As promised, here are 20 answers to your questions.
How will the First Contact happen for people like me who don’t own property?
First Contact for people who do not own property will happen at the private land of people who volunteered to give that land for mass Contact.
What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .
Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.
Why is the liberalization process so slow? Why aren’t the Galactic Federation forces taking any physical action against the dark forces? There is one answer, and that is the right of human choice… Who among us does not want freedom, welfare and love, when the intervention of the forces of light is against our will?
问:为什么自由化进程如此缓慢?为什么银河联盟部队没有对黑暗势力采取任何物质层面的行动?答案只有一个,那就是人类的选择… 也就是当光明势力的介入违背我们的意愿时。在我们之中,有谁不想要自由、幸福和爱呢?
Liberation process is so slow because there are so many layers of the dark matrix that have to be dismantled. The will of the surface Lightworkers is clearly in favor of intervention, and intervention will happen as soon as it is safe enough.
May I ask Cobra, will directed energy weapons be dismantled during the event? I was targeted by directed energy for 8 years.
It is said that paying attention to negative and emotionally disturbing news, such as the recent so called “natural disasters” and Cabals other heinous acts, causes a decrease in the frequency of an empath. How can we keep our frequency up while we’re getting aware of darkness?
问:据说,关注负面的、情绪上令人不安的信息,比如最近的所谓 “自然灾害 “和阴谋集团的其他令人发指的行为,会导致共情者的频率降低。我们意识到黑暗的同时,要如何保持我们的频率呢?
Keep yourself informed, but do not spend more than 20 minutes daily for doing so.
答:让自己了解信息,但每天花在这方面的时间不要超过 20 分钟。
Can you give an update on approximate percentage of clearings? (Ex: How much anomaly, reptilian souls, Chimera, Archons, underground bases/tunnels have been cleaned out?). Things feel a lot lighter lately, much less dark attacks. Thanks for all the insights and info on this blog!
问:你能提供一个关于清除率的最新数据吗?(例如:有多少异常、爬虫类灵魂、奇美拉、执政官、地下基地/隧道已经被肃清了?) 最近感觉轻松多了,黑暗攻击少了很多。感谢你在这个博客上提供的所有见解和信息!
Anomaly is in the process of being cleared, almost all Reptilians are gone from the etheric and astral planes, Chimera is almost completely defeated, Archons/black nobility still keep most of their power, deep underground bases are all cleared, some shallow underground bases and tunnels still exist.
What are the Light Forces (with it’s various races and organisations) and the Resistance Movement’s feelings about the surface human population? To elaborate the question: Do they hate us, do they love us? Are they dissapointed in us, are they pitying our situation and care about us? Are they neutral or confused about us and our situation? What is an aproximative proportion of how many of them care about us and how many just care to whipe out the darkness? Are they excited or aprehensive to meet us? Are they excited to release all those physical and emotional healing technologies that we can’t wait for?
问:光明势力(包括各种族和组织)和抵抗运动对地表人类有何看法?请详细阐述这个问题: 他们恨我们,还是爱我们?他们对我们失望吗?他们同情我们的处境并关心我们吗?他们对我们和我们的处境持中立态度还是感到困惑?他们中有多少人关心我们,又有多少人只是为了清除黑暗?见到我们,他们是兴奋还是忐忑?他们是否很高兴能释放那些我们迫切需要的疗愈身体和情感的科技?
They care about the surface population, but they feel pain because they can not intervene directly yet. They are afraid of the power of subquantum anomaly. They do not understand many things about the surface population. They are excited to release healing technologies, they are looking forward to interaction with humans, but are also afraid of it.

After the Evacuation, most of the surface population will live on a Pleiadian planet. Will there already be a structure ready there, of houses, products, technology, a government… or will we have to start everything from scratch in the middle of the jungle?
All infrastructure is already there, human beings there are given assistance, technology, healing and guidance by the Light forces.
Will our pets come with us when evacuated?
What will happen after the Event with the many resources accumulated by Humanity, such as literature, poetry, music, art? Much of this has been digitized and is on the Internet. Something is present on the surface of the Earth only physically… If there is a big tsunami, and much on the planet is washed away by water, what will be preserved? What will happen to Internet resources, such as YouTube Music, for example, and other resources containing the accumulated cultural achievements of Mankind?
问:在事件发生后,人类积累的许多资源,比如文学、诗歌、音乐、艺术,会发生什么?它们中的大部分已经数字化,并上传到了互联网上。有些东西只是以物质形态存在于地球表面…… 如果发生一场大海啸,地球上的许多东西都被大水冲走了,还有什么能保存下来?互联网资源,例如YouTube音乐,以及其他包含人类积累的文化成就的资源会发生什么变化呢?
Most of the best pieces of art have already been rescued from the surface of the planet and are stored at safe locations away from the surface where they will survive the polar shift intact. All online resources of the surface population are copied and stored at safe locations also.
Regarding the rumor of simultaneous meditation around the world
Is it true that it is dangerous or ineffective to participate unless you are an expert meditator?
I personally feel safe and effective because the meditation procedure includes a protective process, and I will continue to participate, but the above theory is still often claimed.
It is safe to participate in mass meditations.
Will the Cabal push a new pandemic/lockdown event during this autumn/winter and strech it into the next year (elections)?
They might try, but they will fail.
Is Delta Option still a possibility the light forces are considering?
问:光明势力还会考虑采用德尔塔方案(Delta Option)吗?
It is possible, but unlikely.
Hi Cobra, Has all physcial Chimera Spiders been cleared?
Is it possible for someone to meet their soul mate but not recognize them?
Yes and it happens often.
Does invoking the White Fire of AN clear subquantum anomaly?
Yes, it helps.
I asked the light forces to very quickly show themselves a while back and i saw 2 very quick flashes of gold light a minute or 2 after asking. So because they showed themselves very briefly does this mean it is somewhat safer for them to briefly show themselves now even though i understood they cant show properly yet?
Were the Hawaiian fires an attack from the Dark forces?
Why will cities of light be needed during the tsunami?
To stabilize the energy grid to guide the planet through the Ascension process.
Dear Cobra, right after the Event will the people know from the free media the importance of the lightworkers’ mission?