Current Archons Situation Update
Although Reboot of the Grid was very successful, one significant part of the Archons grid on the etheric and astral planes is still intact.
It is a grid that keeps controlling and manipulating human personal relationships for millenia. This grid is the reason for most human conflicts. It is the main reason for delays in final victory of the Light on this planet. It consists of Archons and their minions on the etheric and astral planes in a thin layer close to Earth’s surface.
The physical counterpart of this grid consists of people deep within the Jesuit network. I would suggest everyone stop focusing so much on Committee of 300 because the real control lies elsewhere. The physical Jesuit Archons are still quite dangerous and the green light for the Event will not be given until those people are cut away from their resources. The Resistance is dealing with the situation and I will post more intel about this when/if it will be declassified.

It is time now to keep dissolving the Archons grid on the etheric and astral planes with a unified meditation this Sunday May 27th. Please use the exact meditation from Reboot of the Grid so our consciousness stream gets unified.
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize all negative entities around the Earth being removed from etheric and astral planes along with all their negative spiritual technologies and magical tools and all those entities being escorted into the Light by the non-physical freedom fighters of the Light. Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from spiritual slavery, free from all evil Archons, Reptilians, demons, elementals and other negative non-physical beings. Visualize the vibration of the etheric and astral planes getting lighter and brighter until all dark beings are gone and only Light remains.
3. Visualize bright new spiritual future for humanity, with angels, fairies, dolphins, unicorns, spiritual guides and other beings of Light inhabiting etheric and astral planes. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source.
Exact times for different time zones are:
9:00 am HAST 5月 27日 (夏威夷)
11:00 am AKDT 5月 27日 (阿拉斯加)
12:00 pm PDT 5月 27日 (洛杉矶)
1:00 pm MDT 5月 27日 (丹佛)
2:00 pm CDT 5月 27日 (休斯顿)
3:00 pm EDT 5月 27日 (纽约)
4:00 pm BRT 5月 27日 (里约热内卢)
8:00 pm BST 5月 27日 (伦敦)
9:00 pm CEST 5月 27日 (巴黎)
9:00 pm SAST 5月 27日 (南非)
10:00 pm EEST 5月 27日 (保加利亚)
11:00 pm MSK 5月 27日 (莫斯科)
12:30 am IST 5月 28日 (印度)
3:00 am CST 5月 28日 (北京)
4:00 am JST 5月 28日 (东京)
5:00 am AEST 5月 28日 (悉尼)
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