The Legions of Angels of the Sacred Fire are ready to come to your Assistance at your conscious Call for all of the Angelic Host’s Control of the atmosphere of your Land—and the Powers of Nature will spread Their Love over conditions that have been in turmoil; and at least where you abide, those conditions can be held harmonized and under control so you do not feel as much of the stress of disturbance as those of the outer world.
神圣火焰的天使军团已经准备好在你有意识的召唤下为你提供帮助,因为天使军团对你所处地方的环境拥有完全的掌控 —— 自然的力量会把他们的爱散播到动荡的环境之中;至少在你居住的地方,这些条件可以保持在协调和控制之中,这样你就不会像外部世界中的人那样感受到那么多干扰的压力。
So the more you call the Legions of the Sacred Fire to flood that Love to the world that sets it Free, the more you will automatically abide within that Sacred Fire and dwell in that Freedom also. Mankind goes on struggling in these frightful conditions when, My Loved Ones, if they would but turn to the “Mighty I AM Presence” and call on the Law of Forgiveness for all that is wrong, and then call the Sacred Fire into those conditions to produce what is right, Uncountable Legions of the Angelic Host and the Ascended Host could come to the Assistance of the whole civilization and could change things in a short time. And mankind would wonder how they could have gotten into such chaos!
Now if you want to settle the chaos—so at least where you live, it is held at Peace—I certainly would call forth the Legions of the Angels of the Sacred Fire to pour Their Love that compels Peace in your world and around you wherever you abide. Then you take your world wherever you go; and you become the Peace-commanding Presence, not only of your own “Mighty I AM,” but by the Love of the Angelic Host. And when that becomes more expanded within the physical octave, mankind will have Peace.
现在,如果你想平息混乱 —— 至少要让你居住的地方,保持在和平之中 —— 我一定会召唤神圣火焰的天使军团,倾注他们的爱,给你的世界、以及你所在的任何地方带来和平。然后,不论你走到哪里,你都会携带着这样的世界在你身边;你变成了让和平到来的临在,这种临在不仅仅是你自己的“伟大的我是临在”,也是天使军团的爱之临在。当这种临在在物质范围内拓展开来时,人类将拥有和平。
Excerpt from Volume 16, by the Beloved Archangel Michael
When there is charged into the atmosphere of Earth mankind’s continuous hatred and destruction and violence of war, surely you must understand that if you want the constructive way of life somewhere, you must have Protection. The sinister force won’t give it to you. Human creation won’t give it to you. Mankind’s intellect can’t give it to you. Then your Protection depends entirely upon the Sacred Fire’s Love which the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host direct.
Every Ascended Master is an Angel; but there are other Angels—Angels of the Sacred Fire that have never yet embodied. And They know only the concentration of the Power of Their Love. And let Me disabuse your minds tonight of the idea that there is any such thing as a fallen Angel. The Ascended Masters can’t fall; and the Angels who have never embodied can’t fall, because They haven’t entered into the physical world of physical embodiment. The misunderstanding and misinterpretation of events that have happened down through the centuries is the thing that has confused mankind; and mankind has imposed upon the Divine Beings and the Divine Assistance provided by Life—God knows how much mankind has imposed distortion and untruth upon that which was only given and only produced Perfection.
每一位扬升大师都是天使;不过还有其他天使 —— 从来没有转世过的神圣之火的天使。他们只知道他们爱的力量。让我在今晚改变你们对堕落天使这个概念的想法。扬升大师不会陨落;那些从未转世过的天使也不会陨落,因为他们尚未进入物质层面。对千百年以来发生事情的错误理解和错误解读,让人类陷入困惑;人类把扭曲和不真实的东西强加给神圣存有和神圣帮助 —— 只有神才知道被强加了多少,而事实却是,神圣存有和神圣帮助只会带来完美。
I wish you to understand that from tonight, if you control your feeling and you command your feeling to be filled with Ascended Masters’ Feeling that sees and accepts and cooperates with the Angelic Host, you will have it just as certain as you make the Call; for We are able to give it! We are able to come through the physical atmosphere of Earth and cut through mankind’s human creation, when the Light within the Heart of the individual reaches up, and wants Our Visible, Tangible Presence in the physical octave to fulfill the Divine Plan.
Excerpt by Beloved Archangel Michael, Volume 16