的个人被关押起来。我来告诉您,作为一则永远不会被改变的永恒法则,那些导致无辜之人被监禁的个体 —— 他们这么做剥夺了那些个体本应按照神去运作的权利 —— 因此会把他们让其他人遭受的这些确切体验带入到他们自己的经历之中,甚至可以携带到接下来的第三、第四次转世。
For Myself, I would rather a thousand times be deliberately shot down than to be the instrument of depriving any of God’s Children of their liberty. There is no greater crime reigning in human experience today than the prevailing use of circumstantial evidence, for in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it is afterwards found to be entirely wrong. Sometimes the Truth is never known to the outer senses.
So Beloved Students, let no one seeking the “Light” ever set himself up in judgment on another of God’s Children.
Again, supposing someone we love very much seems to be going all awry. What is the first thing the outer would do? As a rule, to begin sitting in judgment and criticism. The most powerful thing that can and should be done for such an individual by everyone who knows anything of the circumstances is to pour out all their Love and to silently know: ” ‘I AM’, God in Action, is the only controlling Intelligence and Activity within this brother or sister.” To keep silently speaking to that one’s consciousness is the greatest help possible to be given.
Many times to remonstrate verbally with an individual sets up a condition of antagonism, intensifying rather than erasing the activity which the silent work would be absolutely certain to accomplish.
No one in the outer consciousness can possibly know what the “I AM God Presence” in the other individual wishes to do. These are vital Truths that, if maintained, would bring very great peace into the lives of individuals. Many lives with their attendant business efforts are ruined because there is lurking within the consciousness of the individual judgment, condemnation, or a feeling of some degree of hatred toward another.
The student or individual who wants to leap ahead in the progress of the Light should never enter sleep until he has consciously sent Love to every individual whom he feels has harmed him at any time. This thought of Love will go straight as an arrow into the consciousness of the other individual—because it cannot be stopped—there generating its Quality and Power which will as surely come back to you as you send it out.
想要在圣光中取得进步的学生或个人,在他有意识地把爱发送给他认为曾经伤害过的个体之前,不要入睡。这种爱的思想会像一只箭头一样,射入到另一个人的意识中,因为它无法被阻止 —— 在那里产生爱的特质和力量,正如你发出它时那样,它也一定会回到你身边。
There is perhaps no single element responsible for so many diseased conditions of body and mind as the feeling of hate sent out to another individual. There is no telling how this will react upon the mind and body of the sender. In one, it will produce one effect; in another, still a different effect. Let it be here understood that resentment is but another form of hate, only of a milder degree.
A very wonderful thought to live in always is: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Creative Thought and Feeling everywhere present in the minds and hearts of individuals. ” It is a most marvelous thing. It not only brings rest and peace to yourself, but releases limitless Gifts from the “Presence. “
Another is: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Law of Divine Justice and Protection acting in the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere. ” You can apply and use this with enormous force and power in every way. Another is: ” ‘I AM’ Divine Love, filling the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.”
As you think on this, you will understand what was done when this home was made a Radiating Center of the “Active Presence of God.” You will suddenly come into a realization of the gigantic application of this. Everything in the Life experience of humanity can be governed by the “I AM Presence”. The use of the “I AM Presence ” is the Highest Activity that can be given.
When you say “I AM,” you set God into action; but there is a lot more to it which you will come to realize—when you feel and know the enormity of the use of this Expression. Realize the Enormous Power of the “I AM” to act in things of this kind. ” ‘I AM’ the God Power Almighty.” There is no other power that can act. When you say and feel this, then you liberate and loose the Full Activity of God.
Another Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the conscious memory of these things.” Also: ” ‘I AM’ the conscious memory, use and understanding in the use of these things.”
When you say: “The Presence that ‘I AM’ clothes me in my Eternal Transcendent Garment of Light,” it actually does take place that moment,
“The Secret Place of the Most High” is this “I AM Presence”. The Sacred Things that are revealed to you are not to be cast forth, for they are as pearls. Know always: ” ‘I AM’ the perfect poise of speech and action at all times. ” Then the guard is always up, for: ” ‘I AM’ the Protecting Presence.”
God’s Energy is always waiting to be directed. Inherent within the expression of the “I AM” is the Self-sustaining Activity. Then you know there is no time. This brings you to the instantaneous action, and your precipitation will soon take place. Always preceding a manifestation you will feel that absolute stillness.
BENEDICTION: We give thanks, “O Mighty I AM Presence,” for having entered into Thy Secret Place. Let Thy Wisdom govern at all times the dispensation of Thy Light. Let Thy Wisdom guard and direct our minds and bodies at all times, that they always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O Mighty I AM Presence”—we know we are always charged at all times with Thy Mighty Energy, and that It accomplishes all perfectly wherever it is sent.
祝福: “噢,伟大的我是临在” ,我们感谢进入了你那奥秘之地。让你那智慧时刻主宰着你那圣光的分配。让你那智慧时刻守护并指导我们的心智和身体,让它们总是同你处于完美的校准状态。当你被呼请着进行行动 —— “噢,伟大的我是临在” —— 我们知道我们始终被你那伟大的能量充满着,不论它被发送到哪里,它都能完美地完成一切。
Legal affirmations: For the one not in the midst of the case, take this Statement:
” ‘I AM’ the Law. “
” ‘I AM’ the Justice.”
” I AM’ the Judge. “
” ‘I AM’ the Jury. “
Knowing that: ” ‘I AM’ ALL-Powerful” then I know that only Divine Justice can be done here.
知晓:“ ‘我是’无所不能的,然后就会知晓,在这里实现的只有神圣正义。”
INVOCATION: Mighty Luminous Presence! “I AM” the Conquering Power. “I AM” the Radiant Splendor Filing everything in manifestation. “I AM” the Life flowing through all manifestation. “I AM” the Intelligence governing all activity, Inner and outer, making it One Perfect Activity. Out of Thy Light, “Mighty Presence which I AM” all things are precipitated into form. “I AM” the Exhaustless Energy governed by Thy Wondrous, Infinite Intelligence. Light the Illumining Center within these bodies who come under this Radiation. Expand that Light into the Full Illumination of the body and mind, raising it into Thy Active, Perfect Eternal Garment.
Mighty Light! send forth Thy Rays into the hearts of mankind, into all official places, commanding Justice, Illumination and Perfection of Thy Self to express, bringing relief, release, and Light unto humanity; and by Thy Governing Principle, command all things in the outer human activity to give obedience. I bring you Greetings from the Great Host of Loved Ones, who always watch and minister to those whose devotion reaches unto them.
From out the centuries of activity we have arrived at the focal point where the experiences of ages come into instantaneous action, where all time and space become the “One Presence, ” God in Action now.
Knowing that it is the Presence of God, “I AM,” that beats your heart, then you know that your heart is the Voice of God speaking; and as you come to meditate upon the Great Truth: ” ‘I AM’ the Supreme Intelligent Activity through my mind and heart, ” you will bring the True, Dependable, Divine Feeling into the heart.
So long mankind has been loving on the periphery of the circle. Once the student becomes really aware that “God is Love,” and Love’s True Activity comes through the heart, he will understand that to focus his attention on the desire to project Love forth for any given purpose is the supreme privilege of the outer activity of the consciousness—which can generate Love to a boundless degree. Mankind has not previously understood that Divine Love is a Power, a Presence, an Intelligence, a Light, that can be fanned into a Boundless Flame or Fire; and it is within the conscious intelligence of every individual, especially students of the Light, to so create and generate this “Presence of Love” that It becomes an Invincible, Exhaustless, Peace-commanding “Presence” wherever the conscious individual desires to direct It.
长久以来,人类一直爱在圆圈的边界。一旦学生真正意识到“神就是爱”,爱的真正活动来自内心,他就会明白,把他的注意力放在为了既定的目标发送爱的意愿上,是意识外在活动的最高特权 —— 它可以产生无限的爱。人类之前并不理解,神圣之爱是一种力量、一种临在、一种智能、一种光,可以被扇动燃烧成无限的火焰;是每个人内在有意识的智能,尤其是圣光的学生,创造了并产生这种“爱之临在”,不论有意识的个体想要如何去引导它,它都会成为一种无敌的、无穷尽的、命令带来和平的“临在”。
Somewhere it has been said that Love may not be commanded. I say to you: ‘‘Love is the First Principle of Life and may be generated to any degree, or without any limit whatsoever, for Infinite use.” Such is the majestic privilege of the conscious use and direction of Love.
