Don’t ever for a moment forget that the Sacred Fire of the Universe and the Light that fills the Heavens all day, every day, is Master for Eternity over everything of discord in this world. You are not at the mercy of destructive forces. You are not the victims of circumstance. You are not the slaves to destructive conditions if you will remember this…The moment you feel yourselves feeling the slightest bit of discord, demand its Annihilation. Demand it get out of you and into the Violet Flame, and forbid it to touch any part of Life in the Universe. Then ask your “Presence” to fill you with the Ascended Masters’ Fiery Christ Sacred Fire Love and enough Violet Flame Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy to Life to keep you completely harmonized—because unless you do have Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy to Life, you can’t hold your harmony. …
每时每刻都要记得,宇宙的神圣之火和神圣之光每天都充满了天堂,它们也是超越世界中的不和谐、成为永恒的关键。你不要去看破坏性力量的脸色。你也不是各种状况的受害者。如果你记得下面这一点,你就不会受制于破坏性的状况……当你感觉自己感受到一丝不和谐的存在时,要求不和谐去毁灭,要求它离开你,进入紫罗兰火焰之中,并禁止它触碰宇宙中生命的任何部分。然后,请求你的“我是临在”,让扬升大师炽热的神圣火焰之爱,以及紫罗兰火焰之爱、原谅和慈悲充满着你,让你处于完全的和谐之中 —— 因为除非你拥有对生命的爱、宽恕和慈悲,否则你无法处于和谐之中…
Until Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy of the Sacred Fire fills each one’s Life Stream, the struggle goes on. Sometimes you have harmony; sometimes you don’t have it. Sometimes you have supply; sometimes you don’t have it. But once you understand what Authority and Power are yours to command every disturbing condition out of your feeling and demand its Annihilation, then your “Presence” has a free way to pour into you Its constant Release of Its own Life’s Perfection—because It has never given you anything but Perfection, and It never will give you anything but Perfection. What you do with Its Energy after It gives It to you is your responsibility.
直至神圣之火的爱、原谅和慈悲充满了每个人的生命流之前,斗争会一直进行。有的时候你感觉到和谐,有时候你并不感觉如此。有的时候你得到这些能量的加持,有的时候不是。但是一旦你明白你所拥有的力量和权威,你就可以要求每一种不和谐的状况离开你,并消灭它;然后你的“临在”就会用一种自由的方式把它生命的完美倾注到你的体内 —— 因为它除了完美之外,不会给予你任何东西。你如何使用它给予你的能量,是你的责任。
Instruction by Beloved Godfré, Violet Flame Series 8
For any of the Violet Flame Series, visit: https://www.saintgermainpress.com
Law of Life
In calling your attention to these three principles always active in the Life of mankind, I want to assure you that they are not only qualities within yourselves, but there are Beings of Great Light and advancement who are also known as Faith, Hope, and Charity. The individuals and students who make the conscious effort to cultivate these qualities and consciously expand them in their worlds will find themselves receiving great Assistance from these Conscious, Mighty Beings—from whose Names come these qualities into individualization. These are Cosmic, Self-conscious, Intelligent Beings, whose special action with mankind is to encourage and expand these qualities.
在这里提醒你注意,这三个原则总是活跃在人类之中,我向你们保证,这三个原则不仅仅是你们内在的品质,也存在着伟大的高度进化的光之存有,他们被称为信念、希望和慈悲。有意识地努力培养这些品质的个体和学生,并在他们所在的世界有意识地拓展这些品质,他们会发现自己会从这些有意识地伟大存有那里收到巨大的帮助 —— 这品质是这些存有的名字个体化的表达。他们是宇宙级别的、自我意识的智能存有,他们对人类的特殊行动就是鼓励和拓展这些品质。
Excerpt from Discourse 14, Volume 3 by Beloved Saint Germain
If you seem to lack the feeling of Power of Forgiveness, We can help you! Our Love forgives very readily! We have no desire to hold any feeling against anybody or anything in the Universe, except to burn away that which is discordant. We can give and flood God’s Perfection of the Sacred Fire into every wrong condition. We have no trouble forgiving, and you should not have! …
If you are to have that Gift from your “Presence” and the Ascended Host, then all resentment in your feelings must be consumed! That means all irritation, because irritation is nothing on Earth but resentment! Irritation is nothing on Earth but hate, because the outer feeling cannot get its own way! Every problem that ever came into mankind’s outer experience was simply because they wanted their own way—simply because they wanted their way, or irritation and discord, as opposed to the way of Peace, Blessing, and Perfection from the “Mighty I AM Presence.”
如果你想要从你的“临在”和扬升之主那里获得这个礼物,那么你感情中所有的怨恨都要被燃烧干净!这意味着所有的恼怒都要清理干净,因为恼怒在地球上来说就是怨恨,因为外在的感觉无法如愿以偿!人类外在体验中遇到的每一个问题都只是因为他们想要以他们的方式达成 —— 仅仅是因为他们想要以他们的方式来实现。(遇到阻碍)就产生了恼怒与不和谐,而不是以来自“伟大我是临在”的和平、祝福和完美的方式。
I DEMAND AND I COMMAND that I absorb from the Ascended Masters’ Octave the Qualities of Forgiveness, Mercy, Divine Love, Compassion, and Purity, which repel and drive all discordant conditions into the Violet Consuming Flame to set me Free! I demand God’s Invincible Honor Flame of Love, Forgiveness, and Purity come within me to forgive and bless all Life, everywhere forever!
Excerpts by Beloved Mighty Victory, Volume 9, Discourse IVDecree 129, page 271, “I AM” Decree Book 4: