Will the government give full disclosure?
By alaje • Thursday, May 27th, 2010
Question: Alaje, do you think the governments of the world will give us full disclosure before the great transition? Some things point to some co-operation on their part, and then other actions are questionable to me.
Answer: I hope that they will give the earth population full disclosure. But their will to control looks stronger. Some of them have realized that they did wrong, but are afraid to say something, because they would get attacked from the population AND the secret government. So sometimes, they make something public but anonymous.
But it does not matter what they will do. Important is what YOU will do INSIDE.Your spiritual development, to raise your frequency.
Why are there only very few UFO sightings over Germany?
By alaje • Monday, May 31st, 2010
Question: Alaje, why are there never information’s about UFO sightings over Germany? Is it because of the low energy or because the media don’t report about that? And why are the people in Swiss and Austria much more open for spirituality and extraterrestrial issues?
Answer: Yes, there are almost no sightings in Germany, because the energy in Germany is too negative and low. Like i say in my videos, everything is energy, and the thoughts of people are creating…
Is it fun to be in a spaceship?
By alaje • Monday, May 31st, 2010
Question: So Alaje, how is it like being in a ship of yours, is it fun?
Answer: Hello, yes of course. Where love is, there is fun.
What are those colorful and blinking objects that appear to be stars?
By alaje • Monday, May 31st, 2010
Question: Sometimes i see in the evening what appears to be a star that blinks constantly and seems to be flashing green and red lights. I am rather perplexed as to what this might be. Of course i have my suspicions by i’ve learned the hard way not to be presumptuous.
Would you have any information to offer on this subject?
Answer: Hello, send love energy and see if it is reacting.
Why do I see UFO’s rarely, while others see them more often?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
Question: Alaje, how come that I don’t see UFO’s and spaceships very often, even though I’m working on my spirituality, do meditations etc. but other people I know that are VERY negative see them a lot more often than me. Why is that?
Answer: Well, maybe those people spend more time outside than you do? Also, these people need to see more so they start to think about their life and life in general. Since you’re doing this already, you don’t need “proof” anymore that spaceships exist.
What was that blue spiral above Norway?
By alaje • Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Question: Hello Alaje. Do you have any information about what the lights above Oslo in Norway were? They showed up as a light spiral. Something like that was seen in Russia a few years ago.
Answer: That was a ship flying through a dimension gate. The real stargate.
What are spaceship interiors like?
By alaje • Friday, June 四th, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje, a few months ago i had a dream that i was aboard a star ship. I asked the people there if they ever got to go out side and they opened up a door and there was the most BEAUTIFUL park. Do you have a park on your ship?
Answer: There are ships in EVERY size, because they are made with the power of thought and cosmic energy. There are ships that are as big as a planet. And there are of course parks, lakes, woods. Like i say in my videos, with the use of cosmic energy, EVERYTHING is possible.
Are meteorites fallen stars or spaceships?
By alaje • Friday, June 四th, 2010
Question: Alaje you know how when you look up in the night sky you see a fallen star go sideways streaking across the sky really fast then gone are they fallen stars or are they lightships?
Answer: Well, our ships can imitate meteorite if they want.
What was the purpose of the flat pyramids?
By alaje • Friday, June 四th, 2010
Question: I love the image of the flying craft sitting on top of the pyramid.
Answer: That was the purpose of the flat pyramids.
Does the Mayan calendar symbolize how a spaceship works?
By alaje • Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: Hello Alaje, about the Mayan calendar. It is a calendar yes, but if you really look at it, both sides, could it also be about an alien spaceship and how it works?
Answer: Concentrate on the important things, as i say in my videos: “The development of the CONSCIOUSNESS and the HEART”. Everything else is only a distraction and brings NO Benefit on the bottom line.
How long does it take in a spaceship to travel from the Pleiades to planet earth?
By alaje • Monday, June 7th, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje, just out of interest, i was wondering how long it would take to travel from your home planet to Earth and what speed do your spaceships travel? is it much faster than the speed of light?
Answer: Our ships are flying with the speed of thought. That means, in a second you can be anywhere you want.
How do spaceships protect themselves and what do they use as fuel?
By alaje • Monday, June 7th, 2010
Question: Do they use some kind of force field around the craft to protect it from hitting objects? What sort of fuel do they use?
Answer: Yes, some have a force field around them, and some can transform into a higher frequency and become pure energy. Some are using air, some are using water, but most are using cosmic energy.
Are Vimanas Spaceships?
By alaje • Monday, August 30th, 2010
Question: The Vimanas described in ancient sanskrit texts like the Mahabharata and Drona parva were actual ancient alien spacecraft?
Answer: Yes, Vimanas were spaceships.
问题:印度方尖庙在古代梵文文献,如Mahabharata和Drona parva中,被描述为事实上是古代的外星宇宙飞船?
What is the purpose of the Nasca lines?
By alaje • Tuesday, August 31st, 2010
Question: What’s the purpose of Nazca lines?
Answer: They used to be landing places for spaceships.