When I say “generate” I mean the opening of the door through conscious devotion to the outpouring of this exhaustless Fountain of Love, which is the Heart of your Being—the Heart of the Universe.
当我说“产生”这个词,我的意思是,通过有意识地奉献给这个取之不尽的爱之源泉来敞开大门,这是你存在的核心 —— 宇宙的核心。
Students, by contemplating this Infinite Power of Love, become such a fountain of Its outpouring that Its conscious direction may be Infinite in the student’s use.
When My beloved students wish to hasten their liberation from certain events or outer activity, I can but say: “ ‘I AM’ the Commanding ‘ Presence’, the exhaustless energy, the Divine Wisdom causing my desire to be fulfilled’’. This will bring the quickest release from any undesirable condition that the very Law of your Being will permit. Knowing this, you may further know: “The ‘ Presence that I AM’ I now remain, untouched by disturbing outer conditions. Serene, I fold my wings and abide the Perfect Action of the Divine Law and Justice of my Being, commanding all things within my Circle to appear in Perfect Divine Order.”
This is the greatest privilege of the student and should be the Command at all times. Here I shall say something that should be very encouraging, and I trust it will. Each student who is earnestly striving for the Light is being toughened as you make the toughest steel, which wears the longest, holds the best, and is the strongest. Such is what the Life of experience brings to the individual. When one craves to be released and still there appear trying experiences, it is the toughening of the steel of character and the strengthening of the individual that gives him at last the Perfect and Eternal Mastery over all outer things.
One may, with the right understanding of this, easily rejoice in the experience which is enabling him to turn to and bask in the Glorious, Wondrous “I AM Presence’’. Thus, Beloved Students, you should never grow weary of well-doing, nor meeting the experiences that sometimes seem to weigh heavily upon you; but rejoice that every step forward leads to that Eternal Goal which does not have to be repeated.
This is what me thinks the student often forgets to use: “ ‘I AM’ the strength, the courage, the power to move forward steadily through all experiences, whatever they may be, and remain joyous and uplifted, filled with peace and harmony at all times, by the Glorious Presence which ‘I AM.’
To the athlete on the race track, the beginning of the race is glorious anticipation; but as he reaches the goal and his adversary draws near, he puts forth every effort, his breath becomes short, and with one last leap, he crosses the line to victory. So it is with students on the path. They know in the use of the “I AM Presence” they cannot fail. Therefore, all that is necessary is to tighten your belt, gird yourself for whatever is required, and with a wave of the hand to your adversary, bid him farewell.
More fortunate than the athlete, the student knows from the beginning that he cannot fail, because “I AM” the Exhaustless Energy and Intelligence sustaining him or her.
The Power of Precipitation, the student should understand and remember at all times, is within the “I AM Presence’’. “I AM” here, the Life Principle and Intelligence in this body. “I AM” everywhere, even unto the Heart of God, the Governing Intelligence of the Universe, Therefore, when I wish to precipitate anything whatsoever, I know: “I AM” the Power acting; “I AM” the Intelligence directing; “I AM” the Substance being acted upon, and I now bring it into visible form and my use.
The contemplation of this phrase just expressed will enable the student to enter into this Activity without strain or anxiety.
The question that so often confronts the students in the Power of Precipitation is that of money. The first question is, “How is it that money may be precipitated without interfering with the government allotment?’’ Since the creation of money as a standard of exchange, gold being its standard and heart, so to speak, and the security of all issue, it will be remembered that there have been almost a countless number of disasters in one form or another through which gold and the issue of money have been, to the outer sense, destroyed. Billions of dollars in this manner have disappeared. Therefore with any money, and it is usually gold that is precipitated, there is no danger of passing the limit set by a government for its use. Again, there have been billions of Spanish gold and denominations of other countries that have been burned, lost, submerged at sea, etc., to the extent that Precipitation would have to run into great numbers before there would be any question as to its legality. More often however, gold is precipitated in its natural state, therefore always legal in its use.
As the world has recently offered a premium for more gold production, why not precipitate it and bless the world by its use? But I shall not hold myself responsible for the questions that will be asked when you do precipitate it, unless you have a mine from which you can supposedly have brought it forth, for you have no idea what the curiosity of the outer mind is until you call its attention to gold. I assure you, the outer is immediately set on fire. However: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence’ governing it.”
The supposed demand to know the source of gold is but a subtle form of inquiry that someone else may discover your source. My idea would be to answer their inquiry that it is none of their business. Simply say: “Here is the gold. Test it. If it is not one hundred percent, you may refuse it. If it is, you are compelled to receive it by the laws of your government.”
You will understand, Beloved Students, that it is only in the outer activity of the physical world that you require a medium of exchange, for the moment one rises into the Power of Precipitation, he has little use for gold or money or any kind of exchange, except as incidents may require.
As one by one you come into the Ascended State, you will have many a hearty laugh over the seeming importance of these outer problems of the physical, or outer world, for they are all but the “maya,” which means but constant change. Remember, there is only one thing in the Universe that is permanent, real and Eternal. That is the “I AM Presence,” God in you, which is the Owner, the Creator, and the Intelligence governing all manifested form. Then to know that you are that “Presence,’’ that “I AM Presence’’ places you, Beloved Student, independent of all outer manifestation.
Do not misunderstand Me. I know you have to come into this Understanding sufficiently, but if you are sincere, have dauntless determination in your recognition of the “I AM Presence,” God in Action in you, you will find yourself, even to the outer sense, quickly rising into that Dominion and Independence in which you can say to all outer things, “Is it possible thou didst once disturb me?” Some of you have had an inkling of how gross and coarse all outer form seems when once you are liberated from it. To your finer, Higher Sense, it seems incredible that you could have inhabited and still are inhabiting and using a form so gross and imperfect. Had you long ago recognized, claimed, and rejoiced in the “I AM Presence” as you are doing today, these outer forms would have become so refined that you could have come back to them with very great grace. However, one has but to rejoice at every step of attainment and every step he hopes to attain, because hope becomes faith, and faith becomes Reality.
Now Beloved Students, under no circumstance allow the experience of the outer to pall upon you, but in this recognition, rejoice every day, every hour, every minute that brings you nearer to the goal of Freedom and release from limitation—that Freedom you have so longed for and so much desired.
亲爱的学生们,任何情况下都不要允许外在的体验干扰到你,而要为自己处于这种认知中的每一天、每一小时、每一分都感到高兴,这会让你更加接近自由的目标,并且从限制中解脱出来 —— 这是你长久以来一直渴望的自由。
The Light is growing very bright within some of you. Continue on with that calm, dauntless determination to scale the heights, for: ” ‘I AM’ that Great Presence sustaining you, and you cannot fail.” You know the old phrase used to spur one on, and especially among soldiers, was to tell them they were cowards, and “yellow.” Now Beloved Students, I say to you: you are not cowards, but you are yellow with the Golden Light of Truth, of Dominion, of Mastery over all outer things which have bound you; and with one Mighty Surge of the ‘I AM Presence’ you break every binding chain, shatter all sense of limitation, and stand forth in your Freedom, the Glorious, Radiant, Majestic Being that you really are.
I like very much to use the Statement: “ ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there”; and if you will contemplate it, you cannot help but overcome the sense of separation.
The student is more or less uncertain, which always brings anxiety, and anxiety makes tension. As you come into the Higher Activity, you will become more and more relaxed.
Always take the attitude of calm poise when anything should manifest. Always be happy and rejoice in the Presence; but there is always the balance to be maintained—it is the Middle Way. Hold yourself within this Center Poise. One can rejoice as deeply in a calm poise as he can in overexuberance. The calm poise conveys a certain something to others that they need, for every human being needs poise and the conscious realization of the necessity of calmness and poise, because it never leaves one off guard. Poise has within it a certain power of Self-control and guard which is very essential.
