IS:IS Portal Activation Final Update
We are activating the portal in a few hours. The energies are building up.
我们再过几个小时后就要进行门户开启冥想了。 门户的能量正在逐渐累积。

Here I am giving clear and complete instructions for the activation again:
1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise
2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced as eee in “speed”) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light
旋转的同时,唱诵女神漩涡咒语: iiii(音同:111111)。让咒音的振动传遍全身。观想自己的身体化为一道洁白明亮,散发出数百万颗七彩星光的耀眼光柱。
3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise
4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in “America” and NOT as e in “Venus”, and a is pronounced as a in “America”) so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.
旋转的同时,开始唱诵下一段咒语: eeeaaa(音同:AAA阿阿阿)。让咒音的振动传遍全身,并且观想自己的心轮发出一个七彩缤纷的彩虹漩涡,包围了整个地球。呼请灵魂向导、扬升大师、昴宿星人、天使、双生灵魂、灵魂伴侣、灵魂家族和其他光之存有。
5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.
We are doing this together! Victory of the Light!
让我们一起开启门户! 光的胜利!