When a UFO doesn’t feel good…is it necessarily from the negative side?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: Few days ago i saw a UFO. I’m not 100% sure if it was a ship from the galactic federation of light. Anyway i couldn’t feel any good energy. Does that mean in turn that it has to be a ship from the negative extraterrestrials?
Answer: It could be from negative extraterrestrials or from secret military organizations of the Earth that often like to pose as extraterrestrials.
Are the sightings of extraterrestrials structured?
By alaje • Friday, September 3rd, 2010
Question: I would really like to know, if the sightings of extraterrestrials are structured; because often you see them only in Mexico, China, America etc. but only very few in Europe, especially almost none in Germany. How are the people here supposed to think about things like this if the extraterrestrials don’t even show up?
Answer: Like i already say in my videos, the higher developed extraterrestrials only want to deal with positive people that developed their heart energy. This is rare in Germany. The energy and consciousness in Germany is low and negative. Of course there are exceptions to this, but they are too few. On top of that, other countries are mentally prepared for extraterrestrials since hundreds of years and it’s a part of their culture. Additionally, Earth energies in countries like Mexico are better than in Germany. Germany has to get rid of its arrogance, strictness, stubbornness and ego first in order to establish contact. There are a few exceptions in Germany that already had sightings or even contact. Most of the Germans aren’t ready for this. Most of the evil messages i get on You管 are from Germany. And as i already said in my videos, everything is being observed from above…
Why are there so many UFO’s in England and Mexico?
By alaje • Saturday, September 4th, 2010
Question: It is seem to be a lot of UFO activity in England and Mexico, is there any reason for this, or the media of those countries just make more publicity of this UFO activity than the rest of the world?
Answer: That is because of the energy, ley lines in the ground of these places.
What are these glowing light balls I see in the sky at night?
By alaje • Saturday, September 4th, 2010
Question: 2 weeks ago i went out of my house at 3 a.m., because i needed to cool down from the summer heat. I looked up in the sky and suddenly saw a glowing light ball, but in the next moment it decreased its light and looked like one of those typical “flying stars” I see all the time. To be honest I was shocked a bit as well. Lots of people keep telling me that I’m just seeing satellites but almost every time I look up in the sky, I see 6 or 7 within an hour. Are these maybe lightships?
Answer: I often answered this in previous comments. Most of these sightings, of course are spaceships . Millions of them are stationed around the Earth and some of them have the task of patrolling. A tiny few of them are only viewable for certain people. Most of them fly visibly on purpose, so the Earth people slowly get used to the fact, that they are not the only beings in the universe.
Does a stargate like in the TV series really exist?
By alaje • Monday, September 6th, 2010
Question: Is there any existence of an “Stargate” so like on TV… A way to travel to different planets etc?
Answer: Of course… And even better than that on TV.
I saw UFO’s but others didn’t. Why?
By alaje • Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: Yesterday, while driving my car, suddenly there were three lightships right in front of me, over the fields. They were very close. And strangely enough it seems i was the only one who saw them, because nothing on TV or in newspaper or from other people. According to me, this “show” was impossible to miss.
Answer: Not every ship can be seen by anyone. Some ships can adjust to the frequency of one person, and then only this person can see it. It is all about Energy and frequency.
Where can I find proof for UFO’s and alien contacts?
By alaje • Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Question: When i explain my friends about the sightings and alien theories they don’t believe me. And i refer them to physical evidence from contacts and so far i only have two persons who do have evidence. One is Johnathan Reed and Billy Meier. When i refer to your site, Alex Collier, Amanda Ramirez, and many other who claim Yo either be a contact or be a reincarnated Pleiades there isn’t evidence i can use to support my claim. Can you give me other contactors, who has like video or photos or material from other world, so i can refer when i talk about the alien?
Answer: Forget the Meier sect. Wrong informations and negative energies. Read George Adamski, Bob Renaud, Howard Menger, George van Tassel, Elizabeth Klarer….
问题:当我向朋友解释关于目击及外星人理论时,他们不相信我。而我叫他们去看到来自接触者的物证。而到目前为止,我只知道有两个人有证据。一个是Johnathan Reed,另一个是Billy Meier。当我说到你的网站、Alex Collier、Amanda Ramirez,以及其它声称是一个接触者或一个投生的昴宿人时,都没有我能够同来证明我的说法的证据。你能告诉我其它接触者吗?有视频或照片或来自其它世界的材料?这样我就可以在我谈到外星人时,使用它来说服他人。
回答:忘掉Meier教派。错误的信息和负面的能量。读一读Geoge Adamski、Bob Renaud、Howard Menger。George van Tassel、elizabeth Klarer……
Is it wise to share UFO photos with UFO agencies online?
By alaje • Friday, September 30th, 2011
Question: Is it wise to go to some sort of scientific UFO-info-network/agency on the internet, to share UFO experiences/photos?
Answer: No.
Why can I see UFO’s only in dreams but not in real life?
By alaje • Monday, October 31st, 2011
Question: Alaje i only see UFO’s in my dreams and never in real life, can you give me tips how i can see them in real life.
Answer: That will come, when it is the right time in your life path. It is your inner development who is determining the time. Nobody else.