不论发生什么事情,都要带着冷静沉着的态度。永远在临在中感到快乐和欣喜;但是这里有一种平衡要去维持 —— 中庸之道。让自己处于中心的平衡状态。一个人可以在深沉的泰然自若中感到欣喜。一个人也可以在过度兴奋中开心。泰然自若的态度向他人传递出一种他们所需要的特定东西,因为每一个人都需要沉着,并且有意识地意识到平静和沉着的必要性,因为它永远不会让人放松警惕。泰然自若中有一定的自制力和警惕性,这是非常重要的。
You will be not only delighted but amazed at times at the marvelous things that will come with it. Use: “ ‘I AM’ the Perfect Poise which controls everything.’’ When you use the “I AM Presence’’ be sure to keep it as a permanent thing.
Each one try this, and if you do not feel results at first, just go on, for you certainly will as you use it more and more: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence charging this water with the Life-giving Essence which I absorb and which renews my body in Perfect Health and Eternal Youth. ” Affirm often: “ ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there, ‘I AM’ the conscious action everywhere. ’’ To discordant activities say: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence preventing this. ‘I AM’ the positive, peaceful control of this whole situation.”
In the “I AM Consciousness” is the Wisdom that knows what is required. Know always that: “ ‘I AM’ the controlling, governing Presence of this meeting or situation.’’
There is nothing comes into physical form which is not first perfected on the Invisible, or Higher Planes.
The students should not discuss this Instruction, but just rejoice in living It themselves. If they will do this, they will receive so much more from It, because there will be no conflicting vibrations to disturb them.
BENEDICTION: Wondrous Presence of the God “I AM”! We give praise and thanks for this feeling of the certainty of Thy Presence that is growing within the consciousness of these students under this Radiation. We rejoice in the Great Light of Thy Presence enfolding each one, which goes forth unto all humanity, changing all discord into Love and Peace. We thank Thee.
INVOCATION: From out the Great Silence, O Thou Luminous Brother! We welcome Thee and Thy Ministry unto America; and as Thou hast put forth Thy Opening Wedge this day, so shall those under this Radiation become aware of Thy Presence —O Thou Great Light that illumines all earthly minds, making them aware of the One Eternal Presence, the One Intelligence governing all the activity that “I AM,” individualized everywhere.
祈请:来自伟大寂静之中的、发出光明的兄弟!我们欢迎你,欢迎你的主宰来到美国,当你的圣光绽放时,那些在这种照耀之下的人们会意识到你那临在 —— 噢,你伟大的光芒照亮了所有尘世的心智,让他们意识到合一永恒的临在、主宰着所有活动的一种智能,就是“我是”,它个体化的表达是无所不在的。
We give praise and thanks that there is but One Intelligence governing everywhere, and the duty of the student always, no matter what the appearance, is to accept only this fact; and that he becomes a radiant channel to pour out this Truth like a gushing stream, pouring itself forth to the Great Ocean of Life. We give praise and thanks that out of the Silence has come another Presence who will bless, lift and enlighten humanity. By the Power which “I AM” and the accumulated Wisdom and Energy of the centuries, I project forth into the minds of humanity this day that Intelligent Activity which will guide them aright and control them to act accordingly.
By the “I AM,” the “Universal I AM,” the Great One, I command this Power to act in all mankind.
I bring you Greetings from the Great Host and the Great Master Himalaya.
The Master Himalaya: This is the first time that the Presence of this Luminous Brother has been brought to the knowledge of the outer world. It is He from whom the Himalayan Mountains receive their name. Thus, ever since these have been raised into prominence, have they been a Sacred, Unchanging Stream of Life—held unwaveringly. Hence those souls who came within their embrace were caught up and lifted into that Luminous Radiant Form—where They have long sent forth Their Rays of activity to heal and bless mankind.
上师喜马拉雅:这是第一次,这位散发光明兄弟的临在被带入到外在世界的认知中。喜马拉雅山脉就是以他的名字命名的。因此,自从这些得到重视以来,他就成为了神圣不变的生命之流 —— 坚定不移地保持着。因此,那些进入他怀抱的灵魂会被拥抱着提升进入闪耀灿烂的形态中 —— 在那里,他用长久以来一直散发着的活跃圣光来疗愈和祝福人类。
As the destiny of India and America are entwined as two vines encircling the “Tree of Life,” so again this day has the Radiant Help come forth to try and blend in harmony the minds of America, that its progress proceed unhampered and uninterrupted.
Today there are in America thousands who have been reborn from India, and there are being reborn in India thousands from America—each to bring its interblending, balancing process required in both sections of the earth.
今天,有成千上万印度人转世到美国,又有成千上万的美国人转世到印度 —— 每个人都带来地球上这两个地区所需的互相融合和平衡的过程。
This Great Being who has been introduced to you, has after many centuries in the “Great Silence” again stepped forth to exert that conscious blending process of Spirit and manifestation; to hold forth the Chalice, that Its Heart may be filled with the Liquid Fire of Spirit, pouring forth into the hearts of mankind, creating that fullness of desire within them for greater and greater Light—looking to and depending upon the One Great Source of Light, “I AM,” God in Action everywhere.
这位已经介绍给你们的伟大存有,在许多世纪过后,从“伟大的寂静”之中再次站出来,来表达灵性和物质层面有意识的融合过程,举起圣杯,让它的内心充满圣灵的液态之火,倾洒到人类的心中,在他们内在创造出对越来越强大的圣光的全然渴望 —— 让他们看向并依赖合一的伟大圣光源泉,“我是”无所不在的神之行动。
The entrance of this Great Presence again into the activity of mankind will spread like a thread of Light through all the activity of America and expand Its Luminous Presence like a Mantle of softly falling Golden Snow. It will be absorbed by the minds of humanity, the majority being entirely unaware, although there will be some who will sense the Inner Penetrating Presence.
If those under this Radiation continue in their present harmonious, beautiful progress, it will be possible shortly to bring to their attention certain activities of the nerve fluid which will hasten their Mastery over the outer form. It means the Mastery over all conditions that seem to bind or limit.
I shall be surprised if your students do not feel the strength, if they do not feel the Presence of this Great Being today. Even as I speak, His Rays go out to them, touching the heart of each one, and I feel their thrill of Joy, they not knowing just what it means.
Watch carefully, each of you and your students, to be on guard to reverse all negative conditions that appear to the senses. On the lesser things for practice, if the senses report you cold, reverse your consciousness and assert your warmth. If the senses report too much heat, reverse it with a sense of perfect, normal coolness. If the senses report to you ecstatic joy over certain enlightenment, say: “Peace, be still” and assert your calm poise and assurance. The ideal in all sense reports is to move in the middle way, the balance always asserting the Calm Mastery of control which “I AM.”
This will enable the establishing of a steady, flowing stream of creative ideas and energy from the Heart of the Great Central Sun—from out which has come this Great Being, the Master Himalaya. This will enable you to receive and use immensely more of that Radiant Energy which He pours forth. The reason for drawing your conscious attention to Him has been that if you understand what it means, you may receive without limit from His Energy, besides what you draw forth by your own conscious effort.
这样做会让来自伟大中央太阳核心的创造性想法和能量建立起稳固持续的流动 —— 也是从这里诞生出这位伟大的存有,喜马拉雅上师。这样做会让你能够更多地接收和使用他倾洒出的闪耀能量。把你有意识的注意力导向他,是因为若是你理解这意味着什么:你除了可以通过自己有意识的努力来汲取能量外,还可以从他倾洒的能量中无限接收。
The students must at all times understand that the Masters do not come to them of the students’ choice, but that they have been chosen to receive the Radiance, a privilege for which words are entirely inadequate to convey the true meaning that can truly only be felt or visioned. Again they should understand that the Master’s province is not to assume their responsibility by solving their problems for them, but to convey intelligent understanding which they may apply in their own lives to solve their own problems. Thus they gain the needed strength, courage and confidence to continue to reach up step by step, gaining their own Conscious Mastery over the outer self and the outer world.
