The Ancient Secret of Sevens

Alchemical Elements, Days of the Week, and Visible Planets
Have you ever wondered why the 7 Days of the Week appear in a certain order?
First of all, our ancient seers knew the speed of the 7 visible planets, because they arranged them in the shape of a Heptagon or 7-sided polygon shape (shown in red).

Start with the Moon, which appears to move the fastest, and move upwards and towards the left to Mercury then Venus, then Sun, then Mars, then Jupiter and then Saturn.
To get the order of the Days of the Week that we all know, again starting with Monday the Moon, travel upwards towards your right to get to Tuesday Mars (the green lines) and viola, you create the 7-Pointed Star or Heptagram. That is why each day of the week corresponds to a planetary energy:
为了得到一周七天内的特定次序,这次我们再次从月球开始,这里定义为星期一(Monday, the Moon)。月球与其对角位置(火星)连接起来,就得到了星期二(Tuesday, the Mars)。以此类推,最终我们会得到一个七角星。这也就是为什么,一周内的每一天,都对应着某一颗天体的能量:

The Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter (Thursday), Venus (Friday), Saturn (Saturday), the Sun (Sunday).
月球(星期一),火星(星期二),水星( 星期三), 木星(星期四),金星(星期五 ),土星(星期六),太阳(星期日)。
Then there is more science to this cosmogram:
Our Alchemist forbears even knew the Atomic Numbers (AN) and therefore the Atomic Weight of the metals that correspond to each planet according to this pattern of the days of the week, to form another form of the Heptagram Star shown in blue. Start with the lightest one: Iron (AN=26, relating to Mars and Tuesday, aka Fe, = Atomic Weight of 56), then Copper (AN=29 = Venus = Friday, aka Cu = Atomic Weight of 64), then Silver (AN=47 = Moon = Monday = Atomic Weight of 108 aka Ag), then Tin (AN=50 = Jupiter = Thursday = Atomic Weight of 119 aka Sn), then Gold (AN=79 = Sun = Sunday = Atomic Weight of 197 aka Au), then Mercury (AN=80 = Mercury = Wednesday, = Atomic Weight of 201 aka Hg),then finally Lead (AN=82 = Saturn = Saturday = Atomic Weight of 207 aka Pb).
古老的炼金术士也知道原子序数(AN)的概念,因此金属元素的重量也与这些星体相对应,从而与一周七天对应起来,形成了另一种七角星。从最轻的金属元素铁(原子序数为26,与火星和星期二对应,原子质量 Fe = 56)开始,然后是铜(原子序数为29 = 金星 = 星期五 = 原子质量 Cu 64),然后是银(原子序数 47 = 月亮 = 星期一 = 原子质量 Ag 108),接下来是锡(原子序数为50 = 木星 = 星期四 = 原子质量 Sn 119),然后是金(原子序数 79 = 太阳 = 星期日 = 原子质量 Au 197),再然后是汞(原子序数 80 = 水星 = 星期三 = 原子质量 Hg 201),最重的是金属元素是铅(原子序数为82 = 土星 = 星期六 = 原子质量 Pb 207)

Another Heptagon appears (in light blue) when we consider the electrical conductivity sequence around the outside starting with lead.
The orbital motion of the planet correlates in sequence with its corresponding metal’s conductivity. The slower a planet moves, the less able its corresponding metal is to conduct electricity!
All these westernized correspondences appear only in the works of western Alchemy, surprisingly, it does not appear in any form in the Vedic knowledge or otherwise cultures!
In the Kybalion (A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by 3 Initiates), it says:
“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”