COBRA | 简介光明势力与黑暗势力(2012年4月17日)

Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness




Galactic Confederation. Also called Galactic Federation. This is a loose confederate union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians… Its leaders are ascended masters, beings that live in enlightened state of consciousness. Ashtar Command is a section of Galactic Confederation which primary function is to liberate planet Earth from the grip of the dark forces.


They have many physical motherships in Earth orbit that are cloaked with tachyonic membrane and are thus non-detectable for all optical/radar instruments of the Cabal. They have prevented nuclear war on Earth many times over. Also, they have prevented many earthquakes as they stabilize tectonic plate activity. Their main motivation is to share happiness and love they have achieved themselves as a result of their spiritual growth, with not so fortunate Earth population.


There is a strong disinfo campaign against Galactic Confederation that started in mid-90s as the Cabal realized that Galactic Confederation is a serious threat to their New World Order plans. Many Earth based contactees for the Confederation were subjected to intense Monarch mind programming and in fact “Ashtar Command” was made to be a trigger word to activate strong denial alters. This programming also resulted in most channels to lose contact with the Confederation and they began channeling astral shells instead. This served to additionally disprove channeling as a reliable source to get higher dimesional information. Today there are very few reliable channels but that does not change the fact that Galactic Confederation is a very strong and reliable force that will make itself known at the time of First Contact.


译注: astral shells是星光体死亡之后,留下残余意识的躯壳,基本上不会有值得参考的价值。

Resistance Movement. This is a group of freedom fighters who live in subterranean dwellings in the upper part of Earth’s crust. They have a constant physical contact with underground Pleiadian bases in Himalaya and under Bora-Bora island. Their official public contact is Cobra.

抵抗运动 – 他们是一群居住在地下基地中的自由斗士。他们经常和喜马拉雅山脉和博拉博拉岛底下的昴宿星人交流会晤。他们官方的公开联络人正是Cobra。

With assistance from the Confederation, they have cleared all remaining Reptilian forces from this solar system. Shortly after the year 2000 they have also cleared all subterranean Reptilian bases in severe battles. Then they shifted their focus towards clearing most black budget military programs and technologies, which they did successfully.


After that they have placed their agents inside the military and alphabet agencies to help the Positive Military group with their Plan that is coming to fruition now. Main motivation of the Resistance Movement is to help liberate the planet, so they can stop living in caves and move on to more prospective missions elsewhere in the Galaxy.


Positive Military. This is the most powerful positive group on the surface of the planet. They have developed the Plan for planetary liberation with unseen assistance from the Resistance Movement. Around three quarters of the military agrees with this plan and this is sufficient critical mass for this plan to become reality. Drake is their public representative.

正义军 – 这是地表上最强大的正面团体。他们在抵抗运动的秘密支持下发展出一套解放地球的【计划】。大约四分之三的军方人士同意这个计划,也正好在人数上达成必要的临界数量。德雷克是他们的公开代表。

Most of this group is not aware of the “unseen friendly hand” of the Resistance. Some of those in high positions are well aware of their Resistance contact but will not admit it as it is still classified information.


This is a loose group without a leader and their main motivation is to restore sovereignty and freedom to human population, especially in the US.


Templars. Also called Faction 2 or sometimes White Hats. This group originates from old European nobility that was almost wiped out by the Rothschilds. They have a strong power base in the US (Navy), UK and continental Europe. Their public contact is Lord Blackheath. Currently they are very much involved in the creation of the new 134 nations alliance financial system. They cooperate with the Positive Military group. Their main purpose is to bring down the Federal Reserve and to destroy the Rothschilds – their old enemy.

圣殿骑士团 – 别名Faction 2或白帽子。圣殿骑士团发源自古老的欧洲贵族,他们曾经差点被罗斯柴尔德家族消灭殆尽。他们在美国(海军)、英国和欧洲大陆有着强大的权力基础。他们的公开接触人是布莱克希斯爵士。当前该组织热衷参与建立有134国加盟的新金融系统。他们与正义军合作。他们的主要目的是推翻美联储和消灭他们的宿敌─罗斯柴尔德家族。

They are not to be confused with Zionist templar groups that are part of the Rothschild faction, although there are some Rothschild agents infiltrated inside the positive Templar group.




White Dragon Society. This group represents interests of some old Chinese royal lineages, supported with many martial arts groups around the world. Their contact person is Benjamin Fulford. Their main motivation is to bring down the Cabal, but their motives may not be completely pure, as they see their role in the new society after the Event as a little bit too dominant and controlling. They also have a strong financial interest in the funds that will be released after the take down of the Cabal. Actually the Resistance had some problems with them in February at secret negotiations about the new financial system and this has resulted in some delays in timeline for the Event.

白龙会 – 白龙会是代表一些古老中国皇室的利益团体,在世界各地都有武术团体支持。他们的联络人是本杰明.富尔福德。他们的主要目标是消灭阴谋集团,但是他们的动机并不单纯。他们想在事件后新社会里面扮演的角色有点野心和霸道。他们对阴谋集团跨台之后释出的各项巨额基金也有强烈的控制欲。事实上抵抗运动在二月跟白龙会商谈新金融系统的时候出了一点状况,导致事件延后。

Gnostic Illuminati. This group originates from old Russian nobility and was actually part of the Cabal a few generations ago. After the Rothschilds destroyed the Romanov dynasty this group has broken off the Cabal and decided to fight the Rothschilds, although they still use the same Illuminati symbolism and part of its ideology. Their purpose is to destroy the Rothschilds as revenge for what happened to Romanovs. They have strong contact in Russian and Eastern European criminal underground and they are also in contact with the Templars. Their spokesperson is Alexander Romanoff. They are heavily infiltrated with Rothschild agents and this group will be drastically restructured and cleaned after the Event.