Always at certain points of growth (expansion), We hear students call out, many times with great sincerity: “Great Masters, help us to solve our problems. For encouragement and strength, I wish to say that far more than one has any concept, is the Radiating Presence of the Master pouring out Strength, Courage, Confidence, and Light—which in most instances the students are quite unaware of in the outer sense consciousness. There is only one way in which anyone with wisdom can be of permanent help, and that is to consciously instruct his brother or sister in the simple laws by which one may wield the scepter, gain the victory, and attain to Full Dominion over the outer self and his world.
在成长过程(拓展)中的某个点,我们经常听到学生多次真诚地呼请:“伟大的导师,请帮助我们解决我们的问题。”我想说的远远超越个人的理解,因为鼓舞和力量是由扬升大师照耀的临在倾洒出的力量、勇气、信心和圣光 —— 在大多数情况下,学生外在的意识不能对这些产生觉知。只有一种方法可以让有智慧的人获得永久性的帮助,那就是使用这些简单的法则来有意识地指导他们的兄弟姐妹,这样他们就可以举起权杖,获得胜利,并获得对外部的自己和外在世界的完全掌控。
To do the thing that the student requires in solving his problems would not only retard his progress, but weaken him immensely. Only by asserting one’s conscious strength, winning victories—and thereby attaining confidence which comes in no other way— does the student enter into the fullness of his own powers. With the powerful, masterful use of the Consciousness of the “I AM Presence the student goes forward with absolutely no uncertainty to his goal of Victory.
(扬升大师)若是去完成学生解决问题时需要做的事情,这样不仅会阻碍学生的进步,而且会极大地削弱他的成长。只有坚持通过自己有意识的力量去获得胜利 —— 才能获得使用其他方式不能获得的自信 —— 学生才能充分把自己的力量发挥出来。通过对“我是临在”意识强大而又熟练的掌握,学生才能确定地朝胜利的目标前进。
The reason We have not and do not say more to the student concerning the Assistance that We may be giving is to prevent his leaning upon an outside source. To say or do that which would cause the student to lean upon Us because he knows of our Presence would be the greatest mistake We could make; but the student need never fear, and he should know that every Assistance possible is always given, according to the point of attainment he has reached.
The “I AM Presence the Host of Ascended Masters, the Ascended Jesus Christ, are one and the same thing. Through the recognition and use of the “I AM Presence, ” I tell you, you can positively bring forth any quality you wish into the outer conscious manifestation—if you will but do it.
“我是临在”,扬升存有和扬升大师的本质是一样的。通过认可并且使用“我是临在”,我来告诉你,你可以积极地把你任何想要的品质显化在外在的意识中 —— 如果你想要这么做的话。
The need of everyone is to keep reminding the outer consciousness that when one says: ” ‘I AM’ this or ‘I AM’ that he is setting God in Action, which is his Life individualized, the Life of the Universe, the Energy of the Universe, the Intelligence at the Heart of the Universe governing all. It is necessary, it is vital, to keep the outer reminded of this fact. With this consciousness, the joyous enthusiasm of the student should increase continuously. There should at no time be a pall in the joy of its use, because it is positively the road to Full Mastery.
The student must become firmly aware that he or she is the Conscious Controlling Power in his Life, in his world, and that he can fill it with any quality that is needed or that he may choose.
The students who have intermittent physical disturbance in the body should take the consciousness often: ” ‘I AM’ the perfectly controlled breath of my body,” and should, in connection with this, feel themselves, as often as they can, breathing in that rhythmic breath. This will bring about a certain balance of breathing which is immensely helpful in the control of the thought.
Sincere students should whenever possible avoid listening to things that are disturbing, for in doing this they often let in unknowingly, elements they do not desire. Where they cannot with discretion avoid listening to things of this kind, they should use the following: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence on guard here and consume instantly everything that seeks to disturb.” Thus you will not only protect yourself, but help the other person as well. While the student should at no time fear anything, it certainly is necessary to keep up the conscious guard until he has attained sufficient Mastery to control his thought, feeling and receptivity.
From the Golden City comes this limitless charge of energy for the Blessing of the students of this Radiation, as well as those of mankind who are looking to the Light.
Try to keep as much as possible in the joyous enthusiasm of the “I AM Presence”. Give It all power, and do not hold any questioning in the mind. Throw everything to the winds; give everything to that “Glorious I AM Presence” and receive Its Magic Revelation. It is the Mighty, Miracle-Working Presence that can and does solve all things, not only problems, but questions whose answers need revealing. A remarkable Statement that would be enormously helpful to the students would be to say: “ ‘I AM’ the Miracle-Working Presence in everything I require to have done.”
For students to keep meditating and contemplating what it means to say “I” or “I AM” brings results, revelations and blessings that cannot be overestimated. I am sure your students will soon begin to show and feel the remarkable activity of this use. Today I feel the Presence of the understanding and use of this much more powerfully than at any time hitherto.
On the Higher Planes there is a constant meeting and exchange of help while the bodies are asleep, far beyond anything the outer self is conscious of.
Knowing that: ” ‘I AM’ the quality of whatever I wish to use”, then you know you can produce in visible, tangible form whatever you have within the consciousness. The moment the questioning of the outer mind can be put under control and made to subside, the greatest revelations pour forth, almost tumbling over each other.
Owing to the need, the Master Himalaya chose to come forth. He brings a special blending of America and India, and that is why it is possible for Him to come here. As the Inner Presence comes into action, all outer activity subsides. It must necessarily, because it obeys the “I AM Presence”.
The Golden Snow is what the Great Presence spreads over America —to be absorbed by individuals and the very particles of the atmosphere itself. This will enable the students especially to be greatly assisted and blest, because they have become the focus for this Outpouring.
金黄的雪花是伟大临在在美国上方的倾洒 —— 被个体和大气的颗粒所吸收。这尤其会让学生们得到巨大的帮助和祝福,因为他们成为了这次倾洒的聚焦点。
It may be well for the students to understand that in national requirements, as in individuals, there are qualities needed for certain definite purposes at certain times. That is the reason for Special Great Beings coming forth, these Individuals having predominant the quality that the nation needs at a given moment. The students who can take this Understanding with great sincerity will find a New Element entering into their lives which will benefit them greatly.
The activity of expectation is quite a vital one in receiving from the Inner Presence. It is a faculty that can be used with a great deal of benefit by the student who cultivates it. For instance, if we have planned something from which we expect great joy, we feel all buoyed up with expectancy. We can acquire and use this same expectancy in elements we wish to acquire and use, for it is very helpful in enabling them to come forth. If one calls on the phone and you are to meet that one in the city, you expect to meet him. If you desire to meet the Masters, one requirement is to expect to meet Them. That is very helpful. Why not expect to meet Them now?
People have become so abnormal in their habits that naturally they have interfered with their breathing as well as other things. To use the Statement: ”‘I AM’ the balancing-breath” will do a great deal more for them than the use of many breath exercises without the aid of an Ascended Master. The coming amazing Activity will be done by the use of the ‘‘I AM Presence,’’ because with Its use, anything can be accomplished. Take the consciousness often: “‘I AM’ the balancing-breath. ” This sets in motion the Inner Activity that maintains the outer Perfection. In whatever you do, always take the “I AM Consciousness” and then you immediately set It into motion.
Take the attitude of calm certainty in your mind, and keep on keeping on.
BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty Presence whom We in great joy have welcomed, We thank Thee for Thy Great Wondrous Radiance and Light, Thy Great Radiance and Conquering Power; and We trust that Thou mayest decree Justice now and for all time to mankind.
Saint Germain: I shall have to journey on.
Q. Where are you going?
Q. Which one?
A:The Golden City.
It is clothed in the Electronic Substance and is just as tangible to you as the physical. Within the Light of the Golden City are Lights that are as much brighter than the surrounding radiance as these physical lights are in this atmosphere.
