The Heart, like the Brain, has a Central Nervous System, a coherent and highly sophisticated electrical transmission system, that not only conducts signals, but Prana, the essential oxygenated Life Force.

This is because the first organ to form in the human embryology is not the Brain, but the Heart. It functions well because its apparent arterial system, that looks like a roadmap or grid, has branching algorithms that all talk to one another, because the small artery or nodule is the same as the large artery or nodule, which is the deeper meaning of fractal, because the cells and signals are talking to one another at all scales of wavelengths. Its like the Heart is having a conference with itSelf, knows everything that is going on in the whole of the body, because each part of the Heart contains the whole Body memory.
It’s a Hub, a Makaratta (Aboriginal Word for: a treaty or agreement), a meeting place or conference, where all members meet and agree.
The arterial system of the Human Heart is no different than the fibrous venuous outer shell of the gooseberry and reminds us of our Earthly connection of all living plants.

~ Jain 108 ~