The Keynote of the Ninth Gate Activation of the 11:11 Doorway is
The Emergence of True Ones

The Ninth Gate of The 11:11 was Activated on the 25th of October of 2010.
Our Master Cylinder was located at Waka Gangga, Tanah Lot on the beautiful Island of Bali, Indonesia.
Ninth Gate celebrated the Emergence of the True Ones.
As the True Ones come forth, the planetary evolution is moved to a new level.

To become a True One, we don’t have to become anything other than what we really are;
but we can no longer hide WHO WE ARE.
Being a True One is the conscious acceptance of WHO WE ARE on a vastly expanded level. When we emerge as a True One, we bring our True Core Essence out to the surface for everyone to see. We aren’t afraid of expressing our capability and our Heart’s Knowingness with a natural authority. We fully inhabit WHO WE ARE.
The presence of a True One is like a Sacred Pagoda. Their reassuring presence effortlessly influences and inspires the entire landscape. True Ones are embodiments of PURE TRUE LOVE and carry it with them wherever they go.

The energies of the Ninth Gate Activation were deep and very pure. The Gate activated in the midst of the Aslan Dance when we were in a large circle doing the 11:11 Mudras. When we made the Ninth Gate Mudra and took two steps forward consciously choosing to be True Ones, something Off the Map happened. We simply took two more steps, and then two more. Then more…. With each step we became stronger True Ones.
Finally after many more steps, we reached the center. Here we continued, to make steps as True Ones. It was so powerful. So strong. So True…. During this time, we simply forgot that we were in the midst of the Aslan Dance. The energy of emerging as True Ones carried us forward. It was truly amazing.
After the Gate was activated, we suddenly remembered that we had been in the midst of the Aslan Dance. So we smoothly returned to our larger circle and completed the dance.
Later, the White Lotus made the Lotus Dance. It was so pure and true. The energies became stronger and stronger. The White Lotus stretched itself out, pulling open the doorway to the Heart of the Lotus. This is when a procession was spontaneously formed by Solara, led by the White Dragons. They led us into the center of an exquisite circle of grass surrounded by Lotus Gardens. We entered into the Heart of the Lotus.
We spiraled into the center of the Heart of the Lotus. After all of us were there, we began to spiral outwards. When we reached the entrance to the Lotus Garden, we formed doorways that we all passed through as we returned to the world as True Ones. It was truly magnificent.

Ninth Gate is deeply aligned with the Third Gate Activations in 1997 which birthed our One Being. The birth of our One Being brought the knowingness that everything and everyone is part of the ONE.
The Ninth Gate Activation moved this to a totally new level, that of ONE BEING IN ACTION. This was not possible before, because True Ones were the missing component of ONE BEING IN ACTION.
During the Ninth Gate Activation, we saw an unprecedented merging of First Wave, Second Wave, Third Wave and Bridges which created a new synergy of Unified Purpose. This made ONE BEING IN ACTION possible. (For an explanation of the Waves and Bridges, please read Solara’s 2010 Surf Report: On the Path of Love. There is also a 26 page chapter with the latest information on this in the new edition of “The Star-Borne”.)
在第九道门户激活时,我们看到了第一波存有、第二波存有、第三波存有和承担起桥梁作用存有之间前所未有的融合,所有的这些存有创造了统一目的的全新协同作用。这让行动中的合一存在成为可能。(有关这三波存有和桥梁存有的信息,可以阅读Solara最新版的《The Star-Borne》,有一个26页的章节来描述这部分。)
ONE BEING IN ACTION is a new level of shared responsibility,
where we put our individual talents together as ONE BEING
as we move into our New True Lives.
Once ONE BEING IN ACTION was established, we became like those volunteer fire departments. When the fire alarm goes off, we are prepared and we know what to do. We know how to work together as ONE and don’t need instructions or someone telling us what to do. We unhesitatingly leap into action and do the right thing. We are masters in action creating the New Reality from the most profound LOVE.
A very important element of ONE BEING IN ACTION is LOVE IN ACTION. This isn’t just sitting around and sending love out to everyone. This is hands-on LOVE, REAL LOVE, embodying PURE TRUE LOVE wherever we go and making it felt all over the world.

The momentous twenty year cycle of 11:11 Activations is almost over.
This final stretch from duality to Oneness is when ONE BEING IN ACTION is deeply needed.
This is when we can really make a huge difference.
It is when we can manifest our True Purpose.
If we Step In with our full beings as True Ones, we can create a new world.

~ The 11:11 Activation of Ninth Gate • ONE BEING IN ACTION ~ THE EMERGENCE OF THE TRUE ONES • Waka Gangga, Bali • October 25, 2010. ~ Solara Anani
~ 11:11的第九道门户激活 • ONE BEING IN ACTION ~ THE EMERGENCE OF THE TRUE ONES • 巴厘岛瓦卡甘加 • 2010年10月25日 ~ Solara Anani