Within all Light at certain points is consciousness focused. At those points it becomes illumination. Suppose this room were the Great Sun. It has an atmosphere. The individuals moving within it would have their own Radiance about them, the same as the lights in this room.
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence, Thou All-Pervading Intelligence! Thy Love, Wisdom and Power govern all things. Thy Divine Justice is ever operating in the lives and worlds of those who look to Thee with unfailing determination.
We give praise and thanks that Thou art the Ruling Power and Governing Intelligence ruling all things.
We give praise and thanks that in our world Thou art the ever-sustaining, Invincible Power. We thank Thee.
God always finds a way to help those whose hearts reach out to Him.
The seeming mysteries of Life with their attendant experiences are, when rightly understood, blessings in disguise; for any experience that causes us to turn more firmly to the One Active Presence, “I AM,” God in Action, has served us a wonderful purpose and blessing.
The unfortunate situation in which personalities find themselves exists because they are constantly looking to outside sources for Sustenance, directing Intelligence, and for the Love that is the Supreme Presence and Power of the Universe.
It matters not what the conditions are that we face, at no time must we lose track of or allow ourselves to be drawn from the Great Truth that: “Love is the Hub of the Universe upon which everything revolves. “This does not mean that we shall love inharmony, discord, or anything unlike the Christ, but instead we can love God in Action, the “I AM Presence” everywhere present; for the opposite of hate is Love, and one cannot hate in any sense without having loved deeply. The Admonition that Jesus gave was truly this idea.
Each human being is a power, and is intended to be the governing principle of his Life and world. In the recognition that within each human being is the “I AM Presence of God” ever acting, then everyone knows that he holds within his outer hands the Scepter of Dominion, and should use his conscious determination in knowing that the Invincible Presence of God is, every moment, the Intelligent Activity in his world and affairs. This keeps the attention from becoming fixed on the outer appearance, which is never the Truth unless illumined by the “I AM Presence. “
No matter what the problem is to be solved in the individual’s Life, there is only One Power, Presence and Intelligence that can solve it, and that is the individual’s recognition of the All-powerful Presence of God—with whom no outer activity may interfere— unless the individual’s attention is knowingly or unknowingly drawn from his central recognition and acceptance of the Supreme God Power.
不论一个人生命当中有什么问题要解决,只有一种力量、临在和智能可以解决它,那就是一个人对神之全能临在的认可 —— 任何外在活动都不能干扰他 —— 除非这个人的注意力有意或者无意地从他对至高无上的神之力量的认可和接受中转移出来。
The Principle of Life, always active, is ever striving to pour Itself forth into expression, thereby producing Its Natural Perfection; but human beings, having free will, consciously or unconsciously qualify It with all kinds of distortion. The individual who stands with his attention fixed firmly on the “I AM Presence” on God and with God, becomes an Invincible Power with which no outer manifestation of mankind can interfere.
In the recognition of: ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there,” friends wherever needful will be raised up to one’s assistance, for: ” ‘I AM’ the friends brought forward whenever and wherever it is necessary”. The release from all outer dominion or interference can only come through this recognition of the “I AM Presence,” God in Action in the individual’s Life and world. Many times this requires strong determination to hold unwaveringly in this Presence when appearances seem to be dominating. However, such is never really the case.
The old saying, “An individual is never licked until he gives up,” is quite true, for as long as an individual looks with full determination to God in himself as the Governing Intelligence, there is no human activity that can long interfere. The Mighty Outpouring of Light flowing about each individual— through the activity of the vision, and knowing of Its Presence—can be made as invincible as a wall of steel about one, in fact more so.
Ever down through the centuries have the majority of mankind given their attention to the outer appearances, thereby inviting all kinds of discord and distress; but today there are thousands who are coming to understand the God Presence within themselves as Absolutely Invincible, to the extent that they are steadily being raised above the injustice, discord and inharmony of the outer creation.
Until mankind or individuals hold their attention on the “I AM Presence” God within, long enough and with sufficient determination, they will find themselves surrounded by the undesirable; but through this “I AM Presence” each one has the power to raise himself above the discord and disturbance of the outer creation.
At first it does take determination to hold fast when the seeming storm clouds hang low and the outer appearance seems overwhelming; but with a dynamic conscious attitude and the attention fixed upon the Presence of God within, it is like the lightning flashing forth from within the storm clouds, penetrating and dissolving the storm that seems so threatening.
As one advances, he finds himself becoming more and more Invincible to this outer creation of mankind which brings such great distress.
The Statement of Jesus: “Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free,” was perhaps one of the simplest and greatest Truths to ever be uttered; for the first fundamental of knowing this Great Truth to which he referred was to know that you have within you this Invincible Presence of God. If you know that and are certain of It within your own consciousness—I mean by that, standing with firm determination in the face of everything—then you know you do have that Presence within.
耶稣的声明:“认识真理,真理会让你自由。”这也许是有史以来最简单最伟大的真理之一,因为他提到,了解这个伟大真理的首要根基,就是知晓你内在有着这位不可战胜的神之临在。若是你在自己的意识中知晓并且确定这位临在 —— 我的意思是,以坚定的决心用它来面对一切事物 —— 那么你就会知道,你内在的确存在着这位临在。
Your next step is to take your stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Illumining, Revealing Presence, and no outer activity that I need to know can be withheld from me, because ‘I AM’ the Wisdom, ‘I AM’ the Perception, ‘I AM’ the Revealing Power bringing everything before me— that I may see and understand, and be able to act accordingly.”
你的下一步就是要采取这样的立场:“‘我是’启发性的、揭示性的临在,外在活动不能阻止我需要知晓的,因为‘我是’智慧,‘我是’感知,‘我是’把一切带到我面前的揭示力量 —— 从而让我知晓和理解,并采取相应的行动。”
It is so easy, when you once understand that: “‘I AM’ the Only Intelligence and Presence acting” to see how you have the Scepter within your own hands, and through this “I AM Presence” you can compel everything you need to know to be revealed to you. I assure you, this is not in any way interfering with the free will of any other individual.
It is time that the Children of God who are looking to the Light awaken to this Dominion. I assure you, it is no wrong nor mistake to claim and demand your own. In doing this you are not in any way interfering with any other individual.
If at any time there are those who through their outer activity attempt to take from you that which belongs to you, then it is your right to command through the “I AM Presence” that the whole condition be adjusted and your own brought to you. In this we must be very careful that when we have set the Divine Law into motion and Divine Justice begins to take place that we do not become over-sympathetic and thereby interrupt the action of the Law.
When human beings are governed entirely by the outer self, and when they have no consideration for the Power of God which gives them Life, they are easily led to commit any kind of injustice; but does that mean in any sense that you shall allow them to do it in your world? Not when you know that you have the Mighty Power of God within to command and demand right and justice from everywhere.
I want to cite you an instance: One of my students was going through a very trying experience, and the nature being very spiritual, I told her to demand right and justice. She did as advised, and presently things began to happen to those who wished to do her injustice. Through kindness of heart she began to relent and wish that she had not demanded justice. She came to Me and said, “What am I to do?” I said with no uncertainty, “Stand by the decree that you have issued. You are not responsible for the lessons these individuals have to learn who have wronged you, so let them get their lessons and be undisturbed.”
When individuals start to do wrong, that moment they set in motion the Great Universal, or Cosmic Law of retribution, and they can no more avoid retribution striking them sometime, somewhere, than they can stop the action of the planets. To the innocent victim, retribution sometimes seems a long time coming, but the longer its arrival is delayed, the more powerful it acts when it does arrive. There is no human being in existence that can avoid this Law.
Many times students and individuals have thought that something could be imposed upon them. Such, I assure you, is not the case. The only way one can open himself to undesirable thought is by entering into condemnation and hate. If he has done this, he has generated the thing in which he believed. The student who knows the Power of God within himself need never fear anything from anyone. The individual may, if he or she choose, experience the Fullness of the Activity of God in his Life and world. It is simply a matter of choosing what you shall have. If you want peace and harmony, know: ‘‘ ‘I AM’ the Power producing it.” If you want adjustment in your affairs and world, know: ‘‘’I AM’ the Mighty Intelligence and Power producing it, and no outer activity can interfere with it.”
