For century upon century, mankind has tried to adjust the conditions of the outer world through armament. Of course, temporary results have been produced—one side of mankind considering they have won; but no one ever won anything in war. One side just holds out a little longer than another, but there is no change in conditions except temporary results.
千百年来,人类一直试图通过军备武装来改变外部世界的状况。当然这么做会产生短暂性的结果 — 人类的一方认为他们赢了;然而在战争中,没有人会真正赢得任何东西。只是一方比另一方坚持的时间更久一些,除了短暂的结果外,其他的条件都没有转变。
Because of the incoming Golden Age, and because “I AM” the Authority under the Violet Ray for the condition that must be brought about in the World, and having known this for several hundred years, I have sought the World over for people who would give response to Me, that I might change the action for mankind and bring about an Understanding as this Chart indicates to you—the reason why mankind and the only means by which mankind can have a permanent action and sustained power, producing Harmony, Peace, Perfection, and the Limitless Activity which Life has always wanted to give mankind.
因为即将到来的黄金时代,也因为在紫罗兰火焰创造的条件下,“我是临在”权威要带到这个世界,在数百年以来我一直知道这些,所以我在世界范围内寻求那些愿意回应我的人,我会转变人类的行为,并带来理解,就像这张图展示给你们的那样 — 你们会知晓人类可以拥有永恒的存在和持久的力量,以及生命可以给予人们和谐、和平和无限活力的方法。
It is not easy, after centuries of confusion in the minds of mankind, to suddenly clear it away and let the comprehension become active and clear of the simplicity with which Life is always trying to act. But since it must be done, I have chosen the Messenger to convey these My Words and those of the Others to mankind, and to also put them in print in a form that you may read, study, and comprehend….They sound quite simple, that is true; but They are Majestic and All-powerful in Their Action. They are the solution of human problems, and the only permanent one.
Excerpts by Beloved Saint Germain, Volume 11, Discourse XI
For any of the Saint Germain Series, visit: www.saintgermainpress.com
Law of Life
It is with Great Joy that We are observant of the tremendous accomplishment—individually, nationally and Cosmically speaking, for when we have the use of and can cooperate with those Great and Mighty Cosmic Currents of Energy directed by that Great, Wise Intelligence, then we know that every step moved forward brings us nearer and nearer to that Mighty Glory and Freedom which many are learning to feel and rejoice in.
我们怀着极大的喜悦来观察巨大的成就 —— 个人层面的、国家层面的和宇宙层面的。因为当我们使用、并且可以与由伟大智慧的智能引导的伟大且强大的宇宙能量流合作时,我们就会知道,我们向前迈出的每一步都使我们越来越接近很多人正在学习感受和在之中欢喜的伟大荣耀与自由。
How different all activities are when working in conjunction with that Great, Cosmic Wisdom which is no longer compelled to withhold Its Mighty Energy because of the free will of the individual; for now the Cosmic Activities of the nations are of first consideration; then comes the individual.
Heretofore, because of the individual, certain Cosmic Activities had to wait. Now the Great Cosmic Wheel has turned, bringing all national, emotional and mental activities into that Great Preparation where every cog of the wheel must fit into the Cosmic Reality.
Excerpt by Beloved Saint Germain from Discourse 31,
Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses