COBRA | 关于这个部落格(2012年3月31日)

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We are living in extraordinary times. This is the shift of the ages. The financial system will restructure itself, the matrix will fall apart and new society will be born. Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody. This world is about to enter a totally new dimension, a new reality, an end of linear time. Are you ready? This tour is not just an introduction to preparedness… It is the ultimate preparation for this extraordinary time. It contains information and guidance about time around 2012 and the planetary dimensional shift, never before revealed on this planet.

我们生活在一个意义非凡的伟大时期,面临着时代的交替。 金融体制即将重组,控制矩阵即将崩溃,崭新的社会即将诞生。 我们的现实生活也会发生转变,这场巨大的变革,会影响到每一个人。 世界即将进入一个全新的维度,一个崭新的实相。我们对线性时间的感知也会改变。 你准备好了吗?我们即将踏上征途…… 这里会帮助大家在这个极其特殊的时刻做好万全的准备。 它涵盖所有关于地球维度转变的重要资讯和行动方针,这些信息,以前也从未在地球上揭露过。