From out the seeming mystery of Life’s ceaseless activity there is the Illumining Presence of the “Mighty I AM Within” that stands ever ready to bless you with untold, inconceivable Blessings—if you only let It. How do you let It? By the joyous acceptance of the Mighty Presence, that you have this Mighty Power within you; and then do not hesitate in every detail of your activity, no matter how small it seems, to call It into action; for there is no energy in the Universe but God to act through your consciousness, your mind, your body, your world.
在看似神秘的生命永不停息的活动中,存在着“内在伟大我是”的照耀临在,它一直屹立在那里,随时准备着用数不尽的、不可思议的祝福来保佑你 —— 只要你让它这么做。你如何让它这样做?通过在喜悦中接受伟大的临在,你内在就有了这种伟大的力量;然后,不要在你活动的每个细节上犹豫不决,不论它看上去多么微不足道,都要呼请临在进入运作之中;因为除了神的力量,没有其他能量可以通过你的意识、你的心智、你的身体和你的世界进行运作。
Say often: “I AM the Presence” in everything you wish to have done. This opens the way for the Power of God to act and bring you justice. Have no sympathy for the outer that in its ignorance does the wrong thing, whether in yourself or someone else.
Keep calm and serene, knowing: “God is the only Intelligence and Power acting in your world and affairs”. “I AM” in you is the Self-sustaining strength and healing, manifesting in your mind and body. This keeps you in greater attunement. Face God! And the Energy always surges forth to command every situation. Individuals who understand this Law are not subject to injustice and the conditions which the outer selves of other beings try to impose upon them.
Keep the outer reminded of this often. Be sure always within yourselves that there is only the Presence and Power of God acting in you and your affairs. Keep using the statement at all times that: “There is nothing hidden that is not revealed to me.” This is always necessary. However, no matter what individuals want to do, your safeguard is always to pour out the Love of God to them.
When individuals try to enjoy something through injustice, without question, they never enjoy it, for they always lose some faculty by which they could enjoy it.
Other personalities always have the same privilege to stand with God that you do, and if they do not choose, that is not your business.
God is the All-knowing Presence and Power, knows and discovers all things. You may say for another:
“Mighty Master Self, the ‘I AM Presence’ within this individual, come forth in Thy Conscious Power, with Thy Mighty Insight and Foresight, with Thy Wisdom and Directing Intelligence; and see that all things are adjusted for her, and that she is given the peace and rest she so much deserves. ‘I AM’ the Commanding Presence directing and commanding this to be done, and it is done now. Lift the consciousness into the Full Dazzling Light, where she may see and know the repose, rest and beauty that is hers by her own creation and service.’’
It is a mistake to let sympathy draw you into conditions that are very destructive. Take the stand: “ ‘I AM’ the only Presence acting there.”
For helping those who have passed on through so- called death: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence holding that individual in the sphere where he belongs, teaching and enlightening him. “
If the student can get the correct idea of pouring out the Love to his own Divine Self, he will receive complete relief from every discord. To perfect conditions say:
“‘I AM’ the Presence there—governing and healing the situation.”
“‘我是’临在 —— 在那里主宰和疗愈状况。”
Mankind in general and the doctors have distorted things pitifully. The individual who wants to rise into the “God Presence” and live there needs the energy he wastes. The very energy individuals waste is the force and strength by which they are enabled to hold fast to the “God Presence.” This Energy is the Life they need to enable them to turn and hold steadfast to the “God Presence.” When the outer self has for centuries used Life’s Energy to create wrong conditions, that waste of the energy becomes a wide-open drain upon the consciousness of individuals.
Doctors are responsible for much of this terrible condition, for they teach the gratification of the sex appetite, and that is the greatest avenue of waste with which human beings have to contend. This is what makes it impossible to hold fast to the “God Presence” long enough to attain the Mastery. It is ninety-five per cent of the cause of old age and the loss of sight, hearing and memory—as these faculties only cease to function when there is no longer a stream of this Life Energy flowing into the cellular structure of the brain. You cannot tell this to individuals until they have had such hard knocks that they are almost desperate with the misery of their own creation before they will listen to you. The will is absolutely nothing without this Life Energy.
医生们对这种可怕的状况负有大部分责任,因为他们教导去满足性的欲望,而这是人类必须要去面对的最大的能量浪费。这就是为什么不可能长时间地坚持“神之临在”、一直到达主宰状态的原因。这是导致衰老、视力衰退、听觉和记忆丧失的95%的原因 —— 因为只有当生命能量不再流入大脑的那些细胞结构中时,这些能力才会停止运作。你还不能去告诉那些人这一点,除非他们遭受了非常沉重的打击,让自己近乎绝望地陷入自己创造的苦难之中,然后他们才会愿意倾听你的话。若是没有这种生命能量,意志不会起作用。
There is only one possible way to change anything which has been created and directed into a wrong channel. The attention is what holds it fast to the wrong use or expression of it. Instantly direct the thought to the Higher Self. Many people get the idea that they can control it by sheer force of will, through compulsion. This cannot be done, for you but dam it up, and it only breaks out somewhere else.
The only permanent way to overcome it is to change the attention and rise out of it. Use the Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the Governing Presence of this Energy and the only Power that can raise it. ‘I AM’ the Presence raising and transcending it, and that action is forever Self-sustained. “
Know: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence doing this, and therefore it is done now, for God’s Activity is always instantaneous.”
In any wrong condition, the first thing to do is to call on the Law of Forgiveness. Remember that when a thing has been set in motion or energized, it simply acts.
The physical body is the vehicle for contact with the sense world. When nearing the point of precipitation, continue on using the physical vehicle for doing the ordinary physical service. There is the Inner, the mental, and the physical world. The physical body has been created to act in the lower rate of vibration and is the natural vehicle provided.
To direct and handle physical objects by the mind alone needs an accumulation of Electronic Force in the Electronic Circle of the individual. When using the energy below the Ascended State, this consciously generated energy is held within the Electronic Circle which surrounds every individual to a more or less degree. This accounts for some individuals seeming to have a limitless amount of energy, for that which is accumulated in one lifetime is carried over into the succeeding lives.
Perhaps one of the most unfortunate things in which human beings live is the man’s so-called legal right to bind another individual in the sex activity when the other wishes to rise out of it.
Even in the ignorance of the outer mind, some natures have a powerful development of the Love Activity. The Pure Love of God never goes below the heart. True Love never requires sex contact of any kind. The Great Ascended Host of Light are ever with those who want to do right. Send your thought out to Them, and you shall always receive help.
You have an Invulnerable, Invincible Power when you know you have the recognition of the “I AM Presence. “
The Law of Forgiveness is the wide-open Door to reach the Heart of God. It is the Keynote and Hub on which the Universe turns.
BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty, Infinite Presence of God! We give praise and thanks for Thy ceaseless Ministry. We call Thy Blessings, Thy Wisdom, Thy Intelligence to act through each one, giving peace of mind, peace of body, and joy of heart, to go forth the Ruling, Conquering, Victorious Presence over all things. We give praise and thanks that the “Mighty Presence I AM, ” God in Action, governs all official places, causing Thy Perfection to be ever-operative and Self-sustained in Thy Name and through Thy Presence.
INVOCATION: Thou Majestic Presence, Infinite Creator of all there is, the “Great I AM,” visible and invisible, manifest and unmanifest! We rejoice in Thy Great and Mighty Presence —that Thou hast made us aware of Thy Limitless Power, Thy Infinite Intelligence, Thy Eternal Youth and Beauty. We give praise and thanks that we have become so aware of Thy Great Opulence, Thy Great Abundance, that we feel It like a mighty river in our hands and use, Thou Mighty Endless Source! Thou Ceaseless Stream! Thou hast made us aware that: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Power of Precipitation. ” We bow before Thee in adoration and full acceptance of Thy Mighty Presence and Power.