诺斯底光明会 – 诺斯底光明会发源自古老的俄国贵族,而且曾经有几个世代都是阴谋集团的成员。自从罗斯柴尔德家族摧毁罗曼诺夫王朝之后,该组织便与阴谋集团决裂并且发誓对抗罗斯柴尔德。只不过他们沿用了以前光明会的图腾和部分的意识形态。该组织的目的是消灭罗斯柴尔德家族,为罗曼诺夫王朝报仇。他们与俄罗斯和东欧的黑社会关系匪浅,而且他们也和圣殿骑士团有过互动。他们的发言人是亚历山大.罗曼诺夫。该组织已经被罗斯柴尔德的间谍严重渗透,事件之后会进行彻底地重建和清洗。



Rothschild faction. They controlled Europe, high finance through the Federal Reserve and most mainstream media. Their leader is Jacob de Rothschild and with his business connections with Henry Kissinger they influence Rockefeller faction. Through David de Rothschild and his marriage with Olimpia Aldobrandini they influence the Jesuit faction. Black nobility of Europe (except Italy) belongs to this faction. They are mostly Rigelian dark lords in origin and in Atlantis they were responsible for the deluge. Their main motivation was to rule the world, but now their motivation is to keep at least some money, try to keep control over the media for as long as possible, and not get arrested.

罗斯柴尔德集团 – 他们控制欧洲,通过美联储控制了巨额资金以及大多数主流媒体。集团的掌门人是雅各布.罗斯柴尔德。他利用与亨利.基辛格的商业关系影响洛克菲勒集团,还另外藉由戴维•罗斯柴尔德与奥林匹娅.阿尔多布兰迪尼的政治联姻影响耶稣会。欧洲(除意大利)的黑色贵族隶属这个派系。他们大多数原先是参宿七的黑色贵族,而且他们要为亚特兰提斯的大洪水负责。该集团的主要目的是统治世界,但是他们目前只能想尽办法让手头上保有一点钱、继续控制媒体,然后不要被逮捕入狱。

Rockefeller faction. They controlled the US, oil trade, pharmaceuticals, food production and part of the military. They smuggled Nazis into the US and thus they are also called Illuminazi. Their true leader is David Rockefeller (living in his little East 65th st. NY apartment, almost 100 years old!), with Volksführer George Busch Sr. and strategic adviser Heinz Kissinger at his side. They are mostly Draconian lords that used to have many Reptilian slaves in their galactic empire and they wanted to repeat the same on Earth. So their main motivation here was to create a world dictatorship slave society. Now their main motivation is to escape to their little Bahamian island with at least a backpack and not get arrested.

洛克菲勒集团 – 他们控制了美国、石油交易、制药业、食品制造业和一部分军队。他们将纳粹偷渡进美国,因此他们又叫做光明纳粹。他们的真正掌门人是戴维.洛克菲勒(他住在小小的纽约.东65街公寓,差不多有100岁了!)。集团成员还有前总统老布什和军师海因兹.季辛吉。他们原先大多数是猎户帝国的龙人贵族,在自己的地盘里面有很多爬虫人奴隶。他们也想在地球上如法炮制,作威作福。因此他们来地球的主要目的就是创造一个世界独裁政府的奴役社会。不过现在他们只敢奢望自己还能收拾行囊,逃到他们的巴哈马小岛,以免被关进大牢。

Jesuit faction. This faction was very powerful until early 1800s when the Rothschild faction took over. About 10% of Jesuits belong to this faction, among with some cardinals, black pope (Adolfo Nicolas), white pope (Joseph Ratzinger) and black nobility families of Italy. This group was created in the year 325 at the Council of Nicea where Constantine created Christian Cult in order to destroy gnostic mysteries (Gnostic Christianity included). It continued to thrive as Holy Inquisition and still heavily infiltrates many Catholic organizations. Its main sphere of influence is South America and Africa. Their main motivation was spiritual control and oppression of humanity. Now their main motive is simply to stay alive. After the Event, there will be a great purification of all mainstream religions as they will be aligned with the truth.

耶稣会 – 这个集团曾经非常强大,直到十九世纪初期被罗斯柴尔德吞并。大约10%的耶稣会士隶属于这个派系,周围还有一些红衣主教、黑教宗(阿道夫.尼古拉斯),白教宗(约瑟夫.拉辛格)以及意大利的黑色贵族。这个派系的起源最早可以追溯到公元324年的尼西亚大公会议。当时的君士坦丁大帝(执政官)想要透过自创基督异教的方式,摧毁诺斯底派的秘密知识(包括诺斯底基督教)。耶稣会透过各地的宗教裁判所发展壮大,并且广泛渗透了许多天主教组织。该组织的主要势力范围是南美和非洲。他们过去的主要目的是精神控制和压迫所有人类,但是他们现在只想要苟延残喘的活下去。事件之后会有一次对所有主流宗教的大净化行动,所有的宗教最终都将皈依真理。


翻译:Patrick Shih