祈请:你那威严的临在,万物的无限创造者,“伟大的我是”,可见的和不可见的,显化的和未显化的!我们在你那伟大临在中欢呼 —— 你让我们意识到你无限的力量、你无限的智能、你无限的青春和美丽。我们赞美和感谢,因为我们已经意识到你伟大的丰盛和富饶,我们感觉你伟大无尽的源泉、你源源不断的溪流就像流经我们手中的河流供我们使用!你让我们意识到:“‘我是’沉降的伟大力量。”我们在尊崇之中向你鞠躬,全然地接受你伟大的临在和力量。
I bring you Greetings from the Great Host; and the Great Light of the Illumined Ones is growing rapidly stronger.
“‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life”!
“‘I AM’ the Energy you use in every action. “
“‘I AM’ the Light, illumining every cell of your Being. “
“‘I AM’ the Intelligence, the Wisdom, directing your every effort.”
“‘I AM’ the Substance, omnipresent, without limit, which you may use and bring into form without any limit.”
” ‘I AM’ Thy Strength—Thy Perfect Understanding.”
” ‘I AM’ Thy Ability to apply it constantly. “
” ‘I AM’ the Truth that gives you now Perfect Freedom. “
” ‘I AM’ the Open Doorway into the ‘Light of God that never fails. ‘ “
“I give praise I have entered into this ‘Light’ fully, using that Perfect Understanding. “
“‘I AM’ Thy Sight that sees all things visible and invisible. “
“‘I AM’ Thy Hearing, listening to the Bells of Freedom, which I hear now’’
“‘I AM’ Thy Ability, sensing the most ravishing fragrance at will.”
“‘I AM’ the Completeness of all Perfection you ever wish to manifest. “
“‘I AM’ the Full Understanding, Power and Use of all this Perfection.”
“‘I AM’ the Full Revelation and use of all the Powers of my Being which ‘I AM’.”
”‘I AM’ the Love, the Mighty Motive Power back of all action. “
“我是”爱,所有行动的强大驱动力。 ”
I wish to give the most kindly warning to the students under this Radiation to watch every feeling— that at no time anyone accept a feeling of jealousy at the progress of another. Each student must always remember that he has no concern whatsoever with the other students, except to know that: ” ‘I AM’ the God Presence there in action.” For one student to wonder and question in his own mind about the progress of another is most retarding, and it is never admissible.
我想向在这种照耀下的学生们发出最善意的警告,要留意每一种感觉 —— 任何时候一个人都不要去接受对其他人进步的妒忌感。每个学生必须永远记住,他不要去担心其他的学生,除了知晓:“‘我是’那里神之临在的行动”。对于一个学生来说,在自己的头脑中去怀疑和质疑另一个学生的进步是最大的阻碍,而且这是绝对不允许的。
Each student must understand that his only concern is the harmonizing, quickening, and expansion of his own mind and world. The sooner students understand that the one imperative demand of the Great Law of their Being is harmony of the mind and feelings, the quicker will Perfection manifest. Without this being maintained, they cannot go beyond a certain state of progress.
每个学生都必须明白,他唯一关心的是他自己的心智和他所在世界的协调、加速和扩展。 学生越早理解他们存在的伟大法则之中的迫切要求,心智和情感的和谐,完美就会越快显现。 如果不保持和谐,他们就无法超越某种进步中的状态。
As soon as the students realize this and begin to use the “I AM Presence,” commanding the harmony and silence of the outer activity, they will find that they can see, feel, and be the Perfection which they so much desire. When students and friends have a deep, sincere Love for each other which is not inquisitiveness, that Love is the greatest blessing and uplifting power. Here is one criterion by which a student may gauge himself at all times, determining what is the power acting.
If one feels critical, inquisitive or out of harmony toward a person, place, condition or thing, it is a sure signal that the outer self is acting, and the right attitude is to correct it immediately. Everyone, especially students, must realize that they have only one thing to do, and that is to feel, see, and be Perfection in their own worlds.
This is so very important is the reason I am stressing it so much at this time —because as students begin to experience unusual manifestation through their efforts, there is always that suggestion at first which will say to the individual: ” ‘I AM’ able to use the Law better than the other person.” This, you know without My saying it, is a mistake.
这一点非常重要,所以我才在此刻如此强调它 —— 因为当学生开始通过他们的努力体验到不同寻常的表达时,最初总是会出现这样的声音对这个人说:“‘我是’可以比其他人更好地运用这法则。”这一点不用我说,你也知道它是错误的。
One cannot long use the Statement “I AM, ” even intellectually, until he begins to feel a deeper and deeper conviction that: ” ’I AM’ all things. ” Think often what these two marvelous Words mean, and always couple with the use of these two Words the Statement that: “When I say ‘I AM,’ ‘I AM’ setting in motion the Limitless Power of God in whatever couple the expression ‘I AM’ with.” In the scriptural Statement: “Before Abraham, was ‘I AM’, ” Abraham represents the outer expression of Life, and “I AM” represents the Principle of Life which was expressing through Abraham. Thus there was the Perfection of Life—before any manifestation ever occurred; and thus is Life without beginning and without end.
My Beloved Students, My Heart rejoices exceedingly in the nearness with which some of you are feeling the conviction of this Majestic Presence, “I AM,” which you are. Do your utmost to feel calmly, serenely, and if you cannot see it otherwise, shut your eyes and see Perfection everywhere. More and more there will come to you proof of the marvelous Presence of this Truth. You will hear, feel, see, and experience that marvel of all marvels—which as children you have lived in—miracles performed.
我亲爱的学生们,我心里非常高兴,因为你们中的一些人感受到了这个庄严临在,也就是真正的你,“我是”的确信感,。尽最大努力去感受平静、安宁,闭上你的双眼,去看到无所不在的完美。会有越来越多的证据表明这个神奇临在存在的真实性。你会听到、感受到、看到并体验到所有奇迹中的奇迹 —— 你从小一直就活在奇迹中 —— 活在创造的奇迹中。
There have been written for your benefit descriptions and explanations of the use of this “Mighty I AM Presence.” You who hold fast to the Truth will come into the threefold action: seeing, hearing and experiencing these so-called miracles—miracles until you understand their operation, and then majestic simple Truths which you may forever apply, when once understood.
With all My centuries of experience, I cannot help but say to you as encouragement that My Heart leaps with joy at the nearness with which some of you are grasping the Scepter of Dominion. Go forward, My Brave Ones. Do not hesitate. Grasp your Scepter of Dominion! Raise It! for: “I AM” the Scepter, the Quenchless Flame, the Dazzling Light, the Perfection which you once knew.” Come! Let Me hold you in My strong Embrace, that where there have been so long two, there will only be one —”I AM.” “I AM” the Knower, the Doer, the Perfection expressed now.
我用自己几个世纪以来的经验,忍不住对你们说,作为鼓励,我的内心因为你们中的一些人紧紧握住这主宰的权杖而欢欣。前进吧,勇敢的人们。不要犹豫。抓住你的主宰权杖!举起它!因为:“我是”权杖,是不灭的火焰,是闪耀的圣光,是你曾经知晓的完美。“来吧!让我用我强有力的怀抱拥抱你,一直以来那里都是有两个,现在将只剩下一个” —— “我是”。“我是”知者、行者,是表达的完美。
I again speak to the individuals wanting so much to have their problems solved. There is only One Presence in the Universe that can or ever does solve any problem, and that is the “I AM Presence’’ everywhere present. Beloved Ones! Let me say in all kindness, there is no use just seeking to have a problem solved, because where one was, a dozen may appear; but when you know the Perfect Attitude is to enter into the “I AM Presence,” knowing It is the Unquestionable Solver of every problem, you will, as surely as “I AM” telling you, cause all problems to disappear; for where you live constantly, calmly and with sufficient determination in the “I AM Presence” instead of having many appear where one has been solved, you will have entered into the State where there are none.
I command the Power in these Words today to cany to everyone who hears or reads them the True Conviction and Understanding back of them.
For the Brain: “ ‘I AM’ the quickening of the cells of this (my or your) brain structure, causing it to expand and receive the Intelligent Direction of the Mighty Inner Presence.”
You must know that you have the power through the “I AM Presence” to consciously qualify your thought in whatever way you will. There is naught to say what you shall do, for you are a Free Being of Free Will. If you could be conscious of every thought that passed through your mind for six weeks and keep it qualified with Perfection, you would see the most amazing results. Say often: ” ‘I AM’ the Master Within, governing and controlling all my thought processes in full Christ Perfection as I wish them to be.”
Blessing and holding others in the Light: When you bless others, or visualize them in the Light, there is a double activity of the quality you send out. In doing this there is a certain amount of protection that is the automatic result, but the thought and quality in the Light and blessing registers principally within one’s own consciousness, and at the same time intensifies that quality in the one to whom it is sent.
Take the eternal stand that: ” ‘I AM’ what I want to be.” You must use the “I AM Presence,’ consciously always. Rarely, even among students, have they realized deeply what the “I AM Presence” meant. Only occasionally has any real comprehension of the “I AM” come forth—except in the Retreats of the Ascended Masters. Jesus was the first to stress it to the outer world. I urge you earnestly, do not give any consideration to the element of time. Manifestation must come instantly when you give the “I AM Presence” freedom enough. Go on, apply, know, and let the “I AM Presence” take care of the element of time.
要采取这样永恒的立场:“‘我是’我想成为的。”你必须始终有意识地使用“我是临在”。即使在学生中,他们也很少深刻地意识到“我是临在”的含义。只有偶尔才会出现对“我是”的真正理解 —— 就是在扬升大师的静修之处。耶稣是第一个向外界强调这一点的人。 我恳请大家,不要去考虑时间的因素。当你给予“我是临在”足够的自由时,显化必须立即到来。继续这么做、去应用、去了解,并让“我是临在”来处理时间因素。
When you make a declaration of Truth and stick to it, you must receive. The outer has no power of itself at all. Its duty is simply to know that the “I AM Presence” is acting. Sometimes, without being aware of it, the outer self is looking for the time of manifestation.
I can convey to you the conviction and the feeling that when you command as the “I AM Presence,” Almighty God moves into action.
Remember at all times that when you are dealing with personalities you are dealing with the outer human creation, and you have all right and power to command its silence and obedience, whether it is in your own outer self or someone else’s.
If you will count ten before you speak, you can control all sudden impulse, and back of this is a Mighty Law which can help the student immensely. When there is a sudden impulse, there is a release, or rushing forward of accumulated energy. If there be anger, then the energy is instantly qualified with it, or with destruction of some kind.
The power of Self-control would say: “Only God’s Perfection goes forth.” This will handle any condition of uncontrolled impulses with which the individual is contending. When the student has already let something go forth that is undesirable, then the thing to do is to consciously consume it—instantly.
获得自我控制的力量,去说:“出现的只有神之完美。”这会处理掉这个人正在应对的所有失控冲动的状况。当学生释放一些不想要的东西时,那么要做的就是有意识地去转化它 —— 即刻去这么做。
The constant use of “God bless this” directed to in-animate things brings amazing accomplishment. The easy way to see and feel Perfection is to qualify every thought and feeling going forth with Perfection. When an impulse comes to do anything, instantly qualify it with Perfection.
Story of the engine in a small town: The whistle is the warning; the “I AM” is the control of the engine.
The ordinary human being would not think of running over children and killing them, yet he releases wrongly qualified energy in thought, feeling, and words that kill the higher impulses in others. If your personality is not controlled and governed, it has the same qualities as all other outer selves or personalities, but your “I AM Presence,’ is the Perfect Control of it.
There is nothing more tragic in the world than for one person to hold the thought of limitation over another human being. A thought of imperfection driven at a sensitive person sometimes limits that one for years, and many times the results are very tragic. We must all give everyone his complete freedom mentally. If you speak of freedom for yourself, be sure and give it first to everyone else. When there is a condition in another that you wish to help, use the following: “‘I AM’ the Perfect Manifestation there.”
The principle within both energy and substance is the same. Substance holds energy within it naturally. The heart center of substance is Intelligent Action. Vibration in its natural state is pure, always. Vibration is energy in action and must be qualified.
The pulsation in all substance is the “Breath of God” acting. Think when breathing: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Energy of every breath I breathe. ‘I AM’ the pure atmosphere of my world.”
所有物质的脉动都是“神之呼吸”的运作。呼吸时请思考:“‘我是’我每一次呼吸的完美能量。 ‘我是’我世界的纯净环境。”
Form the habit of constantly qualifying your world with Perfection. The old habit of thinking imperfection has filled your world in the past. Now the important thing is to be Self-conscious that you are filling your world with Perfection all the time. Stand on your feet the first thing in the morning and say with feeling: ” ‘I AM’ the Presence filling my world with Perfection this day.”
养成不断完善你世界的习惯。过去认为不完美的旧习惯已经充满了你的世界。 现在重要的是要自觉地意识到你的世界一直充满完美。早上第一件事就是站起来,带着这种感觉说:“‘我是’临在让我的世界在这一天充满了完美。”
Do not be concerned about personalities. To take the stand: ” ‘I AM’ Perfection acting through any official” would impel the ‘I AM’ Power and Action there.
The first thing in the morning, say: “I qualify everything in my world this day with Perfection, because ‘I AM’ Perfection. I qualify this mind and body with Absolute Perfection and refuse acceptance of anything else.’!
“‘I AM’ the Miracle, and I AM’ the Presence compelling its manifestation through Divine Love, Wisdom and Power.”
When individuals come and ask about certain use of the Law, always preface your statement with: “You are an individual of free will, but this is the way I feel about it.”
What is required for the expansion of the Light of one person may be entirely different from that for someone else. You cannot expand so long as you have an opinion about anyone else. It is stifling to your own progress. There is a time comes with everyone when he must stand up and face himself, his outer creation, then say this: “Whatever there is of imperfection left in me has to get out. “
Your constructive desire is God in action doing the thing.
Your desire holds the Power or energy of the “I AM,” through the attention on the thing you desire to do.
” ‘I AM’ the Full Revelation and the Perfect Application for precipitating what I desire, and I do know what is the Perfect Thing to do in the outer self while precipitating.”
Say often: ” ‘I AM’ the precipitating ‘Presence’ of this thing.” Do not be anxious; just know it with calm certainty. When you are conscious of the “I AM” acting, you know it is moving forward. Do not let in the sense of disappointment — rather, say:
经常去说:“‘我是’让这件事情沉降的‘临在’”。不要焦虑,只需要带着冷静的确信去知晓这一点。当你意识到“我是”在运作时,你就知道它在向前推进。不要表现出失望的感觉 —— 而是要这么说:
“’I AM’ the Perfect Harmony of my thought, feeling and action.”
BENEDICTIN: Out of Thy Pure Essence, we receive now and forever Thy Strength, Thy Wisdom, Thy Understanding Application of Thy Great and Marvelous Laws, that we may produce and maintain Thy Perfection in each Life, mind, body, home and world.
In a recent newsreel there have been pictured certain chemical activities and how to use this chemical action upon flowers to qualify them with the desired fragrance. Instead of raising them in the earth, they are growing them in water with excelsior over the top. This shows how near the chemists and scientists are coming to bringing things forth direct from the Universal. This shows the “Inner Activity” coming into conscious, definite use—or the activity held in Consciously Directed Rays.
最近的新闻短片报道了某些化学活动,描述了可以给花朵施加某种化学试剂从而赋予它们所需要的香气。这些花朵不是种植在土壤中,而是种植在水中,盖上细木绒。这种现象表明化学家和科学家距离可以从宇宙中直接得到事物的距离是非常接近的。这表明了“内在的活动”进入有意识的明确使用之中 —— 或者是有意识地引导圣光来进行活动。
”‘I AM’ the only acting Presence in this deal.”
” ‘I AM’ the Intelligent Activity in their minds.”
” ‘I AM’ the Protection in myself and my property.”
” ‘I AM’ the Intelligence and Presence acting everywhere.”
“‘I AM’ the visible opulence I desire.”
”‘I AM’ the Presence producing abundance wherever I choose to use it.”